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Created February 10, 2021 15:21
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#!/bin/bash -e
# version: 1.0
# Generate kubeconfig file from service account token
# Usage ./ <namespace> <service account name>
TEMPDIR=$( mktemp -d )
trap "{ rm -rf $TEMPDIR ; exit 255; }" EXIT
SA_SECRET=$( kubectl get sa -n $1 $2 -o jsonpath='{.secrets[0].name}' )
# Pull the bearer token and cluster CA from the service account secret.
BEARER_TOKEN=$( kubectl get secrets -n $1 $SA_SECRET -o jsonpath='{.data.token}' | base64 -d )
kubectl get secrets -n $1 $SA_SECRET -o jsonpath='{\.crt}' | base64 -d > $TEMPDIR/ca.crt
CURR_CONTEXT=$( kubectl config current-context )
CLUSTER=$( kubectl config view -o jsonpath='{.contexts[?("'$CURR_CONTEXT'")].context.cluster}' )
CLUSTER_URL=$( kubectl config view -o jsonpath='{.clusters[?("'$CLUSTER'")].cluster.server}' )
kubectl config --kubeconfig=$KUBECONFIG \
set-cluster \
--server=$CLUSTER_URL \
--certificate-authority=$TEMPDIR/ca.crt \
kubectl config --kubeconfig=$KUBECONFIG \
set-credentials $2 --token=$BEARER_TOKEN
kubectl config --kubeconfig=$KUBECONFIG \
set-context $CLUSTER \
--cluster=$CLUSTER \
kubectl config --kubeconfig=$KUBECONFIG \
use-context $CLUSTER
echo "kubeconfig written to file \"$KUBECONFIG\""
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