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Last active October 23, 2018 17:47
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Implementation of structured data itemprop=price on app/design/frontend/<your_package>/<your_theme>/template/catalog/product/price.phtml - Magento 1.9.0.x - - more information:
* Magento
* This source file is subject to the Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)
* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE_AFL.txt.
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
* obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
* to so we can send you a copy immediately.
* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade Magento to newer
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* needs please refer to for more information.
* @category design
* @package base_default
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2014 Magento Inc. (
* @license Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)
* Template for displaying product price in different places (products grid, product view page etc)
* @see Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_Abstract
$_coreHelper = $this->helper('core');
$_weeeHelper = $this->helper('weee');
$_taxHelper = $this->helper('tax');
/* @var $_coreHelper Mage_Core_Helper_Data */
/* @var $_weeeHelper Mage_Weee_Helper_Data */
/* @var $_taxHelper Mage_Tax_Helper_Data */
$_product = $this->getProduct();
$_storeId = $_product->getStoreId();
$_store = $_product->getStore();
$_id = $_product->getId();
$_weeeSeparator = '';
$_simplePricesTax = ($_taxHelper->displayPriceIncludingTax() || $_taxHelper->displayBothPrices());
$_minimalPriceValue = $_product->getMinimalPrice();
$_minimalPriceValue = $_store->roundPrice($_store->convertPrice($_minimalPriceValue));
$_minimalPrice = $_taxHelper->getPrice($_product, $_minimalPriceValue, $_simplePricesTax);
$_convertedFinalPrice = $_store->roundPrice($_store->convertPrice($_product->getFinalPrice()));
$_specialPriceStoreLabel = $this->getProductAttribute('special_price')->getStoreLabel();
$idSuffix = $this->getIdSuffix();
$idSuffixArray = array( '-upsell', '-related', '_clone' );
<?php if (!$_product->isGrouped()): ?>
<?php $_weeeTaxAmount = $_weeeHelper->getAmountForDisplay($_product); ?>
<?php $_weeeTaxAttributes = $_weeeHelper->getProductWeeeAttributesForRenderer($_product, null, null, null, true); ?>
<?php $_weeeTaxAmountInclTaxes = $_weeeTaxAmount; ?>
<?php if ($_weeeHelper->isTaxable()): ?>
<?php $_weeeTaxAmountInclTaxes = $_weeeHelper->getAmountInclTaxes($_weeeTaxAttributes); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php $_weeeTaxAmount = $_store->roundPrice($_store->convertPrice($_weeeTaxAmount)); ?>
<?php $_weeeTaxAmountInclTaxes = $_store->roundPrice($_store->convertPrice($_weeeTaxAmountInclTaxes)); ?>
<div class="price-box">
<?php $_convertedPrice = $_store->roundPrice($_store->convertPrice($_product->getPrice())); ?>
<?php $_price = $_taxHelper->getPrice($_product, $_convertedPrice); ?>
<?php $_regularPrice = $_taxHelper->getPrice($_product, $_convertedPrice, $_simplePricesTax); ?>
<?php $_finalPrice = $_taxHelper->getPrice($_product, $_convertedFinalPrice) ?>
<?php $_finalPriceInclTax = $_taxHelper->getPrice($_product, $_convertedFinalPrice, true) ?>
<?php $_weeeDisplayType = $_weeeHelper->getPriceDisplayType(); ?>
<?php if ($_finalPrice >= $_price): ?>
<?php if ($_taxHelper->displayBothPrices()): ?>
<?php if ($_weeeTaxAmount && $_weeeHelper->typeOfDisplay($_product, 0)): // including ?>
