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Created November 15, 2018 15:18
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Practical rsync command and options

Copy new files from source to target and skip files if it already exist in target

rsync --dry-run -avzurh --stats --delete --progress /tmp/source/ /tmp/target/

Explanation of flags:

  • -a -> Archive mode, preserve the file system properties
  • -v -> Verbose output
  • -z -> Use compression mode for data transfer, speeds up for transfer over network
  • -h -> Output in human readable format
  • -u -> Skip if a file already exist in target directory, makes it efficient to copy only the missing files in target directory. Without this flag, it will overwrite the file in the target directory
  • -r -> recursive mode, copies subdirectory
  • --delete -> delete the additional files or directories which are present in target directory which are not present in source directory
  • --dry-run -> do a dry run without making any changes to the file system
  • --stats -> give the stats at the end of the process
  • --progress -> show progress while copying the files


Copy the source directory itself into the target directory (missing trailing slash at the end)

rsync -avzurh /tmp/source /tmp/target

Copy from local source directory to remote directory

rsync -avzurh /tmp/source/

Copy from remote source directory to local target directory

rsync -avzurh /tmp/target/

Copy from remote source directory to remote target directory

rsync -avzurh

Include and Exlcude

Copies all files except logs

rsync -avzurh --exclude '*.log' /tmp/source/ /tmp/target/

Copies all files except logs files, but includes only important logs

rsync -avzurh --include '*important*.log' --exclude '*.log' /tmp/source/ /tmp/target/
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