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Last active August 4, 2020 20:44
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HAProxy 2.0 and Beyond
log stdout local0
log fd@1 local0
log stdout format raw local0
frontend fe_main
mode http
bind *:80
bind *:443 ssl crt /etc/haproxy/certs/ alpn h2,http/1.1
http-request redirect scheme https unless { ssl_fc }
default_backend be_main
backend be_main
mode http
server server1 ssl verify none alpn h2
frontend fe_main
bind :443 ssl crt /path/to/cert.pem alpn h2
default_backend be_servers
backend be_main
default-server ssl verify none alpn h2 check maxconn 50
server grpc1
frontend fe_main
bind :3001 ssl crt /path/to/cert.pem alpn h2
acl is_otherservice_path path /AnotherService/SomeFunction
use_backend be_otherservers if is_otherservice_path
default_backend be_main
frontend fe_main
bind :443 tfo ssl crt /etc/haproxy/certs/ alpn h2,http/1.1
default_backend be_main
backend be_main
default-server ssl verify none alpn h2 check maxconn 50
retry-on all-retryable-errors
http-request disable-l7-retry if METH_POST
server server1
server server2
program <name>
command </path/to/executable> [args]
program dataplane-api
command /usr/sbin/dataplaneapi --host --port 5555 --haproxy-bin /usr/sbin/haproxy --config-file /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg --reload-cmd "systemctl reload haproxy" --reload-delay 5 --userlist api
$ echo "show proc" | socat /var/run/haproxy.master.sock -
#<PID> <type> <relative PID> <reloads> <uptime>
6393 master 0 0 10d 03h02m01s
# workers
6396 worker 1 0 10d 03h02m01s
# programs
6394 dataplane-api - 0 10d 03h02m01s
6395 spoa-mirror - 0 10d 03h02m01s
program spoa-mirror
command /usr/sbin/spoa-mirror -r0 -u"http://staging.local/"
frontend fe_main
bind :80
filter spoe engine traffic-mirror config mirror.cfg
default_backend be_main
backend be_main
server server1
backend spoe-traffic-mirror
mode tcp
balance roundrobin
timeout connect 5s
timeout server 1m
server spoa1
spoe-agent spoe-traffic-mirror
log global
messages mirror
option set-on-error err
option set-process-time ptime
option set-total-time ttime
option var-prefix spoe
timeout hello 500ms
timeout idle 10s
timeout processing 100ms
use-backend spoe-traffic-mirror
spoe-message mirror
args arg_method=method arg_path=url arg_ver=req.ver arg_hdrs=req.hdrs_bin arg_body=req.body
# 10% chance to mirror traffic
event on-frontend-http-request if { rand(100) le 10 }
$ make TARGET=linux2628 EXTRA_OBJS="contrib/prometheus-exporter/service-prometheus.o"
frontend stats
bind *:8404
# Enable Prometheus Exporter
http-request use-service prometheus-exporter if { path /metrics }
stats enable
stats uri /stats
stats refresh 10s
peers mypeers
bind :10001 ssl crt mycerts/pem
default-server ssl verify none
server haproxy2
server haproxy1 #local peer
table src_tracking type string size 10m store http_req_rate(10s),http_req_cnt
frontend fe_main
http-request track-sc0 src table mypeers/src_tracking
$ echo "show peers" | socat /var/run/haproxy.sock -
0xc04aa0: [13/May/2019:02:26:04] id=mypeers state=0 flags=0x3 resync_timeout=<PAST> task_calls=30
0xc068a0: id=haproxy2(remote) addr= status=CONN reconnect=3s confirm=0 flags=0x0
0xc06780: id=haproxy1(local) addr= status=NONE reconnect=<NEVER> confirm=0 flags=0x0
backend be_main
balance random(2)
default-server ssl verify none alpn h2 check maxconn 50
server server1 tfo
server server2 tfo
server server3 tfo
server server4 tfo
server server5 tfo
log stderr local0
log sample 1:10 local0
log sample 2-3,8-11:11 local0
May 13 11:37:40 localhost haproxy[16129]: [13/May/2019:11:37:40.518] fe_main be_main/server2 0/0/0/0/0 200 191 - - ---- 1/1/0/0/0 0/0 "GET /?i=10 HTTP/1.1"
