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Created September 29, 2017 14:23
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Mandatory and optional keyword arguments with default values for Haskell using rawr anonymous records
#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack runghc --package rawr
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- This code snippet demonstrates using keyword arguments with default values
-- in Haskell using the rawr anonymous records library. Supported features:
-- 1) Specify arguments using keywords
-- 2) Make some arguments mandatory and others optional
-- 3) Assign default values to optional arguments
-- On Unix, you can make this file executable and just execute it if you have
-- stack installed.
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
import Data.Rawr
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Record for name and email of maintainer
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
type Maintainer =
R ( "name" := String
, "twitter" := String
, "address" := String
, "phone" := String
-- Specify default values for fields in Maintainer record above
-- You can use a subset of the fields if you so desire
type DefMaintainer =
R ( "address" := String
, "phone" := String
defMaintainer :: DefMaintainer
defMaintainer =
R ( #address := ""
, #phone := ""
-- function to create record of Maintainer type with defaults
maintainer t = go (R t)
go :: (Maintainer :~ DefMaintainer ::<= r) => r -> Maintainer
go r = defMaintainer :<= r
main = do
-- Optional fields take default values when omitted
putStrLn $ show $
maintainer ( #name := "Harendra"
, #twitter := "")
-- Specify an optional arg as well
putStrLn $ show $
maintainer ( #name := "Harendra"
, #twitter := ""
, #phone := "+919876012345"
-- Missed mandatory arguments produce a type error
-- putStrLn $ show $ maintainer (#name := "Harendra")
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