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Hansie Odendaal hansieodendaal

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hansieodendaal / win_source_dll_path_rust_zmq.bat
Created May 21, 2019 04:46
This batch file verifies all LibZeroMQ environment variables and add the LibZeroMQ bin folder to the local session path
@rem This batch file verifies all LibZeroMQ environment variables and
@rem add the LibZeroMQ bin folder to the local session path .
@rem Dependencies:
@rem For Windows operating system
@echo -------------------------
@echo LibZeroMQ: %~n0
@echo -------------------------
hansieodendaal / win_set_environment_vars_rust_zmq.bat
Last active May 21, 2019 04:44
This batch file defines the various LibZeroMQ environment variables and copies the dynamic library built with CMake to "zmq.lib"
@rem This batch file defines the various LibZeroMQ environment variables and
@rem copies the dynamic library built with CMake to "zmq.lib"
@rem Input:
@rem Dependencies:
@rem For Windows operating system
@rem Compiled libzmq binaries (CMake & mingw32-make, or
@rem CMake & Visual Studio, or
@rem Visual Studio with built in CMake)
hansieodendaal /
Created March 15, 2019 04:29 — forked from CjS77/
Proposed RAID_ID algorithm
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from hashlib import blake2b
import bitcoin.base58 as base58 #dependency: pip install python-bitcoinlib
import string
import random
import binascii
def create_raid(Pk, fqdn, prefix):
s = fqdn if fqdn else "NO_FQDN"
#Creat hash object

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am hansieodendaal on github.
  • I am hansieodendaal ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASAHc9CIAoUH773W3IRjfzdnjel20X5a35eJo8lhNpGNuAo

To claim this, I am signing this object: