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Last active September 7, 2018 16:55
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Generic as a kind of types -- type T generic {int, float64}

Generic function implementation:


* "generic" is a KIND of types, just like "struct", "map", "interface", etc...
* "T" is a generic type (a type of kind generic).
* var t = T{int} is a value of type T, values of generic types looks like a "normal" type


type T generic {

func Sum(a, b T{}) T{} {
	return a + b

Function caller:

Sum(1, 1) // 2
// same as:
Sum(T{int}(1), T{int}(1)) // 2

Generic struct implementation:

type ItemT generic {

type List struct {
	l []ItemT{}

func NewList(t ItemT) *List {
	l := make([]t)
	return &List{l}

func (p *List) Push(item ItemT{}) {
	p.l = append(p.l, item)


list := NewList(ItemT{int})
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hantuo commented Sep 7, 2018

Polymorphism in Go must fit smoothly into the surrounding language, without awkward special cases and without exposing implementation details. For example, it would not be acceptable to limit type parameters to those whose machine representation is a single pointer or single word. As another example, once the general Keys(map[K]V) []K function contemplated above has been instantiated with K = int and V = string, it must be treated semantically as equivalent to a hand-written non-generic function. In particular it must be assignable to a variable of type func(map[int]string) []int.

var f func(a, b int) int = func(a, b int) int { return Sum(a, b) }

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