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Last active December 25, 2015 01:59
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# requires:
# bash
egrep ' do' *.rb \
| grep -v fetch \
| egrep -v '[A-Z]' | sort | uniq \
| egrep -v quota | sort \
| egrep 'get|put|delete|post' \
| egrep -v '# (get|put|delete|post)' | sort | uniq \
| egrep -v each \
| sed 's,do$,,' \
| while read line; do
line=$(echo ${line} | sed "s,',,g")
set ${line}
method=$(echo $1 | tr a-z A-Z)
echo "+ \`${method} /${namespace}$@\`" >> ${tmpprefix}_${namespace}.$$.txt
echo ... ${namespace} >&2
for i in ${tmpprefix}_*.$$.txt; do
echo "## ${ns}"
for j in POST GET PUT DELETE; do
grep ${j} ${i} | sort
rm -f ${i}
$ for i in ./*.rb; do egrep -w namespace ${i} | egrep -v '# '; done
Dcmgr::Endpoints::V1203::CoreAPI.namespace '/accounts' do
  namespace '/:id' do
Dcmgr::Endpoints::V1203::CoreAPI.namespace '/alarms' do
Dcmgr::Endpoints::V1203::CoreAPI.namespace '/backup_objects' do
Dcmgr::Endpoints::V1203::CoreAPI.namespace '/backup_storages' do
Dcmgr::Endpoints::V1203::CoreAPI.namespace '/dc_networks' do
Dcmgr::Endpoints::V1203::CoreAPI.namespace '/host_node_groups', &TagEndpointFactory.make_tag_endpoint(Dcmgr::Tags::HostNodeGroup,:host_nodes)
Dcmgr::Endpoints::V1203::CoreAPI.namespace('/host_nodes') do
Dcmgr::Endpoints::V1203::CoreAPI.namespace '/images' do
Dcmgr::Endpoints::V1203::CoreAPI.namespace '/instances' do
  namespace '/:instance_id/monitoring' do
  namespace '/:instance_id/volumes' do
Dcmgr::Endpoints::V1203::CoreAPI.namespace '/ip_handles' do
Dcmgr::Endpoints::V1203::CoreAPI.namespace '/ip_pools' do
Dcmgr::Endpoints::V1203::CoreAPI.namespace '/jobs' do
Dcmgr::Endpoints::V1203::CoreAPI.namespace '/load_balancers' do
Dcmgr::Endpoints::V1203::CoreAPI.namespace '/network_groups', &TagEndpointFactory.make_tag_endpoint(Dcmgr::Tags::NetworkGroup,:networks)
Dcmgr::Endpoints::V1203::CoreAPI.namespace '/network_vifs' do
  namespace '/:vif_id/monitors' do
Dcmgr::Endpoints::V1203::CoreAPI.namespace '/networks' do
Dcmgr::Endpoints::V1203::CoreAPI.namespace '/reports' do
Dcmgr::Endpoints::V1203::CoreAPI.namespace '/security_groups' do
Dcmgr::Endpoints::V1203::CoreAPI.namespace '/ssh_key_pairs' do
Dcmgr::Endpoints::V1203::CoreAPI.namespace '/storage_node_groups', &TagEndpointFactory.make_tag_endpoint(Dcmgr::Tags::StorageNodeGroup,:storage_nodes)
Dcmgr::Endpoints::V1203::CoreAPI.namespace '/storage_nodes' do
Dcmgr::Endpoints::V1203::CoreAPI.namespace '/text_logs' do
Dcmgr::Endpoints::V1203::CoreAPI.namespace '/volume_snapshots' do
Dcmgr::Endpoints::V1203::CoreAPI.namespace '/volumes' do
$ grep 'define_error(' errors.rb  | grep -v 'def ' | sed "s,define_error,,; s,(,,; s,),,; s/,//g; s,',,g" | awk '{print $3, $2, $1}'
$ grep 'define_error(' errors.rb  | grep -v 'def ' | sed "s,define_error,,; s,(,,; s,),,; s/,//g; s,',,g" | awk '{printf "| %s | **%s** | %-40s |\n", $3, $2, $1}'
$ for i in 1shot alarm instance-clone lb-cluster local-volume-instance sg-cluster; do [[ -d ${i} ]] || continue; echo "### ${i}"; echo ;(cd ${i} && ls -1 t.*.sh | sed "s,^,+ ,"); echo; done
$ for i in t.*.sh; do echo "+ ${i}"; egrep 'function test_' $i | sed "s,^function ,,; s,() {,,; s,^,   + ,"; done
$ for i in t.*.sh; do [[ -d ${i} ]] || continue; echo "+ ${i%%/*}"; for j in ${i}/test_*; do echo -n "   + ${j##*/} -"; methods="$(cut -d' ' -f6 ${j}/*/request | sort | uniq | sort)"; for method in ${methods}; do echo -n " \`${method}\`"; done ; echo; done ; done
$ for i in $(ls -trd t.*.sh); do [[ -d ${i} ]] || continue; echo "+ ${i%%/*}"; for j in $(ls -trd ${i}/test_*); do echo -n "   + ${j##*/} -"; methods="$(cut -d' ' -f6 ${j}/*/request | sort | uniq | sort)"; for method in ${methods}; do echo -n " \`${method}\`"; done ; echo; done ; done
$ for i in $(ls -trd t.*.sh 2>/dev/null); do [[ -d ${i} ]] || continue; echo "+ ${i%%/*}"; for j in $(ls -trd ${i}/test_* 2>/dev/null); do echo -n "   + ${j##*/} -"; methods="$(cut -d' ' -f6 ${j}/*/request 2>/dev/null | sort | uniq | sort)"; for method in ${methods}; do echo -n " \`${method}\`"; done ; echo; done ; done
