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Created March 5, 2018 22:09
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import Foundation
enum Result<Value> {
case success(Value)
case failure(Error)
func promote() throws -> Value {
switch self {
case .success(let value):
return value
case .failure(let error):
throw error
let scryfall = URL(string: "")!
/// Retreives JSON data from URL and parses it with JSON decoder. Thanks Mitchell
func parseResource<ResultType: Decodable>(call: String, completion: @escaping (Result<ResultType>) -> ()) {
let url = scryfall.appendingPathComponent(call)
let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { (data, response, error) in
guard let content = data else {
print("Error: There was no data returned from JSON file.")
//print("\(String(data: content,encoding: .utf8))")
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
do {
// Decode JSON file starting from Response struct.
let decoded = try decoder.decode(ResultType.self, from: content)
} catch {
// Known Issues:
// * Too broad of a request (needs handler)
// Present an alert if the JSON data cannot be decoded.
do {
let decoded = try decoder.decode(ScryfallError.self, from: content)
} catch {
struct Card: Codable {}
struct SomethingElse: Codable {}
parseResource(call: "cards/named") { (result: Result<Card>) in
func synchronouslyGetResource<T: Decodable>(call: String) throws -> T {
var result: Result<T>?
let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 0)
parseResource(call: call) { (res: Result<T>) in
result = res
return try result!.promote()
let fuck: Fuck = try synchronouslyGetResource(call: "something-else")
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