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Created November 26, 2022 00:05
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optimization function template
"$schema": "",
"width": 500,
"height": 500,
"background": {
"signal": "theme === 'dark'?'black':'white'"
"title": {
"text": "3D Matrix",
"color": {
"signal": "theme === 'dark' ? 'lightgrey':'black'"
"dy": 25
"signals": [{
"name": "x_sequence",
"value": {
"min": -1,
"max": 1,
"count": 40
"name": "y_sequence",
"value": {
"min": -1,
"max": 1,
"count": 40
"name": "scheme",
"value": "spectral",
"bind": {
"input": "select",
"options": [
"name": "theme",
"value": "light",
"bind": {
"input": "select",
"options": ["light", "dark"]
"name": "theta",
"value": 30,
"on": [{
"events": {
"signal": "validAngle_HOR"
"update": "validAngle_HOR"
"name": "phi",
"value": 65,
"on": [{
"events": {
"signal": "validAngle_VER"
"update": "validAngle_VER"
"name": "expand",
"value": 0.6,
"on": [{
"events": {
"signal": "equation_id"
"update": "equation_id === 4 ?0.3:equation_id===5?0.5:0.6",
"force": true
"name": "scale",
"value": 1,
"on": [{
"events": "view:mousewheel",
"update": "round(10*max(0, min(2, scale + (event.wheelDelta > 0 ? 0.1 : -0.1))))/10"
"name": "axes",
"value": true
"name": "fill",
"value": true
"name": "grid_color",
"value": "lightgrey"
"name": "equation",
"value": "10*sin(sqrt(x²+y²))/sqrt(x²+y²)"
"name": "ticks",
"value": true
"name": "ticks_count",
"value": 1
"name": "perspective",
"value": 0.1
"name": "size_x",
"init": "length(domain('dx'))"
"name": "size_y",
"init": "length(domain('dy'))"
"name": "equation_id",
"init": "equation === '10*sin(sqrt(x²+y²))/sqrt(x²+y²)' ? 1:(equation === 'x*y³ - y*x³' ? 2 : equation === 'sqrt(x²+y²)' ? 3 : equation === 'half tore' ? 4: 5)",
"on": [{
"events": {
"signal": "equation"
"update": "equation === '10*sin(sqrt(x²+y²))/sqrt(x²+y²)' ? 1:(equation === 'x*y³ - y*x³' ? 2 : equation === 'sqrt(x²+y²)' ? 3 : equation === 'half tore' ? 4: 5)"
"name": "size",
"update": "(1-perspective)*scale*min(width,height)/2"
"name": "center",
"init": "{x:width/2, y:height/2}"
"name": "angle_HOR",
"on": [{
"events": "view:mousemove[event.buttons === 1]",
"update": "theta + ((event.movementX < 0) ^ (phi > 180) ? 5 : (event.movementX > 0) ^(phi > 180) ? -5 : 0)"
"name": "validAngle_HOR",
"update": "max(min(angle_HOR,135),-45)"
"name": "angle_VER",
"on": [{
"events": "view:mousemove[event.buttons === 1]",
"update": "phi + (event.movementY < 0 ? 5 : event.movementY > 0 ? -5 : 0)"
"name": "validAngle_VER",
"update": "max(min(angle_VER,180),0)"
"name": "qrAngle_HOR",
"init": "PI*(theta)/360",
"on": [{
"events": {
"signal": "-theta"
"update": "PI*(theta)/360"
"name": "qrAngle_VER",
"init": "PI*(phi)/360",
"on": [{
"events": {
"signal": "phi"
"update": "PI*(phi)/360"
"name": "qrw0",
"update": "cos(qrAngle_VER)"
"name": "qrw1",
"update": "cos(qrAngle_HOR)"
"name": "qrx0",
"update": "sin(qrAngle_VER)"
"name": "qrz1",
"update": "sin(qrAngle_HOR)"
"name": "q",
"update": "{x:qrx0*qrw1, y:-qrx0*qrz1, z:qrw0*qrz1, w: qrw0*qrw1}"
"name": "q_1",
"update": "{x:-q.x, y:-q.y, z: -q.z, w: q.w}"
"name": "matrix_values",
"init": "{}",
"on": [{
"events": "path:mouseover",