<span class="price-excluding-tax">
<span class="label"><?php echo $this->helper('tax')->__('Excl. Tax:') ?></span>
<span class="price"<?php if(!in_array($idSuffix, $idSuffixArray)): ?> itemprop="price"<?php endif; ?> content="<?php echo ($_price + $_weeeTaxAmount); ?>" id="price-excluding-tax-<?php echo $_id ?><?php echo $this->getIdSuffix() ?>">
<?php echo $_coreHelper->formatPrice($_price + $_weeeTaxAmount, false) ?>
<span class="price-including-tax">
<span class="label"><?php echo $this->helper('tax')->__('Incl. Tax:') ?></span>
<span class="price" id="price-including-tax-<?php echo $_id ?><?php echo $this->getIdSuffix() ?>">
<?php echo $_coreHelper->formatPrice($_finalPriceInclTax + $_weeeTaxAmountInclTaxes, false) ?>
<?php elseif ($_weeeTaxAmount && $_weeeHelper->typeOfDisplay($_product, 1)): // incl. + weee ?>
<span class="price-excluding-tax">
<span class="label"><?php echo $this->helper('tax')->__('Excl. Tax:') ?></span>
<span class="price"<?php if(!in_array($idSuffix, $idSuffixArray)): ?> itemprop="price"<?php endif; ?> content="<?php echo ($_price + $_weeeTaxAmount); ?>" id="price-excluding-tax-<?php echo $_id ?><?php echo $this->getIdSuffix() ?>">
<?php echo $_coreHelper->formatPrice($_price + $_weeeTaxAmount, false) ?>
<span class="weee">(
<?php foreach ($_weeeTaxAttributes as $_weeeTaxAttribute): ?>
<?php echo $_weeeSeparator; ?>
<?php echo $_weeeTaxAttribute->getName(); ?>: <?php echo $_coreHelper->currency($_weeeTaxAttribute->getAmount(), true, true); ?>
<?php $_weeeSeparator = ' + '; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<span class="price-including-tax">
<span class="label"><?php echo $this->helper('tax')->__('Incl. Tax:') ?></span>
<span class="price" id="price-including-tax-<?php echo $_id ?><?php echo $this->getIdSuffix() ?>">
<?php echo $_coreHelper->formatPrice($_finalPriceInclTax + $_weeeTaxAmountInclTaxes, false) ?>
<?php elseif ($_weeeTaxAmount && $_weeeHelper->typeOfDisplay($_product, 4)): // incl. + weee ?>
<span class="price-excluding-tax">
<span class="label"><?php echo $this->helper('tax')->__('Excl. Tax:') ?></span>
<span class="price"<?php if(!in_array($idSuffix, $idSuffixArray)): ?> itemprop="price"<?php endif; ?> content="<?php echo ($_price + $_weeeTaxAmount); ?>" id="price-excluding-tax-<?php echo $_id ?><?php echo $this->getIdSuffix() ?>">
<?php echo $_coreHelper->formatPrice($_price + $_weeeTaxAmount, false) ?>
<span class="price-including-tax">
<span class="label"><?php echo $this->helper('tax')->__('Incl. Tax:') ?></span>
<span class="price" id="price-including-tax-<?php echo $_id ?><?php echo $this->getIdSuffix() ?>">
<?php echo $_coreHelper->formatPrice($_finalPriceInclTax + $_weeeTaxAmountInclTaxes, false) ?>
<span class="weee">(
<?php foreach ($_weeeTaxAttributes as $_weeeTaxAttribute): ?>
<?php echo $_weeeSeparator; ?>
<?php echo $_weeeTaxAttribute->getName(); ?>: <?php echo $_coreHelper->currency($_weeeTaxAttribute->getAmount() + $_weeeTaxAttribute->getTaxAmount(), true, true); ?>
<?php $_weeeSeparator = ' + '; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php elseif ($_weeeTaxAmount && $_weeeHelper->typeOfDisplay($_product, 2)): // excl. + weee + final ?>
<span class="price-excluding-tax">
<span class="label"><?php echo $this->helper('tax')->__('Excl. Tax:') ?></span>
<span class="price"<?php if(!in_array($idSuffix, $idSuffixArray)): ?> itemprop="price"<?php endif; ?> content="<?php echo $_price; ?>" id="price-excluding-tax-<?php echo $_id ?><?php echo $this->getIdSuffix() ?>">
