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Created June 2, 2023 15:55
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This example requires some changes to your config:
// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
// ...
plugins: [
// ...
import { Fragment, useState } from 'react'
import { Dialog, Popover, Tab, Transition } from '@headlessui/react'
import { Bars3Icon, MagnifyingGlassIcon, ShoppingBagIcon, XMarkIcon } from '@heroicons/react/24/outline'
import { StarIcon } from '@heroicons/react/20/solid'
const navigation = {
categories: [
id: 'wireframe',
name: 'Wireframe Kits',
featured: [
name: 'Scaffold',
href: '#',
imageSrc: '',
'Pricing page screenshot with tiered plan options and comparison table on colorful blue and green background.',
name: 'Bones',
href: '#',
imageSrc: '',
'Application screenshot with tiered navigation and account settings form on color red and purple background.',
sections: [
id: 'application',
name: 'Application UI',
items: [
{ name: 'Home Screens', href: '#' },
{ name: 'Detail Screens', href: '#' },
{ name: 'Settings Screens', href: '#' },
id: 'marketing',
name: 'Marketing',
items: [
{ name: 'Landing Pages', href: '#' },
{ name: 'Pricing Pages', href: '#' },
{ name: 'Contact Pages', href: '#' },
id: 'ecommerce',
name: 'Ecommerce',
items: [
{ name: 'Storefront Pages', href: '#' },
{ name: 'Product Pages', href: '#' },
{ name: 'Category Pages', href: '#' },
{ name: 'Shopping Cart Pages', href: '#' },
{ name: 'Checkout Pages', href: '#' },
id: 'icons',
name: 'Icons',
featured: [
name: 'Application UI Pack',
href: '#',
imageSrc: '',
'Payment application dashboard screenshot with transaction table, financial highlights, and main clients on colorful purple background.',
name: 'Marketing Icon Pack',
href: '#',
imageSrc: '',
imageAlt: 'Calendar user interface screenshot with icon buttons and orange-yellow theme.',
sections: [
id: 'general',
name: 'General Use',
items: [
{ name: 'Heroicons Solid', href: '#' },
{ name: 'Heroicons Outline', href: '#' },
{ name: 'Line Illustrations', href: '#' },
{ name: 'Hero Illustrations', href: '#' },
{ name: 'Branded Illustrations', href: '#' },
{ name: 'Skeuomorphic Illustrations', href: '#' },
{ name: 'Hand Drawn Illustrations', href: '#' },
id: 'application',
name: 'Application UI',
items: [
{ name: 'Outlined', href: '#' },
{ name: 'Solid', href: '#' },
{ name: 'Branded', href: '#' },
{ name: 'Small', href: '#' },
{ name: 'Illustrations', href: '#' },
id: 'marketing',
name: 'Marketing',
items: [
{ name: 'Outlined', href: '#' },
{ name: 'Solid', href: '#' },
{ name: 'Branded', href: '#' },
{ name: 'Small', href: '#' },
{ name: 'Illustrations', href: '#' },
pages: [
{ name: 'UI Kits', href: '#' },
{ name: 'Themes', href: '#' },
const product = {
name: 'Application UI Icon Pack',
version: { name: '1.0', date: 'June 5, 2021', datetime: '2021-06-05' },
price: '$220',
'The Application UI Icon Pack comes with over 200 icons in 3 styles: outline, filled, and branded. This playful icon pack is tailored for complex application user interfaces with a friendly and legible look.',
highlights: [
'200+ SVG icons in 3 unique styles',
'Compatible with Figma, Sketch, and Adobe XD',
'Drawn on 24 x 24 pixel grid',
imageSrc: '',
imageAlt: 'Sample of 30 icons with friendly and fun details in outline, filled, and brand color styles.',
const reviews = {
average: 4,
featured: [
id: 1,
rating: 5,
content: `
<p>This icon pack is just what I need for my latest project. There's an icon for just about anything I could ever need. Love the playful look!</p>
date: 'July 16, 2021',
datetime: '2021-07-16',
author: 'Emily Selman',
id: 2,
rating: 5,
content: `
<p>Blown away by how polished this icon pack is. Everything looks so consistent and each SVG is optimized out of the box so I can use it directly with confidence. It would take me several hours to create a single icon this good, so it's a steal at this price.</p>
date: 'July 12, 2021',
datetime: '2021-07-12',
author: 'Hector Gibbons',
// More reviews...
