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Last active July 18, 2021 02:47
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Building a Compiler in Swift with LLVM, Part 2: AST and the Parser
#if os(macOS)
import Darwin
#elseif os(Linux)
import Glibc
// MARK: Tokens
enum BinaryOperator: Character {
case plus = "+"
case minus = "-"
case times = "*"
case divide = "/"
case mod = "%"
case equals = "="
enum Token: Equatable {
case leftParen, rightParen, def, extern, comma, semicolon, `if`, then, `else`
case identifier(String)
case number(Double)
case `operator`(BinaryOperator)
static func ==(lhs: Token, rhs: Token) -> Bool {
switch (lhs, rhs) {
case (.leftParen, .leftParen), (.rightParen, .rightParen),
(.def, .def), (.extern, .extern), (.comma, .comma),
(.semicolon, .semicolon), (.if, .if), (.then, .then),
(.else, .else):
return true
case let (.identifier(id1), .identifier(id2)):
return id1 == id2
case let (.number(n1), .number(n2)):
return n1 == n2
case let (.operator(op1), .operator(op2)):
return op1 == op2
return false
extension Character {
var value: Int32 {
return Int32(String(self).unicodeScalars.first!.value)
var isSpace: Bool {
return isspace(value) != 0
var isAlphanumeric: Bool {
return isalnum(value) != 0 || self == "_"
// MARK: Lexer
class Lexer {
let input: String
var index: String.Index
init(input: String) {
self.input = input
self.index = input.startIndex
var currentChar: Character? {
return index < input.count ? input[index] : nil
func advanceIndex() {
input.characters.formIndex(after: &index)
func readIdentifierOrNumber() -> String {
var str = ""
while let char = currentChar, char.isAlphanumeric || char == "." {
return str
func advanceToNextToken() -> Token? {
// Skip all spaces until a non-space token
while let char = currentChar, char.isSpace {
// If we hit the end of the input, then we're done
guard let char = currentChar else {
return nil
// Handle single-scalar tokens, like comma,
// leftParen, rightParen, and the operators
let singleTokMapping: [Character: Token] = [
",": .comma, "(": .leftParen, ")": .rightParen,
";": .semicolon, "+": .operator(.plus), "-": .operator(.minus),
"*": .operator(.times), "/": .operator(.divide),
"%": .operator(.mod), "=": .operator(.equals)
if let tok = singleTokMapping[char] {
return tok
// This is where we parse identifiers or numbers
// We're going to use Swift's built-in double parsing
// logic here.
if char.isAlphanumeric {
var str = readIdentifierOrNumber()
if let dblVal = Double(str) {
return .number(dblVal)
// Look for known tokens, otherwise fall back to
// the identifier token
switch str {
case "def": return .def
case "extern": return .extern
case "if": return .if
case "then": return .then
case "else": return .else
default: return .identifier(str)
return nil
func lex() -> [Token] {
var toks = [Token]()
while let tok = advanceToNextToken() {
return toks
struct Prototype {
let name: String
let params: [String]
struct Definition {
let prototype: Prototype
let expr: Expr
class File {
private(set) var externs = [Prototype]()
private(set) var definitions = [Definition]()
private(set) var expressions = [Expr]()
private(set) var prototypeMap = [String: Prototype]()
func prototype(name: String) -> Prototype? {
return prototypeMap[name]
func addExpression(_ expression: Expr) {
func addExtern(_ prototype: Prototype) {
prototypeMap[] = prototype
func addDefinition(_ definition: Definition) {
prototypeMap[] = definition.prototype
// MARK: Parser
enum ParseError: Error {
case unexpectedToken(Token)
case unexpectedEOF
enum ParseError: Error {
case unexpectedToken(Token)
case unexpectedEOF
class Parser {
let tokens: [Token]
var index = 0
init(tokens: [Token]) {
self.tokens = tokens
var currentToken: Token? {
return index < tokens.count ? tokens[index] : nil
func consumeToken(n: Int = 1) {
index += n
func parseFile() throws -> File {
let file = File()
while let tok = currentToken {
switch tok {
case .extern:
file.addExtern(try parseExtern())
case .def:
file.addDefinition(try parseDefinition())
let expr = try parseExpr()
try consume(.semicolon)
return file
func parseExpr() throws -> Expr {
guard let token = currentToken else {
throw ParseError.unexpectedEOF
var expr: Expr
switch token {
case .leftParen: // ( <expr> )
expr = try parseExpr()
try consume(.rightParen)
case .number(let value):
expr = .number(value)
case .identifier(let value):
if case .leftParen? = currentToken {
let params = try parseCommaSeparated(parseExpr)
expr = .call(value, params)
} else {
expr = .variable(value)
case .if: // if <expr> then <expr> else <expr>
let cond = try parseExpr()
try consume(.then)
let thenVal = try parseExpr()
try consume(.else)
let elseVal = try parseExpr()
expr = .ifelse(cond, thenVal, elseVal)
throw ParseError.unexpectedToken(token)
if case .operator(let op)? = currentToken {
let rhs = try parseExpr()
expr = .binary(expr, op, rhs)
return expr
func consume(_ token: Token) throws {
guard let tok = currentToken else {
throw ParseError.unexpectedEOF
guard token == tok else {
throw ParseError.unexpectedToken(token)
func parseIdentifier() throws -> String {
guard let token = currentToken else {
throw ParseError.unexpectedEOF
guard case .identifier(let name) = token else {
throw ParseError.unexpectedToken(token)
return name
func parsePrototype() throws -> Prototype {
let name = try parseIdentifier()
let params = try parseCommaSeparated(parseIdentifier)
return Prototype(name: name, params: params)
func parseCommaSeparated<TermType>(_ parseFn: () throws -> TermType) throws -> [TermType] {
try consume(.leftParen)
var vals = [TermType]()
while let tok = currentToken, tok != .rightParen {
let val = try parseFn()
if case .comma? = currentToken {
try consume(.comma)
try consume(.rightParen)
return vals
func parseExtern() throws -> Prototype {
try consume(.extern)
let proto = try parsePrototype()
try consume(.semicolon)
return proto
func parseDefinition() throws -> Definition {
try consume(.def)
let prototype = try parsePrototype()
let expr = try parseExpr()
let def = Definition(prototype: prototype, expr: expr)
try consume(.semicolon)
return def
let toks = Lexer(input: "extern sqrt(n);\ndef foo(n) (n * sqrt(n * 200) + 57 * n % 2);").lex()
let file = try! Parser(tokens: toks).parseFile()
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JetForMe commented May 8, 2018

This doesn't seem to compile in a Playground in Xcode 9.3/Swift 4.

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Cellane commented Jul 3, 2018

@JetForMe: It compiles in Xcode 10 for me, but I had to remove the duplicate ParseError and add this struct instead:

indirect enum Expr {
    case number(Double)
    case variable(String)
    case binary(Expr, BinaryOperator, Expr)
    case call(String, [Expr])
    case ifelse(Expr, Expr, Expr)

@harlanhaskins: Was that the correct adjustment to make?

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Cellane commented Jul 3, 2018

Ah, and also replacing return index < input.count ? input[index] : nil with return index < input.endIndex ? input[index] : nil in the Lexer.currentChar method.

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