<?php echo $_coreHelper->formatPrice($_price, false) ?>
<?php foreach ($_weeeTaxAttributes as $_weeeTaxAttribute): ?>
<span class="weee">
<?php echo $_weeeTaxAttribute->getName(); ?>
: <?php echo $_coreHelper->currency($_weeeTaxAttribute->getAmount() + $_weeeTaxAttribute->getTaxAmount(), true, true); ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<span class="price-including-tax">
<span class="label"><?php echo $this->helper('tax')->__('Incl. Tax:') ?></span>
<span class="price" id="price-including-tax-<?php echo $_id ?><?php echo $this->getIdSuffix() ?>">
<?php echo $_coreHelper->formatPrice($_finalPriceInclTax + $_weeeTaxAmountInclTaxes, false) ?>
<?php else: ?>
<span class="price-excluding-tax">
<span class="label"><?php echo $this->helper('tax')->__('Excl. Tax:') ?></span>
<span class="price"<?php if(!in_array($idSuffix, $idSuffixArray)): ?> itemprop="price"<?php endif; ?> content="<?php if ($_finalPrice == $_price): ?><?php echo $_price; ?><?php else: ?><?php echo $_finalPrice; ?><?php endif; ?>" id="price-excluding-tax-<?php echo $_id ?><?php echo $this->getIdSuffix() ?>">
<?php if ($_finalPrice == $_price): ?>
<?php echo $_coreHelper->formatPrice($_price, false) ?>
<?php else: ?>
<?php echo $_coreHelper->formatPrice($_finalPrice, false) ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<span class="price-including-tax">
<span class="label"><?php echo $this->helper('tax')->__('Incl. Tax:') ?></span>
<span class="price" id="price-including-tax-<?php echo $_id ?><?php echo $this->getIdSuffix() ?>">
<?php echo $_coreHelper->formatPrice($_finalPriceInclTax, false) ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php else: ?>
<?php if ($_weeeTaxAmount && $_weeeHelper->typeOfDisplay($_product, array(0, 1))): // including ?>
<?php $weeeAmountToDisplay = $_taxHelper->displayPriceIncludingTax() ? $_weeeTaxAmountInclTaxes : $_weeeTaxAmount ?>
<span class="regular-price" id="product-price-<?php echo $_id ?><?php echo $this->getIdSuffix() ?>">
<?php if(!in_array($idSuffix, $idSuffixArray)): ?>
<?php echo str_replace('class="price"', 'class="price" itemprop="price" content="' . ($_price + $weeeAmountToDisplay) . '"', $_coreHelper->currency($_price + $weeeAmountToDisplay, true, true)); ?>
<?php else: ?>
<?php echo $_coreHelper->currency($_price + $weeeAmountToDisplay, true, true) ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($_weeeTaxAmount && $_weeeHelper->typeOfDisplay($_product, 1)): // show description ?>
<span class="weee">(
<?php foreach ($_weeeTaxAttributes as $_weeeTaxAttribute): ?>
<?php echo $_weeeSeparator; ?>
<?php echo $_weeeTaxAttribute->getName(); ?>
: <?php echo $_coreHelper->currency($_weeeTaxAttribute->getAmount() + ($_taxHelper->displayPriceIncludingTax() ? $_weeeTaxAttribute->getTaxAmount() : 0), true, true); ?>
<?php $_weeeSeparator = ' + '; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php elseif ($_weeeTaxAmount && $_weeeHelper->typeOfDisplay($_product, 4)): // incl. + weee ?>
<span class="regular-price" id="product-price-<?php echo $_id ?><?php echo $this->getIdSuffix() ?>">
<?php if(!in_array($idSuffix, $idSuffixArray)): ?>
<?php echo str_replace('class="price"', 'class="price" itemprop="price" content="' . ($_price + $_weeeTaxAmount) . '"', $_coreHelper->formatPrice($_price + $_weeeTaxAmount, true)); ?>
<?php else: ?>
<?php echo $_coreHelper->formatPrice($_price + $_weeeTaxAmount, true); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<span class="weee">(
<?php foreach ($_weeeTaxAttributes as $_weeeTaxAttribute): ?>