const faqs = [
question: 'What format are these icons?',
'The icons are in SVG (Scalable Vector Graphic) format. They can be imported into your design tool of choice and used directly in code.',
question: 'Can I use the icons at different sizes?',
"Yes. The icons are drawn on a 24 x 24 pixel grid, but the icons can be scaled to different sizes as needed. We don't recommend going smaller than 20 x 20 or larger than 64 x 64 to retain legibility and visual balance.",
// More FAQs...
const license = {
href: '#',
'For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these icons in their original or modified state.',
content: `
<p>For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these icons in their original or modified state.</p>
<ul role="list">
<li>You\'re allowed to use the icons in unlimited projects.</li>
<li>Attribution is not required to use the icons.</li>
<h4>What you can do with it</h4>
<ul role="list">
<li>Use them freely in your personal and professional work.</li>
<li>Make them your own. Change the colors to suit your project or brand.</li>
<h4>What you can\'t do with it</h4>
<ul role="list">
<li>Don\'t be greedy. Selling or distributing these icons in their original or modified state is prohibited.</li>
<li>Don\'t be evil. These icons cannot be used on websites or applications that promote illegal or immoral beliefs or activities.</li>
const relatedProducts = [
id: 1,
name: 'Fusion',
category: 'UI Kit',
href: '#',
price: '$49',
imageSrc: '',
'Payment application dashboard screenshot with transaction table, financial highlights, and main clients on colorful purple background.',
// More products...
const footerNavigation = {
products: [
{ name: 'Wireframe Kits', href: '#' },
{ name: 'Icons', href: '#' },
{ name: 'UI Kits', href: '#' },
{ name: 'Themes', href: '#' },
company: [
{ name: 'Who we are', href: '#' },
{ name: 'Open Source', href: '#' },
{ name: 'Press', href: '#' },
{ name: 'Careers', href: '#' },
{ name: 'License', href: '#' },
{ name: 'Privacy', href: '#' },
customerService: [
{ name: 'Chat', href: '#' },
{ name: 'Contact', href: '#' },
{ name: 'Secure Payments', href: '#' },
{ name: 'FAQ', href: '#' },
function classNames(...classes) {
return classes.filter(Boolean).join(' ')
export default function Example() {
const [open, setOpen] = useState(false)
return (
<div className="bg-white">
{/* Mobile menu */}
<Transition.Root show={open} as={Fragment}>
<Dialog as="div" className="relative z-40 lg:hidden" onClose={setOpen}>
enter="transition-opacity ease-linear duration-300"
leave="transition-opacity ease-linear duration-300"
<div className="fixed inset-0 bg-black bg-opacity-25" />
<div className="fixed inset-0 z-40 flex">
enter="transition ease-in-out duration-300 transform"
leave="transition ease-in-out duration-300 transform"
<Dialog.Panel className="relative flex w-full max-w-xs flex-col overflow-y-auto bg-white pb-12 shadow-xl">
<div className="flex px-4 pb-2 pt-5">
className="-m-2 inline-flex items-center justify-center rounded-md p-2 text-gray-400"
onClick={() => setOpen(false)}
<span className="sr-only">Close menu</span>
<XMarkIcon className="h-6 w-6" aria-hidden="true" />
{/* Links */}
<Tab.Group as="div" className="mt-2">
<div className="border-b border-gray-200">
<Tab.List className="-mb-px flex space-x-8 px-4">
{ => (
className={({ selected }) =>
selected ? 'border-indigo-600 text-indigo-600' : 'border-transparent text-gray-900',
