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Forked from badtuxx/AULA-K8s-01
Created May 16, 2020 21:35
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1 hostname elliot-01
2 echo elliot-01 > /etc/hostname
3 bash
4 vim /etc/modules-load.d/k8s.conf
5 curl -fsSL | bash
6 docker version
7 docker ps
8 apt-get update && apt-get install -y apt-transport-https
9 curl -s | apt-key add -
10 echo "deb kubernetes-xenial main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list
11 cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list
12 cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list
13 history
14 apt-get update
15 apt-get install -y kubelet kubectl kubeadm
16 kubectl
17 docker info | grep -i cgroup
18 cgroupfs
19 swaps
20 cat /proc/swaps
21 swapoff -a
22 kubeadm config images pull
23 kubeadm init
24 ls -lha .kube/
25 kubectl apply -f "$(kubectl version | base64 | tr -d '\n')"
26 kubectl get all --all-namespaces
27 kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
28 kubectl get nodes
29 kubectl describe node elliot-01
30 kubectl describe node elliot-02
31* kubectl get node
32 kubectl describe node elliot-03
33 kubeadm token create --print-join-command
34 source <(kubectl completion bash)
35 kubectl completion bash
36 source <(kubectl completion bash)
37 kubectl completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/kubectl
38 cat /etc/bash_completion.d/kubectl
39 kubectl get namespaces
40 kubectl get pods -n kube-system
41 kubectl get pods -n kube-system -o wide
42 kubectl run --image=nginx nginx
43 kubectl get pods
44 kubectl describe pods nginx
45 kubectl get pdos
46 kubectl get pods
47 kubectl get pods -o yaml
48 kubectl get pods nginx -o yaml
49 kubectl get pods nginx -o yaml > meu_primeiro_pod.yaml
50 cat meu_primeiro_pod.yaml
51 vim meu_primeiro_pod.yaml
52 kubectl get pods
53 kubectl delete pods nginx
54 kubectl get pods
55 kubectl create -f meu_primeiro_pod.yaml
56 head meu_primeiro_pod.yaml
57 kubectl get pods
58 # kubectl run --image=nginx nginx
59 # kubectl get pods nginx -o yaml > meu_primeiro_pod.yaml
60 # vim meu_primeiro_pod.yaml
61 #kubectl create -f meu_primeiro_pod.yaml
62 # kubectl run --image=nginx nginx
63 # kubectl get pods nginx -o yaml > meu_primeiro_pod.yaml
64 # vim meu_primeiro_pod.yaml
65 # kubectl create -f meu_primeiro_pod.yaml
66 kubectl get pods
67 kubectl run --image=nginx giropops_nginx --dry-run=client -o yaml > giropops_pod.yaml
68 cat giropops_pod.yaml
69 vim giropops_pod.yaml
70 kubectl create -f giropops_pod.yaml
71 vim giropops_pod.yaml
72 kubectl create -f giropops_pod.yaml
73 kubectl get pods
74 kubectl create deployment giropops --image=nginx --dry-run=client -o yaml > giropops_deployment.yaml
75 vim giropops_deployment.yaml
76 kubectl create -f giropops_deployment.yaml
77 kubectl get deployments.apps
78 kubectl get pods
79 kubectl delete -f giropops_deployment.yaml
80 kubectl get pods
81 kubectl get deployments.apps
82 kubectl get pods
83 kubectl delete pods giropops-nginx
84 kubectl delete pods nginx
85 kubectl get pods
86 kubectl create -f giropops_deployment.yaml -n opa
87 kubectl create namespace opa
88 kubectl get namespaces
89 kubectl create -f giropops_deployment.yaml -n opa
90 kubectl get deployment
91 kubectl get deployment -n opa
92 kubectl get pods
93 kubectl get pods -n opa
94 kubectl explain deployment
95 kubectl explain pod
96 kubectl explain pod --recursive
97 kubectl explain deployment.spec.template.spec
98 kubectl get deployment -n opa
99 kubectl expose deployment -n opa giropops
100 kubectl delete -f giropops_deployment.yaml
101 l
102 kubectl get deployment -n opa
103 kubectl delete deployments.apps -n opa giropops
104 kubectl get pods -n opa
105 kubectl get pods
106 kubectl run --image=nginx nginx
107 kubectl get pods
108 # kubectl run --image=nginx nginx
109 kubectl get pods
110 kubectl expose pod nginx
111 kubectl expose pod nginx --port 80
112 kubectl get pods
113 kubectl get services
114 curl
115 kubectl delete service nginx
116 kubectl expose pod nginx --port 80 --type NodePort
117 kubectl get services
118 curl
119 kubectl get services
120 kubectl get pods
121 kubectl logs -f nginx
122 kubectl get pods
123 kubectl exec -ti nginx sh
124 L
125 kubectl get pods
126 kubectl logs -f nginx
127 kubectl get pods
128 kubectl get deployments.apps
129 kubectl get service
130 kubectl get namespaces
131 kubectl get nodes
132 history
133 kubectl get pods
134 kubectl get po
135 kubectl get deployments.apps
136 kubectl get deploy
137 kubectl get namespaces
138 kubectl get ns
139 kubectl get services
140 kubectl get svc
141 kubectl get pods,deploy,services,namespaces,nodes
142 kubectl get all
143 kubectl delete pods nginx
144 kubectl get pods,deploy,services,namespaces,nodes
145 kubectl delete service nginx
146 kubectl get pods,deploy,services,namespaces,nodes
147 kubectl delete ns opa
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