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Created August 25, 2012 01:07
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Snap OpenId persistent state example
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Main where
-- explicit imports
import Prelude hiding ((.), id)
import Control.Category ((.))
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Reader (asks, ask)
import Control.Monad.State (get, gets, put)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (pack)
import Data.String (fromString)
import Data.SafeCopy (base, deriveSafeCopy)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8, encodeUtf8)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.IxSet ( Indexable(..), IxSet(..), (@=), Proxy(..), getOne
, ixFun, ixSet )
import qualified Data.IxSet as IxSet
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Snap.Util.FileServe (serveDirectory)
import Snap (SnapletInit, Snaplet, Handler,
addRoutes, nestSnaplet, serveSnaplet,
defaultConfig, makeSnaplet,
snapletValue, writeText,
makeLens, getL, modL, modify, method)
import Snap.Core
import Snap.Snaplet.AcidState (Update, Query, Acid,
HasAcid (getAcidStore), makeAcidic, update, query, acidInit)
import qualified Web.Authenticate.OpenId as OpenId
import Network.HTTP.Conduit (withManager)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Snap.Snaplet.Session.Backends.CookieSession
import Snap.Snaplet.Session
import Snap.Snaplet (withTop)
-- acid-state code
data OpenIdUser = OpenIdUser
{ openIdIdentifier:: ByteString
, name :: ByteString
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable)
deriveSafeCopy 0 'base ''OpenIdUser
data ApplicationState = ApplicationState
{ allUsers :: IxSet OpenIdUser
} deriving (Show,Ord,Eq,Typeable)
initApplicationState = ApplicationState {
allUsers = IxSet.empty}
deriveSafeCopy 0 'base ''ApplicationState
lookupOpenIdUser :: ByteString -> Query ApplicationState (Maybe OpenIdUser)
lookupOpenIdUser ui = do
ApplicationState {..} <- ask
return $ getOne $ allUsers @= ui
insertNewOpenIdUser :: ByteString -> Update ApplicationState OpenIdUser
insertNewOpenIdUser ident = do
a@ApplicationState{..} <- get
let newUser = OpenIdUser { openIdIdentifier = ident
, name = "" }
put $ a { allUsers = IxSet.insert newUser allUsers }
return newUser
instance Indexable OpenIdUser where
empty = ixSet [ ixFun $ \u -> [openIdIdentifier u], ixFun $ \u -> [name u] ]
makeAcidic ''ApplicationState ['lookupOpenIdUser, 'insertNewOpenIdUser]
-- snap code
data App = App
{ _acid :: Snaplet (Acid ApplicationState)
, _sess :: Snaplet SessionManager
type AppHandler = Handler App App
makeLens ''App
instance HasAcid App ApplicationState where
getAcidStore = getL (snapletValue . acid)
routes :: [(ByteString, Handler App App ())]
routes = [ ("", serveDirectory "resources/static")
, ("/userId", userIdSession)
, ("/authenticate", authenticate)
, ("/authenticate/landing", authenticateLanding)
app :: SnapletInit App App
app = makeSnaplet "app" "An snaplet example application." Nothing $ do
a <- nestSnaplet "acid" acid $ acidInit initApplicationState
s <- nestSnaplet "sess" sess $ initCookieSessionManager "site_key.txt" "sess" Nothing --| (Just 3600)
addRoutes routes
return $ App a s
authenticate :: Handler App App ()
authenticate = do
modifyResponse (setContentType "text/html")
method POST process <|> form
form = do
writeBS "Display form...<form method='POST'><input name='openid'></form>"
process = do
inp <- getParam "openid"
case inp of
Just x -> login x
Nothing -> writeBS ("error")
writeBS (fromString $ show inp)
login x = do
url <- liftIO $ withManager $ OpenId.getForwardUrl (decodeUtf8 x) "http://localhost:8000/authenticate/landing" Nothing []
redirect (encodeUtf8 url)
userIdSession :: Handler App App ()
userIdSession = do
modifyResponse (setContentType "text/html")
withTop sess $ do
mui <- getFromSession "__user_id"
writeBS (fromString $ show mui)
--| (UserObj, if it was created)
loginOrCreate :: ByteString -> Handler App App (OpenIdUser, Bool)
loginOrCreate ui = do
possibleUser <- query $ LookupOpenIdUser ui :: Handler App App (Maybe OpenIdUser)
case possibleUser of
Just user -> return $ (user, False)
Nothing -> do
user <- update $ InsertNewOpenIdUser ui
return $ (user, True)
checkin :: ByteString -> Handler App App (OpenIdUser, Bool)
checkin ui = do
(user, created) <- loginOrCreate ui
withSession sess $ withTop sess $ setInSession "__user_id" (fromString $ show $ openIdIdentifier user)
return (user, created)
convertParams :: Params -> [(T.Text, T.Text)]
convertParams params = [(decodeUtf8 k, decodeUtf8 (head v))| (k, v) <- (M.toList params)]
authenticateLanding :: Handler App App ()
authenticateLanding = do
req <- getRequest
oir <- liftIO $ withManager $ OpenId.authenticateClaimed (convertParams (rqParams req)) :: Handler App App (OpenId.OpenIdResponse)
case OpenId.oirClaimed oir of
Just ident -> do
(user, created) <- checkin (encodeUtf8 $ OpenId.identifier $ ident)
case created of
False -> do
writeBS ("Welcome Back")
True -> do
writeBS ("Hello New User")
Nothing -> writeBS ("Unable to Login")
main = serveSnaplet defaultConfig app
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