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Created February 21, 2012 18:59
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Quick and dirty conversion from PCRE to Elisp regexps
;; pcre2el.el -- quick and dirty conversion from PCRE-style regexps to
;; Emacs Lisp syntax.
;; Author: j.j.oddie at
;; Hacked additiionally by: opensource at hardakers dot net
;; This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
;; by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your
;; option) any later version.
;; History:
;; This was created out of an answer to a stackoverflow question:
;; Documentation:
;; - Using the conversion function:
;; Use the following function to perform a conversion:
;; (pcre-to-elisp "(abc|def)\\w+\\d+")
;; Produces:
;; "\(abc\|def\)\w+[0-9]+"
;; - Interactive replacements:
;; You may want to perform the following key bindings if you
;; prefer PCRE generally over the elisp counterparts:
;; (global-set-key [(meta %)] 'pcre-query-replace-regexp)
(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
(defvar pcre-horizontal-whitespace-chars
(mapconcat 'char-to-string
'(#x0009 #x0020 #x00A0 #x1680 #x180E #x2000 #x2001 #x2002 #x2003
#x2004 #x2005 #x2006 #x2007 #x2008 #x2009 #x200A #x202F
#x205F #x3000)
(defvar pcre-vertical-whitespace-chars
(mapconcat 'char-to-string
'(#x000A #x000B #x000C #x000D #x0085 #x2028 #x2029) ""))
(defvar pcre-whitespace-chars
(mapconcat 'char-to-string '(9 10 12 13 32) ""))
(defvar pcre-horizontal-whitespace
(concat "[" pcre-horizontal-whitespace-chars "]"))
(defvar pcre-non-horizontal-whitespace
(concat "[^" pcre-horizontal-whitespace-chars "]"))
(defvar pcre-vertical-whitespace
(concat "[" pcre-vertical-whitespace-chars "]"))
(defvar pcre-non-vertical-whitespace
(concat "[^" pcre-vertical-whitespace-chars "]"))
(defvar pcre-whitespace (concat "[" pcre-whitespace-chars "]"))
(defvar pcre-non-whitespace (concat "[^" pcre-whitespace-chars "]"))
(defmacro pcre-token-case (&rest cases)
"Consume a token at point and evaluate corresponding forms.
CASES is a list of `cond'-like clauses, (REGEXP FORMS
...). Considering CASES in order, if the text at point matches
REGEXP then moves point over the matched string and returns the
value of FORMS. Returns `nil' if none of the CASES matches."
(declare (debug (&rest (sexp &rest form))))
(lambda (case)
(let ((token (car case))
(action (cdr case)))
`((looking-at ,token)
(goto-char (match-end 0))
(t nil))))
(defun pcre-query-replace-regexp (REGEXP TO-STRING &optional DELIMITED START END)
"Use a PCRE regexp to search and replace with.
This calls query-replace-regexp after converting the PCRE input to
an elisp version of the search regexp"
;; the following interactive code was taken from replace.el from emacs
(let ((common
(concat "Query replace"
(if current-prefix-arg " word" "")
" regexp"
(if (and transient-mark-mode mark-active) " in region" ""))
(list (nth 0 common) (nth 1 common) (nth 2 common)
;; These are done separately here
;; so that command-history will record these expressions
;; rather than the values they had this time.
(if (and transient-mark-mode mark-active)
(if (and transient-mark-mode mark-active)
(query-replace-regexp (pcre-to-elisp REGEXP) TO-STRING DELIMITED START END))
(defun pcre-to-elisp (pcre)
"Convert PCRE, a regexp in PCRE notation, into Elisp string form."
(insert pcre)
(goto-char (point-min))
(let ((capture-count 0) (accum '())
(case-fold-search nil))
(while (not (eobp))
(let ((translated
;; Handle tokens that are treated the same in
;; character classes
;; Other tokens
("|" "\\|")
("(" (incf capture-count) "\\(")
(")" "\\)")
("{" "\\{")
("}" "\\}")
;; Character class
("\\[" (pcre-char-class-to-elisp))
;; Backslash + digits => backreference or octal char?
