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Created April 28, 2013 11:01
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"metadata": {
"name": "Education First"
"nbformat": 3,
"nbformat_minor": 0,
"worksheets": [
"cells": [
"cell_type": "code",
"collapsed": false,
"input": [
"import pandas as pd\n",
"from pandas import Series, DataFrame"
"language": "python",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"prompt_number": 207
"cell_type": "code",
"collapsed": false,
"input": [
"import os\n",
"DATA_DIR = os.path.join(os.pardir, \"Data\")\n",
"DATA_FILES = {\"Crime\": \"Data/CrimeRate.csv\",\n",
" \"PopInc\": \"Data/PopIncome.csv\",\n",
" \"svg\": \"Data/counties.svg\"}\n",
"def file_path(key):\n",
" return os.path.join(os.pardir, DATA_FILES[key])\n",
"for file_key in DATA_FILES.keys():\n",
" abs_fname = file_path(file_key)\n",
" assert os.path.exists(abs_fname) is True"
"language": "python",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"prompt_number": 226
"cell_type": "heading",
"level": 1,
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"Enter your Name and State"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
" <div style=\"margin-left: 100px; display: inline\"> Name:</div>\n",
" <input type=\"text\" id=\"name\" name=\"name\" style=\"border:1px solid #cccccc;padding: 4px 6px;margin-bottom: 10px;width: 200px;border-radius: 4px\">\n",
" \n",
" <div style=\"margin-left: 100px; display: inline\"> State:</div>\n",
" <select id=\"state\" name=\"state\" style=\"border:1px solid #cccccc;padding: 4px 6px;margin-bottom: 10px;width: 200px;border-radius: 4px\">\n",
" <option>Select a state</option>\n",
" <option value=\"01000\">Alabama</option>\n",
" <option value=\"02000\">Alaska</option>\n",
" <option value=\"04000\">Arizona</option>\n",
" <option value=\"05000\">Arkansas</option>\n",
" <option value=\"06000\">California</option>\n",
" <option value=\"08000\">Colorado</option>\n",
" <option value=\"09000\">Connecticut</option>\n",
" <option value=\"10000\">Delaware</option>\n",
" <option value=\"11000\">District Of Columbia</option>\n",
" <option value=\"12000\">Florida</option>\n",
" <option value=\"13000\">Georgia</option>\n",
" <option value=\"15000\">Hawaii</option>\n",
" <option value=\"15000\">Idaho</option>\n",
" <option value=\"17000\">Illinois</option>\n",
" <option value=\"18000\">Indiana</option>\n",
" <option value=\"19000\">Iowa</option>\n",
" <option value=\"20000\">Kansas</option>\n",
" <option value=\"21000\">Kentucky</option>\n",
" <option value=\"22000\">Louisiana</option>\n",
" <option value=\"23000\">Maine</option>\n",
" <option value=\"24000\">Maryland</option>\n",
" <option value=\"25000\">Massachusetts</option>\n",
" <option value=\"26000\">Michigan</option>\n",
" <option value=\"27000\">Minnesota</option>\n",
" <option value=\"28000\">Mississippi</option>\n",
" <option value=\"29000\">Missouri</option>\n",
" <option value=\"30000\">Montana</option>\n",
" <option value=\"31000\">Nebraska</option>\n",
" <option value=\"32000\">Nevada</option>\n",
" <option value=\"33000\">New Hampshire</option>\n",
" <option value=\"34000\">New Jersey</option>\n",
" <option value=\"35000\">New Mexico</option>\n",
" <option value=\"36000\">New York</option>\n",
" <option value=\"37000\">North Carolina</option>\n",
" <option value=\"38000\">North Dakota</option>\n",
" <option value=\"39000\">Ohio</option>\n",
" <option value=\"40000\">Oklahoma</option>\n",
" <option value=\"41000\">Oregon</option>\n",
" <option value=\"42000\">Pennsylvania</option>\n",
" <option value=\"44000\">Rhode Island</option>\n",
" <option value=\"45000\">South Carolina</option>\n",
" <option value=\"46000\">South Dakota</option>\n",
" <option value=\"47000\">Tennessee</option>\n",
" <option value=\"48000\">Texas</option>\n",
" <option value=\"49000\">Utah</option>\n",
" <option value=\"50000\">Vermont</option>\n",
" <option value=\"51000\">Virginia</option>\n",
" <option value=\"53000\">Washington</option>\n",
" <option value=\"54000\">West Virginia</option>\n",
" <option value=\"55000\">Wisconsin</option>\n",
" <option value=\"56000\">Wyoming</option>\n",
" <option value=\"72000\">Puerto Rico</option>\n",
" </select>\t\n",
" <script>\n",
" $(\"select[name='state']\").change(function(){\n",
" var kernel = IPython.notebook.kernel;\n",
" kernel.execute(\"state = '\"+$(this).val()+\"'\");\n",
" \n",
" var kernel = IPython.notebook.kernel;\n",
" kernel.execute(\"name = '\"+$('#name').val()+\"'\");\n",
" \n",
" });\n",
" </script>\n",
"cell_type": "heading",
"level": 2,
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"Rank your options on a scale of 1 to 10 based on your priorities."
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"<form id=\"userinput\" method=\"post\">\n",
" \n",
" <div style=\"margin-left: 100px; display: inline\"> Rank 1:</div>\n",
" <select id=\"rank1\" name=\"rank1\" style=\"border:1px solid #cccccc;padding: 4px 6px;margin-bottom: 10px;width: 200px;border-radius: 4px\">\n",
" <option>Select an option</option>\n",
" </select>\n",
" \n",
" <div style=\"margin-left: 100px; display: inline\"> Rank 2:</div>\n",
" <select id=\"rank2\" name=\"rank2\" style=\"border:1px solid #cccccc;padding: 4px 6px;margin-bottom: 10px;width: 200px;border-radius: 4px; margin-left\">\n",
" <option>Select an option</option>\n",
" </select>\n",
" \n",
" <br>\n",
" <br>\n",
" <div style=\"margin-left: 100px; display: inline\"> Rank 3:</div>\n",
" <select id=\"rank3\" name=\"rank3\" style=\"border:1px solid #cccccc;padding: 4px 6px;margin-bottom: 10px;width: 200px;border-radius: 4px\">\n",
" <option>Select an option</option>\n",
" </select>\n",
" \n",
" <div style=\"margin-left: 100px; display: inline\"> Rank 4:</div>\n",
" <select id=\"rank4\" name=\"rank4\" style=\"border:1px solid #cccccc;padding: 4px 6px;margin-bottom: 10px;width: 200px;border-radius: 4px\">\n",
" <option>Select an option</option>\n",
" </select>\n",
" \n",
" <br>\n",
" <br>\n",
" <div style=\"margin-left: 100px; display: inline\"> Rank 5:</div>\n",
" <select id=\"rank5\" name=\"rank5\" style=\"border:1px solid #cccccc;padding: 4px 6px;margin-bottom: 10px;width: 200px;border-radius: 4px\">\n",
" <option>Select an option</option>\n",
" </select>\n",
" \n",
" <div style=\"margin-left: 100px; display: inline\"> Rank 6:</div>\n",
" <select id=\"rank6\" name=\"rank6\" style=\"border:1px solid #cccccc;padding: 4px 6px;margin-bottom: 10px;width: 200px;border-radius: 4px\">\n",
" <option>Select an option</option>\n",
" </select>\n",
" \n",
" <br>\n",
" <br>\n",
" <div style=\"margin-left: 100px; display: inline\"> Rank 7:</div>\n",
" <select id=\"rank7\" name=\"rank7\" style=\"border:1px solid #cccccc;padding: 4px 6px;margin-bottom: 10px;width: 200px;border-radius: 4px\">\n",
" <option>Select an option</option>\n",
" </select>\n",
" \n",
" <div style=\"margin-left: 100px; display: inline\"> Rank 8:</div>\n",
" <select id=\"rank8\" name=\"rank8\" style=\"border:1px solid #cccccc;padding: 4px 6px;margin-bottom: 10px;width: 200px;border-radius: 4px\">\n",
" <option>Select an option</option>\n",
" </select>\n",
" \n",
" <br>\n",
" <br>\n",
" <div style=\"margin-left: 100px; display: inline\"> Rank 9:</div>\n",
" <select id=\"rank9\" name=\"rank9\" style=\"border:1px solid #cccccc;padding: 4px 6px;margin-bottom: 10px;width: 200px;border-radius: 4px\">\n",
" <option>Select an option</option>\n",
" </select>\n",
" \n",
" <div style=\"margin-left: 100px; display: inline\"> Rank 10:</div>\n",
" <select id=\"rank10\" name=\"rank10\" style=\"border:1px solid #cccccc;padding: 4px 6px;margin-bottom: 10px;width: 200px;border-radius: 4px\">\n",
" <option>Select an option</option>\n",
" </select>\n",
" <script>\n",
" options = ['Crime Rate', 'HS Grad Rate', 'Healthcare Cost', 'College Degree Holders', 'Population', 'Income', 'Litracy Rate', 'House Price', 'Test Score', 'School Funding'];\n",
" for (i=1; i<=options.length; i++)\n",
"\t\t\t\t//document.forms['matchScore'].matches.options[i] = new Option(i,i.toString());\n",
"\t\t\t\tdocument.forms['userinput'].rank1.options[i] = new Option(options[i-1]);\n",
" \n",
" $(\"select[name='rank1']\").change(function(){\n",
" var kernel = IPython.notebook.kernel;\n",
" var rank1 = $(this).val(); \n",
" kernel.execute(\"rank1 = '\"+rank1+\"'\");\n",
" \n",
" var index = options.indexOf(rank1);\n",
" options.splice(index, 1);\n",
" \n",
" for (i=1; i<=options.length; i++)\n",
"\t\t\t\t//document.forms['matchScore'].matches.options[i] = new Option(i,i.toString());\n",
"\t\t\t\tdocument.forms['userinput'].rank2.options[i] = new Option(options[i-1]);\n",
" });\n",
" \n",
" $(\"select[name='rank2']\").change(function(){\n",
" var kernel = IPython.notebook.kernel;\n",
" var rank2 = $(this).val(); \n",
" kernel.execute(\"rank2 = '\"+rank2+\"'\");\n",
" \n",
" var index = options.indexOf(rank2);\n",
" options.splice(index, 1);\n",
" \n",
" for (i=1; i<=options.length; i++)\n",
"\t\t\t\t//document.forms['matchScore'].matches.options[i] = new Option(i,i.toString());\n",
"\t\t\t\tdocument.forms['userinput'].rank3.options[i] = new Option(options[i-1]);\n",
" });\n",
" \n",
" $(\"select[name='rank3']\").change(function(){\n",
" var kernel = IPython.notebook.kernel;\n",
" var rank3 = $(this).val(); \n",
" kernel.execute(\"rank3 = '\"+rank3+\"'\");\n",
" \n",
" var index = options.indexOf(rank3);\n",
" options.splice(index, 1);\n",
" \n",
" for (i=1; i<=options.length; i++)\n",
"\t\t\t\t//document.forms['matchScore'].matches.options[i] = new Option(i,i.toString());\n",
"\t\t\t\tdocument.forms['userinput'].rank4.options[i] = new Option(options[i-1]);\n",
" });\n",
" \n",
" $(\"select[name='rank4']\").change(function(){\n",
" var kernel = IPython.notebook.kernel;\n",
" var rank4 = $(this).val(); \n",
" kernel.execute(\"rank4 = '\"+rank4+\"'\");\n",
" \n",
" var index = options.indexOf(rank4);\n",
" options.splice(index, 1);\n",
" \n",
" for (i=1; i<=options.length; i++)\n",
"\t\t\t\t//document.forms['matchScore'].matches.options[i] = new Option(i,i.toString());\n",
"\t\t\t\tdocument.forms['userinput'].rank5.options[i] = new Option(options[i-1]);\n",
" });\n",
" \n",
" $(\"select[name='rank5']\").change(function(){\n",
" var kernel = IPython.notebook.kernel;\n",
" var rank5 = $(this).val(); \n",
" kernel.execute(\"rank5 = '\"+rank5+\"'\");\n",
" \n",
" var index = options.indexOf(rank5);\n",
" options.splice(index, 1);\n",
" \n",
" for (i=1; i<=options.length; i++)\n",
"\t\t\t\t//document.forms['matchScore'].matches.options[i] = new Option(i,i.toString());\n",
"\t\t\t\tdocument.forms['userinput'].rank6.options[i] = new Option(options[i-1]);\n",
" });\n",
" \n",
" $(\"select[name='rank6']\").change(function(){\n",
" var kernel = IPython.notebook.kernel;\n",
" var rank6 = $(this).val(); \n",
" kernel.execute(\"rank6 = '\"+rank6+\"'\");\n",
" \n",
" var index = options.indexOf(rank6);\n",
" options.splice(index, 1);\n",
" \n",
" for (i=1; i<=options.length; i++)\n",
"\t\t\t\t//document.forms['matchScore'].matches.options[i] = new Option(i,i.toString());\n",
"\t\t\t\tdocument.forms['userinput'].rank7.options[i] = new Option(options[i-1]);\n",
" });\n",
" \n",
" $(\"select[name='rank7']\").change(function(){\n",
" var kernel = IPython.notebook.kernel;\n",
" var rank7 = $(this).val(); \n",
" kernel.execute(\"rank7 = '\"+rank7+\"'\");\n",
" \n",
" var index = options.indexOf(rank7);\n",
" options.splice(index, 1);\n",
" \n",
" for (i=1; i<=options.length; i++)\n",
"\t\t\t\t//document.forms['matchScore'].matches.options[i] = new Option(i,i.toString());\n",
"\t\t\t\tdocument.forms['userinput'].rank8.options[i] = new Option(options[i-1]);\n",
" });\n",
" \n",
" $(\"select[name='rank8']\").change(function(){\n",
" var kernel = IPython.notebook.kernel;\n",
" var rank8 = $(this).val(); \n",
" kernel.execute(\"rank8 = '\"+rank8+\"'\");\n",
" \n",
" var index = options.indexOf(rank8);\n",
" options.splice(index, 1);\n",
" \n",
" for (i=1; i<=options.length; i++)\n",
"\t\t\t\t//document.forms['matchScore'].matches.options[i] = new Option(i,i.toString());\n",
"\t\t\t\tdocument.forms['userinput'].rank9.options[i] = new Option(options[i-1]);\n",
" });\n",
" \n",
" $(\"select[name='rank9']\").change(function(){\n",
" var kernel = IPython.notebook.kernel;\n",
" var rank9 = $(this).val(); \n",
" kernel.execute(\"rank9 = '\"+rank9+\"'\");\n",
" \n",
" var index = options.indexOf(rank9);\n",
" options.splice(index, 1);\n",
" \n",
" for (i=1; i<=options.length; i++)\n",
"\t\t\t\t//document.forms['matchScore'].matches.options[i] = new Option(i,i.toString());\n",
"\t\t\t\tdocument.forms['userinput'].rank10.options[i] = new Option(options[i-1]);\n",
" });\n",
" \n",
" $(\"select[name='rank10']\").change(function(){\n",
" var kernel = IPython.notebook.kernel;\n",
" var rank10 = $(this).val(); \n",
" kernel.execute(\"rank10 = '\"+rank10+\"'\");\n",
" \n",
" var index = options.indexOf(rank10);\n",
" options.splice(index, 10);\n",
" \n",
" });\n",
" </script>\n",
" \n",
"cell_type": "code",
"collapsed": false,
"input": [
"import codecs\n",
"from itertools import islice\n",
"from pandas import Series, DataFrame\n",
"f1 =\"Crime\"), encoding='iso-8859-1')\n",
"header = list()\n",
"data = list()\n",
"n = 0\n",
"for row in islice(f1, None):\n",
" if n == 0:\n",
" pass\n",
" elif n == 1:\n",
" header.append(row.split(','))\n",
" else:\n",
" data.append(row.split(','))\n",
" n = n + 1\n",
" \n",
"df2 = DataFrame(data, columns = header[0])\n",
"df2 = df2[['FIPS', 'County', 'State', 'Violent Crime Rate', '% AFGR', 'MV Mortality Rate', '% Smokers']]\n",
"print rank1\n",
"print rank2\n",
"print rank3\n",
"print rank4\n",
"print rank5\n",
"print rank6\n",
"print rank7\n",
"print rank8\n",
"print rank9\n",
"print rank10\n",
"print state\n",
"print name"
"language": "python",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"output_type": "stream",
"stream": "stdout",
"text": [
"Crime Rate\n",
"HS Grad Rate\n",
"College Degree Holders\n",
"Litracy Rate\n",
"Healthcare Cost\n",
"House Price\n",
"Test Score\n",
"School Funding\n",
"prompt_number": 235
"cell_type": "code",
"collapsed": false,
"input": [
"f2 =\"PopInc\"), encoding='iso-8859-1')\n",
"header1 = list()\n",
"data1 = list()\n",
"n = 0\n",
"for row in islice(f2, None):\n",
" if n == 0:\n",
" pass\n",
" elif n == 1:\n",
" header1.append(row.split(','))\n",
" else:\n",
" data1.append(row.split(','))\n",
" n = n + 1\n",
" \n",
"df3 = DataFrame(data1, columns = header1[0])\n",
"df3 = df3[['FIPS', 'County', 'State', 'Population', 'Household Income']]\n",
"language": "python",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"html": [
"<div style=\"max-height:1000px;max-width:1500px;overflow:auto;\">\n",
"<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n",
" <thead>\n",
" <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n",
" <th></th>\n",
" <th>FIPS</th>\n",
" <th>State</th>\n",
" <th>County</th>\n",
" <th>Population</th>\n",
" <th>Household Income</th>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" </thead>\n",
" <tbody>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>0</th>\n",
" <td> 01001</td>\n",
" <td> Alabama</td>\n",
" <td> Autauga</td>\n",
" <td> 55267</td>\n",
" <td> 48863</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>1</th>\n",
" <td> 01003</td>\n",
" <td> Alabama</td>\n",
" <td> Baldwin</td>\n",
" <td> 186717</td>\n",
" <td> 50144</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>2</th>\n",
" <td> 01005</td>\n",
" <td> Alabama</td>\n",
" <td> Barbour</td>\n",
" <td> 27119</td>\n",
" <td> 30117</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>3</th>\n",
" <td> 01007</td>\n",
" <td> Alabama</td>\n",
" <td> Bibb</td>\n",
" <td> 22766</td>\n",
" <td> 37347</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>4</th>\n",
" <td> 01009</td>\n",
" <td> Alabama</td>\n",
" <td> Blount</td>\n",
" <td> 57677</td>\n",
" <td> 41940</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" </tbody>\n",
"output_type": "pyout",
"prompt_number": 210,
"text": [
" FIPS State County Population Household Income\n",
"0 01001 Alabama Autauga 55267 48863\n",
"1 01003 Alabama Baldwin 186717 50144\n",
"2 01005 Alabama Barbour 27119 30117\n",
"3 01007 Alabama Bibb 22766 37347\n",
"4 01009 Alabama Blount 57677 41940"
"prompt_number": 210
"cell_type": "code",
"collapsed": false,
"input": [
"dataframe = pd.merge(df2, df3)\n",
"language": "python",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"html": [
"<div style=\"max-height:1000px;max-width:1500px;overflow:auto;\">\n",
"<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n",
" <thead>\n",
" <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n",
" <th></th>\n",
" <th>FIPS</th>\n",
" <th>State</th>\n",
" <th>County</th>\n",
" <th>% Smokers</th>\n",
" <th>MV Mortality Rate</th>\n",
" <th>% AFGR</th>\n",
" <th>Violent Crime Rate</th>\n",
" <th>Population</th>\n",
" <th>Household Income</th>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" </thead>\n",
" <tbody>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>0</th>\n",
" <td> 01001</td>\n",
" <td> Alabama</td>\n",
" <td> Autauga</td>\n",
" <td> 24</td>\n",
" <td> 24</td>\n",
" <td> 80</td>\n",
" <td> 300</td>\n",
" <td> 55267</td>\n",
" <td> 48863</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>1</th>\n",
" <td> 01003</td>\n",
" <td> Alabama</td>\n",
" <td> Baldwin</td>\n",
" <td> 23</td>\n",
" <td> 20</td>\n",
" <td> 74</td>\n",
" <td> 215</td>\n",
" <td> 186717</td>\n",
" <td> 50144</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>2</th>\n",
" <td> 01005</td>\n",
" <td> Alabama</td>\n",
" <td> Barbour</td>\n",
" <td> 24</td>\n",
" <td> 26</td>\n",
" <td> 61</td>\n",
" <td> 150</td>\n",
" <td> 27119</td>\n",
" <td> 30117</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>3</th>\n",
" <td> 01007</td>\n",
" <td> Alabama</td>\n",
" <td> Bibb</td>\n",
" <td> 33</td>\n",
" <td> 34</td>\n",
" <td> 73</td>\n",
" <td> 246</td>\n",
" <td> 22766</td>\n",
" <td> 37347</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>4</th>\n",
" <td> 01009</td>\n",
" <td> Alabama</td>\n",
" <td> Blount</td>\n",
" <td> 22</td>\n",
" <td> 28</td>\n",
" <td> 81</td>\n",
" <td> 102</td>\n",
" <td> 57677</td>\n",
" <td> 41940</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" </tbody>\n",
"output_type": "pyout",
"prompt_number": 211,
"text": [
" FIPS State County % Smokers MV Mortality Rate % AFGR Violent Crime Rate \\\n",
"0 01001 Alabama Autauga 24 24 80 300 \n",
"1 01003 Alabama Baldwin 23 20 74 215 \n",
"2 01005 Alabama Barbour 24 26 61 150 \n",
"3 01007 Alabama Bibb 33 34 73 246 \n",
"4 01009 Alabama Blount 22 28 81 102 \n",
" Population Household Income \n",
"0 55267 48863 \n",
"1 186717 50144 \n",
"2 27119 30117 \n",
"3 22766 37347 \n",
"4 57677 41940 "
"prompt_number": 211
"cell_type": "code",
"collapsed": false,
"input": [
"def counties_crime_rate(state):\n",
" if len(state) == 2:\n",
" return dataframe[dataframe['FIPS'].str[:2] == state]\n",
" elif (len(state) == 5 ) & (state != '00000') & (state[-3:] == '000'):\n",
" return dataframe[dataframe['FIPS'].str[:2] == state[:2]]\n",
" else:\n",
" return dataframe[dataframe.State == state]\n",
"df1 = counties_crime_rate('36000')\n",
"df1 = df1.sort(columns=None, column=['Violent Crime Rate'], axis=0, ascending=True, inplace=False)\n",
"num_counties = len(df1)\n",
"print num_counties\n",
"language": "python",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"output_type": "stream",
"stream": "stdout",
"text": [
"html": [
"<div style=\"max-height:1000px;max-width:1500px;overflow:auto;\">\n",
"<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n",
" <thead>\n",
" <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n",
" <th></th>\n",
" <th>FIPS</th>\n",
" <th>State</th>\n",
" <th>County</th>\n",
" <th>% Smokers</th>\n",
" <th>MV Mortality Rate</th>\n",
" <th>% AFGR</th>\n",
" <th>Violent Crime Rate</th>\n",
" <th>Population</th>\n",
" <th>Household Income</th>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" </thead>\n",
" <tbody>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>1834</th>\n",
" <td> 36017</td>\n",
" <td> New York</td>\n",
" <td> Chenango</td>\n",
" <td> 24</td>\n",
" <td> 14</td>\n",
" <td> 82</td>\n",
" <td> 100</td>\n",
" <td> 50118</td>\n",
" <td> 40693</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>1851</th>\n",
" <td> 36051</td>\n",
" <td> New York</td>\n",
" <td> Livingston</td>\n",
" <td> 16</td>\n",
" <td> 12</td>\n",
" <td> 87</td>\n",
" <td> 100</td>\n",
" <td> 65070</td>\n",
" <td> 50186</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>1850</th>\n",
" <td> 36049</td>\n",
" <td> New York</td>\n",
" <td> Lewis</td>\n",
" <td> 20</td>\n",
" <td> 19</td>\n",
" <td> 82</td>\n",
" <td> 103</td>\n",
" <td> 27072</td>\n",
" <td> 44097</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>1886</th>\n",
" <td> 36121</td>\n",
" <td> New York</td>\n",
" <td> Wyoming</td>\n",
" <td> 21</td>\n",
" <td> 14</td>\n",
" <td> 84</td>\n",
" <td> 105</td>\n",
" <td> 41944</td>\n",
" <td> 50192</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>1860</th>\n",
" <td> 36069</td>\n",
" <td> New York</td>\n",
" <td> Ontario</td>\n",
" <td> 18</td>\n",
" <td> 9</td>\n",
" <td> 87</td>\n",
" <td> 118</td>\n",
" <td> 108525</td>\n",
" <td> 52367</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" </tbody>\n",
"output_type": "pyout",
"prompt_number": 217,
"text": [
" FIPS State County % Smokers MV Mortality Rate % AFGR \\\n",
"1834 36017 New York Chenango 24 14 82 \n",
"1851 36051 New York Livingston 16 12 87 \n",
"1850 36049 New York Lewis 20 19 82 \n",
"1886 36121 New York Wyoming 21 14 84 \n",
"1860 36069 New York Ontario 18 9 87 \n",
" Violent Crime Rate Population Household Income \n",
"1834 100 50118 40693 \n",
"1851 100 65070 50186 \n",
"1850 103 27072 44097 \n",
"1886 105 41944 50192 \n",
"1860 118 108525 52367 "
"prompt_number": 217
"cell_type": "code",
"collapsed": false,
"input": [
"import csv\n",
"import numpy as np\n",
"from bs4 import BeautifulSoup\n",
"def rgb_to_hex(rgb):\n",
" return '#%02x%02x%02x' % rgb\n",
"def pseudocolor(val, minval, maxval):\n",
" # convert val in range minval...maxval to range 0..1\n",
" f = float(val-minval) / (maxval-minval)\n",
" # linearly interpolate that value between the colors red and green\n",
" r, g, b = 1-f, f, 0.\n",
" return rgb_to_hex((int(g*255), int(r*255), int(b*255)))\n",
"steps = 1\n",
"colors = []\n",
"for val in xrange(0, num_counties+steps, steps):\n",
" #print '%3d -> (%.3f, %.3f, %.3f)' % ((val,) + pseudocolor(val, 0, 58))\n",
" colors.append(pseudocolor(val, 0, num_counties))"
"language": "python",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"prompt_number": 218
"cell_type": "code",
"collapsed": false,
"input": [
"from collections import defaultdict\n",
"counties_rating = defaultdict(int)\n",
"for d in df1['FIPS']:\n",
" cr = df1[df1['FIPS'].str[:5] == d]['Violent Crime Rate']\n",
" cr = [x for x in cr]\n",
" counties_rating[d] = int(cr[0])\n",
"counties_sorted = sorted(counties_rating, key=counties_rating.get, reverse=True)\n",
"counties_colors = defaultdict(int)\n",
"i = 0\n",
"while (i < num_counties):\n",
" counties_colors[counties_sorted[i]] = colors[i]\n",
" i = i + 1\n",
" \n",
"language": "python",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"prompt_number": 219
"cell_type": "code",
"collapsed": false,
"input": [
"svg =\"svg\"), encoding='iso-8859-1').read()\n",
"soup = BeautifulSoup(svg, selfClosingTags=['defs','sodipodi:namedview'])\n",
"paths = soup.findAll('path')\n",
"#colors = [\"#F1EEF6\", \"#D4B9DA\", \"#C994C7\", \"#DF65B0\", \"#DD1C77\", \"#980043\"]\n",
"# County style\n",
"path_style = 'font-size:12px;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:#FFFFFF;stroke-opacity:1; stroke-width:0.1;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-linecap:butt; marker-start:none;stroke-linejoin:bevel;fill:'\n",
"path_style1 = 'fill:#FFFFFF';\n",
"# Color the counties based on unemployment rate\n",
"count = 0\n",
"for p in paths:\n",
" if p['id'] not in [\"State_Lines\", \"separator\"] and p['id'][0:2] == '36':\n",
" # pass\n",
" try:\n",
" color = counties_colors[p['id']]\n",
" p['style'] = path_style + color\n",
" #p['fill'] = color\n",
" except:\n",
" continue\n",
" else:\n",
" p['style'] = path_style1\n",
"with open(\"output.svg\", \"wb\") as file:\n",
" file.write(soup.prettify())"
"language": "python",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"prompt_number": 220
"cell_type": "code",
"collapsed": false,
"input": [
"from IPython.display import SVG \n",
"SVG(filename='output.svg') "
"language": "python",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"output_type": "pyout",
"prompt_number": 229,
"svg": [
"<svg height=\"351.66797\" id=\"svg9559\" inkscape:output_extension=\"org.inkscape.output.svg.inkscape\" inkscape:version=\"0.45.1\" sodipodi:docbase=\"C:\\Users\\svg\" sodipodi:docname=\"USA_Counties - Copy.svg\" sodipodi:version=\"0.32\" style=\"zoom: 2; display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; overflow-y:hidden\" version=\"1.0\" width=\"555.22198\" xmlns=\"\" xmlns:cc=\"\" xmlns:dc=\"\" xmlns:inkscape=\"\" xmlns:rdf=\"\" xmlns:sodipodi=\"\" xmlns:svg=\"\">\n",
" <metadata id=\"metadata3671\">\n",
" <rdf:rdf>\n",
" <cc:work rdf:about=\"\">\n",
" <dc:format>\n",
" image/svg+xml\n",
" </dc:format>\n",
" <dc:type rdf:resource=\"\">\n",
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" <sodipodi:namedview bordercolor=\"#666666\" borderopacity=\"1.0\" gridtolerance=\"10.0\" guidetolerance=\"10.0\" id=\"base\" inkscape:current-layer=\"svg9559\" inkscape:cx=\"481.02216\" inkscape:cy=\"213.98251\" inkscape:guide-bbox=\"true\" inkscape:pageopacity=\"0.0\" inkscape:pageshadow=\"2\" inkscape:window-height=\"1000\" inkscape:window-width=\"1680\" inkscape:window-x=\"-8\" inkscape:window-y=\"-8\" inkscape:zoom=\"53.794391\" objecttolerance=\"10.0\" pagecolor=\"#ffffff\" showguides=\"true\">\n",
" </sodipodi:namedview>\n",
" <defs id=\"defs9561\">\n",
" </defs>\n",
" <path d=\"M 62.678745,259.31235 L 63.560745,258.43135 L 64.220745,257.99135 L 64.439745,258.43135 L 64.000745,258.65135 L 64.439745,258.65135 L 66.643745,257.99135 L 68.626745,255.56635 L 70.388745,256.44835 L 70.388745,256.89035 L 69.727745,257.54935 L 69.727745,258.21235 L 70.388745,257.99135 L 70.829745,256.89035 L 71.269745,256.44835 L 71.930745,257.10835 L 72.150745,257.99135 L 72.811745,258.21235 L 73.030745,257.77135 L 74.131745,257.54935 L 75.894745,257.54935 L 76.113745,257.77135 L 75.673745,258.43135 L 75.673745,258.65135 L 76.996745,258.87235 L 76.774745,259.53235 L 77.656745,259.53235 L 78.757745,258.87235 L 81.180745,258.65135 L 82.722745,259.09235 L 83.386745,259.09235 L 84.044745,259.31235 L 84.267745,259.53235 L 85.148745,259.53235 L 86.249745,259.31235 L 87.572745,259.31235 L 89.114745,259.75435 L 89.554745,259.53235 L 90.436745,258.87235 L 90.655745,258.65135 L 91.096745,258.21235 L 92.639745,258.43135 L 96.163745,259.53235 L 97.264745,263.05835 L 97.925745,265.26135 L 88.893745,267.46435 L 89.334745,269.88635 L 87.572745,270.32735 L 82.945745,271.21135 L 82.722745,271.21135 L 72.371745,272.31135 L 69.947745,272.31135 L 69.947745,271.87035 L 68.186745,271.87035 L 68.186745,271.42935 L 66.423745,271.42935 L 64.661745,271.64935 L 63.338745,271.64935 L 63.338745,271.21135 L 62.678745,271.21135 L 62.678745,271.42935 L 60.696745,271.42935 L 60.255745,271.21135 L 60.034745,271.21135 L 60.034745,271.42935 L 59.154745,271.42935 L 58.932745,270.98935 L 57.831745,270.98935 L 57.831745,271.42935 L 57.389745,271.42935 L 54.304745,271.21135 L 54.304745,272.08935 L 52.762745,272.08935 L 51.441745,271.42935 L 50.780745,270.54735 L 51.220745,269.22735 L 51.441745,267.68335 L 52.983745,267.90535 L 54.967745,267.68335 L 55.626745,267.46435 L 56.948745,265.92135 L 57.611745,263.93935 L 58.932745,261.95735 L 59.814745,261.07435 L 60.474745,261.29735 L 61.356745,260.85535 L 62.678745,259.31235\" id=\"02185\" inkscape:label=\"North Slope, AK\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 74.350745,278.69935 L 73.911745,278.69935 L 73.030745,279.13935 L 73.251745,279.58035 L 71.930745,279.58035 L 71.930745,280.90135 L 71.048745,281.12235 L 71.048745,280.68235 L 70.608745,280.24335 L 69.727745,280.24335 L 69.727745,281.12235 L 68.845745,281.12235 L 68.845745,280.24335 L 67.084745,280.24335 L 67.084745,282.22535 L 64.881745,282.22535 L 64.881745,283.10535 L 63.560745,283.10535 L 63.560745,285.30835 L 63.119745,285.30835 L 63.119745,285.75035 L 62.678745,285.75035 L 54.967745,285.52935 L 54.967745,284.64735 L 54.745745,284.64735 L 54.526745,284.42735 L 54.526745,283.76735 L 54.085745,283.54635 L 54.085745,281.78435 L 53.863745,279.58035 L 54.745745,279.58035 L 55.186745,279.80035 L 54.745745,281.34235 L 54.967745,282.22535 L 58.932745,282.66335 L 60.034745,281.56335 L 60.696745,281.56335 L 60.474745,281.12235 L 59.814745,280.68235 L 59.154745,280.24335 L 58.269745,279.13935 L 57.831745,278.92035 L 57.611745,278.25935 L 57.831745,278.03835 L 58.269745,278.03835 L 58.932745,279.58035 L 59.814745,280.46135 L 60.255745,280.24335 L 59.814745,280.02235 L 59.154745,279.13935 L 59.594745,277.81835 L 59.814745,278.03835 L 59.814745,277.81835 L 59.154745,277.37835 L 58.052745,277.59735 L 57.169745,277.59735 L 55.626745,276.93735 L 54.967745,274.51435 L 52.762745,272.08935 L 54.304745,272.08935 L 54.304745,271.21135 L 57.389745,271.42935 L 57.831745,271.42935 L 57.831745,270.98935 L 58.932745,270.98935 L 59.154745,271.42935 L 60.034745,271.42935 L 60.034745,271.21135 L 60.255745,271.21135 L 60.696745,271.42935 L 62.678745,271.42935 L 62.678745,271.21135 L 63.338745,271.21135 L 63.338745,271.64935 L 64.661745,271.64935 L 66.423745,271.42935 L 68.186745,271.42935 L 68.186745,271.87035 L 69.947745,271.87035 L 69.947745,272.31135 L 71.710745,272.31135 L 71.710745,273.41235 L 72.150745,273.41235 L 72.150745,273.85335 L 73.030745,274.73535 L 73.030745,276.05535 L 73.911745,276.05535 L 74.350745,276.49635 L 74.572745,277.81835 L 74.350745,278.69935\" id=\"02188\" inkscape:label=\"Northwest Arctic, AK\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 140.66674,317.91335 L 141.54674,316.81335 L 143.31075,318.35435 L 143.75074,319.67535 L 143.52974,320.33735 L 142.64874,320.55735 L 141.10674,320.11635 L 141.10674,319.67535 L 141.32774,319.23535 L 140.66674,317.91335 M 141.32774,320.11635 L 141.98774,320.55735 L 142.20874,321.43935 L 141.54674,320.77735 L 141.32774,320.11635\" id=\"02130\" inkscape:label=\"Ketchikan Gateway, AK\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 139.56474,319.23535 L 140.22574,319.45635 L 140.22574,318.57435 L 140.00574,318.35435 L 140.00574,317.47235 L 140.22574,317.03235 L 140.88674,316.59235 L 141.54674,315.70935 L 141.76774,315.27035 L 141.10674,314.83035 L 141.98774,314.60935 L 143.31075,315.27035 L 143.97074,315.27035 L 144.18875,314.83035 L 144.85275,315.27035 L 144.85275,316.59235 L 146.39175,318.57435 L 146.39175,320.33735 L 145.95174,321.87935 L 145.29075,322.09935 L 144.85275,321.87935 L 143.75074,320.33735 L 143.97074,319.45635 L 143.08974,317.91335 L 141.54674,316.81335 L 140.66674,317.91335 L 140.22574,318.13335 L 140.66674,318.35435 L 140.66674,319.89735 L 140.00574,319.89735 L 139.34375,319.23535 L 139.56474,319.23535 M 134.71875,317.91335 L 135.81775,317.47235 L 138.90375,319.23535 L 140.22574,320.77735 L 141.10674,321.21735 L 142.20874,323.20035 L 142.20874,323.86235 L 141.54674,324.08135 L 140.22574,322.98035 L 138.24275,322.32035 L 139.34375,323.86235 L 139.78574,323.42135 L 140.22574,323.64235 L 140.66674,324.74335 L 140.00574,324.74335 L 137.36175,322.98035 L 137.14175,322.54035 L 138.02275,321.65835 L 137.36175,320.99835 L 136.70174,320.99835 L 135.59975,320.55735 L 135.81775,320.33735 L 136.25875,320.33735 L 136.48075,320.11635 L 135.81775,319.23535 L 135.59975,319.89735 L 135.15875,320.11635 L 134.93875,319.89735 L 135.15875,319.23535 L 134.71875,318.13335 L 134.71875,317.91335 M 134.93875,320.11635 L 134.93875,320.55735 L 134.71875,320.33735 L 134.93875,320.11635 M 142.42874,321.43935 L 142.20874,320.55735 L 143.08974,320.77735 L 143.31075,321.43935 L 142.64874,321.87935 L 142.42874,321.43935 M 136.03775,321.65835 L 136.92075,321.21735 L 137.36175,321.43935 L 136.92075,322.54035 L 136.03775,322.32035 L 136.03775,321.65835 M 143.75074,321.43935 L 143.97074,321.65835 L 143.97074,322.09935 L 143.31075,322.09935 L 143.75074,321.43935\" id=\"02201\" inkscape:label=\"Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan, AK\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 140.00574,318.35435 L 140.22574,318.57435 L 140.22574,319.45635 L 139.56474,319.23535 L 139.78574,318.57435 L 139.34375,316.81335 L 139.12474,317.69235 L 139.34375,318.13335 L 139.12474,318.57435 L 138.02275,318.35435 L 137.36175,317.91335 L 137.36175,317.47235 L 137.80274,316.59235 L 137.36175,315.04935 L 136.03775,314.60935 L 135.37675,314.16735 L 135.15875,313.72735 L 134.05575,313.94835 L 133.39675,313.94835 L 133.61475,313.50735 L 134.27575,313.50735 L 134.49675,312.62535 L 134.93875,311.96535 L 135.81775,311.74535 L 136.48075,312.40635 L 136.48075,313.06735 L 137.36175,312.84635 L 137.58175,313.72735 L 138.24275,313.94835 L 138.90375,314.60935 L 139.34375,314.38935 L 141.10674,314.83035 L 141.76774,315.27035 L 141.54674,315.70935 L 140.88674,316.59235 L 140.22574,317.03235 L 140.00574,317.47235 L 140.00574,318.35435 M 132.95575,315.49035 L 132.29375,315.04935 L 132.51375,314.60935 L 134.05575,314.60935 L 134.71875,314.16735 L 137.14175,315.49035 L 136.48075,316.37235 L 135.81775,316.37235 L 135.81775,315.93035 L 134.71875,315.27035 L 134.71875,315.70935 L 135.59975,316.15035 L 135.81775,316.59235 L 135.59975,317.03235 L 134.93875,317.03235 L 134.93875,317.25335 L 134.49675,317.47235 L 133.83675,316.15035 L 133.61475,315.93035 L 133.17575,315.70935 L 132.95575,315.49035 M 133.17575,317.69235 L 132.07475,317.03235 L 131.63375,316.37235 L 131.85275,315.70935 L 132.29375,315.49035 L 132.95575,315.93035 L 133.61475,315.93035 L 134.05575,316.81335 L 133.61475,317.03235 L 133.61475,317.47235 L 133.83675,318.13335 L 134.27575,318.13335 L 134.27575,319.45635 L 133.83675,319.01435 L 134.05575,320.11635 L 133.61475,319.89735 L 133.17575,318.79635 L 133.17575,318.13335 L 133.61475,318.13335 L 133.17575,317.69235 M 136.25875,316.81335 L 136.92075,316.37235 L 137.36175,317.25335 L 136.92075,317.47235 L 136.25875,317.47235 L 136.25875,316.81335 M 132.29375,319.67535 L 132.07475,319.23535 L 132.29375,319.23535 L 132.29375,319.89735 L 132.29375,319.67535 M 133.83675,320.55735 L 134.27575,320.55735 L 134.05575,320.99835 L 133.61475,320.77735 L 133.83675,320.55735\" id=\"02280\" inkscape:label=\"Wrangell-Petersburg, AK\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 126.78574,312.62535 L 127.88674,313.06735 L 128.76875,312.62535 L 129.42874,313.72735 L 129.42874,313.94835 L 128.76875,314.16735 L 127.22574,313.50735 L 127.00475,313.72735 L 127.66674,314.60935 L 127.44574,315.27035 L 127.00475,315.27035 L 125.02275,313.50735 L 125.90375,313.28835 L 125.90375,312.40635 L 126.78574,312.62535 M 132.29375,319.67535 L 132.29375,319.89735 L 131.85275,319.67535 L 130.75074,318.57435 L 130.75074,317.91335 L 130.31075,318.35435 L 130.08974,317.91335 L 129.42874,317.69235 L 128.98874,316.37235 L 128.54674,315.93035 L 128.54674,315.49035 L 128.10674,315.70935 L 127.44574,315.27035 L 127.88674,313.94835 L 128.76875,314.38935 L 129.64975,314.16735 L 129.86974,314.60935 L 129.42874,314.83035 L 129.86974,314.83035 L 131.41375,317.25335 L 132.29375,319.23535 L 132.07475,319.23535 L 132.29375,319.67535 M 127.22574,315.49035 L 127.44574,315.27035 L 128.32674,316.15035 L 128.32674,316.81335 L 127.88674,317.03235 L 127.22574,315.49035\" id=\"02220\" inkscape:label=\"Sitka, AK\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 126.12375,306.89835 L 125.90375,307.11835 L 125.24275,306.01735 L 124.58274,305.57635 L 124.58274,305.79735 L 125.68474,307.55935 L 126.56474,308.88135 L 127.66674,310.64335 L 126.78574,310.64335 L 126.12375,309.98335 L 125.90375,309.76335 L 126.34474,309.32235 L 125.90375,308.88135 L 124.80274,308.66035 L 125.02275,307.55935 L 124.14175,306.89835 L 122.15875,306.89835 L 122.15875,305.13535 L 123.03975,304.03435 L 124.80274,305.35735 L 125.46275,305.13535 L 125.68474,305.35735 L 126.56474,305.35735 L 127.00475,305.79735 L 127.22574,305.57635 L 127.66674,306.23735 L 127.88674,306.23735 L 126.12375,306.89835\" id=\"02100\" inkscape:label=\"Haines, AK\" sodipodi:nodetypes=\"cccccccccccccccccccccccccccc\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 131.85275,310.64335 L 131.85275,311.08435 L 131.41375,311.08435 L 129.86974,309.76335 L 128.76875,310.20135 L 127.00475,309.10235 L 125.90375,307.11835 L 126.12375,306.89835 L 127.88674,306.23735 L 128.32674,306.67735 L 128.98874,306.89835 L 131.19175,307.78035 L 131.19175,308.22035 L 132.29375,308.88135 L 131.85275,310.42235 L 131.85275,310.64335 M 128.98874,310.86435 L 128.54674,310.86435 L 128.32674,310.20135 L 128.54674,310.42235 L 128.76875,310.20135 L 129.86974,309.98335 L 129.20874,310.42235 L 128.98874,310.64335 L 128.98874,310.86435\" id=\"02110\" inkscape:label=\"Juneau, AK\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 124.80274,305.35735 L 123.03975,304.03435 L 123.48174,303.37435 L 124.36175,303.59335 L 125.02275,304.03435 L 125.46275,305.13535 L 124.80274,305.35735 M 125.90375,309.76335 L 126.12375,309.98335 L 125.02275,310.64335 L 124.58274,309.32235 L 123.92075,308.66035 L 123.92075,309.10235 L 123.70075,309.10235 L 121.71875,308.66035 L 121.71875,308.88135 L 122.59975,308.88135 L 123.92075,309.32235 L 124.80274,310.64335 L 123.48174,311.96535 L 122.59975,311.52535 L 122.15875,311.52535 L 121.49775,311.30535 L 119.29575,310.42235 L 120.17675,309.54235 L 121.49775,307.55935 L 122.15875,307.33935 L 122.15875,306.89835 L 124.14175,306.89835 L 125.02275,307.55935 L 124.80274,308.66035 L 125.90375,308.88135 L 126.34474,309.32235 L 125.90375,309.76335 M 134.27575,313.50735 L 133.61475,313.50735 L 133.39675,313.94835 L 133.17575,312.84635 L 132.07475,311.74535 L 132.07475,311.30535 L 131.85275,310.64335 L 131.85275,310.42235 L 132.29375,308.88135 L 135.81775,311.74535 L 134.93875,311.96535 L 134.49675,312.62535 L 134.27575,313.50735 M 129.20874,310.42235 L 129.86974,309.98335 L 129.86974,310.20135 L 131.63375,311.96535 L 131.19175,311.96535 L 130.53075,311.08435 L 130.31075,311.30535 L 131.85275,312.84635 L 132.07475,313.28835 L 131.63375,313.94835 L 131.63375,314.60935 L 130.97074,315.70935 L 130.31075,314.83035 L 130.31075,313.50735 L 129.20874,312.62535 L 128.32674,310.86435 L 127.44574,309.76335 L 127.44574,309.54235 L 127.66674,309.54235 L 128.32674,310.20135 L 128.54674,310.86435 L 128.98874,310.86435 L 128.98874,310.64335 L 129.20874,310.42235 M 126.78574,312.62535 L 125.90375,312.40635 L 125.90375,313.28835 L 125.02275,313.50735 L 124.36175,313.28835 L 124.14175,312.62535 L 124.36175,311.52535 L 125.24275,311.30535 L 125.68474,310.86435 L 128.10674,311.30535 L 128.32674,311.74535 L 128.54674,312.40635 L 128.32674,312.62535 L 127.88674,312.84635 L 126.78574,312.62535\" id=\"02232\" inkscape:label=\"Skagway-Hoonah-Angoon, AK\" sodipodi:nodetypes=\"cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 109.60174,305.35735 L 110.70174,305.35735 L 110.92375,304.91535 L 112.24575,305.13535 L 112.68675,304.25635 L 114.00775,303.81435 L 114.22875,305.13535 L 114.66875,305.35735 L 115.77075,305.57635 L 116.21075,306.23735 L 119.51575,307.99935 L 120.17675,309.54235 L 119.29575,310.42235 L 119.29575,309.98335 L 118.63375,309.54235 L 113.78875,308.44035 L 113.56775,308.22035 L 113.56775,307.78035 L 114.00775,307.78035 L 114.00775,307.33935 L 113.34775,306.23735 L 113.12675,306.89835 L 112.24575,307.78035 L 110.26075,307.99935 L 108.94074,307.33935 L 106.07774,307.55935 L 102.99374,308.66035 L 104.09675,305.79735 L 106.95874,304.91535 L 107.39874,304.91535 L 107.39874,305.35735 L 108.94074,304.91535 L 109.38175,304.91535 L 109.60174,305.35735\" id=\"02282\" inkscape:label=\"Yakutat, AK\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 34.920745,325.40435 L 34.480745,325.84535 L 34.259745,325.62335 L 34.259745,325.40435 L 34.920745,325.40435 M 36.022745,328.92935 L 36.242745,328.92935 L 36.022745,329.14935 L 35.581745,328.70835 L 36.022745,328.92935 M 43.509745,343.02835 L 44.391745,343.90935 L 44.170745,344.35035 L 42.408745,345.67135 L 41.747745,345.89235 L 41.087745,345.89235 L 39.324745,346.55335 L 38.663745,346.11235 L 41.087745,345.23035 L 41.306745,343.46835 L 41.527745,343.24835 L 42.848745,343.02835 L 42.848745,343.46835 L 43.069745,343.68935 L 43.290745,343.46835 L 43.509745,343.02835 M 35.801745,346.55335 L 37.124745,345.67135 L 37.341745,345.23035 L 37.782745,345.01035 L 38.443745,344.79135 L 39.104745,345.01035 L 38.663745,345.89235 L 37.782745,346.11235 L 36.682745,347.21335 L 35.360745,347.87535 L 34.700745,348.09535 L 35.801745,346.99335 L 35.801745,346.55335 M 4.074745,346.55335 L 4.297745,346.77335 L 4.074745,346.99335 L 3.854745,346.77335 L 4.074745,346.55335 M 6.279745,346.77335 L 6.719745,346.77335 L 7.160745,347.65535 L 6.500745,348.09535 L 6.059745,347.87535 L 5.838745,346.77335 L 6.279745,346.77335 M 32.938745,346.77335 L 32.938745,347.21335 L 32.717745,346.99335 L 32.938745,346.77335 M 31.836745,347.21335 L 32.054745,347.21335 L 31.836745,347.43435 L 31.613745,347.21335 L 31.836745,347.21335 M 18.175745,347.87535 L 17.955745,347.65535 L 18.837745,347.21335 L 19.276745,347.87535 L 18.616745,348.75635 L 17.294745,348.75635 L 14.871745,348.31435 L 17.074745,348.53635 L 18.175745,348.09535 L 18.396745,347.87535 L 18.175745,347.87535 M 12.447745,347.43435 L 12.887745,347.43435 L 12.887745,347.87535 L 12.668745,348.09535 L 12.227745,347.87535 L 12.227745,347.43435 L 12.447745,347.43435 M 9.142745,347.43435 L 9.583745,347.65535 L 8.922745,348.53635 L 8.482745,348.53635 L 7.821745,348.09535 L 8.922745,347.87535 L 9.142745,347.43435 M 32.717745,347.43435 L 32.938745,347.65535 L 32.717745,347.87535 L 31.836745,347.65535 L 32.054745,347.43435 L 32.717745,347.43435 M 11.126745,348.31435 L 11.786745,348.53635 L 11.566745,348.97635 L 9.363745,349.19535 L 10.465745,347.65535 L 11.126745,347.65535 L 11.126745,347.87535 L 10.905745,347.87535 L 10.684745,348.31435 L 11.126745,348.31435 M 31.393745,347.87535 L 31.613745,347.87535 L 31.613745,348.09535 L 31.393745,348.09535 L 31.393745,347.87535 z M 29.851745,347.87535 L 30.073745,348.09535 L 29.851745,348.53635 L 29.192745,348.53635 L 29.192745,348.09535 L 29.851745,347.87535 M 13.548745,348.31435 L 13.769745,348.53635 L 13.548745,348.53635 L 13.548745,348.31435 M 12.007745,348.53635 L 12.668745,348.53635 L 12.887745,348.75635 L 12.227745,348.97635 L 11.786745,348.75635 L 12.007745,348.53635 M 2.975745,348.53635 L 2.975745,348.75635 L 2.752745,348.97635 L 2.975745,348.53635 M 27.868745,348.53635 L 28.089745,348.75635 L 27.868745,348.97635 L 27.648745,348.75635 L 27.868745,348.53635 M 24.123745,348.53635 L 24.344745,348.75635 L 24.344745,348.97635 L 23.462745,348.97635 L 23.683745,348.75635 L 24.123745,348.53635 M 20.157745,348.97635 L 20.599745,349.19535 L 22.141745,349.63735 L 20.378745,349.63735 L 19.498745,349.41635 L 18.837745,348.75635 L 19.498745,348.97635 L 20.157745,348.97635 M 2.533745,348.75635 L 2.533745,349.19535 L 2.312745,349.19535 L 2.533745,348.75635\" id=\"02016\" inkscape:label=\"Aleutians West, AK\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 63.779745,335.31935 L 63.779745,335.75835 L 63.560745,335.31935 L 63.560745,334.87735 L 63.119745,334.65635 L 62.898745,335.09735 L 62.458745,335.09735 L 62.236745,335.53835 L 61.135745,336.42035 L 59.154745,337.08035 L 58.269745,336.86035 L 58.712745,335.75835 L 58.052745,335.75835 L 56.948745,338.40135 L 56.068745,338.84235 L 55.405745,338.62235 L 55.405745,337.52135 L 54.967745,337.30035 L 54.745745,337.74035 L 54.967745,338.18135 L 55.186745,339.06335 L 54.304745,339.28335 L 53.863745,338.18135 L 53.202745,338.40135 L 53.644745,339.28335 L 53.644745,340.60435 L 52.983745,340.38435 L 52.101745,340.60435 L 50.559745,340.60435 L 50.118745,340.82635 L 49.458745,341.48635 L 48.356745,341.48635 L 48.136745,340.82635 L 48.136745,340.38435 L 48.797745,340.16335 L 49.237745,339.50335 L 51.660745,338.40135 L 52.321745,338.40135 L 52.542745,339.50335 L 52.983745,339.50335 L 52.983745,338.18135 L 54.304745,337.74035 L 56.290745,335.53835 L 57.611745,334.43635 L 58.932745,333.99535 L 59.594745,334.21535 L 60.255745,334.43635 L 60.034745,334.43635 L 60.034745,334.87735 L 60.255745,335.31935 L 60.696745,335.09735 L 60.916745,334.65635 L 60.916745,333.99535 L 61.576745,332.45335 L 62.898745,331.35335 L 65.541745,329.58935 L 65.762745,329.81135 L 65.762745,330.02935 L 65.322745,330.47135 L 64.661745,330.47135 L 64.661745,330.91235 L 63.779745,330.91235 L 63.779745,331.35335 L 62.898745,331.35335 L 62.898745,332.23235 L 63.119745,332.23235 L 63.119745,333.99535 L 62.898745,334.43635 L 63.779745,334.43635 L 63.779745,335.31935 M 61.797745,336.63835 L 62.236745,336.63835 L 62.236745,337.08035 L 61.797745,337.08035 L 61.576745,336.86035 L 61.797745,336.63835 M 61.135745,337.30035 L 61.576745,337.30035 L 61.576745,337.74035 