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Created February 5, 2020 13:01
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Create knex.js migration for existing database. Input Database structure in the form of create table SQL statements, and this ejs template can create Knex.js migration
const Parser = require('sql-ddl-to-json-schema');
const fs = require('fs');
const [ sqlFileName ] = argv;
if( !sqlFileName ) throw new Error('SQL file not specified');
const parser = new Parser('mysql');
parser.feed( fs.readFileSync( sqlFileName, 'utf-8'));
const data = parser.toCompactJson();
// const data = parser.toJsonSchemaArray();
// const util = require('util');
// console.log( util.inspect( data, { depth: null }));
// process.exit();
// console.log( JSON.stringify( data ));
// data = JSON.parse( dataStr );
var typemap = {
int: 'integer',
text: 'text',
varchar: 'string',
timestamp: 'timestamp',
datetime: 'datetime',
enum: 'enum'
function getType( col ){
if( col.options.autoincrement ){
return 'increments';
const out = typemap[col.type.datatype];
if( out === undefined ){ throw 'Unknown column: ' + col.type.datatype }
return out;
function getLen( col ){
var out;
var t = col.type;
switch( t.datatype ){
case 'int':
out = t.width;
case 'varchar':
out = t.length;
case 'enum':
out = "['" + t.values.join("','") + "']";
if( out !== undefined ){
return ', ' + out;
return ''
var timestampCols = ['timestamp', 'datetime'];
function getDefVal(col){
if( ( timestampCols.indexOf(col.type.datatype) !== -1) && col.options.default === 'current_timestamp()'){
return '';
return `'${col.options.default}'`;
function getFkCols( cols ){
return v => v.column ).toString();
function capitalize( str ){
return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);
exports.up = async function(knex) {
<% data.forEach( function( tbl ){ %>
await knex.schema.createTable('< -%>', function(table) {
/* Column defnitions */
<% tbl.columns.forEach( function( col ){ -%>
table.<%-getType( col )-%>('<%- -%>'<%- getLen(col); _%>)
<%_ if(col.options.autoincrement){ _%>
<%_ if(col.options.unsigned){ _%>
<%_ if(col.options.nullable === false ){ _%>
<%_ if( [undefined,null].indexOf(col.options.default) === -1 ){ _%>
.defaultTo(<%- getDefVal( col ) -%>)
<% }) %>
/* Column defnitions */
<% if(tbl.foreignKeys) {%>
/* Foreign key defnitions */
<% tbl.foreignKeys.forEach( function( fk ){ -%>
table.foreign('<%- getFkCols(fk.columns) -%>')
.references('<%- getFkCols(fk.reference.columns ) -%>')
<% fk.reference.on && fk.reference.on.forEach( function( on ){ -%>
.on<%- capitalize(on.trigger) -%>('<%- on.action -%>')
<% }) -%>
<% }) %>
/* Foreign key defnitions */
<% if(tbl.uniqueKeys) {%>
/* Unique key indexes */
<% tbl.uniqueKeys.forEach( function( uk ){ -%>
table.unique('<%- getFkCols(uk.columns) -%>');
<% }) %>
/* Unique key indexes */
<% })%>
exports.down = async function(knex) {
await knex.schema
<% data.reverse().forEach( function( tbl ){ _%>
.dropTable('<%- -%>')
<% }) _%>
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