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Created June 4, 2014 17:03
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ヾ(o゚ω゚o)ノ゙INSERT文をExcelデータから出力するマン! ref:
Dim hogehoge As String
INSERT INTO tbl_name (date, point)
('2014-05-02', 1.7),
('2014-05-03', 2.2),
('2014-05-04', 3.4),
('2014-05-05', 0.4);
Option Explicit
Sub INSERT文を生成_Click()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ActiveSheet
Dim sql As String
sql = ""
Dim head As String
head = "INSERT INTO " & ws.Name & vbLf
Dim cols As String
cols = ""
Dim values As String
values = ""
Dim target As Range
Set target = ws.UsedRange
Dim currentCell As Range
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To target.Rows.Count
If (i <> 1) Then
cols = cols & ", "
End If
Set currentCell = ws.Cells(i, 1)
cols = cols & currentCell.Value
cols = "(" & cols & ")"
Dim j As Integer
Dim strtmp As String
For j = 2 To target.Columns.Count
If Columns(j).Hidden Then GoTo Next_ColumnLoop
If (j = 2) Then
values = values & "("
ElseIf (j >= 2) Then
values = values & "," & vbLf & "("
End If
For i = 1 To target.Rows.Count
If (i <> 1) Then
values = values & ", "
End If
Set currentCell = ws.Cells(i, j)
If (IsNull(currentCell) Or currentCell.Value = "" Or Trim(currentCell.Value) = "null") Then
values = values & "null"
ElseIf IsNumeric(currentCell.Value) Then
values = values & currentCell.Value
ElseIf Left(currentCell.Value, 8) = "(SELECT " Then
values = values & currentCell.Value
strtmp = Replace(currentCell.Value, "'", "''")
strtmp = Replace(strtmp, vbLf, "' || CHR(13) || CHR(10) ||'")
values = values & "'" & strtmp & "'"
End If
values = values + ")"
sql = head & cols & vbLf & "VALUES" & vbLf & values & ";"
Dim cb As New DataObject
With cb
.SetText sql
End With
MsgBox ("クリップボードにコピーしました")
End Sub
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