L 61.135745,338.40135 L 60.255745,338.18135 L 60.034745,337.30035 L 60.255745,337.08035 L 60.696745,337.08035 L 61.135745,337.30035 M 62.898745,337.52135 L 63.119745,338.40135 L 62.017745,339.72335 L 62.017745,338.40135 L 62.236745,338.18135 L 62.678745,338.40135 L 62.898745,337.52135 M 64.000745,337.74035 L 64.000745,338.84235 L 63.560745,338.84235 L 64.000745,337.74035 M 57.831745,338.40135 L 58.052745,338.62235 L 57.611745,338.62235 L 57.169745,338.18135 L 57.389745,337.96135 L 57.831745,338.40135 M 64.439745,338.62235 L 64.661745,339.06335 L 64.220745,339.28335 L 64.220745,338.62235 L 64.439745,338.62235 M 56.068745,339.06335 L 56.068745,339.50335 L 55.849745,339.72335 L 55.405745,339.28335 L 56.068745,339.06335 M 64.661745,339.28335 L 64.881745,339.50335 L 64.661745,339.72335 L 64.661745,339.28335 M 54.304745,341.48635 L 54.967745,341.70535 L 54.967745,341.92735 L 54.304745,341.92735 L 54.085745,341.70535 L 54.304745,341.48635 M 46.153745,341.92735 L 46.373745,341.92735 L 46.373745,342.36735 L 45.933745,342.80835 L 45.712745,342.14735 L 45.933745,341.92735 L 46.153745,341.92735 M 45.493745,342.58835 L 45.272745,343.02835 L 44.611745,343.02835 L 44.391745,342.58835 L 44.832745,342.14735 L 45.493745,342.58835 M 47.695745,342.80835 L 47.916745,342.80835 L 47.916745,343.02835 L 47.035745,343.02835 L 47.695745,342.80835 M 46.814745,343.02835 L 47.035745,343.24835 L 46.373745,343.02835 L 46.814745,343.02835\" id=\"02013\" inkscape:label=\"Aleutians East, AK\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 72.150745,326.72435 L 72.589745,326.06535 L 73.251745,325.62335 L 73.470745,325.40435 L 73.691745,325.62335 L 73.911745,325.40435 L 74.350745,324.74335 L 75.232745,324.08135 L 75.012745,322.32035 L 75.894745,321.87935 L 76.996745,321.43935 L 77.656745,320.99835 L 77.656745,319.89735 L 78.318745,319.89735 L 78.977745,319.67535 L 78.757745,319.23535 L 79.858745,319.23535 L 79.638745,318.57435 L 80.081745,318.57435 L 79.858745,319.23535 L 79.418745,319.67535 L 78.977745,319.89735 L 78.537745,320.55735 L 78.318745,322.09935 L 77.876745,322.76035 L 77.215745,323.20035 L 76.774745,322.98035 L 76.113745,323.20035 L 75.673745,323.64235 L 75.232745,324.74335 L 74.793745,324.74335 L 74.131745,325.62335 L 73.691745,325.84535 L 73.470745,325.62335 L 73.470745,326.06535 L 72.150745,326.94635 L 72.150745,327.16535 L 72.589745,326.94635 L 72.589745,327.82835 L 71.491745,327.82835 L 71.491745,327.38635 L 71.930745,327.16535 L 72.150745,326.72435 M 81.621745,322.76035 L 81.401745,322.98035 L 80.300745,322.54035 L 81.180745,321.21735 L 82.064745,319.67535 L 82.722745,319.45635 L 82.505745,320.33735 L 82.505745,320.77735 L 83.386745,320.55735 L 83.826745,320.77735 L 84.044745,321.43935 L 83.826745,321.87935 L 82.064745,322.54035 L 81.401745,322.09935 L 81.180745,322.32035 L 81.621745,322.76035 M 78.977745,325.40435 L 79.198745,326.06535 L 79.638745,326.28535 L 79.198745,325.84535 L 78.977745,324.08135 L 79.418745,323.64235 L 80.740745,323.42135 L 81.180745,323.20035 L 81.844745,323.20035 L 81.621745,323.86235 L 81.844745,324.08135 L 82.722745,323.20035 L 83.164745,322.98035 L 82.945745,323.86235 L 83.386745,324.52335 L 83.826745,324.52335 L 83.386745,325.40435 L 82.281745,326.50635 L 81.180745,327.82835 L 80.960745,328.04835 L 80.740745,327.60735 L 80.960745,327.16535 L 80.740745,327.16535 L 80.081745,328.70835 L 79.418745,329.37035 L 78.757745,329.58935 L 78.318745,328.92935 L 77.656745,327.82835 L 77.435745,327.16535 L 76.996745,326.72435 L 77.215745,325.62335 L 77.876745,324.96335 L 78.977745,324.74335 L 78.977745,325.40435 M 78.757745,330.25135 L 79.638745,330.47135 L 79.418745,330.69035 L 78.537745,330.69035 L 78.318745,330.47135 L 78.757745,330.25135 M 77.876745,330.25135 L 78.318745,330.47135 L 77.215745,331.35335 L 77.215745,330.91235 L 77.876745,330.25135 M 75.012745,333.99535 L 75.453745,334.21535 L 75.453745,335.09735 L 74.572745,334.87735 L 74.572745,334.43635 L 75.012745,333.99535\" id=\"02150\" inkscape:label=\"Kodiak Island, AK\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 70.608745,319.01435 L 72.371745,319.01435 L 72.371745,320.33735 L 69.947745,320.55735 L 70.388745,319.89735 L 70.608745,319.01435\" id=\"02060\" inkscape:label=\"Bristol Bay, AK\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 70.168745,319.01435 L 70.168745,319.23535 L 67.525745,320.55735 L 67.084745,320.33735 L 66.203745,319.01435 L 65.982745,319.23535 L 65.762745,320.11635 L 66.203745,321.21735 L 65.541745,321.65835 L 65.102745,321.65835 L 63.779745,319.23535 L 63.338745,319.01435 L 63.119745,319.67535 L 62.898745,319.67535 L 61.797745,318.79635 L 62.017745,318.57435 L 61.797745,318.35435 L 60.034745,319.45635 L 60.034745,318.57435 L 60.474745,318.57435 L 60.916745,317.25335 L 61.356745,316.81335 L 61.576745,315.49035 L 62.017745,314.60935 L 62.678745,314.60935 L 62.678745,313.72735 L 63.338745,312.40635 L 63.779745,311.52535 L 64.220745,311.52535 L 65.322745,308.88135 L 67.965745,308.88135 L 67.965745,309.32235 L 68.406745,309.32235 L 68.845745,308.88135 L 68.845745,308.22035 L 69.727745,308.22035 L 69.727745,308.66035 L 72.589745,308.66035 L 72.589745,309.10235 L 72.811745,310.64335 L 73.030745,314.83035 L 72.589745,314.83035 L 72.589745,315.49035 L 71.710745,315.49035 L 71.269745,315.93035 L 71.048745,316.81335 L 70.388745,316.81335 L 69.727745,317.25335 L 70.168745,319.01435 M 59.154745,319.89735 L 59.154745,319.45635 L 59.814745,319.45635 L 59.154745,319.89735\" id=\"02070\" inkscape:label=\"Dillingham, AK\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 72.150745,326.72435 L 71.930745,327.16535 L 71.491745,327.38635 L 71.491745,327.82835 L 72.589745,327.82835 L 70.168745,329.58935 L 69.727745,329.37035 L 69.507745,330.25135 L 68.186745,330.69035 L 68.186745,330.91235 L 68.406745,330.91235 L 68.626745,331.35335 L 67.304745,331.35335 L 66.864745,332.01435 L 67.744745,332.89435 L 66.864745,333.99535 L 64.000745,334.65635 L 64.000745,335.31935 L 63.779745,335.75835 L 63.779745,334.43635 L 62.898745,334.43635 L 63.119745,333.99535 L 63.119745,332.23235 L 62.898745,332.23235 L 62.898745,331.35335 L 63.779745,331.35335 L 63.779745,330.91235 L 64.661745,330.91235 L 64.661745,330.47135 L 65.322745,330.47135 L 65.762745,330.02935 L 65.762745,329.81135 L 66.423745,329.81135 L 66.203745,328.92935 L 66.643745,328.04835 L 68.845745,325.84535 L 69.287745,321.65835 L 69.947745,320.55735 L 72.371745,320.33735 L 72.371745,319.01435 L 70.608745,319.01435 L 70.388745,318.79635 L 70.168745,319.23535 L 70.168745,319.01435 L 69.727745,317.25335 L 70.388745,316.81335 L 71.048745,316.81335 L 71.269745,315.93035 L 71.710745,315.49035 L 72.589745,315.49035 L 72.589745,314.83035 L 73.030745,314.83035 L 72.811745,310.64335 L 72.589745,309.10235 L 72.589745,308.66035 L 76.113745,308.44035 L 77.435745,308.22035 L 78.757745,308.22035 L 79.198745,310.42235 L 78.757745,310.42235 L 78.977745,312.18535 L 78.537745,312.18535 L 78.757745,312.62535 L 78.757745,313.94835 L 78.537745,313.94835 L 78.537745,314.38935 L 78.097745,314.38935 L 78.097745,314.83035 L 77.876745,315.27035 L 77.656745,315.49035 L 77.215745,315.93035 L 76.996745,316.81335 L 76.334745,316.81335 L 76.334745,317.69235 L 76.554745,317.91335 L 76.554745,318.35435 L 76.774745,319.89735 L 77.656745,319.89735 L 77.656745,320.99835 L 76.996745,321.43935 L 75.894745,321.87935 L 75.012745,322.32035 L 75.232745,324.08135 L 74.350745,324.74335 L 73.911745,325.40435 L 73.691745,325.62335 L 73.470745,325.40435 L 73.251745,325.62335 L 72.589745,326.06535 L 72.150745,326.72435 M 70.608745,330.91235 L 71.048745,331.13135 L 70.168745,331.13135 L 70.388745,330.91235 L 70.608745,330.91235\" id=\"02164\" inkscape:label=\"Lake and Peninsula, AK\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 76.996745,316.81335 L 77.215745,315.93035 L 77.656745,315.49035 L 77.876745,315.27035 L 78.097745,314.83035 L 78.097745,314.38935 L 78.537745,314.38935 L 78.537745,313.94835 L 78.757745,313.94835 L 78.757745,312.62535 L 78.537745,312.18535 L 78.977745,312.18535 L 78.757745,310.42235 L 79.198745,310.42235 L 78.757745,308.22035 L 78.757745,307.99935 L 78.537745,306.01735 L 78.537745,305.57635 L 78.757745,305.57635 L 79.638745,305.35735 L 80.519745,305.35735 L 80.960745,305.13535 L 83.607745,304.91535 L 83.607745,305.79735 L 84.267745,305.79735 L 84.709745,306.01735 L 84.267745,306.45835 L 83.164745,307.33935 L 82.281745,308.88135 L 81.401745,311.30535 L 81.401745,312.40635 L 80.300745,314.16735 L 79.198745,314.83035 L 78.537745,315.70935 L 77.876745,316.15035 L 77.656745,317.47235 L 77.876745,317.91335 L 78.097745,317.69235 L 78.977745,317.47235 L 80.081745,318.35435 L 80.081745,318.57435 L 79.638745,318.57435 L 79.858745,319.23535 L 78.757745,319.23535 L 78.977745,319.67535 L 78.318745,319.89735 L 76.774745,319.89735 L 76.554745,318.35435 L 76.554745,317.91335 L 76.334745,317.69235 L 76.334745,316.81335 L 76.996745,316.81335 M 83.386745,315.49035 L 84.925745,314.38935 L 85.369745,313.50735 L 84.925745,313.50735 L 84.267745,314.16735 L 83.826745,313.94835 L 83.386745,313.50735 L 83.607745,312.18535 L 84.044745,311.08435 L 84.267745,310.20135 L 84.267745,309.32235 L 83.826745,308.44035 L 84.709745,307.99935 L 86.029745,306.67735 L 86.471745,307.11835 L 87.131745,307.11835 L 87.791745,306.67735 L 88.452745,306.89835 L 89.334745,306.89835 L 89.554745,307.11835 L 90.216745,307.55935 L 90.655745,307.55935 L 90.655745,307.78035 L 90.876745,308.66035 L 90.876745,308.88135 L 91.096745,309.10235 L 91.317745,311.08435 L 91.317745,311.30535 L 89.554745,311.52535 L 88.674745,311.96535 L 88.674745,313.28835 L 87.131745,314.60935 L 86.911745,314.38935 L 86.471745,314.83035 L 86.029745,315.93035 L 84.044745,316.59235 L 83.386745,316.15035 L 83.386745,315.49035\" id=\"02122\" inkscape:label=\"Kenai Peninsula, AK\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 87.791745,306.67735 L 86.690745,305.79735 L 86.911745,305.57635 L 86.911745,305.35735 L 87.131745,305.35735 L 87.572745,304.47535 L 87.791745,304.25635 L 88.013745,304.25635 L 88.232745,304.03435 L 88.452745,304.03435 L 88.674745,304.25635 L 90.436745,303.81435 L 90.436745,304.47535 L 90.655745,305.13535 L 90.655745,305.79735 L 90.876745,306.01735 L 90.876745,306.89835 L 90.216745,306.89835 L 90.216745,307.33935 L 90.436745,307.55935 L 90.216745,307.55935 L 89.554745,307.11835 L 89.334745,306.89835 L 88.452745,306.89835 L 87.791745,306.67735\" id=\"02020\" inkscape:label=\"Anchorage, AK\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 90.876745,306.45835 L 90.876745,306.01735 L 90.655745,305.79735 L 90.655745,305.13535 L 90.436745,304.47535 L 90.436745,303.81435 L 92.197745,303.59335 L 93.520745,303.37435 L 93.299745,303.15235 L 93.520745,303.15235 L 93.959745,302.93335 L 93.520745,300.51035 L 93.520745,300.28935 L 93.079745,299.18735 L 94.181745,298.96735 L 94.400745,298.74835 L 94.181745,298.08635 L 94.181745,297.86635 L 93.520745,295.00235 L 93.299745,294.34135 L 94.181745,293.90035 L 94.841745,293.67935 L 95.061745,293.67935 L 95.501745,293.46035 L 96.163745,293.46035 L 96.824745,293.67935 L 97.044745,293.67935 L 100.79075,292.79935 L 101.23075,293.46035 L 101.45075,294.56135 L 101.45075,295.22235 L 102.11175,295.22235 L 102.33274,294.56135 L 103.21275,294.56135 L 104.31474,295.22235 L 104.75475,296.76535 L 105.19674,296.98535 L 105.19674,297.20535 L 105.41674,298.08635 L 107.17874,297.42435 L 109.38175,304.91535 L 108.94074,304.91535 L 107.39874,305.35735 L 107.39874,304.91535 L 106.95874,304.91535 L 104.09675,305.79735 L 102.99374,308.66035 L 100.12875,307.78035 L 100.12875,307.11835 L 99.247745,307.55935 L 99.688745,307.99935 L 97.925745,307.33935 L 95.943745,309.10235 L 95.501745,308.44035 L 95.723745,307.78035 L 96.163745,307.78035 L 97.044745,307.33935 L 97.485745,306.89835 L 97.485745,306.45835 L 96.383745,306.89835 L 95.501745,306.89835 L 95.282745,306.67735 L 96.163745,306.01735 L 96.383745,305.79735 L 95.501745,306.23735 L 95.282745,305.79735 L 95.061745,306.01735 L 95.061745,304.91535 L 93.740745,305.57635 L 93.520745,306.23735 L 91.978745,306.89835 L 91.756745,306.89835 L 91.978745,305.57635 L 91.537745,305.79735 L 91.317745,306.89835 L 91.978745,307.11835 L 92.639745,308.66035 L 92.418745,309.54235 L 93.299745,310.42235 L 92.858745,311.08435 L 91.317745,311.30535 L 91.317745,311.08435 L 91.096745,309.10235 L 90.876745,308.88135 L 90.876745,308.66035 L 90.655745,307.78035 L 90.655745,307.55935 L 90.436745,307.55935 L 90.216745,307.33935 L 90.216745,306.89835 L 90.876745,306.89835 L 90.876745,306.45835 M 94.181745,306.01735 L 94.181745,306.23735 L 93.740745,306.23735 L 94.181745,306.01735 M 93.520745,307.11835 L 93.959745,307.33935 L 93.520745,307.55935 L 93.520745,307.11835 M 92.197745,307.11835 L 92.639745,307.33935 L 92.418745,307.55935 L 92.197745,307.33935 L 92.197745,307.11835 M 93.299745,307.78035 L 93.299745,309.98335 L 92.639745,309.54235 L 92.858745,308.44035 L 93.299745,307.78035 M 94.841745,309.54235 L 94.400745,310.20135 L 94.181745,311.52535 L 93.299745,311.96535 L 93.299745,311.08435 L 94.400745,309.32235 L 94.400745,308.88135 L 94.621745,308.66035 L 95.282745,308.88135 L 94.841745,309.54235\" id=\"02261\" inkscape:label=\"Valdez-Cordova, AK\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 88.452745,304.03435 L 88.232745,304.03435 L 88.013745,304.25635 L 87.791745,304.25635 L 87.572745,304.47535 L 87.131745,305.35735 L 86.911745,305.35735 L 86.911745,305.57635 L 85.148745,305.57635 L 84.709745,306.01735 L 84.267745,305.79735 L 83.607745,305.79735 L 83.607745,304.91535 L 80.960745,305.13535 L 80.519745,305.35735 L 79.638745,305.35735 L 79.638745,304.91535 L 79.418745,304.69435 L 79.418745,302.71235 L 79.198745,302.49235 L 79.198745,300.95035 L 78.977745,298.74835 L 81.401745,298.52635 L 81.401745,298.08635 L 86.690745,294.56135 L 89.775745,294.11935 L 89.775745,293.90035 L 89.554745,293.46035 L 91.978745,293.01935 L 93.079745,292.79935 L 93.299745,294.34135 L 93.520745,295.00235 L 94.181745,297.86635 L 94.181745,298.08635 L 94.400745,298.74835 L 94.181745,298.96735 L 93.079745,299.18735 L 93.520745,300.28935 L 93.520745,300.51035 L 93.959745,302.93335 L 93.520745,303.15235 L 93.299745,303.15235 L 93.520745,303.37435 L 92.197745,303.59335 L 90.436745,303.81435 L 88.674745,304.25635 L 88.452745,304.03435\" id=\"02170\" inkscape:label=\"Matanuska-Susitna, AK\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 94.841745,293.67935 L 94.181745,293.90035 L 93.299745,294.34135 L 93.079745,292.79935 L 91.978745,293.01935 L 91.096745,289.05335 L 92.418745,288.61135 L 92.858745,287.95335 L 93.520745,287.51135 L 94.181745,287.51135 L 96.824745,285.52935 L 97.705745,285.52935 L 97.705745,285.30835 L 98.146745,284.64735 L 97.705745,283.98635 L 97.925745,283.54635 L 98.146745,283.10535 L 98.806745,282.66335 L 99.027745,281.34235 L 99.247745,281.34235 L 99.908745,280.68235 L 100.56975,280.46135 L 101.23075,279.58035 L 101.23075,278.92035 L 101.67174,278.25935 L 107.17874,297.42435 L 105.41674,298.08635 L 105.19674,297.20535 L 105.19674,296.98535 L 104.75475,296.76535 L 104.31474,295.22235 L 103.21275,294.56135 L 102.33274,294.56135 L 102.11175,295.22235 L 101.45075,295.22235 L 101.45075,294.56135 L 101.23075,293.46035 L 100.79075,292.79935 L 97.044745,293.67935 L 96.824745,293.67935 L 96.163745,293.46035 L 95.501745,293.46035 L 95.061745,293.67935 L 94.841745,293.67935\" id=\"02240\" inkscape:label=\"SE Fairbanks, AK\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 87.351745,287.95335 L 87.351745,287.73335 L 86.690745,284.86835 L 86.911745,284.86835 L 89.114745,284.42735 L 89.334745,283.98635 L 90.216745,283.98635 L 90.655745,283.54635 L 91.096745,282.88535 L 91.537745,282.66335 L 91.978745,282.88535 L 91.978745,283.32735 L 92.418745,283.76735 L 92.639745,283.76735 L 93.079745,284.42735 L 93.299745,284.64735 L 95.723745,283.76735 L 96.824745,283.54635 L 96.604745,283.98635 L 96.824745,285.52935 L 94.181745,287.51135 L 93.520745,287.51135 L 92.858745,287.95335 L 92.418745,288.61135 L 91.096745,289.05335 L 89.554745,289.27535 L 88.893745,289.05335 L 88.674745,289.05335 L 87.791745,287.95335 L 87.351745,287.95335\" id=\"02090\" inkscape:label=\"Fairbanks North Stark, AK\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 86.690745,294.56135 L 81.401745,298.08635 L 81.401745,298.52635 L 78.977745,298.74835 L 79.858745,296.32335 L 79.858745,295.66235 L 78.977745,295.44335 L 78.757745,294.11935 L 80.081745,293.90035 L 80.519745,293.01935 L 80.300745,292.13735 L 80.960745,291.47735 L 81.401745,291.47735 L 82.064745,291.69735 L 82.945745,289.93535 L 86.249745,289.49435 L 88.893745,289.05335 L 89.554745,289.27535 L 91.096745,289.05335 L 91.978745,293.01935 L 89.554745,293.46035 L 89.775745,293.90035 L 89.775745,294.11935 L 86.690745,294.56135\" id=\"02068\" inkscape:label=\"Denali, AK\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 78.537745,306.01735 L 78.757745,307.99935 L 78.757745,308.22035 L 77.435745,308.22035 L 76.113745,308.44035 L 72.589745,308.66035 L 69.727745,308.66035 L 69.727745,308.22035 L 68.845745,308.22035 L 68.845745,308.88135 L 68.406745,309.32235 L 67.965745,309.32235 L 67.965745,308.88135 L 65.322745,308.88135 L 64.220745,311.52535 L 63.779745,311.52535 L 63.338745,312.40635 L 62.678745,313.72735 L 62.678745,314.60935 L 62.017745,314.60935 L 61.576745,315.49035 L 61.356745,316.81335 L 60.916745,317.25335 L 60.474745,318.57435 L 60.034745,318.57435 L 60.034745,319.45635 L 59.154745,319.45635 L 59.154745,320.33735 L 58.493745,320.55735 L 56.948745,320.33735 L 57.389745,320.11635 L 57.831745,320.33735 L 58.052745,319.45635 L 57.831745,318.13335 L 57.389745,317.25335 L 58.269745,316.15035 L 57.831745,314.83035 L 57.831745,314.60935 L 56.729745,312.40635 L 56.290745,313.28835 L 54.745745,314.16735 L 53.202745,314.38935 L 52.321745,313.94835 L 52.101745,313.28835 L 51.220745,311.96535 L 49.237745,310.20135 L 50.559745,309.32235 L 50.339745,308.66035 L 49.898745,308.66035 L 49.898745,308.44035 L 50.118745,308.22035 L 51.441745,308.22035 L 52.542745,307.99935 L 53.644745,306.23735 L 55.849745,305.79735 L 56.068745,305.57635 L 56.729745,305.35735 L 58.052745,305.79735 L 60.034745,305.35735 L 60.696745,304.69435 L 61.797745,304.03435 L 61.576745,303.59335 L 64.439745,303.59335 L 64.439745,303.15235 L 66.203745,303.15235 L 66.203745,302.71235 L 69.727745,302.49235 L 69.727745,302.93335 L 73.030745,302.93335 L 74.131745,302.71235 L 76.113745,302.71235 L 76.996745,302.49235 L 77.435745,302.49235 L 77.435745,302.05135 L 78.318745,301.83235 L 78.318745,301.61035 L 78.537745,301.39135 L 78.977745,301.39135 L 79.198745,300.95035 L 79.198745,302.49235 L 79.418745,302.71235 L 79.418745,304.69435 L 79.638745,304.91535 L 79.638745,305.35735 L 78.757745,305.57635 L 78.537745,305.57635 L 78.537745,306.01735 M 30.732745,307.11835 L 30.954745,307.78035 L 31.172745,308.22035 L 32.054745,308.66035 L 32.276745,308.88135 L 31.393745,308.88135 L 31.172745,308.44035 L 30.515745,307.55935 L 30.732745,307.11835 M 46.814745,310.86435 L 47.474745,310.64335 L 48.576745,311.52535 L 48.356745,312.84635 L 48.136745,313.28835 L 47.035745,313.72735 L 44.832745,312.62535 L 44.170745,311.96535 L 44.170745,311.52535 L 44.391745,311.30535 L 45.712745,311.30535 L 46.594745,310.64335 L 46.814745,310.86435\" id=\"02050\" inkscape:label=\"Bethel, AK\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 61.576745,303.59335 L 61.797745,304.03435 L 60.696745,304.69435 L 60.034745,305.35735 L 58.052745,305.79735 L 56.729745,305.35735 L 56.068745,305.57635 L 55.849745,305.79735 L 53.644745,306.23735 L 52.542745,307.99935 L 51.441745,308.22035 L 50.118745,308.22035 L 50.118745,307.99935 L 50.559745,307.78035 L 50.780745,307.33935 L 49.898745,306.89835 L 49.678745,307.33935 L 49.017745,307.11835 L 47.916745,304.91535 L 48.136745,303.59335 L 50.559745,300.51035 L 51.660745,299.62735 L 51.441745,298.96735 L 51.881745,297.86635 L 52.762745,296.76535 L 53.644745,296.54435 L 55.186745,297.86635 L 55.849745,297.64535 L 56.948745,296.54435 L 57.389745,296.76535 L 58.269745,298.08635 L 60.916745,298.08635 L 60.696745,298.08635 L 60.474745,298.74835 L 60.255745,300.51035 L 60.255745,302.27335 L 60.696745,302.27335 L 60.474745,302.93335 L 60.474745,303.37435 L 60.696745,303.59335 L 61.576745,303.59335\" id=\"02270\" inkscape:label=\"Wade Hampton, AK\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 63.338745,293.24035 L 63.338745,294.11935 L 62.898745,294.11935 L 62.898745,294.56135 L 62.458745,295.00235 L 61.576745,295.00235 L 61.135745,295.44335 L 61.135745,296.76535 L 60.916745,296.76535 L 60.916745,298.08635 L 58.269745,298.08635 L 57.389745,296.76535 L 56.948745,296.54435 L 57.611745,295.66235 L 58.269745,295.88335 L 59.154745,295.88335 L 60.255745,295.66235 L 60.916745,294.34135 L 61.135745,293.67935 L 60.474745,291.69735 L 60.034745,291.03635 L 60.034745,290.37535 L 60.474745,290.37535 L 61.135745,289.93535 L 61.135745,289.27535 L 60.255745,288.39235 L 59.814745,289.05335 L 58.052745,289.49435 L 57.169745,290.15435 L 53.644745,289.93535 L 51.881745,290.37535 L 49.458745,289.49435 L 49.017745,289.05335 L 48.797745,288.61135 L 49.017745,287.95335 L 48.797745,286.63035 L 49.017745,286.40935 L 49.237745,285.75035 L 47.254745,284.86835 L 45.933745,283.98635 L 45.933745,283.32735 L 49.898745,281.12235 L 50.339745,281.56335 L 51.441745,281.78435 L 51.441745,281.56335 L 50.780745,281.12235 L 50.780745,280.68235 L 53.863745,279.58035 L 54.085745,281.78435 L 54.085745,283.54635 L 54.526745,283.76735 L 54.526745,284.42735 L 54.745745,284.64735 L 54.967745,284.64735 L 54.967745,285.52935 L 62.678745,285.75035 L 63.119745,285.75035 L 63.119745,285.30835 L 64.000745,285.30835 L 64.000745,286.63035 L 63.779745,286.63035 L 63.779745,288.39235 L 63.338745,288.39235 L 63.338745,289.27535 L 62.898745,289.27535 L 62.898745,292.79935 L 63.338745,292.79935 L 63.338745,293.24035 M 50.559745,280.90135 L 50.339745,281.12235 L 50.339745,280.90135 L 50.559745,280.90135 M 45.272745,286.85035 L 45.712745,286.63035 L 45.933745,287.07035 L 45.493745,287.29235 L 45.272745,286.85035 M 36.682745,292.13735 L 36.900745,291.69735 L 36.900745,292.35835 L 38.222745,293.24035 L 39.324745,292.57835 L 39.764745,292.79935 L 40.205745,293.24035 L 40.205745,293.90035 L 41.306745,294.78235 L 43.069745,295.22235 L 42.628745,296.10335 L 41.747745,295.66235 L 41.087745,296.10335 L 40.425745,295.88335 L 39.104745,294.34135 L 38.222745,293.90035 L 37.782745,293.90035 L 36.900745,294.34135 L 36.242745,293.90035 L 36.242745,293.46035 L 36.682745,292.13735 M 57.389745,294.78235 L 57.389745,295.22235 L 56.729745,295.22235 L 56.948745,294.78235 L 57.389745,294.78235\" id=\"02180\" inkscape:label=\"Nome, AK\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 78.757745,301.39135 L 78.537745,301.39135 L 78.318745,301.61035 L 78.318745,301.83235 L 77.435745,302.05135 L 77.435745,302.49235 L 76.996745,302.49235 L 76.113745,302.71235 L 74.131745,302.71235 L 73.030745,302.93335 L 69.727745,302.93335 L 69.727745,302.49235 L 66.203745,302.71235 L 66.203745,303.15235 L 64.439745,303.15235 L 64.439745,303.59335 L 60.696745,303.59335 L 60.474745,303.37435 L 60.474745,302.93335 L 60.696745,302.27335 L 60.255745,302.27335 L 60.255745,300.51035 L 60.474745,298.74835 L 60.696745,298.08635 L 60.916745,298.08635 L 60.916745,296.76535 L 61.135745,296.76535 L 61.135745,295.44335 L 61.576745,295.00235 L 62.458745,295.00235 L 62.898745,294.56135 L 62.898745,294.11935 L 63.338745,294.11935 L 63.338745,292.79935 L 62.898745,292.79935 L 62.898745,289.27535 L 63.338745,289.27535 L 63.338745,288.39235 L 63.779745,288.39235 L 63.779745,286.63035 L 64.000745,286.63035 L 64.000745,285.30835 L 63.560745,285.30835 L 63.560745,283.10535 L 64.881745,283.10535 L 64.881745,282.22535 L 67.084745,282.22535 L 67.084745,280.24335 L 68.845745,280.24335 L 68.845745,281.12235 L 69.727745,281.12235 L 69.727745,280.24335 L 70.608745,280.24335 L 71.048745,280.68235 L 71.048745,281.12235 L 71.930745,280.90135 L 71.930745,279.58035 L 73.251745,279.58035 L 73.030745,279.13935 L 73.911745,278.69935 L 74.350745,278.69935 L 74.572745,277.81835 L 74.350745,276.49635 L 73.911745,276.05535 L 73.030745,276.05535 L 73.030745,274.73535 L 72.150745,273.85335 L 72.150745,273.41235 L 71.710745,273.41235 L 71.710745,272.31135 L 72.371745,272.31135 L 82.722745,271.21135 L 82.945745,271.21135 L 87.572745,270.32735 L 89.334745,269.88635 L 88.893745,267.46435 L 97.925745,265.26135 L 101.67174,278.25935 L 101.23075,278.92035 L 101.23075,279.58035 L 100.56975,280.46135 L 99.908745,280.68235 L 99.247745,281.34235 L 99.027745,281.34235 L 98.806745,282.66335 L 98.146745,283.10535 L 97.925745,283.54635 L 97.705745,283.98635 L 98.146745,284.64735 L 97.705745,285.30835 L 97.705745,285.52935 L 96.824745,285.52935 L 96.604745,283.98635 L 96.824745,283.54635 L 95.723745,283.76735 L 93.299745,284.64735 L 93.079745,284.42735 L 92.639745,283.76735 L 92.418745,283.76735 L 91.978745,283.32735 L 91.978745,282.88535 L 91.537745,282.66335 L 91.096745,282.88535 L 90.655745,283.54635 L 90.216745,283.98635 L 89.334745,283.98635 L 89.114745,284.42735 L 86.911745,284.86835 L 86.690745,284.86835 L 87.351745,287.73335 L 87.351745,287.95335 L 87.791745,287.95335 L 88.674745,289.05335 L 88.893745,289.05335 L 86.249745,289.49435 L 82.945745,289.93535 L 82.064745,291.69735 L 81.401745,291.47735 L 80.960745,291.47735 L 80.300745,292.13735 L 80.519745,293.01935 L 80.081745,293.90035 L 78.757745,294.11935 L 78.977745,295.44335 L 79.858745,295.66235 L 79.858745,296.32335 L 78.977745,298.74835 L 79.198745,300.95035 L 78.977745,301.39135 L 78.757745,301.39135\" id=\"02290\" inkscape:label=\"Yukon-Koyukuk, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 409.67498,255.323 L 413.28898,254.994 L 413.17198,255.336 L 413.09598,255.67 L 413.24898,256.585 L 413.36098,256.846 L 413.45598,256.9 L 413.55098,256.9 L 413.63298,256.923 L 414.15398,257.496 L 414.23598,257.643 L 414.35498,257.9 L 414.67798,258.834 L 409.35098,259.482 L 409.26498,258.46 L 409.08798,256.882 L 408.00198,257.067 L 406.63198,257.211 L 407.02098,256.233 L 407.08298,256.179 L 407.33998,256.094 L 407.52498,256.085 L 407.69998,256.094 L 408.07398,256.183 L 408.35898,256.26 L 408.85498,256.306 L 409.02198,256.291 L 409.71998,255.692 L 409.67498,255.323\" id=\"01069\" inkscape:label=\"Houston, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 409.24698,251.415 L 409.12498,250.292 L 411.30598,250.103 L 411.36398,250.004 L 411.53098,249.504 L 411.81998,249.139 L 411.87498,249.107 L 411.93698,249.107 L 412.12198,249.165 L 412.22598,249.256 L 413.42498,252.245 L 413.28898,254.994 L 409.67498,255.323 L 409.24698,251.415\" id=\"01067\" inkscape:label=\"Henry, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 405.74898,257.292 L 406.63198,257.211 L 408.00198,257.067 L 409.08798,256.882 L 409.26498,258.46 L 409.35098,259.482 L 409.24098,259.501 L 403.35198,260.182 L 401.67898,260.348 L 401.35098,257.81 L 405.74898,257.292\" id=\"01061\" inkscape:label=\"Geneva, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 405.63598,251.83 L 409.24698,251.415 L 409.67498,255.323 L 409.71998,255.692 L 409.02198,256.291 L 408.85498,256.306 L 408.35898,256.26 L 408.07398,256.183 L 407.69998,256.094 L 407.52498,256.085 L 407.33998,256.094 L 407.08298,256.179 L 407.02098,256.233 L 406.63198,257.211 L 405.74898,257.292 L 405.19098,251.879 L 405.63598,251.83\" id=\"01045\" inkscape:label=\"Dale, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 405.19098,251.879 L 405.74898,257.292 L 401.35098,257.81 L 401.01298,254.629 L 400.88598,253.474 L 401.30098,253.43 L 401.43098,253.322 L 401.30098,252.294 L 405.19098,251.879\" id=\"01031\" inkscape:label=\"Coffee, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 397.56898,253.876 L 398.65098,253.74 L 399.74898,253.61 L 399.95198,253.593 L 399.99798,253.781 L 400.08398,254.524 L 400.26898,254.692 L 401.01298,254.629 L 401.35098,257.81 L 401.67898,260.348 L 399.46598,260.573 L 396.15698,260.89 L 395.79198,258.37 L 395.36098,254.115 L 397.56898,253.876\" id=\"01039\" inkscape:label=\"Covington, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 381.86098,260.028 L 381.95098,260.208 L 382.19098,261.227 L 382.51998,262.978 L 382.04998,263.846 L 381.73898,265.062 L 381.71798,265.337 L 381.90598,265.792 L 382.14598,266.253 L 381.98698,266.198 L 381.94598,266.225 L 381.43798,266.765 L 381.13098,268.654 L 380.16198,270.524 L 379.51798,270.318 L 378.61598,270.3 L 378.36898,270.341 L 378.25198,270.381 L 378.04398,270.601 L 378.04398,270.606 L 377.47198,265.915 L 377.05798,262.552 L 376.86698,261.063 L 377.98898,260.974 L 379.09398,260.628 L 381.33398,260.312 L 381.86098,260.028\" id=\"01097\" inkscape:label=\"Mobile, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 383.99298,258.099 L 385.68898,258.636 L 386.15698,261.795 L 385.90798,263.521 L 386.05298,263.767 L 387.17498,264.99 L 387.52798,265.233 L 387.58998,265.256 L 387.77498,265.288 L 388.14898,265.481 L 388.64498,265.788 L 388.77998,266.009 L 388.81998,266.162 L 388.83798,266.374 L 388.72598,269.191 L 388.57698,270.601 L 387.86498,270.922 L 386.36398,271.453 L 384.79098,271.85 L 384.37198,271.917 L 382.99298,272.004 L 382.93898,271.932 L 383.51098,271.724 L 385.00698,270.768 L 383.02398,266.743 L 382.87998,266.541 L 382.81298,266.487 L 382.29898,266.302 L 382.14598,266.253 L 381.90598,265.792 L 381.71798,265.337 L 381.73898,265.062 L 382.04998,263.846 L 382.51998,262.978 L 382.19098,261.227 L 381.95098,260.208 L 381.86098,260.028 L 382.11898,259.613 L 383.99298,258.099\" id=\"01003\" inkscape:label=\"Baldwin, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 395.79198,258.37 L 396.15698,260.89 L 395.09898,260.97 L 390.95198,261.34 L 386.15698,261.795 L 385.68898,258.636 L 386.33198,258.802 L 386.44098,258.757 L 387.05298,258.325 L 387.73798,258.246 L 395.00798,257.554 L 394.98998,257.639 L 394.97798,258.202 L 394.98998,258.319 L 395.02698,258.37 L 395.11598,258.446 L 395.61598,258.46 L 395.79198,258.37\" id=\"01053\" inkscape:label=\"Escambia, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 395.36098,254.115 L 395.79198,258.37 L 395.61598,258.46 L 395.11598,258.446 L 395.02698,258.37 L 394.98998,258.319 L 394.97798,258.202 L 394.98998,257.639 L 395.00798,257.554 L 387.73798,258.246 L 387.74298,258.172 L 387.81598,257.996 L 389.00498,256.309 L 389.67198,255.561 L 390.45198,253.276 L 390.48398,253.042 L 391.60598,252.028 L 392.52898,251.519 L 392.77798,251.397 L 392.84498,251.388 L 392.98598,252.93 L 393.56698,254.024 L 393.85498,254.241 L 395.36098,254.115\" id=\"01035\" inkscape:label=\"Conecuh, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 375.91598,253.583 L 380.01798,253.231 L 380.03098,253.777 L 380.22598,254.484 L 380.78898,254.967 L 380.93798,255.057 L 381.39298,255.215 L 381.79898,255.317 L 382.22698,255.71 L 382.53698,256.963 L 382.55098,257.044 L 382.51998,257.464 L 382.41498,257.86 L 382.19498,258.09 L 382.00098,258.351 L 381.84798,258.87 L 382.11898,259.613 L 381.86098,260.028 L 381.33398,260.312 L 379.09398,260.628 L 377.98898,260.974 L 376.86698,261.063 L 375.91598,253.583\" id=\"01129\" inkscape:label=\"Washington, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 375.75398,245.678 L 381.06898,245.213 L 380.56398,245.285 L 380.28298,245.461 L 380.13498,245.623 L 379.31098,248.697 L 379.36098,249.171 L 379.41498,249.301 L 379.49498,249.39 L 379.58498,249.441 L 379.86498,249.473 L 380.01798,253.231 L 375.91598,253.583 L 375.65498,251.055 L 375.72798,246.732 L 375.75398,245.678\" id=\"01023\" inkscape:label=\"Choctaw, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 384.27298,249.08 L 386.27398,251.005 L 386.10298,251.212 L 385.70998,252.766 L 385.87198,254.494 L 386.01298,255.755 L 385.93198,256.147 L 385.70098,256.454 L 385.56998,256.531 L 385.42598,256.508 L 385.19598,256.331 L 385.06198,256.342 L 384.93998,256.387 L 383.93198,257.243 L 383.74498,257.711 L 383.74498,257.77 L 383.77298,257.905 L 383.81298,257.981 L 383.99298,258.099 L 382.11898,259.613 L 381.84798,258.87 L 382.00098,258.351 L 382.19498,258.09 L 382.41498,257.86 L 382.51998,257.464 L 382.55098,257.044 L 382.53698,256.963 L 382.22698,255.71 L 381.79898,255.317 L 381.39298,255.215 L 380.93798,255.057 L 380.78898,254.967 L 380.22598,254.484 L 380.03098,253.777 L 380.01798,253.231 L 379.86498,249.473 L 384.27298,249.08\" id=\"01025\" inkscape:label=\"Clarke, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 392.73698,250.388 L 392.84498,251.388 L 392.77798,251.397 L 392.52898,251.519 L 391.60598,252.028 L 390.48398,253.042 L 390.45198,253.276 L 389.67198,255.561 L 389.00498,256.309 L 387.81598,257.996 L 387.74298,258.172 L 387.73798,258.246 L 387.05298,258.325 L 386.44098,258.757 L 386.33198,258.802 L 385.68898,258.636 L 383.99298,258.099 L 383.81298,257.981 L 383.77298,257.905 L 383.74498,257.77 L 383.74498,257.711 L 383.93198,257.243 L 384.93998,256.387 L 385.06198,256.342 L 385.19598,256.331 L 385.42598,256.508 L 385.56998,256.531 L 385.70098,256.454 L 385.93198,256.147 L 386.01298,255.755 L 385.87198,254.494 L 385.70998,252.766 L 386.10298,251.212 L 386.27398,251.005 L 389.19098,250.708 L 390.77698,250.591 L 392.73698,250.388\" id=\"01099\" inkscape:label=\"Monroe, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 386.08498,245.367 L 386.37698,245.289 L 386.44498,245.33 L 387.79198,246.272 L 389.52798,247.872 L 392.47098,247.588 L 393.11098,248.643 L 392.73698,250.388 L 390.77698,250.591 L 389.19098,250.708 L 386.27398,251.005 L 384.27298,249.08 L 384.72398,248.854 L 384.58798,247.224 L 385.53898,245.548 L 385.62998,245.393 L 385.72798,245.357 L 385.91698,245.344 L 386.08498,245.367\" id=\"01131\" inkscape:label=\"Wilcox, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 393.11098,248.643 L 397.55598,248.174 L 397.90298,251.348 L 397.95198,252.145 L 397.39798,252.203 L 397.56898,253.876 L 395.36098,254.115 L 393.85498,254.241 L 393.56698,254.024 L 392.98598,252.93 L 392.84498,251.388 L 392.73698,250.388 L 393.11098,248.643\" id=\"01013\" inkscape:label=\"Butler, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 400.34098,247.863 L 401.30098,252.294 L 401.43098,253.322 L 401.30098,253.43 L 400.88598,253.474 L 401.01298,254.629 L 400.26898,254.692 L 400.08398,254.524 L 399.99798,253.781 L 399.95198,253.593 L 399.74898,253.61 L 398.65098,253.74 L 397.56898,253.876 L 397.39798,252.203 L 397.95198,252.145 L 397.90298,251.348 L 397.55598,248.174 L 397.89798,247.02 L 399.01098,246.894 L 399.14298,248.008 L 400.34098,247.863\" id=\"01041\" inkscape:label=\"Crenshaw, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 402.33698,246.557 L 402.78298,246.371 L 403.25698,246.412 L 403.45898,246.484 L 403.98198,247.471 L 404.80198,248.513 L 406.25398,248.354 L 405.63598,251.83 L 405.19098,251.879 L 401.30098,252.294 L 400.34098,247.863 L 402.33698,246.557\" id=\"01109\" inkscape:label=\"Pike, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 408.17798,243.531 L 408.55698,244.637 L 408.38198,244.749 L 408.47598,245.876 L 408.54798,246.349 L 407.65998,246.646 L 406.80498,246.967 L 406.30898,247.94 L 406.24498,248.252 L 406.25398,248.354 L 404.80198,248.513 L 403.98198,247.471 L 403.45898,246.484 L 403.25698,246.412 L 402.78298,246.371 L 402.33698,246.557 L 402.87298,243.595 L 403.53698,244.032 L 403.62598,244.064 L 408.17798,243.531\" id=\"01011\" inkscape:label=\"Bullock, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 404.83798,239.2 L 404.86098,239.381 L 407.19998,240.228 L 407.74598,240.165 L 407.92198,241.283 L 408.17798,243.531 L 403.62598,244.064 L 403.53698,244.032 L 402.87298,243.595 L 401.55198,241.842 L 402.93198,240.747 L 403.88798,240.629 L 404.21298,239.458 L 404.83798,239.2\" id=\"01087\" inkscape:label=\"Macon, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 393.10198,243.726 L 393.39698,243.055 L 393.43098,242.995 L 393.90798,242.91 L 395.20198,242.757 L 396.53598,243.339 L 397.89798,247.02 L 397.55598,248.174 L 393.11098,248.643 L 392.47098,247.588 L 393.10198,243.726\" id=\"01085\" inkscape:label=\"Lowndes, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 397.37998,242.405 L 398.86598,241.057 L 398.98798,241.071 L 399.14698,241.126 L 399.23198,241.183 L 399.74598,241.738 L 399.69598,241.824 L 400.55198,241.986 L 401.30098,242.049 L 401.55198,241.842 L 402.87298,243.595 L 402.33698,246.557 L 400.34098,247.863 L 399.14298,248.008 L 399.01098,246.894 L 397.89798,247.02 L 396.53598,243.339 L 397.37998,242.405\" id=\"01101\" inkscape:label=\"Montgomery, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 401.26898,237.515 L 402.59898,237.38 L 402.62998,237.393 L 402.65298,237.565 L 402.55298,237.943 L 402.86098,240.607 L 402.89598,240.71 L 402.93198,240.747 L 401.55198,241.842 L 401.30098,242.049 L 400.55198,241.986 L 399.69598,241.824 L 399.74598,241.738 L 399.23198,241.183 L 399.14698,241.126 L 398.98798,241.071 L 398.86598,241.057 L 397.37998,242.405 L 396.96898,238.579 L 397.29398,237.934 L 401.26898,237.515\" id=\"01051\" inkscape:label=\"Elmore, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 396.96898,238.579 L 397.37998,242.405 L 396.53598,243.339 L 395.20198,242.757 L 393.90798,242.91 L 393.43098,242.995 L 393.39698,243.055 L 393.10198,243.726 L 391.60198,239.67 L 392.68698,239.615 L 393.79598,239.489 L 393.73498,238.922 L 396.96898,238.579\" id=\"01001\" inkscape:label=\"Autauga, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 390.43398,238.934 L 391.60198,239.67 L 393.10198,243.726 L 392.47098,247.588 L 389.52798,247.872 L 387.79198,246.272 L 386.44498,245.33 L 386.37698,245.289 L 386.08498,245.367 L 386.02698,244.816 L 386.57998,244.763 L 386.35998,242.513 L 388.22998,242.325 L 389.70298,242.13 L 389.78998,241.946 L 390.08298,240.928 L 390.24898,240.146 L 390.43398,238.934\" id=\"01047\" inkscape:label=\"Dallas, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 382.10998,242.347 L 383.00198,242.27 L 383.05998,242.834 L 385.26898,242.622 L 386.02698,244.816 L 386.08498,245.367 L 385.91698,245.344 L 385.72798,245.357 L 385.62998,245.393 L 385.53898,245.548 L 384.58798,247.224 L 384.72398,248.854 L 384.27298,249.08 L 379.86498,249.473 L 379.58498,249.441 L 379.49498,249.39 L 379.41498,249.301 L 379.36098,249.171 L 379.31098,248.697 L 380.13498,245.623 L 380.28298,245.461 L 380.56398,245.285 L 381.06898,245.213 L 380.59398,244.816 L 379.76598,244.5 L 379.74298,244.424 L 379.76198,243.906 L 379.81998,243.744 L 381.02298,242.522 L 381.11298,242.459 L 381.65798,242.288 L 382.10998,242.347\" id=\"01091\" inkscape:label=\"Marengo, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 375.92198,236.807 L 377.72798,236.596 L 377.61098,237.695 L 377.82698,238.637 L 379.12598,241.364 L 379.38298,241.68 L 379.41798,241.689 L 379.87898,241.554 L 380.23798,241.387 L 380.31998,241.306 L 380.52798,241.161 L 380.71198,241.071 L 380.80698,241.075 L 380.91898,241.143 L 381.65798,242.288 L 381.11298,242.459 L 381.02298,242.522 L 379.81998,243.744 L 379.76198,243.906 L 379.74298,244.424 L 379.76598,244.5 L 380.59398,244.816 L 381.06898,245.213 L 375.75398,245.678 L 375.83098,242.175 L 375.90698,237.614 L 375.92198,236.807\" id=\"01119\" inkscape:label=\"Sumter, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 385.92298,237.466 L 387.01698,237.357 L 387.07098,237.921 L 387.81598,237.849 L 390.28998,237.548 L 390.43398,238.934 L 390.24898,240.146 L 390.08298,240.928 L 389.78998,241.946 L 389.70298,242.13 L 388.22998,242.325 L 386.35998,242.513 L 386.57998,244.763 L 386.02698,244.816 L 385.26898,242.622 L 385.05798,240.387 L 385.48598,238.709 L 385.92298,237.466\" id=\"01105\" inkscape:label=\"Perry, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 395.44498,234.657 L 397.29398,237.934 L 396.96898,238.579 L 393.73498,238.922 L 393.79598,239.489 L 392.68698,239.615 L 391.60198,239.67 L 390.43398,238.934 L 390.28998,237.548 L 391.82698,237.412 L 391.64198,235.51 L 391.50598,234.663 L 391.47498,234.378 L 393.20498,234.246 L 394.38698,234.184 L 394.57098,234.432 L 394.91798,234.648 L 395.44498,234.657\" id=\"01021\" inkscape:label=\"Chilton, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 399.00598,233.202 L 400.79098,233.202 L 401.26898,237.515 L 397.29398,237.934 L 395.44498,234.657 L 395.61598,233.566 L 399.00598,233.202\" id=\"01037\" inkscape:label=\"Coosa, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 404.57198,232.58 L 405.21798,232.503 L 405.75398,237.376 L 404.83798,239.2 L 404.21298,239.458 L 403.88798,240.629 L 402.93198,240.747 L 402.89598,240.71 L 402.86098,240.607 L 402.55298,237.943 L 402.65298,237.565 L 402.62998,237.393 L 402.59898,237.38 L 401.26898,237.515 L 400.79098,233.202 L 404.57198,232.58\" id=\"01123\" inkscape:label=\"Tallapoosa, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 401.91398,227.762 L 401.56198,228.087 L 401.56998,228.181 L 402.68898,228.064 L 402.85198,227.86 L 402.83298,227.667 L 404.13498,227.558 L 404.57198,232.58 L 400.79098,233.202 L 399.00598,233.202 L 398.90298,232.026 L 399.78198,230.637 L 400.89498,229.397 L 401.34598,227.824 L 401.91398,227.762\" id=\"01027\" inkscape:label=\"Clay, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 398.54198,225.769 L 399.55698,225.72 L 399.86198,226.057 L 399.96198,226.54 L 400.26898,226.793 L 402.40098,226.581 L 402.42698,226.959 L 401.91398,227.762 L 401.34598,227.824 L 400.89498,229.397 L 399.78198,230.637 L 398.90298,232.026 L 399.00598,233.202 L 395.61598,233.566 L 395.57098,232.742 L 396.79298,230.944 L 396.89298,230.164 L 396.74298,229.948 L 396.44598,229.735 L 397.58698,228.334 L 398.03198,227.374 L 397.98298,227.311 L 397.87498,227.072 L 397.86998,227.005 L 398.36598,225.868 L 398.54198,225.769\" id=\"01121\" inkscape:label=\"Talladega, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 394.77398,227.888 L 396.44598,229.735 L 396.74298,229.948 L 396.89298,230.164 L 396.79298,230.944 L 395.57098,232.742 L 395.61598,233.566 L 395.44498,234.657 L 394.91798,234.648 L 394.57098,234.432 L 394.38698,234.184 L 393.20498,234.246 L 391.47498,234.378 L 391.50598,234.663 L 389.70798,232.278 L 390.21298,232.101 L 390.52398,231.931 L 390.74498,231.768 L 391.14698,231.065 L 393.19598,229.078 L 393.94098,228.996 L 394.79698,228.168 L 394.77398,227.888\" id=\"01117\" inkscape:label=\"Shelby, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 389.28898,232.314 L 389.70798,232.278 L 391.50598,234.663 L 391.64198,235.51 L 391.82698,237.412 L 390.28998,237.548 L 387.81598,237.849 L 387.07098,237.921 L 387.01698,237.357 L 385.92298,237.466 L 385.76398,235.803 L 386.87298,235.667 L 386.84198,234.527 L 387.11198,233.995 L 387.92398,233.094 L 388.38298,232.584 L 388.47298,232.53 L 389.17598,232.323 L 389.28898,232.314\" id=\"01007\" inkscape:label=\"Bibb, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 382.60998,236.041 L 385.76398,235.803 L 385.92298,237.466 L 385.48598,238.709 L 385.05798,240.387 L 385.26898,242.622 L 383.05998,242.834 L 383.00198,242.27 L 382.10998,242.347 L 382.68298,241.139 L 382.14998,240.503 L 381.72698,239.245 L 381.53098,238.263 L 381.51398,237.988 L 382.60998,236.041\" id=\"01065\" inkscape:label=\"Hale, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 381.13998,234.261 L 382.60998,236.041 L 381.51398,237.988 L 381.53098,238.263 L 381.72698,239.245 L 382.14998,240.503 L 382.68298,241.139 L 382.10998,242.347 L 381.65798,242.288 L 380.91898,241.143 L 380.80698,241.075 L 380.71198,241.071 L 380.52798,241.161 L 380.31998,241.306 L 380.23798,241.387 L 379.87898,241.554 L 379.41798,241.689 L 379.38298,241.68 L 379.12598,241.364 L 377.82698,238.637 L 377.61098,237.695 L 377.72798,236.596 L 377.71498,236.538 L 378.64398,235.911 L 379.45898,235.456 L 379.81998,235.329 L 381.13998,234.261\" id=\"01063\" inkscape:label=\"Greene, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 380.69398,229.474 L 381.13998,234.261 L 379.81998,235.329 L 379.45898,235.456 L 378.64398,235.911 L 377.71498,236.538 L 377.72798,236.596 L 375.92198,236.807 L 375.99798,232.939 L 376.05698,229.74 L 379.56698,229.578 L 380.69398,229.474\" id=\"01107\" inkscape:label=\"Pickens, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 385.04898,228.082 L 385.24098,228.073 L 386.18398,228.172 L 386.27398,229.114 L 386.82398,229.082 L 386.44998,229.412 L 386.63898,230.038 L 387.36098,230.826 L 387.79198,231.2 L 388.77998,231.791 L 389.28898,232.314 L 389.17598,232.323 L 388.47298,232.53 L 388.38298,232.584 L 387.92398,233.094 L 387.11198,233.995 L 386.84198,234.527 L 386.87298,235.667 L 385.76398,235.803 L 382.60998,236.041 L 381.13998,234.261 L 380.69398,229.474 L 381.76298,229.442 L 382.55098,229.352 L 382.49598,228.69 L 382.82598,228.181 L 385.04898,228.082\" id=\"01125\" inkscape:label=\"Tuscaloosa, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 389.78998,224.868 L 390.49198,224.435 L 391.82198,224.341 L 393.03398,225.048 L 393.84098,225.126 L 394.21498,225.09 L 394.45898,225.635 L 394.53998,226.477 L 394.47198,226.765 L 394.38198,226.775 L 394.30998,226.968 L 394.37698,227.717 L 394.48098,227.811 L 394.77398,227.888 L 394.79698,228.168 L 393.94098,228.996 L 393.19598,229.078 L 391.14698,231.065 L 390.74498,231.768 L 390.52398,231.931 L 390.21298,232.101 L 389.70798,232.278 L 389.28898,232.314 L 388.77998,231.791 L 387.79198,231.2 L 