'flex-1 whitespace-nowrap border-b-2 px-1 py-4 text-base font-medium'
<Tab.Panels as={Fragment}>
{ => (
<Tab.Panel key={} className="space-y-10 px-4 pb-8 pt-10">
<div className="grid grid-cols-2 gap-x-4">
{ => (
<div key={} className="group relative text-sm">
<div className="aspect-h-1 aspect-w-1 overflow-hidden rounded-lg bg-gray-100 group-hover:opacity-75">
<img src={item.imageSrc} alt={item.imageAlt} className="object-cover object-center" />
<a href={item.href} className="mt-6 block font-medium text-gray-900">
<span className="absolute inset-0 z-10" aria-hidden="true" />
<p aria-hidden="true" className="mt-1">
Shop now
{ => (
<div key={}>
<p id={`${}-${}-heading-mobile`} className="font-medium text-gray-900">
className="mt-6 flex flex-col space-y-6"
{ => (
<li key={} className="flow-root">
<a href={item.href} className="-m-2 block p-2 text-gray-500">
<div className="space-y-6 border-t border-gray-200 px-4 py-6">
{ => (
<div key={} className="flow-root">
<a href={page.href} className="-m-2 block p-2 font-medium text-gray-900">
<div className="space-y-6 border-t border-gray-200 px-4 py-6">
<div className="flow-root">
<a href="#" className="-m-2 block p-2 font-medium text-gray-900">
Sign in
<div className="flow-root">
<a href="#" className="-m-2 block p-2 font-medium text-gray-900">
Create account
<div className="border-t border-gray-200 px-4 py-6">
<a href="#" className="-m-2 flex items-center p-2">
className="block h-auto w-5 flex-shrink-0"
<span className="ml-3 block text-base font-medium text-gray-900">CAD</span>
<span className="sr-only">, change currency</span>
<header className="relative bg-white">
<p className="flex h-10 items-center justify-center bg-indigo-600 px-4 text-sm font-medium text-white sm:px-6 lg:px-8">
Save 20% when you buy two or more kits
<nav aria-label="Top" className="mx-auto max-w-7xl px-4 sm:px-6 lg:px-8">
<div className="border-b border-gray-200">
<div className="flex h-16 items-center">
className="rounded-md bg-white p-2 text-gray-400 lg:hidden"
onClick={() => setOpen(true)}
<span className="sr-only">Open menu</span>
<Bars3Icon className="h-6 w-6" aria-hidden="true" />
{/* Logo */}
<div className="ml-4 flex lg:ml-0">
<a href="#">
<span className="sr-only">Your Company</span>
className="h-8 w-auto"
{/* Flyout menus */}
<Popover.Group className="hidden lg:ml-8 lg:block lg:self-stretch">
<div className="flex h-full space-x-8">
{ => (
<Popover key={} className="flex">
{({ open }) => (
<div className="relative flex">
? 'border-indigo-600 text-indigo-600'
: 'border-transparent text-gray-700 hover:text-gray-800',
'relative z-10 -mb-px flex items-center border-b-2 pt-px text-sm font-medium transition-colors duration-200 ease-out'
enter="transition ease-out duration-200"
leave="transition ease-in duration-150"
<Popover.Panel className="absolute inset-x-0 top-full z-10 text-sm text-gray-500">
{/* Presentational element used to render the bottom shadow, if we put the shadow on the actual panel it pokes out the top, so we use this shorter element to hide the top of the shadow */}
<div className="absolute inset-0 top-1/2 bg-white shadow" aria-hidden="true" />
<div className="relative bg-white">
<div className="mx-auto max-w-7xl px-8">
<div className="grid grid-cols-2 gap-x-8 gap-y-10 py-16">
<div className="col-start-2 grid grid-cols-2 gap-x-8">
{ => (
<div key={} className="group relative text-base sm:text-sm">
