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Created July 20, 2018 22:04
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Swift BitArray that behaves like an array of bools.
import Foundation
extension BinaryInteger {
/// Gets the bit at the specified bit index in the receiver, reading from
/// least to most-significant bit.
/// For example,
/// ```
/// 0b0010.bit(at: 0) == false
/// 0b0010.bit(at: 1) == true
/// ```
func bit(at index: Int) -> Bool {
return (self >> index) & 1 == 1
/// Sets the bit at the specified bit index in the receiver, reading from
/// least to most-significant bit.
/// For example,
/// ```
/// 0b0010.setBit(at: 0, to: true) --> 0b0011
/// 0b0010.setBit(at: 1, to: false) --> 0b0000
/// ```
mutating func setBit(at index: Int, to bool: Bool) {
if bool {
self |= (1 << index)
} else {
self &= ~(1 << index)
/// BitArray is a specialized container of bits that attempts to minimize the
/// amount of memory used.
public struct BitArray: MutableCollection, RandomAccessCollection {
static let wordSize = MemoryLayout<UInt32>.size
/// The in-progress collection of 32-bit words holding the bits in this bit
/// array.
private var words = [UInt32]()
/// The bit corresponding to the current index in the last word in the words
/// array. This last word is considered 'in-flight', and only the bits up to
/// the currentBitIndex are valid inside the last word.
private var currentBitIndex = 0
/// Creates an empty BitArray.
public init() {
/// Creates a BitArray from the Bools in the provided sequence.
public init<Seq: Sequence>(_ sequence: Seq) where Seq.Element == Bool {
for b in sequence {
/// Creates a BitArray by reading `bits` bits from the provided Data.
/// - Parameters:
/// - data: The data containing the bits to be read in bit order.
/// - bits: The number of bits to read from the data provided.
public init(data: Data, bits: Int) {
precondition(bits <= data.count * 8, "cannot read more bits than Data contains")
// Get the number of full 32-bit words represented in the data
let numberOfFullWords = data.count / BitArray.wordSize
var numberOfWordsRequired = numberOfFullWords
if data.count % 4 != 0 {
numberOfWordsRequired += 1
words = [UInt32](repeating: 0, count: numberOfWordsRequired)
// Copy the bytes out of the provided data, reading it as a sequence of
// UInt32s.
words.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer {
_ = data.copyBytes(to: $0)
self.currentBitIndex = bits - (numberOfFullWords * 32)
/// The starting bit index (always 0).
public var startIndex: Int {
return 0
/// An index corresponding to 1 past the last bit in the sequence.
public var endIndex: Int {
if words.isEmpty { return 0 }
let numberOfFullWordBits = (words.count - 1) * 32
return numberOfFullWordBits + Int(currentBitIndex)
/// The number of bits in the bit array.
public var count: Int {
return endIndex
/// Gets the word and bit index within the word corresponding to the provided
/// index in the bit array.
private func convertBitIndexToWordAndBit(_ index: Int) -> (word: Int, bit: Int) {
precondition(index < endIndex,
"cannot read bit \(index) from BitArray with \(count) bits")
let word = index / 32
let bit = index % 32
return (word, bit)
/// Stores or retrieves the bit at the provided index in the array.
public subscript(_ bitIndex: Int) -> Bool {
get {
let (wordIndex, bit) = convertBitIndexToWordAndBit(bitIndex)
return words[wordIndex].bit(at: bit)
set {
let (wordIndex, bit) = convertBitIndexToWordAndBit(bitIndex)
words[wordIndex].setBit(at: bit, to: newValue)
/// Appends the provided Bool to the end of the bit array, adding words
/// as necessary.
public mutating func append(_ bool: Bool) {
if words.isEmpty {
words[words.count - 1].setBit(at: currentBitIndex, to: bool)
if currentBitIndex == 31 {
currentBitIndex = 0
} else {
currentBitIndex += 1
/// Removes the last bit in the bit array.
public mutating func removeLast() {
if currentBitIndex == 0 {
currentBitIndex = 31
} else {
currentBitIndex -= 1
/// Extracts the minimum number of bytes required to transmit the contents
/// of this BitArray.
public var data: Data {
var d = words.withUnsafeBufferPointer { Data(buffer: $0) }
// If we have no extra bits to write, or we're going to need the last
// byte of the last word, then go ahead and finish with our aligned bytes.
let numUselessBytesFromLastWord = (31 - currentBitIndex) / 8
return d
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