"update": "{'x':isNumber( ? format(,'.2~f'),'y':isNumber( ? format(,'.2~f'),'z':format(,'.2~f'),, color:fill?scale('color',datum.avg_z):background}"
"events": "path:mouseout",
"update": "{}"
"name": "contrast",
"update": "isValid(matrix_values.color)?contrast(matrix_values.color,'#ffeb3b'):0"
"name": "is_dragging",
"update": "false",
"on": [{
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"events": "view:mouseup, view:mousemove[event.buttons !== 1]",
"update": "false"
"scales": [{
"name": "dx",
"type": "ordinal",
"domain": {
"data": "id_source",
"field": "x",
"sort": true
"name": "dy",
"type": "ordinal",
"domain": {
"data": "id_source",
"field": "y",
"sort": true
"name": "x",
"type": "point",
"domain": {
"data": "matrix",
"field": "ix"
"range": [-1, 1]
"name": "y",
"type": "point",
"domain": {
"data": "matrix",
"field": "iy"
"range": [-1, 1]
"name": "z",
"type": "linear",
"zero": false,
"domain": {
"data": "matrix",
"field": "z"
"range": [{
"signal": "-expand"
}, {
"signal": "expand"
"name": "color",
"type": "linear",
"domain": {
"data": "matrix",
"field": "z"
"range": {
"scheme": {
"signal": "scheme"
"data": [{
"name": "source",
"values": [],
"transform": [{
"type": "sequence",
"start": {
"signal": "x_sequence.min"
"stop": {
"signal": "x_sequence.max+(x_sequence.max-x_sequence.min)/(x_sequence.count-1)"
"step": {
"signal": "(x_sequence.max-x_sequence.min)/(x_sequence.count-1)"
"as": "x"
"type": "formula",
"expr": "sequence(y_sequence.min,y_sequence.max + (y_sequence.max-y_sequence.min)/(y_sequence.count-1),(y_sequence.max-y_sequence.min)/(y_sequence.count-1))",
"as": "y"
"type": "flatten",
"fields": ["y"]
"type": "formula",
"expr": "equation_id === 1 ?10*sin(sqrt(pow(10*datum.x,2)+pow(10*datum.y,2)))/sqrt(pow(10*datum.x,2)+pow(10*datum.y,2)): equation_id === 2 ? datum.x*pow(datum.y,3)-datum.y*pow(datum.x,3): equation_id === 3 ? sqrt(pow(datum.x,2)+pow(datum.y,2)) : equation_id === 4 ? sqrt(0.08- pow(sqrt(pow(datum.x,2) + pow(datum.y,2)) - 0.7,2))||0: sqrt(1- (pow(datum.x,2)+pow(datum.y,2)))||0",
"as": "z"
"name": "volcano",
"url": ""
"name": "volcano_source",
"values": [],
"transform": [{
"type": "sequence",
"start": 0,
"stop": {
"signal": "data('volcano')[0].height"
"as": "y"
"type": "formula",
"expr": "sequence(0,data('volcano')[0].width,1)",
"as": "x"
"type": "flatten",
"fields": ["x"]
"type": "formula",
"expr": "data('volcano')[0].values[data('volcano')[0].width*datum.y+datum.x]",
"as": "z"
"name": "weather_seattle_source",
"url": "",
"format": {
"type": "csv",
"parse": {
"temperature": "number",
"date": "date"
"transform": [{
"type": "formula",
"expr": "hours(",
"as": "hour"
"type": "formula",
"expr": "timeFormat(, '%m/%d')",
"as": "day"
"type": "project",
"fields": ["day", "hour", "temperature"],
"as": ["x", "y", "z"]
"name": "id_source",
"source": "source",
"transform": [{
"type": "formula",
"expr": "datum.x+'.'+datum.y",
"as": "id"
"type": "aggregate",
"groupby": ["id", "x", "y"],
"fields": ["z"],
"ops": ["mean"],
"as": ["z"]
"type": "formula",
"expr": "isValid(datum.z)?datum.z:null",
"as": "z"
"name": "matrix",
"values": [{}],
"transform": [{
"type": "formula",
"expr": "domain('dx')",
"as": "x"
"type": "formula",
"expr": "sequence(0,size_x,1)",
"as": "ix"
"type": "flatten",
"fields": ["ix", "x"]
"type": "formula",
"expr": "sequence(0,size_y,1)",
