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Created November 21, 2017 10:50
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Multi-sig wallet in Ring
(* Multi-signature wallet from
contract multi_sig
type PendingState = { .yetNeeded : UInt, .ownersDone : UInt, .index : UInt }
type Event =
Confirmation of { .owner : Address, .operation : Hash }
| Revoke of { .owner : Address, .operation : Hash }
| OwnerChanged of { .oldOwner : Address, .newOwner : Address }
| OwnerAdded of { .newOwner : Address }
| OwnerRemoved of { .removedOwner : Address }
| ReqChanged of { .newReq : UInt }
constant maxOwners : UInt = 250
type State = { .nRequired : UInt
, .nOwners : UInt
, .owners : Map UInt Address
, .ownerIndex : Map Address UInt
, .pending : Map Hash PendingState
, .pendingIndex : List Address }
fun init (owners : List Address) (nRequired : UInt) =
let n = (length owners) + 1 in
{ .state = { .nRequired = nRequired
, .nOwners = n
, .owners = Map.from_list ( [1..n] (@caller :: owners))
, .ownerIndex = Map.from_list ( (@caller :: owners) [1..n] ) } }
pure fun lookup map key =
match map[key] with
| None -> abort
| Some value -> value
fun revoke (operation : Hash) =
let ownerIx = lookup @state.ownerIndex @caller
and pending = lookup @state.pendingIndex operation
and ownerIxBit = 1 << (ownerIx - 1)
and _ = require(pending.ownersDone & ownerIxBit > 0)
and pending' = pending with { .yetNeeded = pending.yetNeeded + 1
, .ownersDone = pending.ownersDone - ownerIxBit } in
{ .state = { .pendingIndex = @state.pendingIndex with { operation = pending' } }
, .events = [Revoke { .owner = @caller, .operation = operation }] }
type CheckPending = CheckOk State
| CheckFail State
fun changeOwner (fromOwner : Address) (toOwner : Address) =
match check_pending @callhash with
| CheckFail state' -> { .state = state' }
| CheckOk state' ->
if (isOwner toOwner) then { .state = state' } else
match @state.ownerIndex[fromOwner] with
| None -> { .state = state' }
| Some ownerIx ->
{ .state = state' with { .owners = state'.owners with { ownerIx = toOwner }
, .ownerIndex = state'.ownerIndex with { fromOwner = _, toOwner = ownerIx }
, .pending = Map.empty
, .pendingIx = [] }
, .events = [OwnerChanged { .oldOwner = fromOwner, .newOwner = toOwner }] }
fun addOwner (newOwner : Address) =
let _ = require (!isOwner newOwner) in
match check_pending @callhash with
| CheckFail state' -> { .state = state' }
| CheckOk state' ->
if (@state.nOwners >= maxOwners) then {} (* TODO *) else
let nOwners' = state'.nOwners + 1 in
{ .state = state' with { .owners = state'.owners with { nOwners' = newOwner }
, .ownerIndex = state'.ownerIndex with { newOwner = nOwners' }
, .pending = Map.empty
, .pendingIx = [] }
, .event = [OwnerAdded { .newOwner = newOwner }] }
fun removeOwner (oldOwner : Address) =
let _ = require (isOwner oldOwner) in
let _ = require (@state.nRequired > @state.nOwners - 1) in
match check_pending @callhash with
| CheckFail state' -> { .state = state' }
| CheckOk state' ->
let ownerIx = lookup state'.ownerIndex oldOwner in
{ .state = state' with { .owners = state'.owners with { ownerIx = _ }
, .ownerIndex = state'.ownerIndex with { newOwner = _ }
, .pending = Map.empty
, .pendingIx = [] }
, .event = [OwnerRemoved { .removedOwner = oldOwner }] }
fun changeRequirement (newReq : UInt) =
let _ = require (newReq <= @state.nOwners) in
match check_pending @callhash with
| CheckFail state' -> { .state = state' }
| CheckOk state' ->
{ .state = state' with { .nRequired = newReq
, .pending = Map.empty
, .pendingIx = [] }
, .event = [ReqChanged { .newReq = newReq }] }
const fun getOwner (ownerIx0 : UInt) =
lookup @state.owners (ownerIx0 + 1)
const fun isOwner (owner : Address) =
match @state.ownerIndex[owner] with
| None -> false
| Some _ix -> true
const fun hasConfirmed (operation : Hash) (owner : Address) =
match @state.pending[operation] with
| None -> false
| Some pending ->
let _ = require (isOwner owner)
and ownerIx = lookup @state.ownerIndex owner
and ownerIxBit = 1 << (ownerIx - 1) in
(pending.ownersDone & ownerIxBit) != 0
(* Leave the rest for now... *)
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