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Created March 2, 2012 17:18
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[C#] RenderHash() - String Extension for generating a (SHA1) hash
/// <summary>
/// Generates a (SHA1) hashed string, by using the passphrase as a poor man's salt.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="orderReference">(Optional) This reference is used for storing a (temporary) shipping order. You can decide for yourself which reference to use, but it needs to be unique. The reference is used for identifying the shipping order in the Paazl database.</param>
public static string RenderHash(this string value, string passPhrase)
// Append the passphrase to the value
value += passPhrase;
// Convert the string value to a byte array
// Note: I've used the UTF8 encoding here
byte[] buffer = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value);
// And automagically convert it to a hashed string
SHA1CryptoServiceProvider cryptoTransformSHA1 = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider();
string hash = BitConverter.ToString(cryptoTransformSHA1.ComputeHash(buffer)).Replace("-", "");
return hash;
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