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Last active November 14, 2023 11:09
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Notes on React unit testing

Testing routing from one route to other route

// Add additional routes here to test routing
const UnitTestRouter = () => (
      element={<UserDashboard />}
        <AddUserProvider initialState={null}>
          <AddUserConfig />

const CustomRouterProvider = ({ initalRoute }: { initalRoute: string }) => (
  <MemoryRouter initialEntries={[initalRoute]}>
    <QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}>
      <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
          <UnitTestRouter />

export const customRouterRender = (
  component: JSX.Element,
  initalRoute: string,
) =>
  render(component, {
    wrapper: () => <CustomRouterProvider initalRoute={initalRoute} />,

In the test file, use customRouterRender to load the initial route

it('should go to /user/add route and come back to dashboard when cancel is clicked', async () => {
  const { getByText, findByPlaceholderText } = customRouterRender(<UserDashboard />, '/user');
  // rest of the test

jest.mock vs jest.spyOn


  • Use this when you don't care about the internal implementation of the function/module.
  • All you do is return some value from that function using mockImplementation for your test cases.
  • This mock cannot be restored with original implementation in a specific test case we can wrap it in act() and render the component and then expect our cases


  • Use this to mock a function/module same as jest.mock but one difference in this is you can restore the mocked implementation to its original implementation for specific test case.

example - jest.spyOn:

  import * as userModule from './user.api';
  // create a mock for the function in a module
  const mockFn = jest.spyOn(userModule, 'getUser');

  // add your implementation to that mock
  mockFn.mockImplementation(() => ({
      name: 'jonsnow',
      universe: 'game of thrones'

  it ('should display correct name', async () => {
    // success
    // restore the implementation to its original
    // get user from original implementation

If a component makes api call on first render (like fetching a resource based on id from route params)

we can wrap it in act() and render the component and then expect our cases


  it ('should load editable user', async () => {
    await act(async () => {
      render(<UserConfigForm userId={1} />);
    // this will make sure to render the component
    // do all the api/state related updates until the DOM is stable


Waiting for something

waitFor is used to let the tests know to wait till the expectation inside is met.


  it('should show name input field', async () => {
    const { getByText, getByDisplayValue } = render(<ConfigForm />);

    // waits till the expectation is met 👇
    await waitFor(() => {

    // expect other cases post waiting

Mocking services:

Mock services with expected response instead of actually making the network call


profile.api.ts export different APIs. mock the file and later mock required function's implementation with an expected response

// on top of test file
jest.mock('../../../../services/user/info/profile.api', () => ({
  getUserProfile: jest.fn(),
  getAdminProfile: jest.fn(),
// inside a specific test
(getUserProfile as jest.Mock).mockImplementation(() => ({
    error: null,
    data: {
        id: 'user-id',
        name: 'barry allen',
        age: 27

this mock implementation will return the object when the test case hits the api (no network request is made) 🚀

Also make sure to restore the mocks after each test, so that next test will have its own mock implementation

beforeEach(() => {

Helper function to get an element by name

const getSelector = (
  container: HTMLElement,
  key: keyof typeof formLables,
) => container.querySelector(`[name='${key}']`) as HTMLInputElement;

const { container } = renderWithProviders(<Component prop={value}>);
getSelector(container, 'username')

This will get the name=username input element

Helper function to fire onchange event on input

const fireInputChangeEvent = (
  container: HTMLElement,
  key: keyof typeof formLables,
  value: string,
) => {
    container.querySelector(`[name='${key}']`) as HTMLInputElement,
    { target: { value } },

const { container } = renderWithProviders(<Component prop={value}>);
fireInputChangeEvent(container, 'username', 'barryallen')

This will emit an onchange event on name=username input with

If you have to test a button click event. And the click handler updates few states in the component, wrap the click event emitter in act

const saveButtonEl = getByText('Save');

await act(async () => {;

// states changes are applied to DOM
// make assertions based on the state updates
const successEl = getByText('user saved')

wrapping code with act will make sure all the state updates are done and rendered them to DOM. Post this you can make your assertions

Issue: The current testing environment is not configured to support act(...)

Solution: testing-library/react-testing-library#1061 (comment)

Test a button click and show validation under the input field

import { fireEvent, screen, waitFor } from '@testing-library/react';

const { getByText } = renderWithProviders(<Component prop={value}>);

const saveButtonEl = getByText('Save');;

await waitFor(() => {
  const inputLabelEl = screen.queryByText('Username') as HTMLElement;
    'invalid username

Test to type inside input and check the focus

import { act } from '@testing-library/react';
import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event';

const { container } = renderWithProviders(<Component prop={value}>);

const emailEl = container.querySelector('#email') as HTMLInputElement;

// set focus inside email input
act(() => {

// type characters inside email input
userEvent.type(emailEl, 'c');

// check if focus is still on email input

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