<?php echo $_weeeSeparator; ?>
<?php echo $_weeeTaxAttribute->getName(); ?>: <?php echo $_coreHelper->currency($_weeeTaxAttribute->getAmount() + $_weeeTaxAttribute->getTaxAmount(), true, true); ?>
<?php $_weeeSeparator = ' + '; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php elseif ($_weeeTaxAmount && $_weeeHelper->typeOfDisplay($_product, 2)): // excl. + weee + final ?>
<span class="regular-price"><?php echo $_coreHelper->formatPrice($_price, true) ?></span><br/>
<?php $weeeAmountToDisplay = $_taxHelper->displayPriceIncludingTax() ? $_weeeTaxAmountInclTaxes : $_weeeTaxAmount ?>
<?php foreach ($_weeeTaxAttributes as $_weeeTaxAttribute): ?>
<span class="weee">
<?php echo $_weeeTaxAttribute->getName(); ?>
: <?php echo $_coreHelper->currency($_weeeTaxAttribute->getAmount() + ($_taxHelper->displayPriceIncludingTax() ? $_weeeTaxAttribute->getTaxAmount() : 0), true, true); ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<span class="regular-price"
id="product-price-weee-<?php echo $_id ?><?php echo $this->getIdSuffix() ?>">
<?php echo $_coreHelper->currency($_price + $weeeAmountToDisplay, true, true) ?>
<?php else: ?>
<span class="regular-price" id="product-price-<?php echo $_id ?><?php echo $this->getIdSuffix() ?>">
<?php if ($_finalPrice == $_price): ?>
<?php if(!in_array($idSuffix, $idSuffixArray)): ?>
<?php echo str_replace('class="price"', 'class="price" itemprop="price" content="' . $_price . '"', $_coreHelper->formatPrice($_price, true)); ?>
<?php else: ?>
<?php echo $_coreHelper->formatPrice($_price, true) ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php else: ?>
<?php if(!in_array($idSuffix, $idSuffixArray)): ?>
<?php echo str_replace('class="price"', 'class="price" itemprop="price" content="' . $_finalPrice . '"', $_coreHelper->formatPrice($_finalPrice, true)); ?>
<?php else: ?>
<?php echo $_coreHelper->formatPrice($_finalPrice, true); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php else: /* if ($_finalPrice == $_price): */ ?>
<?php $_originalWeeeTaxAmount = $_weeeHelper->getOriginalAmount($_product); ?>
<?php $_originalWeeeTaxAmount = $_store->roundPrice($_store->convertPrice($_originalWeeeTaxAmount)) ?>
<?php if ($_weeeTaxAmount && $_weeeHelper->typeOfDisplay($_product, 0)): // including ?>
<p class="old-price">
<span class="price-label"><?php echo $this->__('Regular Price:') ?></span>
<span class="price" id="old-price-<?php echo $_id ?><?php echo $this->getIdSuffix() ?>">
<?php echo $_coreHelper->formatPrice($_regularPrice + $_originalWeeeTaxAmount, false) ?>
<?php if ($_taxHelper->displayBothPrices()): ?>
<p class="special-price">
<span class="price-label"><?php echo $_specialPriceStoreLabel ?></span>
<span class="price-excluding-tax">
<span class="label"><?php echo $this->helper('tax')->__('Excl. Tax:') ?></span>
<span class="price"<?php if(!in_array($idSuffix, $idSuffixArray)): ?> itemprop="price"<?php endif; ?>
content="<?php echo ($_finalPrice + $_weeeTaxAmount); ?>" id="price-excluding-tax-<?php echo $_id ?><?php echo $this->getIdSuffix() ?>">
<?php echo $_coreHelper->formatPrice($_finalPrice + $_weeeTaxAmount, false) ?>
<span class="price-including-tax">
<span class="label"><?php echo $this->helper('tax')->__('Incl. Tax:') ?></span>
<span class="price" id="price-including-tax-<?php echo $_id ?><?php echo $this->getIdSuffix() ?>">
<?php echo $_coreHelper->formatPrice($_finalPriceInclTax + $_weeeTaxAmountInclTaxes, false) ?>
<?php else: ?>
<p class="special-price">
<span class="price-label"><?php echo $_specialPriceStoreLabel ?></span>
