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Last active August 12, 2018 06:37
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• Couldn't match type ‘Circle’ with ‘Line’
Expected type: Tree Line
Actual type: Tree Circle
• In the expression: Node (Circle (20, 30) 50) []
In the second argument of ‘Node’, namely
‘[Node (Circle (20, 30) 50) []]’
In the expression:
Node (Line (100, 100) (30, 60)) [Node (Circle (20, 30) 50) []]
11 | sampleTree = Node (Line (100,100) (30,60)) [Node (Circle (20,30) 50) []]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
class SvgNode a where
toSVG :: a -> String
element :: a -> String
instance SvgNode Circle where
toSVG (Circle (x,y) radius) = "<circle cx='" ++ show x ++ "' cy='" ++ show y ++ "' r='" ++ show radius ++ "' stroke='red' fill='transparent' stroke-width='5'>"
element _ = "circle"
instance SvgNode Rectangle where
toSVG (Rectangle (x,y) width height) = "<rect x='" ++ show x ++ "' y='" ++ show y ++ "' width='" ++ show width ++ "' height='" ++ show height ++ "' stroke='black' fill='transparent' stroke-width='5'>"
element _ = "rectangle"
-- this is where I get the issue. I want to create a tree of SVGNode with both Line & Circle
sampleTree :: forall a. SvgNode a => Tree a
sampleTree = Node (Line (100,100) (30,60)) [Node (Circle (20,30) 50) []]
data Tree a = Empty | Node a [Tree a]
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