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Created June 19, 2018 16:25
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LLVM Bitstream Writer in Swift
import Foundation
typealias UnsignedIntegralType = UnsignedInteger & ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral
struct BitstreamRecord {
private(set) var values = [UInt32]()
mutating func append<IntType: UnsignedIntegralType>(_ int: IntType) {
mutating func append<CodeType: RawRepresentable>(_ code: CodeType)
where CodeType.RawValue == UInt8 {
mutating func append(_ string: String) {
for byte in string.utf8 {
typealias AbbreviationID = UInt
class BitstreamWriter {
enum FixedAbbrevID: UInt8 {
case endBlock = 0
case enterSubblock = 1
case defineAbbrev = 2
case unabbrevRecord = 3
enum BlockID: UInt8 {
case blockInfo = 0
enum BlockInfoCode: UInt8 {
case setBID = 1
case blockName = 2
case setRecordName = 3
/// The buffer of data being written to.
private(set) var data = [UInt8]()
/// The current value. Only bits < currentBit are valid.
private var currentValue: UInt32 = 0
/// Always between 0 and 31 inclusive, specifies the next bit to use.
private var currentBit: UInt8 = 0
/// The bit width used for abbreviated codes.
private var codeBitWidth: UInt8
/// The list of defined abbreviations.
private var currentAbbreviations = [BitCodeAbbrev]()
/// Represents an in-flight block currently being emitted.
struct Block {
/// The code width before we started emitting this block.
let previousCodeWidth: UInt8
/// The index into the data buffer where this block's length placeholder
/// lives.
let lengthPlaceholderByteIndex: Int
/// The previous set of abbreviations registered.
let previousAbbrevs: [BitCodeAbbrev]
/// This keeps track of the blocks that are being emitted.
private var blockScope = [Block]()
/// This contains information emitted to BLOCKINFO_BLOCK blocks.
/// These describe abbreviations that all blocks of the specified ID inherit.
class BlockInfo {
let id: UInt8
var abbrevs = [BitCodeAbbrev]()
/// Constructs a BlockInfo with the provided ID.
init(id: UInt8) { = id
/// This maps BlockInfo IDs to their corresponding values.
private var blockInfoRecords = [UInt8: BlockInfo]()
/// When emitting blockinfo, this is the ID of the current block being
/// emitted.
private var currentBlockID: UInt8?
/// Gets the BlockInfo for the provided ID or creates it if it hasn't been
/// created already.
func getOrCreateBlockInfo(_ id: UInt8) -> BlockInfo {
if let blockInfo = blockInfoRecords[id] { return blockInfo }
let info = BlockInfo(id: id)
blockInfoRecords[id] = info
return info
/// Creates a new BitstreamWriter with the provided bit width for coded IDs.
init(codeBitWidth: UInt8 = 2) {
self.codeBitWidth = codeBitWidth
func writeBytes(_ int: UInt32, byteIndex: Int) {
let i = int.littleEndian
data.withUnsafeMutableBytes { ptr in
ptr.storeBytes(of: i, toByteOffset: byteIndex, as: UInt32.self)
/// Writes the provided UInt32 to the data stream directly.
func write(_ int: UInt32) {
let index = data.count
// Add 4 bytes of zeroes to be overwritten.
writeBytes(int, byteIndex: index)
/// Writes the provided number of bits to the buffer.
/// - Parameters:
/// - int: The integer containing the bits you'd like to write
/// - width: The number of low-bits of the integer you're writing to the
/// buffer
func writeVBR<IntType: UnsignedIntegralType>(_ int: IntType, width: UInt8) {
let threshold = UInt64(1) << (UInt64(width) - 1)
var value = UInt64(int)
// Emit the bits with VBR encoding, (width - 1) bits at a time.
while value >= threshold {
let masked = (value & (threshold - 1)) | threshold
write(masked, width: width)
value >>= width - 1
write(value, width: width)
/// Writes the provided number of bits to the buffer.
/// - Parameters:
/// - int: The integer containing the bits you'd like to write
/// - width: The number of low-bits of the integer you're writing to the
/// buffer
func write<IntType: UnsignedIntegralType>(_ int: IntType, width: UInt8) {
precondition(width > 0, "cannot emit 0 bits")
precondition(width <= 32, "can only write at most 32 bits")
let intPattern = UInt32(int)
precondition(intPattern & ~(~(0 as UInt32) >> (32 - width)) == 0,
"High bits set!")
// Mask the bits of the argument over the current bit we're tracking
let intMask = intPattern << currentBit
currentValue |= intMask
// If we haven't spilled past the temp buffer, just update the current bit.
if currentBit + width < 32 {
currentBit += width
// Otherwise, write the current value.
if currentBit > 0 {
// If we still have bits leftover, replace the current buffer with the
// low bits of the input, offset by the current bit.