387.36098,230.826 L 386.63898,230.038 L 386.44998,229.412 L 386.82398,229.082 L 387.06298,228.947 L 387.36898,228.722 L 388.54098,227.429 L 388.76698,227.031 L 388.95998,226.64 L 389.64098,225.256 L 389.78998,224.868\" id=\"01073\" inkscape:label=\"Jefferson, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 387.48198,222.768 L 389.63198,224.323 L 389.78998,224.868 L 389.64098,225.256 L 388.95998,226.64 L 388.76698,227.031 L 388.54098,227.429 L 387.36898,228.722 L 387.06298,228.947 L 386.82398,229.082 L 386.27398,229.114 L 386.18398,228.172 L 385.24098,228.073 L 385.04898,228.082 L 384.94498,226.959 L 383.83098,227.022 L 383.59398,224.761 L 382.47898,224.801 L 382.43298,224.242 L 382.32998,223.119 L 387.48198,222.768\" id=\"01127\" inkscape:label=\"Walker, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 376.21798,222.912 L 378.55798,222.795 L 378.96398,223.151 L 379.14398,225.256 L 379.46398,228.388 L 379.56698,229.578 L 376.05698,229.74 L 376.11398,226.995 L 376.21798,222.912\" id=\"01075\" inkscape:label=\"Lamar, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 379.07598,224.472 L 382.43298,224.242 L 382.47898,224.801 L 383.59398,224.761 L 383.83098,227.022 L 384.94498,226.959 L 385.04898,228.082 L 382.82598,228.181 L 382.49598,228.69 L 382.55098,229.352 L 381.76298,229.442 L 380.69398,229.474 L 379.56698,229.578 L 379.46398,228.388 L 379.14398,225.256 L 379.07598,224.472\" id=\"01057\" inkscape:label=\"Fayette, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 376.37198,216.089 L 382.80798,215.724 L 383.10998,219.117 L 381.99598,219.184 L 381.10498,219.221 L 378.76998,219.384 L 376.29498,219.485 L 376.33598,217.635 L 376.37198,216.089\" id=\"01059\" inkscape:label=\"Franklin, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 376.29498,219.485 L 378.76998,219.384 L 381.10498,219.221 L 381.99598,219.184 L 382.32998,223.119 L 382.43298,224.242 L 379.07598,224.472 L 378.96398,223.151 L 378.55798,222.795 L 376.21798,222.912 L 376.22798,222.543 L 376.29498,219.485\" id=\"01093\" inkscape:label=\"Marion, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 383.10998,219.117 L 387.54498,218.779 L 387.48198,222.768 L 382.32998,223.119 L 381.99598,219.184 L 383.10998,219.117\" id=\"01133\" inkscape:label=\"Winston, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 387.52798,218.59 L 393.10698,218.171 L 394.52698,218.621 L 394.19398,218.643 L 393.88098,218.748 L 393.83698,218.779 L 393.24198,220.27 L 393.18398,220.37 L 391.76798,222.182 L 390.81298,223.024 L 390.02798,223.801 L 389.63198,224.323 L 387.48198,222.768 L 387.54498,218.779 L 387.52798,218.59\" id=\"01043\" inkscape:label=\"Cullman, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 394.52698,218.621 L 396.31098,220.528 L 396.14398,220.893 L 395.81598,222.651 L 396.28898,222.6 L 395.90898,223.593 L 395.63498,223.948 L 395.33698,224.269 L 395.25198,224.269 L 395.15698,224.215 L 393.79598,224.652 L 393.84098,225.126 L 393.03398,225.048 L 391.82198,224.341 L 390.49198,224.435 L 389.78998,224.868 L 389.63198,224.323 L 390.02798,223.801 L 390.81298,223.024 L 391.76798,222.182 L 393.18398,220.37 L 393.24198,220.27 L 393.83698,218.779 L 393.88098,218.748 L 394.19398,218.643 L 394.52698,218.621\" id=\"01009\" inkscape:label=\"Blount, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 396.28898,222.6 L 396.27998,222.556 L 396.34698,222.416 L 396.58598,222.024 L 396.73098,221.916 L 397.56498,221.835 L 397.66798,221.893 L 397.74798,222.033 L 397.98298,222.579 L 398.26298,222.845 L 398.39798,222.93 L 398.61898,222.841 L 399.17698,223.579 L 399.30898,223.7 L 399.34498,223.782 L 399.35898,224.607 L 398.54598,225.341 L 398.50598,225.473 L 398.54198,225.769 L 398.36598,225.868 L 397.86998,227.005 L 397.87498,227.072 L 397.98298,227.311 L 398.03198,227.374 L 397.58698,228.334 L 396.44598,229.735 L 394.77398,227.888 L 394.48098,227.811 L 394.37698,227.717 L 394.30998,226.968 L 394.38198,226.775 L 394.47198,226.765 L 394.53998,226.477 L 394.45898,225.635 L 394.21498,225.09 L 393.84098,225.126 L 393.79598,224.652 L 395.15698,224.215 L 395.25198,224.269 L 395.33698,224.269 L 395.63498,223.948 L 395.90898,223.593 L 396.28898,222.6\" id=\"01115\" inkscape:label=\"St. Clair, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 402.45898,221.582 L 404.70298,221.686 L 403.66698,222.655 L 403.80198,223.98 L 403.97298,225.59 L 403.81998,225.883 L 402.97798,226.901 L 402.42698,226.959 L 402.40098,226.581 L 400.26898,226.793 L 399.96198,226.54 L 399.86198,226.057 L 399.55698,225.72 L 398.54198,225.769 L 398.50598,225.473 L 398.54598,225.341 L 399.35898,224.607 L 399.34498,223.782 L 399.30898,223.7 L 399.17698,223.579 L 399.34898,223.565 L 399.62798,223.408 L 399.88998,223.204 L 400.47598,222.6 L 400.79098,222.092 L 400.97098,221.979 L 401.60698,221.916 L 402.48098,222.01 L 402.45898,221.582\" id=\"01015\" inkscape:label=\"Calhoun, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 398.26298,219.001 L 401.02998,218.716 L 401.17898,219.865 L 401.64798,219.902 L 402.44998,221.312 L 402.45898,221.582 L 402.48098,222.01 L 401.60698,221.916 L 400.97098,221.979 L 400.79098,222.092 L 400.47598,222.6 L 399.88998,223.204 L 399.62798,223.408 L 399.34898,223.565 L 399.17698,223.579 L 398.61898,222.841 L 398.39798,222.93 L 398.26298,222.845 L 397.98298,222.579 L 397.74798,222.033 L 397.66798,221.893 L 397.56498,221.835 L 396.73098,221.916 L 396.58598,222.024 L 396.34698,222.416 L 396.27998,222.556 L 396.28898,222.6 L 395.81598,222.651 L 396.14398,220.893 L 396.31098,220.528 L 398.26298,219.001\" id=\"01055\" inkscape:label=\"Etowah, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 395.40498,214.092 L 397.27998,213.907 L 397.40998,214.651 L 398.39798,215.394 L 398.26298,219.001 L 396.31098,220.528 L 394.52698,218.621 L 393.10698,218.171 L 393.12898,215.024 L 393.35998,215.561 L 393.72498,215.786 L 394.07598,215.846 L 394.44098,215.724 L 395.48598,215.191 L 395.63498,214.808 L 395.71698,214.317 L 395.65698,214.15 L 395.51798,214.083 L 395.40498,214.092\" id=\"01095\" inkscape:label=\"Marshall, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 390.60098,215.21 L 393.12898,215.024 L 393.10698,218.171 L 387.52798,218.59 L 387.12598,213.78 L 390.60098,215.21\" id=\"01103\" inkscape:label=\"Morgan, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 383.61898,212.618 L 385.40798,212.991 L 387.12598,213.78 L 387.52798,218.59 L 387.54498,218.779 L 383.10998,219.117 L 382.80798,215.724 L 383.61898,212.618\" id=\"01079\" inkscape:label=\"Lawrence, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 376.47998,212.036 L 376.88098,211.848 L 377.06198,211.803 L 377.79598,212.049 L 378.02998,212.222 L 378.18898,212.437 L 378.26098,212.572 L 378.34598,212.861 L 378.47198,213.051 L 379.30598,213.705 L 379.39098,213.754 L 379.70698,213.849 L 380.18498,213.763 L 380.45998,213.609 L 380.51398,213.551 L 380.69398,213.24 L 381.91498,212.515 L 382.32998,212.339 L 382.55598,212.289 L 382.63698,212.298 L 383.61898,212.618 L 382.80798,215.724 L 376.37198,216.089 L 376.47998,212.036\" id=\"01033\" inkscape:label=\"Colbert, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 385.51298,209.847 L 385.64298,209.837 L 385.40798,212.991 L 383.61898,212.618 L 382.63698,212.298 L 382.55598,212.289 L 382.32998,212.339 L 381.91498,212.515 L 380.69398,213.24 L 380.51398,213.551 L 380.45998,213.609 L 380.18498,213.763 L 379.70698,213.849 L 379.39098,213.754 L 379.30598,213.705 L 378.47198,213.051 L 378.34598,212.861 L 378.26098,212.572 L 378.18898,212.437 L 378.02998,212.222 L 377.79598,212.049 L 377.06198,211.803 L 376.88098,211.848 L 376.47998,212.036 L 375.29798,210.788 L 377.53898,210.464 L 381.50498,210.157 L 385.51298,209.847\" id=\"01077\" inkscape:label=\"Lauderdale, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 389.56498,209.562 L 390.11298,209.509 L 390.60098,215.21 L 387.12598,213.78 L 385.40798,212.991 L 385.64298,209.837 L 389.56498,209.562\" id=\"01083\" inkscape:label=\"Limestone, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 395.05298,209.026 L 395.27498,209.606 L 394.99898,211.058 L 394.90098,212.379 L 395.02298,213.705 L 395.40498,214.092 L 395.51798,214.083 L 395.65698,214.15 L 395.71698,214.317 L 395.63498,214.808 L 395.48598,215.191 L 394.44098,215.724 L 394.07598,215.846 L 393.72498,215.786 L 393.35998,215.561 L 393.12898,215.024 L 390.60098,215.21 L 390.11298,209.509 L 394.97398,209.03 L 395.05298,209.026\" id=\"01089\" inkscape:label=\"Madison, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 402.43598,208.327 L 402.84198,209.904 L 402.18498,211.351 L 401.05198,213.177 L 399.24898,215.088 L 398.95198,215.286 L 398.71298,215.381 L 398.39798,215.394 L 397.40998,214.651 L 397.27998,213.907 L 395.40498,214.092 L 395.02298,213.705 L 394.90098,212.379 L 394.99898,211.058 L 395.27498,209.606 L 395.05298,209.026 L 399.72798,208.571 L 402.43598,208.327\" id=\"01071\" inkscape:label=\"Jackson, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 402.84198,209.904 L 403.68998,212.901 L 403.81598,213.344 L 404.04498,214.16 L 403.98198,214.137 L 403.94298,214.164 L 403.44198,214.745 L 403.37898,215.493 L 403.04998,216.201 L 401.67898,217.874 L 401.31398,217.919 L 401.05898,218.161 L 400.98598,218.302 L 401.02998,218.716 L 398.26298,219.001 L 398.39798,215.394 L 398.71298,215.381 L 398.95198,215.286 L 399.24898,215.088 L 401.05198,213.177 L 402.18498,211.351 L 402.84198,209.904\" id=\"01049\" inkscape:label=\"DeKalb, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 404.04498,214.16 L 404.92898,217.161 L 405.64998,219.766 L 406.05998,221.24 L 404.70298,221.686 L 402.45898,221.582 L 402.44998,221.312 L 401.64798,219.902 L 401.17898,219.865 L 401.02998,218.716 L 400.98598,218.302 L 401.05898,218.161 L 401.31398,217.919 L 401.67898,217.874 L 403.04998,216.201 L 403.37898,215.493 L 403.44198,214.745 L 403.94298,214.164 L 403.98198,214.137 L 404.04498,214.16\" id=\"01019\" inkscape:label=\"Cherokee, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 406.05998,221.24 L 406.28098,222.028 L 407.15498,225.175 L 407.75898,227.324 L 404.13498,227.558 L 402.83298,227.667 L 402.85198,227.86 L 402.68898,228.064 L 401.56998,228.181 L 401.56198,228.087 L 401.91398,227.762 L 402.42698,226.959 L 402.97798,226.901 L 403.81998,225.883 L 403.97298,225.59 L 403.80198,223.98 L 403.66698,222.655 L 404.70298,221.686 L 406.05998,221.24\" id=\"01029\" inkscape:label=\"Cleburne, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 404.13498,227.558 L 407.75898,227.324 L 407.95298,228.019 L 408.99798,231.791 L 409.07498,232.061 L 405.21798,232.503 L 404.57198,232.58 L 404.13498,227.558\" id=\"01111\" inkscape:label=\"Randolph, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 409.07498,232.061 L 409.94098,235.058 L 410.62998,236.592 L 409.43598,236.749 L 409.06198,236.978 L 405.75398,237.376 L 405.21798,232.503 L 409.07498,232.061\" id=\"01017\" inkscape:label=\"Chambers, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 405.75398,237.376 L 409.06198,236.978 L 409.43598,236.749 L 410.62998,236.592 L 411.40898,238.308 L 412.44298,239.458 L 411.86898,240.012 L 409.94498,240.526 L 409.03898,241.143 L 407.92198,241.283 L 407.74598,240.165 L 407.19998,240.228 L 404.86098,239.381 L 404.83798,239.2 L 405.75398,237.376\" id=\"01081\" inkscape:label=\"Lee, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 412.74298,241.238 L 412.62198,241.698 L 412.64498,241.807 L 412.71298,241.883 L 413.42898,242.076 L 413.69498,242.298 L 413.80298,242.513 L 413.71298,242.919 L 413.68698,242.956 L 412.51498,245.271 L 411.11598,245.452 L 411.04098,245.421 L 410.59398,244.951 L 410.55298,244.834 L 410.20598,244.429 L 408.55698,244.637 L 408.17798,243.531 L 407.92198,241.283 L 409.03898,241.143 L 409.94498,240.526 L 411.86898,240.012 L 412.44298,239.458 L 412.74298,241.238\" id=\"01113\" inkscape:label=\"Russell, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 412.51498,245.271 L 412.54498,246.235 L 412.03598,249.004 L 412.22598,249.256 L 412.12198,249.165 L 411.93698,249.107 L 411.87498,249.107 L 411.81998,249.139 L 411.53098,249.504 L 411.36398,250.004 L 411.30598,250.103 L 409.12498,250.292 L 409.24698,251.415 L 405.63598,251.83 L 406.25398,248.354 L 406.24498,248.252 L 406.30898,247.94 L 406.80498,246.967 L 407.65998,246.646 L 408.54798,246.349 L 408.47598,245.876 L 408.38198,244.749 L 408.55698,244.637 L 410.20598,244.429 L 410.55298,244.834 L 410.59398,244.951 L 411.04098,245.421 L 411.11598,245.452 L 412.51498,245.271\" id=\"01005\" inkscape:label=\"Barbour, AL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 344.51598,231.463 L 344.66398,231.872 L 344.67798,231.88 L 345.22398,232.252 L 345.66998,232.553 L 345.75498,232.854 L 345.62498,233.111 L 345.06998,233.273 L 345.61098,234.82 L 345.97598,235.482 L 346.25598,235.779 L 346.28698,236.759 L 346.28698,236.77 L 345.94898,238.173 L 345.93998,238.182 L 345.62498,238.538 L 345.53798,238.637 L 344.47498,238.678 L 342.63598,238.753 L 342.36998,238.768 L 342.16798,233.815 L 342.09998,231.553 L 343.20898,231.498 L 343.26798,231.886 L 343.55998,232.065 L 344.34898,232.044 L 344.51598,231.463\" id=\"05017\" inkscape:label=\"Chicot, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 336.45698,233.949 L 342.16798,233.815 L 342.36998,238.768 L 335.82098,239.034 L 335.00098,237.059 L 335.25298,236.411 L 335.65098,235.892 L 336.12298,235.51 L 336.33598,235.451 L 336.64598,235.189 L 336.78998,234.193 L 336.45698,233.949\" id=\"05003\" inkscape:label=\"Ashley, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 326.66798,204.153 L 326.69498,205.892 L 326.32898,206.416 L 326.35198,207.538 L 326.00498,211.343 L 324.67598,211.486 L 321.94798,209.562 L 321.72898,209.44 L 321.70498,207.588 L 321.89498,207.583 L 322.45798,206.989 L 322.99398,205.892 L 322.97698,204.189 L 325.19398,204.177 L 326.66798,204.153\" id=\"05115\" inkscape:label=\"Pope, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 325.09898,199.101 L 325.19398,204.177 L 322.97698,204.189 L 319.27598,203.843 L 319.18598,203.062 L 319.19098,202.31 L 319.41998,201.742 L 319.73998,201.179 L 319.56498,199.137 L 321.42098,199.133 L 325.09898,199.101\" id=\"05101\" inkscape:label=\"Newton, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 316.03498,196.865 L 317.66698,196.871 L 317.94598,197.19 L 318.08598,197.699 L 318.08598,198.186 L 318.17698,198.371 L 318.46098,198.767 L 318.82498,199.137 L 319.56498,199.137 L 319.73998,201.179 L 319.41998,201.742 L 319.19098,202.31 L 319.18598,203.062 L 319.27598,203.843 L 317.43698,203.82 L 315.21098,203.987 L 314.66998,203.987 L 314.66998,203.045 L 314.76898,199.691 L 315.30898,197.811 L 316.03498,196.865\" id=\"05087\" inkscape:label=\"Madison, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 315.21098,203.987 L 317.43698,203.82 L 317.41498,208.931 L 314.13298,211.099 L 313.58798,208.106 L 313.74998,208.02 L 313.94398,207.399 L 314.08898,206.66 L 314.11998,205.288 L 315.21098,204.365 L 315.39998,204.177 L 315.40398,203.987 L 315.21098,203.987\" id=\"05047\" inkscape:label=\"Franklin, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 317.43698,203.82 L 319.27598,203.843 L 322.97698,204.189 L 322.99398,205.892 L 322.45798,206.989 L 321.89498,207.583 L 321.70498,207.588 L 321.72898,209.44 L 319.85398,208.364 L 319.41098,208.539 L 318.61698,208.792 L 317.41498,208.931 L 317.43698,203.82\" id=\"05071\" inkscape:label=\"Johnson, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 317.41498,208.931 L 318.61698,208.792 L 319.41098,208.539 L 319.85398,208.364 L 321.72898,209.44 L 321.94798,209.562 L 321.96698,210.923 L 319.84398,211.401 L 317.98198,211.865 L 317.52798,212.049 L 317.52798,213.195 L 317.58098,213.542 L 315.36798,213.555 L 313.69998,213.542 L 312.98898,213.177 L 312.98898,212.604 L 312.99298,212.036 L 314.12498,212.049 L 314.13298,211.099 L 317.41498,208.931\" id=\"05083\" inkscape:label=\"Logan, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 321.94798,209.562 L 324.67598,211.486 L 326.00498,211.343 L 324.52698,212.608 L 323.67898,213.393 L 322.89998,214.145 L 322.54298,214.543 L 322.00698,215.277 L 322.04798,216.625 L 320.93998,217.044 L 317.60898,217.102 L 317.58098,213.542 L 317.52798,213.195 L 317.52798,212.049 L 317.98198,211.865 L 319.84398,211.401 L 321.96698,210.923 L 321.94798,209.562\" id=\"05149\" inkscape:label=\"Yell, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 324.52698,212.608 L 327.90298,212.563 L 328.78098,212.478 L 328.94798,212.446 L 329.08298,212.397 L 329.60698,211.964 L 329.65598,212.015 L 329.75498,212.28 L 329.76898,212.401 L 329.72898,212.717 L 329.68298,212.83 L 329.60198,212.946 L 329.48498,213.069 L 329.31898,213.209 L 329.24598,213.299 L 329.19998,213.452 L 329.23998,213.609 L 329.36198,213.812 L 329.47198,213.907 L 329.59698,213.979 L 329.78598,214.037 L 329.47198,214.254 L 328.69998,214.448 L 327.60998,214.66 L 327.61798,215.408 L 327.78098,215.403 L 327.67698,215.634 L 326.83398,215.412 L 325.35198,215.412 L 324.26598,215.457 L 324.28798,216.575 L 322.04798,216.625 L 322.00698,215.277 L 322.54298,214.543 L 322.89998,214.145 L 323.67898,213.393 L 324.52698,212.608\" id=\"05105\" inkscape:label=\"Perry, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 326.35198,207.538 L 330.22898,207.498 L 330.25098,208.629 L 329.60698,211.964 L 329.08298,212.397 L 328.94798,212.446 L 328.78098,212.478 L 327.90298,212.563 L 324.52698,212.608 L 326.00498,211.343 L 326.35198,207.538\" id=\"05029\" inkscape:label=\"Conway, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 334.11298,208.553 L 334.18598,212.397 L 334.19798,213.099 L 333.07998,213.118 L 332.75198,214.25 L 330.61498,214.272 L 329.78598,214.037 L 329.59698,213.979 L 329.47198,213.907 L 329.36198,213.812 L 329.23998,213.609 L 329.19998,213.452 L 329.24598,213.299 L 329.31898,213.209 L 329.48498,213.069 L 329.60198,212.946 L 329.68298,212.83 L 329.72898,212.717 L 329.76898,212.401 L 329.75498,212.28 L 329.65598,212.015 L 329.60698,211.964 L 330.25098,208.629 L 332.63998,208.598 L 334.11298,208.553\" id=\"05045\" inkscape:label=\"Faulkner, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 330.71998,203.148 L 332.58898,204.072 L 332.63998,208.598 L 330.25098,208.629 L 330.22898,207.498 L 326.35198,207.538 L 326.32898,206.416 L 326.69498,205.892 L 326.66798,204.153 L 328.52498,204.144 L 328.50698,203.203 L 330.71998,203.148\" id=\"05141\" inkscape:label=\"Van Buren, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 325.09898,199.101 L 325.65798,199.097 L 326.22598,199.65 L 330.63898,199.588 L 330.65198,200.72 L 330.71998,203.148 L 328.50698,203.203 L 328.52498,204.144 L 326.66798,204.153 L 325.19398,204.177 L 325.09898,199.101\" id=\"05129\" inkscape:label=\"Searcy, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 332.83798,198.592 L 334.07198,199.534 L 334.13198,199.579 L 334.31998,199.808 L 334.32498,199.867 L 334.06398,200.714 L 336.07298,201.711 L 336.56498,201.887 L 336.78598,203.991 L 332.58898,204.072 L 330.71998,203.148 L 330.65198,200.72 L 331.76598,200.702 L 332.85598,199.548 L 332.83798,198.592\" id=\"05137\" inkscape:label=\"Stone, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 336.78598,203.991 L 337.33098,206.186 L 337.35898,207.205 L 336.82698,208.494 L 334.11298,208.553 L 332.63998,208.598 L 332.58898,204.072 L 336.78598,203.991\" id=\"05023\" inkscape:label=\"Cleburne, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 337.33098,206.186 L 339.54498,206.133 L 342.04498,207.2 L 341.19798,208.246 L 341.17098,209.021 L 341.19398,209.102 L 341.47798,209.494 L 341.25198,211.496 L 341.03098,211.794 L 337.52898,212.722 L 336.04198,212.587 L 335.55098,212.415 L 334.18598,212.397 L 334.11298,208.553 L 336.82698,208.494 L 337.35898,207.205 L 337.33098,206.186\" id=\"05145\" inkscape:label=\"White, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 341.65298,201.35 L 343.29798,201.277 L 343.23998,201.503 L 343.13598,201.81 L 342.84798,202.481 L 341.97898,204.424 L 341.75698,206.083 L 340.35098,206.128 L 339.54498,206.133 L 337.33098,206.186 L 336.78598,203.991 L 336.56498,201.887 L 337.96298,200.859 L 340.52698,200.805 L 340.54098,201.382 L 341.65298,201.35\" id=\"05063\" inkscape:label=\"Independence, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 343.29798,201.277 L 345.02498,201.251 L 345.09798,203.545 L 345.24998,206.989 L 345.30898,208.139 L 343.09698,208.21 L 343.02398,207.065 L 342.00898,207.128 L 342.04498,207.2 L 339.54498,206.133 L 340.35098,206.128 L 341.75698,206.083 L 341.97898,204.424 L 342.84798,202.481 L 343.13598,201.81 L 343.23998,201.503 L 343.29798,201.277\" id=\"05067\" inkscape:label=\"Jackson, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 342.04498,207.2 L 342.00898,207.128 L 343.02398,207.065 L 343.09698,208.21 L 345.30898,208.139 L 345.41698,210.81 L 344.39398,212.759 L 343.47098,212.785 L 343.00098,213.055 L 342.91598,213.452 L 342.92898,214.001 L 342.15298,214.037 L 342.11798,212.23 L 341.11398,212.275 L 341.06298,212.132 L 341.03098,211.794 L 341.25198,211.496 L 341.47798,209.494 L 341.19398,209.102 L 341.17098,209.021 L 341.19798,208.246 L 342.04498,207.2\" id=\"05147\" inkscape:label=\"Woodruff, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 351.06398,210.554 L 352.13698,210.441 L 352.22698,212.33 L 352.23598,213.605 L 346.60798,213.885 L 345.53798,213.875 L 344.98498,213.907 L 345.00698,214.483 L 344.39398,212.759 L 345.41698,210.81 L 351.06398,210.554\" id=\"05123\" inkscape:label=\"St. Francis, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 354.49898,206.543 L 355.19798,207.231 L 355.23798,207.367 L 355.65698,210.324 L 355.65298,210.338 L 355.65298,210.35 L 355.64898,210.358 L 355.62998,210.387 L 355.47298,210.58 L 354.36798,211.429 L 353.31798,211.775 L 353.19198,212.177 L 353.20998,212.357 L 353.47498,214.097 L 352.29898,214.528 L 352.23598,213.605 L 352.22698,212.33 L 352.13698,210.441 L 351.06398,210.554 L 350.84798,206.696 L 353.09798,206.606 L 354.49898,206.543\" id=\"05035\" inkscape:label=\"Crittenden, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 350.84798,206.696 L 351.06398,210.554 L 345.41698,210.81 L 345.30898,208.139 L 345.24998,206.989 L 346.20098,206.948 L 348.61698,206.719 L 349.71698,206.669 L 350.84798,206.696\" id=\"05037\" inkscape:label=\"Cross, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 345.09798,203.545 L 347.04898,203.481 L 351.19098,203.266 L 352.89498,203.216 L 353.09798,206.606 L 350.84798,206.696 L 349.71698,206.669 L 348.61698,206.719 L 346.20098,206.948 L 345.24998,206.989 L 345.09798,203.545\" id=\"05111\" inkscape:label=\"Poinsett, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 358.38798,198.957 L 358.93898,200.174 L 358.65398,200.169 L 358.46598,200.201 L 358.24098,200.318 L 358.20698,200.341 L 358.14098,200.399 L 357.23098,202.342 L 356.94598,205.073 L 354.49898,206.543 L 353.09798,206.606 L 352.89498,203.216 L 352.64198,199.376 L 356.04898,199.133 L 358.38798,198.957\" id=\"05093\" inkscape:label=\"Mississippi, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 352.64198,199.376 L 352.89498,203.216 L 351.19098,203.266 L 347.04898,203.481 L 345.09798,203.545 L 345.02498,201.251 L 346.83198,200.079 L 351.64598,199.849 L 351.81898,199.43 L 352.64198,199.376\" id=\"05031\" inkscape:label=\"Craighead, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 337.97598,196.807 L 337.96298,200.859 L 336.56498,201.887 L 336.07298,201.711 L 334.06398,200.714 L 334.32498,199.867 L 334.31998,199.808 L 334.13198,199.579 L 334.07198,199.534 L 332.83798,198.592 L 332.63498,198.592 L 332.62598,198.052 L 333.18098,197.821 L 333.16698,196.91 L 337.97598,196.807\" id=\"05065\" inkscape:label=\"Izard, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 342.43298,196.536 L 343.68698,197.641 L 344.38998,198.254 L 344.71398,197.803 L 347.14398,197.699 L 347.76198,197.672 L 347.76598,197.722 L 347.57098,198.209 L 347.28698,198.483 L 347.13898,198.592 L 346.73398,199.723 L 346.83198,200.079 L 345.02498,201.251 L 343.29798,201.277 L 341.65298,201.35 L 341.61298,199.62 L 341.52798,197.659 L 341.51398,196.933 L 341.69498,196.739 L 342.43298,196.536\" id=\"05075\" inkscape:label=\"Lawrence, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 340.75698,193.508 L 340.76098,193.634 L 341.39298,194.274 L 341.76698,194.454 L 342.18098,195.031 L 342.39698,195.703 L 342.43298,196.536 L 341.69498,196.739 L 341.51398,196.933 L 341.52798,197.659 L 341.61298,199.62 L 341.65298,201.35 L 340.54098,201.382 L 340.52698,200.805 L 337.96298,200.859 L 337.97598,196.807 L 339.27498,196.793 L 340.35598,195.257 L 340.31598,193.521 L 340.75698,193.508\" id=\"05135\" inkscape:label=\"Sharp, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 347.09398,196.177 L 348.02798,196.108 L 351.38898,196.027 L 352.12798,196.365 L 352.15098,196.749 L 353.41198,196.658 L 351.81898,199.43 L 351.64598,199.849 L 346.83198,200.079 L 346.73398,199.723 L 347.13898,198.592 L 347.28698,198.483 L 347.57098,198.209 L 347.76598,197.722 L 347.76198,197.672 L 347.14398,197.699 L 347.09398,196.177\" id=\"05055\" inkscape:label=\"Greene, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 349.29798,193.04 L 352.95298,192.832 L 353.22798,192.814 L 353.63398,192.801 L 354.55298,194.099 L 354.65298,194.233 L 354.71998,195.257 L 354.61098,195.554 L 354.53898,195.667 L 353.41198,196.658 L 352.15098,196.749 L 352.12798,196.365 L 351.38898,196.027 L 348.02798,196.108 L 347.09398,196.177 L 347.15598,193.156 L 349.29798,193.04\" id=\"05021\" inkscape:label=\"Clay, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 347.15598,193.156 L 347.09398,196.177 L 347.14398,197.699 L 344.71398,197.803 L 344.38998,198.254 L 343.68698,197.641 L 342.43298,196.536 L 342.39698,195.703 L 342.18098,195.031 L 341.76698,194.454 L 341.39298,194.274 L 340.76098,193.634 L 340.75698,193.508 L 343.64198,193.355 L 347.15598,193.156\" id=\"05121\" inkscape:label=\"Randolph, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 340.31598,193.521 L 340.35598,195.257 L 339.27498,196.793 L 337.97598,196.807 L 333.16698,196.91 L 333.11198,193.829 L 333.41898,193.81 L 338.02898,193.603 L 340.31598,193.521\" id=\"05049\" inkscape:label=\"Fulton, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 329.21398,193.99 L 333.11198,193.829 L 333.16698,196.91 L 333.18098,197.821 L 332.62598,198.052 L 332.63498,198.592 L 332.83798,198.592 L 332.85598,199.548 L 331.76598,200.702 L 330.65198,200.72 L 330.63898,199.588 L 330.63298,198.831 L 330.37298,198.226 L 329.82198,197.097 L 329.34498,196.533 L 329.17398,196.41 L 329.22298,195.388 L 329.21398,193.99\" id=\"05005\" inkscape:label=\"Baxter, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 326.71298,194.076 L 329.21398,193.99 L 329.22298,195.388 L 329.17398,196.41 L 329.34498,196.533 L 329.82198,197.097 L 330.37298,198.226 L 330.63298,198.831 L 330.63898,199.588 L 326.22598,199.65 L 325.65798,199.097 L 325.86898,194.103 L 326.71298,194.076\" id=\"05089\" inkscape:label=\"Marion, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 325.86898,194.103 L 325.65798,199.097 L 325.09898,199.101 L 321.42098,199.133 L 321.32698,194.238 L 325.86898,194.103\" id=\"05009\" inkscape:label=\"Boone, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 321.32698,194.238 L 321.42098,199.133 L 319.56498,199.137 L 318.82498,199.137 L 318.46098,198.767 L 318.17698,198.371 L 318.08598,198.186 L 318.08598,197.699 L 317.94598,197.19 L 317.66698,196.871 L 316.03498,196.865 L 315.45398,194.382 L 318.35698,194.31 L 321.12798,194.242 L 321.32698,194.238\" id=\"05015\" inkscape:label=\"Carroll, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 313.28598,194.427 L 315.45398,194.382 L 316.03498,196.865 L 315.30898,197.811 L 314.02898,197.803 L 312.92098,198.056 L 310.71298,198.169 L 310.25298,199.11 L 310.14498,199.674 L 308.47698,199.665 L 308.35498,198.893 L 307.71898,194.516 L 313.28598,194.427\" id=\"05007\" inkscape:label=\"Benton, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 308.47698,199.665 L 310.14498,199.674 L 310.25298,199.11 L 310.71298,198.169 L 312.92098,198.056 L 314.02898,197.803 L 315.30898,197.811 L 314.76898,199.691 L 314.66998,203.045 L 314.66998,203.987 L 312.98898,203.973 L 311.70398,204.132 L 309.15798,204.108 L 308.47698,199.665\" id=\"05143\" inkscape:label=\"Washington, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 314.66998,203.987 L 315.40398,203.987 L 315.39998,204.177 L 315.21098,204.365 L 314.11998,205.288 L 314.08898,206.66 L 313.94398,207.399 L 313.74998,208.02 L 313.58798,208.106 L 312.96998,208.044 L 312.88098,208.057 L 312.81698,208.093 L 312.72698,208.169 L 312.68298,208.268 L 312.73198,208.376 L 312.88498,208.512 L 312.92998,208.593 L 312.96998,208.732 L 312.96198,208.827 L 312.92998,208.909 L 312.85298,208.976 L 312.19498,209.273 L 312.02398,209.328 L 311.30298,209.382 L 311.03698,209.296 L 310.79398,208.994 L 310.75798,208.818 L 310.79898,208.647 L 310.79898,208.598 L 310.73998,208.467 L 310.39698,208.201 L 310.22598,208.125 L 310.08598,208.098 L 310.05898,208.111 L 309.86898,208.787 L 309.39698,205.672 L 309.15798,204.108 L 311.70398,204.132 L 312.98898,203.973 L 314.66998,203.987\" id=\"05033\" inkscape:label=\"Crawford, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 309.86898,208.787 L 310.05898,208.111 L 310.08598,208.098 L 310.22598,208.125 L 310.39698,208.201 L 310.73998,208.467 L 310.79898,208.598 L 310.79898,208.647 L 310.75798,208.818 L 310.79398,208.994 L 311.03698,209.296 L 311.30298,209.382 L 312.02398,209.328 L 312.19498,209.273 L 312.85298,208.976 L 312.92998,208.909 L 312.96198,208.827 L 312.96998,208.732 L 312.92998,208.593 L 312.88498,208.512 L 312.73198,208.376 L 312.68298,208.268 L 312.72698,208.169 L 312.81698,208.093 L 312.88098,208.057 L 312.96998,208.044 L 313.58798,208.106 L 314.13298,211.099 L 314.12498,212.049 L 312.99298,212.036 L 312.98898,212.604 L 312.79898,212.608 L 312.13198,212.889 L 311.84298,213.073 L 311.84298,213.168 L 312.07898,213.172 L 312.07898,214.326 L 311.72198,214.474 L 309.98698,214.849 L 309.80198,214.813 L 309.86498,209.013 L 309.86898,208.787\" id=\"05131\" inkscape:label=\"Sebastian, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 312.98898,212.604 L 312.98898,213.177 L 313.69998,213.542 L 315.36798,213.555 L 317.58098,213.542 L 317.60898,217.102 L 317.24298,217.099 L 316.36098,217.571 L 315.86398,218.171 L 315.31498,218.193 L 315.31498,218.004 L 314.38198,217.864 L 311.22698,217.859 L 310.74398,217.607 L 309.77498,217.476 L 309.80198,214.813 L 309.98698,214.849 L 311.72198,214.474 L 312.07898,214.326 L 312.07898,213.172 L 311.84298,213.168 L 311.84298,213.073 L 312.13198,212.889 L 312.79898,212.608 L 312.98898,212.604\" id=\"05127\" inkscape:label=\"Scott, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 320.93998,217.044 L 320.92598,221.542 L 320.93498,222.286 L 315.34998,222.286 L 315.31498,218.193 L 315.86398,218.171 L 316.36098,217.571 L 317.24298,217.099 L 317.60898,217.102 L 320.93998,217.044\" id=\"05097\" inkscape:label=\"Montgomery, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 324.28798,216.575 L 325.40098,216.535 L 325.43298,217.671 L 326.11698,218.287 L 327.17698,218.838 L 327.36498,219.203 L 327.37098,219.96 L 326.08598,219.97 L 325.76198,220.722 L 325.78398,221.497 L 320.92598,221.542 L 320.93998,217.044 L 322.04798,216.625 L 324.28798,216.575\" id=\"05051\" inkscape:label=\"Garland, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 327.78098,215.403 L 328.71798,216.084 L 329.82698,217.152 L 331.37298,218.221 L 333.06898,218.742 L 333.15798,219.879 L 331.48998,219.915 L 329.91298,220.506 L 329.25498,221.015 L 328.72798,221.073 L 327.37098,219.96 L 327.36498,219.203 L 327.17698,218.838 L 326.11698,218.287 L 325.43298,217.671 L 325.40098,216.535 L 324.28798,216.575 L 324.26598,215.457 L 325.35198,215.412 L 326.83398,215.412 L 327.67698,215.634 L 327.78098,215.403\" id=\"05125\" inkscape:label=\"Saline, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 334.19798,213.099 L 334.72698,213.087 L 334.80798,216.71 L 335.37098,218.126 L 335.43798,219.839 L 333.55998,219.869 L 333.15798,219.879 L 333.06898,218.742 L 331.37298,218.221 L 329.82698,217.152 L 328.71798,216.084 L 327.78098,215.403 L 327.61798,215.408 L 327.60998,214.66 L 328.69998,214.448 L 329.47198,214.254 L 329.78598,214.037 L 330.61498,214.272 L 332.75198,214.25 L 333.07998,213.118 L 334.19798,213.099\" id=\"05119\" inkscape:label=\"Pulaski, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 334.18598,212.397 L 335.55098,212.415 L 336.04198,212.587 L 337.52898,212.722 L 337.57898,214.133 L 338.73798,214.105 L 339.49098,217.887 L 339.58498,218.716 L 339.57998,218.914 L 339.16098,219.775 L 338.87298,219.775 L 335.43798,219.839 L 335.37098,218.126 L 334.80798,216.71 L 334.72698,213.087 L 334.19798,213.099 L 334.18598,212.397\" id=\"05085\" inkscape:label=\"Lonoke, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 337.52898,212.722 L 341.03098,211.794 L 341.06298,212.132 L 341.11398,212.275 L 342.11798,212.23 L 342.15298,214.037 L 342.27998,218.567 L 339.99098,218.621 L 340.02998,219.748 L 339.71998,219.775 L 339.16098,219.775 L 339.57998,218.914 L 339.58498,218.716 L 339.49098,217.887 L 338.73798,214.105 L 337.57898,214.133 L 337.52898,212.722\" id=\"05117\" inkscape:label=\"Prairie, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 342.15298,214.037 L 342.92898,214.001 L 342.91598,213.452 L 343.00098,213.055 L 343.47098,212.785 L 344.39398,212.759 L 345.00698,214.483 L 345.06598,216.201 L 345.62898,216.183 L 345.66098,217.328 L 345.74598,219.595 L 346.32198,219.581 L 346.33098,219.784 L 346.39098,221.312 L 345.82198,221.334 L 345.74598,221.34 L 345.41198,221.213 L 345.24598,221.097 L 344.28598,220.059 L 343.53698,218.986 L 343.19098,218.545 L 342.27998,218.567 L 342.15298,214.037\" id=\"05095\" inkscape:label=\"Monroe, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 345.00698,214.483 L 344.98498,213.907 L 345.53798,213.875 L 346.60798,213.885 L 352.23598,213.605 L 352.29898,214.528 L 350.67698,217.111 L 345.66098,217.328 L 345.62898,216.183 L 345.06598,216.201 L 345.00698,214.483\" id=\"05077\" inkscape:label=\"Lee, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 350.67698,217.111 L 350.82098,218.612 L 350.93398,219.77 L 350.85798,220.018 L 350.84798,220.041 L 350.82498,220.059 L 350.45998,220.379 L 350.00098,220.599 L 349.44598,220.713 L 348.89298,220.821 L 347.88298,222.633 L 347.40398,223.62 L 347.25098,223.939 L 347.28698,224.065 L 347.29198,224.084 L 345.31398,224.183 L 345.82198,221.334 L 346.39098,221.312 L 346.33098,219.784 L 346.32198,219.581 L 345.74598,219.595 L 345.66098,217.328 L 350.67698,217.111\" id=\"05107\" inkscape:label=\"Phillips, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 335.43798,219.839 L 338.87298,219.775 L 338.94898,223.002 L 340.21198,223.012 L 340.76698,223.038 L 340.87398,223.115 L 341.86598,224.269 L 342.00598,224.761 L 341.92398,224.837 L 341.86598,224.864 L 341.26698,224.981 L 340.46798,224.72 L 338.82298,223.921 L 338.57998,224.832 L 336.46598,224.935 L 336.47998,225.314 L 333.50898,225.458 L 333.46898,224.08 L 333.64098,223.272 L 333.55998,219.869 L 335.43798,219.839\" id=\"05069\" inkscape:label=\"Jefferson, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 333.55998,219.869 L 333.64098,223.272 L 333.46898,224.08 L 333.50898,225.458 L 332.41898,225.536 L 331.42798,224.72 L 330.69298,224.503 L 328.74498,224.503 L 328.72798,221.073 L 329.25498,221.015 L 329.91298,220.506 L 331.48998,219.915 L 333.15798,219.879 L 333.55998,219.869\" id=\"05053\" inkscape:label=\"Grant, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 327.37098,219.96 L 328.72798,221.073 L 328.74498,224.503 L 326.53598,224.499 L 325.45498,224.494 L 325.02698,223.849 L 321.50298,223.038 L 320.93498,222.286 L 320.92598,221.542 L 325.78398,221.497 L 325.76198,220.722 L 326.08598,219.97 L 327.37098,219.96\" id=\"05059\" inkscape:label=\"Hot Spring, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 326.53598,224.499 L 328.74498,224.503 L 330.69298,224.503 L 331.42798,224.72 L 332.41898,225.536 L 330.98598,225.68 L 330.98198,226.721 L 331.17498,226.757 L 331.55798,227.103 L 331.80598,227.46 L 332.52698,228.731 L 332.57098,228.966 L 329.91698,228.97 L 326.60498,228.983 L 326.36498,227.902 L 326.53598,226.738 L 326.53598,224.499\" id=\"05039\" inkscape:label=\"Dallas, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 333.50898,225.458 L 336.47998,225.314 L 336.39398,228.852 L 336.44398,229.984 L 332.65298,230.092 L 332.57098,228.966 L 332.52698,228.731 L 331.80598,227.46 L 331.55798,227.103 L 331.17498,226.757 L 330.98198,226.721 L 330.98598,225.68 L 332.41898,225.536 L 333.50898,225.458\" id=\"05025\" inkscape:label=\"Cleveland, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 341.86598,224.864 L 342.15798,225.702 L 342.16198,225.908 L 341.71698,226.224 L 340.83298,226.252 L 340.83798,228.185 L 340.85598,228.763 L 336.39398,228.852 L 336.47998,225.314 L 336.46598,224.935 L 338.57998,224.832 L 338.82298,223.921 L 340.46798,224.72 L 341.26698,224.981 L 341.86598,224.864\" id=\"05079\" inkscape:label=\"Lincoln, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 338.87298,219.775 L 339.71998,219.775 L 340.02998,219.748 L 339.99098,218.621 L 342.27998,218.567 L 343.19098,218.545 L 343.53698,218.986 L 344.28598,220.059 L 345.24598,221.097 L 345.41198,221.213 L 345.74598,221.34 L 345.82198,221.334 L 345.31398,224.183 L 344.78998,224.539 L 344.62398,224.697 L 344.53698,224.837 L 344.52498,225.13 L 344.55598,225.323 L 344.77798,225.545 L 345.26898,226.302 L 345.07898,226.555 L 343.78098,226.171 L 343.14598,225.783 L 342.15798,225.702 L 341.86598,224.864 L 341.92398,224.837 L 342.00598,224.761 L 341.86598,224.269 L 340.87398,223.115 L 340.76698,223.038 L 340.21198,223.012 L 338.94898,223.002 L 338.87298,219.775\" id=\"05001\" inkscape:label=\"Arkansas, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 347.29198,224.084 L 347.76998,224.467 L 347.88298,224.747 L 347.81998,225.18 L 345.73698,226.229 L 344.88098,229.916 L 344.82198,230.209 L 344.83598,230.235 L 344.89998,230.349 L 345.21898,230.588 L 345.52098,230.832 L 345.52098,230.845 L 345.49298,230.984 L 345.30398,231.146 L 344.51598,231.463 L 344.34898,232.044 L 343.55998,232.065 L 343.26798,231.886 L 343.20898,231.498 L 342.09998,231.553 L 340.85598,228.763 L 340.83798,228.185 L 340.83298,226.252 L 341.71698,226.224 L 342.16198,225.908 L 342.15798,225.702 L 343.14598,225.783 L 343.78098,226.171 L 345.07898,226.555 L 345.26898,226.302 L 344.77798,225.545 L 344.55598,225.323 L 344.52498,225.13 L 344.53698,224.837 L 344.62398,224.697 L 344.78998,224.539 L 345.31398,224.183 L 347.29198,224.084\" id=\"05041\" inkscape:label=\"Desha, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 336.39398,228.852 L 340.85598,228.763 L 342.09998,231.553 L 342.16798,233.815 L 336.45698,233.949 L 336.33898,233.783 L 336.16398,233.265 L 336.15398,233.202 L 336.18698,232.287 L 336.19498,232.264 L 336.53298,232.246 L 336.44398,229.984 L 336.39398,228.852\" id=\"05043\" inkscape:label=\"Drew, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 332.65298,230.092 L 336.44398,229.984 L 336.53298,232.246 L 336.19498,232.264 L 336.18698,232.287 L 336.15398,233.202 L 336.16398,233.265 L 336.33898,233.783 L 336.45698,233.949 L 336.78998,234.193 L 336.64598,235.189 L 336.33598,235.451 L 336.12298,235.51 L 335.65098,235.892 L 335.25298,236.411 L 335.00098,237.059 L 334.05398,236.339 L 332.64898,235.613 L 332.62098,235.474 L 332.64898,235.392 L 332.34698,235.199 L 332.28298,234.797 L 332.32898,234.395 L 332.41898,234.342 L 332.46398,234.359 L 332.64398,233.904 L 332.88698,233.18 L 332.96798,232.778 L 332.77098,230.971 L 332.65298,230.092\" id=\"05011\" inkscape:label=\"Bradley, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 329.91698,228.97 L 332.57098,228.966 L 332.65298,230.092 L 332.77098,230.971 L 332.96798,232.778 L 332.88698,233.18 L 332.64398,233.904 L 332.46398,234.359 L 332.41898,234.342 L 332.32898,234.395 L 332.28298,234.797 L 332.34698,235.199 L 332.64898,235.392 L 332.33298,235.667 L 331.86398,235.766 L 331.65698,235.757 L 331.33198,235.505 L 331.34698,235.469 L 331.24698,235.068 L 330.44498,234.636 L 330.29198,234.595 L 328.78598,233.819 L 328.11098,233.048 L 328.01998,232.827 L 327.98398,232.368 L 328.45198,231.007 L 328.52498,230.948 L 329.23698,230.826 L 329.28598,230.787 L 329.63298,230.241 L 329.91698,228.97\" id=\"05013\" inkscape:label=\"Calhoun, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 326.60498,228.983 L 329.91698,228.97 L 329.63298,230.241 L 329.28598,230.787 L 329.23698,230.826 L 328.52498,230.948 L 328.45198,231.007 L 327.98398,232.368 L 328.01998,232.827 L 328.11098,233.048 L 328.78598,233.819 L 330.29198,234.595 L 325.87898,234.618 L 324.37398,233.68 L 324.37398,229.479 L 326.60498,228.983\" id=\"05103\" inkscape:label=\"Ouachita, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 321.43998,227.234 L 322.20998,228.339 L 323.87298,229.046 L 324.09798,229.172 L 324.37398,229.479 L 324.37398,233.68 L 321.70998,233.868 L 320.43898,233.495 L 320.44398,230.944 L 320.55598,228.97 L 320.55598,227.257 L 321.43998,227.234\" id=\"05099\" inkscape:label=\"Nevada, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 316.64398,226.681 L 320.55598,227.257 L 320.55598,228.97 L 320.44398,230.944 L 320.43898,233.495 L 317.86898,233.481 L 316.72998,231.85 L 315.28698,230.056 L 316.62998,230.064 L 316.64398,226.681\" id=\"05057\" inkscape:label=\"Hempstead, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 320.19198,222.286 L 320.93498,222.286 L 321.50298,223.038 L 325.02698,223.849 L 325.45498,224.494 L 326.53598,224.499 L 326.53598,226.738 L 326.36498,227.902 L 326.60498,228.983 L 324.37398,229.479 L 324.09798,229.172 L 323.87298,229.046 L 322.20998,228.339 L 321.43998,227.234 L 320.81798,226.076 L 320.65898,225.639 L 320.19998,223.421 L 320.19198,222.286\" id=\"05019\" inkscape:label=\"Clark, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 315.34998,222.286 L 320.19198,222.286 L 320.19998,223.421 L 320.65898,225.639 L 320.81798,226.076 L 321.43998,227.234 L 320.55598,227.257 L 316.64398,226.681 L 316.61698,224.413 L 315.49998,224.403 L 315.35998,223.412 L 315.34998,222.286\" id=\"05109\" inkscape:label=\"Pike, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 315.34998,222.286 L 315.35998,223.412 L 315.49998,224.403 L 316.61698,224.413 L 316.64398,226.681 L 316.62998,230.064 L 315.28698,230.056 L 315.26898,230.056 L 314.07998,227.92 L 314.03498,227.789 L 313.82698,226.419 L 313.74998,225.802 L 313.71798,224.823 L 313.75898,224.431 L 313.64198,224.376 L 312.12298,224.394 L 311.97498,223.399 L 311.96898,222.281 L 315.34998,222.286\" id=\"05061\" inkscape:label=\"Howard, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 309.77498,217.476 L 310.74398,217.607 L 311.22698,217.859 L 314.38198,217.864 L 315.31498,218.004 L 315.31498,218.193 L 315.34998,222.286 L 311.96898,222.281 L 311.97498,223.399 L 312.12298,224.394 L 309.72098,224.467 L 309.77498,217.476\" id=\"05113\" inkscape:label=\"Polk, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 312.12298,224.394 L 313.64198,224.376 L 313.75898,224.431 L 313.71798,224.823 L 313.74998,225.802 L 313.82698,226.419 L 314.03498,227.789 L 314.07998,227.92 L 315.26898,230.056 L 314.38598,230.043 L 311.58198,229.213 L 309.69798,227.698 L 309.72098,224.467 L 312.12298,224.394\" id=\"05133\" inkscape:label=\"Sevier, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 309.69798,227.698 L 311.58198,229.213 L 314.38598,230.043 L 315.26898,230.056 L 315.28698,230.056 L 316.72998,231.85 L 314.42198,232.647 L 314.16498,232.435 L 313.96698,232.354 L 312.92998,232.146 L 312.32998,232.233 L 312.17298,232.252 L 312.11898,232.301 L 311.08198,232.827 L 310.50498,232.512 L 310.34798,232.409 L 309.90998,232.129 L 309.83898,232.034 L 309.75698,231.846 L 309.67198,231.625 L 309.69798,227.698\" id=\"05081\" inkscape:label=\"Little River, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 316.72998,231.85 L 317.86898,233.481 L 317.79298,234.31 L 318.53298,235.406 L 318.53298,235.474 L 318.35698,236.046 L 317.54998,237.47 L 317.47298,237.569 L 317.39698,237.641 L 317.27098,237.66 L 316.66698,238.732 L 317.13098,239.494 L 317.02698,239.494 L 314.56698,239.548 L 314.42198,232.647 L 316.72998,231.85\" id=\"05091\" inkscape:label=\"Miller, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 317.86898,233.481 L 320.43898,233.495 L 321.70998,233.868 L 321.59298,234.017 L 320.52898,236.289 L 320.51598,239.422 L 320.18598,239.426 L 317.13098,239.494 L 316.66698,238.732 L 317.27098,237.66 L 317.39698,237.641 L 317.47298,237.569 L 317.54998,237.47 L 318.35698,236.046 L 318.53298,235.474 L 318.53298,235.406 L 317.79298,234.31 L 317.86898,233.481\" id=\"05073\" inkscape:label=\"Lafayette, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 321.70998,233.868 L 324.37398,233.68 L 325.87898,234.618 L 325.91898,239.277 L 323.22898,239.35 L 320.51598,239.422 L 320.52898,236.289 L 321.59298,234.017 L 321.70998,233.868\" id=\"05027\" inkscape:label=\"Columbia, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 325.87898,234.618 L 330.29198,234.595 L 330.44498,234.636 L 331.24698,235.068 L 331.34698,235.469 L 331.33198,235.505 