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Created February 21, 2023 00:13
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翻译一条多语言文本,并写入 XCode strings 多语言文件
* 翻译一条多语言文本,并写入 XCode strings 多语言文件
* (如果没有路由器翻墙,可能需要使用proxychains 执行)
* //
* 1. npm install --save @iamtraction/google-translate
* 2. pc node ./ios_proj_trans.js
const fs = require('fs');
const translate = require('@iamtraction/google-translate');
// 项目文件,xcodeproj 所在目录
var PROJECT_DIR = "/Users/haozes/Documents/GitHub/yaoyao/YaoYao/YaoYao"
// 需要翻译的内容
var TRANS_TEXT = "Background is on";
// 有时翻译文本太长或有引号,缩写作为KEY
// 文本原语言
var FROM_LAN = "en"
async function translateText(text, fromLan, toLan) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
translate(text, { from: fromLan, to: toLan }).then(res => {
}).catch(err => {
const directories = source => fs.readdirSync(source, {
withFileTypes: true
}).reduce((a, c) => {
c.isDirectory() && a.push(
return a
}, [])
// get all .lproj dir
function getLProjDirs(baseDir) {
let dirs = directories(baseDir);
let projDirs = dirs.filter(d => d.indexOf(".lproj") > 0);
return projDirs
function writeTransFile(txtKey, trans, abbr, strFile) {
console.log(">>> write to:", strFile, "trans:", trans);
if (fs.existsSync(strFile) == false) {
console.warn(`${strFile} not exist!!`);
let line = `\n"${txtKey}" = "${trans}";`;
if (abbr) {
line = `\n// ${txtKey}`; // 加一行注释
line += `\n"${abbr}" = "${trans}";`;
const buffer = fs.readFileSync(strFile);
const fileContent = buffer.toString();
if (fileContent.indexOf(line) >= 0) {
console.warn(`${line} exists in ${strFile}`);
} else {
fs.appendFileSync(strFile, line)
// xcode多语言文件夹名,映射成google translate 目标语言
function getLans(projDirs) {
return => {
var dName = p.split(".")[0];
if (dName == "Base") {
dName = "en"
else if (dName == "es-419") {
dName = "es"
else if (dName == "pt-BR") {
dName = "pt"
else if (dName == "pt-PT") {
dName = "pt"
else if (dName == "ro-RO") {
dName = "ro"
else if (dName == "zh-Hans") {
dName = "zh-CN"
else if (dName == "zh-Hant") {
dName = "zh-TW"
return dName
async function main() {
let projDirs = getLProjDirs(PROJECT_DIR);
let toLans = getLans(projDirs);
projDirs = => PROJECT_DIR + "/" + p);
let stringsFiles = => d + "/Localizable.strings");
for (var i = 0; i < toLans.length; i++) {
let lan = toLans[i];
let strFile = stringsFiles[i];
let transRet = await translateText(TRANS_TEXT, FROM_LAN, lan);
writeTransFile(TRANS_TEXT, transRet, TRANS_ABBR, strFile);
console.log(">>> all done");
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