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Last active June 21, 2018 13:46
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Show dask array in BigDataViewer
import dask.array
import dask.array.image
import dask.array as da
import numpy as np
import os
import pathlib
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import time
import threading
tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
import jnius_config
jnius_config.add_classpath( tmp_dir )
import imglyb
import imglyb.types
import imglyb.util
from jnius import PythonJavaClass, java_method, autoclass, JavaException, cast
IntUnsafe = autoclass('net.imglib2.img.basictypelongaccess.unsafe.IntUnsafe')
Cell = autoclass('net.imglib2.img.cell.Cell')
System = autoclass('java.lang.System')
make_cell_grid_code = """
import java.util.Arrays;
import net.imglib2.img.basictypelongaccess.unsafe.IntUnsafe;
import net.imglib2.img.NativeImg;
import net.imglib2.img.basictypeaccess.IntAccess;
import net.imglib2.img.cell.Cell;
import net.imglib2.img.cell.CellGrid;
import net.imglib2.img.cell.LazyCellImg;
import net.imglib2.img.cell.LazyCellImg.Get;
import net.imglib2.type.NativeType;
import net.imglib2.type.numeric.integer.UnsignedIntType;
public class Helpers {
public static CellGrid makeGrid( long[] dims, int[] cellSize ) {
final CellGrid grid = new CellGrid( dims, cellSize );
return grid;
public static < T extends NativeType< T >, A > LazyCellImg< T, A > lazyCellImg( final CellGrid grid, final T type, final Get< Cell< A > > get )
return new LazyCellImg<>( grid, type, get );
public static long[] cellMin( final CellGrid grid, long index )
long[] min = new long[ grid.numDimensions() ];
grid.getCellGridPositionFlat( index, min );
Arrays.setAll( min, d -> min[ d ] * grid.cellDimension( d ) );
// for ( int d = 0; d < min.length; ++d )
// min[ d ] *= grid.cellDimension( d );
return min;
public static UnsignedIntType makeLinkedType( final NativeImg< ?, ? extends IntAccess > img )
return new UnsignedIntType( img );
fp = pathlib.Path( tmp_dir ) / ''
print( tmp_dir )
with open( fp, 'w' ) as f:
f.write( make_cell_grid_code )
javac = pathlib.Path( os.environ[ 'JAVA_HOME' ] ) / 'bin' / 'javac'
proc =
[ javac, '-cp', jnius_config.split_char.join( jnius_config.get_classpath() ), fp ],
if proc.returncode != 0:
print ( proc.stderr )
Helpers = autoclass('Helpers')
class FunctionAsRunnable(PythonJavaClass):
__javainterfaces__ = ['java/lang/Runnable']
def __init__(self, func):
super(FunctionAsRunnable, self).__init__()
self.func = func
@java_method('()V', name='run')
def run(self):
class CacheLoaderFromDaskArray(PythonJavaClass):
__javainterfaces__ = ['net/imglib2/cache/CacheLoader']
def __init__(self, dask_array, cell_grid):
super(CacheLoaderFromDaskArray, self).__init__()
self.dask_array = dask_array
self.slices = da.core.slices_from_chunks(self.dask_array.chunks)
self.cell_grid = cell_grid
self.cache = {}
self.cache_lock = threading.RLock()
@java_method('(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;', name='get')
def get(self, index):
chunk = np.ascontiguousarray(self.dask_array[self.slices[index]].compute())
refGuard = imglyb.util.ReferenceGuard(chunk)
address =
with self.cache_lock:
self.cache[address] = chunk
pos = Helpers.cellMin(self.cell_grid, index)
access = IntUnsafe(address, None)
cell = Cell(chunk.shape[::-1], Helpers.cellMin(self.cell_grid, index), access)
except JavaException as e:
print('Name --', e.classname)
print('Message --', e.innermessage)
print('Stack trace --', e.stacktrace)
raise e
print("Adding index", index, "at address", address, "-- cache has", len(self.cache), "entries")
return cell
class CacheRemoverAddressDictionary(PythonJavaClass):
__javainterfaces__ = ['net/imglib2/cache/CacheRemover']
def __init__(self, address_dictionary, lock):
super(CacheRemoverAddressDictionary, self).__init__()
self.address_dictionary = address_dictionary
self.lock = lock
@java_method('(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)V', name='onRemoval')
def onRemoval(self, key, value):
address = value.getData().getAddres()
with self.lock:
del self.address_dictionary[address]
print("Removed key", key, "at address", address, "-- cache has", len(self.address_dictionary), "entries")
LazyCellImg = autoclass('net.imglib2.img.cell.LazyCellImg')
