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Created September 19, 2017 19:25
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# is an example of a local bootstrap shell povisioner for Vagrant-DSpace. If you copy this file to, and modify it to match your needs, it will be run whenever you run vagrant-up.
# is a hacky little solution to customizing your own DSpace clone from github. You can use it to do such things as set an upstream remote, configure fetching of pull requests from upstream, and much more
# it is also a handy stop-gap measure for providing needed functionality for Vagrant-DSpace (such as AIP auto-loading) without having to do a lot of puppet scripting. This works.
# WORD of WARNING: don't forget this script will run as root, so be careful about files you create. Git config lines will need to be run either as the vagrant user.
# function for calling apt-get
function aptget {
# to prevent encoding problem
sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y \
-o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" \
-o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" \
# You may have configured a different admin eperson in local.yaml, if so, you should use that admin user for the WHO variable below:
# add extra packages here
aptget install ack-grep
aptget install ctags
aptget install ddate
aptget install fortune
aptget install vim
aptget install vim-gnome
aptget install tmux
aptget install libnotify-bin
aptget install notify-osd-icons
aptget install humanity-icon-theme
aptget install ansible
aptget install beep
aptget install libxml2-utils
aptget install xsltproc
aptget install nodejs
aptget install npm
aptget install stow
aptget install rbenv
aptget install ruby-build
## Let's use a current version of Maven, shall we?
# source:
# found via:
# aptget purge maven maven2 maven3
# sudo apt-add-repository ppa:andrei-pozolotin/maven3
# aptget update
# aptget install maven3
# sudo ln -s /usr/share/maven3/bin/mvn /usr/bin/mvn
# and just to be sure, let's just upgrade everything
aptget upgrade
# add the fingerprint for github
echo "Adding the fingerprint for, shouldn't be necessary, but we don't want to get nagged later..."
ssh -T -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no
# set git to allways rebase when we pull
#git config --global --bool pull.rebase true
# set git to always use pretty colors
#git config --global color.ui always
# and don't even try to get smart about converting line endings, that's just plain rude
#git config --global core.autocrlf input
# and I don't need merge backups, really, I don't
#git config --global --bool merge.keepbackups false
echo "and now setting up my preferences for my working copy... adding an upstream remote, PR refs..."
# add an upstreamdspace remote
cd $DSPACESRC && git remote add upstreamdspace
# add an upstreamucla remote
cd $DSPACESRC && git remote add upstreamucla
# set up local branches from usptreamucla
cd $DSPACESRC && git fetch upstreamucla ucla-dr-6_x:ucla-dr-6_x
cd $DSPACESRC && git fetch upstreamucla ucla-vsim-6_x:ucla-vsim-6_x
# set up local branches from upstreamdspace
cd $DSPACESRC && git fetch upstreamdspace dspace-6_x:dspace-6_x
# enable fetching of pull requests from upstream (this may or may not be common practice, but it's handy, why not try it out?)
cd $DSPACESRC && git config --add remote.upstreamdspace.fetch +refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/upstreamdspace/pr/*
# now fetch everything so we're ready to go offline
echo "getting ready for offline coding..."
