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Created August 18, 2016 08:53
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some aliases for the bash
alias web='cd ~/Documents/Websites'
alias apps='cd ~/Documents/Apps'
alias okgrunt='git pull && sublime . && grunt'
alias ok='git pull && sublime .'
alias okgo='git pull && sublime . && vagrant up'
alias okgogrunt='git pull && sublime . && vagrant up && npm install && grunt'
alias okupdate='ncu -u && composer update'
alias subl='sublime .'
alias dns='sudo nano /etc/hosts'
alias lampe='hue lights '
alias yo='ls -alh'
alias abriss='rm -Rf'
alias gülp='gulp'
alias grünt='grunt'
alias nomnom='npm install'
alias lol='sudo "$BASH" -c "$(history -p !!)"'
alias stahp='vagrant halt --force'
  1. $ nano ~/.bash_profile
  2. Text einfügen
  3. Schließen: CTRL + X
  4. Speichern bestätigen: y
  5. iTerm neustarten
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