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Last active January 7, 2020 14:05
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SQL implementation of Relay Cursor Connection
package pgcc
import (
// Options defines required and optional settings for building connection query
type Options struct {
// Column used for cursor
Cursor string
// Table to paginate.
// Should be valid table reference(
From string
// Options for sorting the table
SortKeys []SortKey
// SortKey defines sort order as select and order
type SortKey struct {
// DESC or ASC
Order string
// Expression for ORDER BY
Expr string
// Render renders SQL query to w with op
func Render(w io.Writer, op Options) error {
return tmpl.Execute(w, op)
// RenderString renders SQL to string with op
func RenderString(op Options) string {
var buff bytes.Buffer
err := tmpl.Execute(&buff, op)
if err != nil {
return string(buff.Bytes())
var tmpl = template.Must(template.New("ConnectionTemplate").Parse(`
WITH __params__ AS (
SELECT $1::int, $3::int
), __after__ AS (
SELECT {{template "initialSelection" .}} FROM {{.From}} WHERE {{.Cursor}} = $2 LIMIT 1
), __before__ AS (
SELECT {{template "initialSelection" .}} FROM {{.From}} WHERE {{.Cursor}} = $4 LIMIT 1
), __forward__ AS (
SELECT {{template "initialSelection" .}} FROM {{.From}}
AND CASE WHEN (SELECT TRUE FROM __after__) THEN ({{template "afterPredicate" .}}) ELSE TRUE END
AND CASE WHEN (SELECT TRUE FROM __before__) THEN ({{template "beforePredicate" .}}) ELSE TRUE END
ORDER BY {{ range $i, $key := .SortKeys}}{{- if $i}}, {{end}}{{$key.Expr}} {{if eq $key.Order "ASC"}}ASC{{else}}DESC{{end}}{{end}}
LIMIT $1 + 1
), __backward__ AS (
SELECT {{template "initialSelection" .}} FROM {{.From}}
WHERE CASE WHEN (SELECT TRUE FROM __after__) THEN ({{template "afterPredicate" .}}) ELSE TRUE END
AND CASE WHEN (SELECT TRUE FROM __before__) THEN ({{template "beforePredicate" .}}) ELSE TRUE END
ORDER BY {{range $i, $key := .SortKeys}}{{- if $i}}, {{end}}{{$key.Expr}} {{if eq $key.Order "ASC"}}DESC{{else}}ASC{{end}}{{end}}
LIMIT $3 + 1
) __backward_reversed__
ORDER BY {{range $i, $key := .SortKeys}}{{if $i}}, {{end}}_sk{{$i}}_ {{$key.Order -}}{{- end}}
), __edges__ AS (
SELECT * FROM __forward__ UNION SELECT * FROM __backward__
OFFSET CASE WHEN ($1 > 0 AND $3 > 0) THEN GREATEST(0 - $3 + (SELECT count(*) FROM __forward__), 0) WHEN ($3 > 0) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
), __prior_to_before__ AS (
SELECT EXISTS(SELECT {{.Cursor}} FROM {{.From}} WHERE ({{template "priorToBeforePredicate" .}}) LIMIT 1) more FROM __before__
), __prior_to_after__ AS (
SELECT EXISTS(SELECT {{.Cursor}} FROM {{.From}} WHERE ({{template "priorToAfterPredicate" .}}) LIMIT 1) more FROM __after__
), __page_info__ AS (
COALESCE((SELECT count(*) > $3 FROM __edges__), (SELECT more FROM __prior_to_after__), FALSE) AS has_previous_page,
COALESCE((SELECT count(*) > $1 FROM __edges__), (SELECT more FROM __prior_to_before__), FALSE) AS has_next_page
SELECT __page_info__.*, __cursor__ FROM __page_info__, __edges__
ORDER BY {{range $i, $key := .SortKeys}}{{if $i}}, {{end}}_sk{{$i}}_ {{$key.Order -}}{{- end}}
{{- define "afterPredicate"}}
