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Created December 6, 2013 14:05
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Shortest path algorithms
from heapq import heappop, heappush
from copy import deepcopy
Inf = float('inf')
def printmatrix(M):
Print a nicely formatted matrix.
for i in range(len(M)):
for j in range(len(M)):
if M[i][j] == Inf:
print(u' \u221E', end=' ') # Print nice infinity symbol ∞
print('%2d' % M[i][j], end=' ')
def bellmanford(G, s):
Find single-source shortest paths in the graph G (adjacency matrix)
using the Bellman-Ford algorithm.
Negative edges allowed, but no negative cycles.
n = len(G)
d = [Inf]*n # Estimated distances
d[s] = 0 # Source node has estimate 0
p = {} # Predecessors
for _ in range(n): # |V|-1 times
for u in range(n): # For all the edges
for v in range(n): # ...
if d[v] > d[u] + G[u][v]: # Relax
d[v] = d[u] + G[u][v]
p[v] = u # Update predecessor
for u in range(n):
for v in range(n):
if d[u] + G[u][v] < d[v]:
return False # Negative cycle
return d
def dijkstra(G, s):
Find single-source shortest paths in the graph G (adjacency matrix)
using Dijkstra's algorithm.
No negative edges allowed.
n = len(G)
Q = [(0, s)] # Priority Queue using binary heap
p = {} # Predecessors
dist = [Inf]*n # Estimated distances
dist[s] = 0 # Source node has estimate 0
visited = set() # Visited vertices
while Q: # While the queue is not empty
_, u = heappop(Q) # Extract-Min
visited.add(u) # Visited vertex u
for v in range(n): # For all adjacent vertices of u
if v in visited:
if dist[v] > dist[u] + G[u][v]: # Relax
dist[v] = dist[u] + G[u][v]
p[v] = u
heappush(Q, (dist[v], v)) # Decrease-Key
return dist # Distances from s to all vertices
def floydwarshall(G):
Find all-pairs shortest path in the graph G (adjacency matrix)
using the Floyd-Warshall algorithm.
Negative edges allowed, but no negative cycles.
W = deepcopy(G)
n = len(W)
for k in range(n):
for i in range(n):
for j in range(n):
W[i][j] = min(W[i][j], W[i][k] + W[k][j])
return W
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Figure 25.1 in Introduction to Algorithms 3e
G = [
[0, 3, 8, Inf, -4],
[Inf, 0, Inf, 1, 7],
[Inf, 4, 0, Inf, Inf],
[2, Inf, -5, 0, Inf],
[Inf, Inf, Inf, 6, 0]
print(dijkstra(G, 0))
print(bellmanford(G, 0))
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