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Created May 9, 2022 05:36
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def printsudoku(sudoku):
for i in range(len(sudoku)):
line = ""
if i == 3 or i == 6:
for j in range(len(sudoku[i])):
if j == 3 or j == 6:
line += "| "
line += str(sudoku[i][j])+" "
def findNextCellToFill(sudoku):
for x in range(9):
for y in range(9):
if sudoku[x][y] == 0:
return x, y
return -1, -1
def isValid(sudoku, i, j, e):
rowOk = all([e != sudoku[i][x] for x in range(9)])
if rowOk:
columnOk = all([e != sudoku[x][j] for x in range(9)])
if columnOk:
secTopX, secTopY = 3*(i//3), 3*(j//3)
for x in range(secTopX, secTopX+3):
for y in range(secTopY, secTopY+3):
if sudoku[x][y] == e:
return False
return True
return False
def solveSudoku(sudoku, i=0, j=0):
i, j = findNextCellToFill(sudoku)
if i == -1:
return True
for e in range(1, 10):
if isValid(sudoku, i, j, e):
sudoku[i][j] = e
if solveSudoku(sudoku, i, j):
return True
sudoku[i][j] = 0
return False
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