<span class="price"<?php if(!in_array($idSuffix, $idSuffixArray)): ?> itemprop="price"<?php endif; ?> content="<?php echo ($_finalPrice + $_weeeTaxAmountInclTaxes); ?>" id="product-price-<?php echo $_id ?><?php echo $this->getIdSuffix() ?>">
<?php echo $_coreHelper->formatPrice($_finalPrice + $_weeeTaxAmountInclTaxes, false) ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php elseif ($_weeeTaxAmount && $_weeeHelper->typeOfDisplay($_product, 1)): // incl. + weee ?>
<p class="old-price">
<span class="price-label"><?php echo $this->__('Regular Price:') ?></span>
<span class="price" id="old-price-<?php echo $_id ?><?php echo $this->getIdSuffix() ?>">
<?php echo $_coreHelper->formatPrice($_regularPrice + $_originalWeeeTaxAmount, false) ?>
<p class="special-price">
<?php if ($_taxHelper->displayBothPrices()): ?>
<span class="price-label"><?php echo $_specialPriceStoreLabel ?></span>
<span class="price-excluding-tax">
<span class="label"><?php echo $this->helper('tax')->__('Excl. Tax:') ?></span>
<span class="price"<?php if(!in_array($idSuffix, $idSuffixArray)): ?> itemprop="price"<?php endif; ?> content="<?php echo ($_finalPrice + $_weeeTaxAmount); ?>" id="price-excluding-tax-<?php echo $_id ?><?php echo $this->getIdSuffix() ?>">
<?php echo $_coreHelper->formatPrice($_finalPrice + $_weeeTaxAmount, false) ?>
<span class="weee">(
<?php foreach ($_weeeTaxAttributes as $_weeeTaxAttribute): ?>
<?php echo $_weeeSeparator; ?>
<?php echo $_weeeTaxAttribute->getName(); ?>
: <?php echo $_coreHelper->currency($_weeeTaxAttribute->getAmount(), true, true); ?>
<?php $_weeeSeparator = ' + '; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<span class="price-including-tax">
<span class="label"><?php echo $this->helper('tax')->__('Incl. Tax:') ?></span>
<span class="price" id="price-including-tax-<?php echo $_id ?><?php echo $this->getIdSuffix() ?>">
<?php echo $_coreHelper->formatPrice($_finalPriceInclTax + $_weeeTaxAmountInclTaxes, false) ?>
<?php else: ?>
<p class="special-price">
<span class="price-label"><?php echo $this->__('Special Price:') ?></span>
<span class="price"<?php if(!in_array($idSuffix, $idSuffixArray)): ?> itemprop="price"<?php endif; ?> content="<?php echo ($_finalPrice + $_weeeTaxAmountInclTaxes); ?>" id="product-price-<?php echo $_id ?><?php echo $this->getIdSuffix() ?>">
<?php echo $_coreHelper->formatPrice($_finalPrice + $_weeeTaxAmountInclTaxes, false) ?>
<span class="weee">(
<?php foreach ($_weeeTaxAttributes as $_weeeTaxAttribute): ?>
<?php echo $_weeeSeparator; ?>
<?php echo $_weeeTaxAttribute->getName(); ?>
: <?php echo $_coreHelper->currency($_weeeTaxAttribute->getAmount(), true, true); ?>
<?php $_weeeSeparator = ' + '; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php elseif ($_weeeTaxAmount && $_weeeHelper->typeOfDisplay($_product, 4)): // incl. + weee ?>
<p class="old-price">
<span class="price-label"><?php echo $this->__('Regular Price:') ?></span>
<span class="price" id="old-price-<?php echo $_id ?><?php echo $this->getIdSuffix() ?>">
<?php echo $_coreHelper->formatPrice($_regularPrice + $_originalWeeeTaxAmount, false) ?>
<p class="special-price">
<span class="price-label"><?php echo $_specialPriceStoreLabel ?></span>
<span class="price-excluding-tax">
<span class="label"><?php echo $this->helper('tax')->__('Excl. Tax:') ?></span>
<span class="price"<?php if(!in_array($idSuffix, $idSuffixArray)): ?> itemprop="price"<?php endif; ?> content="<?php echo ($_finalPrice + $_weeeTaxAmount); ?>" id="price-excluding-tax-<?php echo $_id ?><?php echo $this->getIdSuffix() ?>">
