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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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  • Save happyrainb/e0f546390436a1c26ac2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save happyrainb/e0f546390436a1c26ac2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Add license links to Summon 2.0 user interface using "Source"
* Script to customize Summon UI ver 2 made by Wittawat Meesangnil
* Hi SerSol, this seems safe enough, if you think this script breaks anything - let us know.
* Many thanks to @daveyp, @mreidsma, and @godmarback
//fixing OCT 15 2014 - Summon now load stuffs from CDN with LAB.js, everything is async, non-blocking
//think of this as a wake up call, and learn how to "hacking Summon - the elegant way"
//our custom translation here - they've finally fixed it
__translations["Chat with a Librarian"] = "Ask a Librarian";
//part of the chat hack, make it say we're online even when the main queue is not
__translations["Chat is offline"] = "Ask Us 24/7";
var APIArticle = {};
APIArticle.queensUrl= 'http://'+APIArticle.key+'';
APIArticle.baseUrl = 'http://'+APIArticle.key+'';
APIArticle.resultContainer = 'body';
APIArticle.initialized = false;
APIArticle.init = function(options){
APIArticle.issn = options.issn;
APIArticle.volumn = options.volumn;
APIArticle.title = options.title;
APIArticle.doi = options.doi;
APIArticle.initialized = true;
APIArticle.makeRequest = function(){
return null;
var fields = {
'version': '1.0',
'issn': APIArticle.issn,
'volumn': APIArticle.volumn,
'doi': APIArticle.doi
return $.get( APIArticle.baseUrl, fields, APIArticle.processXML, "xml" );
APIArticle.processXML = function(xml){
var results = {};
xml.find('linkGroup').each(function(group_index, dataGroup){
var item = APIArticle.extractResult(dataGroup);
} else {
// no results found display appropriate message
var message = 'Title <b>'+APIArticle.title+'</b> is not available please use ILL form below';
APIArticle.extractResult = function(dataGroup){
var article_url = '';
var url_elements = dataGroup.find('url');
var item = {
url_elements.each(function(url_index, element){
if(element.attr('type') == 'article'){
item.article_url = element.text();
if(element.attr('type') == 'journal'){
item.journal_url = element.text();
var holdingData = dataGroup.find('holdingData').first();
item.databaseName = holdingData.find('databaseName').first().text();
var startDate = holdingData.find('startDate').first().text();
var endDate = '';
if(holdingData.find('endDate').size() > 0){
item.dateAvailable = startDate + " " + endDate;
item.databaseId = holdingData.find('databaseId').first().text();
url_elements.each(function(item, nodedata){
var url_type = nodedata.attr('type');
if(url_type == 'source'){
item.source = '&U=' + nodedata.text();
if(url_type == 'journal'){
item.journal = nodedata.text();
return item;
APIArticle.appendResult = function(item){
var popup = '<div class="preview " id="177255960" style="display: block;">'+item.databaseName+'</div>';
$(document).ready(function() {
if (window.location.hostname.indexOf('') != -1) { //edit the address here
console.log('it\'s 2.0 Live Site');
//get Angular $Scope
//myscope = angular.element('[ng-app=summonApp]').scope();
//new get Angular $Scope - since it's loading async, have to delay everything a sec
setTimeout(function() {
myscope = angular.element('html').scope();
}, 1000);
//watch for route change and do something
function watchRouteChange( ) {
myscope.$on('$routeChangeSuccess', function(current) {
//console.log("routeChangeSuccess current route: %o", current);
//TODO: need to learn how to get a route name, ok?
// if its a detail page for citation only, remove any previous hack
if (window.location.hash.substring(1).indexOf('FETCHMERGED-LOGICAL') != -1) {
//if its catalog details page - add all the hacks
if (window.location.hash.substring(1).indexOf('FETCHMERGED-fairfield_catalog') != -1) {
//if (myscope.docDetail.visible) {
console.log("catalog details page open");
millBibMatch = window.location.hash.match(/fairfield_catalog_b(\d{7})/);
console.log("Mill bib num is " + millBibMatch[1]);
dnlItemLoc = $('strong:contains("Library Location")').next().html();
//remove any previously added click here to view button
if($('#dnlClickHere').size() > 0){
if (dnlItemLoc && dnlItemLoc.indexOf("Online") !== -1) {
console.log("this item is e-resourece");
//add click here to view button
$('div.documentActionsContainer div.documentActions').prepend('<a id="dnlClickHere" class="primary btn ng-binding" href="' + millBibMatch[1] + '" target="_blank" style="display: block;">Click Here to View</a>');
//console.log($('strong:contains("Library Location")').next().html());
//remove previously added custom 856
if($('#dnlCustom856').size() > 0){
//remove previously added request it button
if($('#dnlMillRequest').size() > 0){
//get 856 links from WebPac - this is JSONP
'' + millBibMatch[1] +'&callback=?',
var Status = data.status;
var BibInfo = data.bibinfo;
var requestAble = data.requestable;
if(Status && Status == "hasLink") {
$('div.fixed.fullDialog.detailPage div.detailSummary div.summary').append('<div id="dnlCustom856"><ul>' + BibInfo + '</ul></div>');
//add request it button
if(requestAble) {
//console.log("this item is requestable: " + data.requestable);
$('div.documentActionsContainer div.documentActions').prepend('<a id="dnlMillRequest" class="primary btn ng-binding" href="' + millBibMatch[1] + '" target="_blank" style="display: block;">Request It!</a>');