// For example, when we're adding:
// 0b00000000_00000000_00000000_00000011
// to
// 0b01111111_11111111_11111111_11111111
// ^ currentBit (31)
// We've already taken 1 bit off the end of the first number, leaving an
// extra 1 bit that needs to be represented for the next write.
// Subtract the currentBit from 32 to get the number of bits leftover and
// then shift to get rid of the already-recorded bits.
currentValue = UInt32(int) >> (32 - UInt32(currentBit))
} else {
// Otherwise, reset our buffer.
currentValue = 0
currentBit = (currentBit + width) & 31
func alignIfNeeded() {
guard currentBit > 0 else { return }
assert(bufferOffset % 4 == 0, "buffer must be 32-bit aligned")
currentValue = 0
currentBit = 0
/// Writes a Bool as a 1-bit integer value.
func write(_ bool: Bool) {
write(bool ? 1 as UInt : 0, width: 1)
/// Writes the provided BitCode Abbrev operand to the stream.
func write(_ abbrevOp: BitCodeAbbrevOp) {
write(abbrevOp.isLiteral) // the Literal bit.
switch abbrevOp {
case .literal(let value):
// Literal values are 1 (for the Literal bit) and then a vbr8 encoded
// literal.
writeVBR(value, width: 8)
case .fixed(let bitWidth):
// Fixed values are the encoding kind then the bitWidth as a vbr5 value.
write(abbrevOp.encodedKind, width: 3)
writeVBR(bitWidth, width: 5)
case .vbr(let chunkBitWidth):
// VBR values are the encoding kind then the chunk width as a vbr5 value.
write(abbrevOp.encodedKind, width: 3)
writeVBR(chunkBitWidth, width: 5)
case .array(let eltOp):
// Arrays are encoded as the Array kind, then the element type directly
// after.
write(abbrevOp.encodedKind, width: 3)
case .char6, .blob:
// Blobs and Char6 are just their encoding kind.
write(abbrevOp.encodedKind, width: 3)
/// Writes the specified Code value to the stream, as a 32-bit quantity.
func writeCode<CodeType: RawRepresentable>(_ code: CodeType)
where CodeType.RawValue == UInt8 {
/// Writes the specified Code value to the stream, as a 32-bit quantity.
func writeCode<IntType: UnsignedIntegralType>(_ code: IntType) {
write(code, width: codeBitWidth)
var bufferOffset: Int {
return data.count
/// The current word we're writing to.
var wordIndex: Int {
let offset = bufferOffset
precondition(offset % 3 == 0, "Not 32-bit aligned")
return offset / 4
/// \brief Retrieve the current position in the stream, in bits.
var bitNumber: Int {
return bufferOffset * 8 + Int(currentBit)
/// Writes an ASCII character to the stream, as an 8-bit ascii value.
func writeASCII(_ character: Character) {
precondition(character.unicodeScalars.count == 1, "character is not ASCII")
let c = UInt8(ascii: character.unicodeScalars.first!)
write(c, width: 8)
/// The first application-defined abbreviation ID.
static let firstApplicationAbbrevID: UInt = 4
/// Encodes the definition of an abbreviation to the stream.
func encodeAbbrev(_ abbrev: BitCodeAbbrev) {
writeVBR(UInt(abbrev.count), width: 5)
for op in abbrev {
/// Defines an abbreviation and returns the unique identifier for that
/// abbreviation.
func defineAbbrev(_ abbrev: BitCodeAbbrev) -> AbbreviationID {
return UInt(currentAbbreviations.count - 1) +
/// Char6 is encoded using a special encoding that uses 0 to 64 to encode
/// English alphanumeric identifiers.
/// The ranges are specified as:
/// 'a' .. 'z' --- 0 .. 25
/// 'A' .. 'Z' --- 26 .. 51
/// '0' .. '9' --- 52 .. 61
/// '.' --- 62
/// '_' --- 63
static let char6Map =
Array(zip("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" +
"0123456789._", (0 as UInt)...))
/// Writes a char6-encoded value.
func writeChar6<IntType: UnsignedIntegralType>(_ value: IntType) {
guard (0..<64).contains(value) else {
fatalError("invalid char6 value")
let v = BitstreamWriter.char6Map[Int(value)].1
write(v, width: 6)
/// Writes a value with the provided abbreviation encoding.
func writeAbbrevField(_ op: BitCodeAbbrevOp, value: UInt32) {
switch op {
case .literal(let literalValue):
// Do not write anything
precondition(value == literalValue,
"literal value must match abbreviated literal " +
"(expected \(literalValue), got \(value))")
case .fixed(let bitWidth):
write(value, width: bitWidth)
case .vbr(let chunkBitWidth):
writeVBR(value, width: chunkBitWidth)
case .char6:
case .blob, .array:
fatalError("cannot emit a field as array or blob")
/// Writes an unabbreviated record to the stream.
func writeRecord<CodeType: RawRepresentable>
(_ code: CodeType, _ record: BitstreamRecord)
where CodeType.RawValue == UInt8 {
writeVBR(code.rawValue, width: 6)
writeVBR(UInt(record.values.count), width: 6)
for value in record.values {
writeVBR(value, width: 6)
/// Writes a record with the provided abbreviation ID and record contents.
