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Created July 8, 2018 11:56
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Finding longest palindromic string
import java.util.Objects;
* Run time: 10 ms
* Time complexity: O(N)
* Space complexity: O(N)
* Keyword: palindrome, Manacher’s Algorithm
* Ref:
class Solution {
public String longestPalindrome(String s) {
// Imagine that for string "abac", we build another string by inserting
// place holders in-between. "#a#b#a#c"
// The value is the at index i is the half length of the max palindrome centered at i of
// the modified string.
// The half length include the number of characters to the left or right of the
// center character. E.g. For "#a#b#a#c", the half length for the center at index
// 3 will be 3 because the max palindrome is "#a#b#a#".
// You can observe that it will actually also be the full length of the palindrome
// for the original string no matter the original palindrome has odd or even length.
int[] palindromeLen = new int[s.length() * 2];
// The max length of the palindrome we have seem so far
int maxPalindromeLen = 0;
// The center of the max palindrome of the modified string
int maxPalindromeCenter = 0;
// The index of the palindrome center that has the largest right boundary
// The palindrome will be used for speeding up.
int refCenter = 0;
// The right boundary of the palindrome.
// E.g. for "#a#b#a#d#", the right boundary of center 3 will be 6
int refRightBoundary = 0;
for (int idx = 1; idx < palindromeLen.length; idx++) {
// The mirroring index for the center index
int mirrorIdx = refCenter - (idx - refCenter);
// If the current index is within the range of the referencing palindrome,
// then we know the least palindrome length.
palindromeLen[idx] = (idx < refRightBoundary) ?
Math.min(refRightBoundary - idx, palindromeLen[mirrorIdx]) : 0;
// Check if we can extend the palindrome further
while (true) {
int rightIdx = idx + palindromeLen[idx] + 1;
int leftIdx = idx - palindromeLen[idx] - 1;
// If the left or right index is even (they will be even/odd at the same time),
// then the left and right indices are pointing to the inserted delimiter "#", and
// the characters should be the same.
// Otherwise, we go back to the original string to check whether the characters are the same.
if ((leftIdx % 2) == 0 ||
(rightIdx < palindromeLen.length && leftIdx >= 0 &&
s.charAt(leftIdx / 2) == s.charAt(rightIdx / 2))) {
} else {
// If we find that the right boundary of the current palindrome is larger, then we
// update the referencing palindrome.
if (idx + palindromeLen[idx] > refRightBoundary) {
refCenter = idx;
refRightBoundary = idx + palindromeLen[idx];
// Update the max palindrome we have seen so far
if (palindromeLen[idx] > maxPalindromeLen) {
maxPalindromeLen = palindromeLen[idx];
maxPalindromeCenter = idx;
// For string "#a#a#b#", the max palindrome is "#a#a#", and its
// center index will be 2, and the half length will be 2.
// And we want to ignore the starting "#", and let the starting index
// point to 'a', that is 1.
int startingIndex = maxPalindromeCenter - maxPalindromeLen + 1;
// Transform to the index of the original string
int originalStartIdx = startingIndex / 2;
return s.substring(originalStartIdx, originalStartIdx + maxPalindromeLen);
public static void main(String[] args) {
Solution finder = new Solution();
assertEquals("", finder.longestPalindrome(""));
assertEquals("aa", finder.longestPalindrome("aa"));
assertEquals("a", finder.longestPalindrome("a"));
assertEquals("aba", finder.longestPalindrome("daba"));
assertEquals("aba", finder.longestPalindrome("abaa"));
assertEquals("bccb", finder.longestPalindrome("abccbb"));
assertEquals("bb", finder.longestPalindrome("cbbd"));
assertEquals("bab", finder.longestPalindrome("babad"));
private static void assertEquals(Object expected, Object actual) {
if (!Objects.equals(expected, actual)) {
throw new AssertionError("Expecting " + expected + ", but see " + actual);
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