<?php echo $_coreHelper->formatPrice($_finalPrice + $_weeeTaxAmount, false) ?>
<span class="weee">(
<?php foreach ($_weeeTaxAttributes as $_weeeTaxAttribute): ?>
<?php echo $_weeeSeparator; ?>
<?php echo $_weeeTaxAttribute->getName(); ?>: <?php echo $_coreHelper->currency($_weeeTaxAttribute->getAmount() + $_weeeTaxAttribute->getTaxAmount(), true, true); ?>
<?php $_weeeSeparator = ' + '; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<span class="price-including-tax">
<span class="label"><?php echo $this->helper('tax')->__('Incl. Tax:') ?></span>
<span class="price" id="price-including-tax-<?php echo $_id ?><?php echo $this->getIdSuffix() ?>">
<?php echo $_coreHelper->formatPrice($_finalPriceInclTax + $_weeeTaxAmountInclTaxes, false) ?>
<?php elseif ($_weeeTaxAmount && $_weeeHelper->typeOfDisplay($_product, 2)): // excl. + weee + final ?>
<p class="old-price">
<span class="price-label"><?php echo $this->__('Regular Price:') ?></span>
<span class="price" id="old-price-<?php echo $_id ?><?php echo $this->getIdSuffix() ?>">
<?php echo $_coreHelper->formatPrice($_regularPrice, false) ?>
<p class="special-price">
<span class="price-label"><?php echo $_specialPriceStoreLabel ?></span>
<span class="price-excluding-tax">
<span class="label"><?php echo $this->helper('tax')->__('Excl. Tax:') ?></span>
<span class="price"<?php if(!in_array($idSuffix, $idSuffixArray)): ?> itemprop="price"<?php endif; ?> content="<?php echo $_finalPrice; ?>" id="price-excluding-tax-<?php echo $_id ?><?php echo $this->getIdSuffix() ?>">
<?php echo $_coreHelper->formatPrice($_finalPrice, false) ?>
<?php foreach ($_weeeTaxAttributes as $_weeeTaxAttribute): ?>
<span class="weee">
<?php echo $_weeeTaxAttribute->getName(); ?>
: <?php echo $_coreHelper->currency($_weeeTaxAttribute->getAmount(), true, true); ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<span class="price-including-tax">
<span class="label"><?php echo $this->helper('tax')->__('Incl. Tax:') ?></span>
<span class="price" id="price-including-tax-<?php echo $_id ?><?php echo $this->getIdSuffix() ?>">
<?php echo $_coreHelper->formatPrice($_finalPriceInclTax + $_weeeTaxAmountInclTaxes, false) ?>
<?php else: // excl. ?>
<p class="old-price">
<span class="price-label"><?php echo $this->__('Regular Price:') ?></span>
<span class="price" id="old-price-<?php echo $_id ?><?php echo $this->getIdSuffix() ?>">
<?php echo $_coreHelper->formatPrice($_regularPrice, false) ?>
<?php if ($_taxHelper->displayBothPrices()): ?>
<p class="special-price">
<span class="price-label"><?php echo $_specialPriceStoreLabel ?></span>
<span class="price-excluding-tax">
<span class="label"><?php echo $this->helper('tax')->__('Excl. Tax:') ?></span>
<span class="price"<?php if(!in_array($idSuffix, $idSuffixArray)): ?> itemprop="price"<?php endif; ?> content="<?php echo $_finalPrice; ?>" id="price-excluding-tax-<?php echo $_id ?><?php echo $this->getIdSuffix() ?>">
<?php echo $_coreHelper->formatPrice($_finalPrice, false) ?>
<span class="price-including-tax">
<span class="label"><?php echo $this->helper('tax')->__('Incl. Tax:') ?></span>
<span class="price"
id="price-including-tax-<?php echo $_id ?><?php echo $this->getIdSuffix() ?>">
<?php echo $_coreHelper->formatPrice($_finalPriceInclTax, false) ?>
<?php else: ?>
<p class="special-price">
<span class="price-label"><?php echo $_specialPriceStoreLabel ?></span>
