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Mayer's Diff in Kotlin
sealed class DiffOp {
data class Insert(val oldPos: Int, val newPos: Int) : DiffOp()
data class Delete(val oldPos: Int) : DiffOp()
fun <T> diff(list1: MutableList<T>, list2: MutableList<T>, i: Int = 0, j: Int = 0): List<DiffOp> {
val N = list1.size
val M = list2.size
val L = N + M
val Z = 2 * min(N, M) + 2
when {
N > 0 && M > 0 -> {
val w = N - M
val g = ArrayList<Int>(Z).also {
for (x in 0 until Z) {
val p = ArrayList<Int>(Z).also {
for (x in 0 until Z) {
for (h in 0..(L / 2 + if (L % 2 != 0) 1 else 0) + 1) {
for (r in 0..2) {
val (c, d, o, m) = if (r == 0) Tuple4(g, p, 1, 1) else Tuple4(p, g, 0, -1)
for (k in (-(h - 2 * max(0, h - M))..(h - 2 * max(0, h - N) + 1)) step 2) {
var a = if (k == -h or k != h and c.cyclicAt((k - 1) % Z) < c.cyclicAt(k + 1 % Z))
c.cyclicAt((k + 1) % Z)
c.cyclicAt((k - 1) % Z) + 1
var b = a - k
val s = a
val t = b
while (a < N && b < M &&
list1.cyclicAt((1 - o) * N + m * a + (o - 1)) == list2.cyclicAt((1 - o) * M + m * b + (o - 1))) {
a += 1
b += 1
c.cyclicSet(k % Z, a)
val z = -(k - w)
if (L % 2 == o && z >= -(h - o) && z <= h - o && c.cyclicAt(k % Z) + d.cyclicAt(z % Z) >= N) {
val (D, x, y, u, v) = if (o == 1)
Tuple5(2 * h - 1, s, t, a, b)
Tuple5(2 * h, N - a, M - b, N - s, M - t)
return when {
D > 1 || x != u && y != v -> diff(
list1.subList(0, x),
list2.subList(0, y), i, j) +
list1.subList(u, N),
list2.subList(v, M), i + u, j + v)
M > N -> diff(mutableListOf(), list2.subList(N, M), i + N, j + N)
M < N -> diff(list1.subList(M, N), mutableListOf(), i + M, j + M)
else -> emptyList()
N > 0 -> return (0..N).map { n ->
DiffOp.Delete(i + n)
else -> return (0..M).map { n ->
DiffOp.Insert(i, j + n)
return emptyList()
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