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Last active October 29, 2015 00:31
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MongoDB & Neo4j Query
pipeline = [
{ '$match': {'type':'WatchEvent'}},
{ '$group': {'_id': {'full_name': '$full_name'}, 'stars': { '$sum' : 1 }}},
{ '$project': { '_id': 0, 'full_name': '$_id.full_name', 'stars': '$stars' } },
{ '$sort' : { 'stars': -1 }},
{ '$limit': 10}
mycursor = db.aggregate(pipeline)
#Neo4j Cypher
for record in graph.cypher.execute("match (a:Repository)-[r]->(b:Organization) return count(r) as count"):
#Cypher - Simple recommendation for repository edx-platform
MATCH (a {id:"edx/edx-platform"})-[r1:IS_ACTOR|IN_ORGANIZATION]->(match)<-[r2:IS_ACTOR|IN_ORGANIZATION]-(b)
with b, collect (distinct as connections, collect (distinct type(r1)) as rel1
where length(connections) >= 1 return, length(connections) as count, length(rel1) as rel
order by length(connections) desc limit 5
#Sample output count rel
amir-qayyum-arbisoft/edx-platform 25 1
raccoongang/edx-platform 21 1
Shrhawk/edx-platform 17 1
mitocw/edx-platform 13 1
edx-solutions/edx-platform 13 1
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