CellGrid = autoclass('net.imglib2.img.cell.CellGrid')
ARGBType = autoclass('net.imglib2.type.numeric.ARGBType')
UnsignedIntType = autoclass('net.imglib2.type.numeric.integer.UnsignedIntType')
# chunks = [2, 3, 4]
# shape = [4, 6, 8]
data ="")
chunks = tuple( s // 5 for s in data.shape )
array = da.from_array(data, chunks=chunks)
array = array.astype(np.uint32).rechunk(chunks)
shape = array.shape
slices = da.core.slices_from_chunks(array.chunks)
grid = Helpers.makeGrid(shape[::-1], chunks[::-1])
loader = CacheLoaderFromDaskArray(array, grid)
remover = CacheRemoverAddressDictionary(loader.cache, loader.cache_lock)
SoftRefLoaderCache = autoclass('net.imglib2.cache.ref.SoftRefLoaderCache')
CachedCellImg = autoclass('net.imglib2.cache.img.CachedCellImg')
GuardedStrongRefLoaderCache = autoclass('net.imglib2.cache.ref.GuardedStrongRefLoaderCache')
GuardedStrongRefLoaderRemoverCache = autoclass('net.imglib2.cache.ref.GuardedStrongRefLoaderRemoverCache')
t = UnsignedIntType()
cache = GuardedStrongRefLoaderRemoverCache(5).withLoader(loader).withRemover(remover) # SoftRefLoaderCache().withLoader(loader)
img = CachedCellImg(grid, t.getEntitiesPerPixel(), cache, IntUnsafe(0))
linkedType = Helpers.makeLinkedType(img)
except JavaException as e:
raise e
BdvOptions = autoclass('bdv.util.BdvOptions')
print("Going to open bdv window")
bdv =, 'random', BdvOptions.options().is2D())
bdv.getBdvHandle().getSetupAssignments().getMinMaxGroups().get(0).setRange(0, 255)
print("Showing bdv")
vp = bdv.getBdvHandle().getViewerPanel()
# Keep Python running until user closes Bdv window
check = autoclass( 'net.imglib2.python.BdvWindowClosedCheck' )()
frame = cast( 'javax.swing.JFrame', autoclass( 'javax.swing.SwingUtilities' ).getWindowAncestor( vp ) )
frame.addWindowListener( check )
def sleeper():
while check.isOpen():
time.sleep( 0.5 )
# print([k for (k,v) in loader.cache.items()])
t = threading.Thread( target=sleeper )
import ctypes
import dask.array
import dask.array.image
import dask.array as da
import numpy as np
import os
import pathlib
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import time
import threading
_decref = ctypes.pythonapi.Py_DecRef
_decref.argtypes = [ctypes.py_object]
_decref.restype = None
_incref = ctypes.pythonapi.Py_IncRef
_incref.argtypes = [ctypes.py_object]
_incref.restype = None
tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
import jnius_config
jnius_config.add_classpath( tmp_dir )
import imglyb
import imglyb.types
import imglyb.util
from jnius import PythonJavaClass, java_method, autoclass, JavaException, cast
IntUnsafe = autoclass('net.imglib2.img.basictypelongaccess.unsafe.IntUnsafe')
Cell = autoclass('net.imglib2.img.cell.Cell')
System = autoclass('java.lang.System')
Executors = autoclass('java.util.concurrent.Executors')
VolatileIntArray = autoclass('net.imglib2.img.basictypeaccess.volatiles.array.VolatileIntArray')
make_cell_grid_code = """
import java.lang.Runnable;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import net.imglib2.img.basictypelongaccess.unsafe.IntUnsafe;
import net.imglib2.img.NativeImg;
import net.imglib2.img.basictypeaccess.IntAccess;
import net.imglib2.img.cell.Cell;
import net.imglib2.img.cell.CellGrid;
import net.imglib2.img.cell.LazyCellImg;
import net.imglib2.img.cell.LazyCellImg.Get;
import net.imglib2.type.NativeType;
import net.imglib2.type.numeric.integer.UnsignedIntType;
public class Helpers {
public static CellGrid makeGrid( long[] dims, int[] cellSize ) {
final CellGrid grid = new CellGrid( dims, cellSize );
return grid;
public static < T extends NativeType< T >, A > LazyCellImg< T, A > lazyCellImg( final CellGrid grid, final T type, final Get< Cell< A > > get )
return new LazyCellImg<>( grid, type, get );
public static long[] cellMin( final CellGrid grid, long index )
long[] min = new long[ grid.numDimensions() ];
grid.getCellGridPositionFlat( index, min );
Arrays.setAll( min, d -> min[ d ] * grid.cellDimension( d ) );
// for ( int d = 0; d < min.length; ++d )
// min[ d ] *= grid.cellDimension( d );
return min;
public static UnsignedIntType makeLinkedType( final NativeImg< ?, ? extends IntAccess > img )
return new UnsignedIntType( img );
public static class OnFinalize
private final Runnable onFinalize;
public OnFinalize( Runnable onFinalize )
this.onFinalize = onFinalize;