L 331.65698,235.757 L 331.86398,235.766 L 332.33298,235.667 L 332.64898,235.392 L 332.62098,235.474 L 332.64898,235.613 L 334.05398,236.339 L 335.00098,237.059 L 335.82098,239.034 L 328.75798,239.224 L 325.91898,239.277 L 325.87898,234.618\" id=\"05139\" inkscape:label=\"Union, AR\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 110.02098,170.63 L 121.59498,172.784 L 125.20998,173.425 L 124.21798,175.578 L 123.54698,177.273 L 123.50198,177.395 L 122.96998,179.062 L 122.94298,179.229 L 122.94298,179.436 L 123.06498,179.815 L 123.17698,179.996 L 123.03298,180.837 L 122.91098,181.059 L 122.58198,181.446 L 122.45098,181.555 L 122.29798,181.604 L 119.89098,182.321 L 119.44498,182.416 L 118.99398,182.466 L 118.90898,182.438 L 118.30498,182.515 L 117.20998,182.934 L 115.64998,183.629 L 114.92898,185.102 L 113.74798,190.799 L 110.90898,206.241 L 110.67398,206.443 L 110.58898,206.483 L 110.47598,206.502 L 106.64998,206.714 L 102.49898,204.848 L 102.00298,203.981 L 101.42998,203.343 L 100.77198,202.554 L 100.10598,199.75 L 100.06998,199.231 L 99.35298,198.105 L 98.78498,196.627 L 98.77598,196.559 L 98.79398,196.379 L 99.11798,194.945 L 100.08298,193.332 L 100.17698,193.025 L 100.23198,192.768 L 100.24498,192.48 L 100.31698,190.907 L 100.30298,190.528 L 100.20898,189.772 L 100.07398,188.177 L 100.19998,185.918 L 100.47898,182.223 L 100.60998,180.961 L 100.61898,180.879 L 100.75898,180.753 L 100.86198,180.699 L 102.01598,180.428 L 102.64798,180.428 L 103.24198,180.55 L 104.55398,180.937 L 104.69398,181.068 L 104.99998,181.501 L 105.12598,181.817 L 105.14398,181.916 L 105.14898,181.943 L 105.15798,182.051 L 105.22998,182.267 L 105.46898,182.646 L 105.55898,182.74 L 105.68998,182.84 L 105.74398,182.853 L 105.94698,182.876 L 106.57298,182.89 L 106.58198,182.885 L 106.61798,182.865 L 106.63598,182.853 L 106.77598,182.695 L 108.08298,180.929 L 108.51998,178.662 L 108.76798,177.363 L 109.17798,175.023 L 109.22798,174.764 L 109.63298,172.64 L 110.02098,170.63\" id=\"04015\" inkscape:label=\"Mohave, AZ\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 102.49898,204.848 L 106.64998,206.714 L 110.47598,206.502 L 110.58898,206.483 L 110.67398,206.443 L 110.90898,206.241 L 110.15598,210.306 L 108.69598,218.229 L 102.11998,216.99 L 102.33198,215.881 L 99.06898,215.268 L 97.98698,220.78 L 96.89698,220.596 L 95.34598,220.289 L 94.40798,220.132 L 94.23298,220.055 L 93.73598,219.707 L 93.51098,219.108 L 93.50298,219.086 L 94.13798,215.174 L 95.21898,214.907 L 96.51698,213.375 L 96.93698,211.915 L 97.24298,210.387 L 97.30198,209.968 L 97.57698,208.981 L 97.87898,208.458 L 98.84798,207.088 L 100.17698,206.579 L 101.08798,206.205 L 102.43998,205.425 L 102.46298,205.407 L 102.49898,204.848\" id=\"04012\" inkscape:label=\"La Paz, AZ\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 151.65698,237.637 L 152.36998,237.731 L 150.40898,251.73 L 146.30798,251.136 L 135.06198,249.486 L 135.93198,244.421 L 137.29798,235.527 L 140.31298,235.996 L 148.24098,237.141 L 151.65698,237.637\" id=\"04003\" inkscape:label=\"Cochise, AZ\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 125.40798,246.745 L 125.60598,245.529 L 127.80598,245.88 L 128.22098,243.275 L 131.56998,243.735 L 135.93198,244.421 L 135.06198,249.486 L 129.44598,248.616 L 128.14398,248.314 L 125.40798,246.745\" id=\"04023\" inkscape:label=\"Santa Cruz, AZ\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 118.71098,231.463 L 123.08298,232.201 L 125.47998,232.675 L 129.53198,233.337 L 129.88798,233.39 L 131.57798,233.562 L 134.93198,234.027 L 137.47298,234.419 L 137.29798,235.527 L 135.93198,244.421 L 131.56998,243.735 L 128.22098,243.275 L 127.80598,245.88 L 125.60598,245.529 L 125.40798,246.745 L 124.88998,246.449 L 123.24498,245.497 L 110.23298,237.993 L 107.62798,236.511 L 105.55398,235.266 L 106.64498,229.334 L 118.71098,231.463\" id=\"04019\" inkscape:label=\"Pima, AZ\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 149.80498,221.34 L 150.02998,220.889 L 150.11598,220.816 L 151.59398,219.965 L 154.77698,220.397 L 152.36998,237.731 L 151.65698,237.637 L 150.63898,236.149 L 150.66098,235.974 L 150.89598,235.465 L 151.03998,234.815 L 151.03998,234.229 L 150.79698,233.283 L 150.21498,231.993 L 150.05298,231.963 L 148.74998,228.704 L 149.80498,221.34\" id=\"04011\" inkscape:label=\"Greenlee, AZ\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 145.45498,221.822 L 146.09498,222.421 L 147.17298,222.664 L 148.22798,222.006 L 149.80498,221.34 L 148.74998,228.704 L 150.05298,231.963 L 150.21498,231.993 L 150.79698,233.283 L 151.03998,234.229 L 151.03998,234.815 L 150.89598,235.465 L 150.66098,235.974 L 150.63898,236.149 L 151.65698,237.637 L 148.24098,237.141 L 140.31298,235.996 L 137.29798,235.527 L 137.47298,234.419 L 137.49598,234.423 L 137.71698,233.003 L 138.41998,228.357 L 138.82998,225.716 L 138.93798,224.467 L 139.15898,223.52 L 139.26698,223.349 L 139.64198,223.155 L 140.42598,222.912 L 140.72298,222.872 L 142.31898,222.696 L 144.10798,222.957 L 144.31998,221.533 L 145.45498,221.822\" id=\"04009\" inkscape:label=\"Graham, AZ\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 160.51398,178.986 L 158.73398,191.812 L 156.20498,210.112 L 154.77698,220.397 L 151.59398,219.965 L 150.11598,220.816 L 150.02998,220.889 L 149.80498,221.34 L 148.22798,222.006 L 147.17298,222.664 L 146.09498,222.421 L 145.45498,221.822 L 145.77098,219.689 L 146.16298,219.176 L 147.01498,214.336 L 148.37598,205.356 L 149.27298,199.71 L 149.80898,196.897 L 150.07998,195.041 L 148.29098,194.775 L 150.83698,177.611 L 160.51398,178.986\" id=\"04001\" inkscape:label=\"Apache, AZ\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 150.83698,177.611 L 148.29098,194.775 L 150.07998,195.041 L 149.80898,196.897 L 149.27298,199.71 L 148.37598,205.356 L 147.01498,214.336 L 146.16298,219.176 L 145.77098,219.689 L 145.45498,221.822 L 144.31998,221.533 L 145.12698,216.111 L 137.23898,214.907 L 143.26498,176.39 L 145.84798,176.781 L 147.49698,177.106 L 150.83698,177.611\" id=\"04017\" inkscape:label=\"Navajo, AZ\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 137.76698,211.536 L 137.23898,214.907 L 145.12698,216.111 L 144.10798,222.957 L 142.31898,222.696 L 140.72298,222.872 L 140.42598,222.912 L 139.64198,223.155 L 139.26698,223.349 L 139.15898,223.52 L 138.93798,224.467 L 138.82998,225.716 L 138.66398,225.72 L 136.76598,226.081 L 135.65698,226.847 L 135.64398,226.905 L 135.70698,227.158 L 135.67998,227.248 L 135.05798,227.86 L 134.89598,227.865 L 134.86398,227.851 L 133.65998,224.179 L 133.56598,223.137 L 133.32698,222.097 L 133.11098,221.263 L 132.34398,218.365 L 132.02898,218.545 L 131.76298,218.769 L 130.18098,216.255 L 130.04198,213.965 L 129.97798,213.772 L 129.95098,213.726 L 129.73498,213.627 L 129.42398,213.66 L 129.90598,212.906 L 129.90598,212.262 L 129.84698,212.041 L 129.68098,211.717 L 127.46798,211.343 L 127.39998,211.221 L 127.40398,211.188 L 127.77498,210.238 L 128.51798,208.427 L 128.66698,208.367 L 129.45498,208.134 L 129.71298,207.953 L 129.73098,207.935 L 129.78898,207.512 L 132.78198,208.376 L 135.05298,209.928 L 136.77098,211.279 L 137.76698,211.536\" id=\"04007\" inkscape:label=\"Gila, AZ\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 133.11098,221.263 L 133.32698,222.097 L 133.56598,223.137 L 133.65998,224.179 L 134.86398,227.851 L 134.89598,227.865 L 135.05798,227.86 L 135.67998,227.248 L 135.70698,227.158 L 135.64398,226.905 L 135.65698,226.847 L 136.76598,226.081 L 138.66398,225.72 L 138.82998,225.716 L 138.41998,228.357 L 137.71698,233.003 L 137.49598,234.423 L 137.47298,234.419 L 134.93198,234.027 L 131.57798,233.562 L 129.88798,233.39 L 129.53198,233.337 L 125.47998,232.675 L 123.08298,232.201 L 118.71098,231.463 L 119.09398,229.244 L 120.35098,222.024 L 120.44998,221.466 L 120.49498,221.488 L 121.45098,222.669 L 122.62698,222.966 L 124.08298,223.224 L 126.82298,223.661 L 127.17098,221.442 L 127.39598,220.334 L 130.87998,220.921 L 133.11098,221.263\" id=\"04021\" inkscape:label=\"Pinal, AZ\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 108.69598,218.229 L 106.64498,229.334 L 105.55398,235.266 L 105.37398,235.154 L 90.86998,226.437 L 91.22698,224.886 L 91.25798,224.837 L 91.35198,224.805 L 91.53698,224.846 L 91.99698,224.422 L 92.43398,223.787 L 93.56598,223.872 L 95.06198,222.944 L 95.52998,222.286 L 95.52998,222.281 L 95.62498,221.952 L 95.72898,221.104 L 95.40898,220.357 L 95.37798,220.325 L 95.34598,220.289 L 96.89698,220.596 L 97.98698,220.78 L 99.06898,215.268 L 102.33198,215.881 L 102.11998,216.99 L 108.69598,218.229\" id=\"04027\" inkscape:label=\"Yuma, AZ\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 110.15598,210.306 L 116.32598,211.414 L 120.97298,213.776 L 121.39698,213.519 L 122.03698,212.713 L 122.08198,212.536 L 122.51898,211.869 L 122.67198,211.911 L 126.99398,213.254 L 129.42398,213.66 L 129.73498,213.627 L 129.95098,213.726 L 129.97798,213.772 L 130.04198,213.965 L 130.18098,216.255 L 131.76298,218.769 L 132.02898,218.545 L 132.34398,218.365 L 133.11098,221.263 L 130.87998,220.921 L 127.39598,220.334 L 127.17098,221.442 L 126.82298,223.661 L 124.08298,223.224 L 122.62698,222.966 L 121.45098,222.669 L 120.49498,221.488 L 120.44998,221.466 L 120.35098,222.024 L 119.09398,229.244 L 118.71098,231.463 L 106.64498,229.334 L 110.15598,210.306\" id=\"04013\" inkscape:label=\"Maricopa, AZ\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 136.57198,175.34 L 143.26498,176.39 L 137.76698,211.536 L 136.77098,211.279 L 135.05298,209.928 L 132.78198,208.376 L 129.78898,207.512 L 130.17298,205.397 L 130.51898,203.288 L 130.09998,203.216 L 128.28398,202.896 L 128.25198,202.391 L 128.55898,200.611 L 126.07998,200.259 L 125.72398,200.228 L 122.77598,199.732 L 123.15398,197.488 L 122.20798,196.406 L 117.11498,193.197 L 115.33998,191.376 L 114.46098,190.902 L 114.05898,190.812 L 113.89698,190.79 L 113.74798,190.799 L 114.92898,185.102 L 115.64998,183.629 L 117.20998,182.934 L 118.30498,182.515 L 118.90898,182.438 L 118.99398,182.466 L 119.44498,182.416 L 119.89098,182.321 L 122.29798,181.604 L 122.45098,181.555 L 122.58198,181.446 L 122.91098,181.059 L 123.03298,180.837 L 123.17698,179.996 L 123.06498,179.815 L 122.94298,179.436 L 122.94298,179.229 L 122.96998,179.062 L 123.50198,177.395 L 123.54698,177.273 L 124.21798,175.578 L 125.20998,173.425 L 136.57198,175.34\" id=\"04005\" inkscape:label=\"Coconino, AZ\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 113.74798,190.799 L 113.89698,190.79 L 114.05898,190.812 L 114.46098,190.902 L 115.33998,191.376 L 117.11498,193.197 L 122.20798,196.406 L 123.15398,197.488 L 122.77598,199.732 L 125.72398,200.228 L 126.07998,200.259 L 128.55898,200.611 L 128.25198,202.391 L 128.28398,202.896 L 130.09998,203.216 L 130.51898,203.288 L 130.17298,205.397 L 129.78898,207.512 L 129.73098,207.935 L 129.71298,207.953 L 129.45498,208.134 L 128.66698,208.367 L 128.51798,208.427 L 127.77498,210.238 L 127.40398,211.188 L 127.39998,211.221 L 127.46798,211.343 L 129.68098,211.717 L 129.84698,212.041 L 129.90598,212.262 L 129.90598,212.906 L 129.42398,213.66 L 126.99398,213.254 L 122.67198,211.911 L 122.51898,211.869 L 122.08198,212.536 L 122.03698,212.713 L 121.39698,213.519 L 120.97298,213.776 L 116.32598,211.414 L 110.15598,210.306 L 110.90898,206.241 L 113.74798,190.799\" id=\"04025\" inkscape:label=\"Yavapai, AZ\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 28.22598,83.494 L 31.77798,84.612 L 34.56798,85.383 L 34.26098,85.896 L 33.83798,86.447 L 33.18398,86.51 L 32.26898,87.325 L 31.53898,90.701 L 31.62498,90.999 L 31.71098,91.828 L 31.65598,91.986 L 31.20598,92.508 L 30.95698,92.68 L 30.42998,92.526 L 30.05598,92.026 L 30.25498,91.359 L 29.19998,91.016 L 27.54198,90.53 L 27.70298,89.453 L 27.73898,88.718 L 27.75298,87.276 L 27.74898,87.154 L 27.72598,87.001 L 27.67598,86.834 L 27.89698,84.711 L 28.22598,83.494\" id=\"06015\" inkscape:label=\"Del Norte, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 34.56798,85.383 L 37.20898,86.122 L 37.23198,86.127 L 37.92098,86.27 L 38.90398,86.627 L 39.30898,86.748 L 39.54798,86.816 L 42.67198,87.699 L 43.91098,88.006 L 45.04198,88.312 L 45.33498,88.407 L 45.84898,88.565 L 53.55198,90.859 L 53.30298,91.427 L 53.21398,91.738 L 52.72198,93.55 L 52.73598,93.59 L 52.78098,93.617 L 51.60898,97.971 L 50.76598,101.05 L 45.60598,99.616 L 42.93298,98.841 L 40.98598,98.318 L 41.21998,97.007 L 40.07998,96.304 L 38.05598,97.101 L 36.64498,98.562 L 36.73098,99.161 L 36.61398,99.369 L 36.39798,99.54 L 36.21298,99.513 L 35.45598,99.129 L 34.15798,97.759 L 33.44598,96.691 L 33.00398,96.263 L 32.54398,95.893 L 32.61598,93.374 L 32.43598,93.117 L 30.95698,92.68 L 31.20598,92.508 L 31.65598,91.986 L 31.71098,91.828 L 31.62498,90.999 L 31.53898,90.701 L 32.26898,87.325 L 33.18398,86.51 L 33.83798,86.447 L 34.26098,85.896 L 34.56798,85.383\" id=\"06093\" inkscape:label=\"Siskiyou, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 79.89998,211.843 L 86.38198,213.199 L 91.69998,214.241 L 93.07898,214.479 L 95.21898,214.907 L 94.13798,215.174 L 93.50298,219.086 L 93.51098,219.108 L 93.73598,219.707 L 94.23298,220.055 L 94.40798,220.132 L 95.34598,220.289 L 95.37798,220.325 L 95.40898,220.357 L 95.72898,221.104 L 95.62498,221.952 L 95.52998,222.281 L 95.52998,222.286 L 95.06198,222.944 L 93.56598,223.872 L 92.43398,223.787 L 92.37098,223.782 L 84.40298,222.836 L 84.24498,222.817 L 83.33898,222.709 L 79.97198,222.308 L 78.53898,222.141 L 77.48398,222.019 L 77.97098,219.888 L 78.98898,216.301 L 79.30498,214.826 L 79.89998,211.843\" id=\"06025\" inkscape:label=\"Imperial, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 98.84798,207.088 L 97.87898,208.458 L 97.57698,208.981 L 97.30198,209.968 L 97.24298,210.387 L 96.93698,211.915 L 96.51698,213.375 L 95.21898,214.907 L 93.07898,214.479 L 91.69998,214.241 L 86.38198,213.199 L 79.89998,211.843 L 77.65098,211.333 L 74.32898,210.612 L 72.03998,210.112 L 67.82098,209.099 L 67.87098,208.882 L 66.74798,207.881 L 65.23398,207.534 L 65.31098,207.164 L 66.68998,205.817 L 66.17598,205.104 L 65.57698,204.879 L 65.26498,204.041 L 64.59398,202.516 L 64.94598,201.878 L 66.26598,200.737 L 67.75798,201.075 L 68.16398,201.17 L 68.25398,201.386 L 69.63298,201.9 L 72.70698,202.584 L 74.05398,202.635 L 76.67298,203.095 L 84.26298,204.699 L 89.55398,205.821 L 90.29398,205.578 L 91.65498,205.645 L 98.84798,207.088\" id=\"06065\" inkscape:label=\"Riverside, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 65.23398,207.534 L 66.74798,207.881 L 67.87098,208.882 L 67.82098,209.099 L 72.03998,210.112 L 74.32898,210.612 L 77.65098,211.333 L 79.89998,211.843 L 79.30498,214.826 L 78.98898,216.301 L 77.97098,219.888 L 77.48398,222.019 L 76.47498,221.897 L 74.41998,221.65 L 72.32798,221.407 L 69.37598,221.059 L 66.54098,220.713 L 66.47798,220.708 L 65.98698,218.558 L 66.18498,215.372 L 66.18498,215.264 L 66.18998,215.264 L 66.19798,214.569 L 66.20298,214.299 L 66.07698,213.195 L 66.02298,212.804 L 65.81598,212.189 L 65.79698,212.136 L 65.21598,210.671 L 65.04498,210.261 L 65.01298,210.197 L 64.77898,209.702 L 64.43198,209.202 L 64.21998,208.973 L 63.98998,208.818 L 65.23398,207.534\" id=\"06073\" inkscape:label=\"San Diego, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 63.67898,201.301 L 64.59398,202.516 L 65.26498,204.041 L 65.57698,204.879 L 66.17598,205.104 L 66.68998,205.817 L 65.31098,207.164 L 65.23398,207.534 L 63.98998,208.818 L 63.92198,208.544 L 63.74198,208.179 L 63.62998,208.016 L 61.65098,205.533 L 60.05998,203.586 L 59.67198,203.107 L 59.94698,202.621 L 60.52398,201.895 L 61.65998,200.918 L 62.14198,200.949 L 62.26398,200.976 L 63.67898,201.301\" id=\"06059\" inkscape:label=\"Orange, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 54.34898,214.1 L 53.54698,214.069 L 53.03798,213.442 L 52.96998,213.334 L 52.72198,212.545 L 52.49698,211.135 L 52.78098,211.23 L 54.25898,213.807 L 54.38098,214.069 L 54.34898,214.1M 53.80398,205.321 L 53.75898,205.288 L 53.74998,205.195 L 53.75898,205.177 L 53.80798,205.19 L 54.35898,205.375 L 54.97598,205.871 L 55.47598,206.272 L 55.85498,206.592 L 56.34198,207.601 L 56.38198,207.705 L 56.40898,207.921 L 56.35998,208.038 L 56.21098,208.125 L 56.20198,208.129 L 56.11598,208.129 L 54.81798,207.516 L 54.73198,207.439 L 53.80398,205.321M 67.45198,190.511 L 66.76598,193.485 L 66.44698,195.203 L 66.20698,196.663 L 66.11198,197.294 L 65.41898,198.794 L 64.81998,199.795 L 64.58098,200.192 L 63.83198,200.556 L 63.56198,200.886 L 63.54398,200.976 L 63.59298,201.179 L 63.67898,201.301 L 62.26398,200.976 L 62.14198,200.949 L 61.65998,200.918 L 60.52398,201.895 L 59.94698,202.621 L 59.67198,203.107 L 58.86998,203.216 L 58.02698,203.198 L 57.63898,203.045 L 57.44598,202.936 L 56.69298,202.45 L 56.55798,202.338 L 56.47698,201.883 L 56.55298,201.802 L 56.79698,201.621 L 56.92298,201.594 L 56.98598,201.464 L 57.05298,201.139 L 56.97298,200.544 L 56.92298,200.255 L 56.89598,200.093 L 56.83798,199.759 L 56.73398,199.353 L 56.58898,198.962 L 56.57598,198.934 L 56.55798,198.893 L 56.55298,198.885 L 56.44098,198.664 L 56.41798,198.633 L 56.33298,198.511 L 56.30498,198.471 L 56.27398,198.443 L 56.09298,198.272 L 55.83198,198.169 L 54.79998,197.952 L 53.98898,197.844 L 53.56098,197.88 L 51.96498,197.172 L 52.09998,196.811 L 53.12798,196.365 L 53.95698,196.018 L 55.20098,196.325 L 55.83198,195.319 L 55.89998,194.847 L 54.92198,187.946 L 54.87698,187.572 L 67.45198,190.511\" id=\"06037\" inkscape:label=\"Los Angeles, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 49.54498,185.13 L 50.13998,185.346 L 51.16298,185.823 L 51.30298,186.157 L 51.35198,186.508 L 53.95298,187.707 L 54.92198,187.946 L 55.89998,194.847 L 55.83198,195.319 L 55.20098,196.325 L 53.95698,196.018 L 53.12798,196.365 L 52.09998,196.811 L 51.96498,197.172 L 50.54998,196.104 L 48.99498,193.399 L 47.93098,192.029 L 47.68298,191.714 L 47.55198,191.655 L 47.84998,191.448 L 47.93598,191.372 L 48.13398,190.74 L 49.54498,185.13\" id=\"06111\" inkscape:label=\"Ventura, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 38.38098,194.347 L 40.26498,194.499 L 41.10798,195.27 L 41.07998,195.698 L 41.07198,195.779 L 41.02698,195.793 L 39.48898,195.973 L 39.34998,195.981 L 38.93998,195.563 L 38.86298,195.428 L 38.38098,194.347M 43.64498,194.936 L 44.04198,195.216 L 45.08798,195.563 L 45.12398,195.541 L 45.14098,195.531 L 45.16798,195.518 L 45.20898,195.496 L 45.26298,195.464 L 45.29498,195.451 L 45.57898,195.469 L 45.92098,195.722 L 45.99298,195.829 L 45.98898,195.834 L 45.98498,195.843 L 45.97498,195.851 L 45.62798,196.122 L 45.52898,196.203 L 45.45698,196.213 L 43.68598,196.244 L 43.30198,196.153 L 42.92798,196.005 L 42.92398,196.005 L 42.78398,195.936 L 42.46798,195.789 L 42.18498,195.581 L 42.16198,195.505 L 41.95498,194.333 L 42.02698,194.242 L 42.08998,194.261 L 42.64498,194.481 L 43.64498,194.936M 37.51098,181.037 L 39.11998,181.212 L 39.69298,181.434 L 40.22398,181.979 L 40.92298,181.862 L 41.59898,181.483 L 43.68098,180.883 L 43.87498,181.113 L 44.46598,181.667 L 46.29098,183.132 L 48.57998,184.934 L 49.03998,185.052 L 49.23398,185.052 L 49.54498,185.13 L 48.13398,190.74 L 47.93598,191.372 L 47.84998,191.448 L 47.55198,191.655 L 46.79998,190.966 L 46.23198,190.719 L 45.65498,190.637 L 45.49798,190.64 L 45.47498,190.64 L 44.85798,190.61 L 43.55898,190.2 L 43.11298,189.749 L 42.35098,189.199 L 42.04498,189.078 L 41.25198,188.784 L 40.58898,188.608 L 39.81798,188.446 L 38.93498,188.334 L 37.88498,188.153 L 36.53298,186.387 L 36.61798,185.363 L 37.28098,181.961 L 37.51098,181.037\" id=\"06083\" inkscape:label=\"Santa Barbara, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 33.24298,168.853 L 44.59198,171.96 L 44.78998,172.014 L 44.22198,174.213 L 45.33098,175.862 L 46.53398,178.337 L 46.97098,179.626 L 48.09298,179.924 L 49.29698,181.339 L 49.79298,182.845 L 49.23398,185.052 L 49.03998,185.052 L 48.57998,184.934 L 46.29098,183.132 L 44.46598,181.667 L 43.87498,181.113 L 43.68098,180.883 L 41.59898,181.483 L 40.92298,181.862 L 40.22398,181.979 L 39.69298,181.434 L 39.11998,181.212 L 37.51098,181.037 L 37.68198,180.725 L 37.69598,180.703 L 37.85798,180.343 L 37.98898,179.996 L 38.05098,179.783 L 38.09698,179.568 L 38.10998,179.509 L 38.11498,179.485 L 38.13698,179.198 L 38.13698,179.184 L 38.10598,178.977 L 38.06098,178.854 L 37.96698,178.756 L 37.65498,178.436 L 37.60998,178.395 L 37.51998,178.333 L 36.58698,175.791 L 34.86098,172.608 L 33.72498,170.85 L 33.54898,170.666 L 33.44598,170.54 L 33.28298,169.968 L 33.24298,168.853\" id=\"06079\" inkscape:label=\"San Luis Obispo, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 51.39698,173.704 L 56.28698,174.916 L 61.82598,176.277 L 66.24298,177.309 L 66.83898,177.48 L 70.65598,178.265 L 70.23698,179.333 L 70.13798,179.702 L 70.00298,181.221 L 67.81198,190.6 L 67.45198,190.511 L 54.87698,187.572 L 54.92198,187.946 L 53.95298,187.707 L 51.35198,186.508 L 51.30298,186.157 L 51.16298,185.823 L 50.13998,185.346 L 49.54498,185.13 L 49.23398,185.052 L 49.79298,182.845 L 49.29698,181.339 L 48.09298,179.924 L 46.97098,179.626 L 46.53398,178.337 L 45.33098,175.862 L 44.22198,174.213 L 44.78998,172.014 L 51.39698,173.704\" id=\"06029\" inkscape:label=\"Kern, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 70.65598,178.265 L 73.25698,178.891 L 89.89198,182.568 L 90.83898,182.564 L 92.90698,185.67 L 93.61998,186.733 L 93.88498,187.126 L 97.70798,192.846 L 99.11798,194.945 L 98.79398,196.379 L 98.77598,196.559 L 98.78498,196.627 L 99.35298,198.105 L 100.06998,199.231 L 100.10598,199.75 L 100.77198,202.554 L 101.42998,203.343 L 102.00298,203.981 L 102.49898,204.848 L 102.46298,205.407 L 102.43998,205.425 L 101.08798,206.205 L 100.17698,206.579 L 98.84798,207.088 L 91.65498,205.645 L 90.29398,205.578 L 89.55398,205.821 L 84.26298,204.699 L 76.67298,203.095 L 74.05398,202.635 L 72.70698,202.584 L 69.63298,201.9 L 68.25398,201.386 L 68.16398,201.17 L 67.75798,201.075 L 66.26598,200.737 L 64.94598,201.878 L 64.59398,202.516 L 63.67898,201.301 L 63.59298,201.179 L 63.54398,200.976 L 63.56198,200.886 L 63.83198,200.556 L 64.58098,200.192 L 64.81998,199.795 L 65.41898,198.794 L 66.11198,197.294 L 66.20698,196.663 L 66.44698,195.203 L 66.76598,193.485 L 67.45198,190.511 L 67.81198,190.6 L 70.00298,181.221 L 70.13798,179.702 L 70.23698,179.333 L 70.65598,178.265\" id=\"06071\" inkscape:label=\"San Bernardino, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 64.25098,154.494 L 73.57198,156.699 L 78.75598,164.482 L 78.94898,164.77 L 80.05298,166.411 L 80.69798,167.389 L 84.10098,172.482 L 86.85898,176.624 L 87.21498,177.156 L 88.69398,179.373 L 88.81098,179.545 L 90.83898,182.564 L 89.89198,182.568 L 73.25698,178.891 L 70.65598,178.265 L 66.83898,177.48 L 67.32998,176.408 L 67.50098,175.804 L 67.45598,174.952 L 67.16798,170.756 L 66.41498,166.487 L 66.17198,164.563 L 66.46498,163.293 L 66.54998,162.599 L 66.52298,162.111 L 66.35598,160.53 L 66.22498,160.263 L 65.46398,159.439 L 65.26498,159.421 L 64.48598,158.871 L 64.45398,158.84 L 64.36898,158.65 L 63.86398,156.112 L 63.89098,155.329 L 64.25098,154.494\" id=\"06027\" inkscape:label=\"Inyo, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 66.17198,164.563 L 66.41498,166.487 L 67.16798,170.756 L 67.45598,174.952 L 67.50098,175.804 L 67.32998,176.408 L 66.83898,177.48 L 66.24298,177.309 L 61.82598,176.277 L 56.28698,174.916 L 51.39698,173.704 L 52.46598,169.535 L 52.96598,167.853 L 53.29498,167.764 L 53.55598,167.826 L 53.97498,166.164 L 53.71798,164.92 L 53.27198,164.807 L 54.61498,163.991 L 56.49498,163.319 L 57.78398,163.662 L 59.67198,164.153 L 59.96098,163.094 L 64.39098,164.136 L 66.17198,164.563\" id=\"06107\" inkscape:label=\"Tulare, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 53.27198,164.807 L 53.71798,164.92 L 53.97498,166.164 L 53.55598,167.826 L 53.29498,167.764 L 52.96598,167.853 L 52.46598,169.535 L 51.39698,173.704 L 44.78998,172.014 L 44.59198,171.96 L 43.96498,170.216 L 48.42698,167.691 L 49.12598,164.929 L 50.66298,165.307 L 52.11398,165.456 L 53.27198,164.807\" id=\"06031\" inkscape:label=\"Kings, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 60.24898,149.807 L 60.99698,150.01 L 61.62898,150.213 L 61.76798,150.38 L 62.07898,151.002 L 62.19698,152.345 L 59.04998,154.282 L 58.60398,154.575 L 58.41498,154.761 L 58.29298,155 L 58.20698,155.576 L 58.19798,155.798 L 58.17598,155.883 L 57.96898,156.365 L 57.81998,156.527 L 57.53598,156.78 L 57.22898,156.95 L 55.76398,156.856 L 55.33698,156.924 L 53.69598,157.947 L 53.25398,158.24 L 53.15098,158.325 L 52.44298,159.114 L 52.27198,159.398 L 52.01498,159.65 L 51.97898,159.66 L 47.64698,159.52 L 47.02998,159.403 L 46.31798,158.825 L 45.92998,158.195 L 45.82598,157.951 L 45.77698,157.789 L 45.74098,157.547 L 45.45698,155.333 L 46.27698,154.846 L 48.23298,154.647 L 49.76098,154.851 L 50.75798,154.851 L 54.37598,152.642 L 55.46698,152.908 L 56.36398,152.105 L 56.58898,151.286 L 59.97898,149.221 L 60.24898,149.807\" id=\"06039\" inkscape:label=\"Madera, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 64.25098,154.494 L 63.89098,155.329 L 63.86398,156.112 L 64.36898,158.65 L 64.45398,158.84 L 64.48598,158.871 L 65.26498,159.421 L 65.46398,159.439 L 66.22498,160.263 L 66.35598,160.53 L 66.52298,162.111 L 66.54998,162.599 L 66.46498,163.293 L 66.17198,164.563 L 64.39098,164.136 L 59.96098,163.094 L 59.67198,164.153 L 57.78398,163.662 L 56.49498,163.319 L 54.61498,163.991 L 53.27198,164.807 L 52.11398,165.456 L 50.66298,165.307 L 49.12598,164.929 L 48.42698,167.691 L 43.96498,170.216 L 41.92298,167.719 L 41.28798,166.804 L 41.24298,166.076 L 41.51798,164.73 L 42.03098,164.176 L 43.00098,162.156 L 40.71598,158.155 L 45.45698,155.333 L 45.74098,157.547 L 45.77698,157.789 L 45.82598,157.951 L 45.92998,158.195 L 46.31798,158.825 L 47.02998,159.403 L 47.64698,159.52 L 51.97898,159.66 L 52.01498,159.65 L 52.27198,159.398 L 52.44298,159.114 L 53.15098,158.325 L 53.25398,158.24 L 53.69598,157.947 L 55.33698,156.924 L 55.76398,156.856 L 57.22898,156.95 L 57.53598,156.78 L 57.81998,156.527 L 57.96898,156.365 L 58.17598,155.883 L 58.19798,155.798 L 58.20698,155.576 L 58.29298,155 L 58.41498,154.761 L 58.60398,154.575 L 59.04998,154.282 L 62.19698,152.345 L 64.25098,154.494\" id=\"06019\" inkscape:label=\"Fresno, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 34.06798,154.273 L 34.01298,154.535 L 34.11698,154.932 L 34.94698,156.31 L 35.88798,158.005 L 36.73998,160.317 L 38.09698,163.054 L 38.71398,163.807 L 40.61198,165.406 L 40.88598,165.514 L 40.94098,165.51 L 41.01698,165.465 L 41.51798,164.73 L 41.24298,166.076 L 41.28798,166.804 L 41.92298,167.719 L 43.96498,170.216 L 44.59198,171.96 L 33.24298,168.853 L 32.92298,168.386 L 32.39098,167.403 L 32.40898,166.925 L 32.42198,166.695 L 32.44498,166.276 L 32.38598,165.906 L 32.37698,165.852 L 31.18298,163.293 L 30.91698,162.824 L 30.40398,162.246 L 30.25898,162.116 L 30.25498,162.116 L 30.15498,162.102 L 30.09198,162.066 L 29.99298,161.941 L 29.92998,161.801 L 29.67698,161.215 L 29.58698,161.003 L 29.57798,160.8 L 29.90798,157.519 L 30.62898,157.263 L 30.65098,157.271 L 30.81398,157.275 L 30.93898,157.221 L 31.18798,157.037 L 31.34098,156.879 L 31.45298,156.744 L 31.64698,156.45 L 31.83198,156.082 L 32.32798,155.009 L 32.33698,154.86 L 32.27898,154.391 L 32.27398,154.359 L 34.06798,154.273\" id=\"06053\" inkscape:label=\"Monterey, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 34.06798,154.273 L 34.70698,154.364 L 35.60498,153.859 L 36.52398,154.054 L 38.52898,154.593 L 38.32198,154.809 L 38.24998,154.909 L 38.22298,154.981 L 38.29098,155.166 L 38.83598,156.351 L 40.60698,157.97 L 40.71598,158.155 L 43.00098,162.156 L 42.03098,164.176 L 41.51798,164.73 L 41.01698,165.465 L 40.94098,165.51 L 40.88598,165.514 L 40.61198,165.406 L 38.71398,163.807 L 38.09698,163.054 L 36.73998,160.317 L 35.88798,158.005 L 34.94698,156.31 L 34.11698,154.932 L 34.01298,154.535 L 34.06798,154.273\" id=\"06069\" inkscape:label=\"San Benito, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 48.92698,148.329 L 49.41398,150.812 L 49.40998,151.002 L 49.40098,151.038 L 49.35598,151.083 L 49.76598,153.53 L 50.03098,153.907 L 50.75798,154.851 L 49.76098,154.851 L 48.23298,154.647 L 46.27698,154.846 L 45.45698,155.333 L 40.71598,158.155 L 40.60698,157.97 L 38.83598,156.351 L 38.29098,155.166 L 38.22298,154.981 L 38.24998,154.909 L 38.32198,154.809 L 38.52898,154.593 L 38.38998,154.449 L 38.31298,154.279 L 38.30398,154.206 L 38.44798,153.701 L 38.70498,153.584 L 38.91698,153.251 L 39.06098,152.556 L 39.00698,152.386 L 42.30598,150.438 L 42.32398,150.015 L 42.26598,149.888 L 42.18998,149.843 L 43.65498,149.41 L 48.92698,148.329\" id=\"06047\" inkscape:label=\"Merced, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 30.43898,147.969 L 30.43498,148.112 L 30.45698,148.184 L 30.72798,148.753 L 31.25498,149.821 L 31.51198,150.189 L 32.20198,150.795 L 32.63398,151.105 L 33.50398,152.025 L 34.70698,154.016 L 34.77498,154.129 L 34.70698,154.364 L 34.06798,154.273 L 32.27398,154.359 L 32.20198,153.953 L 32.04398,153.206 L 31.93098,152.927 L 31.83198,152.737 L 31.74198,152.615 L 31.53898,152.434 L 31.44398,152.413 L 30.93898,152.53 L 30.48798,152.507 L 30.25498,152.475 L 30.09198,152.434 L 30.01098,152.39 L 29.97898,152.371 L 29.83598,152.29 L 29.72698,152.226 L 29.33498,151.781 L 28.94698,151.223 L 28.65498,150.527 L 28.41098,149.794 L 28.38398,149.258 L 28.46598,148.748 L 29.30298,148.608 L 30.18198,148.851 L 30.24998,148.676 L 30.43898,147.969\" id=\"06087\" inkscape:label=\"Santa Cruz, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 29.59598,142.028 L 29.57798,142.033 L 29.35798,143.349 L 29.49198,143.56 L 31.05198,145.197 L 31.16498,145.268 L 31.43498,145.363 L 31.61998,145.314 L 31.62498,145.301 L 31.80998,145.765 L 30.43898,147.969 L 30.24998,148.676 L 30.18198,148.851 L 29.30298,148.608 L 28.46598,148.748 L 28.38398,149.258 L 28.41098,149.794 L 28.32998,149.663 L 28.05498,149.212 L 27.68498,148.522 L 27.63998,148.395 L 27.66298,147.783 L 27.82998,144.439 L 28.13998,143.078 L 28.51898,141.722 L 29.59598,142.028\" id=\"06081\" inkscape:label=\"San Mateo, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 31.03398,139.901 L 31.47998,139.91 L 31.53398,139.941 L 31.83698,140.365 L 32.02998,140.969 L 32.07098,141.27 L 33.83298,143.082 L 37.39798,142.987 L 38.12798,142.906 L 37.72298,144.367 L 37.16798,146.386 L 37.23998,146.54 L 37.78998,147.378 L 37.78098,147.368 L 34.04098,146.301 L 33.91898,146.287 L 33.81498,146.364 L 33.73798,146.4 L 33.38698,146.445 L 33.20698,146.422 L 31.97098,145.999 L 31.80998,145.765 L 31.62498,145.301 L 31.63398,143.038 L 30.85398,140.775 L 31.03398,139.901\" id=\"06001\" inkscape:label=\"Alameda, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 31.80998,145.765 L 31.97098,145.999 L 33.20698,146.422 L 33.38698,146.445 L 33.73798,146.4 L 33.81498,146.364 L 33.91898,146.287 L 34.04098,146.301 L 37.78098,147.368 L 37.62298,147.432 L 37.58298,148.108 L 37.87198,151.407 L 39.00698,152.386 L 39.06098,152.556 L 38.91698,153.251 L 38.70498,153.584 L 38.44798,153.701 L 38.30398,154.206 L 38.31298,154.279 L 38.38998,154.449 L 38.52898,154.593 L 36.52398,154.054 L 35.60498,153.859 L 34.70698,154.364 L 34.77498,154.129 L 34.70698,154.016 L 33.50398,152.025 L 32.63398,151.105 L 32.20198,150.795 L 31.51198,150.189 L 31.25498,149.821 L 30.72798,148.753 L 30.45698,148.184 L 30.43498,148.112 L 30.43898,147.969 L 31.80998,145.765\" id=\"06085\" inkscape:label=\"Santa Clara, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 45.14598,141.351 L 46.98098,145.138 L 48.93198,148.324 L 48.92698,148.329 L 43.65498,149.41 L 42.18998,149.843 L 42.26598,149.888 L 42.32398,150.015 L 42.30598,150.438 L 39.00698,152.386 L 37.87198,151.407 L 37.58298,148.108 L 37.62298,147.432 L 37.78098,147.368 L 37.78998,147.378 L 40.44498,145.809 L 40.91398,145.508 L 41.11598,145.417 L 42.25698,145.115 L 42.50898,145.206 L 43.00898,145.305 L 43.58698,145.372 L 44.14098,145.227 L 44.50198,143.745 L 45.14598,141.351\" id=\"06099\" inkscape:label=\"Stanislaus, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 48.93198,148.324 L 48.98098,147.819 L 49.06698,147.693 L 49.65698,147.269 L 52.58698,146.656 L 52.78098,146.756 L 53.62898,147.671 L 53.69998,147.802 L 53.75898,147.842 L 54.04798,147.981 L 54.98098,148.234 L 55.30098,148.23 L 56.53998,148.04 L 56.69698,147.955 L 57.56698,147.261 L 58.15398,147.126 L 59.10398,147.81 L 59.70798,148.505 L 59.97898,149.221 L 56.58898,151.286 L 56.36398,152.105 L 55.46698,152.908 L 54.37598,152.642 L 50.75798,154.851 L 50.03098,153.907 L 49.76598,153.53 L 49.35598,151.083 L 49.40098,151.038 L 49.40998,151.002 L 49.41398,150.812 L 48.92698,148.329 L 48.93198,148.324\" id=\"06043\" inkscape:label=\"Mariposa, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 58.49598,141.487 L 58.41998,141.55 L 58.31098,141.93 L 58.14898,143.114 L 58.56298,143.772 L 58.86098,144.025 L 59.09498,144.178 L 59.51898,144.408 L 59.87498,144.669 L 60.12298,144.863 L 60.51998,145.241 L 60.79898,145.85 L 61.31698,148.144 L 60.96598,149.279 L 60.42898,149.69 L 60.24898,149.807 L 59.97898,149.221 L 59.70798,148.505 L 59.10398,147.81 L 58.15398,147.126 L 57.56698,147.261 L 56.69698,147.955 L 56.53998,148.04 L 55.30098,148.23 L 54.98098,148.234 L 54.04798,147.981 L 53.75898,147.842 L 53.69998,147.802 L 53.62898,147.671 L 52.78098,146.756 L 52.58698,146.656 L 49.65698,147.269 L 49.06698,147.693 L 48.98098,147.819 L 48.93198,148.324 L 46.98098,145.138 L 48.74198,143.975 L 49.48598,143.244 L 50.72598,141.965 L 51.91098,140.865 L 53.42098,139.555 L 53.66498,139.441 L 53.89898,139.368 L 55.13798,139.198 L 56.23298,140.474 L 56.38198,140.401 L 57.15298,140.144 L 57.70698,140.076 L 58.09898,140.167 L 58.14398,140.212 L 58.17998,140.302 L 58.49598,141.487\" id=\"06109\" inkscape:label=\"Tuolumne, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 60.25398,136.751 L 62.17798,139.631 L 63.47198,141.558 L 68.97898,149.843 L 73.57198,156.699 L 64.25098,154.494 L 62.19698,152.345 L 62.07898,151.002 L 61.76798,150.38 L 61.62898,150.213 L 60.99698,150.01 L 60.24898,149.807 L 60.42898,149.69 L 60.96598,149.279 L 61.31698,148.144 L 60.79898,145.85 L 60.51998,145.241 L 60.12298,144.863 L 59.87498,144.669 L 59.51898,144.408 L 59.09498,144.178 L 58.86098,144.025 L 58.56298,143.772 L 58.14898,143.114 L 58.31098,141.93 L 58.41998,141.55 L 58.49598,141.487 L 59.51398,140.621 L 59.98298,139.545 L 59.57698,138.048 L 59.59098,137.917 L 59.82598,137.313 L 60.25398,136.751\" id=\"06051\" inkscape:label=\"Mono, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 57.87898,133.189 L 60.25398,136.751 L 59.82598,137.313 L 59.59098,137.917 L 59.57698,138.048 L 59.98298,139.545 L 59.51398,140.621 L 58.49598,141.487 L 58.17998,140.302 L 58.14398,140.212 L 58.09898,140.167 L 57.70698,140.076 L 57.15298,140.144 L 56.38198,140.401 L 56.23298,140.474 L 55.13798,139.198 L 54.87698,138.102 L 55.50298,135.673 L 56.83298,135.011 L 57.07998,134.831 L 57.88698,134.113 L 57.93698,134.036 L 58.00498,133.677 L 57.99098,133.429 L 57.87898,133.189\" id=\"06003\" inkscape:label=\"Alpine, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 55.13798,139.198 L 53.89898,139.368 L 53.66498,139.441 L 53.42098,139.555 L 51.91098,140.865 L 50.72598,141.965 L 49.48598,143.244 L 48.74198,143.975 L 46.98098,145.138 L 45.14598,141.351 L 44.97498,139.31 L 45.04198,139.387 L 45.16798,139.464 L 45.95298,139.631 L 48.33698,138.878 L 50.13998,138.084 L 50.60898,137.841 L 51.04598,137.867 L 54.87698,138.102 L 55.13798,139.198\" id=\"06009\" inkscape:label=\"Calaveras, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 55.50298,135.673 L 54.87698,138.102 L 51.04598,137.867 L 50.60898,137.841 L 50.13998,138.084 L 48.33698,138.878 L 45.95298,139.631 L 45.16798,139.464 L 45.04198,139.387 L 44.97498,139.31 L 44.92098,138.323 L 45.61898,135.682 L 46.55198,135.79 L 49.47198,136.777 L 49.91898,136.89 L 50.63498,136.972 L 52.60998,137.061 L 53.16898,136.972 L 55.50298,135.673\" id=\"06005\" inkscape:label=\"Amador, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 44.97498,139.31 L 45.14598,141.351 L 44.50198,143.745 L 44.14098,145.227 L 43.58698,145.372 L 43.00898,145.305 L 42.50898,145.206 L 42.25698,145.115 L 41.11598,145.417 L 40.91398,145.508 L 40.44498,145.809 L 37.78998,147.378 L 37.23998,146.54 L 37.16798,146.386 L 37.72298,144.367 L 38.12798,142.906 L 38.83598,139.409 L 39.27298,138.842 L 40.35998,137.691 L 40.58898,137.691 L 40.76498,137.765 L 40.88598,138.044 L 41.07198,138.22 L 41.55798,138.341 L 43.34298,138.549 L 43.41098,138.54 L 44.10498,138.301 L 44.92098,138.323 L 44.97498,139.31\" id=\"06077\" inkscape:label=\"San Joaquin, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 32.06198,137.967 L 32.93198,138.494 L 33.43198,138.639 L 35.55898,139.156 L 35.70298,139.171 L 35.83398,139.162 L 35.92498,139.103 L 36.00598,139.004 L 36.21298,139.572 L 36.30298,139.693 L 36.55598,139.797 L 36.66798,139.823 L 37.05998,139.832 L 37.50198,139.707 L 37.74098,139.557 L 37.78998,139.468 L 37.81798,139.287 L 37.86698,139.207 L 37.93898,139.171 L 38.05098,139.171 L 38.62398,139.274 L 38.80398,139.368 L 38.83598,139.409 L 38.12798,142.906 L 37.39798,142.987 L 33.83298,143.082 L 32.07098,141.27 L 32.02998,140.969 L 31.83698,140.365 L 31.53398,139.941 L 31.47998,139.91 L 31.03398,139.901 L 30.64698,139.617 L 30.27698,138.774 L 31.55698,138.494 L 31.76898,138.394 L 32.04398,138.179 L 32.07098,138.093 L 32.06198,137.967\" id=\"06013\" inkscape:label=\"Contra Costa, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 57.36898,131.256 L 57.87898,133.189 L 57.99098,133.429 L 58.00498,133.677 L 57.93698,134.036 L 57.88698,134.113 L 57.07998,134.831 L 56.83298,135.011 L 55.50298,135.673 L 53.16898,136.972 L 52.60998,137.061 L 50.63498,136.972 L 49.91898,136.89 L 49.47198,136.777 L 46.55198,135.79 L 45.61898,135.682 L 45.21398,132.824 L 46.44398,131.355 L 46.71898,130.756 L 46.93098,130.58 L 47.99398,130.278 L 49.35098,130.057 L 49.78398,130.08 L 49.85198,130.107 L 50.08598,130.245 L 50.39698,130.566 L 50.50898,130.818 L 50.59098,130.955 L 50.72998,131.116 L 51.32498,131.706 L 51.44698,131.779 L 51.52798,131.779 L 52.00998,131.688 L 52.24898,131.581 L 52.78098,131.135 L 54.93098,131.216 L 55.49898,131.265 L 55.70598,131.216 L 55.84598,131.156 L 55.88598,131.004 L 56.00798,130.909 L 57.36898,131.256\" id=\"06017\" inkscape:label=\"El Dorado, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 41.98198,131.64 L 45.21398,132.824 L 45.61898,135.682 L 44.92098,138.323 L 44.10498,138.301 L 43.41098,138.54 L 43.34298,138.549 L 41.55798,138.341 L 41.07198,138.22 L 40.88598,138.044 L 40.76498,137.765 L 40.58898,137.691 L 40.35998,137.691 L 39.27298,138.842 L 38.83598,139.409 L 38.80398,139.368 L 38.62398,139.274 L 38.05098,139.171 L 37.93898,139.171 L 37.86698,139.207 L 37.81798,139.287 L 37.78998,139.468 L 37.74098,139.557 L 37.50198,139.707 L 37.05998,139.832 L 36.66798,139.823 L 36.55598,139.797 L 36.30298,139.693 L 36.21298,139.572 L 36.00598,139.004 L 36.59198,139.251 L 37.55098,139.156 L 38.65498,138.019 L 39.47998,136.634 L 40.13798,136.349 L 40.33298,136.232 L 40.82398,135.218 L 41.26098,133.437 L 41.27498,133.303 L 41.26098,133.244 L 40.88598,132.581 L 40.84598,131.31 L 41.98198,131.64\" id=\"06067\" inkscape:label=\"Sacramento, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 31.04298,136.39 L 33.08998,136.98 L 33.13398,136.863 L 33.11198,136.805 L 33.07598,136.8 L 33.02198,136.724 L 32.98598,136.619 L 33.01298,136.507 L 33.55798,134.943 L 34.92398,135.325 L 34.96898,135.218 L 34.98298,135.105 L 34.99598,134.875 L 34.98698,134.767 L 34.94198,134.474 L 34.72098,133.807 L 34.72498,133.744 L 34.74298,133.659 L 35.19798,132.803 L 35.24798,132.748 L 35.70298,132.824 L 39.11498,133.505 L 39.21898,133.677 L 39.21898,133.717 L 39.11098,134.177 L 38.49798,136.353 L 39.47998,136.634 L 38.65498,138.019 L 37.55098,139.156 L 36.59198,139.251 L 36.00598,139.004 L 35.92498,139.103 L 35.83398,139.162 L 35.70298,139.171 L 35.55898,139.156 L 33.43198,138.639 L 32.93198,138.494 L 32.06198,137.967 L 31.06098,136.466 L 31.04298,136.39\" id=\"06095\" inkscape:label=\"Solano, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 29.59598,142.028 L 28.51898,141.722 L 28.51898,141.713 L 28.53198,141.514 L 28.65898,140.779 L 28.77598,140.712 L 29.23998,140.621 L 29.62798,140.648 L 29.81298,140.694 L 29.88098,140.794 L 29.95198,141.014 L 29.89398,141.784 L 29.83598,141.97 L 29.59598,142.028\" id=\"06075\" inkscape:label=\"San Franciso, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 25.78298,132.965 L 25.90498,132.901 L 26.72098,132.92 L 26.80198,132.941 L 28.93398,135.479 L 30.06498,136.741 L 29.70498,137.679 L 29.33098,138.864 L 29.30298,138.964 L 29.37098,139.071 L 29.53798,139.278 L 29.70498,139.555 L 29.76298,139.698 L 29.75898,139.738 L 29.16398,140.319 L 28.89798,140.288 L 28.73098,140.202 L 28.61798,140.094 L 25.44098,136.448 L 25.96798,133.64 L 25.93698,133.401 L 25.82398,133.072 L 25.78298,132.965\" id=\"06041\" inkscape:label=\"Marin, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 33.68498,127.564 L 34.62698,128.16 L 35.12198,130.796 L 35.23898,131.54 L 35.25298,131.806 L 35.24798,132.748 L 35.19798,132.803 L 34.74298,133.659 L 34.72498,133.744 L 34.72098,133.807 L 34.94198,134.474 L 34.98698,134.767 L 34.99598,134.875 L 34.98298,135.105 L 34.96898,135.218 L 34.92398,135.325 L 33.55798,134.943 L 33.01298,136.507 L 32.98598,136.619 L 33.02198,136.724 L 33.07598,136.8 L 33.11198,136.805 L 33.13398,136.863 L 33.08998,136.98 L 31.04298,136.39 L 31.43498,136.462 L 31.74598,135.957 L 31.76898,135.66 L 31.75998,135.358 L 31.63798,134.316 L 30.94798,131.874 L 30.55198,130.787 L 30.58398,129.94 L 30.74998,129.385 L 32.45798,129.363 L 33.61298,128.385 L 33.72498,128.214 L 33.68498,127.564\" id=\"06055\" inkscape:label=\"Napa, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 22.42998,125.582 L 22.81798,125.558 L 24.15198,125.572 L 27.07198,125.811 L 29.54698,126.563 L 30.74998,129.385 L 30.58398,129.94 L 30.55198,130.787 L 30.94798,131.874 L 31.63798,134.316 L 31.75998,135.358 L 31.76898,135.66 L 31.74598,135.957 L 31.43498,136.462 L 31.04298,136.39 L 31.06098,136.466 L 30.06498,136.741 L 28.93398,135.479 L 26.80198,132.941 L 26.72098,132.92 L 25.90498,132.901 L 25.78298,132.965 L 25.14398,130.692 L 23.05698,126.699 L 22.42998,125.582\" id=\"06097\" inkscape:label=\"Sonoma, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 34.42398,126.965 L 39.26398,128.321 L 40.84598,131.31 L 40.88598,132.581 L 41.26098,133.244 L 41.27498,133.303 L 41.26098,133.437 L 40.82398,135.218 L 40.33298,136.232 L 40.13798,136.349 L 39.47998,136.634 L 38.49798,136.353 L 39.11098,134.177 L 39.21898,133.717 L 39.21898,133.677 L 39.11498,133.505 L 35.70298,132.824 L 35.24798,132.748 L 35.25298,131.806 L 35.23898,131.54 L 35.12198,130.796 L 34.62698,128.16 L 33.68498,127.564 L 34.42398,126.965\" id=\"06113\" inkscape:label=\"Yolo, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 43.55098,128.534 L 44.97898,128.417 L 45.45698,128.826 L 45.56098,128.876 L 46.91298,129.331 L 47.23698,129.277 L 47.85898,128.66 L 47.94498,128.534 L 48.02098,128.336 L 48.10698,128.245 L 48.57598,127.893 L 49.04498,127.65 L 49.75698,127.295 L 51.12198,126.659 L 51.63198,126.542 L 52.00598,126.526 L 58.14898,128.119 L 57.66698,130.016 L 57.50498,130.688 L 57.36898,131.256 L 56.00798,130.909 L 55.88598,131.004 L 55.84598,131.156 L 55.70598,131.216 L 55.49898,131.265 L 54.93098,131.216 L 52.78098,131.135 L 52.24898,131.581 L 52.00998,131.688 L 51.52798,131.779 L 51.44698,131.779 L 51.32498,131.706 L 50.72998,131.116 L 50.59098,130.955 L 50.50898,130.818 L 50.39698,130.566 L 50.08598,130.245 L 49.85198,130.107 L 49.78398,130.08 L 49.35098,130.057 L 47.99398,130.278 L 46.93098,130.58 L 46.71898,130.756 L 46.44398,131.355 L 45.21398,132.824 L 41.98198,131.64 L 42.78398,129.277 L 43.31598,129.417 L 43.55098,128.534\" id=\"06061\" inkscape:label=\"Placer, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 58.58598,126.501 L 58.14898,128.119 L 52.00598,126.526 L 51.63198,126.542 L 51.12198,126.659 L 49.75698,127.295 L 49.04498,127.65 L 48.57598,127.893 L 48.10698,128.245 L 48.02098,128.336 L 47.94498,128.534 L 47.85898,128.66 L 47.23698,129.277 L 46.91298,129.331 L 45.56098,128.876 L 45.45698,128.826 L 44.97898,128.417 L 45.65098,125.956 L 45.91198,125.541 L 46.79098,124.932 L 47.61498,124.499 L 48.15198,124.441 L 48.38698,124.477 L 48.65698,124.607 L 48.79198,124.45 L 49.01698,124.392 L 50.63998,124.522 L 51.91098,124.206 L 51.94298,124.167 L 52.08698,124.044 L 52.42898,123.878 L 52.58298,123.856 L 53.29498,124.085 L 53.49798,124.338 L 53.56998,124.946 L 53.78098,125.194 L 53.90798,125.266 L 58.58598,126.501\" id=\"06057\" inkscape:label=\"Nevada, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 49.62098,121.526 L 50.54498,120.938 L 50.67198,120.471 L 50.92798,120.29 L 51.39698,120.155 L 53.22698,121.589 L 55.21498,122.084 L 58.06798,122.842 L 59.50598,123.017 L 58.58598,126.501 L 53.90798,125.266 L 53.78098,125.194 L 53.56998,124.946 L 53.49798,124.338 L 53.29498,124.085 L 52.58298,123.856 L 52.42898,123.878 L 52.08698,124.044 L 51.94298,124.167 L 51.91098,124.206 L 50.63998,124.522 L 49.01698,124.392 