(let* ((digits (match-string 1))
(dec (string-to-number digits)))
;; from "man pcrepattern": If the number is
;; less than 10, or if there have been at
;; least that many previous capturing left
;; parentheses in the expression, the entire
;; sequence is taken as a back reference.
(cond ((< dec 10) (concat "\\" digits))
((>= capture-count dec)
(error "backreference \\%s can't be used in Emacs regexps"
;; from "man pcrepattern": if the
;; decimal number is greater than 9 and
;; there have not been that many
;; capturing subpatterns, PCRE re-reads
;; up to three octal digits following
;; the backslash, and uses them to
;; generate a data character. Any
;; subsequent digits stand for
;; themselves.
(goto-char (match-beginning 1))
(re-search-forward "[0-7]\\{0,3\\}")
(char-to-string (string-to-number (match-string 0) 8))))))
;; Regexp quoting.
(let ((beginning (point)))
(search-forward "\\E")
(regexp-quote (buffer-substring beginning (match-beginning 0)))))
;; Various character classes
("\\\\d" "[0-9]")
("\\\\D" "[^0-9]")
("\\\\h" pcre-horizontal-whitespace)
("\\\\H" pcre-non-horizontal-whitespace)
("\\\\s" pcre-whitespace)
("\\\\S" pcre-non-whitespace)
("\\\\v" pcre-vertical-whitespace)
("\\\\V" pcre-non-vertical-whitespace)
;; Use Emacs' native notion of word characters
("\\\\[Ww]" (match-string 0))
;; Any other escaped character
("\\\\\\(.\\)" (regexp-quote (match-string 1)))
;; Any normal character
("." (match-string 0))))))
(push translated accum)))
(apply 'concat (reverse accum)))))
(defun pcre-re-or-class-token-to-elisp ()
"Consume the PCRE token at point and return its Elisp equivalent.
Handles only tokens which have the same meaning in character
classes as outside them."
("\\\\a" (char-to-string #x07)) ; bell
("\\\\c\\(.\\)" ; control character
(- (string-to-char (upcase (match-string 1))) 64)))
("\\\\e" (char-to-string #x1b)) ; escape
("\\\\f" (char-to-string #x0c)) ; formfeed
("\\\\n" (char-to-string #x0a)) ; linefeed
("\\\\r" (char-to-string #x0d)) ; carriage return
("\\\\t" (char-to-string #x09)) ; tab
(char-to-string (string-to-number (match-string 1) 16)))
(char-to-string (string-to-number (match-string 1) 16)))))
(defun pcre-char-class-to-elisp ()
"Consume the remaining PCRE character class at point and return its Elisp equivalent.
Point should be after the opening \"[\" when this is called, and
will be just after the closing \"]\" when it returns."
(let ((accum '("["))
(alternatives '())
(negated nil))
(when (looking-at "\\^")
(setq negated t)
(push "^" accum)
(when (looking-at "\\]") (push "]" accum) (forward-char))
(while (not (looking-at "\\]"))
(let ((translated
;; Backslash + digits => always an octal char
(char-to-string (string-to-number (match-string 1) 8)))
;; Various character classes. To implement negative char classes,
;; we cons them onto the list `alternatives' and
;; transform the char class into a shy group with alternation
("\\\\d" "0-9")
("\\\\D" (push (if negated "[0-9]" "[^0-9]")
alternatives) "")
("\\\\h" pcre-horizontal-whitespace-chars)
("\\\\H" (push (if negated
alternatives) "")
("\\\\s" pcre-whitespace-chars)
("\\\\S" (push (if negated
alternatives) "")
("\\\\v" pcre-vertical-whitespace-chars)
("\\\\V" (push (if negated
alternatives) "")
("\\\\w" (push (if negated "\\W" "\\w")
alternatives) "")
("\\\\W" (push (if negated "\\w" "\\W")
alternatives) "")
;; Leave POSIX syntax unchanged
("\\[:[a-z]*:\\]" (match-string 0))
;; Ignore other escapes
