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Created August 31, 2019 14:55
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from flask import Flask, jsonify, request
import math, random
from pyfcm import FCMNotification
from import Client
import zerosms
import getpass
app = Flask(__name__)
push_service = FCMNotification(api_key="AIzaSyC9gDv-1jLHCRQjJJxvlhJc9yMl_SNxmfY")
account_sid = 'ACb8a3113f596c65078adc4ad948376230'
auth_token = 'a796a75df42f962dc4910a6f52c71801'
client = Client(account_sid, auth_token)
def generateOTP() :
# Declare a digits variable
# which stores all digits
digits = "0123456789"
OTP = ""
# length of password can be chaged
# by changing value in range
for i in range(4) :
OTP += digits[math.floor(random.random() * 10)]
return OTP
@app.route('/otp/<string:fcm_token>', methods=['GET'])
def otpRoute (fcm_token):
otp = generateOTP()
# message = client.messages \
# .create(
# body="Join Earth's mightiest heroes. Like Kevin Bacon.",
# from_=+12013544476,
# to=+918075687141
# )
# print(message.sid)
sendNotificationOtp(otp, fcm_token)
return jsonify({'success':'yes','otp':otp})
# OR initialize with proxies
#push_service = FCMNotification(api_key="AIzaSyC9gDv-1jLHCRQjJJxvlhJc9yMl_SNxmfY")
# Your api-key can be gotten from:<project-name>/settings/cloudmessaging
#for sending a message to a single device
def sendNotificationOtp (otpText, fcmToken):
# registration_id = fcmToken
registration_id = "ddUTUWWIWQE:APA91bGcb1bJsuvmXnA1VRwZKLMPeVlv8csskBB_TQ38r-b76_pH6MkZ4tnMvPa2nyz0L62bYD8Dt3qL2pMIiXP11EkH6TUIas0_oKaerKPi-BMTtSt8Hh0rEKrPFAwYeKi_X6bLoO8z"
message_title = "Bounce"
message_body = "Thank you for signing up with Bounce your OTP for signing up is "+otpText
result = push_service.notify_single_device(registration_id=registration_id, message_title=message_title, message_body=message_body)
print (result)
def sendNotificationOther (fcmToken):
registration_id = "ddUTUWWIWQE:APA91bGcb1bJsuvmXnA1VRwZKLMPeVlv8csskBB_TQ38r-b76_pH6MkZ4tnMvPa2nyz0L62bYD8Dt3qL2pMIiXP11EkH6TUIas0_oKaerKPi-BMTtSt8Hh0rEKrPFAwYeKi_X6bLoO8z"
message_title = "Bounce"
message_body = "wE ARE GONNA WIN"
result = push_service.notify_single_device(registration_id=registration_id, message_title=message_title, message_body=message_body)
print (result)
# Send to multiple devices by passing a list of ids.
# registration_ids = ["<device registration_id 1>", "<device registration_id 2>", ...]
# message_title = "Uber update"
# message_body = "Hope you're having fun this weekend, don't forget to check today's news"
# result = push_service.notify_multiple_devices(registration_ids=registration_ids, message_title=message_title, message_body=message_body)
# print result
if __name__=="_main__":, port=8080)
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