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Created January 25, 2019 07:05
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{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad
newtype Stream m a = Stream
{ runStream :: (forall r. (a -> Stream m a -> m r) -> m r -> m r) }
instance Functor (Stream m) where
fmap f (Stream m) = Stream $ \yld stp -> m (\a r -> yld (f a) (fmap f r)) stp
instance Semigroup (Stream m a) where
Stream m1 <> Stream m2 =
Stream $ \yld stp -> m1 (\a r -> yld a (r <> Stream m2)) (m2 yld stp)
instance Monad (Stream m) where
return a = Stream $ \yld _ -> yld a (Stream $ \_ stp -> stp)
Stream m >>= f = Stream $ \yld stp ->
m (\a r -> runStream (f a <> (r >>= f)) yld stp) stp
instance Applicative (Stream m) where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
instance MonadTrans Stream where
lift m = Stream $ \yld _ -> m >>= \a -> yld a (Stream $ \_ stp -> stp)
main :: IO ()
main = do
let s = return 0 :: Stream m Int
let run x = runStream x (\a _ -> print a) (return ())
run s
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