} catch(err){
var dnlBookEbookCount;
//watch feed change, add license links
function watchFeedChange( ) {
myscope.$watchCollection('feed', function(){
//delay 1 sec. to wait for DOM to actually finish loading
setTimeout(function (){
$("a.availabilityLink").mouseover(function(e) {
var issn = myscope.preview.doc.issns;
var eissn = myscope.preview.doc.eissns;
var doi = myscope.preview.doc.dois;
var resulting_issn = issn;
if(resulting_issn == undefined){
resulting_issn = eissn;
var options = {
'issn' : resulting_issn,
'doi' : doi,
'volumn': '',
'title': ''
//for each content type display, do these
$(" span[bo-bind='doc.content_type | translate']").each(function(){
//if it's journal article AND hasn't been processed by our custom script
if($(this).text().indexOf('Journal Article') != -1 && $(this).not('.processed').size() > 0 ) {
//add a class called processed so we can keep track, then add a custom link
$(this).addClass('processed').parent().append('<br/><span class="icon sprite-s format-sprite format--generic_16px format-journal_article_16px"></span> Source: <a class="mycustomlink" href="#" target="_blank"> [License Information]</a>');
function getContainerValue(){
if(myscope.preview.doc.databases.length > 0){
return myscope.preview.doc.databases[0].name;
} else {
return myscope.preview.doc.publisher;
function buildUrl(source_name){
return "http://baseURL/licenselink.php?provider="+source_name;
if( $(this).parent().children('div.license_popup').length ){
} else {
if(myscope.preview.doc.databases && myscope.preview.doc.databases.length > 0){
var new_node = '<div class="license_popup">';
for (var i = 0; i < myscope.preview.doc.databases.length; i++) {
new_node += '<span class="icon sprite-s format-sprite format--generic_16px format-journal_article_16px"></span>';
new_node += '<a class="mycustomlink2" href="' + buildUrl(myscope.preview.doc.databases[i].name) + '" target="_blank"> ['+ myscope.preview.doc.databases[i].name +']</a>';
new_node += '<br />';
new_node += '</div>';
} else {
window.location.href = "";
return false;
} //watch feed chage()
function miscHack() {
//add links and css
$('.siteLinks .help').parent().parent().before('<div id="webpaclink" class="ng-scope" dynamic-link="" ng-repeat="link in links.links" no-ellipsis="true" link-class="" is-internal="true" link="" click="" text="Library Account" ng-switch="isInternal"><a href="" class="ng-scope ng-binding" ellipsis="" ng-switch-when="true" ng-class="linkClass" ng-click="click()" ng-bind-html-unsafe="text">Classic Catalog</a></div>');
$('head').append('<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" />');
//a horrible libraryh3lp chat hack. We're ACJU vir ref member, so basically we have 2 queues
$('').on('click', function() {
console.log("chat button clicked");
if(! {
console.log("DNL ref offline - switch to AJCU");
//Track what type of content user actually click on (with GA)
//main col
$('div.inner').on('click','a[ng-class="linkClass"] , a.availabilityLink', function() {
var myContentType = $(this).closest('div.summary').find('div.contentType').text();
//console.log('Main Col: Clicked on ' + myContentType);
_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'dnlCustomClick', 'clickOnMainResult', 'contentType:' + myContentType]);
//preview pane - can't think of less stupid way to do this
var contentTypeOfLastHoveredOn;
$('div.inner').on('mouseenter','div.documentSummary', function() {
contentTypeOfLastHoveredOn = $(this).find('div.contentType').text();
//console.log('contentTypeOfLastHoveredOn ' + contentTypeOfLastHoveredOn);
$('div#previewMenu').on('click','a[ng-class="linkClass"] , div.previewOptions a.btn:first', function() {
//console.log('preview pane link or read onlnie btn clicked. contentype is ' + contentTypeOfLastHoveredOn);
_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'dnlCustomClick', 'clickOnPreview', 'contentType:' + contentTypeOfLastHoveredOn]);
//saved item dialog
$('div.savedItemsDialog').on('click','a[ng-class="linkClass"] , a.availabilityLink', function() {
var myContentType = $(this).closest('div.summary').find('div.contentType').text();
//console.log('Saved Item: Clicked on ' + myContentType);
_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'dnlCustomClick', 'clickOnSavedItem', 'contentType:' + myContentType]);
} //miscHack()
} else if (window.location.hostname.indexOf('') != -1) {
console.log("Preview Site");
} //end if preview site
}); //end doc ready
function dnlSearchPrintBookOnly() {
var dnlQuery = $('input[name=q]').val();
var dnlUrl = $(location).attr('href');
//"toggle" the "print book only" facet
if (dnlUrl.indexOf('Library,Reference%20Online,t%7CLibrary,Online,t') != -1) {
var dnlPrintBookOnlyHash = "!/search?ho=t&fvf=SourceType,Library%20Catalog,f%7CContentType,Book%20%2F%20eBook,f&l=en&q=" + dnlQuery;
//var dnlPrintBookOnlyHash = "!/search?ho=t&fvf=f%7CContentType,Book%20%2F%20eBook,f&l=en&q=" + dnlQuery;
} else {
var dnlPrintBookOnlyHash = "!/search?ho=t&fvf=Library,Reference%20Online,t%7CLibrary,Online,t%7CSourceType,Library%20Catalog,f%7CContentType,Book%20%2F%20eBook,f&l=en&q=" + dnlQuery;
window.location.hash = dnlPrintBookOnlyHash;
//preview site
if (window.location.hostname.indexOf('') != -1) {
console.log('this still gets called back before DOM is actually populated');
console.log('welp! it\'s still there isn\'t it');
} //if preview site
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