<span class="price"<?php if(!in_array($idSuffix, $idSuffixArray)): ?> itemprop="price"<?php endif; ?> content="<?php echo $_finalPrice; ?>" id="product-price-<?php echo $_id ?><?php echo $this->getIdSuffix() ?>">
<?php echo $_coreHelper->formatPrice($_finalPrice, false) ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; /* if ($_finalPrice == $_price): */ ?>
<?php if ($this->getDisplayMinimalPrice() && $_minimalPriceValue && $_minimalPriceValue < $_convertedFinalPrice): ?>
<?php $_minimalPriceDisplayValue = $_minimalPrice; ?>
<?php if ($_weeeTaxAmount && $_weeeHelper->typeOfDisplay($_product, array(0, 1, 4))): ?>
<?php $_minimalPriceDisplayValue = $_minimalPrice + $_weeeTaxAmount; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($this->getUseLinkForAsLowAs()): ?>
<a href="<?php echo $_product->getProductUrl(); ?>" class="minimal-price-link">
<?php else: ?>
<span class="minimal-price-link">
<?php endif ?>
<span class="label"><?php echo $this->__('As low as:') ?></span>
<span class="price" id="product-minimal-price-<?php echo $_id ?><?php echo $this->getIdSuffix() ?>">
<?php echo $_coreHelper->formatPrice($_minimalPriceDisplayValue, false) ?>
<?php if ($this->getUseLinkForAsLowAs()): ?>
<?php else: ?>
<?php endif ?>
<?php endif; /* if ($this->getDisplayMinimalPrice() && $_minimalPrice && $_minimalPrice < $_finalPrice): */ ?>
<?php else: /* if (!$_product->isGrouped()): */ ?>
$showMinPrice = $this->getDisplayMinimalPrice();
if ($showMinPrice && $_minimalPriceValue) {
$_exclTax = $_taxHelper->getPrice($_product, $_minimalPriceValue);
$_inclTax = $_taxHelper->getPrice($_product, $_minimalPriceValue, true);
$price = $showMinPrice ? $_minimalPriceValue : 0;
} else {
$price = $_convertedFinalPrice;
$_exclTax = $_taxHelper->getPrice($_product, $price);
$_inclTax = $_taxHelper->getPrice($_product, $price, true);
<?php if ($price): ?>
<div class="price-box">
<p<?php if ($showMinPrice): ?> class="minimal-price"<?php endif ?>>
<?php if ($showMinPrice): ?>
<span class="price-label"><?php echo $this->__('Starting at:') ?></span>
<?php endif ?>
<?php if ($_taxHelper->displayBothPrices()): ?>
<span class="price-excluding-tax">
<span class="label"><?php echo $this->helper('tax')->__('Excl. Tax:') ?></span>
<span class="price"
id="price-excluding-tax-<?php echo $_id ?><?php echo $this->getIdSuffix() ?>">
<?php echo $_coreHelper->formatPrice($_exclTax, false) ?>
<span class="price-including-tax">
<span class="label"><?php echo $this->helper('tax')->__('Incl. Tax:') ?></span>
<span class="price"
id="price-including-tax-<?php echo $_id ?><?php echo $this->getIdSuffix() ?>">
<?php echo $_coreHelper->formatPrice($_inclTax, false) ?>
<?php else: ?>
$_showPrice = $_inclTax;
if (!$_taxHelper->displayPriceIncludingTax()) {
$_showPrice = $_exclTax;
<span class="price" id="product-minimal-price-<?php echo $_id ?><?php echo $this->getIdSuffix() ?>">
<?php echo $_coreHelper->formatPrice($_showPrice, false) ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; /* if ($this->getDisplayMinimalPrice() && $_minimalPrice): */ ?>
<?php endif; /* if (!$_product->isGrouped()): */ ?>
Copy link

Hans has merged in the proposed changes so I have removed my Gist so that users find this version.

Copy link

Hi, Thank you for your code works well, for bundled products the /template/catalog/product/view.phtml works as below. (the link for your revisions does not work.)
Thanks again.
`getTypeId() == "bundle"): ?>

getChildHtml('product_type_availability_snippet'); ?> getPriceHtml($_product); ?> getChildHtml('bundle_prices') ?> getTierPriceHtml() ?>

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