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Last active January 12, 2016 13:29
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Titanium Mobile proxies for PHLivePhoto's using Swift 2
* Appcelerator Titanium Mobile
* Copyright (c) 2009-2015 by Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the terms of the Apache Public License
* Please see the LICENSE included with this distribution for details.
import Foundation
import Photos
@available(iOS 9.1, *)
@objc class TiUIiOSLivePhoto : TiProxy {
var livePhoto: PHLivePhoto!
init(livePhoto: PHLivePhoto) {
self.livePhoto = livePhoto
* Appcelerator Titanium Mobile
* Copyright (c) 2009-2015 by Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the terms of the Apache Public License
* Please see the LICENSE included with this distribution for details.
import Foundation
import PhotosUI
@available(iOS 9.1, *)
@objc class TiUIiOSLivePhotoView : TiUIView, PHLivePhotoViewDelegate {
var width: TiDimension!
var height: TiDimension!
var autoWidth: CGFloat!
var autoHeight: CGFloat!
var livePhotoView: PHLivePhotoView!
func getLivePhotoViewProxy() -> TiUIiOSLivePhotoViewProxy {
return self.proxy as! TiUIiOSLivePhotoViewProxy
func getLivePhotoView() -> PHLivePhotoView {
if self.livePhotoView == nil {
self.livePhotoView = PHLivePhotoView(frame: self.bounds)
self.livePhotoView.delegate = self
self.livePhotoView.autoresizingMask = .FlexibleHeight
self.livePhotoView.contentMode = self.contentModeForLivePhotoView()
return self.livePhotoView
// MARK: - Public API's
func setLivePhoto_(arg: TiUIiOSLivePhoto) {
let livePhoto: PHLivePhoto = arg.livePhoto!
autoWidth = livePhoto.size.width
autoHeight = livePhoto.size.height
self.livePhotoView.livePhoto = livePhoto
func setWidth_(width_: AnyObject) {
width = TiDimensionFromObject(width_)
func setHeight_(height_: AnyObject) {
height = TiDimensionFromObject(height_)
override func frameSizeChanged(frame: CGRect, bounds: CGRect) {
for child: UIView in self.subviews {
TiUtils.setView(child, positionRect: bounds)
super.frameSizeChanged(frame, bounds: bounds)
// MARK: - Helper
func contentModeForLivePhotoView() -> UIViewContentMode {
if TiDimensionIsAuto(width) || TiDimensionIsAutoSize(width) || TiDimensionIsUndefined(width) ||
TiDimensionIsAuto(height) || TiDimensionIsAutoSize(height) || TiDimensionIsUndefined(height) {
return .ScaleAspectFit;
} else {
return .ScaleToFill;
func updateContentMode() {
if self.livePhotoView != nil {
getLivePhotoView().contentMode = self.contentModeForLivePhotoView()
override func contentWidthForWidth(suggestedWidth: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
if autoWidth > 0 {
// If height is DIP returned a scaled autowidth to maintain aspect ratio
if TiDimensionIsDip(height) && autoHeight > 0 {
return round(autoWidth * height.value / autoHeight);
return autoWidth;
let calculatedWidth: CGFloat = TiDimensionCalculateValue(width, autoWidth)
if calculatedWidth > 0 {
return calculatedWidth;
return 0;
override func contentHeightForWidth(width_: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
if width_ != autoWidth && autoWidth > 0 && autoHeight > 0 {
return (width_ * autoHeight / autoWidth);
if autoHeight > 0 {
return autoHeight;
let calculatedHeight: CGFloat = TiDimensionCalculateValue(height, autoHeight)
if calculatedHeight > 0 {
return calculatedHeight;
return 0;
// MARK: - Delegates
func livePhotoView(livePhotoView: PHLivePhotoView, willBeginPlaybackWithStyle playbackStyle: PHLivePhotoViewPlaybackStyle) {
let event: Dictionary = ["playbackStyle" : NSNumber(integer: playbackStyle.rawValue)]
self.getLivePhotoViewProxy().fireEvent("start", withObject: event)
func livePhotoView(livePhotoView: PHLivePhotoView, didEndPlaybackWithStyle playbackStyle: PHLivePhotoViewPlaybackStyle) {
let event: Dictionary = ["playbackStyle" : NSNumber(integer: playbackStyle.rawValue)]
self.getLivePhotoViewProxy().fireEvent("stop", withObject: event)
* Appcelerator Titanium Mobile
* Copyright (c) 2009-2015 by Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the terms of the Apache Public License
* Please see the LICENSE included with this distribution for details.
import Foundation
import PhotosUI
@available(iOS 9.1, *)
@objc class TiUIiOSLivePhotoViewProxy : TiViewProxy {
// MARK: Proxy lifecyle
override func apiName() -> String! {
return "Ti.UI.iOS.LivePhotoView"
// MARK: Public API's
func livePhotoView() -> TiUIiOSLivePhotoView {
return self.view as! TiUIiOSLivePhotoView
func startPlaybackWithStyle(args: AnyObject) {
self.livePhotoView().livePhotoView.startPlaybackWithStyle(PHLivePhotoViewPlaybackStyle(rawValue: args.objectAtIndex(0) as! Int)!)
func stopPlayback(unused: AnyObject) {
func setMuted(value: AnyObject) {
self.replaceValue(value, forKey: "muted", notification: false)
self.livePhotoView().livePhotoView.muted = TiUtils.boolValue(value)
func muted() -> NSNumber {
return self.livePhotoView().livePhotoView.muted
// MARK: Helper
override func defaultAutoWidthBehavior(unused: AnyObject!) -> TiDimension {
return TiDimensionAutoSize
override func defaultAutoHeightBehavior(unused: AnyObject!) -> TiDimension {
return TiDimensionAutoSize
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