<div className="aspect-h-1 aspect-w-1 overflow-hidden rounded-lg bg-gray-100 group-hover:opacity-75">
className="object-cover object-center"
<a href={item.href} className="mt-6 block font-medium text-gray-900">
<span className="absolute inset-0 z-10" aria-hidden="true" />
<p aria-hidden="true" className="mt-1">
Shop now
<div className="row-start-1 grid grid-cols-3 gap-x-8 gap-y-10 text-sm">
{ => (
<div key={}>
<p id={`${}-heading`} className="font-medium text-gray-900">
className="mt-6 space-y-6 sm:mt-4 sm:space-y-4"
{ => (
<li key={} className="flex">
<a href={item.href} className="hover:text-gray-800">
{ => (
className="flex items-center text-sm font-medium text-gray-700 hover:text-gray-800"
<div className="ml-auto flex items-center">
<div className="hidden lg:flex lg:flex-1 lg:items-center lg:justify-end lg:space-x-6">
<a href="#" className="text-sm font-medium text-gray-700 hover:text-gray-800">
Sign in
<span className="h-6 w-px bg-gray-200" aria-hidden="true" />
<a href="#" className="text-sm font-medium text-gray-700 hover:text-gray-800">
Create account
<div className="hidden lg:ml-8 lg:flex">
<a href="#" className="flex items-center text-gray-700 hover:text-gray-800">
className="block h-auto w-5 flex-shrink-0"
<span className="ml-3 block text-sm font-medium">CAD</span>
<span className="sr-only">, change currency</span>
{/* Search */}
<div className="flex lg:ml-6">
<a href="#" className="p-2 text-gray-400 hover:text-gray-500">
<span className="sr-only">Search</span>
<MagnifyingGlassIcon className="h-6 w-6" aria-hidden="true" />
{/* Cart */}
<div className="ml-4 flow-root lg:ml-6">
<a href="#" className="group -m-2 flex items-center p-2">
className="h-6 w-6 flex-shrink-0 text-gray-400 group-hover:text-gray-500"
<span className="ml-2 text-sm font-medium text-gray-700 group-hover:text-gray-800">0</span>
<span className="sr-only">, view bag</span>
<main className="mx-auto px-4 pb-24 pt-14 sm:px-6 sm:pb-32 sm:pt-16 lg:max-w-7xl lg:px-8">
{/* Product */}
<div className="lg:grid lg:grid-cols-7 lg:grid-rows-1 lg:gap-x-8 lg:gap-y-10 xl:gap-x-16">
{/* Product image */}
<div className="lg:col-span-4 lg:row-end-1">
<div className="aspect-h-3 aspect-w-4 overflow-hidden rounded-lg bg-gray-100">
<img src={product.imageSrc} alt={product.imageAlt} className="object-cover object-center" />
{/* Product details */}
<div className="mx-auto mt-14 max-w-2xl sm:mt-16 lg:col-span-3 lg:row-span-2 lg:row-end-2 lg:mt-0 lg:max-w-none">
<div className="flex flex-col-reverse">
<div className="mt-4">
<h1 className="text-2xl font-bold tracking-tight text-gray-900 sm:text-3xl">{}</h1>
<h2 id="information-heading" className="sr-only">
Product information
<p className="mt-2 text-sm text-gray-500">
Version {} (Updated{' '}
<time dateTime={product.version.datetime}>{}</time>)
<h3 className="sr-only">Reviews</h3>
<div className="flex items-center">
{[0, 1, 2, 3, 4].map((rating) => (
reviews.average > rating ? 'text-yellow-400' : 'text-gray-300',
'h-5 w-5 flex-shrink-0'
<p className="sr-only">{reviews.average} out of 5 stars</p>
<p className="mt-6 text-gray-500">{product.description}</p>
<div className="mt-10 grid grid-cols-1 gap-x-6 gap-y-4 sm:grid-cols-2">
className="flex w-full items-center justify-center rounded-md border border-transparent bg-indigo-600 px-8 py-3 text-base font-medium text-white hover:bg-indigo-700 focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-indigo-500 focus:ring-offset-2 focus:ring-offset-gray-50"
