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Last active February 3, 2018 03:14
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Use Titanium CLI hooks to manipulate the .pbxproj file
'use strict'; = 'com.appcelerator.myplugin';
exports.cliVersion = '>=3.2';
exports.init = init;
* main entry point for our plugin which looks for the platform specific
* plugin to invoke
function init(logger, config, cli, appc) {
cli.on('build.ios.xcodeproject', {
pre: function(data) {'Rearranging sqlite3.dylib for proper SQLCipher usage ...');
var PBXNativeTarget = null;
var PBXNativeTargetUUID = null;
var buildPhases = null;
var files = null;
var targets = null;
var appName =;
var sqliteLibrary = 'libsqlite3.dylib';
var hash = data.args[0].hash;
var objects = hash.project.objects;
var PBXProject = objects['PBXProject'];
var PBXFrameworksBuildPhase = objects['PBXFrameworksBuildPhase'];
var PBXProjectUUID = PBXProject[hash.project.rootObject];
// Get the targets by using the project UUID
targets = objects['PBXProject'][PBXProjectUUID]['targets'];
// Loop all targets to find the target we need
for (var i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) {
if (targets[i].comment == '"' + appName + '"') {
PBXNativeTarget = objects['PBXNativeTarget'][targets[i].value];
// Get the build phases related to this target
buildPhases = PBXNativeTarget['buildPhases'];
// Get the UUID of the target
for (var i = 0; i < buildPhases.length; i++) {
if (buildPhases[i].comment == 'Frameworks') {
PBXNativeTargetUUID = buildPhases[i].value;
// Assign the target UUID to get the frameworks of the target
files = PBXFrameworksBuildPhase[PBXNativeTargetUUID]['files'];
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
var obj = files[i];
// Find the affected object and only replace it when
// it's not already the last one (recrurring builds)
if (obj.comment == sqliteLibrary + ' in Frameworks' && i != files.length - 1) {
// Remove it from it's initial position
files.splice(i, 1);
// Insert it as the last element again
// Re-assign the re-arranged list of frameworks
data.args[0].hash.project.objects.PBXFrameworksBuildPhase.PBXNativeTargetUUID.files = files;
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