"as": "iy"
"type": "formula",
"expr": "domain('dy')",
"as": "y"
"type": "flatten",
"fields": ["iy", "y"]
"type": "formula",
"expr": "datum.x+'.'+datum.y",
"as": "id"
"type": "lookup",
"key": "id",
"from": "id_source",
"fields": ["id"],
"values": ["z"],
"as": ["z"]
"type": "formula",
"expr": "{x:datum.x, y:datum.y, z:datum.z}",
"as": "data"
"type": "formula",
"expr": "datum.ix+'.'+datum.iy",
"as": "id"
"name": "projections",
"source": "matrix",
"transform": [{
"type": "formula",
"expr": "{x:scale('x',datum.ix),y:scale('y',datum.iy),z:isValid('z',}",
"as": "point"
"type": "formula",
"expr": "{x:q.w * datum.point.x + q.y*datum.point.z- q.z * datum.point.y, y:q.w * datum.point.y - q.x * datum.point.z + q.z*datum.point.x, z:q.w * datum.point.z + q.x*datum.point.y - q.y * datum.point.x, w: -q.x * datum.point.x - q.y * datum.point.y - q.z * datum.point.z}",
"as": "q1"
"type": "formula",
"expr": "{x:datum.q1.w * q_1.x + datum.q1.x * q_1.w + datum.q1.y * q_1.z - datum.q1.z * q_1.y, y:datum.q1.w * q_1.y - datum.q1.x * q_1.z + datum.q1.y * q_1.w + datum.q1.z * q_1.x, z:datum.q1.w * q_1.z + datum.q1.x * q_1.y - datum.q1.y * q_1.x + datum.q1.z * q_1.w}",
"as": "q2"
"type": "formula",
"expr": "{x:datum.q2.x*size/2*(1+perspective)/(1 - perspective*datum.q2.z), y:datum.q2.y*size/2*(1+perspective)/(1 - perspective*datum.q2.z), z:datum.q2.z*size/2}",
"as": "projection"
"type": "project",
"fields": ["id", "ix", "iy", "data", "projection"],
"as": ["id", "ix", "iy", "data", "projection"]
"name": "paths",
"source": "projections",
"transform": [{
"type": "filter",
"expr": "datum.ix < size_x -1 && datum.iy < size_y -1"
"type": "formula",
"expr": "[datum.ix+'.'+datum.iy, (datum.ix+1)+'.'+datum.iy,(datum.ix+1)+'.'+(datum.iy+1),datum.ix+'.'+(datum.iy+1)]",
"as": "point"
"type": "flatten",
"fields": ["point"]
"type": "lookup",
"key": "id",
"from": "projections",
"fields": ["point"],
"values": ["projection", "data"]
"type": "filter",
"expr": "isValid("
"type": "formula",
"expr": "datum.projection.x+','+datum.projection.y",
"as": "point"
"type": "aggregate",
"groupby": ["id"],
"fields": ["id", "projection.z", "data.z", "id"],
"ops": ["values", "mean", "mean", "count"],
"as": ["points", "avg_pz", "avg_z", "count"]
"type": "formula",
"expr": "(datum.count>0?'M'+datum.points[0].point:'')+(datum.count>1?' L'+datum.points[1].point:'')+(datum.count>2?' L'+datum.points[2].point:'')+(datum.count>3?' L'+datum.points[3].point:'')+'z'",
"as": "path"
"type": "project",
"fields": ["id", "points[0].data", "path", "avg_pz", "avg_z"],
"as": ["id", "data", "path", "avg_pz", "avg_z"]
"name": "axes",
"values": [{}],
"transform": [{
"type": "formula",
"expr": "{x:range('x')[0],y:range('y')[0],z:scale('z',domain('z')[0])}",
"as": "root"
"type": "formula",
"expr": "{x:q.w * datum.root.x + q.y*datum.root.z- q.z * datum.root.y, y:q.w * datum.root.y - q.x * datum.root.z + q.z*datum.root.x, z:q.w * datum.root.z + q.x*datum.root.y - q.y * datum.root.x, w: -q.x * datum.root.x - q.y * datum.root.y - q.z * datum.root.z}",
"as": "q1"
"type": "formula",
"expr": "{x:datum.q1.w * q_1.x + datum.q1.x * q_1.w + datum.q1.y * q_1.z - datum.q1.z * q_1.y, y:datum.q1.w * q_1.y - datum.q1.x * q_1.z + datum.q1.y * q_1.w + datum.q1.z * q_1.x,z:datum.q1.w * q_1.z + datum.q1.x * q_1.y - datum.q1.y * q_1.x + datum.q1.z * q_1.w}",