Pay {product.price}
className="flex w-full items-center justify-center rounded-md border border-transparent bg-indigo-50 px-8 py-3 text-base font-medium text-indigo-700 hover:bg-indigo-100 focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-indigo-500 focus:ring-offset-2 focus:ring-offset-gray-50"
<div className="mt-10 border-t border-gray-200 pt-10">
<h3 className="text-sm font-medium text-gray-900">Highlights</h3>
<div className="prose prose-sm mt-4 text-gray-500">
<ul role="list">
{ => (
<li key={highlight}>{highlight}</li>
<div className="mt-10 border-t border-gray-200 pt-10">
<h3 className="text-sm font-medium text-gray-900">License</h3>
<p className="mt-4 text-sm text-gray-500">
{license.summary}{' '}
<a href={license.href} className="font-medium text-indigo-600 hover:text-indigo-500">
Read full license
<div className="mt-10 border-t border-gray-200 pt-10">
<h3 className="text-sm font-medium text-gray-900">Share</h3>
<ul role="list" className="mt-4 flex items-center space-x-6">
<a href="#" className="flex h-6 w-6 items-center justify-center text-gray-400 hover:text-gray-500">
<span className="sr-only">Share on Facebook</span>
<svg className="h-5 w-5" aria-hidden="true" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 20 20">
d="M20 10c0-5.523-4.477-10-10-10S0 4.477 0 10c0 4.991 3.657 9.128 8.438 9.878v-6.987h-2.54V10h2.54V7.797c0-2.506 1.492-3.89 3.777-3.89 1.094 0 2.238.195 2.238.195v2.46h-1.26c-1.243 0-1.63.771-1.63 1.562V10h2.773l-.443 2.89h-2.33v6.988C16.343 19.128 20 14.991 20 10z"
<a href="#" className="flex h-6 w-6 items-center justify-center text-gray-400 hover:text-gray-500">
<span className="sr-only">Share on Instagram</span>
<svg className="h-6 w-6" aria-hidden="true" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
d="M12.315 2c2.43 0 2.784.013 3.808.06 1.064.049 1.791.218 2.427.465a4.902 4.902 0 011.772 1.153 4.902 4.902 0 011.153 1.772c.247.636.416 1.363.465 2.427.048 1.067.06 1.407.06 4.123v.08c0 2.643-.012 2.987-.06 4.043-.049 1.064-.218 1.791-.465 2.427a4.902 4.902 0 01-1.153 1.772 4.902 4.902 0 01-1.772 1.153c-.636.247-1.363.416-2.427.465-1.067.048-1.407.06-4.123.06h-.08c-2.643 0-2.987-.012-4.043-.06-1.064-.049-1.791-.218-2.427-.465a4.902 4.902 0 01-1.772-1.153 4.902 4.902 0 01-1.153-1.772c-.247-.636-.416-1.363-.465-2.427-.047-1.024-.06-1.379-.06-3.808v-.63c0-2.43.013-2.784.06-3.808.049-1.064.218-1.791.465-2.427a4.902 4.902 0 011.153-1.772A4.902 4.902 0 015.45 2.525c.636-.247 1.363-.416 2.427-.465C8.901 2.013 9.256 2 11.685 2h.63zm-.081 1.802h-.468c-2.456 0-2.784.011-3.807.058-.975.045-1.504.207-1.857.344-.467.182-.8.398-1.15.748-.35.35-.566.683-.748 1.15-.137.353-.3.882-.344 1.857-.047 1.023-.058 1.351-.058 3.807v.468c0 2.456.011 2.784.058 3.807.045.975.207 1.504.344 1.857.182.466.399.8.748 1.15.748.353.137.882.3 1.857.344 1.054.048 1.37.058 4.041.058h.08c2.597 0 2.917-.01 3.96-.058.976-.045 1.505-.207 1.858-.344.466-.182.8-.398 1.15-.748.35-.35.566-.683.748-1.15.137-.353.3-.882.344-1.857.048-1.055.058-1.37.058-4.041v-.08c0-2.597-.01-2.917-.058-3.96-.045-.976-.207-1.505-.344-1.858a3.097 3.097 0 00-.748-1.15 3.098 3.098 0 00-1.15-.748c-.353-.137-.882-.3-1.857-.344-1.023-.047-1.351-.058-3.807-.058zM12 6.865a5.135 5.135 0 110 10.27 5.135 5.135 0 010-10.27zm0 1.802a3.333 3.333 0 100 6.666 3.333 3.333 0 000-6.666zm5.338-3.205a1.2 1.2 0 110 2.4 1.2 1.2 0 010-2.4z"