{{- range $i, $key := .SortKeys }}
{{- if $i}} OR ({{end -}}
{{- range $j, $key := $.SortKeys -}}
{{- if ge $i $j -}}
{{- if $j}} AND {{end -}}
{{- if gt $i $j}}
{{- $key.Expr}} = (select _sk{{$j}}_ FROM __after__)
{{- else}}
{{- $key.Expr}} {{if eq $key.Order "ASC"}}>{{else}}<{{end}} (select _sk{{$i}}_ FROM __after__)
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
{{- end}}{{if $i}}){{end}}
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
{{- define "beforePredicate"}}
{{- range $i, $key := .SortKeys }}
{{- if $i}} OR ({{end -}}
{{- range $j, $key := $.SortKeys -}}
{{- if ge $i $j -}}
{{- if $j}} AND {{end -}}
{{- if gt $i $j}}
{{- $key.Expr}} = (select _sk{{$j}}_ FROM __before__)
{{- else}}
{{- $key.Expr}} {{if eq $key.Order "ASC"}}<{{else}}>{{end}} (select _sk{{$i}}_ FROM __before__)
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
{{- end}}{{if $i}}){{end}}
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
{{- define "priorToAfterPredicate"}}
{{- range $i, $key := .SortKeys }}
{{- if $i}} OR ({{end -}}
{{- range $j, $key := $.SortKeys -}}
{{- if ge $i $j -}}
{{- if $j}} AND {{end -}}
{{- if gt $i $j}}
{{- $key.Expr}} = (select _sk{{$j}}_ FROM __after__)
{{- else}}
{{- $key.Expr}} {{if eq $key.Order "ASC"}}<{{else}}>{{end}} (select _sk{{$i}}_ FROM __after__)
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
{{- end}}{{if $i}}){{end}}
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
{{- define "priorToBeforePredicate"}}
{{- range $i, $key := .SortKeys }}
{{- if $i}} OR ({{end -}}
{{- range $j, $key := $.SortKeys -}}
{{- if ge $i $j -}}
{{- if $j}} AND {{end -}}
{{- if gt $i $j}}
{{- $key.Expr}} = (select _sk{{$j}}_ FROM __before__)
{{- else}}
{{- $key.Expr}} {{if eq $key.Order "ASC"}}>{{else}}<{{end}} (select _sk{{$i}}_ FROM __before__)
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
{{- end}}{{if $i}}){{end}}
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
{{- define "initialSelection" -}}
{{.Cursor}} AS __cursor__{{range $i, $key := .SortKeys}}, {{$key.Expr}} AS _sk{{$i}}_{{end}}
{{- end -}}
// Connection is result of connection query
type Connection struct {
Cursors []string
PageInfo PageInfo
// PageInfo implements Relay Connection PageInfo fields
type PageInfo struct {
hasNextPage bool
hasPreviousPage bool
// HasNextPage returns if the connection has next page
func (i PageInfo) HasNextPage() bool { return i.hasNextPage }
// HasPreviousPage returns if the connection has previous page
func (i PageInfo) HasPreviousPage() bool { return i.hasPreviousPage }
// StartCursor returns the first cursor pointer if exists
func (c *Connection) StartCursor() *string {
if len(c.Cursors) > 1 {
return &c.Cursors[0]
return nil
// EndCursor returns the last cursor pointer if exists
func (c *Connection) EndCursor() *string {
if len(c.Cursors) > 1 {
return &c.Cursors[len(c.Cursors)-1]
return nil
// Receive is a utility method for scanning values from sql.Rows
func (c *Connection) Receive(int) []interface{} {
c.Cursors = append(c.Cursors, "")
return []interface{}{&c.PageInfo.hasPreviousPage, &c.PageInfo.hasNextPage, &c.Cursors[len(c.Cursors)-1]}
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