L 48.79198,124.45 L 48.65698,124.607 L 49.62098,121.526\" id=\"06091\" inkscape:label=\"Sierra, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 48.83798,121.882 L 49.62098,121.526 L 48.65698,124.607 L 48.38698,124.477 L 48.15198,124.441 L 47.61498,124.499 L 46.79098,124.932 L 45.91198,125.541 L 45.65098,125.956 L 44.97898,128.417 L 43.55098,128.534 L 43.12698,128.402 L 42.90998,128.408 L 42.23498,128.502 L 41.99498,128.691 L 41.85598,128.84 L 41.84198,127.498 L 42.28898,124.824 L 42.34698,124.631 L 42.51798,124.269 L 42.58098,124.233 L 43.83398,124.302 L 44.82998,124.23 L 45.22198,124.031 L 48.83798,121.882\" id=\"06115\" inkscape:label=\"Yuba, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 42.58098,124.233 L 42.51798,124.269 L 42.34698,124.631 L 42.28898,124.824 L 41.84198,127.498 L 41.85598,128.84 L 41.99498,128.691 L 42.23498,128.502 L 42.90998,128.408 L 43.12698,128.402 L 43.55098,128.534 L 43.31598,129.417 L 42.78398,129.277 L 41.98198,131.64 L 40.84598,131.31 L 39.26398,128.321 L 39.64298,127.569 L 39.30098,126.036 L 39.01098,125.442 L 39.10598,124.82 L 39.89498,123.378 L 42.58098,124.233\" id=\"06101\" inkscape:label=\"Sutter, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 40.35098,122.428 L 39.89498,123.378 L 39.10598,124.82 L 39.01098,125.442 L 39.30098,126.036 L 39.64298,127.569 L 39.26398,128.321 L 34.42398,126.965 L 33.94598,126.397 L 33.90098,126.294 L 33.55798,124.986 L 33.59398,124.081 L 32.63898,122.449 L 32.29198,122.102 L 31.74598,121.291 L 31.66498,120.903 L 31.86298,120.569 L 32.25998,120.138 L 40.35098,122.428\" id=\"06011\" inkscape:label=\"Colusa, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 32.25998,120.138 L 31.86298,120.569 L 31.66498,120.903 L 31.74598,121.291 L 32.29198,122.102 L 32.63898,122.449 L 33.59398,124.081 L 33.55798,124.986 L 33.90098,126.294 L 33.94598,126.397 L 34.42398,126.965 L 33.68498,127.564 L 33.72498,128.214 L 33.61298,128.385 L 32.45798,129.363 L 30.74998,129.385 L 29.54698,126.563 L 28.72698,125.632 L 28.47898,125.234 L 27.92498,123.779 L 27.75798,123.04 L 27.77998,122.931 L 27.83398,122.747 L 28.05498,122.228 L 28.27598,121.813 L 28.70398,121.682 L 29.12298,121.214 L 29.20898,120.674 L 29.15498,118.901 L 29.26298,118.542 L 29.33998,118.347 L 29.61898,117.738 L 30.03298,117.653 L 30.86798,117.929 L 31.35398,117.901 L 31.52598,117.46 L 31.58398,117.274 L 33.00798,117.681 L 32.67898,118.956 L 32.56698,119.311 L 32.25998,120.138\" id=\"06033\" inkscape:label=\"Lake, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 40.31498,116.829 L 40.18798,116.608 L 40.24698,116.233 L 40.64798,115.774 L 42.91498,116.386 L 43.19498,116.405 L 43.49598,116.247 L 43.57298,116.014 L 43.64998,115.859 L 43.79798,115.702 L 44.21298,115.399 L 45.95698,114.318 L 46.43998,114.449 L 47.05698,114.332 L 47.17798,114.26 L 47.31398,113.999 L 47.61498,114.084 L 47.73298,114.696 L 47.74598,115.004 L 47.69698,115.18 L 47.48598,115.391 L 46.68298,117.717 L 48.10198,120.3 L 48.83798,121.882 L 45.22198,124.031 L 44.82998,124.23 L 43.83398,124.302 L 42.58098,124.233 L 39.89498,123.378 L 40.35098,122.428 L 41.18898,120.651 L 41.20198,120.6 L 40.80598,118.023 L 40.31498,116.829\" id=\"06007\" inkscape:label=\"Butte, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 31.88198,114.409 L 40.31498,116.829 L 40.80598,118.023 L 41.20198,120.6 L 41.18898,120.651 L 40.35098,122.428 L 32.25998,120.138 L 32.56698,119.311 L 32.67898,118.956 L 33.00798,117.681 L 31.58398,117.274 L 31.88198,114.409\" id=\"06021\" inkscape:label=\"Glenn, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 47.75098,110.158 L 49.34698,110.6 L 51.85698,111.266 L 51.21298,113.651 L 51.32998,113.972 L 52.25398,114.796 L 52.60998,114.891 L 52.81198,114.845 L 52.89398,114.544 L 53.87198,113.76 L 54.21798,113.656 L 54.57898,113.751 L 56.23798,114.994 L 58.42798,117.563 L 58.70798,117.929 L 59.18998,120.019 L 59.18098,120.412 L 59.08598,120.776 L 58.60398,122.202 L 58.06798,122.842 L 55.21498,122.084 L 53.22698,121.589 L 51.39698,120.155 L 50.92798,120.29 L 50.67198,120.471 L 50.54498,120.938 L 49.62098,121.526 L 48.83798,121.882 L 48.10198,120.3 L 46.68298,117.717 L 47.48598,115.391 L 47.69698,115.18 L 47.74598,115.004 L 47.73298,114.696 L 47.61498,114.084 L 47.31398,113.999 L 48.16598,113.417 L 48.20198,113.381 L 48.27398,113.268 L 48.57098,112.38 L 48.45398,111.775 L 48.36898,111.759 L 47.69698,111.433 L 47.66498,111.402 L 47.62898,111.276 L 47.63298,111.19 L 47.70098,110.329 L 47.75098,110.158\" id=\"06063\" inkscape:label=\"Plumas, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 47.75098,110.158 L 47.70098,110.329 L 47.63298,111.19 L 47.62898,111.276 L 47.66498,111.402 L 47.69698,111.433 L 48.36898,111.759 L 48.45398,111.775 L 48.57098,112.38 L 48.27398,113.268 L 48.20198,113.381 L 48.16598,113.417 L 47.31398,113.999 L 47.17798,114.26 L 47.05698,114.332 L 46.43998,114.449 L 45.95698,114.318 L 44.21298,115.399 L 43.79798,115.702 L 43.64998,115.859 L 43.57298,116.014 L 43.49598,116.247 L 43.19498,116.405 L 42.91498,116.386 L 40.64798,115.774 L 40.24698,116.233 L 40.18798,116.608 L 40.31498,116.829 L 31.88198,114.409 L 31.84098,114.345 L 31.84098,113.765 L 32.13398,113.169 L 32.48098,112.966 L 32.58498,112.731 L 32.61598,112.313 L 32.57098,112.175 L 32.53998,111.934 L 32.75198,110.172 L 32.93598,109.522 L 32.98598,109.477 L 33.10798,108.901 L 33.11598,108.768 L 33.06698,108.657 L 32.45798,107.964 L 33.28798,107.868 L 34.63998,107.837 L 35.72098,107.85 L 37.98898,108.157 L 38.60098,108.572 L 39.53398,108.87 L 39.86398,108.958 L 41.10798,109.041 L 42.03598,109.009 L 42.86998,109.054 L 44.41598,109.274 L 45.78598,109.546 L 47.75098,110.158\" id=\"06103\" inkscape:label=\"Tehama, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 22.39898,108.838 L 26.90998,110.185 L 26.81598,110.492 L 32.57098,112.175 L 32.61598,112.313 L 32.58498,112.731 L 32.48098,112.966 L 32.13398,113.169 L 31.84098,113.765 L 31.84098,114.345 L 31.88198,114.409 L 31.58398,117.274 L 31.52598,117.46 L 31.35398,117.901 L 30.86798,117.929 L 30.03298,117.653 L 29.61898,117.738 L 29.33998,118.347 L 29.26298,118.542 L 29.15498,118.901 L 29.20898,120.674 L 29.12298,121.214 L 28.70398,121.682 L 28.27598,121.813 L 28.05498,122.228 L 27.83398,122.747 L 27.77998,122.931 L 27.75798,123.04 L 27.92498,123.779 L 28.47898,125.234 L 28.72698,125.632 L 29.54698,126.563 L 27.07198,125.811 L 24.15198,125.572 L 22.81798,125.558 L 22.42998,125.582 L 21.96998,124.758 L 21.28098,123.268 L 21.83098,117.591 L 21.86198,117.37 L 21.88398,117.27 L 22.06998,116.807 L 22.28598,116.333 L 22.51098,116.005 L 22.63698,115.819 L 22.80898,115.64 L 22.87198,115.554 L 22.90798,115.504 L 22.91698,115.494 L 23.14198,115.147 L 23.15998,115.057 L 23.35398,113.76 L 23.38498,113.439 L 23.38098,111.43 L 23.37198,111.397 L 22.93898,110.244 L 22.70098,109.622 L 22.39898,108.838\" id=\"06045\" inkscape:label=\"Mendocino, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 30.95698,92.68 L 32.43598,93.117 L 32.61598,93.374 L 32.54398,95.893 L 32.38598,96.047 L 32.21998,96.272 L 31.92198,96.862 L 31.90398,97.282 L 31.95298,97.367 L 31.90398,97.994 L 31.19698,98.715 L 30.88498,98.99 L 29.84398,99.828 L 29.55098,101.32 L 26.90998,110.185 L 22.39898,108.838 L 22.18198,108.456 L 20.26698,104.8 L 20.20798,104.638 L 20.45098,102.303 L 20.48298,102.244 L 21.30298,101.063 L 21.87998,100.319 L 22.10098,100.071 L 22.49798,99.648 L 23.08798,99.075 L 23.78198,98.336 L 24.16598,97.931 L 24.45798,97.579 L 24.84198,97.025 L 25.25998,96.29 L 25.46398,95.821 L 25.41398,95.533 L 26.62598,92.653 L 27.54198,90.53 L 29.19998,91.016 L 30.25498,91.359 L 30.05598,92.026 L 30.42998,92.526 L 30.95698,92.68\" id=\"06023\" inkscape:label=\"Humboldt, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 32.54398,95.893 L 33.00398,96.263 L 33.44598,96.691 L 34.15798,97.759 L 35.45598,99.129 L 36.21298,99.513 L 36.39798,99.54 L 36.61398,99.369 L 36.73098,99.161 L 36.64498,98.562 L 38.05598,97.101 L 40.07998,96.304 L 41.21998,97.007 L 40.98598,98.318 L 41.17598,98.453 L 41.33298,98.624 L 41.35998,98.746 L 41.21998,99.256 L 41.15298,99.369 L 41.06298,99.499 L 39.97598,100.464 L 39.61998,100.594 L 39.55698,100.603 L 36.96998,103.749 L 35.31098,105.841 L 33.76998,106.553 L 32.59798,107.504 L 32.45798,107.964 L 33.06698,108.657 L 33.11598,108.768 L 33.10798,108.901 L 32.98598,109.477 L 32.93598,109.522 L 32.75198,110.172 L 32.53998,111.934 L 32.57098,112.175 L 26.81598,110.492 L 26.90998,110.185 L 29.55098,101.32 L 29.84398,99.828 L 30.88498,98.99 L 31.19698,98.715 L 31.90398,97.994 L 31.95298,97.367 L 31.90398,97.282 L 31.92198,96.862 L 32.21998,96.272 L 32.38598,96.047 L 32.54398,95.893\" id=\"06105\" inkscape:label=\"Trinity, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 50.76598,101.05 L 51.83398,101.333 L 50.94198,104.628 L 50.92398,105.061 L 49.72098,109.415 L 49.34698,110.6 L 47.75098,110.158 L 45.78598,109.546 L 44.41598,109.274 L 42.86998,109.054 L 42.03598,109.009 L 41.10798,109.041 L 39.86398,108.958 L 39.53398,108.87 L 38.60098,108.572 L 37.98898,108.157 L 35.72098,107.85 L 34.63998,107.837 L 33.28798,107.868 L 32.45798,107.964 L 32.59798,107.504 L 33.76998,106.553 L 35.31098,105.841 L 36.96998,103.749 L 39.55698,100.603 L 39.61998,100.594 L 39.97598,100.464 L 41.06298,99.499 L 41.15298,99.369 L 41.21998,99.256 L 41.35998,98.746 L 41.33298,98.624 L 41.17598,98.453 L 40.98598,98.318 L 42.93298,98.841 L 45.60598,99.616 L 50.76598,101.05\" id=\"06089\" inkscape:label=\"Shasta, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 64.26498,104.633 L 63.23698,108.635 L 62.07898,113.246 L 61.49798,115.494 L 61.31298,116.22 L 61.30798,116.233 L 60.67698,118.632 L 59.70398,122.282 L 59.50598,123.017 L 58.06798,122.842 L 58.60398,122.202 L 59.08598,120.776 L 59.18098,120.412 L 59.18998,120.019 L 58.70798,117.929 L 58.42798,117.563 L 56.23798,114.994 L 54.57898,113.751 L 54.21798,113.656 L 53.87198,113.76 L 52.89398,114.544 L 52.81198,114.845 L 52.60998,114.891 L 52.25398,114.796 L 51.32998,113.972 L 51.21298,113.651 L 51.85698,111.266 L 49.34698,110.6 L 49.72098,109.415 L 50.92398,105.061 L 50.94198,104.628 L 51.83398,101.333 L 64.26498,104.633\" id=\"06035\" inkscape:label=\"Lassen, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 53.55198,90.859 L 58.77098,92.319 L 60.48398,92.779 L 60.49698,92.784 L 63.87698,93.681 L 64.24198,93.775 L 66.90198,94.447 L 64.26498,104.633 L 51.83398,101.333 L 50.76598,101.05 L 51.60898,97.971 L 52.78098,93.617 L 52.73598,93.59 L 52.72198,93.55 L 53.21398,91.738 L 53.30298,91.427 L 53.55198,90.859\" id=\"06049\" inkscape:label=\"Modoc, CA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 172.43998,172.167 L 171.99798,172.555 L 169.69498,175.542 L 169.61798,175.65 L 168.75698,177.066 L 167.39598,179.518 L 167.26098,179.888 L 160.51398,178.986 L 161.39698,172.73 L 162.92498,171.014 L 169.03698,171.824 L 170.19098,171.951 L 171.06998,172 L 172.43998,172.167\" id=\"08083\" inkscape:label=\"Montezuma, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 172.43998,172.167 L 177.36598,172.775 L 176.36998,181.028 L 167.26098,179.888 L 167.39598,179.518 L 168.75698,177.066 L 169.61798,175.65 L 169.69498,175.542 L 171.99798,172.555 L 172.43998,172.167\" id=\"08067\" inkscape:label=\"La Plata, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 225.77198,169.242 L 232.77198,169.688 L 232.76698,169.769 L 232.36098,176.57 L 232.28898,177.791 L 225.14598,177.318 L 225.30798,174.993 L 225.37998,174.993 L 225.39798,174.808 L 225.77198,169.242\" id=\"08099\" inkscape:label=\"Prowers, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 225.77198,169.242 L 225.39798,174.808 L 225.37998,174.993 L 225.30798,174.993 L 225.14598,177.318 L 221.82398,177.079 L 218.50698,176.827 L 219.17798,168.768 L 225.77198,169.242\" id=\"08011\" inkscape:label=\"Bent, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 221.79698,164.446 L 222.90098,164.495 L 227.39898,164.844 L 229.86398,164.983 L 233.05098,165.194 L 232.77198,169.688 L 225.77198,169.242 L 219.17798,168.768 L 218.15898,168.696 L 218.38498,165.433 L 218.81298,165.375 L 220.93098,165.537 L 221.71098,165.577 L 221.79698,164.446\" id=\"08061\" inkscape:label=\"Kiowa, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 233.39798,159.593 L 233.12298,164.127 L 233.05098,165.194 L 229.86398,164.983 L 227.39898,164.844 L 222.90098,164.495 L 221.79698,164.446 L 222.31098,158.943 L 223.41898,158.997 L 226.74498,159.249 L 228.88598,159.361 L 230.34698,159.407 L 233.39798,159.593\" id=\"08017\" inkscape:label=\"Cheyenne, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 222.90998,152.1 L 226.37598,152.326 L 233.79898,152.751 L 233.79498,152.826 L 233.46098,158.474 L 233.39798,159.593 L 230.34698,159.407 L 228.88598,159.361 L 226.74498,159.249 L 223.41898,158.997 L 222.31098,158.943 L 222.39598,157.798 L 222.63098,155.729 L 222.90998,152.1\" id=\"08063\" inkscape:label=\"Kit Carson, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 228.52598,141.136 L 234.49798,141.519 L 234.42098,142.695 L 234.13698,147.183 L 233.79898,152.751 L 226.37598,152.326 L 226.66898,148.456 L 226.77198,146.697 L 227.19198,142.177 L 227.40798,141.058 L 228.52598,141.136\" id=\"08125\" inkscape:label=\"Yuma, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 217.94298,146.035 L 220.22798,146.216 L 220.38198,144.074 L 220.59298,141.704 L 220.73698,140.586 L 227.40798,141.058 L 227.19198,142.177 L 226.77198,146.697 L 226.66898,148.456 L 226.37598,152.326 L 222.90998,152.1 L 217.46998,151.669 L 217.94298,146.035\" id=\"08121\" inkscape:label=\"Washington, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 234.75898,137.502 L 234.71398,138.179 L 234.49798,141.519 L 228.52598,141.136 L 228.94498,137.119 L 234.75898,137.502\" id=\"08095\" inkscape:label=\"Phillips, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 229.46398,133.857 L 234.96198,134.225 L 234.75898,137.502 L 228.94498,137.119 L 229.15198,133.839 L 229.46398,133.857\" id=\"08115\" inkscape:label=\"Sedgwick, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 220.25998,133.181 L 222.11198,133.324 L 229.15198,133.839 L 228.94498,137.119 L 228.52598,141.136 L 227.40798,141.058 L 220.73698,140.586 L 219.69598,139.368 L 219.89498,137.057 L 219.95298,137.061 L 220.25098,133.483 L 220.25998,133.181\" id=\"08075\" inkscape:label=\"Logan, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 217.94298,146.035 L 213.59398,145.674 L 214.20198,138.9 L 217.35698,139.171 L 218.58298,139.296 L 219.69598,139.368 L 220.73698,140.586 L 220.59298,141.704 L 220.38198,144.074 L 220.22798,146.216 L 217.94298,146.035\" id=\"08087\" inkscape:label=\"Morgan, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 221.82398,177.079 L 225.14598,177.318 L 232.28898,177.791 L 232.07298,181.099 L 231.74398,186.238 L 228.54898,186.013 L 223.24798,185.576 L 221.95398,185.476 L 221.09798,185.413 L 221.21098,183.791 L 221.50398,180.47 L 221.58498,180.474 L 221.82398,177.079\" id=\"08009\" inkscape:label=\"Baca, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 219.17798,168.768 L 218.50698,176.827 L 211.89898,176.282 L 211.97098,175.105 L 212.45298,169.773 L 212.69698,169.868 L 213.64798,170.152 L 214.67998,170.395 L 216.82098,170.567 L 217.98398,169.887 L 218.15898,168.696 L 219.17798,168.768\" id=\"08089\" inkscape:label=\"Otero, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 212.90898,164.906 L 218.38498,165.433 L 218.15898,168.696 L 217.98398,169.887 L 216.82098,170.567 L 214.67998,170.395 L 213.64798,170.152 L 212.69698,169.868 L 212.45298,169.773 L 212.90898,164.906\" id=\"08025\" inkscape:label=\"Crowley, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 222.90998,152.1 L 222.63098,155.729 L 222.39598,157.798 L 222.31098,158.943 L 221.79698,164.446 L 221.71098,165.577 L 220.93098,165.537 L 218.81298,165.375 L 218.38498,165.433 L 212.90898,164.906 L 213.27398,160.417 L 216.60898,160.719 L 216.92898,157.348 L 217.39798,151.66 L 217.46998,151.669 L 222.90998,152.1\" id=\"08073\" inkscape:label=\"Lincoln, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 213.27398,160.417 L 213.59798,157.058 L 207.54998,156.509 L 208.09098,150.865 L 217.39798,151.66 L 216.92898,157.348 L 216.60898,160.719 L 213.27398,160.417\" id=\"08039\" inkscape:label=\"Elbert, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 206.08726,148.39328 L 206.91898,148.477 L 207.56798,148.541 L 210.15498,148.807 L 215.56798,149.234 L 217.65898,149.42 L 217.46998,151.669 L 217.39798,151.66 L 208.09098,150.865 L 204.27298,150.506 L 204.29598,149.784 L 204.30898,149.672 L 204.30898,149.654 L 204.31898,149.654 L 205.97198,149.663 L 206.15298,149.262 L 206.08098,148.591 L 206.09117,148.47922\" id=\"08005\" inkscape:label=\"Arapahoe, CO\" sodipodi:nodetypes=\"cccccccccccccccccc\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 215.64498,132.803 L 220.25998,133.181 L 220.25098,133.483 L 219.95298,137.061 L 219.89498,137.057 L 219.69598,139.368 L 218.58298,139.296 L 217.35698,139.171 L 214.20198,138.9 L 213.59398,145.674 L 205.50202,144.94226 L 205.54155,144.62509 L 205.12942,144.58841 L 205.07277,144.90722 L 204.77398,144.886 L 205.07098,141.492 L 205.16598,140.365 L 206.24298,140.465 L 206.36398,139.329 L 207.05898,132.076 L 215.64498,132.803\" id=\"08123\" inkscape:label=\"Weld, CO\" sodipodi:nodetypes=\"ccccccccccccccccccccc\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 205.27372,144.93237 L 213.59398,145.674 L 217.94298,146.035 L 217.65898,149.42 L 215.56798,149.234 L 210.15498,148.807 L 207.56798,148.541 L 206.91898,148.477 L 206.08852,148.38489 L 207.02908,147.45281 L 207.7633,147.46882 L 207.84033,146.78276 L 207.29324,146.72082 L 206.05614,147.64701 L 204.50698,147.585 L 204.66098,145.994 L 204.96229,145.85095 L 205.05751,145.1721 L 205.23517,145.19391\" id=\"08001\" inkscape:label=\"Adams, CO\" sodipodi:nodetypes=\"ccccccccccccccccccc\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 204.50698,147.585 L 206.05175,147.657 L 207.30008,146.72462 L 207.83941,146.79195 L 207.75044,147.46241 L 207.02838,147.44439 L 206.09131,148.37432 L 206.08098,148.591 L 206.15298,149.262 L 205.97198,149.663 L 204.31898,149.654 L 204.35898,149.181 L 204.37698,148.995 L 204.50698,147.585\" id=\"08031\" inkscape:label=\"Denver, CO\" sodipodi:nodetypes=\"cccccccccccccc\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 204.27298,150.506 L 208.09098,150.865 L 207.54998,156.509 L 203.88598,156.162 L 200.96498,155.883 L 204.27298,150.506\" id=\"08035\" inkscape:label=\"Douglas, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 213.27398,160.417 L 212.90898,164.906 L 204.04798,164.148 L 204.20098,162.463 L 204.30898,161.679 L 204.41298,160.561 L 203.61098,159.548 L 203.82698,157.465 L 203.88598,156.162 L 207.54998,156.509 L 213.59798,157.058 L 213.27398,160.417\" id=\"08041\" inkscape:label=\"El Paso, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 200.95198,155.883 L 200.96498,155.883 L 203.88598,156.162 L 203.82698,157.465 L 203.61098,159.548 L 204.41298,160.561 L 204.30898,161.679 L 204.20098,162.463 L 202.52898,162.333 L 201.23098,162.206 L 201.26198,161.895 L 200.84298,161.525 L 200.41098,161.476 L 200.95198,155.883\" id=\"08119\" inkscape:label=\"Teller, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 204.04798,164.148 L 212.90898,164.906 L 212.45298,169.773 L 211.97098,175.105 L 209.14098,173.78 L 206.26098,172.437 L 202.80798,172.347 L 202.39398,172.027 L 202.22198,171.864 L 202.65098,167.434 L 203.74098,167.533 L 204.04798,164.148\" id=\"08101\" inkscape:label=\"Pueblo, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 209.14098,173.78 L 211.97098,175.105 L 211.89898,176.282 L 218.50698,176.827 L 221.82398,177.079 L 221.58498,180.474 L 221.50398,180.47 L 221.21098,183.791 L 221.09798,185.413 L 211.70098,184.714 L 204.31898,184.097 L 201.58698,183.846 L 200.01398,183.669 L 200.39698,179.815 L 200.78898,179.815 L 204.64298,178.729 L 205.07998,178.382 L 206.90998,176.296 L 208.12698,174.497 L 209.14098,173.78\" id=\"08071\" inkscape:label=\"Las Animas, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 197.94098,171.702 L 198.48198,171.838 L 198.53598,171.829 L 199.71198,171.522 L 201.28498,170.774 L 202.22198,171.864 L 202.39398,172.027 L 202.80798,172.347 L 206.26098,172.437 L 209.14098,173.78 L 208.12698,174.497 L 206.90998,176.296 L 205.07998,178.382 L 204.64298,178.729 L 200.78898,179.815 L 200.39698,179.815 L 200.74398,178.297 L 200.36998,175.691 L 199.42398,175.015 L 199.36098,175.002 L 198.64398,175.132 L 197.88598,175.407 L 197.40398,175.804 L 197.91398,173.586 L 197.94098,171.702\" id=\"08055\" inkscape:label=\"Huerfano, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 194.51098,178.395 L 197.40398,175.804 L 197.88598,175.407 L 198.64398,175.132 L 199.36098,175.002 L 199.42398,175.015 L 200.36998,175.691 L 200.74398,178.297 L 200.39698,179.815 L 200.01398,183.669 L 199.34698,183.605 L 194.28098,183.092 L 193.88398,182.65 L 193.82598,182.511 L 193.81198,182.393 L 193.87598,182.132 L 194.15898,181.645 L 194.36198,181.006 L 194.60098,179.451 L 194.51098,178.395\" id=\"08023\" inkscape:label=\"Costilla, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 191.57198,177.516 L 194.51098,178.395 L 194.60098,179.451 L 194.36198,181.006 L 194.15898,181.645 L 193.87598,182.132 L 193.81198,182.393 L 193.82598,182.511 L 193.88398,182.65 L 194.28098,183.092 L 191.35098,182.79 L 186.57398,182.299 L 186.47498,182.006 L 185.14498,179.229 L 184.86098,179.031 L 185.11798,176.773 L 191.57198,177.516\" id=\"08021\" inkscape:label=\"Conejos, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 197.91398,173.586 L 197.40398,175.804 L 194.51098,178.395 L 191.57198,177.516 L 192.05398,173.022 L 197.91398,173.586\" id=\"08003\" inkscape:label=\"Alamosa, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 185.59098,171.181 L 186.65898,171.31 L 186.54198,172.428 L 192.05398,173.022 L 191.57198,177.516 L 185.11798,176.773 L 184.78898,176.728 L 184.95998,175.204 L 185.32098,173.384 L 185.59098,171.181\" id=\"08105\" inkscape:label=\"Rio Grande, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 195.18198,166.596 L 197.67898,166.861 L 199.73498,167.137 L 202.65098,167.434 L 202.22198,171.864 L 201.28498,170.774 L 199.71198,171.522 L 198.53598,171.829 L 198.48198,171.838 L 197.94098,171.702 L 197.67898,171.31 L 196.75598,169.796 L 196.23298,168.268 L 196.09698,167.984 L 195.18198,166.596\" id=\"08027\" inkscape:label=\"Custer, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 200.41098,161.476 L 200.84298,161.525 L 201.26198,161.895 L 201.23098,162.206 L 202.52898,162.333 L 204.20098,162.463 L 203.74098,167.533 L 202.65098,167.434 L 199.73498,167.137 L 197.67898,166.861 L 195.18198,166.596 L 193.29398,164.027 L 194.41098,163.252 L 194.70498,162.662 L 194.82198,162.174 L 194.82598,162.111 L 194.77698,161.927 L 194.48398,161.138 L 194.45198,161.098 L 194.27198,160.972 L 194.03698,160.877 L 196.35398,161.102 L 199.22498,161.354 L 200.41098,161.476\" id=\"08043\" inkscape:label=\"Fremont, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 190.90498,164.082 L 193.29398,164.027 L 195.18198,166.596 L 196.09698,167.984 L 196.23298,168.268 L 196.75598,169.796 L 197.67898,171.31 L 197.94098,171.702 L 197.91398,173.586 L 192.05398,173.022 L 186.54198,172.428 L 186.65898,171.31 L 185.59098,171.181 L 185.52398,170.652 L 183.87898,169.332 L 183.77098,169.246 L 183.04498,169.057 L 182.73398,169.215 L 182.68898,169.265 L 182.97298,166.799 L 183.39698,163.202 L 190.90498,164.082\" id=\"08109\" inkscape:label=\"Saguache, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 188.52098,155.513 L 192.34298,155.955 L 192.39698,156.203 L 192.95998,157.522 L 193.36598,157.685 L 193.41598,157.69 L 193.46898,157.632 L 193.49698,157.573 L 193.56398,157.558 L 193.79898,157.592 L 194.34398,158.11 L 194.51098,158.448 L 194.65098,159.687 L 194.30398,160.601 L 194.03698,160.877 L 194.27198,160.972 L 194.45198,161.098 L 194.48398,161.138 L 194.77698,161.927 L 194.82598,162.111 L 194.82198,162.174 L 194.70498,162.662 L 194.41098,163.252 L 193.29398,164.027 L 190.90498,164.082 L 190.17898,163.075 L 189.40898,160.931 L 189.35498,160.458 L 189.70098,158.902 L 189.79198,158.709 L 189.88198,158.655 L 189.90898,157.424 L 188.22298,156.262 L 188.52098,155.513\" id=\"08015\" inkscape:label=\"Chaffee, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 180.76398,152.015 L 180.84998,152.777 L 181.03898,153.138 L 181.65198,153.923 L 183.65298,154.156 L 183.78898,154.175 L 184.39698,154.891 L 184.38798,155.139 L 184.56398,155.441 L 185.15898,155.986 L 185.93798,156.27 L 186.19098,156.293 L 186.37998,156.198 L 186.76798,155.729 L 186.82098,155.521 L 187.28998,155.405 L 187.35798,155.414 L 188.22298,156.262 L 189.90898,157.424 L 189.88198,158.655 L 189.79198,158.709 L 189.70098,158.902 L 189.35498,160.458 L 189.40898,160.931 L 190.17898,163.075 L 190.90498,164.082 L 183.39698,163.202 L 182.97298,166.799 L 177.29798,166.118 L 176.87898,164.04 L 178.22698,164.207 L 178.79498,159.474 L 179.65498,152.386 L 180.76398,152.015\" id=\"08051\" inkscape:label=\"Gunnison, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 183.69798,150.93 L 190.44998,151.75 L 188.52098,155.513 L 188.22298,156.262 L 187.35798,155.414 L 187.28998,155.405 L 186.82098,155.521 L 186.76798,155.729 L 186.37998,156.198 L 186.19098,156.293 L 185.93798,156.27 L 185.15898,155.986 L 184.56398,155.441 L 184.38798,155.139 L 184.39698,154.891 L 183.78898,154.175 L 183.65298,154.156 L 181.65198,153.923 L 181.03898,153.138 L 180.84998,152.777 L 180.76398,152.015 L 180.57498,150.556 L 183.69798,150.93\" id=\"08097\" inkscape:label=\"Pitkin, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 192.63598,151.759 L 193.33898,151.836 L 193.14498,152.038 L 192.76698,152.691 L 192.69498,153.079 L 192.64498,153.976 L 192.63598,154.905 L 192.47798,155.693 L 192.34298,155.955 L 188.52098,155.513 L 190.44998,151.75 L 192.63598,151.759\" id=\"08065\" inkscape:label=\"Lake, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 200.83398,150.168 L 200.28398,155.815 L 200.95198,155.883 L 200.41098,161.476 L 199.22498,161.354 L 196.35398,161.102 L 194.03698,160.877 L 194.30398,160.601 L 194.65098,159.687 L 194.51098,158.448 L 194.34398,158.11 L 193.79898,157.592 L 193.56398,157.558 L 193.49698,157.573 L 193.46898,157.632 L 193.41598,157.69 L 193.36598,157.685 L 192.95998,157.522 L 192.39698,156.203 L 192.34298,155.955 L 192.47798,155.693 L 192.63598,154.905 L 192.64498,153.976 L 192.69498,153.079 L 192.76698,152.691 L 193.14498,152.038 L 193.33898,151.836 L 194.48398,152.133 L 196.20998,150.389 L 196.59798,149.753 L 200.83398,150.168\" id=\"08093\" inkscape:label=\"Park, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 204.66098,145.994 L 204.58398,146.7895 L 204.50698,147.585 L 204.37698,148.995 L 204.35898,149.181 L 204.31898,149.654 L 204.30898,149.654 L 204.30898,149.672 L 204.29598,149.784 L 204.27298,150.506 L 200.96498,155.883 L 200.95198,155.883 L 200.28398,155.815 L 200.83398,150.168 L 201.07298,147.829 L 201.28998,145.682 L 204.07494,145.95197 L 204.04281,146.07019 L 204.41963,146.10797\" id=\"08059\" inkscape:label=\"Jefferson, CO\" sodipodi:nodetypes=\"ccccccccccccccccccc\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 198.59398,145.155 L 200.30698,145.332 L 200.92898,145.336 L 201.31198,145.399 L 201.28998,145.682 L 201.07298,147.829 L 199.64898,147.243 L 199.38698,146.895 L 198.90998,146.4 L 198.34598,146.183 L 198.59398,145.155\" id=\"08047\" inkscape:label=\"Gilpin, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 198.34598,146.183 L 198.90998,146.4 L 199.38698,146.895 L 199.64898,147.243 L 201.07298,147.829 L 200.83398,150.168 L 196.59798,149.753 L 197.17898,149.288 L 197.18798,149.217 L 197.14298,148.959 L 197.04898,148.865 L 196.81398,148.879 L 195.93498,148.414 L 195.79598,148.253 L 195.84898,147.923 L 196.04298,147.59 L 196.96298,146.909 L 197.55298,146.846 L 197.77398,146.752 L 198.26998,146.346 L 198.34598,146.183\" id=\"08019\" inkscape:label=\"Clear Creek, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 191.17098,144.466 L 191.55398,144.515 L 193.14098,145.093 L 194.08298,145.868 L 194.43398,146.368 L 194.53798,146.936 L 194.56998,147.455 L 194.83598,147.941 L 195.12398,148.04 L 195.62898,148.031 L 195.84898,147.923 L 195.79598,148.253 L 195.93498,148.414 L 196.81398,148.879 L 197.04898,148.865 L 197.14298,148.959 L 197.18798,149.217 L 197.17898,149.288 L 196.59798,149.753 L 196.20998,150.389 L 194.48398,152.133 L 193.33898,151.836 L 192.63598,151.759 L 192.35198,149.879 L 191.14898,145.52 L 191.09898,145.138 L 191.17098,144.466\" id=\"08117\" inkscape:label=\"Summit, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 189.29598,144.259 L 191.17098,144.466 L 191.09898,145.138 L 191.14898,145.52 L 192.35198,149.879 L 192.63598,151.759 L 190.44998,151.75 L 183.69798,150.93 L 184.53198,143.786 L 185.33498,143.886 L 189.29598,144.259\" id=\"08037\" inkscape:label=\"Eagle, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 198.59398,145.155 L 199.24798,140.941 L 200.23898,141.028 L 201.68598,141.221 L 205.07098,141.492 L 204.77398,144.886 L 204.69066,145.6143 L 204.34589,145.57835 L 204.08835,145.94526 L 201.28998,145.682 L 201.31198,145.399 L 200.92898,145.336 L 200.30698,145.332 L 198.59398,145.155\" id=\"08013\" inkscape:label=\"Boulder, CO\" sodipodi:nodetypes=\"cccccccccccccc\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 189.29598,144.259 L 189.40898,143.29 L 189.84598,138.873 L 189.80498,137.512 L 190.10798,138.354 L 190.18398,138.458 L 191.68898,139.013 L 193.72198,139.526 L 194.12798,139.54 L 196.26898,139.436 L 196.98998,138.895 L 197.58898,137.818 L 199.24798,140.941 L 198.59398,145.155 L 198.34598,146.183 L 198.26998,146.346 L 197.77398,146.752 L 197.55298,146.846 L 196.96298,146.909 L 196.04298,147.59 L 195.84898,147.923 L 195.62898,148.031 L 195.12398,148.04 L 194.83598,147.941 L 194.56998,147.455 L 194.53798,146.936 L 194.43398,146.368 L 194.08298,145.868 L 193.14098,145.093 L 191.55398,144.515 L 191.17098,144.466 L 189.29598,144.259\" id=\"08049\" inkscape:label=\"Grand, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 195.04698,130.864 L 203.84498,131.765 L 207.05898,132.076 L 206.36398,139.329 L 206.24298,140.465 L 205.16598,140.365 L 205.07098,141.492 L 201.68598,141.221 L 200.23898,141.028 L 199.24798,140.941 L 197.58898,137.818 L 197.10298,136.668 L 196.73298,134.997 L 196.28698,133.816 L 196.17398,133.596 L 195.23598,132.027 L 195.04698,130.864\" id=\"08069\" inkscape:label=\"Larimer, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 188.64298,130.09 L 193.79398,130.715 L 195.04698,130.864 L 195.23598,132.027 L 196.17398,133.596 L 196.28698,133.816 L 196.73298,134.997 L 197.10298,136.668 L 197.58898,137.818 L 196.98998,138.895 L 196.26898,139.436 L 194.12798,139.54 L 193.72198,139.526 L 191.68898,139.013 L 190.18398,138.458 L 190.10798,138.354 L 189.80498,137.512 L 189.70598,137.098 L 189.52598,135.724 L 189.52998,135.254 L 190.19298,133.294 L 190.28298,133.248 L 190.44998,133.086 L 190.48198,132.915 L 190.47298,132.73 L 190.26998,132.167 L 190.15198,131.995 L 189.97698,131.814 L 189.30498,131.441 L 189.23298,131.409 L 189.17898,131.45 L 189.02998,131.53 L 188.57498,131.099 L 188.45298,130.661 L 188.44498,130.458 L 188.59798,130.129 L 188.64298,130.09\" id=\"08057\" inkscape:label=\"Jackson, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 184.21598,129.569 L 188.64298,130.09 L 188.59798,130.129 L 188.44498,130.458 L 188.45298,130.661 L 188.57498,131.099 L 189.02998,131.53 L 189.17898,131.45 L 189.23298,131.409 L 189.30498,131.441 L 189.97698,131.814 L 190.15198,131.995 L 190.26998,132.167 L 190.47298,132.73 L 190.48198,132.915 L 190.44998,133.086 L 190.28298,133.248 L 190.19298,133.294 L 189.52998,135.254 L 189.52598,135.724 L 189.70598,137.098 L 189.80498,137.512 L 189.84598,138.873 L 189.40898,143.29 L 189.29598,144.259 L 185.33498,143.886 L 185.53698,141.649 L 185.73598,139.923 L 181.83198,139.481 L 181.97198,138.044 L 182.43198,135.385 L 183.06698,134.753 L 183.38698,134.74 L 183.63098,134.767 L 183.77898,133.558 L 184.21598,129.569\" id=\"08107\" inkscape:label=\"Routt, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 178.44298,128.872 L 184.21598,129.569 L 183.77898,133.558 L 183.63098,134.767 L 183.38698,134.74 L 183.06698,134.753 L 182.43198,135.385 L 181.97198,138.044 L 181.83198,139.481 L 181.82798,139.521 L 181.75098,139.513 L 179.10998,139.147 L 175.16598,138.675 L 166.19298,137.466 L 166.98198,131.923 L 167.58598,127.456 L 175.25198,128.488 L 178.44298,128.872\" id=\"08081\" inkscape:label=\"Moffat, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 181.83198,139.481 L 185.73598,139.923 L 185.53698,141.649 L 182.81498,141.339 L 182.65298,142.506 L 182.52698,143.605 L 181.28698,144.589 L 178.39798,144.236 L 176.33398,144.019 L 176.12198,145.706 L 173.39098,145.345 L 171.16898,145.26 L 170.02398,145.493 L 166.68898,145.043 L 166.65298,144.903 L 165.18798,144.705 L 166.19298,137.466 L 175.16598,138.675 L 179.10998,139.147 L 181.75098,139.513 L 181.82798,139.521 L 181.83198,139.481\" id=\"08103\" inkscape:label=\"Rio Blanco, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 185.53698,141.649 L 185.33498,143.886 L 184.53198,143.786 L 183.69798,150.93 L 180.57498,150.556 L 164.66498,148.486 L 164.89998,146.801 L 165.18798,144.705 L 166.65298,144.903 L 166.68898,145.043 L 170.02398,145.493 L 171.16898,145.26 L 173.39098,145.345 L 176.12198,145.706 L 176.33398,144.019 L 178.39798,144.236 L 181.28698,144.589 L 182.52698,143.605 L 182.65298,142.506 L 182.81498,141.339 L 185.53698,141.649\" id=\"08045\" inkscape:label=\"Garfield, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 179.65498,152.386 L 178.79498,159.474 L 170.08698,158.38 L 170.35698,156.302 L 174.65698,153.832 L 175.83798,153.765 L 177.70398,153.682 L 178.18598,153.197 L 178.51498,152.985 L 179.65498,152.386\" id=\"08029\" inkscape:label=\"Delta, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 164.66498,148.486 L 180.57498,150.556 L 180.76398,152.015 L 179.65498,152.386 L 178.51498,152.985 L 178.18598,153.197 L 177.70398,153.682 L 175.83798,153.765 L 174.65698,153.832 L 170.35698,156.302 L 170.08698,158.38 L 169.79898,160.548 L 163.03798,159.638 L 163.42998,156.807 L 163.81798,154.436 L 163.88998,153.94 L 164.23198,151.6 L 164.66498,148.486\" id=\"08077\" inkscape:label=\"Mesa, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 170.08698,158.38 L 178.79498,159.474 L 178.22698,164.207 L 176.87898,164.04 L 176.95998,163.738 L 176.91998,163.653 L 171.97098,163.034 L 171.95798,163.175 L 172.29998,164.082 L 173.04798,164.176 L 173.31398,164.298 L 173.64298,164.627 L 173.72898,164.735 L 173.64798,165.316 L 173.52598,165.582 L 173.33698,165.558 L 162.59598,164.131 L 163.03798,159.638 L 169.79898,160.548 L 170.08698,158.38\" id=\"08085\" inkscape:label=\"Montrose, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 175.21598,169.03 L 175.34198,169.134 L 175.57198,169.251 L 175.62198,169.251 L 175.95998,169.147 L 176.11298,169.075 L 176.24798,168.953 L 176.25298,168.922 L 176.22098,168.814 L 176.22098,168.746 L 176.27998,168.381 L 177.00998,168.471 L 177.36598,172.775 L 172.43998,172.167 L 172.56098,171.81 L 172.92198,171.364 L 173.47598,171.261 L 173.73298,170.801 L 173.77798,170.554 L 175.21598,169.03\" id=\"08111\" inkscape:label=\"San Juan, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 173.77798,170.554 L 173.73298,170.801 L 173.47598,171.261 L 172.92198,171.364 L 172.56098,171.81 L 172.43998,172.167 L 171.06998,172 L 170.19098,171.951 L 169.03698,171.824 L 162.92498,171.014 L 161.39698,172.73 L 162.11298,167.629 L 164.33198,167.939 L 164.37198,167.831 L 164.61498,167.786 L 170.00598,168.512 L 170.15898,168.768 L 170.21298,168.976 L 170.21298,169.21 L 170.35698,169.521 L 171.93998,169.44 L 172.38098,169.309 L 172.62898,169.404 L 173.27398,169.923 L 173.77798,170.554\" id=\"08033\" inkscape:label=\"Dolores, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 162.59598,164.131 L 173.33698,165.558 L 173.32798,165.654 L 173.42298,166.047 L 173.78698,167.267 L 173.86798,167.47 L 173.92698,167.533 L 174.24698,167.745 L 174.57998,167.849 L 174.84598,168.033 L 175.18398,168.403 L 175.31098,168.719 L 175.25698,168.962 L 175.21598,169.03 L 173.77798,170.554 L 173.27398,169.923 L 172.62898,169.404 L 172.38098,169.309 L 171.93998,169.44 L 170.35698,169.521 L 170.21298,169.21 L 170.21298,168.976 L 170.15898,168.768 L 170.00598,168.512 L 164.61498,167.786 L 164.37198,167.831 L 164.33198,167.939 L 162.11298,167.629 L 162.59598,164.131\" id=\"08113\" inkscape:label=\"San Miguel, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 176.87898,164.04 L 177.29798,166.118 L 177.00998,168.471 L 176.27998,168.381 L 176.22098,168.746 L 176.22098,168.814 L 176.25298,168.922 L 176.24798,168.953 L 176.11298,169.075 L 175.95998,169.147 L 175.62198,169.251 L 175.57198,169.251 L 175.34198,169.134 L 175.21598,169.03 L 175.25698,168.962 L 175.31098,168.719 L 175.18398,168.403 L 174.84598,168.033 L 174.57998,167.849 L 174.24698,167.745 L 173.92698,167.533 L 173.86798,167.47 L 173.78698,167.267 L 173.42298,166.047 L 173.32798,165.654 L 173.33698,165.558 L 173.52598,165.582 L 173.64798,165.316 L 173.72898,164.735 L 173.64298,164.627 L 173.31398,164.298 L 173.04798,164.176 L 172.29998,164.082 L 171.95798,163.175 L 171.97098,163.034 L 176.91998,163.653 L 176.95998,163.738 L 176.87898,164.04\" id=\"08091\" inkscape:label=\"Ouray, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 177.29798,166.118 L 182.97298,166.799 L 182.68898,169.265 L 181.97198,169.192 L 181.28198,169.327 L 180.89998,172.189 L 180.88598,173.775 L 180.59798,175.998 L 177.02798,175.575 L 177.36598,172.775 L 177.00998,168.471 L 177.29798,166.118\" id=\"08053\" inkscape:label=\"Hinsdale, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 182.68898,169.265 L 182.73398,169.215 L 183.04498,169.057 L 183.77098,169.246 L 183.87898,169.332 L 185.52398,170.652 L 185.59098,171.181 L 185.32098,173.384 L 184.95998,175.204 L 184.78898,176.728 L 184.77998,176.832 L 180.54798,176.394 L 180.59798,175.998 L 180.88598,173.775 L 180.89998,172.189 L 181.28198,169.327 L 181.97198,169.192 L 182.68898,169.265\" id=\"08079\" inkscape:label=\"Mineral, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 177.02798,175.575 L 180.59798,175.998 L 180.54798,176.394 L 184.77998,176.832 L 184.78898,176.728 L 185.11798,176.773 L 184.86098,179.031 L 185.14498,179.229 L 186.47498,182.006 L 186.57398,182.299 L 185.14098,182.145 L 182.57098,181.862 L 181.25598,181.609 L 176.98698,181.104 L 176.36998,181.028 L 177.02798,175.575\" id=\"08007\" inkscape:label=\"Archuleta, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 204.04279,146.06497 L 204.08635,145.95013 L 204.34776,145.5819 L 204.70014,145.62145 L 204.77543,144.88887 L 205.07638,144.90878 L 205.13172,144.59187 L 205.53173,144.62751 L 205.50005,144.94827 L 205.27037,144.92847 L 205.23473,145.18982 L 205.05257,145.17002 L 204.95754,145.85113 L 204.42691,146.1006 L 204.04279,146.06497\" id=\"08014\" inkscape:label=\"Broomfield, CO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 510.62498,96.236 L 515.25798,95.141 L 515.69098,96.2 L 517.46598,99.986 L 517.49798,100.057 L 517.55198,100.355 L 517.08798,100.716 L 516.52498,100.013 L 515.40598,100.383 L 514.64498,100.743 L 514.44198,101.446 L 512.10298,101.216 L 511.29598,99.292 L 511.90098,99.035 L 511.95398,96.79 L 510.65598,97.2 L 510.62498,96.236\" id=\"09003\" inkscape:label=\"Hartford, CT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 510.20998,96.33 L 510.62498,96.236 L 510.65598,97.2 L 511.95398,96.79 L 511.90098,99.035 L 511.29598,99.292 L 512.10298,101.216 L 511.10698,102.46 L 509.38498,103.677 L 509.35398,103.849 L 509.37498,103.956 L 509.45698,104.038 L 509.57898,104.114 L 509.56098,104.141 L 509.42598,104.145 L 508.91098,104.007 L 508.15398,103.745 L 508.06998,103.597 L 507.88898,103.299 L 507.38398,102.239 L 507.30298,102.145 L 507.04098,102.091 L 506.15798,97.187 L 510.20998,96.33\" id=\"09005\" inkscape:label=\"Litchfield, CT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 507.34698,103.876 L 507.04098,102.091 L 507.30298,102.145 L 507.38398,102.239 L 507.88898,103.299 L 508.06998,103.597 L 508.15398,103.745 L 508.91098,104.007 L 509.42598,104.145 L 509.56098,104.141 L 509.57898,104.114 L 509.92998,104.245 L 510.68798,104.493 L 512.36398,105.679 L 512.33198,106.305 L 512.21498,106.575 L 512.19198,106.679 L 512.21998,107.293 L 512.24698,107.354 L 512.40098,107.45 L 511.75098,107.626 L 510.11898,108.86 L 507.87998,110.761 L 507.82498,110.866 L 507.79698,111.005 L 506.78898,109.708 L 507.49098,108.991 L 507.55098,108.932 L 507.85698,106.85 L 507.69898,105.94 L 507.34698,103.876\" id=\"09001\" inkscape:label=\"Fairfield, CT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 514.44198,101.446 L 514.77098,102.451 L 515.45598,103.159 L 515.80398,102.987 L 515.93898,103.073 L 516.35798,103.546 L 517.48398,104.944 L 516.98798,104.917 L 516.67298,104.993 L 515.37498,105.386 L 514.56398,105.727 L 514.12198,105.791 L 513.91398,105.534 L 513.83798,105.565 L 512.73798,106.846 L 512.58898,107.054 L 512.41298,107.387 L 512.40098,107.436 L 512.40098,107.45 L 512.24698,107.354 L 512.21998,107.293 L 512.19198,106.679 L 512.21498,106.575 L 512.33198,106.305 L 512.36398,105.679 L 510.68798,104.493 L 509.92998,104.245 L 509.57898,104.114 L 509.45698,104.038 L 509.37498,103.956 L 509.35398,103.849 L 509.38498,103.677 L 511.10698,102.46 L 512.10298,101.216 L 514.44198,101.446\" id=\"09009\" inkscape:label=\"New Haven, CT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 517.08798,100.716 L 519.26498,104.209 L 517.48398,104.944 L 516.35798,103.546 L 515.93898,103.073 L 515.80398,102.987 L 515.45598,103.159 L 514.77098,102.451 L 514.44198,101.446 L 514.64498,100.743 L 515.40598,100.383 L 516.52498,100.013 L 517.08798,100.716\" id=\"09007\" inkscape:label=\"Middlesex, CT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 523.34298,98.936 L 523.58698,102.555 L 522.39298,102.889 L 519.96298,104.015 L 519.45398,104.214 L 519.35898,104.227 L 519.26498,104.209 L 517.08798,100.716 L 517.55198,100.355 L 518.78198,98.539 L 519.39498,98.89 L 519.72398,99.053 L 521.70698,98.854 L 522.54998,98.508 L 523.19998,98.395 L 523.34298,98.936\" id=\"09011\" inkscape:label=\"New London, CT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 519.03898,94.258 L 519.28998,95.127 L 518.39998,95.352 L 518.20598,95.415 L 518.59298,96.966 L 519.03498,97.218 L 519.42198,97.845 L 519.14798,98.169 L 518.78198,98.539 L 517.55198,100.355 L 517.49798,100.057 L 517.46598,99.986 L 515.69098,96.2 L 515.25798,95.141 L 518.72398,94.32 L 519.03898,94.258\" id=\"09013\" inkscape:label=\"Tolland, CT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 521.90498,93.793 L 522.91998,97.331 L 523.19998,98.395 L 522.54998,98.508 L 521.70698,98.854 L 519.72398,99.053 L 519.39498,98.89 L 518.78198,98.539 L 519.14798,98.169 L 519.42198,97.845 L 519.03498,97.218 L 518.59298,96.966 L 518.20598,95.415 L 518.39998,95.352 L 519.28998,95.127 L 519.03898,94.258 L 519.43598,94.176 L 521.84198,93.604 L 521.90498,93.793\" id=\"09015\" inkscape:label=\"Windham, CT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 494.28198,130.255 L 493.92998,131.504 L 493.72298,131.464 L 493.28498,132.112 L 493.11498,132.545 L 493.11498,132.611 L 493.14998,132.733 L 493.19498,132.843 L 493.70398,134.077 L 494.79998,135.578 L 492.59198,136.975 L 492.30798,135.966 L 491.14998,131.635 L 492.68598,129.765 L 494.52098,129.831 L 494.28198,130.255\" id=\"10003\" inkscape:label=\"New Castle, DE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 494.92198,145.268 L 494.23598,142.825 L 495.59498,142.47 L 496.15798,141.96 L 496.19198,141.766 L 496.35598,141.379 L 497.13998,140.82 L 497.89198,140.401 L 497.97298,140.748 L 498.08098,140.878 L 498.97898,141.596 L 499.48698,141.983 L 499.84398,142.122 L 500.10998,142.172 L 500.30798,142.118 L 500.44698,142.01 L 500.46998,141.933 L 500.72198,142.46 L 501.32598,144.224 L 501.76798,145.742 L 501.87598,146.183 L 499.01498,146.808 L 498.86998,146.842 L 498.49098,146.928 L 498.33198,146.958 L 498.19498,146.985 L 498.15798,146.991 L 497.65598,147.085 L 497.44998,147.126 L 496.86398,147.238 L 496.57098,147.293 L 496.53498,147.297 L 495.84598,147.414 L 495.54298,147.464 L 495.42698,147.057 L 495.31898,146.688 L 495.18398,146.202 L 494.92198,145.268\" id=\"10005\" inkscape:label=\"Sussex, DE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 492.59198,136.975 L 494.79998,135.578 L 495.65198,136.083 L 496.08498,136.638 L 496.16598,136.755 L 496.40398,137.367 L 496.43198,137.579 L 497.42298,139.599 L 497.89198,140.401 L 497.13998,140.82 L 496.35598,141.379 L 496.19198,141.766 L 496.15798,141.96 L 495.59498,142.47 L 494.23598,142.825 L 492.77198,137.611 L 492.59198,136.975\" id=\"10001\" inkscape:label=\"Kent, DE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 411.11198,264.869 L 411.57698,269.556 L 411.98798,273.099 L 410.82798,272.747 L 410.57598,272.643 L 410.49498,272.59 L 410.18898,272.372 L 409.80198,272.016 L 407.36198,270.601 L 407.18298,270.503 L 407.05598,270.431 L 406.93498,270.363 L 406.73998,270.268 