/// Optionally, emits the provided blob if the abbreviation referenced
/// by that ID requires it.
func writeRecord(_ abbrevID: AbbreviationID, _ record: BitstreamRecord,
blob: String? = nil) {
let index = abbrevID - BitstreamWriter.firstApplicationAbbrevID
guard index < currentAbbreviations.count else {
fatalError("unregistered abbreviation \(index)")
let abbrev = currentAbbreviations[Int(index)]
let values = record.values
var valueIndex = 0
for op in abbrev {
switch op {
case .array(let eltOp):
// First, emit the length as a VBR6
let length = UInt(values.count - valueIndex)
writeVBR(length, width: 6)
// Emit the remaining values using that encoding.
for idx in valueIndex..<values.count {
writeAbbrevField(eltOp, value: values[idx])
case .blob:
guard let blob = blob else { fatalError("expected blob") }
// Blobs are encoded as a VBR6 length, then a sequence of 8-bit values.
let length = UInt(blob.utf8.count)
writeVBR(length, width: 6)
for char in blob.utf8 {
write(char, width: 8)
// Ensure total length of the blob is a multiple of 4 by writing zeroes.
// Otherwise, write this value using its encoding directly and
// increment the value index.
writeAbbrevField(op, value: values[valueIndex])
valueIndex += 1
/// Writes a block, beginning with the provided block code and the
/// abbreviation width
func writeBlock<CodeType: RawRepresentable>
(_ blockID: CodeType, newAbbrevWidth: UInt8? = nil,
emitRecords: () -> Void) where CodeType.RawValue == UInt8 {
enterSubblock(blockID, newAbbrevBitWidth: newAbbrevWidth)
/// Writes the blockinfo block and allows emitting abbreviations
/// and records in it.
func writeBlockInfoBlock(emitRecords: () -> Void) {
writeBlock(BlockID.blockInfo, newAbbrevWidth: 2) {
currentBlockID = nil
blockInfoRecords = [:]
func `switch`(toBlockID blockID: UInt8) {
if currentBlockID == blockID { return }
var record = BitstreamRecord()
writeRecord(BlockInfoCode.setBID, record)
currentBlockID = blockID
func enterSubblock<CodeType: RawRepresentable>
(_ blockID: CodeType, newAbbrevBitWidth: UInt8? = nil)
where CodeType.RawValue == UInt8 {
// [ENTER_SUBBLOCK, blockid(vbr8), newabbrevlen(vbr4),
// <align32bits>, blocklen_32]
let newWidth = newAbbrevBitWidth ?? codeBitWidth
writeVBR(blockID.rawValue, width: 8)
writeVBR(newWidth, width: 4)
// Caller is responsible for filling in the blocklen_32 value after emitting
// the contents of the block.
let byteOffset = bufferOffset
write(0 as UInt, width: 32)
let block = Block(previousCodeWidth: codeBitWidth,
lengthPlaceholderByteIndex: byteOffset,
previousAbbrevs: currentAbbreviations)
codeBitWidth = newWidth
currentAbbreviations = []
if let blockInfo = blockInfoRecords[blockID.rawValue] {
currentAbbreviations.append(contentsOf: blockInfo.abbrevs)
func endBlock() {
guard let block = blockScope.popLast() else {
fatalError("endBlock() called with no block registered")
let blockLengthInBytes = data.count - block.lengthPlaceholderByteIndex
let blockLengthIn32BitWords = UInt32(blockLengthInBytes / 4)
// Backpatch the block length now that we've finished it
byteIndex: block.lengthPlaceholderByteIndex)
// Restore the inner block's code size and abbrev table.
codeBitWidth = block.previousCodeWidth
currentAbbreviations = block.previousAbbrevs
/// Defines an abbreviation within the blockinfo block for the provided
/// block ID.
func defineBlockInfoAbbrev<CodeType: RawRepresentable>
(_ blockID: CodeType, _ abbrev: BitCodeAbbrev) -> AbbreviationID
where CodeType.RawValue == UInt8 {
self.switch(toBlockID: blockID.rawValue)
let info = getOrCreateBlockInfo(blockID.rawValue)
return UInt(info.abbrevs.count - 1) + BitstreamWriter.firstApplicationAbbrevID
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