"as": "pq2"
"type": "formula",
"expr": "{x:(datum.pq2.x)*size/2*(1+perspective)/(1 - perspective*datum.pq2.z), y:(datum.pq2.y)*size/2*(1+perspective)/(1 - perspective*datum.pq2.z)}",
"as": "p_root"
"type": "formula",
"expr": "[{label:'x', x:scale('x',size_x-1),y:range('y')[0],z:scale('z',domain('z')[0]), 'isNumber':isNumber(domain('x')[0])},{label:'y', x:range('x')[0],y:scale('y',size_y-1),z:scale('z',domain('z')[0]), 'isNumber':isNumber(domain('y')[0])},{label:ticks?'z ['+format(domain('z')[0],'.1~f')+', '+format(domain('z')[1],'.1~f')+']':'z', x:range('x')[0],y:range('y')[0],z:scale('z',domain('z')[1]), 'isNumber':true}]",
"as": "axis"
"type": "flatten",
"fields": ["axis"]
"type": "formula",
"expr": "{x:q.w * datum.axis.x + q.y*datum.axis.z- q.z * datum.axis.y, y:q.w * datum.axis.y - q.x * datum.axis.z + q.z*datum.axis.x, z:q.w * datum.axis.z + q.x*datum.axis.y - q.y * datum.axis.x, w: -q.x * datum.axis.x - q.y * datum.axis.y - q.z * datum.axis.z}",
"as": "q1"
"type": "formula",
"expr": "{x:datum.q1.w * q_1.x + datum.q1.x * q_1.w + datum.q1.y * q_1.z - datum.q1.z * q_1.y, y:datum.q1.w * q_1.y - datum.q1.x * q_1.z + datum.q1.y * q_1.w + datum.q1.z * q_1.x,z:datum.q1.w * q_1.z + datum.q1.x * q_1.y - datum.q1.y * q_1.x + datum.q1.z * q_1.w}",
"as": "pq2"
"type": "formula",
"expr": "{x:(datum.pq2.x)*size/2*(1+perspective)/(1 - perspective*datum.pq2.z), y:(datum.pq2.y)*size/2*(1+perspective)/(1 - perspective*datum.pq2.z)}",
"as": "p_axis"
"name": "x_ticks",
"values": [{}],
"transform": [{
"type": "formula",
"expr": "sequence(0,(size_x+size_x/(ticks_count+1)), size_x/(ticks_count+1))",
"as": "x_tick"
"type": "flatten",
"fields": ["x_tick"]
"type": "formula",
"expr": "round(max(0,datum.x_tick-1))",
"as": "x_tick"
"type": "formula",
"expr": "domain('dx')[datum.x_tick]",
"as": "label"
"type": "formula",
"expr": "{x:scale('x',datum.x_tick),y:1.2*scale('y',size_y-1),z:scale('z',domain('z')[0]), label:isNumber(datum.label)?format(datum.label,'.1~f'):datum.label}",
"as": "point"
"type": "formula",
"expr": "{x:q.w * datum.point.x + q.y*datum.point.z- q.z * datum.point.y, y:q.w * datum.point.y - q.x * datum.point.z + q.z*datum.point.x, z:q.w * datum.point.z + q.x*datum.point.y - q.y * datum.point.x, w: -q.x * datum.point.x - q.y * datum.point.y - q.z * datum.point.z}",
"as": "q1"
"type": "formula",
"expr": "{x:datum.q1.w * q_1.x + datum.q1.x * q_1.w + datum.q1.y * q_1.z - datum.q1.z * q_1.y, y:datum.q1.w * q_1.y - datum.q1.x * q_1.z + datum.q1.y * q_1.w + datum.q1.z * q_1.x, z:datum.q1.w * q_1.z + datum.q1.x * q_1.y - datum.q1.y * q_1.x + datum.q1.z * q_1.w}",
"as": "q2"
"type": "formula",
"expr": "{x:datum.q2.x*size/2*(1+perspective)/(1 - perspective*datum.q2.z), y:datum.q2.y*size/2*(1+perspective)/(1 - perspective*datum.q2.z)}",
"as": "projection"
"type": "project",
"fields": ["point.label", "projection.x", "projection.y", "projection.x2", "projection.y2"],
"as": ["label", "x", "y", "x2", "y2"]
"name": "y_ticks",
"values": [{}],
"transform": [{
"type": "formula",
"expr": "sequence(0,(size_y+size_y/(ticks_count+1)), size_y/(ticks_count+1))",
"as": "y_tick"
"type": "flatten",
"fields": ["y_tick"]
"type": "formula",