L 406.31798,270.052 L 406.14098,269.966 L 405.99698,269.898 L 405.82498,269.827 L 405.61798,269.731 L 405.43398,269.665 L 404.76698,269.421 L 404.63598,267.875 L 404.90998,267.573 L 406.10498,267.055 L 409.48098,266.73 L 410.15198,266.657 L 409.98598,264.986 L 410.54898,264.923 L 411.11198,264.869\" id=\"12005\" inkscape:label=\"Bay, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 409.35098,259.482 L 414.67798,258.834 L 416.62398,262.358 L 416.03398,263.791 L 414.21798,263.989 L 413.43398,264.576 L 412.59498,264.715 L 411.11198,264.869 L 410.54898,264.923 L 410.26998,262.129 L 409.41798,261.65 L 408.36298,261.755 L 409.24098,259.501 L 409.35098,259.482\" id=\"12063\" inkscape:label=\"Jackson, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 454.36698,304.986 L 460.03198,304.117 L 460.50098,307.452 L 454.80598,308.299 L 454.82598,307.885 L 454.69998,307.177 L 454.49698,306.171 L 454.45698,306.032 L 454.28998,305.95 L 453.92998,306.014 L 453.83098,306.072 L 453.28898,306.551 L 453.23198,306.64 L 453.49298,308.416 L 453.46098,308.471 L 452.96598,308.552 L 452.83398,308.433 L 452.80298,308.433 L 452.73098,308.556 L 452.65798,308.805 L 452.50098,308.813 L 452.44698,308.637 L 452.39298,308.471 L 452.36598,308.421 L 452.36098,308.412 L 450.87798,306.608 L 452.25798,306.415 L 452.15398,305.658 L 452.10098,305.306 L 454.36698,304.986\" id=\"12015\" inkscape:label=\"Charlotte, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 452.69798,309.471 L 453.97498,311.877 L 454.12898,312.021 L 454.34398,312.143 L 455.08798,312.323 L 455.19998,312.166 L 455.35898,312.09 L 455.95298,312.207 L 455.95298,312.233 L 455.43498,312.657 L 455.30498,312.721 L 455.21498,312.733 L 455.03398,312.721 L 454.68198,312.626 L 454.09298,312.31 L 454.03798,312.265 L 453.98498,312.216 L 453.89398,312.057 L 452.70398,309.863 L 452.69798,309.471M 454.80598,308.299 L 460.50098,307.452 L 461.02398,310.682 L 461.21798,311.823 L 460.31698,313.315 L 458.45898,313.612 L 458.12998,313.492 L 457.76498,312.914 L 457.17998,312.373 L 455.90798,311.557 L 454.64598,309.673 L 454.80598,308.299\" id=\"12071\" inkscape:label=\"Lee, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 460.50098,307.452 L 465.02998,306.766 L 467.62698,306.348 L 467.92898,303.841 L 469.24498,311.711 L 469.40598,312.644 L 464.93598,313.432 L 464.56698,311.305 L 464.37698,310.115 L 461.02398,310.682 L 460.50098,307.452\" id=\"12051\" inkscape:label=\"Hendry, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 469.40598,312.644 L 470.05098,316.154 L 470.40298,318.337 L 464.94098,319.233 L 464.85998,319.071 L 464.80598,319.013 L 464.26398,318.71 L 463.97198,318.589 L 463.88598,318.562 L 462.76298,318.323 L 462.62398,318.323 L 461.27698,318.574 L 461.16798,318.647 L 461.07298,318.765 L 461.05998,318.9 L 461.02798,319.143 L 460.98398,319.297 L 460.90298,319.288 L 460.83898,319.224 L 460.10498,318.187 L 459.09098,316.457 L 458.96798,315.983 L 458.88798,315.663 L 458.58998,314.618 L 458.33798,313.91 L 458.14398,313.514 L 458.12998,313.492 L 458.45898,313.612 L 460.31698,313.315 L 461.21798,311.823 L 461.02398,310.682 L 464.37698,310.115 L 464.56698,311.305 L 464.93598,313.432 L 469.40598,312.644\" id=\"12021\" inkscape:label=\"Collier, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 474.37898,329.55 L 474.24698,329.83 L 473.77498,330.253 L 473.30598,330.658 L 472.73698,330.866 L 472.68898,330.879 L 472.68898,330.875 L 472.67898,330.866 L 472.72898,330.807 L 473.28398,330.253 L 474.28798,329.492 L 474.37898,329.55M 478.66898,322.906 L 478.59698,322.957 L 478.43098,323.271 L 477.73198,325.065 L 477.71198,325.146 L 477.79498,325.331 L 477.72298,325.534 L 477.55598,325.868 L 475.70798,328.388 L 475.65098,328.455 L 474.73498,329.329 L 474.70698,329.302 L 474.70698,329.293 L 474.71198,329.234 L 475.08098,328.67 L 475.33798,328.445 L 475.87598,327.824 L 476.22698,327.4 L 476.84398,326.468 L 476.94698,326.278 L 477.61098,324.872 L 478.39898,322.849 L 478.66898,322.906M 471.42198,331.758 L 470.91198,332.223 L 470.23198,332.687 L 469.89398,332.786 L 469.69998,332.638 L 469.67298,332.613 L 469.65098,332.575 L 470.64698,332.012 L 472.02598,331.245 L 472.03398,331.258 L 472.09798,331.393 L 472.03898,331.466 L 471.42198,331.758M 464.36798,334.03 L 464.37698,333.894 L 464.53998,333.566 L 466.11198,332.75 L 466.55798,332.826 L 467.38398,333.02 L 467.72198,333.539 L 467.72198,333.57 L 467.67198,333.611 L 467.55898,333.682 L 467.34698,333.818 L 466.64898,334.161 L 462.19198,335.797 L 461.90698,335.864 L 461.87598,335.847 L 461.82498,335.635 L 461.84898,335.554 L 462.02098,335.317 L 462.55698,335.183 L 462.65998,335.171 L 462.72698,335.238 L 462.77798,335.256 L 463.18798,335.066 L 463.35898,334.968 L 463.80498,334.593 L 464.36798,334.03M 470.40298,318.337 L 471.28998,323.885 L 471.81398,326.007 L 471.93598,326.182 L 471.94498,326.187 L 471.24098,326.755 L 470.30398,327.126 L 469.36998,327.346 L 469.18198,327.269 L 468.66798,326.972 L 468.56498,326.89 L 468.08598,326.215 L 468.05498,325.917 L 468.07298,325.349 L 468.12198,324.894 L 468.14998,324.786 L 468.22698,324.664 L 468.29398,324.628 L 468.44698,324.659 L 468.47298,324.574 L 468.46498,324.448 L 467.65098,323.177 L 466.31598,321.144 L 464.94098,319.233 L 470.40298,318.337\" id=\"12087\" inkscape:label=\"Monroe, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 478.66898,322.906 L 478.39898,322.849 L 478.52098,322.253 L 478.96198,320.77 L 479.04798,320.612 L 479.10198,320.612 L 479.18798,321.054 L 478.98498,322.001 L 478.66898,322.906M 470.05098,316.154 L 471.16898,315.978 L 472.33198,316.073 L 475.11198,315.618 L 476.77198,315.258 L 477.12798,315.1 L 477.50198,315.023 L 477.95198,314.938 L 478.79498,314.77 L 478.80598,314.803 L 478.92198,315.515 L 479.05698,316.457 L 479.07898,316.75 L 479.10698,317.335 L 479.04298,317.628 L 478.98798,317.76 L 478.75498,317.953 L 478.65998,317.852 L 478.50698,317.781 L 478.35898,317.823 L 478.02098,318.029 L 477.90698,318.156 L 477.87598,318.255 L 477.28098,320.729 L 477.22898,321.166 L 477.27298,321.429 L 477.59598,322.415 L 477.67298,322.487 L 477.79498,322.487 L 477.84898,322.551 L 477.83098,322.694 L 477.61098,323.177 L 477.12298,323.907 L 477.09598,323.937 L 476.78998,324.281 L 476.14098,324.993 L 474.63698,325.746 L 474.30198,325.908 L 473.85198,326.034 L 473.11198,326.165 L 471.94498,326.187 L 471.93598,326.182 L 471.81398,326.007 L 471.28998,323.885 L 470.40298,318.337 L 470.05098,316.154\" id=\"12086\" inkscape:label=\"Miami-Dade, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 469.24498,311.711 L 475.96498,310.601 L 476.51498,310.512 L 478.55698,310.341 L 478.79498,314.77 L 477.95198,314.938 L 477.50198,315.023 L 477.12798,315.1 L 476.77198,315.258 L 475.11198,315.618 L 472.33198,316.073 L 471.16898,315.978 L 470.05098,316.154 L 469.40598,312.644 L 469.24498,311.711\" id=\"12011\" inkscape:label=\"Broward, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 467.92898,303.841 L 473.66198,302.912 L 473.77898,302.894 L 476.43998,302.475 L 477.12298,302.179 L 477.32598,302.625 L 477.54698,303.099 L 477.73998,303.517 L 478.04198,304.278 L 478.23198,305.482 L 478.38898,306.599 L 478.44398,307.149 L 478.57398,310.138 L 478.55698,310.341 L 476.51498,310.512 L 475.96498,310.601 L 469.24498,311.711 L 467.92898,303.841\" id=\"12099\" inkscape:label=\"Palm Beach, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 454.04998,302.765 L 454.36698,304.986 L 452.10098,305.306 L 452.15398,305.658 L 452.25798,306.415 L 450.87798,306.608 L 448.84198,303.526 L 448.72098,303.358 L 448.54798,303.126 L 448.44098,302.975 L 447.92598,302.34 L 447.63398,302.044 L 447.02098,301.43 L 451.48598,300.835 L 451.79798,303.08 L 454.04998,302.765\" id=\"12115\" inkscape:label=\"Sarasota, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 459.42898,300.235 L 460.03198,304.117 L 454.36698,304.986 L 453.81698,301.115 L 456.06598,300.799 L 457.30598,300.569 L 459.42898,300.235\" id=\"12027\" inkscape:label=\"DeSoto, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 466.76198,300.771 L 467.92898,303.841 L 467.62698,306.348 L 465.02998,306.766 L 460.50098,307.452 L 460.03198,304.117 L 463.41698,303.607 L 463.23598,302.489 L 464.18798,301.191 L 466.76198,300.771\" id=\"12043\" inkscape:label=\"Glades, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 475.13598,298.722 L 477.12298,302.179 L 476.43998,302.475 L 473.77898,302.894 L 473.66198,302.912 L 467.92898,303.841 L 469.79998,300.344 L 472.78698,299.852 L 474.27498,299.605 L 474.16198,298.879 L 475.13598,298.722\" id=\"12085\" inkscape:label=\"Martin, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 469.05598,295.9 L 473.12498,295.241 L 475.13598,298.722 L 474.16198,298.879 L 474.27498,299.605 L 472.78698,299.852 L 469.79998,300.344 L 469.05598,295.9\" id=\"12111\" inkscape:label=\"St. Lucie, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 466.36998,292.907 L 470.44398,292.254 L 471.00698,291.731 L 471.06598,291.65 L 473.12498,295.241 L 469.05598,295.9 L 467.94598,296.076 L 467.76698,295.008 L 466.68498,295.192 L 466.36998,292.907\" id=\"12061\" inkscape:label=\"Indian River, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 463.62898,295.67 L 466.68498,295.192 L 467.76698,295.008 L 467.94598,296.076 L 469.05598,295.9 L 469.79998,300.344 L 467.92898,303.841 L 466.76198,300.771 L 465.78798,299.799 L 464.65298,298.923 L 463.40298,296.806 L 463.62898,295.67\" id=\"12093\" inkscape:label=\"Okeechobee, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 458.83798,296.368 L 463.62898,295.67 L 463.40298,296.806 L 464.65298,298.923 L 465.78798,299.799 L 466.76198,300.771 L 464.18798,301.191 L 463.23598,302.489 L 463.41698,303.607 L 460.03198,304.117 L 459.42898,300.235 L 458.83798,296.368\" id=\"12055\" inkscape:label=\"Highlands, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 453.25798,297.212 L 458.83798,296.368 L 459.42898,300.235 L 457.30598,300.569 L 456.06598,300.799 L 453.81698,301.115 L 453.25798,297.212\" id=\"12049\" inkscape:label=\"Hardee, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 447.56998,298.055 L 453.25798,297.212 L 453.81698,301.115 L 454.04998,302.765 L 451.79798,303.08 L 451.48598,300.835 L 447.02098,301.43 L 446.37098,300.817 L 446.00598,300.145 L 446.30398,300.006 L 446.69298,299.753 L 447.44798,298.541 L 447.49298,298.446 L 447.56998,298.055\" id=\"12081\" inkscape:label=\"Manatee, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 445.51998,291.515 L 445.92498,294.134 L 445.16298,294.345 L 445.12298,294.382 L 445.09598,294.484 L 445.16298,294.629 L 445.29398,294.714 L 446.52498,295.25 L 446.98498,295.053 L 447.04298,295.377 L 446.89498,295.932 L 445.94398,298.366 L 445.36998,297.567 L 444.14498,294.489 L 444.15298,294.462 L 444.20698,293.795 L 444.23898,293.214 L 444.13098,292.299 L 444.03698,292.088 L 443.97798,292.001 L 443.77898,291.771 L 445.51998,291.515\" id=\"12103\" inkscape:label=\"Pinellas, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 445.51998,291.515 L 451.69098,290.644 L 452.25298,290.563 L 452.85298,294.444 L 453.25798,297.212 L 447.56998,298.055 L 448.71498,296.347 L 448.73698,296.297 L 448.98998,295.683 L 449.04798,295.354 L 448.86298,294.795 L 448.70098,294.58 L 446.99298,293.975 L 446.58298,293.98 L 446.24498,294.044 L 445.92498,294.134 L 445.51998,291.515\" id=\"12057\" inkscape:label=\"Hillsborough, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 444.64098,284.89 L 447.19998,284.519 L 447.25998,284.884 L 448.99898,284.609 L 449.02198,284.862 L 449.17498,285.07 L 449.62998,285.579 L 449.86398,285.719 L 451.31298,286.078 L 451.69098,286.669 L 449.45398,286.994 L 449.53498,287.549 L 445.17698,288.193 L 444.74398,288.256 L 444.64098,284.89\" id=\"12053\" inkscape:label=\"Hernando, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 451.69098,286.669 L 451.99198,288.782 L 451.69098,290.644 L 445.51998,291.515 L 443.77898,291.771 L 444.74398,288.256 L 445.17698,288.193 L 449.53498,287.549 L 449.45398,286.994 L 451.69098,286.669\" id=\"12101\" inkscape:label=\"Pasco, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 456.42298,287.661 L 465.36898,286.259 L 465.58998,287.534 L 465.90498,289.581 L 465.83298,289.595 L 466.36998,292.907 L 466.68498,295.192 L 463.62898,295.67 L 463.52998,295.22 L 463.44898,294.903 L 462.86198,294.029 L 462.52498,293.548 L 460.01398,291.249 L 459.21198,290.626 L 456.59298,288.774 L 456.42298,287.661\" id=\"12097\" inkscape:label=\"Osceola, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 456.42298,287.661 L 456.59298,288.774 L 459.21198,290.626 L 460.01398,291.249 L 462.52498,293.548 L 462.86198,294.029 L 463.44898,294.903 L 463.52998,295.22 L 463.62898,295.67 L 458.83798,296.368 L 453.25798,297.212 L 452.85298,294.444 L 452.25298,290.563 L 451.69098,290.644 L 451.99198,288.782 L 453.03598,288.197 L 456.42298,287.661\" id=\"12105\" inkscape:label=\"Polk, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 458.30698,281.683 L 457.94498,282.725 L 457.98598,283.01 L 458.57198,283.527 L 459.66698,283.749 L 463.43498,283.118 L 465.36898,286.259 L 456.42298,287.661 L 455.57398,282.189 L 455.68298,282.086 L 455.79098,282.062 L 455.94898,282.041 L 458.30698,281.683\" id=\"12095\" inkscape:label=\"Orandge, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 458.30698,281.683 L 458.64898,280.414 L 459.26198,280.895 L 460.71798,281.224 L 460.95598,281.266 L 461.02398,281.257 L 461.39398,281.08 L 461.50598,280.828 L 462.33498,281.522 L 462.70498,281.987 L 463.43498,283.118 L 459.66698,283.749 L 458.57198,283.527 L 457.98598,283.01 L 457.94498,282.725 L 458.30698,281.683\" id=\"12117\" inkscape:label=\"Seminole, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 454.79898,275.835 L 456.86298,277.908 L 457.62198,278.412 L 458.09398,278.669 L 458.54898,279.02 L 458.57598,279.057 L 458.71198,279.715 L 458.64898,280.414 L 458.30698,281.683 L 455.94898,282.041 L 455.79098,282.062 L 455.68298,282.086 L 455.57398,282.189 L 456.42298,287.661 L 453.03598,288.197 L 451.91498,280.387 L 455.22398,279.887 L 455.24498,278.552 L 454.79898,275.835\" id=\"12069\" inkscape:label=\"Lake FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 447.91298,280.973 L 451.91498,280.387 L 453.03598,288.197 L 451.99198,288.782 L 451.69098,286.669 L 451.31298,286.078 L 449.86398,285.719 L 449.62998,285.579 L 449.17498,285.07 L 449.02198,284.862 L 448.99898,284.609 L 449.04798,284.05 L 449.08898,283.933 L 449.22898,283.69 L 449.45398,283.384 L 449.66198,283.329 L 449.70198,283.289 L 449.81998,282.879 L 449.81098,282.825 L 448.38598,281.545 L 447.91298,280.973\" id=\"12119\" inkscape:label=\"Sumter, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 445.24898,280.26 L 447.91298,280.973 L 448.38598,281.545 L 449.81098,282.825 L 449.81998,282.879 L 449.70198,283.289 L 449.66198,283.329 L 449.45398,283.384 L 449.22898,283.69 L 449.08898,283.933 L 449.04798,284.05 L 448.99898,284.609 L 447.25998,284.884 L 447.19998,284.519 L 444.64098,284.89 L 444.45598,282.982 L 444.38398,282.568 L 444.30698,282.41 L 442.81998,281.27 L 442.89498,281.135 L 443.00898,280.999 L 443.30198,280.715 L 443.51398,280.661 L 443.68498,280.666 L 444.37898,280.823 L 445.04198,280.432 L 445.23998,280.287 L 445.24898,280.26\" id=\"12017\" inkscape:label=\"Citrus, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 442.95898,273.834 L 445.88898,274.455 L 446.42098,277.876 L 444.93898,278.097 L 445.24898,280.26 L 445.23998,280.287 L 445.04198,280.432 L 444.37898,280.823 L 443.68498,280.666 L 443.51398,280.661 L 443.30198,280.715 L 443.00898,280.999 L 442.89498,281.135 L 442.81998,281.27 L 442.84198,280.838 L 442.72598,280.495 L 442.05398,279.39 L 441.78298,279.273 L 437.76798,278.138 L 438.66898,277.335 L 439.14698,276.474 L 439.38998,275.658 L 439.78698,273.936 L 442.95898,273.834\" id=\"12075\" inkscape:label=\"Levy, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 445.88898,274.455 L 447.88998,274.172 L 448.09298,274.397 L 448.06998,274.536 L 448.89098,274.897 L 449.71998,274.551 L 449.86398,274.46 L 449.87298,274.432 L 449.81598,274.055 L 450.10298,273.712 L 450.33798,273.586 L 451.09498,273.288 L 452.89798,273.387 L 453.21298,274.095 L 453.76798,274.77 L 454.27198,275.298 L 454.79898,275.835 L 455.24498,278.552 L 455.22398,279.887 L 451.91498,280.387 L 447.91298,280.973 L 445.24898,280.26 L 444.93898,278.097 L 446.42098,277.876 L 445.88898,274.455\" id=\"12083\" inkscape:label=\"Marion, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 454.27198,275.298 L 456.87798,273.936 L 457.07498,274.207 L 457.33298,275.654 L 458.26598,275.497 L 458.31098,275.487 L 460.30298,275.127 L 460.04598,273.747 L 460.51998,272.999 L 461.36998,274.415 L 462.05698,275.474 L 462.58798,276.299 L 462.90698,276.731 L 463.84998,277.886 L 465.93298,280.4 L 463.29598,280.838 L 463.69198,283.072 L 463.43498,283.118 L 462.70498,281.987 L 462.33498,281.522 L 461.50598,280.828 L 461.39398,281.08 L 461.02398,281.257 L 460.95598,281.266 L 460.71798,281.224 L 459.26198,280.895 L 458.64898,280.414 L 458.71198,279.715 L 458.57598,279.057 L 458.54898,279.02 L 458.09398,278.669 L 457.62198,278.412 L 456.86298,277.908 L 454.79898,275.835 L 454.27198,275.298\" id=\"12127\" inkscape:label=\"Volusia, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 463.43498,283.118 L 463.69198,283.072 L 463.29598,280.838 L 465.93298,280.4 L 467.99198,282.581 L 468.01398,282.608 L 468.10198,282.697 L 468.11798,282.725 L 468.93898,284.222 L 468.93898,284.326 L 468.55998,284.569 L 468.45598,284.713 L 468.33498,284.952 L 468.32598,285.015 L 468.31998,285.029 L 468.28398,285.222 L 468.25798,285.574 L 468.27598,285.931 L 468.31198,286.25 L 468.46898,286.922 L 468.79398,287.904 L 469.23198,288.901 L 469.53798,289.458 L 469.78498,289.838 L 470.11898,290.348 L 470.13798,290.379 L 471.06598,291.65 L 471.00698,291.731 L 470.44398,292.254 L 466.36998,292.907 L 465.83298,289.595 L 465.90498,289.581 L 465.58998,287.534 L 465.36898,286.259 L 463.43498,283.118\" id=\"12009\" inkscape:label=\"Brevard, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 405.84398,263.679 L 405.91098,262.822 L 405.97398,262.529 L 406.74498,262.457 L 406.94698,262.624 L 406.97998,262.998 L 408.27398,262.89 L 408.39098,262.003 L 408.39098,261.893 L 408.36298,261.755 L 409.41798,261.65 L 410.26998,262.129 L 410.54898,264.923 L 409.98598,264.986 L 410.15198,266.657 L 409.48098,266.73 L 406.10498,267.055 L 404.90998,267.573 L 404.63598,267.875 L 405.03598,267.113 L 405.41898,265.243 L 405.24398,265.049 L 405.19098,264.657 L 405.70298,263.767 L 405.84398,263.679\" id=\"12133\" inkscape:label=\"Washington, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 403.35198,260.182 L 409.24098,259.501 L 408.36298,261.755 L 408.39098,261.893 L 408.39098,262.003 L 408.27398,262.89 L 406.97998,262.998 L 406.94698,262.624 L 406.74498,262.457 L 405.97398,262.529 L 405.91098,262.822 L 405.84398,263.679 L 403.71698,263.887 L 403.35198,260.182\" id=\"12059\" inkscape:label=\"Holmes, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 401.67898,260.348 L 403.35198,260.182 L 403.71698,263.887 L 405.84398,263.679 L 405.70298,263.767 L 405.19098,264.657 L 405.24398,265.049 L 405.41898,265.243 L 405.03598,267.113 L 404.63598,267.875 L 404.76698,269.421 L 400.16898,268.479 L 399.46598,260.573 L 401.67898,260.348\" id=\"12131\" inkscape:label=\"Walton, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 399.46598,260.573 L 400.16898,268.479 L 395.69798,268.817 L 395.09898,260.97 L 396.15698,260.89 L 399.46598,260.573\" id=\"12091\" inkscape:label=\"Okaloosa, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 390.95198,261.34 L 395.09898,260.97 L 395.69798,268.817 L 394.40098,269.15 L 392.59798,269.443 L 391.77398,268.943 L 390.37998,266.415 L 389.81198,265.053 L 389.64098,264.59 L 389.60498,264.377 L 389.46998,263.413 L 389.50498,263.224 L 389.71198,262.461 L 389.78998,262.327 L 390.28398,261.893 L 390.95198,261.34\" id=\"12113\" inkscape:label=\"Santa Rosa, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 386.15698,261.795 L 390.95198,261.34 L 390.28398,261.893 L 389.78998,262.327 L 389.71198,262.461 L 389.50498,263.224 L 389.46998,263.413 L 389.60498,264.377 L 389.64098,264.59 L 389.81198,265.053 L 390.37998,266.415 L 391.77398,268.943 L 392.59798,269.443 L 394.40098,269.15 L 391.83598,269.948 L 391.73998,269.971 L 391.67298,269.988 L 391.28098,270.088 L 391.02098,270.138 L 390.60498,270.219 L 388.87998,270.629 L 387.86498,270.922 L 388.57698,270.601 L 388.72598,269.191 L 388.83798,266.374 L 388.81998,266.162 L 388.77998,266.009 L 388.64498,265.788 L 388.14898,265.481 L 387.77498,265.288 L 387.58998,265.256 L 387.52798,265.233 L 387.17498,264.99 L 386.05298,263.767 L 385.90798,263.521 L 386.15698,261.795\" id=\"12033\" inkscape:label=\"Escambia, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 411.11198,264.869 L 412.59498,264.715 L 413.43398,264.576 L 414.21798,263.989 L 416.03398,263.791 L 415.50698,264.995 L 415.13698,267.373 L 414.61398,269.227 L 411.57698,269.556 L 411.11198,264.869\" id=\"12013\" inkscape:label=\"Calhoun, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 411.57698,269.556 L 414.61398,269.227 L 415.95298,272.034 L 416.08398,273.788 L 415.47498,274.658 L 415.30898,274.631 L 414.32598,275.596 L 414.22198,275.816 L 413.17198,275.902 L 413.14098,274.618 L 413.10898,274.478 L 412.94298,274.203 L 412.29798,273.39 L 412.03098,273.135 L 411.98798,273.099 L 411.57698,269.556\" id=\"12045\" inkscape:label=\"Gulf, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 421.22698,270.899 L 423.56598,271.265 L 423.64698,271.489 L 423.67898,271.611 L 423.70598,271.706 L 423.70998,271.724 L 423.69998,271.868 L 423.63698,272.049 L 423.57898,272.089 L 423.25498,272.179 L 422.74098,272.112 L 422.61898,272.085 L 422.49998,272.004 L 422.38898,271.819 L 421.73998,272.057 L 421.48298,272.175 L 419.87398,273.418 L 419.14398,274.027 L 418.50898,274.496 L 417.90398,274.883 L 416.69298,275.271 L 416.20998,275.38 L 415.80998,275.32 L 415.48098,275.361 L 415.26398,275.425 L 414.22198,275.816 L 414.32598,275.596 L 415.30898,274.631 L 415.47498,274.658 L 416.08398,273.788 L 415.95298,272.034 L 416.08798,271.468 L 421.22698,270.899\" id=\"12037\" inkscape:label=\"Franklin, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 439.56598,270.939 L 439.78698,273.936 L 439.38998,275.658 L 439.14698,276.474 L 438.66898,277.335 L 437.76798,278.138 L 437.56598,277.439 L 437.17698,276.849 L 436.95598,276.538 L 436.68598,276.411 L 436.41998,276.411 L 435.89698,276.173 L 435.01798,275.722 L 434.76098,275.578 L 434.73398,275.506 L 434.37698,273.703 L 435.14398,271.566 L 439.56598,270.939\" id=\"12029\" inkscape:label=\"Dixie, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 439.90298,270.077 L 440.70598,269.376 L 442.45898,270.457 L 442.95898,273.834 L 439.78698,273.936 L 439.56598,270.939 L 439.90298,270.077\" id=\"12041\" inkscape:label=\"Gilchrist, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 443.68998,268.838 L 444.94698,268.893 L 445.25798,269.33 L 445.37498,269.372 L 446.78598,269.61 L 447.40298,269.565 L 447.52898,269.493 L 447.60198,269.479 L 448.11998,269.533 L 448.27798,269.574 L 449.26498,270.507 L 449.38698,270.76 L 449.36798,270.908 L 449.81598,274.055 L 449.87298,274.432 L 449.86398,274.46 L 449.71998,274.551 L 448.89098,274.897 L 448.06998,274.536 L 448.09298,274.397 L 447.88998,274.172 L 445.88898,274.455 L 442.95898,273.834 L 442.45898,270.457 L 443.68998,268.838\" id=\"12001\" inkscape:label=\"Alachua, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 454.38498,268.583 L 455.44498,271.246 L 456.87798,273.936 L 454.27198,275.298 L 453.76798,274.77 L 453.21298,274.095 L 452.89798,273.387 L 451.09498,273.288 L 450.33798,273.586 L 450.10298,273.712 L 449.81598,274.055 L 449.36798,270.908 L 449.42698,270.899 L 449.69298,270.765 L 450.68098,270.06 L 450.72998,269.831 L 450.80598,269.739 L 451.82398,269.011 L 451.99598,268.984 L 454.38498,268.583\" id=\"12107\" inkscape:label=\"Putnam, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 455.44498,271.246 L 458.79798,270.097 L 460.51998,272.999 L 460.04598,273.747 L 460.30298,275.127 L 458.31098,275.487 L 458.26598,275.497 L 457.33298,275.654 L 457.07498,274.207 L 456.87798,273.936 L 455.44498,271.246\" id=\"12035\" inkscape:label=\"Flagler, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 452.73998,265.166 L 453.34098,264.914 L 453.59598,264.914 L 454.33498,265.148 L 455.49398,264.95 L 455.16898,263.084 L 455.79598,262.978 L 457.13898,266.464 L 458.08498,268.722 L 458.10298,268.764 L 458.24298,269.051 L 458.34698,269.276 L 458.79798,270.097 L 455.44498,271.246 L 454.38498,268.583 L 452.73998,265.166\" id=\"12109\" inkscape:label=\"St. Johns, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 452.73998,265.166 L 454.38498,268.583 L 451.99598,268.984 L 451.82398,269.011 L 450.80598,269.739 L 450.72998,269.831 L 450.68098,270.06 L 449.69298,270.765 L 449.42698,270.899 L 448.62498,265.495 L 448.54398,264.94 L 449.65298,264.778 L 451.95998,264.395 L 452.26698,264.327 L 452.61298,264.282 L 452.73998,265.166\" id=\"12019\" inkscape:label=\"Clay, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 447.59798,265.648 L 448.62498,265.495 L 449.42698,270.899 L 449.36798,270.908 L 449.38698,270.76 L 449.26498,270.507 L 448.27798,269.574 L 448.11998,269.533 L 447.60198,269.479 L 447.52898,269.493 L 447.40298,269.565 L 446.78598,269.61 L 445.37498,269.372 L 445.25798,269.33 L 444.94698,268.893 L 445.42998,268.673 L 446.12898,268.294 L 447.32198,266.613 L 447.65198,265.969 L 447.67398,265.829 L 447.59798,265.648\" id=\"12007\" inkscape:label=\"Bradford, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 447.59798,265.648 L 447.67398,265.829 L 447.65198,265.969 L 447.32198,266.613 L 446.12898,268.294 L 445.42998,268.673 L 444.94698,268.893 L 443.68998,268.838 L 444.12198,266.238 L 447.59798,265.648\" id=\"12125\" inkscape:label=\"Union, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 440.04798,264.211 L 440.70598,269.376 L 439.90298,270.077 L 439.21398,269.259 L 438.78598,268.835 L 438.60098,268.7 L 437.46598,267.97 L 436.93898,267.722 L 436.38398,267.663 L 436.33898,267.79 L 436.16698,267.902 L 435.82398,267.824 L 435.67998,267.718 L 435.28398,266.802 L 435.12998,265.969 L 435.13998,265.9 L 435.18498,265.869 L 435.81198,264.166 L 435.90198,263.782 L 435.93298,263.733 L 436.27098,263.489 L 436.68598,263.354 L 437.57298,263.372 L 438.13298,263.48 L 440.04798,264.211\" id=\"12121\" inkscape:label=\"Suwannee, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 435.18498,265.869 L 435.13998,265.9 L 435.12998,265.969 L 435.28398,266.802 L 435.67998,267.718 L 435.82398,267.824 L 436.16698,267.902 L 436.33898,267.79 L 436.38398,267.663 L 436.93898,267.722 L 437.46598,267.97 L 438.60098,268.7 L 438.78598,268.835 L 439.21398,269.259 L 439.90298,270.077 L 439.56598,270.939 L 435.14398,271.566 L 434.76998,271.621 L 434.44498,270.705 L 433.86398,266.05 L 435.18498,265.869\" id=\"12067\" inkscape:label=\"Lafayette, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 433.86398,266.05 L 434.44498,270.705 L 434.76998,271.621 L 435.14398,271.566 L 434.37698,273.703 L 433.99298,273.607 L 432.88198,273.158 L 432.75998,273.053 L 432.65598,272.932 L 432.26998,272.404 L 432.27398,272.342 L 432.19698,272.098 L 432.06598,271.904 L 431.49298,271.224 L 430.98498,270.872 L 430.89398,270.813 L 429.67198,270.282 L 429.00998,270.093 L 427.97398,269.628 L 427.25198,269.204 L 428.78898,266.157 L 432.66498,265.64 L 432.73398,266.202 L 433.86398,266.05\" id=\"12123\" inkscape:label=\"Taylor, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 418.91898,267.425 L 424.06198,266.757 L 424.17898,267.118 L 426.01298,266.897 L 426.29198,269.176 L 424.41698,269.443 L 423.39398,269.948 L 423.21898,270.043 L 423.19198,270.479 L 423.29498,270.944 L 423.32198,270.979 L 423.56598,271.265 L 421.22698,270.899 L 420.49998,270.471 L 420.14998,270.227 L 419.67098,269.605 L 418.69698,267.897 L 418.77798,267.591 L 418.91898,267.425\" id=\"12129\" inkscape:label=\"Wakulla, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 419.52298,266.207 L 418.91898,267.425 L 418.77798,267.591 L 418.69698,267.897 L 419.67098,269.605 L 420.14998,270.227 L 420.49998,270.471 L 421.22698,270.899 L 416.08798,271.468 L 415.95298,272.034 L 414.61398,269.227 L 415.13698,267.373 L 415.50698,264.995 L 416.03398,263.791 L 419.52298,266.207\" id=\"12077\" inkscape:label=\"Liberty, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 421.98298,261.998 L 423.08798,261.921 L 422.63698,263.138 L 422.12898,264.652 L 422.07798,264.761 L 421.91598,264.905 L 421.69098,264.999 L 420.21298,265.747 L 419.52298,266.207 L 416.03398,263.791 L 416.62398,262.358 L 416.63798,262.358 L 421.98298,261.998\" id=\"12039\" inkscape:label=\"Gadsden, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 426.12098,261.71 L 425.98998,263.679 L 425.75998,264.842 L 426.01298,266.897 L 424.17898,267.118 L 424.06198,266.757 L 418.91898,267.425 L 419.52298,266.207 L 420.21298,265.747 L 421.69098,264.999 L 421.91598,264.905 L 422.07798,264.761 L 422.12898,264.652 L 422.63698,263.138 L 423.08798,261.921 L 425.27498,261.767 L 426.12098,261.71\" id=\"12073\" inkscape:label=\"Leon, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 429.04198,261.511 L 430.50698,261.416 L 430.60598,261.569 L 430.70498,262.291 L 430.38898,262.71 L 429.50598,263.661 L 428.86998,265.536 L 428.78898,266.157 L 427.25198,269.204 L 426.29198,269.176 L 425.75998,264.842 L 425.98998,263.679 L 426.12098,261.71 L 429.04198,261.511\" id=\"12065\" inkscape:label=\"Jefferson, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 433.32698,261.222 L 433.85998,261.191 L 434.35598,261.412 L 434.87398,263.156 L 435.18498,263.751 L 435.25698,263.813 L 435.81198,264.166 L 435.18498,265.869 L 433.86398,266.05 L 432.73398,266.202 L 432.66498,265.64 L 428.78898,266.157 L 428.86998,265.536 L 429.50598,263.661 L 430.38898,262.71 L 430.70498,262.291 L 430.60598,261.569 L 430.50698,261.416 L 433.32698,261.222\" id=\"12079\" inkscape:label=\"Madison, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 435.77598,261.059 L 440.73698,260.718 L 440.48498,261.204 L 440.48098,261.434 L 440.52598,261.791 L 440.74598,262.048 L 441.37698,262.714 L 441.44898,262.817 L 441.56298,263.125 L 441.56698,263.242 L 441.26998,264.013 L 441.20098,264.098 L 440.61098,264.387 L 440.08898,264.342 L 440.04798,264.211 L 438.13298,263.48 L 437.57298,263.372 L 436.68598,263.354 L 436.27098,263.489 L 435.93298,263.733 L 435.90198,263.782 L 435.81198,264.166 L 435.25698,263.813 L 435.18498,263.751 L 434.87398,263.156 L 434.35598,261.412 L 433.85998,261.191 L 435.77598,261.059\" id=\"12047\" inkscape:label=\"Hamilton, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 441.90898,260.632 L 443.28798,260.533 L 444.12198,266.238 L 443.68998,268.838 L 442.45898,270.457 L 440.70598,269.376 L 440.04798,264.211 L 440.08898,264.342 L 440.61098,264.387 L 441.20098,264.098 L 441.26998,264.013 L 441.56698,263.242 L 441.56298,263.125 L 441.44898,262.817 L 441.37698,262.714 L 440.74598,262.048 L 440.52598,261.791 L 440.48098,261.434 L 440.48498,261.204 L 440.73698,260.718 L 441.90898,260.632\" id=\"12023\" inkscape:label=\"Columbia, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 443.73898,260.501 L 446.00198,260.362 L 446.32598,262.169 L 446.43498,262.457 L 446.64198,262.754 L 446.87098,262.934 L 446.94398,262.949 L 448.20598,262.705 L 448.38298,263.836 L 448.62498,265.495 L 447.59798,265.648 L 444.12198,266.238 L 443.28798,260.533 L 443.73898,260.501\" id=\"12003\" inkscape:label=\"Baker, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 448.38298,263.836 L 450.38298,261.051 L 451.32398,259.775 L 451.55898,259.55 L 451.67198,259.487 L 452.44698,259.154 L 453.70398,259.203 L 453.87098,259.226 L 454.59698,259.816 L 454.80898,259.956 L 455.00298,260.118 L 455.31398,261.132 L 455.44498,261.898 L 455.56598,262.358 L 455.69198,262.724 L 455.79598,262.978 L 455.16898,263.084 L 455.49398,264.95 L 454.33498,265.148 L 453.59598,264.914 L 453.34098,264.914 L 452.73998,265.166 L 452.61298,264.282 L 452.26698,264.327 L 451.95998,264.395 L 449.65298,264.778 L 448.54398,264.94 L 448.38298,263.836\" id=\"12031\" inkscape:label=\"Duval, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 454.19098,257.273 L 454.59698,259.816 L 453.87098,259.226 L 453.70398,259.203 L 452.44698,259.154 L 451.67198,259.487 L 451.55898,259.55 L 451.32398,259.775 L 450.38298,261.051 L 448.38298,263.836 L 448.20598,262.705 L 448.26398,261.812 L 448.32298,260.93 L 448.31498,260.068 L 448.16998,259.672 L 447.83198,259.23 L 447.65998,258.969 L 447.61098,258.703 L 447.70698,257.31 L 448.91298,256.607 L 449.38198,256.923 L 451.09998,257.292 L 452.39698,257.436 L 453.08298,257.405 L 454.02098,257.292 L 454.19098,257.273\" id=\"12089\" inkscape:label=\"Nassau, FL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 428.42398,204.916 L 428.19798,205.943 L 427.24198,206.686 L 426.54898,207.944 L 426.37698,208.918 L 423.06998,207.958 L 423.85298,205.637 L 424.53498,205.528 L 428.42398,204.916\" id=\"13241\" inkscape:label=\"Rabun, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 419.82998,206.223 L 423.85298,205.637 L 423.06998,207.958 L 422.79898,208.286 L 421.78098,208.516 L 421.73598,208.192 L 421.35298,207.295 L 421.04498,207.119 L 420.73998,207.142 L 420.10098,206.781 L 419.76698,206.461 L 419.82998,206.223\" id=\"13281\" inkscape:label=\"Towns, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 424.97198,251.82 L 425.50298,256.522 L 424.26398,256.665 L 421.41898,257.014 L 419.97898,257.192 L 419.98798,256.652 L 420.15298,256.21 L 420.21298,256.116 L 421.52798,254.231 L 422.85398,253.2 L 423.42098,252.064 L 424.97198,251.82\" id=\"13205\" inkscape:label=\"Mitchell, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 420.27098,252.5 L 423.42098,252.064 L 422.85398,253.2 L 421.52798,254.231 L 420.21298,256.116 L 420.15298,256.21 L 419.98798,256.652 L 419.97898,257.192 L 419.59898,257.228 L 418.23798,255.057 L 418.01298,252.807 L 420.27098,252.5\" id=\"13007\" inkscape:label=\"Baker, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 418.23798,255.057 L 419.59898,257.228 L 417.55298,257.603 L 415.44698,257.81 L 415.22198,255.453 L 417.55298,255.227 L 418.23798,255.088 L 418.23798,255.057\" id=\"13201\" inkscape:label=\"Miller, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 415.92198,252.182 L 418.01298,252.807 L 418.23798,255.057 L 418.23798,255.088 L 417.55298,255.227 L 415.22198,255.453 L 415.44698,257.81 L 414.35498,257.9 L 414.23598,257.643 L 414.15398,257.496 L 413.63298,256.923 L 413.55098,256.9 L 413.45598,256.9 L 413.36098,256.846 L 413.24898,256.585 L 413.09598,255.67 L 413.17198,255.336 L 413.28898,254.994 L 413.42498,252.245 L 413.66298,252.646 L 413.91098,252.619 L 414.12298,252.551 L 414.42498,252.432 L 415.92198,252.182\" id=\"13099\" inkscape:label=\"Early, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 415.44698,257.81 L 417.55298,257.603 L 417.35998,258.076 L 417.55798,259.996 L 417.47298,260.65 L 417.12898,261.285 L 416.69598,261.565 L 416.53798,261.898 L 416.52098,262.101 L 416.63798,262.358 L 416.62398,262.358 L 414.67798,258.834 L 414.35498,257.9 L 415.44698,257.81\" id=\"13253\" inkscape:label=\"Seminole, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 421.41898,257.014 L 421.98298,261.998 L 416.63798,262.358 L 416.52098,262.101 L 416.53798,261.898 L 416.69598,261.565 L 417.12898,261.285 L 417.47298,260.65 L 417.55798,259.996 L 417.35998,258.076 L 417.55298,257.603 L 419.59898,257.228 L 419.97898,257.192 L 421.41898,257.014\" id=\"13087\" inkscape:label=\"Decatur, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 424.26398,256.665 L 424.39998,257.932 L 424.56298,258.284 L 424.71098,258.469 L 424.93098,258.681 L 425.27498,261.767 L 423.08798,261.921 L 421.98298,261.998 L 421.41898,257.014 L 424.26398,256.665\" id=\"13131\" inkscape:label=\"Grady, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 425.50298,256.522 L 428.49098,256.652 L 429.04198,261.511 L 426.12098,261.71 L 425.27498,261.767 L 424.93098,258.681 L 424.71098,258.469 L 424.56298,258.284 L 424.39998,257.932 L 424.26398,256.665 L 425.50298,256.522\" id=\"13275\" inkscape:label=\"Thomas, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 431.35898,256.35 L 432.34898,258.897 L 432.06198,259.212 L 431.74098,259.889 L 431.73298,259.936 L 432.15198,260.551 L 432.33098,260.685 L 433.32698,261.222 L 430.50698,261.416 L 429.04198,261.511 L 428.49098,256.652 L 430.19098,255.904 L 431.35898,256.35\" id=\"13027\" inkscape:label=\"Brooks, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 430.45198,252.623 L 430.19098,255.904 L 428.49098,256.652 L 425.50298,256.522 L 425.12998,253.218 L 428.90298,252.785 L 430.45198,252.623\" id=\"13071\" inkscape:label=\"Colquitt, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 431.26898,252.222 L 431.26898,252.628 L 431.33998,252.83 L 431.41098,252.933 L 432.00798,253.352 L 432.18298,253.416 L 433.08398,255.345 L 433.34098,256.147 L 431.35898,256.35 L 430.19098,255.904 L 430.45198,252.623 L 431.26898,252.222\" id=\"13075\" inkscape:label=\"Cook, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 435.77898,253.777 L 436.60498,253.655 L 437.15898,257.683 L 436.66798,258.009 L 436.52798,257.315 L 436.23898,256.797 L 434.73898,256.963 L 434.40998,256.026 L 434.35998,255.647 L 434.55398,254.422 L 435.94298,254.236 L 435.95098,254.186 L 435.88398,253.961 L 435.77898,253.777\" id=\"13173\" inkscape:label=\"Lanier, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 433.34098,256.147 L 434.40998,256.026 L 434.73898,256.963 L 436.23898,256.797 L 436.52798,257.315 L 436.66798,258.009 L 435.77598,261.059 L 433.85998,261.191 L 433.32698,261.222 L 432.33098,260.685 L 432.15198,260.551 L 431.73298,259.936 L 431.74098,259.889 L 432.06198,259.212 L 432.34898,258.897 L 431.35898,256.35 L 433.34098,256.147\" id=\"13185\" inkscape:label=\"Lowndes, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 437.15898,257.683 L 438.58798,257.946 L 438.71398,258.148 L 438.87598,258.599 L 439.19198,258.951 L 439.34998,259.035 L 439.64298,259.118 L 440.05698,259.099 L 440.27798,259.068 L 440.71498,259.058 L 441.44098,259.103 L 441.63498,259.182 L 441.74698,259.294 L 441.78698,259.361 L 441.90898,260.632 L 440.73698,260.718 L 435.77598,261.059 L 436.66798,258.009 L 437.15898,257.683\" id=\"13101\" inkscape:label=\"Echols, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 436.60498,253.655 L 439.87598,253.21 L 440.86298,254.894 L 441.24198,255.277 L 441.93198,255.791 L 443.11198,257.486 L 443.33798,258.974 L 443.54998,260.118 L 443.73898,260.501 L 443.28798,260.533 L 441.90898,260.632 L 441.78698,259.361 L 441.74698,259.294 L 441.63498,259.182 L 441.44098,259.103 L 440.71498,259.058 L 440.27798,259.068 L 440.05698,259.099 L 439.64298,259.118 L 439.34998,259.035 L 439.19198,258.951 L 438.87598,258.599 L 438.71398,258.148 L 438.58798,257.946 L 437.15898,257.683 L 436.60498,253.655\" id=\"13065\" inkscape:label=\"Clinch, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 440.01698,250.843 L 439.87598,253.21 L 436.60498,253.655 L 435.77898,253.777 L 435.67598,253.236 L 435.40498,252.064 L 434.90398,251.677 L 434.39198,251.136 L 434.37398,251.103 L 434.35098,250.888 L 436.33398,250.657 L 437.79098,250.956 L 437.96098,251.122 L 440.01698,250.843\" id=\"13003\" inkscape:label=\"Atkinson, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 434.19698,250.238 L 434.35098,250.888 L 434.37398,251.103 L 434.39198,251.136 L 434.90398,251.677 L 435.40498,252.064 L 435.67598,253.236 L 435.77898,253.777 L 435.88398,253.961 L 435.95098,254.186 L 435.94298,254.236 L 434.55398,254.422 L 434.35998,255.647 L 434.40998,256.026 L 433.34098,256.147 L 433.08398,255.345 L 432.18298,253.416 L 432.00798,253.352 L 431.41098,252.933 L 431.33998,252.83 L 431.26898,252.628 L 431.26898,252.222 L 432.09798,250.468 L 434.19698,250.238\" id=\"13019\" inkscape:label=\"Berrien, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 435.44598,247.444 L 434.19698,250.238 L 432.09798,250.468 L 430.13298,249.198 L 430.37098,247.03 L 431.26898,246.922 L 431.88598,247.832 L 432.57398,248.084 L 433.54398,247.989 L 434.16598,247.692 L 435.44598,247.444\" id=\"13155\" inkscape:label=\"Irwin, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 428.55498,249.738 L 430.13298,249.198 L 432.09798,250.468 L 431.26898,252.222 L 430.45198,252.623 L 428.90298,252.785 L 428.55498,249.738\" id=\"13277\" inkscape:label=\"Tift, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 424.94498,246.561 L 426.49998,246.939 L 426.54898,246.971 L 426.62998,247.48 L 426.86498,249.247 L 427.72098,249.147 L 427.81598,249.18 L 428.14398,249.396 L 428.55498,249.738 L 428.90298,252.785 L 425.12998,253.218 L 424.97198,251.82 L 424.41198,249.202 L 424.94498,246.561\" id=\"13321\" inkscape:label=\"Worth, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 421.41898,249.945 L 424.41198,249.202 L 424.97198,251.82 L 423.42098,252.064 L 420.27098,252.5 L 419.76298,250.153 L 421.41898,249.945\" id=\"13095\" inkscape:label=\"Dougherty, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 418.71198,250.288 L 419.76298,250.153 L 420.27098,252.5 L 418.01298,252.807 L 415.92198,252.182 L 415.76398,250.657 L 418.71198,250.288\" id=\"13037\" inkscape:label=\"Calhoun, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 412.03598,249.004 L 413.99698,248.809 L 414.32466,250.76821 L 415.76398,250.657 L 415.92198,252.182 L 414.42498,252.432 L 414.12298,252.551 L 413.91098,252.619 L 413.66298,252.646 L 413.42498,252.245 L 412.22598,249.256 L 412.03598,249.004\" id=\"13061\" inkscape:label=\"Clay, GA\" sodipodi:nodetypes=\"cccccccccccc\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 412.54498,246.235 L 414.33498,246.862 L 413.99698,248.809 L 412.03598,249.004 L 412.54498,246.235\" id=\"13239\" inkscape:label=\"Quitman, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 417.06698,246.597 L 417.67498,246.524 L 417.86398,248.427 L 418.24698,248.58 L 418.73898,249.495 L 418.77498,249.936 L 418.73898,250.189 L 418.71198,250.288 L 415.76398,250.657 L 414.32466,250.76126 L 413.99698,248.809 L 414.33498,246.862 L 417.06698,246.597\" id=\"13243\" inkscape:label=\"Randolph, GA\" sodipodi:nodetypes=\"ccccccccccccc\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 421.23198,249.071 L 421.41898,249.945 L 419.76298,250.153 L 418.71198,250.288 L 418.73898,250.189 L 418.77498,249.936 L 418.73898,249.495 L 418.24698,248.58 L 417.86398,248.427 L 417.67498,246.524 L 419.28798,245.709 L 420.58098,246.777 L 421.23198,249.071 z \" id=\"13273\" inkscape:label=\"Terrell, GA\" sodipodi:nodetypes=\"ccccccccccccc\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 425.02598,245.723 L 424.94498,246.561 L 424.41198,249.202 L 421.41898,249.945 L 421.23198,249.071 L 420.58098,246.777 L 420.51498,246.226 L 425.02598,245.723\" id=\"13177\" inkscape:label=\"Lee, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 424.41198,244.249 L 428.22198,243.789 L 428.48298,246.024 L 426.49998,246.939 L 424.94498,246.561 L 425.02598,245.723 L 424.41198,244.249\" id=\"13081\" inkscape:label=\"Crisp, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 428.48298,246.024 L 429.92498,245.921 L 430.37098,247.03 L 430.13298,249.198 L 428.55498,249.738 L 428.14398,249.396 L 427.81598,249.18 L 427.72098,249.147 L 426.86498,249.247 L 426.62998,247.48 L 426.54898,246.971 L 426.49998,246.939 L 428.48298,246.024\" id=\"13287\" inkscape:label=\"Turner, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 429.92498,245.921 L 433.20098,245.474 L 435.28798,246.069 L 435.44598,247.444 L 434.16598,247.692 L 433.54398,247.989 L 432.57398,248.084 L 431.88598,247.832 L 431.26898,246.922 L 430.37098,247.03 L 429.92498,245.921\" id=\"13017\" inkscape:label=\"Ben Hill, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 435.28798,246.069 L 436.95098,245.371 L 437.20398,247.224 L 439.47498,246.89 L 439.66998,248.354 L 440.02098,248.309 L 440.16998,249.445 L 440.01698,250.843 L 437.96098,251.122 L 437.79098,250.956 L 436.33398,250.657 L 434.35098,250.888 L 434.19698,250.238 L 435.44598,247.444 L 435.28798,246.069\" id=\"13069\" inkscape:label=\"Coffee, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 440.55298,246.241 L 441.39098,246.705 L 441.90398,246.971 L 442.62998,247.16 L 443.87898,247.778 L 443.98798,247.895 L 444.08198,248.08 L 443.94198,248.102 L 443.35198,248.675 L 443.39698,248.999 L 442.98598,249.549 L 442.18598,249.842 L 440.16998,249.445 L 440.02098,248.309 L 439.66998,248.354 L 439.47498,246.89 L 440.55298,246.241\" id=\"13005\" inkscape:label=\"Bacon, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 445.45698,244.01 L 446.38898,244.366 L 450.17998,247.066 L 450.77098,248.093 L 449.84798,249.842 L 449.45798,249.671 L 449.02198,249.526 L 448.50798,249.728 L 447.72798,249.954 L 446.51598,249.869 L 446.39898,249.792 L 445.21298,248.688 L 444.64098,244.83 L 445.05098,244.154 L 445.45698,244.01\" id=\"13305\" inkscape:label=\"Wayne, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 444.08198,248.08 L 445.21298,248.688 L 446.39898,249.792 L 447.04698,250.55 L 447.02098,250.829 L 446.87598,250.991 L 