("\\\\\\(.\\)" (match-string 0))
;; Copy everything else
("." (match-string 0))))))
(push translated accum)))
(push "]" accum)
(let ((class
(apply 'concat (reverse accum))))
(when (or (equal class "[]")
(equal class "[^]"))
(setq class ""))
(if (not alternatives)
(concat "\\(?:"
class "\\|"
(mapconcat 'identity
;;;; A few simple tests
;; Regexp quoting
(let* ((string "String $ with (( ) regexp \\ special [a-z] characters")
(re (pcre-to-elisp (concat "(\\Q" string "\\E)"))))
(assert (string-match re string))
(assert (equal (match-string 1 string) string))
(assert (equal (match-string 0 string) string)))
;; Grouping, alternation
(let ((re (pcre-to-elisp "(foo|bar)")))
(assert (string-match-p re "foo"))
(assert (string-match-p re "bar")))
;; Grouping and character classes
(let ((re (pcre-to-elisp "(\\D*):\\s*(\\d{3,5})$"))
(string "Answer: 3501"))
(assert (string-match re string))
(assert (equal (match-string 1 string) "Answer"))
(assert (equal (match-string 2 string) "3501"))
(assert (not (string-match re "bad: 23")))
(assert (not (string-match re "also bad: 944732"))))
;;;; Weird rules for \digits
;; \040 is another way of writing a space
(assert (string-match-p (pcre-to-elisp "\040") " "))
;; \40 is the same, provided there are fewer than 40 previous capturing subpatterns
(assert (string-match-p (pcre-to-elisp "\40") " "))
;; \7 is always a back reference
(let ((re
(assert (string-match-p re "abcdefg g"))
(assert (not (string-match-p re "abcdefg\th"))))
;;\11 might be a back reference, or another way of writing a tab
(string-match-p (pcre-to-elisp "\\11") "\t"))
;; Backreferences greater than 9 don't work in Emacs regexps
(condition-case nil
(progn (pcre-to-elisp "(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)\\11") nil)
(error t)))
;; \011 is always a tab
(pcre-to-elisp "\\011") "\t"))
;; \0113 is a tab followed by the character "3"
(pcre-to-elisp "\\0113") "\t3"))
;; \113 might be a back reference, otherwise the character with octal
;; code 113
(pcre-to-elisp "\\113")
(char-to-string #o113)))
;; \377 might be a back reference, otherwise the byte consisting
;; entirely of 1 bits
(pcre-to-elisp "\\377")
(char-to-string 255)))
;; \81 is either a back reference, or a binary zero followed by the
;; two characters "8" and "1"
(pcre-to-elisp "\\81")
(concat (char-to-string 0) "81")))
;; Character classes with special characters
(let ((re (pcre-to-elisp "^[\\d\\w]*$")))
(assert (string-match-p re "012foo"))
(assert (not (string-match-p re "numbers 847 and 23 words"))))
(let ((case-fold-search t))
(pcre-to-elisp "^[\\dA-Z]*$")
;; Negated specials in character classes
(let ((re (pcre-to-elisp "^[^\\d]*$")))
(string-match-p re "words without numbers"))
(not (string-match-p re "words 2 and 4 numbers 8"))))
;; Hexadecimal and octal escapes
(string-match-p (pcre-to-elisp "\\xab") (char-to-string #xab))
(string-match-p (pcre-to-elisp "[\\xab]") (char-to-string #xab))
(string-match-p (pcre-to-elisp "\\x{237}") (char-to-string #x237))
(string-match-p (pcre-to-elisp "[\\x{237}]") (char-to-string #x237))
(string-match-p (pcre-to-elisp "[\\177]") (char-to-string #o177))
(string-match-p (pcre-to-elisp "[\\7]") (char-to-string 7)))
;; Control characters
(string-match-p (pcre-to-elisp "\\cx") (kbd "C-x"))
(string-match-p (pcre-to-elisp "\\cC\\cn") (kbd "C-c C-n")))
;; Double negation in character classes (perverse)
(string-match-p (pcre-to-elisp "^[^\\W]*$") "foo"))
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