<a href="#" className="flex h-6 w-6 items-center justify-center text-gray-400 hover:text-gray-500">
<span className="sr-only">Share on Twitter</span>
<svg className="h-5 w-5" aria-hidden="true" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 20 20">
<path d="M6.29 18.251c7.547 0 11.675-6.253 11.675-11.675 0-.178 0-.355-.012-.53A8.348 8.348 0 0020 3.92a8.19 8.19 0 01-2.357.646 4.118 4.118 0 001.804-2.27 8.224 8.224 0 01-2.605.996 4.107 4.107 0 00-6.993 3.743 11.65 11.65 0 01-8.457-4.287 4.106 4.106 0 001.27 5.477A4.073 4.073 0 01.8 7.713v.052a4.105 4.105 0 003.292 4.022 4.095 4.095 0 01-1.853.07 4.108 4.108 0 003.834 2.85A8.233 8.233 0 010 16.407a11.616 11.616 0 006.29 1.84" />
<div className="mx-auto mt-16 w-full max-w-2xl lg:col-span-4 lg:mt-0 lg:max-w-none">
<Tab.Group as="div">
<div className="border-b border-gray-200">
<Tab.List className="-mb-px flex space-x-8">
className={({ selected }) =>
? 'border-indigo-600 text-indigo-600'
: 'border-transparent text-gray-700 hover:border-gray-300 hover:text-gray-800',
'whitespace-nowrap border-b-2 py-6 text-sm font-medium'
Customer Reviews
className={({ selected }) =>
? 'border-indigo-600 text-indigo-600'
: 'border-transparent text-gray-700 hover:border-gray-300 hover:text-gray-800',
'whitespace-nowrap border-b-2 py-6 text-sm font-medium'
className={({ selected }) =>
? 'border-indigo-600 text-indigo-600'
: 'border-transparent text-gray-700 hover:border-gray-300 hover:text-gray-800',
'whitespace-nowrap border-b-2 py-6 text-sm font-medium'
<Tab.Panels as={Fragment}>
<Tab.Panel className="-mb-10">
<h3 className="sr-only">Customer Reviews</h3>
{, reviewIdx) => (
<div key={} className="flex space-x-4 text-sm text-gray-500">
<div className="flex-none py-10">
<img src={review.avatarSrc} alt="" className="h-10 w-10 rounded-full bg-gray-100" />
<div className={classNames(reviewIdx === 0 ? '' : 'border-t border-gray-200', 'flex-1 py-10')}>
<h3 className="font-medium text-gray-900">{}</h3>
<time dateTime={review.datetime}>{}</time>
<div className="mt-4 flex items-center">
{[0, 1, 2, 3, 4].map((rating) => (
review.rating > rating ? 'text-yellow-400' : 'text-gray-300',
'h-5 w-5 flex-shrink-0'
<p className="sr-only">{review.rating} out of 5 stars</p>
className="prose prose-sm mt-4 max-w-none text-gray-500"
dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: review.content }}
<Tab.Panel className="text-sm text-gray-500">
<h3 className="sr-only">Frequently Asked Questions</h3>
{ => (
<Fragment key={faq.question}>
<dt className="mt-10 font-medium text-gray-900">{faq.question}</dt>
<dd className="prose prose-sm mt-2 max-w-none text-gray-500">
<Tab.Panel className="pt-10">
<h3 className="sr-only">License</h3>
className="prose prose-sm max-w-none text-gray-500"
dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: license.content }}
{/* Related products */}
<div className="mx-auto mt-24 max-w-2xl sm:mt-32 lg:max-w-none">
<div className="flex items-center justify-between space-x-4">
<h2 className="text-lg font-medium text-gray-900">Customers also viewed</h2>
<a href="#" className="whitespace-nowrap text-sm font-medium text-indigo-600 hover:text-indigo-500">
View all
<span aria-hidden="true"> &rarr;</span>
<div className="mt-6 grid grid-cols-1 gap-x-8 gap-y-8 sm:grid-cols-2 sm:gap-y-10 lg:grid-cols-4">
{ => (
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