445.06898,252.213 L 445.03698,252.213 L 444.02298,252.077 L 442.18598,249.842 L 442.98598,249.549 L 443.39698,248.999 L 443.35198,248.675 L 443.94198,248.102 L 444.08198,248.08\" id=\"13229\" inkscape:label=\"Pierce, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 449.84798,249.842 L 449.77498,251.947 L 449.17198,252.835 L 448.47198,253.056 L 448.27798,253.146 L 448.20998,253.255 L 448.15698,253.777 L 446.74098,253.623 L 446.64598,254.488 L 446.08798,254.565 L 444.02298,252.077 L 445.03698,252.213 L 445.06898,252.213 L 446.87598,250.991 L 447.02098,250.829 L 447.04698,250.55 L 446.39898,249.792 L 446.51598,249.869 L 447.72798,249.954 L 448.50798,249.728 L 449.02198,249.526 L 449.45798,249.671 L 449.84798,249.842\" id=\"13025\" inkscape:label=\"Brantley, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 440.16998,249.445 L 442.18598,249.842 L 444.02298,252.077 L 446.08798,254.565 L 442.97798,254.985 L 443.32898,257.779 L 445.99298,257.45 L 446.31298,257.486 L 446.00198,260.362 L 443.73898,260.501 L 443.54998,260.118 L 443.33798,258.974 L 443.11198,257.486 L 441.93198,255.791 L 441.24198,255.277 L 440.86298,254.894 L 439.87598,253.21 L 440.01698,250.843 L 440.16998,249.445\" id=\"13299\" inkscape:label=\"Ware, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 448.15698,253.777 L 448.91298,256.607 L 447.70698,257.31 L 447.61098,258.703 L 447.65998,258.969 L 447.83198,259.23 L 448.16998,259.672 L 448.31498,260.068 L 448.32298,260.93 L 448.26398,261.812 L 448.20598,262.705 L 446.94398,262.949 L 446.87098,262.934 L 446.64198,262.754 L 446.43498,262.457 L 446.32598,262.169 L 446.00198,260.362 L 446.31298,257.486 L 445.99298,257.45 L 443.32898,257.779 L 442.97798,254.985 L 446.08798,254.565 L 446.64598,254.488 L 446.74098,253.623 L 448.15698,253.777\" id=\"13049\" inkscape:label=\"Charlton, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 453.53798,253.38 L 454.19098,257.273 L 454.02098,257.292 L 453.08298,257.405 L 452.39698,257.436 L 451.09998,257.292 L 449.38198,256.923 L 448.91298,256.607 L 448.15698,253.777 L 448.20998,253.255 L 448.27798,253.146 L 448.47198,253.056 L 449.17198,252.835 L 449.77498,251.947 L 449.81598,252.1 L 449.85098,252.149 L 450.73798,252.421 L 451.25698,252.442 L 453.53798,253.38\" id=\"13039\" inkscape:label=\"Camden, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 454.92598,249.536 L 453.53798,253.38 L 451.25698,252.442 L 450.73798,252.421 L 449.85098,252.149 L 449.81598,252.1 L 449.77498,251.947 L 449.84798,249.842 L 450.77098,248.093 L 450.77898,248.134 L 451.36898,248.692 L 452.12198,249.147 L 453.65498,249.441 L 454.74498,249.576 L 454.92598,249.536\" id=\"13127\" inkscape:label=\"Glynn, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 451.72598,244.731 L 452.08198,244.834 L 452.61798,245.209 L 452.89798,245.276 L 453.68698,244.942 L 454.28098,244.966 L 454.59698,245.069 L 454.79498,245.164 L 455.15498,245.461 L 455.19998,245.551 L 455.21498,245.907 L 454.92598,249.536 L 454.74498,249.576 L 453.65498,249.441 L 452.12198,249.147 L 451.36898,248.692 L 450.77898,248.134 L 450.77098,248.093 L 450.17998,247.066 L 451.72598,244.731\" id=\"13191\" inkscape:label=\"McIntosh, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 410.91798,227.712 L 412.03598,230.2 L 408.99798,231.791 L 407.95298,228.019 L 410.91798,227.712\" id=\"13149\" inkscape:label=\"Heard, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 406.28098,222.028 L 407.52098,221.912 L 408.11498,221.763 L 409.83798,221.587 L 410.10298,222.764 L 410.05798,223.489 L 409.30098,224.323 L 407.66898,225.13 L 407.15498,225.175 L 406.28098,222.028\" id=\"13143\" inkscape:label=\"Haralson, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 409.58498,219.113 L 410.91398,219.14 L 410.52398,220.897 L 409.76898,220.97 L 409.83798,221.587 L 408.11498,221.763 L 407.52098,221.912 L 406.28098,222.028 L 406.05998,221.24 L 405.64998,219.766 L 407.38098,219.59 L 407.36198,219.374 L 409.58498,219.113\" id=\"13233\" inkscape:label=\"Polk, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 408.61998,212.816 L 409.57598,215.25 L 409.64798,215.836 L 409.65198,217.581 L 409.43598,217.603 L 409.58498,219.113 L 407.36198,219.374 L 407.38098,219.59 L 405.64998,219.766 L 404.92898,217.161 L 405.71798,217.08 L 406.27598,215.846 L 406.82998,215.529 L 407.67298,214.902 L 407.75898,214.641 L 408.21398,212.861 L 408.61998,212.816\" id=\"13115\" inkscape:label=\"Floyd, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 408.21398,212.861 L 407.75898,214.641 L 407.67298,214.902 L 406.82998,215.529 L 406.27598,215.846 L 405.71798,217.08 L 404.92898,217.161 L 404.04498,214.16 L 403.81598,213.344 L 408.21398,212.861\" id=\"13055\" inkscape:label=\"Chattooga, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 408.98598,207.543 L 410.72098,207.34 L 410.50798,208.169 L 409.84698,211.045 L 409.81398,211.474 L 410.17598,212.023 L 408.76398,212.339 L 408.61498,211.086 L 407.37598,211.221 L 407.38998,211.113 L 407.56098,210.585 L 407.67798,209.891 L 408.33698,209.693 L 408.58398,209.183 L 408.98098,207.741 L 408.95398,207.548 L 408.98598,207.543\" id=\"13313\" inkscape:label=\"Whitfield, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 405.98298,207.921 L 408.95398,207.548 L 408.98098,207.741 L 408.58398,209.183 L 408.33698,209.693 L 407.67798,209.891 L 407.56098,210.585 L 405.98298,207.921\" id=\"13047\" inkscape:label=\"Catoosa, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 405.98298,207.921 L 407.56098,210.585 L 407.38998,211.113 L 407.37598,211.221 L 408.61498,211.086 L 408.76398,212.339 L 408.61998,212.816 L 408.21398,212.861 L 403.81598,213.344 L 403.68998,212.901 L 404.08098,212.258 L 404.37398,211.054 L 404.31698,210.567 L 404.55498,209.094 L 404.95598,208.061 L 405.98298,207.921\" id=\"13295\" inkscape:label=\"Walker, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 404.95598,208.061 L 404.55498,209.094 L 404.31698,210.567 L 404.37398,211.054 L 404.08098,212.258 L 403.68998,212.901 L 402.84198,209.904 L 402.43598,208.327 L 403.82398,208.183 L 404.95598,208.061\" id=\"13083\" inkscape:label=\"Dade, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 447.52098,241.247 L 447.79598,241.581 L 448.39998,242.807 L 448.43098,242.946 L 449.97298,244.137 L 451.63598,244.735 L 451.72598,244.731 L 450.17998,247.066 L 446.38898,244.366 L 447.52098,241.247\" id=\"13183\" inkscape:label=\"Long, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 443.38798,243.189 L 445.45698,244.01 L 445.05098,244.154 L 444.64098,244.83 L 445.21298,248.688 L 444.08198,248.08 L 443.98798,247.895 L 443.87898,247.778 L 442.62998,247.16 L 441.90398,246.971 L 441.39098,246.705 L 440.55298,246.241 L 440.33198,244.604 L 441.29598,244.474 L 441.11998,243.184 L 441.05898,242.834 L 443.38798,243.189\" id=\"13001\" inkscape:label=\"Appling, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 441.05898,242.834 L 441.11998,243.184 L 441.29598,244.474 L 440.33198,244.604 L 440.55298,246.241 L 439.47498,246.89 L 437.20398,247.224 L 436.95098,245.371 L 438.83098,243.771 L 439.86298,243.099 L 440.51698,242.851 L 441.05898,242.834\" id=\"13161\" inkscape:label=\"Jeff Davis, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 416.55298,242.591 L 416.65598,242.572 L 416.76398,242.663 L 416.84998,243.396 L 416.92198,244.266 L 416.91798,245.204 L 417.06698,246.597 L 414.33498,246.862 L 412.54498,246.235 L 412.51498,245.271 L 413.68698,242.956 L 416.55298,242.591\" id=\"13259\" inkscape:label=\"Stewart, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 416.65598,242.572 L 416.96298,242.536 L 417.86398,243.182 L 418.09798,243.465 L 418.59398,243.622 L 419.16198,243.558 L 419.28798,245.709 L 417.67498,246.524 L 417.06698,246.597 L 416.91798,245.204 L 416.92198,244.266 L 416.84998,243.396 L 416.76398,242.663 L 416.65598,242.572\" id=\"13307\" inkscape:label=\"Webster, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 421.70798,242 L 423.46198,242.54 L 424.41198,244.249 L 425.02598,245.723 L 420.51498,246.226 L 420.58098,246.777 L 419.28798,245.709 L 419.16198,243.558 L 419.12598,243.144 L 421.70798,242\" id=\"13261\" inkscape:label=\"Sumter, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 431.02898,242.405 L 432.80498,244.844 L 433.20098,245.474 L 429.92498,245.921 L 428.48298,246.024 L 428.22198,243.789 L 428.08098,242.636 L 429.35798,242.468 L 429.93398,242.298 L 430.12898,242.167 L 430.57998,242.121 L 430.69998,242.148 L 431.02898,242.405\" id=\"13315\" inkscape:label=\"Wilcox, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 435.39698,241.428 L 438.83098,243.771 L 436.95098,245.371 L 435.28798,246.069 L 433.20098,245.474 L 432.80498,244.844 L 435.39698,241.428\" id=\"13271\" inkscape:label=\"Telfair, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 437.30398,238.89 L 438.03698,238.934 L 438.13698,238.949 L 438.22698,239.205 L 438.60998,240.494 L 438.69298,241.18 L 439.01598,242.198 L 439.12798,242.395 L 439.17698,242.477 L 439.86298,243.099 L 438.83098,243.771 L 435.39698,241.428 L 435.75298,240.584 L 437.30398,238.89\" id=\"13309\" inkscape:label=\"Wheeler, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 430.64198,240.287 L 432.61598,238.052 L 434.69398,241.364 L 435.75298,240.584 L 435.39698,241.428 L 432.80498,244.844 L 431.02898,242.405 L 431.29898,242.108 L 431.33098,242.004 L 431.39898,241.4 L 430.38398,240.616 L 430.64198,240.287\" id=\"13091\" inkscape:label=\"Dodge, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 430.64198,240.287 L 430.38398,240.616 L 431.39898,241.4 L 431.33098,242.004 L 431.29898,242.108 L 431.02898,242.405 L 430.69998,242.148 L 430.57998,242.121 L 430.12898,242.167 L 429.93398,242.298 L 429.35798,242.468 L 428.08098,242.636 L 427.71698,240.463 L 428.78898,238.845 L 430.64198,240.287\" id=\"13235\" inkscape:label=\"Pulaski, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 427.71698,240.463 L 428.08098,242.636 L 428.22198,243.789 L 424.41198,244.249 L 423.46198,242.54 L 425.20098,240.761 L 427.71698,240.463\" id=\"13093\" inkscape:label=\"Dooly, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 423.02098,238.227 L 424.93098,238.484 L 425.20098,240.761 L 423.46198,242.54 L 421.70798,242 L 420.69498,240.269 L 422.61898,238.074 L 423.02098,238.227\" id=\"13193\" inkscape:label=\"Macon, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 419.48198,240.084 L 420.69498,240.269 L 421.70798,242 L 419.12598,243.144 L 419.03098,242.298 L 419.16598,241.689 L 419.35198,241.405 L 419.14398,239.913 L 419.48198,240.084 z M 419.48198,240.084 L 419.48198,240.084\" id=\"13249\" inkscape:label=\"Schley, GA\" sodipodi:nodetypes=\"ccccccccccc\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 416.31898,238.682 L 418.35098,238.083 L 419.14398,239.913 L 419.35198,241.405 L 419.16598,241.689 L 419.03098,242.298 L 419.12598,243.144 L 419.16198,243.558 L 418.59398,243.622 L 418.09798,243.465 L 417.86398,243.182 L 416.96298,242.536 L 416.65598,242.572 L 416.55298,242.591 L 416.31898,238.682\" id=\"13197\" inkscape:label=\"Marion, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 416.31898,238.682 L 416.55298,242.591 L 413.68698,242.956 L 413.71298,242.919 L 413.80298,242.513 L 413.69498,242.298 L 413.42898,242.076 L 412.71298,241.883 L 412.64498,241.807 L 412.62198,241.698 L 412.74298,241.238 L 413.85798,240.647 L 415.04298,240.309 L 415.72798,238.962 L 416.31898,238.682\" id=\"13053\" inkscape:label=\"Chattahoochee, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 411.40898,238.308 L 413.29798,238.092 L 413.33398,238.403 L 415.62398,238.123 L 415.72798,238.962 L 415.04298,240.309 L 413.85798,240.647 L 412.74298,241.238 L 412.44298,239.458 L 411.40898,238.308\" id=\"13215\" inkscape:label=\"Muscogee, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 419.75298,235.492 L 420.74298,236.118 L 423.14298,237.903 L 422.61898,238.074 L 420.69498,240.269 L 419.48198,240.084 L 419.14398,239.913 L 418.35098,238.083 L 419.75298,235.492\" id=\"13269\" inkscape:label=\"Taylor, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 417.17898,234.057 L 417.27498,234.02 L 417.50798,234.076 L 418.23798,234.545 L 418.40998,234.765 L 418.54398,235.027 L 418.57098,235.122 L 418.66998,235.199 L 419.20698,235.401 L 419.75298,235.492 L 418.35098,238.083 L 416.31898,238.682 L 415.72798,238.962 L 415.62398,238.123 L 415.16398,234.784 L 417.17898,234.057\" id=\"13263\" inkscape:label=\"Talbot, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 413.39298,234.63 L 415.16398,234.784 L 415.62398,238.123 L 413.33398,238.403 L 413.29798,238.092 L 411.40898,238.308 L 410.62998,236.592 L 409.94098,235.058 L 413.39298,234.63\" id=\"13145\" inkscape:label=\"Harris, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 412.03598,230.2 L 412.90198,230.534 L 413.39298,234.63 L 409.94098,235.058 L 409.07498,232.061 L 408.99798,231.791 L 412.03598,230.2\" id=\"13285\" inkscape:label=\"Troup, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 410.10298,222.764 L 411.59498,222.998 L 412.89298,225.545 L 412.54198,226.4 L 410.91798,227.712 L 407.95298,228.019 L 407.75898,227.324 L 407.15498,225.175 L 407.66898,225.13 L 409.30098,224.323 L 410.05798,223.489 L 410.10298,222.764\" id=\"13045\" inkscape:label=\"Carroll, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 410.91398,219.14 L 412.86998,218.95 L 413.05498,220.649 L 413.22798,220.627 L 413.42498,222.452 L 411.59498,222.998 L 410.10298,222.764 L 409.83798,221.587 L 409.76898,220.97 L 410.52398,220.897 L 410.91398,219.14\" id=\"13223\" inkscape:label=\"Paulding, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 412.68998,207.098 L 412.92398,208.805 L 413.32998,209.116 L 413.35698,209.156 L 413.35298,209.197 L 413.12698,209.585 L 412.84798,209.891 L 412.72198,210.486 L 412.97398,212.357 L 410.17598,212.023 L 409.81398,211.474 L 409.84698,211.045 L 410.50798,208.169 L 410.72098,207.34 L 411.07998,207.295 L 412.68998,207.098\" id=\"13213\" inkscape:label=\"Murray, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 410.17598,212.023 L 412.97398,212.357 L 413.02798,212.798 L 413.24898,214.552 L 409.57598,215.25 L 408.61998,212.816 L 408.76398,212.339 L 410.17598,212.023\" id=\"13129\" inkscape:label=\"Gordon, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 413.24898,214.552 L 413.70398,218.869 L 410.91398,219.14 L 409.58498,219.113 L 409.43598,217.603 L 409.65198,217.581 L 409.64798,215.836 L 409.57598,215.25 L 413.24898,214.552\" id=\"13015\" inkscape:label=\"Bartow, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 413.70398,218.869 L 416.24598,218.621 L 416.67498,219.59 L 416.29498,221.159 L 416.17398,221.663 L 416.11098,221.849 L 415.44498,222.686 L 415.07898,223.07 L 413.42498,222.452 L 413.22798,220.627 L 413.05498,220.649 L 412.86998,218.95 L 413.70398,218.869\" id=\"13067\" inkscape:label=\"Cobb, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 411.59498,222.998 L 413.42498,222.452 L 415.07898,223.07 L 414.41098,224.139 L 413.40198,224.778 L 412.99198,225.251 L 412.90598,225.378 L 412.89298,225.545 L 411.59498,222.998\" id=\"13097\" inkscape:label=\"Douglas, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 412.54198,226.4 L 415.11898,226.212 L 415.27298,227.546 L 415.96198,228.203 L 416.44498,228.798 L 416.69298,229.217 L 416.70098,229.69 L 412.90198,230.534 L 412.03598,230.2 L 410.91798,227.712 L 412.54198,226.4\" id=\"13077\" inkscape:label=\"Coweta, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 416.81398,230.169 L 416.82698,232.939 L 417.17898,234.057 L 415.16398,234.784 L 413.39298,234.63 L 412.90198,230.534 L 416.70098,229.69 L 416.81398,230.169\" id=\"13199\" inkscape:label=\"Meriwether, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 416.81398,230.169 L 417.25998,229.78 L 417.87698,229.714 L 418.12098,229.925 L 419.45798,229.772 L 419.54098,232.342 L 416.82698,232.939 L 416.81398,230.169\" id=\"13231\" inkscape:label=\"Pike, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 419.54098,232.342 L 421.20398,232.9 L 421.32498,233.964 L 420.74298,236.118 L 419.75298,235.492 L 419.20698,235.401 L 418.66998,235.199 L 418.57098,235.122 L 418.54398,235.027 L 418.40998,234.765 L 418.23798,234.545 L 417.50798,234.076 L 417.27498,234.02 L 417.17898,234.057 L 416.82698,232.939 L 419.54098,232.342\" id=\"13293\" inkscape:label=\"Upson, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 421.32498,233.964 L 423.81298,233.666 L 426.12098,235.406 L 426.12098,235.41 L 423.14298,237.903 L 420.74298,236.118 L 421.32498,233.964\" id=\"13079\" inkscape:label=\"Crawford, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 423.14298,237.903 L 426.12098,235.41 L 426.18598,237.484 L 426.16998,237.627 L 425.48998,238.682 L 425.29198,238.808 L 425.18398,238.832 L 424.93098,238.484 L 423.02098,238.227 L 422.61863,238.07419 L 423.14298,237.903\" id=\"13225\" inkscape:label=\"Peach, GA\" sodipodi:nodetypes=\"ccccccccccc\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 426.12098,235.41 L 426.12098,235.406 L 427.27798,235.618 L 428.70698,238.196 L 428.78898,238.845 L 427.71698,240.463 L 425.20098,240.761 L 424.93098,238.484 L 425.18398,238.832 L 425.29198,238.808 L 425.48998,238.682 L 426.16998,237.627 L 426.18598,237.484 L 426.12098,235.41\" id=\"13153\" inkscape:label=\"Houston, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 432.61598,238.052 L 430.64198,240.287 L 428.78898,238.845 L 428.70698,238.196 L 431.39398,236.113 L 432.61598,238.052\" id=\"13023\" inkscape:label=\"Bleckley, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 431.39398,236.113 L 434.06698,234.13 L 435.06398,233.891 L 435.93798,234.148 L 437.32998,234.929 L 437.42498,236.068 L 437.73598,236.173 L 437.30398,238.89 L 435.75298,240.584 L 434.69398,241.364 L 432.61598,238.052 L 431.39398,236.113\" id=\"13175\" inkscape:label=\"Laurens, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 429.40298,231.917 L 431.34898,230.686 L 431.51098,230.552 L 431.67298,230.561 L 432.39998,231.245 L 432.97998,232.197 L 433.46398,232.364 L 433.64398,232.476 L 433.93198,232.928 L 434.08498,233.458 L 434.06698,234.13 L 431.39398,236.113 L 428.91998,232.346 L 429.40298,231.917\" id=\"13319\" inkscape:label=\"Wilkinson, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 427.87498,233.183 L 428.91998,232.346 L 431.39398,236.113 L 428.70698,238.196 L 427.27798,235.618 L 427.35598,234.644 L 428.04998,233.747 L 428.16198,233.418 L 427.87498,233.183\" id=\"13289\" inkscape:label=\"Twiggs, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 425.58498,232.075 L 425.80198,232.516 L 426.25198,232.833 L 426.89498,232.752 L 427.26998,232.837 L 427.87498,233.183 L 428.16198,233.418 L 428.04998,233.747 L 427.35598,234.644 L 427.27798,235.618 L 426.12098,235.406 L 423.81298,233.666 L 425.58498,232.075\" id=\"13021\" inkscape:label=\"Bibb, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 429.84398,228.447 L 430.06498,228.425 L 431.78598,228.653 L 431.81998,228.704 L 431.82698,228.78 L 431.81398,228.884 L 431.75498,228.925 L 431.71498,229.033 L 431.67298,229.511 L 431.70598,229.618 L 431.93198,229.957 L 432.19998,229.731 L 432.39498,229.493 L 432.39998,231.245 L 431.67298,230.561 L 431.51098,230.552 L 431.34898,230.686 L 429.40298,231.917 L 428.19498,228.69 L 429.84398,228.447\" id=\"13009\" inkscape:label=\"Baldwin, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 428.19498,228.69 L 429.40298,231.917 L 428.91998,232.346 L 427.87498,233.183 L 427.26998,232.837 L 426.89498,232.752 L 426.25198,232.833 L 425.80198,232.516 L 425.58498,232.075 L 424.16098,229.921 L 426.97798,229.033 L 428.19498,228.69\" id=\"13169\" inkscape:label=\"Jones, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 421.64198,229.316 L 424.01698,229.307 L 424.16098,229.921 L 425.58498,232.075 L 423.81298,233.666 L 421.32498,233.964 L 421.20398,232.9 L 421.94598,232.819 L 422.02798,232.593 L 421.64198,229.316\" id=\"13207\" inkscape:label=\"Monroe, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 421.64198,229.316 L 422.02798,232.593 L 421.94598,232.819 L 421.20398,232.9 L 419.54098,232.342 L 419.45798,229.772 L 420.76198,229.425 L 421.64198,229.316\" id=\"13171\" inkscape:label=\"Lamar, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 417.71098,227.851 L 418.06698,227.807 L 420.83398,228.172 L 420.76198,229.425 L 419.45798,229.772 L 418.12098,229.925 L 417.87698,229.714 L 417.25998,229.78 L 416.81398,230.169 L 416.70098,229.69 L 416.69298,229.217 L 417.71098,227.851\" id=\"13255\" inkscape:label=\"Spalding, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 415.11898,226.212 L 416.64798,225.39 L 417.71098,227.851 L 416.69298,229.217 L 416.44498,228.798 L 415.96198,228.203 L 415.27298,227.546 L 415.11898,226.212\" id=\"13113\" inkscape:label=\"Fayette, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 418.37398,223.926 L 418.59898,224.106 L 418.70298,224.733 L 418.71498,225.161 L 418.57598,226.662 L 418.48598,226.779 L 417.97698,227.01 L 418.06698,227.807 L 417.71098,227.851 L 416.64798,225.39 L 417.64298,224.003 L 418.37398,223.926\" id=\"13063\" inkscape:label=\"Clayton, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 422.48798,225.964 L 423.26798,226.946 L 424.01698,229.307 L 421.64198,229.316 L 420.76198,229.425 L 420.83398,228.172 L 422.48798,225.964\" id=\"13035\" inkscape:label=\"Butts, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 418.37398,223.926 L 419.40498,223.813 L 421.08698,225.161 L 422.48798,225.964 L 420.83398,228.172 L 418.06698,227.807 L 417.97698,227.01 L 418.48598,226.779 L 418.57598,226.662 L 418.71498,225.161 L 418.70298,224.733 L 418.59898,224.106 L 418.37398,223.926\" id=\"13151\" inkscape:label=\"Henry, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 417.92698,219.924 L 420.93298,222.224 L 420.62698,222.606 L 420.01398,223.926 L 419.40498,223.813 L 418.37398,223.926 L 417.64298,224.003 L 417.53498,223.052 L 417.44898,222.272 L 417.43698,222.15 L 417.17498,219.974 L 417.92698,219.924\" id=\"13089\" inkscape:label=\"DeKalb, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 417.75098,216.963 L 419.67098,218.491 L 417.92698,219.924 L 417.17498,219.974 L 417.43698,222.15 L 417.44898,222.272 L 417.53498,223.052 L 417.64298,224.003 L 416.64798,225.39 L 415.11898,226.212 L 412.54198,226.4 L 412.89298,225.545 L 412.90598,225.378 L 412.99198,225.251 L 413.40198,224.778 L 414.41098,224.139 L 415.07898,223.07 L 415.44498,222.686 L 416.11098,221.849 L 416.17398,221.663 L 416.29498,221.159 L 416.67498,219.59 L 416.24598,218.621 L 417.75098,216.963\" id=\"13121\" inkscape:label=\"Fulton, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 417.45798,214.452 L 417.51698,215.043 L 417.75098,216.963 L 416.24598,218.621 L 413.70398,218.869 L 413.24898,214.552 L 417.45798,214.452\" id=\"13057\" inkscape:label=\"Cherokee, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 413.02798,212.798 L 414.00998,212.658 L 415.99298,212.442 L 416.24098,212.225 L 416.26398,212.411 L 416.66498,213.416 L 417.32698,213.34 L 417.45798,214.452 L 413.24898,214.552 L 413.02798,212.798\" id=\"13227\" inkscape:label=\"Pickens, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 417.71098,211.324 L 417.82298,211.509 L 420.31198,213.6 L 420.68598,214.664 L 417.51698,215.043 L 417.45798,214.452 L 417.32698,213.34 L 416.66498,213.416 L 416.26398,212.411 L 416.24098,212.225 L 417.71098,211.324\" id=\"13085\" inkscape:label=\"Dawson, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 417.51698,215.043 L 420.68598,214.664 L 419.84198,216.939 L 419.67098,218.491 L 417.75098,216.963 L 417.51698,215.043\" id=\"13117\" inkscape:label=\"Forsyth, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 422.49198,217.13 L 423.02098,219.643 L 421.32098,221.74 L 420.93298,222.224 L 417.92698,219.924 L 419.67098,218.491 L 419.84198,216.939 L 422.49198,217.13\" id=\"13135\" inkscape:label=\"Gwinnett, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 422.10098,222.186 L 421.08698,225.161 L 419.40498,223.813 L 420.01398,223.926 L 420.62698,222.606 L 420.93298,222.224 L 421.32098,221.74 L 422.10098,222.186\" id=\"13247\" inkscape:label=\"Rockdale, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 426.65698,225.643 L 426.97798,229.033 L 424.16098,229.921 L 424.01698,229.307 L 423.26798,226.946 L 424.92698,224.67 L 426.65698,225.643\" id=\"13159\" inkscape:label=\"Jasper, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 422.10098,222.186 L 424.82298,223.76 L 424.92698,224.67 L 423.26798,226.946 L 422.48798,225.964 L 421.08698,225.161 L 422.10098,222.186\" id=\"13217\" inkscape:label=\"Newton, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 423.02098,219.643 L 424.66498,219.739 L 426.30598,220.681 L 424.82298,223.76 L 422.10098,222.186 L 421.32098,221.74 L 423.02098,219.643\" id=\"13297\" inkscape:label=\"Walton, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 422.49198,217.13 L 422.90798,217.652 L 423.08798,217.765 L 424.08398,217.964 L 424.33998,217.932 L 425.21398,217.936 L 425.33698,218.009 L 425.71998,218.82 L 424.66498,219.739 L 423.02098,219.643 L 422.49198,217.13\" id=\"13013\" inkscape:label=\"Barrow, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 426.74198,215.655 L 427.45898,217.611 L 425.71998,218.82 L 425.33698,218.009 L 425.21398,217.936 L 424.33998,217.932 L 424.08398,217.964 L 423.08798,217.765 L 422.90798,217.652 L 422.49198,217.13 L 424.29098,214.7 L 424.61998,214.966 L 424.83698,215.106 L 424.96298,215.151 L 425.42198,215.061 L 425.81398,214.934 L 426.47298,215.426 L 426.74198,215.655\" id=\"13157\" inkscape:label=\"Jackson, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 427.45898,217.611 L 428.60498,218 L 428.51898,218.004 L 428.45998,218.603 L 428.46898,218.64 L 428.51898,218.752 L 428.95598,219.193 L 428.68598,219.965 L 425.71998,218.82 L 427.45898,217.611\" id=\"13059\" inkscape:label=\"Clarke, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 424.66498,219.739 L 425.71998,218.82 L 428.68598,219.965 L 428.77998,221.082 L 427.56298,222.073 L 426.30598,220.681 L 424.66498,219.739\" id=\"13219\" inkscape:label=\"Oconee, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 427.56298,222.073 L 429.26798,224.656 L 426.65698,225.643 L 424.92698,224.67 L 424.82298,223.76 L 426.30598,220.681 L 427.56298,222.073\" id=\"13211\" inkscape:label=\"Morgan, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 426.65698,225.643 L 429.26798,224.656 L 430.71798,226.135 L 430.87198,226.221 L 430.95098,226.292 L 430.97098,226.333 L 430.88098,226.757 L 430.45198,227.099 L 430.15898,227.252 L 429.93798,227.496 L 429.82098,228.266 L 429.82498,228.397 L 429.84398,228.447 L 428.19498,228.69 L 426.97798,229.033 L 426.65698,225.643\" id=\"13237\" inkscape:label=\"Putnam, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 433.87698,224.548 L 434.21998,224.724 L 434.78798,226.157 L 435.23898,226.838 L 435.34598,227.022 L 435.03098,227.068 L 434.29798,227.712 L 434.18898,227.929 L 434.10298,228.298 L 434.02998,228.511 L 433.91898,228.658 L 432.86298,229.425 L 432.39498,229.493 L 432.19998,229.731 L 431.93198,229.957 L 431.70598,229.618 L 431.67298,229.511 L 431.71498,229.033 L 431.75498,228.925 L 431.81398,228.884 L 431.82698,228.78 L 431.81998,228.704 L 431.78598,228.653 L 430.06498,228.425 L 429.84398,228.447 L 429.82498,228.397 L 429.82098,228.266 L 429.93798,227.496 L 430.15898,227.252 L 430.45198,227.099 L 430.88098,226.757 L 430.97098,226.333 L 430.95098,226.292 L 430.87198,226.221 L 430.71798,226.135 L 432.12398,224.454 L 433.87698,224.548\" id=\"13141\" inkscape:label=\"Hancock, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 432.33698,220.97 L 433.11598,222.15 L 433.26898,222.313 L 433.29198,222.313 L 434.59898,222.173 L 435.41898,222.281 L 435.07198,222.817 L 434.07598,223.688 L 433.72498,224.237 L 433.71098,224.291 L 433.87698,224.548 L 432.12398,224.454 L 431.91198,221.547 L 432.33698,220.97\" id=\"13265\" inkscape:label=\"Taliaferro, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 431.91198,221.547 L 432.12398,224.454 L 430.71798,226.135 L 429.26798,224.656 L 427.56298,222.073 L 428.77998,221.082 L 431.91198,221.547\" id=\"13133\" inkscape:label=\"Greene, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 431.49798,217.026 L 433.70098,217.671 L 433.03498,218.171 L 432.81898,218.432 L 432.25098,219.465 L 431.84898,220.352 L 431.84498,220.415 L 432.33698,220.97 L 431.91198,221.547 L 428.77998,221.082 L 428.68598,219.965 L 428.95598,219.193 L 428.51898,218.752 L 428.46898,218.64 L 428.45998,218.603 L 428.51898,218.004 L 428.60498,218 L 429.83398,217.215 L 429.91098,217.206 L 430.06498,217.296 L 430.64198,217.464 L 430.78598,217.481 L 431.49798,217.026\" id=\"13221\" inkscape:label=\"Oglethorpe, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 433.70098,217.671 L 435.08098,217.296 L 437.46998,221.474 L 435.72598,222.123 L 435.41898,222.281 L 434.59898,222.173 L 433.29198,222.313 L 433.26898,222.313 L 433.11598,222.15 L 432.33698,220.97 L 431.84498,220.415 L 431.84898,220.352 L 432.25098,219.465 L 432.81898,218.432 L 433.03498,218.171 L 433.70098,217.671\" id=\"13317\" inkscape:label=\"Wilkes, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 435.72598,222.123 L 436.37498,223.412 L 437.34898,225.224 L 437.82098,225.368 L 439.08798,225.526 L 438.64598,226.076 L 437.87098,225.81 L 437.19098,225.599 L 436.87498,225.716 L 435.23898,226.838 L 434.78798,226.157 L 434.21998,224.724 L 433.87698,224.548 L 433.71098,224.291 L 433.72498,224.237 L 434.07598,223.688 L 435.07198,222.817 L 435.41898,222.281 L 435.72598,222.123\" id=\"13301\" inkscape:label=\"Warren, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 438.02498,221.249 L 437.92998,221.38 L 437.92098,221.551 L 438.09698,222.564 L 438.80498,223.553 L 439.76898,224.715 L 439.96198,224.841 L 439.40798,225.476 L 439.08798,225.526 L 437.82098,225.368 L 437.34898,225.224 L 436.37498,223.412 L 435.72598,222.123 L 437.46998,221.474 L 438.02498,221.249\" id=\"13189\" inkscape:label=\"McDuffie, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 435.23898,226.838 L 436.87498,225.716 L 437.19098,225.599 L 437.87098,225.81 L 438.64598,226.076 L 438.27698,226.455 L 437.20798,227.636 L 437.24398,227.757 L 437.32998,228.303 L 436.46898,228.33 L 435.34598,227.022 L 435.23898,226.838\" id=\"13125\" inkscape:label=\"Glascock, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 439.08798,225.526 L 439.40798,225.476 L 440.40298,225.919 L 440.46298,225.932 L 440.55298,226.004 L 440.84598,226.329 L 440.62498,227.384 L 440.55298,227.951 L 440.53498,228.578 L 440.61598,228.897 L 440.73698,229.263 L 440.96698,230.15 L 440.83298,230.934 L 440.68898,231.52 L 439.56598,232.647 L 438.52498,232.012 L 438.28598,230.6 L 437.80398,229.605 L 437.77198,229.609 L 437.37998,229.407 L 436.94298,229.073 L 436.76698,228.838 L 436.46898,228.33 L 437.32998,228.303 L 437.24398,227.757 L 437.20798,227.636 L 438.27698,226.455 L 438.64598,226.076 L 439.08798,225.526\" id=\"13163\" inkscape:label=\"Jefferson, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 436.46898,228.33 L 436.76698,228.838 L 436.94298,229.073 L 437.37998,229.407 L 437.77198,229.609 L 437.80398,229.605 L 438.28598,230.6 L 438.52498,232.012 L 437.62298,232.463 L 437.03598,232.737 L 435.85698,232.752 L 435.54098,232.598 L 434.08498,233.458 L 433.93198,232.928 L 433.64398,232.476 L 433.46398,232.364 L 432.97998,232.197 L 432.39998,231.245 L 432.39498,229.493 L 432.86298,229.425 L 433.91898,228.658 L 434.02998,228.511 L 434.10298,228.298 L 434.18898,227.929 L 434.29798,227.712 L 435.03098,227.068 L 435.34598,227.022 L 436.46898,228.33\" id=\"13303\" inkscape:label=\"Washington, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 439.56598,232.647 L 437.73598,236.173 L 437.42498,236.068 L 437.32998,234.929 L 435.93798,234.148 L 435.06398,233.891 L 434.06698,234.13 L 434.08498,233.458 L 435.54098,232.598 L 435.85698,232.752 L 437.03598,232.737 L 437.62298,232.463 L 438.52498,232.012 L 439.56598,232.647\" id=\"13167\" inkscape:label=\"Johnson, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 437.73598,236.173 L 439.35898,236.132 L 439.64298,236.213 L 440.59298,236.609 L 440.69698,236.699 L 440.67398,237.334 L 440.58398,237.84 L 438.03698,238.934 L 437.30398,238.89 L 437.73598,236.173\" id=\"13283\" inkscape:label=\"Treutlen, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 440.58398,237.84 L 440.51698,242.851 L 439.86298,243.099 L 439.17698,242.477 L 439.12798,242.395 L 439.01598,242.198 L 438.69298,241.18 L 438.60998,240.494 L 438.22698,239.205 L 438.13698,238.949 L 438.03698,238.934 L 440.58398,237.84\" id=\"13209\" inkscape:label=\"Montgomery, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 440.58398,237.84 L 442.54498,238.015 L 443.28398,240.228 L 443.38798,243.189 L 441.05898,242.834 L 440.51698,242.851 L 440.58398,237.84\" id=\"13279\" inkscape:label=\"Toombs, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 448.13398,240.724 L 448.51698,240.125 L 449.44498,240.548 L 451.36098,241.192 L 452.15398,241.464 L 452.24398,241.616 L 452.59198,242.446 L 452.61298,242.536 L 452.60998,242.572 L 452.72598,242.676 L 453.54198,243.275 L 454.77798,243.875 L 454.84498,243.896 L 454.80598,243.992 L 455.02498,244.19 L 455.31798,244.275 L 455.38598,244.235 L 455.40298,244.173 L 455.43098,244.154 L 455.53898,244.132 L 455.63398,244.168 L 455.70998,244.7 L 455.75498,245.097 L 455.56998,245.817 L 455.46198,246.024 L 455.39898,246.038 L 455.21498,245.907 L 455.19998,245.551 L 455.15498,245.461 L 454.79498,245.164 L 454.59698,245.069 L 454.28098,244.966 L 453.68698,244.942 L 452.89798,245.276 L 452.61798,245.209 L 452.08198,244.834 L 451.72598,244.731 L 451.63598,244.735 L 449.97298,244.137 L 448.43098,242.946 L 448.39998,242.807 L 447.79598,241.581 L 447.52098,241.247 L 448.13398,240.724\" id=\"13179\" inkscape:label=\"Liberty, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 444.85298,238.196 L 445.47898,238.235 L 447.71498,239.422 L 448.51698,240.125 L 448.13398,240.724 L 446.75398,240.9 L 445.71298,240.647 L 444.85298,238.196\" id=\"13109\" inkscape:label=\"Evans, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 442.54498,238.015 L 444.85298,238.196 L 445.71298,240.647 L 446.75398,240.9 L 448.13398,240.724 L 447.52098,241.247 L 446.38898,244.366 L 445.45698,244.01 L 443.38798,243.189 L 443.28398,240.228 L 442.54498,238.015\" id=\"13267\" inkscape:label=\"Tattnall, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 444.30698,234.878 L 444.99198,235.113 L 445.73998,236.285 L 445.56998,237.925 L 445.47898,238.235 L 444.85298,238.196 L 442.54498,238.015 L 442.32798,237.484 L 442.81098,235.947 L 443.07198,235.297 L 443.73498,234.684 L 444.30698,234.878\" id=\"13043\" inkscape:label=\"Candler, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 442.56398,231.553 L 444.48698,233.964 L 444.30698,234.878 L 443.73498,234.684 L 443.07198,235.297 L 442.81098,235.947 L 442.32798,237.484 L 442.54498,238.015 L 440.58398,237.84 L 440.67398,237.334 L 440.69698,236.699 L 440.59298,236.609 L 439.64298,236.213 L 439.35898,236.132 L 437.73598,236.173 L 439.56598,232.647 L 440.68898,231.52 L 442.56398,231.553\" id=\"13107\" inkscape:label=\"Emanuel, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 454.63698,237.438 L 454.69298,237.69 L 454.79498,238.205 L 454.93498,238.764 L 454.98498,238.813 L 455.59398,239.048 L 457.59898,239.426 L 457.97298,239.467 L 458.07598,239.485 L 458.12998,239.642 L 458.12998,239.755 L 458.08998,239.953 L 457.97698,240.219 L 456.16998,243.131 L 456.08898,243.244 L 455.58298,243.824 L 455.50698,243.86 L 455.25998,243.807 L 454.89898,242.712 L 454.39898,241.4 L 453.14998,240.566 L 452.25298,239.767 L 452.02198,239.503 L 454.63698,237.438\" id=\"13051\" inkscape:label=\"Chatham, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 447.71498,239.422 L 451.26198,237.718 L 452.02198,239.503 L 452.25298,239.767 L 453.14998,240.566 L 454.39898,241.4 L 454.89898,242.712 L 455.25998,243.807 L 454.84498,243.896 L 454.77798,243.875 L 453.54198,243.275 L 452.72598,242.676 L 452.60998,242.572 L 452.61298,242.536 L 452.59198,242.446 L 452.24398,241.616 L 452.15398,241.464 L 451.36098,241.192 L 449.44498,240.548 L 448.51698,240.125 L 447.71498,239.422\" id=\"13029\" inkscape:label=\"Bryan, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 446.12298,233.165 L 449.57498,234.73 L 451.26198,237.718 L 447.71498,239.422 L 445.47898,238.235 L 445.56998,237.925 L 445.73998,236.285 L 444.99198,235.113 L 444.30698,234.878 L 444.48698,233.964 L 446.12298,233.165\" id=\"13031\" inkscape:label=\"Bulloch, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 442.56398,231.553 L 442.51798,231.467 L 442.65698,230.61 L 443.04598,230.118 L 445.36998,229.299 L 445.73198,229.352 L 446.19498,229.502 L 446.30798,229.582 L 446.40698,229.718 L 446.12298,233.165 L 444.48698,233.964 L 442.56398,231.553\" id=\"13165\" inkscape:label=\"Jenkins, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 451.05898,233.111 L 452.18598,233.562 L 452.39298,233.639 L 453.35298,234.432 L 454.49698,236.753 L 454.63698,237.438 L 452.02198,239.503 L 451.26198,237.718 L 449.57498,234.73 L 451.05898,233.111\" id=\"13103\" inkscape:label=\"Effingham, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 446.40698,229.718 L 448.54398,227.608 L 450.59398,231.227 L 451.05898,233.111 L 449.57498,234.73 L 446.12298,233.165 L 446.40698,229.718\" id=\"13251\" inkscape:label=\"Screven, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 440.40298,225.919 L 441.37698,225.39 L 441.44898,225.395 L 441.80098,225.599 L 441.87698,225.751 L 442.51298,225.995 L 443.54998,225.986 L 444.43298,225.418 L 444.85798,225.521 L 445.86098,226.279 L 447.65998,227.122 L 448.54398,227.608 L 446.40698,229.718 L 446.30798,229.582 L 446.19498,229.502 L 445.73198,229.352 L 445.36998,229.299 L 443.04598,230.118 L 442.65698,230.61 L 442.51798,231.467 L 442.56398,231.553 L 440.68898,231.52 L 440.83298,230.934 L 440.96698,230.15 L 440.73698,229.263 L 440.61598,228.897 L 440.53498,228.578 L 440.55298,227.951 L 440.62498,227.384 L 440.84598,226.329 L 440.55298,226.004 L 440.46298,225.932 L 440.40298,225.919\" id=\"13033\" inkscape:label=\"Burke, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 442.41898,221.992 L 442.59398,222.155 L 442.68498,222.241 L 443.18998,222.719 L 443.90498,223.553 L 444.15798,224.53 L 444.85798,225.521 L 444.43298,225.418 L 443.54998,225.986 L 442.51298,225.995 L 441.87698,225.751 L 441.80098,225.599 L 441.44898,225.395 L 441.37698,225.39 L 440.40298,225.919 L 439.40798,225.476 L 439.96198,224.841 L 442.41898,221.992\" id=\"13245\" inkscape:label=\"Richmond, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 440.14298,220.474 L 441.37698,221.551 L 442.41898,221.992 L 439.96198,224.841 L 439.76898,224.715 L 438.80498,223.553 L 438.09698,222.564 L 437.92098,221.551 L 437.92998,221.38 L 438.02498,221.249 L 440.14298,220.474\" id=\"13073\" inkscape:label=\"Columbia, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 435.08098,217.296 L 435.99198,217.545 L 437.58698,218.495 L 437.65398,218.513 L 437.80398,218.455 L 437.85298,218.459 L 438.77298,218.923 L 439.05198,219.122 L 439.71498,219.667 L 440.14298,220.474 L 438.02498,221.249 L 437.46998,221.474 L 435.08098,217.296\" id=\"13181\" inkscape:label=\"Lincoln, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 433.27798,213.528 L 433.67498,214.561 L 435.54998,216.873 L 435.99198,217.545 L 435.08098,217.296 L 433.70098,217.671 L 431.49798,217.026 L 430.10998,214.817 L 433.27798,213.528\" id=\"13105\" inkscape:label=\"Elbert, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 429.65398,214.268 L 430.10998,214.817 L 431.49798,217.026 L 430.78598,217.481 L 430.64198,217.464 L 430.06498,217.296 L 429.91098,217.206 L 429.83398,217.215 L 428.60498,218 L 427.45898,217.611 L 426.74198,215.655 L 427.19398,215.25 L 429.65398,214.268\" id=\"13195\" inkscape:label=\"Madison, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 426.33798,212.262 L 427.19398,215.25 L 426.74198,215.655 L 426.47298,215.426 L 425.81398,214.934 L 425.42198,215.061 L 424.96298,215.151 L 424.83698,215.106 L 424.61998,214.966 L 424.29098,214.7 L 424.11998,212.946 L 425.65598,212.09 L 426.33798,212.262\" id=\"13011\" inkscape:label=\"Banks, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 423.45298,212.086 L 424.11998,212.946 L 424.29098,214.7 L 422.49198,217.13 L 419.84198,216.939 L 420.68598,214.664 L 420.31198,213.6 L 421.59598,212.303 L 423.45298,212.086\" id=\"13139\" inkscape:label=\"Hall, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 421.09998,209.53 L 421.59598,212.303 L 420.31198,213.6 L 417.82298,211.509 L 418.07198,210.874 L 418.87798,210.712 L 419.74298,209.9 L 421.09998,209.53\" id=\"13187\" inkscape:label=\"Lumpkin, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 412.92398,208.805 L 414.92598,208.571 L 415.52498,208.639 L 415.98498,208.928 L 416.22898,209.111 L 416.97198,210.107 L 417.59798,211.017 L 417.71098,211.324 L 416.24098,212.225 L 415.99298,212.442 L 414.00998,212.658 L 413.02798,212.798 L 412.97398,212.357 L 412.72198,210.486 L 412.84798,209.891 L 413.12698,209.585 L 413.35298,209.197 L 413.35698,209.156 L 413.32998,209.116 L 412.92398,208.805\" id=\"13123\" inkscape:label=\"Gilmer, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 415.81298,206.714 L 417.81998,206.479 L 417.40098,206.926 L 417.36298,206.998 L 417.37298,207.065 L 417.98998,208.805 L 418.18898,208.935 L 418.38698,208.873 L 418.33798,210.229 L 418.07198,210.874 L 417.82298,211.509 L 417.71098,211.324 L 417.59798,211.017 L 416.97198,210.107 L 416.22898,209.111 L 415.98498,208.928 L 415.52498,208.639 L 414.92598,208.571 L 412.92398,208.805 L 412.68998,207.098 L 415.81298,206.714\" id=\"13111\" inkscape:label=\"Fannin, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 419.11198,206.317 L 419.82998,206.223 L 419.76698,206.461 L 420.10098,206.781 L 420.73998,207.142 L 421.04498,207.119 L 421.35298,207.295 L 421.73598,208.192 L 421.78098,208.516 L 421.09998,209.53 L 419.74298,209.9 L 418.87798,210.712 L 418.07198,210.874 L 418.33798,210.229 L 418.38698,208.873 L 418.18898,208.935 L 417.98998,208.805 L 417.37298,207.065 L 417.36298,206.998 L 417.40098,206.926 L 417.81998,206.479 L 419.11198,206.317\" id=\"13291\" inkscape:label=\"Union, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 421.78098,208.516 L 422.79898,208.286 L 423.35398,208.606 L 423.42598,208.728 L 423.49798,209.053 L 423.90298,211.509 L 423.45298,212.086 L 421.59598,212.303 L 421.09998,209.53 L 421.78098,208.516\" id=\"13311\" inkscape:label=\"White, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 423.06998,207.958 L 426.37698,208.918 L 426.58498,209.265 L 425.65598,212.09 L 424.11998,212.946 L 423.45298,212.086 L 423.90298,211.509 L 423.49798,209.053 L 423.42598,208.728 L 423.35398,208.606 L 422.79898,208.286 L 423.06998,207.958\" id=\"13137\" inkscape:label=\"Habersham, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 429.90698,211.36 L 430.56098,211.451 L 430.67798,211.392 L 430.68698,211.388 L 431.10698,211.284 L 431.48498,211.234 L 431.70598,211.297 L 431.81398,211.379 L 431.80998,211.414 L 432.16098,211.956 L 433.27798,213.528 L 430.10998,214.817 L 429.65398,214.268 L 429.90698,211.36\" id=\"13147\" inkscape:label=\"Hart, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 429.26098,210.91 L 429.90698,211.36 L 429.65398,214.268 L 427.19398,215.25 L 426.33798,212.262 L 426.54898,212.132 L 426.62998,212.104 L 428.61798,211.744 L 429.26098,210.91\" id=\"13119\" inkscape:label=\"Franklin, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 426.58498,209.265 L 429.26098,210.91 L 428.61798,211.744 L 426.62998,212.104 L 426.54898,212.132 L 426.33798,212.262 L 425.65598,212.09 L 426.58498,209.265\" id=\"13257\" inkscape:label=\"Stephens, GA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 173.70622,308.45218 L 175.02322,308.45218 L 175.59022,308.82918 L 175.77622,309.39318 L 175.77622,309.77118 L 175.39922,310.71118 L 175.39922,311.84218 L 174.64622,312.59418 L 174.08322,312.97318 L 172.20022,312.78318 L 171.44622,312.03118 L 170.31622,311.65318 L 169.93922,311.27718 L 169.93922,310.71118 L 170.50522,309.95818 L 172.38922,308.45218 L 173.70622,308.45218 M 164.85422,314.48018 L 164.66622,314.28918 L 164.85422,313.16018 L 165.98422,312.40618 L 166.17322,311.84218 L 166.73822,311.84218 L 166.55022,313.16018 L 165.60822,313.53718 L 165.04322,314.48018 L 164.85422,314.48018\" id=\"15007\" inkscape:label=\"Kauai, HI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 196.12022,318.99718 L 195.36522,319.56518 L 195.36522,319.37618 L 194.23522,319.75218 L 193.29322,319.18718 L 191.41022,319.37618 L 190.65622,319.56518 L 190.28022,318.62118 L 189.71422,318.24518 L 189.52722,317.68118 L 188.96122,317.11518 L 188.96122,316.55018 L 188.39622,316.17518 L 190.28022,315.79618 L 191.22222,314.48018 L 191.78722,314.10218 L 192.35122,314.28918 L 193.29322,315.98418 L 193.48122,315.98418 L 193.66922,316.36218 L 193.48122,316.73818 L 193.66922,317.30218 L 194.42322,317.86918 L 194.61122,317.30218 L 194.98822,317.30218 L 194.98822,317.86918 L 195.36522,318.05818 L 195.55322,318.81118 L 196.12022,318.99718\" id=\"15003\" inkscape:label=\"Honolulu, HI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 