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Last active April 2, 2024 20:00
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import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
timestamps = []
xs = []
ys = []
sample_rate = 4 # 10ms
x_begin = x_end = 0x285
# y_begin = 0x900
# y_end = 0x60
y_begin = 0x1C9
y_end = y_begin + (0x900 - 0x60)
flag = 2
ts = 0
total_ts = int(400 / sample_rate) + 1
amplitude = 50 # adjust this to change the "width" of the snake movement
n = 0 # number of last values that should be the same
ss_begin = 2 # initial skip step
m = 30 # last m percent where ss decreases to 0
skip_counter = 0 # counter for skip step
for ts in range(0, total_ts): # 300ms
if ts >= total_ts - n:
y = y_end
# Calculate y as a cubic easing out function of ts, then scale and shift it to the range [y_begin, y_end]
t = ts / (total_ts - n) # normalize t to the range [0, 1]
y = int((y_end - y_begin) * ((t - 1) ** 3 + 1) + y_begin)
# Calculate x as a cosine function of ts, then scale and shift it to the range [x_begin - amplitude, x_begin + amplitude]
x = int(x_begin + amplitude * (math.cos(2 * math.pi * ts / total_ts) - 1))
if ts == 0:
flag = 0
elif ts == total_ts - 1:
flag = 1
flag = 2
# Calculate ss as a linear interpolation from ss_begin to 0 over the last m percent of total_ts
if ts >= total_ts * (1 - m / 100):
ss = int(
ss_begin * (1 - (ts - total_ts * (1 - m / 100)) / (total_ts * m / 100))
ss = ss_begin
# Ensure ss is never zero
if ss == 0:
ss = 1
# Only print and append data if skip_counter is 0
if skip_counter == 0:
f"{hex(ts*sample_rate)[2:].upper()} {flag} 1 0 {hex(x)[2:].upper()} {hex(y)[2:].upper()}"
timestamps.append(ts * sample_rate)
# Increment skip_counter and reset it to 0 if it reaches ss
skip_counter = (skip_counter + 1) % ss
# Plot the data
plt.plot(timestamps, xs, label="X values")
plt.plot(timestamps, ys, label="Y values")
plt.title("Generated Data")
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