public void finalize()
public static OnFinalize onFinalize( Runnable onFinalize )
return new OnFinalize( onFinalize );
public static OnFinalize onFinalize( Runnable onFinalize, ExecutorService es )
Runnable r = () -> es.submit( onFinalize );
return onFinalize( r );
public static Runnable test( Runnable r )
return r::run;
public static void copyAccess( IntAccess source, IntAccess target, int size )
for ( int index = 0; index < size; ++index )
target.setValue( index, source.getValue( index ) );
fp = pathlib.Path( tmp_dir ) / ''
print( tmp_dir )
with open( fp, 'w' ) as f:
f.write( make_cell_grid_code )
javac = pathlib.Path( os.environ[ 'JAVA_HOME' ] ) / 'bin' / 'javac'
proc =
[ javac, '-cp', jnius_config.split_char.join( jnius_config.get_classpath() ), fp ],
if proc.returncode != 0:
print ( proc.stderr )
Helpers = autoclass('Helpers')
class FunctionAsRunnable(PythonJavaClass):
__javainterfaces__ = ['java/lang/Runnable']
def __init__(self, func):
super(FunctionAsRunnable, self).__init__()
self.func = func
@java_method('()V', name='run')
def run(self):
# Helpers.test( FunctionAsRunnable( lambda : print("OK TEST"))).run()
class CacheLoaderFromDaskArray(PythonJavaClass):
__javainterfaces__ = ['net/imglib2/cache/CacheLoader']
def __init__(self, dask_array, cell_grid):
super(CacheLoaderFromDaskArray, self).__init__()
self.dask_array = dask_array
self.slices = da.core.slices_from_chunks(self.dask_array.chunks)
self.cell_grid = cell_grid
@java_method('(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;', name='get')
def get(self, index):
chunk = self.dask_array[self.slices[index]].compute()
# np.ascontiguousarray(self.dask_array[self.slices[index]].compute())
refGuard = imglyb.util.ReferenceGuard(chunk)
address =
pos = Helpers.cellMin(self.cell_grid, index)
source = IntUnsafe(address, None)
target = VolatileIntArray(chunk.size, True)
Helpers.copyAccess(source, target, chunk.size)
cell = Cell(chunk.shape[::-1], Helpers.cellMin(self.cell_grid, index), target)
except JavaException as e:
print('Name --', e.classname)
print('Message --', e.innermessage)
print('Stack trace --', e.stacktrace)
raise e
return cell
LazyCellImg = autoclass('net.imglib2.img.cell.LazyCellImg')
CellGrid = autoclass('net.imglib2.img.cell.CellGrid')
ARGBType = autoclass('net.imglib2.type.numeric.ARGBType')
UnsignedIntType = autoclass('net.imglib2.type.numeric.integer.UnsignedIntType')
# chunks = [2, 3, 4]
# shape = [4, 6, 8]
data ="")
chunks = tuple( s // 5 for s in data.shape )
array = da.from_array(data, chunks=chunks)
array = array.astype(np.uint32).rechunk(chunks)
shape = array.shape
slices = da.core.slices_from_chunks(array.chunks)
grid = Helpers.makeGrid(shape[::-1], chunks[::-1])
loader = CacheLoaderFromDaskArray(array, grid)
SoftRefLoaderCache = autoclass('net.imglib2.cache.ref.SoftRefLoaderCache')
CachedCellImg = autoclass('net.imglib2.cache.img.CachedCellImg')
t = UnsignedIntType()
cache = SoftRefLoaderCache().withLoader(loader)
img = CachedCellImg(grid, t.getEntitiesPerPixel(), cache, IntUnsafe(0))
linkedType = Helpers.makeLinkedType(img)
except JavaException as e:
raise e
BdvOptions = autoclass('bdv.util.BdvOptions')
print("Going to open bdv window")
bdv =, 'random', BdvOptions.options().is2D())
bdv.getBdvHandle().getSetupAssignments().getMinMaxGroups().get(0).setRange(0, 255)
print("Showing bdv")
vp = bdv.getBdvHandle().getViewerPanel()
# Keep Python running until user closes Bdv window
check = autoclass( 'net.imglib2.python.BdvWindowClosedCheck' )()
frame = cast( 'javax.swing.JFrame', autoclass( 'javax.swing.SwingUtilities' ).getWindowAncestor( vp ) )
frame.addWindowListener( check )
def sleeper():
while check.isOpen():
time.sleep( 0.5 )
t = threading.Thread( target=sleeper )
import sys
from jnius import autoclass, PythonJavaClass, java_method
class OneSupplier( PythonJavaClass ):
__javainterfaces__ = [ 'java.util.function.IntSupplier' ]
def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ):
super( OneSupplier, self ).__init__()
def getAsInt(self):
return 1
ArrayList = autoclass('java.util.ArrayList')
al = ArrayList()
os = OneSupplier()
l = []
print("Ref count before", sys.getrefcount(os))
print("Ref count after", sys.getrefcount(os))
print("Ref count after", sys.getrefcount(os))
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