### mussel hack!!!
# top-level:
# + stdout
# + stderr
# + history
# + statistics/:namespace/:cmd/:today/:txid/
# + test/:category/:api_version/:script/:step/:today/:txid/
# curl logging:
# + api.request
# + api.response
# + bash.declare
# + bash.funcname
# +
# + cmd.command
# + cmd.exit
# + http.request.header
# + http.request.method
# + http.request.params
# + http.request.uri
# + http.response.header
# + http.trace
# + mussel.cmd
# + mussel.namespace
front_offset=$((${#BASH_SOURCE[@]} - 1))
front_path=$(cd ${front_filename%%/*} && pwd)/${front_filename##*/}
[[ -d ${log_store_dir} ]] || mkdir -p ${log_store_dir}
function gen_txid() {
LANG=C date +%Y%m%d.%H%M%S.%N
function mussel_curl_beautify() {
local line
while read line; do
set ${line}
while [[ "$1" ]]; do
case $1 in
curl) echo -n "$1" ;;
-fsSkL) echo " $1 \\ " ;;
-H|-X) echo " $1 $2 \\" ; shift ;;
--data-urlencode) echo " $1 $2 \\"; shift ;;
-D) shift ;;
*) echo " $1 " ;;
done | sed "s,${DCMGR_HOST}:${DCMGR_PORT},localhost:9001,"
done < <(cat "$@")
# command subsutitutions
function cmdlog() {
local core_cmd=${FUNCNAME[1]}
local today=$(LANG=C date +%Y%m%d)
local sub_log_store_dir=${log_store_dir}/${front_shortpath}/${_shunit_test_:-${core_cmd}}/${today}/$(gen_txid)
[[ -d ${sub_log_store_dir} ]] || mkdir -p ${sub_log_store_dir}
local cmd_opts=
local stdout_paths=${sub_log_store_dir}/cmd.stdout
local stderr_paths=${sub_log_store_dir}/cmd.stderr
echo "${FUNCNAME[@]}" >${sub_log_store_dir}/bash.funcname
declare >${sub_log_store_dir}/bash.declare
echo "${core_cmd}" >${sub_log_store_dir}/
echo "${core_cmd} $@" >${sub_log_store_dir}/cmd.command
case "${core_cmd}" in
echo "${namespace}" >${sub_log_store_dir}/mussel.namespace
echo "${cmd}" >${sub_log_store_dir}/mussel.cmd
if [[ -n "${namespace}" ]] && [[ -n "${cmd}" ]]; then
local sub_log_store_dir_mussel=${log_store_dir}/statistics/${namespace}/${cmd}/${today}
[[ -d "${sub_log_store_dir_mussel}" ]] || mkdir -p ${sub_log_store_dir_mussel}
ln -s ${sub_log_store_dir} ${sub_log_store_dir_mussel}
unset namespace cmd # make sure to unset following values for next task(s)
echo "${core_cmd} $@" \
| tee ${sub_log_store_dir}/api.request \
| mussel_curl_beautify | tee \
>(egrep -- -X | awk '{print $2}' >${sub_log_store_dir}/http.request.method) \
>(egrep -- -H | awk '{print $2}' >${sub_log_store_dir}/http.request.header) \
>(egrep -- --data-urlencode | awk '{print $2}' >${sub_log_store_dir}/http.request.params) \
>(tail -1 | xargs echo >${sub_log_store_dir}/http.request.uri) \
stdout_paths="${stdout_paths} ${sub_log_store_dir}/cmd.stdout ${sub_log_store_dir}/api.response"
cmd_opts="-D ${sub_log_store_dir}/http.response.header --trace-ascii ${sub_log_store_dir}/http.trace"
exec 1> >(tee ${stdout_paths} >/dev/stdout)
exec 2> >(tee ${stderr_paths} >/dev/stderr)
eval "$(which ${core_cmd}) ${cmd_opts} $@" </dev/stdin # "</dev/stdin" for here-document
local retval=$?
echo "${retval}" >${sub_log_store_dir}/cmd.exit
LANG=C date "+# %F %T %N #${mussel_build_id}"
echo "${core_cmd} $@ # => ${retval} (${front_shortpath}) #${mussel_build_id}"
} >>${log_store_dir}/history
return ${retval}
function nc() {
cmdlog "$@"
function ping() {
cmdlog "$@"
function openssl() {
cmdlog "$@"
function ssh() {
cmdlog "-o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -o 'UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null' $@"
function curl() {
case "$@" in
cmdlog "$@"
eval "$(which curl) $@"
function shlog() {
exec 1> >(tee -a ${log_store_dir}/stdout >/dev/stdout)
exec 2> >(tee -a ${log_store_dir}/stderr >/dev/stderr)
eval "$@"
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