May 13 11:37:40 localhost haproxy[16129]: [13/May/2019:11:37:40.611] fe_main be_main/server2 0/0/0/1/1 200 191 - - ---- 1/1/0/0/0 0/0 "GET /?i=20 HTTP/1.1"
May 13 11:37:40 localhost haproxy[16129]: [13/May/2019:11:37:40.724] fe_main be_main/server2 0/0/0/0/0 200 191 - - ---- 1/1/0/0/0 0/0 "GET /?i=30 HTTP/1.1"
May 13 11:37:40 localhost haproxy[16129]: [13/May/2019:11:37:40.831] fe_main be_main/server2 0/0/0/0/0 200 191 - - ---- 1/1/0/0/0 0/0 "GET /?i=40 HTTP/1.1"
May 13 11:37:40 localhost haproxy[16129]: [13/May/2019:11:37:40.959] fe_main be_main/server2 0/0/0/1/1 200 191 - - ---- 1/1/0/0/0 0/0 "GET /?i=50 HTTP/1.1"
May 13 15:13:06 localhost haproxy[27579]: [13/May/2019:15:13:06.134] fe_main be_main/server1 0/0/0/0/0 200 2077 - - ---- 1/1/0/0/0 0/0 "GET /?id=2 HTTP/1.1"
May 13 15:13:06 localhost haproxy[27579]: [13/May/2019:15:13:06.145] fe_main be_main/server2 0/0/0/1/1 200 191 - - ---- 1/1/0/0/0 0/0 "GET /?id=3 HTTP/1.1"
May 13 15:13:06 localhost haproxy[27579]: [13/May/2019:15:13:06.201] fe_main be_main/server1 0/0/0/1/1 200 2077 - - ---- 1/1/0/0/0 0/0 "GET /?id=8 HTTP/1.1"
May 13 15:13:06 localhost haproxy[27579]: [13/May/2019:15:13:06.212] fe_main be_main/server2 0/0/0/2/2 200 191 - - ---- 1/1/0/0/0 0/0 "GET /?id=9 HTTP/1.1"
May 13 15:13:06 localhost haproxy[27579]: [13/May/2019:15:13:06.222] fe_main be_main/server1 0/0/0/1/1 200 2077 - - ---- 1/1/0/0/0 0/0 "GET /?id=10 HTTP/1.1"
May 13 15:13:06 localhost haproxy[27579]: [13/May/2019:15:13:06.232] fe_main be_main/server2 0/0/0/2/2 200 192 - - ---- 1/1/0/0/0 0/0 "GET /?id=11 HTTP/1.1"
$ echo "show activity" | socat /var/run/haproxy.sock -
thread_id: 1 (1..4)
date_now: 1557729853.190497
loops: 4306 1405 4235 1601
wake_cache: 1756 134 1724 215
wake_tasks: 638 113 618 191
wake_signal: 0 0 0 0
poll_exp: 2394 247 2342 406
poll_drop: 588 49 578 91
poll_dead: 0 0 0 0
poll_skip: 0 0 0 0
fd_skip: 0 0 0 0
fd_lock: 4 1 1 3
fd_del: 0 0 0 0
conn_dead: 0 0 0 0
stream: 108 116 85 199
empty_rq: 2224 84 2201 113
long_rq: 0 0 0 0
ctxsw: 1470 400 1376 686
tasksw: 1400 342 1333 586
cpust_ms_tot: 0 0 0 0
cpust_ms_1s: 0 0 0 0
cpust_ms_15s: 0 0 0 0
avg_loop_us: 36 17 44 24
accepted: 4 13 9 8
accq_pushed: 10 8 8 8
accq_full: 0 0 0 0
accq_ring: 0 0 0 0
$ echo "show profiling" |socat /var/run/haproxy.sock -
Per-task CPU profiling : auto # set profiling tasks {on|auto|off}
log-format "%ci:%cp [%tr] %ft %b/%s %TR/%Tw/%Tc/%Tr/%Ta %ST %B %CC %CS %tsc %ac/%fc/%bc/%sc/%rc %sq/%bq %hr %hs {cpu_calls:%[cpu_calls]|cpu_ns_tot:%[cpu_ns_tot]| cpu_ns_avg:%[cpu_ns_avg]|lat_ns_tot:%[lat_ns_tot]|lat_ns_avg:%[lat_ns_avg]} %{+Q}r"
log-format "%ci:%cp [%t] %ft %b/%s %Tw/%Tc/%Tt %B %ts %ac/%fc/%bc/%sc/%rc %sq/%bq {cpu_calls:%[cpu_calls]|cpu_ns_tot:%[cpu_ns_tot]| cpu_ns_avg:%[cpu_ns_avg]|lat_ns_tot:%[lat_ns_tot]|lat_ns_avg:%[lat_ns_avg]}"
frontend fe_main
bind :443 tfo ssl crt /etc/haproxy/certs/ alpn h2,http/1.1
default_backend be_main
backend be_main
default-server ssl verify none alpn h2 check maxconn 20
retry-on all-retryable-errors
http-request disable-l7-retry if METH_POST
server server1 tfo
server server2 tfo
frontend fe_main
bind :80
http-request do-resolve(txn.dstip,mydns) hdr(Host),lower
http-request capture var(txn.dstip) len 40
# return 503 when the variable is not set,
# which mean DNS resolution error
use_backend be_503 unless { var(txn.dstip) -m found }
default_backend be_main
backend be_503
# dummy backend used to return 503.
# You can use the 'errorfile' directive to send a nice
# 503 error page to end users.
errorfile 503 /etc/haproxy/errorfiles/503sorry.http
backend be_main
# rule to prevent HAProxy from reconnecting to services
# on the local network (forged DNS name used to scan the network)
http-request deny if { var(txn.dstip) -m ip }
http-request set-dst var(txn.dstip)
server clear
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