cd $DSPACESRC && git fetch --all
# run mvn install so our maven cache in ~/.m2/repository is current
cd $DSPACESRC && mvn install
# Git-smart is super helpful, especially for git newbies, and is worth installing just for smart-log
echo "installing git-smart gem"
sudo gem install git-smart
# Travis-CI has a nice CLI script that is handy for validating the .travis.yml file before you commit it
echo "installing travis gem"
sudo gem install travis
# notes is a nice little way to find TODO and FIXME notes, so you can work on them
echo "installing notes gem"
sudo gem install notes
#git config --global alias.n '!git ls-files | xargs notes'
# If we have a local.cfg file for the new commons-style configuration, let's use it
if [ -f "/vagrant/config/dotfiles/local.cfg" ]; then
echo "setting up the local.cfg for commons configuration"
cp /vagrant/config/dotfiles/local.cfg /home/vagrant/dspace-src/config/
# If we have a pgpass file for storing the PostgreSQL password, let's use it
if [ -f "/vagrant/config/dotfiles/pgpass" ]; then
echo "setting up the .pgpass file for faster psql CLI client access"
cp /vagrant/config/dotfiles/pgpass /home/vagrant/.pgpass
chmod 600 /home/vagrant/.pgpass
# If we have a psqlrc file for storing our PostgreSQL preferences, let's use it
if [ -f "/vagrant/config/dotfiles/psqlrc" ]; then
echo "setting up the .pgpass file for faster psql CLI client access"
cp /vagrant/config/dotfiles/psqlrc /home/vagrant/.psqlrc
chmod 600 /home/vagrant/.psqlrc
# If we have a file for ant configuration, let's use it
if [ -f "/vagrant/config/dotfiles/" ]; then
echo "setting up the file for ant"
cp /vagrant/config/dotfiles/ /home/vagrant/
# If we have a file, let's copy that over
if [ -f "/vagrant/config/dotfiles/" ]; then
echo "copying"
cp /vagrant/config/dotfiles/ /home/vagrant/dspace-src/
# BASH history transplant (curse these lazy fingers)
if [ -f "/vagrant/config/dotfiles/bash_history" ]; then
echo "transplanting BASH history file"
cp /vagrant/config/dotfiles/bash_history /home/vagrant/.bash_history
# # BASH inputrc customization
if [ -f "/vagrant/config/dotfiles/inputrc" ]; then
echo "setting up BASH inputrc file"
cp /vagrant/config/dotfiles/inputrc /home/vagrant/.inputrc
# BASH aliases customization
if [ -f "/vagrant/config/dotfiles/bash_aliases" ]; then
echo "setting up .bash_aliases file"
cp /vagrant/config/dotfiles/bash_aliases /home/vagrant/.bash_aliases
# Vim customization
# first install exuberant-ctags (required by my vimrc file)
aptget install exuberant-ctags
# copy vimrc if it exists
# if [ -f "/vagrant/config/dotfiles/vimrc" ]; then
# echo "setting up .vimrc file"
# cp /vagrant/config/dotfiles/vimrc /home/vagrant/.vimrc
# fi
# copy vim folder and its contents if they exists
# if [ -d "/vagrant/config/dotfiles/vim" ]; then
# echo "copying .vim settings folder"
# cp -r /vagrant/config/dotfiles/vim /home/vagrant/.vim
# echo "creating .vimbackups folder"
# mkdir /home/vagrant/.vimbackups
# fi
# clone my dotfiles repository
cd /home/vagrant && git clone dotfiles
cd /home/vagrant/dotfiles && git checkout hardyoyo-preferences
cd /home/vagrant/dotfiles && stow git
cd /home/vagrant/dotfiles && stow shell
cd /home/vagrant/dotfiles && stow tmux
cd /home/vagrant/dotfiles && stow vim
cd /home/vagrant/dotfiles && stow bin
# set up Vundle
git clone /home/vagrant/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
# clone my vim config
# cd /home/vagrant && git clone .vim
# cd /home/vagrant/.vim && git checkout hardyoyo-preferences
# cd /home/vagrant && ln -s .vim/.vimrc ./.vimrc
# install Vundle
#cd /home/vagrant/.vim && git clone bundle/Vundle.vim
# and let's make sure Vim is our default editor
echo "export EDITOR=\"/usr/bin/vim --servername vim\"" >> /home/vagrant/.profile
# and let's run Vundle Install disabled... this hangs up every time, skip it
#vim +PluginInstall +qall -q /dev/null
# and let's initialize ctags if the tags file doesn't already exist
if [ ! -f "/home/vagrant/dspace-src/tags" ]; then
ctags -R /home/vagrant/dspace-src -f /home/vagrant/dspace-src/tags --exclude *target*
# MORE dotfiles
# copy bin folder if it's around
#if [ -d "/vagrant/config/dotfiles/bin" ]; then
# echo "copying bin folder and scripts..."
# cp -r /vagrant/config/dotfiles/bin /home/vagrant/bin
# copy GPG keys and trust files if they exist
if [ -d "/vagrant/config/dotfiles/gnupg" ]; then
echo "copying GPG keys and trust files..."
cp -r /vagrant/config/dotfiles/gnupg /home/vagrant/.gnupg
# copy maven settings.xml if it exists
if [ -f "/vagrant/config/dotfiles/maven_settings.xml" ]; then
echo "copying Maven settings.xml file..."