"expr": "round(max(0,datum.y_tick-1))",
"as": "y_tick"
"type": "formula",
"expr": "domain('dy')[datum.y_tick]",
"as": "label"
"type": "formula",
"expr": "{x:1.2*scale('x',size_x-1),y:scale('y',datum.y_tick),z:scale('z',domain('z')[0]), label:isNumber(datum.label)?format(datum.label,'.1~f'):datum.label}",
"as": "point"
"type": "formula",
"expr": "{x:q.w * datum.point.x + q.y*datum.point.z- q.z * datum.point.y, y:q.w * datum.point.y - q.x * datum.point.z + q.z*datum.point.x, z:q.w * datum.point.z + q.x*datum.point.y - q.y * datum.point.x, w: -q.x * datum.point.x - q.y * datum.point.y - q.z * datum.point.z}",
"as": "q1"
"type": "formula",
"expr": "{x:datum.q1.w * q_1.x + datum.q1.x * q_1.w + datum.q1.y * q_1.z - datum.q1.z * q_1.y, y:datum.q1.w * q_1.y - datum.q1.x * q_1.z + datum.q1.y * q_1.w + datum.q1.z * q_1.x, z:datum.q1.w * q_1.z + datum.q1.x * q_1.y - datum.q1.y * q_1.x + datum.q1.z * q_1.w}",
"as": "q2"
"type": "formula",
"expr": "{x:datum.q2.x*size/2*(1+perspective)/(1 - perspective*datum.q2.z), y:datum.q2.y*size/2*(1+perspective)/(1 - perspective*datum.q2.z)}",
"as": "projection"
"type": "project",
"fields": ["point.label", "projection.x", "projection.y"],
"as": ["label", "x", "y"]
"marks": [{
"type": "rect",
"encode": {
"enter": {},
"update": {
"fill": {
"signal": "theme === 'dark'?'black':'white'"
"cursor": [{
"test": "is_dragging",
"value": "grabbing"
"value": "pointer"
"width": {
"signal": "width"
"height": {
"signal": "height"
"name": "axes_m",
"type": "rule",
"from": {
"data": "axes"
"encode": {
"enter": {
"strokewidth": {
"value": 1
"update": {
"opacity": {
"signal": "axes?1:0"
"stroke": [{
"test": "theme === 'dark'",
"value": "lightgrey"
}, {
"value": "black"
"x": {
"field": "p_root.x",
"offset": {
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"y": {
"field": "p_root.y",
"offset": {
"signal": "center.y"
"x2": {
"field": "p_axis.x",
"offset": {
"signal": "center.x"
"y2": {
"field": "p_axis.y",
"offset": {
"signal": "center.y"
"type": "text",
"interactive": false,
"from": {
"data": "axes_m"
"encode": {
"enter": {
"text": {
"field": "datum.axis.label"
"align": {
"value": "center"
"baseline": {
"value": "bottom"
"update": {
"opacity": {
"signal": "axes?1:0"
"fill": [{
"test": "theme === 'dark'",
"value": "lightgrey"
}, {
"value": "black"
"xc": {
"field": "x2"
"yc": {
"field": "y2",
"offset": -5
"sort": {
"field": "datum.avg_pz"
"type": "path",
"from": {
"data": "paths"
"encode": {
"update": {
"cursor": [{
"test": "is_dragging",
"value": "grabbing"
"value": "pointer"
"fill": [{
"test": "!is_dragging && ( ===",
"signal": "contrast<1.45?'#2a9df4':'#ffeb3b'"
}, {
"test": "fill",
"field": "avg_z",
"scale": "color"
}, {
"value": "transparent"
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"test": "grid_color === 'scheme'",
"field": "avg_z",
"scale": "color"
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"strokeWidth": [{
"test": "grid_color === 'scheme'",
"value": 1
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"value": 0.3
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"value": "middle"
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"test": "theme === 'dark'",
"value": "lightgrey"
}, {
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