cp /vagrant/config/dotfiles/maven_settings.xml /home/vagrant/.m2/settings.xml
# install dependencies for hacking on Mirage2
git clone ~/.nvm && cd ~/.nvm && git checkout `git describe --abbrev=0 --tags`
source /home/vagrant/.bashrc
nvm install 5.4.0
nvm alias default 5.4.0
npm install -g bower
npm install -g grunt
npm install -g grunt-cli
sudo gem install compass
# install AWS tool for Amazon S3 testing
aptget install awscli
#aptget install python-pip
#sudo pip install --upgrade pip
#sudo pip install --upgrade virtualenv
#sudo pip install aws-cli
# copy AWS config if it exists
if [ -d "/vagrant/config/dotfiles/aws" ]; then
echo "copying AWS credentials..."
cp -r /vagrant/config/dotfiles/aws /home/vagrant/.aws && chmod -R 600 /home/vagrant/.aws && chmod 700 /home/vagrant/.aws
# NOTE: if you want more dotfiles installed, you'll need to specifically copy them, following
# the examples above. We do this so that we only install files with intention, and don't
# blindly install a config file. We recommend being cautious and only attempt to copy
# files and directories if they exist (use the -f and -d tests).
## set up Maven Notifications ##
# add the Maven lib/ext folder if it doesn't already exist
if [ ! -d "/usr/share/maven/lib/ext" ]; then
echo "creating the maven lib/ext folder..."
sudo mkdir /usr/share/maven/lib/ext
# copy the Maven Notifier jar file
if [ -f "/vagrant/config/maven-notifier-1.10.2-SNAPSHOT.jar" ]; then
echo "copying the Maven Notifier jar file..."
sudo cp /vagrant/config/maven-notifier-1.10.2-SNAPSHOT.jar /usr/share/maven/lib/ext/maven-notifier-1.10.2-SNAPSHOT.jar
# copy the Maven Notifier config file to all three locations the jar seems to want to find it
if [ -f "/vagrant/config/" ]; then
echo "copying the Maven Notifier config file..."
sudo cp /vagrant/config/ /usr/share/maven/lib/ext/
cp /vagrant/config/ /home/vagrant/.m2/
cp /vagrant/config/ /home/vagrant/.send-notification
## now add content ##
# NOTE: this will only work if the SITE AIP file is named the same as the handle prefix
# configured for this Vagrant-DSpace workspace (check in dspace-src). By
# default it's the same prefix as the server, as DSpace Committers have
# ready access to the AIP files used to populate, and we can use
# Vagrant-DSpace to create more such AIPs. Demo's handle prefix is 10673.
SITE=`echo $CONTENT/SITE@* | cut -f1 -d' '`
if [ -n "$SITE" ]; then
echo "Recursively installing content from AIPs at $CONTENT (starting with $SITE AIP)"
# let's get the handle from this site AIP
SH=`echo $SHFN | cut -f2 -d'@'`
SH=`echo $SH | cut -f1 -d'.'`
# --------------------------------------
# Stop Tomcat
# --------------------------------------
sudo service tomcat7 stop
echo ""
cd $HOME
$DSPACECMD packager -u -r -a -f -t AIP -e $WHO -i $SH -o skipIfParentMissing=true -o createMetadataFields=true $SITE
# --------------------------------------
# Import random metadata if the file exists
# --------------------------------------
if [ -f "/vagrant/content/random_metadata_1K.csv" ]; then
cd $HOME
$DSPACECMD metadata-import -s -e $WHO -f /vagrant/content/random_metadata_1K.csv
# ----------------------------------------------
# Re-index content -- only necessary for DSpace 3.x and earlier
# ----------------------------------------------
#echo "Reindexing all content in DSpace..."
#/home/vagrant/dspace/bin/dspace index-init
#echo ""
# --------------------------------------
# Start up Tomcat
# --------------------------------------
sudo service tomcat7 start
echo ""
# --------------------------------------
# Step 8 : Update Discovery indexes
# --------------------------------------
echo "Rebuilding Discovery (Solr) Indexes..."
# Note: the '-f' option tells Discovery to force a reindex of everything and remove docs which no longer exist
/home/vagrant/dspace/bin/dspace index-discovery -f
echo "Rebuilding OAI (Solr) Indexes..."
/home/vagrant/dspace/bin/dspace oai import -c
echo ""
echo ""
echo "SUCCESS! batch load of AIP content is now complete!"
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