204.59322,320.50518 L 204.78322,320.50518 L 205.16022,320.69218 L 205.34722,320.69218 L 205.16022,320.31618 L 206.85322,319.94018 L 207.60722,320.12918 L 207.23022,320.88318 L 206.10022,321.63518 L 205.53522,321.63518 L 203.27722,321.26018 L 200.64022,321.44718 L 200.45022,321.44718 L 201.01722,319.94018 L 201.20522,319.94018 L 203.84222,320.12918 L 204.40722,320.31618 L 204.59322,320.50518 M 209.11322,321.82318 L 209.67822,322.01218 L 210.62022,323.51918 L 212.50322,322.57818 L 213.63322,322.76618 L 213.63322,322.95418 L 215.14022,323.89718 L 216.45822,324.27318 L 216.64622,324.64918 L 216.64622,325.40118 L 215.89322,326.15518 L 214.95122,326.53218 L 213.06822,327.28718 L 211.74922,327.28718 L 211.37222,327.09718 L 210.99622,324.83818 L 210.43222,324.64918 L 210.05522,325.02418 L 208.92522,324.46018 L 208.17222,323.70618 L 207.98322,322.95418 L 208.36022,322.20018 L 208.54822,321.82318 L 209.11322,321.82318 M 204.21822,323.51918 L 205.53522,323.51918 L 206.28922,324.08418 L 206.66522,324.64918 L 206.47622,325.40118 L 204.78322,325.96818 L 204.59322,325.21418 L 204.40722,324.64918 L 203.65422,323.89718 L 203.65422,323.70618 L 204.21822,323.51918 M 209.86722,327.28718 L 210.05522,327.47418 L 210.24322,328.22718 L 208.73622,328.60418 L 208.17222,328.41418 L 208.54822,327.85218 L 209.86722,327.28718\" id=\"15009\" inkscape:label=\"Maui, HI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 222.67522,347.62618 L 222.29922,348.00318 L 221.54522,347.43818 L 219.66222,346.68518 L 219.28322,346.11918 L 219.09522,345.74318 L 219.28322,342.72918 L 217.96522,339.52618 L 217.21122,338.77418 L 216.64622,338.02118 L 216.83522,337.45418 L 217.96522,336.32518 L 219.28322,334.63118 L 219.28322,333.87818 L 218.34222,332.55918 L 218.15322,331.80618 L 218.34222,331.05118 L 218.71822,330.86318 L 219.84922,331.05118 L 220.22522,331.61618 L 221.92122,332.37118 L 223.99422,332.74718 L 226.25422,333.69018 L 227.76122,334.63118 L 228.51422,335.57218 L 228.70222,337.08018 L 229.64322,336.89118 L 230.02022,337.45418 L 230.02022,338.20918 L 230.96222,338.96218 L 232.28022,339.52618 L 231.90322,340.28018 L 229.83222,342.16318 L 228.13722,343.10718 L 226.63022,343.29518 L 224.93522,344.61218 L 223.99422,345.17618 L 222.67522,347.62618\" id=\"15001\" inkscape:label=\"Hawaii, HI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 204.40722,320.31618 L 203.84222,320.12918 L 205.16022,320.31618 L 205.34722,320.69218 L 205.16022,320.69218 L 204.78322,320.50518 L 204.59322,320.50518 L 204.40722,320.31618\" id=\"15005\" inkscape:label=\"Kalawao, HI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 342.30798,124.797 L 343.37998,124.739 L 346.58998,124.648 L 347.89598,125.032 L 347.74698,126.437 L 347.24698,127.109 L 346.67498,127.776 L 344.85398,128.678 L 344.07798,128.876 L 343.74898,128.885 L 343.60998,128.867 L 342.41498,127.056 L 342.30798,124.797\" id=\"19163\" inkscape:label=\"Scott, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 342.12798,121.399 L 349.21198,120.997 L 349.31598,122.346 L 348.57198,124.274 L 347.89598,125.032 L 346.58998,124.648 L 343.37998,124.739 L 342.30798,124.797 L 342.18598,122.535 L 342.12798,121.399\" id=\"19045\" inkscape:label=\"Clinton, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 287.90298,103.673 L 289.26298,103.682 L 292.99898,103.695 L 294.78898,103.7 L 294.78398,106.837 L 288.06398,106.787 L 287.90298,103.673\" id=\"19119\" inkscape:label=\"Lyon, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 288.06398,106.787 L 294.78398,106.837 L 294.81598,111.349 L 288.56498,111.339 L 289.21798,109.085 L 289.36698,108.688 L 289.39398,108.599 L 289.03298,107.301 L 288.94398,107.259 L 288.27198,107.256 L 288.06398,106.787\" id=\"19167\" inkscape:label=\"Sioux, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 294.81598,111.349 L 294.81598,115.864 L 288.95198,115.85 L 288.60998,114.949 L 288.36598,114.557 L 288.05498,114.268 L 287.80798,114.079 L 288.18598,112.349 L 288.56498,111.339 L 294.81598,111.349\" id=\"19149\" inkscape:label=\"Plymouth, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 299.25598,111.325 L 299.28698,115.837 L 295.93898,115.856 L 294.81598,115.864 L 294.81598,111.349 L 299.25598,111.325\" id=\"19035\" inkscape:label=\"Cherokee, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 294.78398,106.837 L 299.22798,106.85 L 299.25598,111.325 L 294.81598,111.349 L 294.78398,106.837\" id=\"19141\" inkscape:label=\"O'Brien, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 298.58898,103.677 L 299.21098,103.677 L 299.22798,106.85 L 294.78398,106.837 L 294.78898,103.7 L 298.58898,103.677\" id=\"19143\" inkscape:label=\"Osceola, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 299.21098,103.677 L 303.62298,103.637 L 303.67198,106.809 L 299.22798,106.85 L 299.21098,103.677\" id=\"19059\" inkscape:label=\"Dickinson, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 299.22798,106.85 L 303.67198,106.809 L 303.72198,111.285 L 299.25598,111.325 L 299.22798,106.85\" id=\"19041\" inkscape:label=\"Clay, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 303.72198,111.285 L 303.76698,115.814 L 299.28698,115.837 L 299.25598,111.325 L 303.72198,111.285\" id=\"19021\" inkscape:label=\"Buena Vista, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 303.72198,111.285 L 308.15698,111.245 L 308.21098,114.656 L 308.23398,115.769 L 303.76698,115.814 L 303.72198,111.285\" id=\"19151\" inkscape:label=\"Pocahontas, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 308.07998,106.751 L 308.15698,111.245 L 303.72198,111.285 L 303.67198,106.809 L 308.07998,106.751\" id=\"19147\" inkscape:label=\"Palo Alto, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 308.03098,103.573 L 308.07998,106.751 L 303.67198,106.809 L 303.62298,103.637 L 304.19098,103.628 L 308.03098,103.573\" id=\"19063\" inkscape:label=\"Emmet, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 312.43898,103.501 L 312.51098,106.665 L 312.59598,111.168 L 308.15698,111.245 L 308.07998,106.751 L 308.03098,103.573 L 309.85698,103.542 L 312.43898,103.501\" id=\"19109\" inkscape:label=\"Kossuth, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 308.15698,111.245 L 312.59598,111.168 L 312.66898,114.575 L 308.21098,114.656 L 308.15698,111.245\" id=\"19091\" inkscape:label=\"Humboldt, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 294.81598,115.864 L 295.93898,115.856 L 295.94298,116.794 L 296.31298,116.977 L 296.62298,116.977 L 296.62298,120.393 L 290.10098,120.345 L 290.21898,119.547 L 289.92998,119.006 L 289.81798,117.522 L 289.88498,117.343 L 289.88098,117.144 L 289.84098,116.995 L 289.74098,116.856 L 289.61498,116.807 L 289.29098,116.784 L 288.95198,115.85 L 294.81598,115.864\" id=\"19193\" inkscape:label=\"Woodbury, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 299.28698,115.837 L 299.29598,116.964 L 299.91298,116.959 L 299.92698,120.386 L 296.62298,120.393 L 296.62298,116.977 L 296.31298,116.977 L 295.94298,116.794 L 295.93898,115.856 L 299.28698,115.837\" id=\"19093\" inkscape:label=\"Ida, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 299.28698,115.837 L 303.76698,115.814 L 303.77598,116.929 L 304.32598,116.929 L 304.35298,120.358 L 302.13998,120.372 L 299.92698,120.386 L 299.91298,116.959 L 299.29598,116.964 L 299.28698,115.837\" id=\"19161\" inkscape:label=\"Sac, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 303.76698,115.814 L 308.23398,115.769 L 308.24798,116.878 L 308.67998,116.874 L 308.73898,120.3 L 306.53898,120.331 L 304.35298,120.358 L 304.32598,116.929 L 303.77598,116.929 L 303.76698,115.814\" id=\"19025\" inkscape:label=\"Calhoun, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 312.66898,114.575 L 312.71398,116.811 L 313.09298,116.807 L 313.16898,120.2 L 310.95198,120.251 L 308.73898,120.3 L 308.67998,116.874 L 308.24798,116.878 L 308.23398,115.769 L 308.21098,114.656 L 312.66898,114.575\" id=\"19187\" inkscape:label=\"Webster, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 308.73898,120.3 L 310.95198,120.251 L 311.04598,124.748 L 309.93198,124.769 L 306.60198,124.829 L 306.53898,120.331 L 308.73898,120.3\" id=\"19073\" inkscape:label=\"Greene, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 304.35298,120.358 L 306.53898,120.331 L 306.60198,124.829 L 305.49298,124.847 L 302.16698,124.874 L 302.13998,120.372 L 304.35298,120.358\" id=\"19027\" inkscape:label=\"Carroll, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 302.13998,120.372 L 302.16698,124.874 L 297.72798,124.901 L 296.62298,124.91 L 296.62298,120.393 L 299.92698,120.386 L 302.13998,120.372\" id=\"19047\" inkscape:label=\"Crawford, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 296.62298,120.393 L 296.62298,124.91 L 292.15698,124.879 L 290.88998,122.526 L 290.10098,120.345 L 296.62298,120.393\" id=\"19133\" inkscape:label=\"Monona, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 297.72798,124.901 L 297.73198,128.295 L 298.30898,128.29 L 298.31398,129.539 L 293.67198,129.539 L 292.32798,127.259 L 292.15698,124.879 L 296.62298,124.91 L 297.72798,124.901\" id=\"19085\" inkscape:label=\"Harrison, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 297.72798,124.901 L 302.16698,124.874 L 302.19798,128.263 L 302.69898,128.259 L 302.71298,129.52 L 301.61298,129.526 L 298.31398,129.539 L 298.30898,128.29 L 297.73198,128.295 L 297.72798,124.901\" id=\"19165\" inkscape:label=\"Shelby, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 302.16698,124.874 L 305.49298,124.847 L 305.53798,127.654 L 305.96298,128.217 L 305.97998,129.49 L 302.71298,129.52 L 302.69898,128.259 L 302.19798,128.263 L 302.16698,124.874\" id=\"19009\" inkscape:label=\"Audubon, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 306.60198,124.829 L 309.93198,124.769 L 309.99598,128.164 L 310.36998,128.164 L 310.39198,129.427 L 305.97998,129.49 L 305.96298,128.217 L 305.53798,127.654 L 305.49298,124.847 L 306.60198,124.829\" id=\"19077\" inkscape:label=\"Guthrie, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 310.39198,129.427 L 310.47398,133.924 L 308.26098,133.956 L 306.04398,133.983 L 305.97998,129.49 L 310.39198,129.427\" id=\"19001\" inkscape:label=\"Adair, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 305.97998,129.49 L 306.04398,133.983 L 303.84798,134.006 L 301.64398,134.018 L 301.61298,129.526 L 302.71298,129.52 L 305.97998,129.49\" id=\"19029\" inkscape:label=\"Cass, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 298.31398,129.539 L 301.61298,129.526 L 301.64398,134.018 L 299.44898,134.036 L 294.91098,134.046 L 294.23498,133.64 L 294.09098,131.017 L 293.67198,129.539 L 298.31398,129.539\" id=\"19155\" inkscape:label=\"Pottawattamie, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 295.20898,137.399 L 299.45298,137.381 L 299.46698,139.13 L 299.57998,140.582 L 299.58898,141.55 L 295.77598,141.51 L 294.90598,138.931 L 295.20898,137.399\" id=\"19071\" inkscape:label=\"Fremont, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 299.44898,134.036 L 299.45298,137.381 L 295.20898,137.399 L 294.77998,135.515 L 294.91098,134.046 L 299.44898,134.036\" id=\"19129\" inkscape:label=\"Mills, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 301.64398,134.018 L 303.84798,134.006 L 303.87498,137.353 L 299.45298,137.381 L 299.44898,134.036 L 301.64398,134.018\" id=\"19137\" inkscape:label=\"Montgomery, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 303.87498,137.353 L 303.90298,139.603 L 304.05098,139.603 L 304.05998,141.582 L 301.25698,141.564 L 299.58898,141.55 L 299.57998,140.582 L 299.46698,139.13 L 299.45298,137.381 L 303.87498,137.353\" id=\"19145\" inkscape:label=\"Page, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 308.31498,137.309 L 308.37798,141.577 L 306.81498,141.596 L 304.05998,141.582 L 304.05098,139.603 L 303.90298,139.603 L 303.87498,137.353 L 308.31498,137.309\" id=\"19173\" inkscape:label=\"Taylor, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 308.26098,133.956 L 308.31498,137.309 L 303.87498,137.353 L 303.84798,134.006 L 306.04398,133.983 L 308.26098,133.956\" id=\"19003\" inkscape:label=\"Adams, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 310.47398,133.924 L 312.66898,133.888 L 312.73598,137.26 L 308.31498,137.309 L 308.26098,133.956 L 310.47398,133.924\" id=\"19175\" inkscape:label=\"Union, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 308.31498,137.309 L 312.73598,137.26 L 312.81298,141.456 L 310.70398,141.522 L 308.37798,141.577 L 308.31498,137.309\" id=\"19159\" inkscape:label=\"Ringgold, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 312.73598,137.26 L 317.17098,137.142 L 317.27498,141.27 L 315.16098,141.357 L 312.81298,141.456 L 312.73598,137.26\" id=\"19053\" inkscape:label=\"Decatur, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 317.07698,133.725 L 317.17098,137.142 L 312.73598,137.26 L 312.66898,133.888 L 314.84098,133.771 L 317.07698,133.725\" id=\"19039\" inkscape:label=\"Clarke, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 314.72398,129.227 L 314.84098,133.771 L 312.66898,133.888 L 310.47398,133.924 L 310.39198,129.427 L 314.72398,129.227\" id=\"19121\" inkscape:label=\"Madison, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 314.37298,124.671 L 314.45398,127.519 L 314.69198,128.083 L 314.72398,129.227 L 310.39198,129.427 L 310.36998,128.164 L 309.99598,128.164 L 309.93198,124.769 L 311.04598,124.748 L 314.37298,124.671\" id=\"19049\" inkscape:label=\"Dallas, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 315.38698,120.159 L 315.49998,124.644 L 314.37298,124.671 L 311.04598,124.748 L 310.95198,120.251 L 313.16898,120.2 L 315.38698,120.159\" id=\"19015\" inkscape:label=\"Boone, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 317.16198,115.599 L 317.62598,120.104 L 315.38698,120.159 L 313.16898,120.2 L 313.09298,116.807 L 312.71398,116.811 L 312.69198,115.698 L 317.16198,115.599\" id=\"19079\" inkscape:label=\"Hamilton, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 312.59598,111.168 L 317.04998,111.051 L 317.16198,115.599 L 312.69198,115.698 L 312.66898,114.575 L 312.59598,111.168\" id=\"19197\" inkscape:label=\"Wright, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 316.94198,106.557 L 317.04998,111.051 L 312.59598,111.168 L 312.51098,106.665 L 316.94198,106.557\" id=\"19081\" inkscape:label=\"Hancock, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 316.86098,103.397 L 316.94198,106.557 L 312.51098,106.665 L 312.43898,103.501 L 315.44498,103.433 L 316.86098,103.397\" id=\"19189\" inkscape:label=\"Winnebago, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 321.27298,103.266 L 321.37598,106.427 L 316.94198,106.557 L 316.86098,103.397 L 321.04298,103.276 L 321.27298,103.266\" id=\"19195\" inkscape:label=\"Worth, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 316.94198,106.557 L 321.37598,106.427 L 321.39398,106.981 L 321.50698,110.929 L 317.04998,111.051 L 316.94198,106.557\" id=\"19033\" inkscape:label=\"Cerro Gordo, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 317.04998,111.051 L 321.50698,110.929 L 321.63298,115.481 L 317.16198,115.599 L 317.04998,111.051\" id=\"19069\" inkscape:label=\"Franklin, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 321.63298,115.481 L 322.01698,119.974 L 319.82598,120.047 L 317.62598,120.104 L 317.16198,115.599 L 321.63298,115.481\" id=\"19083\" inkscape:label=\"Hardin, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 319.82598,120.047 L 319.95598,124.536 L 318.84798,124.562 L 315.49998,124.644 L 315.38698,120.159 L 317.62598,120.104 L 319.82598,120.047\" id=\"19169\" inkscape:label=\"Story, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 318.84798,124.562 L 319.15898,129.17 L 319.16698,129.377 L 314.72398,129.227 L 314.69198,128.083 L 314.45398,127.519 L 314.37298,124.671 L 315.49998,124.644 L 318.84798,124.562\" id=\"19153\" inkscape:label=\"Polk, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 319.16698,129.377 L 319.29298,133.671 L 317.07698,133.725 L 314.84098,133.771 L 314.72398,129.227 L 319.16698,129.377\" id=\"19181\" inkscape:label=\"Warren, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 319.29298,133.671 L 321.50298,133.608 L 321.61898,137.012 L 317.17098,137.142 L 317.07698,133.725 L 319.29298,133.671\" id=\"19117\" inkscape:label=\"Lucas, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 321.61898,137.012 L 321.74998,141.096 L 319.05498,141.221 L 317.27498,141.27 L 317.17098,137.142 L 321.61898,137.012\" id=\"19185\" inkscape:label=\"Wayne, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 326.05998,136.858 L 326.21698,140.86 L 325.47298,140.901 L 321.74998,141.096 L 321.61898,137.012 L 326.05998,136.858\" id=\"19007\" inkscape:label=\"Appanoose, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 325.92798,133.456 L 326.05998,136.858 L 321.61898,137.012 L 321.50298,133.608 L 323.71598,133.536 L 325.92798,133.456\" id=\"19135\" inkscape:label=\"Monroe, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 323.55298,129.025 L 323.71598,133.536 L 321.50298,133.608 L 319.29298,133.671 L 319.16698,129.377 L 319.15898,129.17 L 323.55298,129.025\" id=\"19125\" inkscape:label=\"Marion, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 319.95598,124.536 L 324.40398,124.401 L 324.65298,128.984 L 323.55298,129.025 L 319.15898,129.17 L 318.84798,124.562 L 319.95598,124.536\" id=\"19099\" inkscape:label=\"Jasper, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 322.01698,119.974 L 324.23798,119.893 L 324.40398,124.401 L 319.95598,124.536 L 319.82598,120.047 L 322.01698,119.974\" id=\"19127\" inkscape:label=\"Marshall, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 326.11298,115.342 L 326.41998,118.684 L 324.2013,118.77152 L 324.23798,119.893 L 322.01698,119.974 L 321.63298,115.481 L 326.11298,115.342\" id=\"19075\" inkscape:label=\"Grundy, IA\" sodipodi:nodetypes=\"ccccccc\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 321.50698,110.929 L 325.93798,110.79 L 326.05998,114.22 L 326.11298,115.342 L 321.63298,115.481 L 321.50698,110.929\" id=\"19023\" inkscape:label=\"Butler, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 321.39398,106.981 L 325.79298,106.832 L 325.93798,110.79 L 321.50698,110.929 L 321.39398,106.981\" id=\"19067\" inkscape:label=\"Floyd, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 325.67198,103.109 L 325.79298,106.832 L 321.39398,106.981 L 321.27298,103.266 L 325.67198,103.109\" id=\"19131\" inkscape:label=\"Mitchcell, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 326.64598,103.073 L 330.08398,102.933 L 330.23298,106.656 L 325.79298,106.832 L 325.67198,103.109 L 326.64598,103.073\" id=\"19089\" inkscape:label=\"Howard, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 330.23298,106.656 L 330.29498,108.343 L 330.38598,110.618 L 325.93798,110.79 L 325.79298,106.832 L 330.23298,106.656\" id=\"19037\" inkscape:label=\"Chickasaw, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 325.93798,110.79 L 330.38598,110.618 L 330.52698,114.048 L 326.05998,114.22 L 325.93798,110.79\" id=\"19017\" inkscape:label=\"Bremer, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 330.52698,114.048 L 330.62398,116.307 L 330.80098,116.595 L 330.87298,118.511 L 328.65098,118.597 L 326.41998,118.684 L 326.11298,115.342 L 326.05998,114.22 L 330.52698,114.048\" id=\"19013\" inkscape:label=\"Black Hawk, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 328.65098,118.597 L 328.87598,124.233 L 324.40398,124.401 L 324.19756,118.77066 L 328.65098,118.597\" id=\"19171\" inkscape:label=\"Tama, IA\" sodipodi:nodetypes=\"ccccc\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 324.40398,124.401 L 328.87598,124.233 L 329.06198,128.813 L 327.96098,128.858 L 324.65298,128.984 L 324.40398,124.401\" id=\"19157\" inkscape:label=\"Poweshiek, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 324.65298,128.984 L 327.96098,128.858 L 328.15098,133.366 L 325.92798,133.456 L 323.71598,133.536 L 323.55298,129.025 L 324.65298,128.984\" id=\"19123\" inkscape:label=\"Mahaska, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 328.15098,133.366 L 330.37298,133.27 L 330.51698,136.682 L 326.05998,136.858 L 325.92798,133.456 L 328.15098,133.366\" id=\"19179\" inkscape:label=\"Wapello, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 330.51698,136.682 L 330.66498,140.563 L 329.00698,140.671 L 326.21698,140.86 L 326.05998,136.858 L 330.51698,136.682\" id=\"19051\" inkscape:label=\"Davis, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 330.51698,136.682 L 334.97898,136.475 L 335.02498,137.611 L 335.17198,140.395 L 332.96398,140.401 L 330.66498,140.563 L 330.51698,136.682\" id=\"19177\" inkscape:label=\"Van Buren, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 334.84798,133.077 L 334.97898,136.475 L 330.51698,136.682 L 330.37298,133.27 L 332.62998,133.162 L 334.84798,133.077\" id=\"19101\" inkscape:label=\"Jefferson, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 333.08998,118.393 L 333.33398,124.062 L 328.87598,124.233 L 328.65098,118.597 L 330.87298,118.511 L 333.08998,118.393\" id=\"19011\" inkscape:label=\"Benton, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 328.87598,124.233 L 333.33398,124.062 L 333.55398,128.6 L 332.43698,128.66 L 329.06198,128.813 L 328.87598,124.233\" id=\"19095\" inkscape:label=\"Iowa, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 329.06198,128.813 L 332.43698,128.66 L 332.62998,133.162 L 330.37298,133.27 L 328.15098,133.366 L 327.96098,128.858 L 329.06198,128.813\" id=\"19107\" inkscape:label=\"Keokuk, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 333.55398,128.6 L 336.51998,128.471 L 336.67798,128.696 L 336.92598,129.584 L 337.06598,132.977 L 334.84798,133.077 L 332.62998,133.162 L 332.43698,128.66 L 333.55398,128.6\" id=\"19183\" inkscape:label=\"Washington, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 337.06598,132.977 L 338.23298,134.068 L 338.02598,137.48 L 335.02498,137.611 L 334.97898,136.475 L 334.84798,133.077 L 337.06598,132.977\" id=\"19087\" inkscape:label=\"Henry, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 335.02498,137.611 L 338.02598,137.48 L 340.98298,138.846 L 340.30598,139.64 L 339.99098,139.648 L 339.73398,139.667 L 339.65698,139.671 L 339.65298,139.671 L 339.14298,139.85 L 339.12898,139.859 L 339.07098,139.892 L 338.82698,140.031 L 338.74098,140.085 L 338.71098,140.118 L 338.67498,140.153 L 338.63898,140.194 L 338.22898,140.824 L 338.21398,140.92 L 338.24598,141.028 L 338.44498,141.122 L 338.60698,141.357 L 338.66098,141.514 L 338.66898,141.644 L 338.64298,142.804 L 338.63898,142.812 L 338.61598,142.925 L 338.51298,143.011 L 338.49898,143.019 L 338.20098,143.124 L 337.56198,143.078 L 337.15498,142.749 L 336.17298,141.541 L 336.13698,141.451 L 336.16898,141.189 L 336.14598,141.104 L 335.37498,140.522 L 335.17198,140.395 L 335.02498,137.611\" id=\"19111\" inkscape:label=\"Lee, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 342.30298,133.879 L 342.31198,133.911 L 342.34798,134.023 L 342.39698,134.371 L 342.35798,135.421 L 342.27598,135.804 L 342.22198,135.885 L 341.94298,136.043 L 341.83898,136.145 L 341.08598,137.219 L 341.04998,137.386 L 340.98298,138.846 L 338.02598,137.48 L 338.23298,134.068 L 342.30298,133.879\" id=\"19057\" inkscape:label=\"Des Moines, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 336.92598,129.584 L 338.03498,129.539 L 338.08398,130.67 L 340.86898,130.562 L 340.86898,130.566 L 340.59398,131.667 L 340.60398,131.774 L 340.60798,131.783 L 341.26098,132.568 L 341.56898,132.721 L 341.69798,132.703 L 341.77598,132.739 L 341.85798,132.824 L 342.31198,133.568 L 342.30298,133.879 L 338.23298,134.068 L 337.06598,132.977 L 336.92598,129.584\" id=\"19115\" inkscape:label=\"Louisa, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 342.41498,127.056 L 343.60998,128.867 L 343.01998,128.872 L 341.66798,129.241 L 341.30598,129.372 L 341.20298,129.439 L 341.19398,129.444 L 341.19398,129.448 L 341.12598,129.544 L 341.11698,129.569 L 340.98298,130.12 L 340.86898,130.562 L 338.08398,130.67 L 338.03498,129.539 L 337.94498,127.267 L 342.41498,127.056\" id=\"19139\" inkscape:label=\"Muscatine, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 337.78198,123.878 L 337.94498,127.267 L 338.03498,129.539 L 336.92598,129.584 L 336.67798,128.696 L 336.51998,128.471 L 333.55398,128.6 L 333.33398,124.062 L 337.78198,123.878\" id=\"19103\" inkscape:label=\"Johnson, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 337.53398,118.222 L 337.72898,122.747 L 337.78198,123.878 L 333.33398,124.062 L 333.08998,118.393 L 335.31698,118.329 L 337.53398,118.222\" id=\"19113\" inkscape:label=\"Linn, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 342.18598,122.535 L 342.30798,124.797 L 342.41498,127.056 L 337.94498,127.267 L 337.72898,122.747 L 342.18598,122.535\" id=\"19031\" inkscape:label=\"Cedar, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 339.74698,118.118 L 341.94598,118.009 L 342.12798,121.399 L 342.18598,122.535 L 337.72898,122.747 L 337.53398,118.222 L 339.74698,118.118\" id=\"19105\" inkscape:label=\"Jones, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 335.00998,113.831 L 335.03698,114.814 L 335.09998,116.094 L 335.26298,117.333 L 335.31698,118.329 L 333.08998,118.393 L 330.87298,118.511 L 330.80098,116.595 L 330.62398,116.307 L 330.52698,114.048 L 335.00998,113.831\" id=\"19019\" inkscape:label=\"Buchanan, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 330.29498,108.343 L 334.76798,108.161 L 335.00998,113.831 L 330.52698,114.048 L 330.38598,110.618 L 330.29498,108.343\" id=\"19065\" inkscape:label=\"Fayette, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 334.46098,102.744 L 334.55498,104.795 L 334.62298,104.79 L 334.76798,108.161 L 330.29498,108.343 L 330.23298,106.656 L 330.08398,102.933 L 333.34798,102.794 L 334.46098,102.744\" id=\"19191\" inkscape:label=\"Winneshiek, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 338.12898,102.568 L 338.29098,103.564 L 338.28198,104.227 L 339.28298,104.931 L 339.49998,105.206 L 339.78298,105.661 L 339.74698,105.822 L 339.02698,107.035 L 338.78198,107.986 L 334.76798,108.161 L 334.62298,104.79 L 334.55498,104.795 L 334.46098,102.744 L 338.12898,102.568\" id=\"19005\" inkscape:label=\"Allamakee, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 338.78198,107.986 L 338.98198,109.212 L 339.19298,110.198 L 340.05398,112.11 L 340.17098,112.353 L 340.93198,112.858 L 341.19398,112.979 L 341.68998,113.097 L 339.48598,113.589 L 335.00998,113.831 L 334.76798,108.161 L 338.78198,107.986\" id=\"19043\" inkscape:label=\"Clayton, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 335.00998,113.831 L 339.48598,113.589 L 339.74698,118.118 L 337.53398,118.222 L 335.31698,118.329 L 335.26298,117.333 L 335.09998,116.094 L 335.03698,114.814 L 335.00998,113.831\" id=\"19055\" inkscape:label=\"Delaware, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 339.48598,113.589 L 341.68998,113.097 L 342.91098,113.331 L 343.38398,113.444 L 343.49198,113.497 L 343.55998,113.565 L 344.15998,114.656 L 344.26298,114.981 L 344.26898,115.054 L 344.23298,115.116 L 344.10098,115.342 L 344.09698,115.372 L 344.10598,115.444 L 344.12798,115.509 L 344.20498,115.589 L 344.42498,115.747 L 345.06198,116.076 L 345.87198,116.64 L 345.87598,116.644 L 345.89998,116.667 L 344.09698,116.761 L 344.15598,117.896 L 341.94598,118.009 L 339.74698,118.118 L 339.48598,113.589\" id=\"19061\" inkscape:label=\"Dubuque, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 345.89998,116.667 L 346.46698,117.324 L 346.49398,117.366 L 346.49898,117.415 L 346.44498,117.78 L 346.39098,117.901 L 346.39098,117.983 L 346.52298,118.28 L 346.52998,118.294 L 346.80098,118.632 L 346.80998,118.64 L 346.97298,118.771 L 347.14798,118.884 L 347.54498,119.011 L 349.21198,120.997 L 342.12798,121.399 L 341.94598,118.009 L 344.15598,117.896 L 344.09698,116.761 L 345.89998,116.667\" id=\"19097\" inkscape:label=\"Jackson, IA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 153.13498,76.13 L 153.56798,76.558 L 154.30798,78.009 L 154.70898,79.167 L 154.81298,79.474 L 155.54698,80.155 L 154.55498,86.419 L 151.21498,86.672 L 151.17898,86.713 L 151.14398,86.722 L 149.66998,86.938 L 148.41698,86.73 L 147.21398,85.951 L 145.93798,85.734 L 146.02798,85.18 L 144.39198,84.891 L 144.58098,83.792 L 145.69498,83.986 L 146.98398,83.071 L 147.58298,82.598 L 147.77298,81.773 L 147.91198,80.957 L 148.58798,80.312 L 149.42198,80.105 L 150.22398,80.236 L 150.54898,78.307 L 152.10798,76.517 L 153.13498,76.13\" id=\"16043\" inkscape:label=\"Fremont, ID\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 150.54898,78.307 L 150.22398,80.236 L 149.42198,80.105 L 148.58798,80.312 L 147.91198,80.957 L 147.77298,81.773 L 147.58298,82.598 L 146.98398,83.071 L 145.69498,83.986 L 144.58098,83.792 L 139.66898,82.927 L 139.46998,84.026 L 136.74298,83.53 L 137.33398,80.2 L 137.87498,80.349 L 138.97398,80.542 L 139.30798,78.681 L 139.25398,78.419 L 139.36198,77.937 L 139.49298,77.734 L 139.84898,77.356 L 140.45698,77.212 L 143.67998,78.014 L 145.04998,77.5 L 147.55998,77.757 L 149.37698,78.275 L 150.54898,78.307\" id=\"16033\" inkscape:label=\"Clark, ID\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 109.57898,33.421 L 110.77398,33.686 L 113.14398,34.06 L 113.26598,33.795 L 113.60898,33.682 L 115.82098,34.178 L 114.75398,39.081 L 113.63998,38.843 L 110.97198,38.054 L 108.90298,36.409 L 109.27798,34.759 L 109.57898,33.421\" id=\"16009\" inkscape:label=\"Benewah, ID\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 111.27798,25.781 L 113.61298,26.241 L 114.80298,26.38 L 115.90298,26.624 L 115.61398,27.886 L 117.17398,28.224 L 115.82098,34.178 L 113.60898,33.682 L 113.26598,33.795 L 113.14398,34.06 L 110.77398,33.686 L 109.57898,33.421 L 111.27798,25.781\" id=\"16055\" inkscape:label=\"Kootenai, ID\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 113.78898,14.969 L 115.87598,15.424 L 115.41198,17.583 L 114.91998,19.742 L 121.14898,21.085 L 120.37798,24.668 L 119.75198,27.647 L 119.67098,27.48 L 119.22498,26.836 L 118.43998,26.214 L 118.34098,26.151 L 117.97998,26.182 L 117.46598,26.619 L 117.42598,26.8 L 117.17398,28.224 L 115.61398,27.886 L 115.90298,26.624 L 114.80298,26.38 L 113.61298,26.241 L 111.27798,25.781 L 111.47198,24.93 L 113.78898,14.969\" id=\"16017\" inkscape:label=\"Bonner, ID\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 114.22598,13.071 L 122.47898,14.861 L 121.14898,21.085 L 114.91998,19.742 L 115.41198,17.583 L 115.87598,15.424 L 113.78898,14.969 L 114.22598,13.071\" id=\"16021\" inkscape:label=\"Boundary, ID\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 108.90298,36.409 L 110.97198,38.054 L 113.63998,38.843 L 114.75398,39.081 L 114.51498,40.185 L 113.78898,43.53 L 113.31098,43.94 L 112.58098,43.778 L 111.23698,43.458 L 111.14298,43.458 L 110.75598,43.602 L 110.35398,43.85 L 110.24598,43.99 L 110.25098,44.035 L 110.06198,44.36 L 107.25398,43.746 L 108.90298,36.409\" id=\"16057\" inkscape:label=\"Latah, ID\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 107.25398,43.746 L 110.06198,44.36 L 110.25098,44.035 L 110.24598,43.99 L 110.35398,43.85 L 110.75598,43.602 L 111.14298,43.458 L 111.23698,43.458 L 112.58098,43.778 L 112.38198,44.693 L 112.24298,45.495 L 112.77898,45.509 L 112.98198,45.567 L 112.89198,45.977 L 112.84198,45.941 L 112.75698,45.919 L 112.53598,45.883 L 112.48598,45.891 L 112.49998,46.067 L 112.52698,46.225 L 112.74298,46.933 L 112.68398,47.32 L 112.63998,47.429 L 112.55398,47.537 L 111.44998,47.528 L 109.49298,47.095 L 109.43998,47.366 L 109.44398,47.455 L 108.67798,51.255 L 108.51498,51.318 L 108.23598,51.535 L 108.16398,51.611 L 108.05098,51.819 L 108.04198,51.972 L 108.06998,52.157 L 108.12298,52.233 L 108.16898,52.355 L 108.14098,52.486 L 107.96498,52.706 L 107.89798,52.761 L 107.53298,52.855 L 107.43398,52.824 L 106.79898,50.845 L 106.74398,49.953 L 107.17298,48.771 L 107.11798,47.663 L 107.03198,46.951 L 107.01898,46.906 L 106.73598,45.765 L 106.92498,45.202 L 107.25398,43.746\" id=\"16069\" inkscape:label=\"Nez Perce, ID\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 114.36998,47.555 L 114.91598,49.186 L 113.31598,50.101 L 111.65298,49.191 L 111.44098,49.227 L 111.40898,49.258 L 109.61498,50.949 L 108.67798,51.255 L 109.44398,47.455 L 109.43998,47.366 L 109.49298,47.095 L 111.44998,47.528 L 112.55398,47.537 L 112.63998,47.429 L 112.68398,47.32 L 112.74298,46.933 L 112.52698,46.225 L 112.49998,46.067 L 112.48598,45.891 L 112.53598,45.883 L 112.75698,45.919 L 112.84198,45.941 L 112.89198,45.977 L 113.22498,46.41 L 114.25298,46.982 L 114.34298,47.149 L 114.36598,47.32 L 114.36998,47.555\" id=\"16061\" inkscape:label=\"Lewis, ID\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 106.74398,60.441 L 109.84498,61.117 L 109.88998,61.351 L 109.97998,62.14 L 109.96698,62.73 L 109.83998,63.028 L 109.77798,63.068 L 109.74598,63.194 L 111.17098,63.519 L 111.54498,64.186 L 111.03998,65.407 L 110.84498,65.638 L 110.76398,65.638 L 110.63398,65.56 L 110.20098,66.219 L 110.07498,66.498 L 109.71498,67.499 L 109.40298,70.009 L 109.40298,71.181 L 107.96998,71.596 L 107.14098,71.415 L 106.83498,71.253 L 106.05398,70.559 L 105.71198,68.846 L 105.66198,68.193 L 106.14498,65.975 L 103.76498,65.425 L 104.03598,65.137 L 104.24698,64.911 L 104.54898,64.389 L 104.55798,64.38 L 104.54498,64.276 L 104.49098,64.15 L 104.45898,64.024 L 104.44998,63.763 L 104.67498,63.294 L 104.95998,63.032 L 105.39698,62.636 L 106.74398,60.441\" id=\"16003\" inkscape:label=\"Adams, ID\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 103.76498,65.425 L 106.14498,65.975 L 105.66198,68.193 L 105.71198,68.846 L 106.05398,70.559 L 106.83498,71.253 L 107.14098,71.415 L 107.96998,71.596 L 107.43398,72.511 L 107.23098,73.029 L 107.05998,73.872 L 106.75398,74.886 L 106.63598,75.183 L 105.79298,74.994 L 101.77798,74.093 L 101.79098,74.07 L 101.80398,74.043 L 101.82198,74.007 L 101.82698,74.002 L 101.82698,73.989 L 101.83998,73.858 L 101.80898,73.759 L 101.79998,73.741 L 101.32198,72.795 L 101.22798,72.736 L 100.87098,72.61 L 100.82198,72.61 L 100.73598,72.65 L 99.61398,72.195 L 99.47898,71.966 L 99.46098,71.781 L 99.47398,71.672 L 99.49698,71.604 L 99.80798,69.482 L 99.92098,69.256 L 101.91698,66.512 L 102.12898,66.322 L 102.19198,66.295 L 102.41298,66.246 L 103.27398,65.953 L 103.76498,65.425\" id=\"16087\" inkscape:label=\"Washington, ID\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 101.77798,74.093 L 105.79298,74.994 L 105.54898,76.08 L 104.23398,76.918 L 102.96298,76.626 L 102.47598,78.829 L 100.26298,77.365 L 100.53298,76.914 L 100.97098,76.085 L 101.32198,74.652 L 101.77798,74.093\" id=\"16075\" inkscape:label=\"Payette, ID\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 116.75498,74.836 L 117.23698,75.377 L 118.71498,77.626 L 118.75598,77.838 L 118.79698,79.966 L 118.75998,80.073 L 118.49898,80.335 L 117.78198,80.312 L 115.87098,79.898 L 113.76198,80.132 L 113.57198,80.226 L 112.55398,81.178 L 112.11198,81.709 L 111.70598,82.268 L 111.44498,82.512 L 111.21998,82.616 L 109.94398,83.098 L 109.21498,83.125 L 108.69598,83.061 L 108.58798,83.012 L 108.52898,83.071 L 107.51898,81.462 L 106.38798,79.681 L 106.45598,79.699 L 106.47398,79.636 L 107.41098,75.35 L 107.96098,75.467 L 108.84398,75.399 L 109.18298,74.602 L 114.59498,75.765 L 115.03198,75.751 L 115.53298,75.584 L 116.75498,74.836\" id=\"16015\" inkscape:label=\"Boise, ID\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 109.40298,71.181 L 109.44798,71.19 L 108.97098,73.394 L 108.43398,73.282 L 107.96098,75.467 L 107.41098,75.35 L 106.47398,79.636 L 106.45598,79.699 L 106.38798,79.681 L 104.29198,79.222 L 102.47598,78.829 L 102.96298,76.626 L 104.23398,76.918 L 105.54898,76.08 L 105.79298,74.994 L 106.63598,75.183 L 106.75398,74.886 L 107.05998,73.872 L 107.23098,73.029 L 107.43398,72.511 L 107.96998,71.596 L 109.40298,71.181\" id=\"16045\" inkscape:label=\"Gem, ID\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 100.26298,77.365 L 102.47598,78.829 L 104.29198,79.222 L 103.80998,81.412 L 103.94098,81.957 L 103.84598,82.967 L 103.68398,83.702 L 103.29198,84.36 L 102.86798,85.762 L 102.27798,85.383 L 100.94798,82.908 L 100.92998,82.841 L 101.01098,82.349 L 101.02498,82.119 L 100.95698,81.719 L 100.89898,81.525 L 100.67398,81.245 L 99.57298,79.974 L 99.26698,79.781 L 100.26298,77.365\" id=\"16027\" inkscape:label=\"Canyon, ID\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 104.29198,79.222 L 106.38798,79.681 L 107.51898,81.462 L 108.52898,83.071 L 108.58798,83.012 L 107.98398,85.883 L 107.77198,86.879 L 107.26698,89.057 L 104.62598,88.502 L 104.48198,88.371 L 104.26498,88.114 L 103.97198,87.65 L 103.75598,87.258 L 103.75198,87.222 L 103.82398,86.965 L 103.94098,86.789 L 103.95898,86.667 L 103.78298,86.041 L 103.66998,85.892 L 103.60298,85.842 L 102.86798,85.762 L 103.29198,84.36 L 103.68398,83.702 L 103.84598,82.967 L 103.94098,81.957 L 103.80998,81.412 L 104.29198,79.222\" id=\"16001\" inkscape:label=\"Ada, ID\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 118.49898,80.335 L 118.64798,80.52 L 118.27798,81.493 L 118.15598,81.57 L 117.86798,81.984 L 117.74198,82.219 L 116.76798,84.544 L 116.13198,87.506 L 115.69098,89.687 L 115.40298,93.414 L 115.02798,95.24 L 111.17498,94.455 L 111.39598,93.396 L 111.54498,93.077 L 111.72398,92.409 L 108.50698,91.499 L 106.61798,91.102 L 106.50498,91.053 L 105.91098,90.431 L 105.05398,89.439 L 104.65298,88.628 L 104.62598,88.502 L 107.26698,89.057 L 107.77198,86.879 L 107.98398,85.883 L 108.58798,83.012 L 108.69598,83.061 L 109.21498,83.125 L 109.94398,83.098 L 111.21998,82.616 L 111.44498,82.512 L 111.70598,82.268 L 112.11198,81.709 L 112.55398,81.178 L 113.57198,80.226 L 113.76198,80.132 L 115.87098,79.898 L 117.78198,80.312 L 118.49898,80.335\" id=\"16039\" inkscape:label=\"Elmore, ID\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 99.26698,79.781 L 99.57298,79.974 L 100.67398,81.245 L 100.89898,81.525 L 100.95698,81.719 L 101.02498,82.119 L 101.01098,82.349 L 100.92998,82.841 L 100.94798,82.908 L 102.27798,85.383 L 102.86798,85.762 L 103.60298,85.842 L 103.66998,85.892 L 103.78298,86.041 L 103.95898,86.667 L 103.94098,86.789 L 103.82398,86.965 L 103.75198,87.222 L 103.75598,87.258 L 103.97198,87.65 L 104.26498,88.114 L 104.48198,88.371 L 104.62598,88.502 L 104.65298,88.628 L 105.05398,89.439 L 105.91098,90.431 L 106.50498,91.053 L 106.61798,91.102 L 108.50698,91.499 L 111.72398,92.409 L 111.54498,93.077 L 111.39598,93.396 L 111.17498,94.455 L 115.02798,95.24 L 113.03198,105.057 L 99.28998,102.14 L 98.20798,101.892 L 94.56598,101.058 L 94.49398,101.031 L 99.26698,79.781\" id=\"16073\" inkscape:label=\"Owyhee, ID\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 118.27798,81.493 L 119.21998,82.151 L 120.67598,82.575 L 120.74298,82.661 L 120.76998,82.755 L 120.79298,82.944 L 120.80198,83.53 L 120.72998,84.531 L 120.68498,85.477 L 122.06898,89.169 L 122.36998,89.34 L 122.35198,90.395 L 122.23498,90.98 L 120.21198,90.598 L 115.69098,89.687 L 116.13198,87.506 L 116.76798,84.544 L 117.74198,82.219 L 117.86798,81.984 L 118.15598,81.57 L 118.27798,81.493\" id=\"16025\" inkscape:label=\"Camas, ID\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 115.69098,89.687 L 120.21198,90.598 L 119.33698,95.015 L 118.62498,97.534 L 117.38998,96.984 L 116.74998,96.393 L 116.25398,95.465 L 116.50698,94.379 L 116.50198,94.316 L 116.12298,93.522 L 115.79498,93.414 L 115.53698,93.36 L 115.40298,93.414 L 115.69098,89.687\" id=\"16047\" inkscape:label=\"Gooding, ID\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 119.33698,95.015 L 121.45498,95.433 L 121.38798,95.776 L 121.53698,95.997 L 123.32598,96.542 L 124.16898,97.088 L 125.24998,97.3 L 124.69998,100.224 L 124.03798,100.216 L 122.85698,100.337 L 122.41998,99.896 L 122.36998,99.792 L 121.92398,99.405 L 120.44098,98.602 L 119.86398,98.386 L 118.74198,97.656 L 118.62498,97.534 L 119.33698,95.015\" id=\"16053\" inkscape:label=\"Jerome, ID\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 115.40298,93.414 L 115.53698,93.36 L 115.79498,93.414 L 116.12298,93.522 L 116.50198,94.316 L 116.50698,94.379 L 116.25398,95.465 L 116.74998,96.393 L 117.38998,96.984 L 118.62498,97.534 L 118.74198,97.656 L 119.86398,98.386 L 120.44098,98.602 L 121.92398,99.405 L 122.36998,99.792 L 122.41998,99.896 L 122.85698,100.337 L 124.03798,100.216 L 123.67698,100.27 L 123.19098,101.212 L 121.12198,101.095 L 120.98198,101.848 L 120.94598,102.198 L 120.10798,106.485 L 118.07998,106.084 L 115.60998,105.525 L 114.19898,105.241 L 113.03198,105.057 L 115.02798,95.24 L 115.40298,93.414\" id=\"16083\" inkscape:label=\"Twin Falls, ID\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 124.69998,100.224 L 126.70198,100.824 L 126.82298,100.843 L 126.88598,100.829 L 127.27398,100.707 L 127.40398,100.594 L 127.55298,100.378 L 128.24298,99.486 L 128.31498,99.427 L 128.46398,99.341 L 128.85098,99.278 L 129.29798,99.323 L 129.86498,99.364 L 130.35198,99.513 L 130.59998,99.923 L 130.73998,100.121 L 131.21698,100.383 L 131.27198,100.378 L 131.37998,100.288 L 131.76298,100.243 L 133.47098,101.162 L 132.88998,104.488 L 132.12798,108.693 L 128.35098,108.054 L 128.07598,108.009 L 124.94398,107.476 L 124.64598,107.427 L 123.84398,107.287 L 123.73198,107.265 L 122.97898,107.085 L 122.35198,106.927 L 120.10798,106.485 L 120.94598,102.198 L 120.98198,101.848 L 121.12198,101.095 L 123.19098,101.212 L 123.67698,100.27 L 124.03798,100.216 L 124.69998,100.224\" id=\"16031\" inkscape:label=\"Cassia, ID\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 138.71298,103.213 L 139.50698,104.052 L 139.50698,104.984 L 139.87598,105.417 L 140.74598,106.309 L 140.97598,106.468 L 141.16498,106.724 L 141.39498,107.155 L 141.24598,108.036 L 140.88098,107.97 L 140.50298,110.181 L 139.98798,110.099 L 139.29898,109.921 L 139.29398,109.921 L 137.30198,109.577 L 134.87298,109.157 L 132.12798,108.693 L 132.88998,104.488 L 136.13498,105.052 L 136.33398,103.938 L 137.78898,104.196 L 137.98298,103.082 L 138.71298,103.213\" id=\"16071\" inkscape:label=\"Oneida, ID\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 134.63398,94.483 L 134.05698,97.646 L 135.83798,97.962 L 136.64898,96.944 L 137.03198,97.358 L 138.13598,96.926 L 138.25798,96.948 L 138.51498,97.236 L 138.73098,97.854 L 139.40698,101.446 L 139.36198,101.722 L 139.18198,102.389 L 138.71298,103.213 L 137.98298,103.082 L 137.78898,104.196 L 136.33398,103.938 L 136.13498,105.052 L 132.88998,104.488 L 133.47098,101.162 L 131.76298,100.243 L 131.37998,100.288 L 131.69998,98.539 L 131.83998,97.435 L 132.45698,94.086 L 134.63398,94.483\" id=\"16077\" inkscape:label=\"Power, ID\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 143.17498,97.151 L 142.41298,98.043 L 142.38598,98.093 L 142.19698,98.539 L 141.90898,99.973 L 141.88598,100.337 L 141.89998,100.477 L 142.07498,101.208 L 142.15198,101.262 L 142.26398,101.253 L 142.44098,101.162 L 142.48998,101.09 L 142.56698,101.045 L 143.38698,101.184 L 143.63898,102.366 L 143.65698,102.559 L 143.67498,104.25 L 143.67098,104.821 L 143.60798,105.192 L 143.42298,105.165 L 143.06298,107.202 L 142.24198,107.061 L 141.84098,106.741 L 140.97598,106.468 L 140.74598,106.309 L 139.87598,105.417 L 139.50698,104.984 L 139.50698,104.052 L 138.71298,103.213 L 139.18198,102.389 L 139.36198,101.722 L 139.40698,101.446 L 138.73098,97.854 L 138.51498,97.236 L 138.25798,96.948 L 138.13598,96.926 L 137.03198,97.358 L 136.64898,96.944 L 136.64898,96.858 L 136.67198,96.795 L 136.81598,96.484 L 137.56798,96.218 L 137.67598,96.204 L 143.17498,97.151\" id=\"16005\" inkscape:label=\"Bannock, ID\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 143.60798,105.192 L 146.19898,105.634 L 146.09998,106.913 L 145.68998,107.78 L 145.50098,108.238 L 145.46898,108.468 L 145.52298,109.689 L 145.55498,109.762 L 146.17698,111.099 L 140.50298,110.181 L 140.88098,107.97 L 141.24598,108.036 L 141.39498,107.155 L 141.16498,106.724 L 140.97598,106.468 L 141.84098,106.741 L 142.24198,107.061 L 143.06298,107.202 L 143.42298,105.165 L 143.60798,105.192\" id=\"16041\" inkscape:label=\"Franklin, ID\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 151.56798,105.224 L 150.51698,111.775 L 146.17698,111.099 L 145.55498,109.762 L 145.52298,109.689 L 145.46898,108.468 L 145.50098,108.238 L 145.68998,107.78 L 146.09998,106.913 L 146.19898,105.634 L 146.16798,103.907 L 146.18598,103.6 L 146.51898,103.384 L 149.89498,103.921 L 150.01198,104.186 L 150.01698,104.272 L 149.93098,104.593 L 149.86298,104.772 L 149.75098,105.011 L 150.51698,105.386 L 151.56798,105.224\" id=\"16007\" inkscape:label=\"Bear Lake, ID\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 147.55998,97.917 L 152.62598,98.742 L 151.56798,105.224 L 150.51698,105.386 L 149.75098,105.011 L 149.86298,104.772 L 149.93098,104.593 L 150.01698,104.272 L 150.01198,104.186 L 149.89498,103.921 L 146.51898,103.384 L 146.18598,103.6 L 146.16798,103.907 L 146.19898,105.634 L 143.60798,105.192 L 143.67098,104.821 L 143.67498,104.25 L 143.65698,102.559 L 143.63898,102.366 L 143.38698,101.184 L 142.56698,101.045 L 142.48998,101.09 L 142.44098,101.162 L 142.26398,101.253 L 142.15198,101.262 L 142.07498,101.208 L 141.89998,100.477 L 141.88598,100.337 L 141.90898,99.973 L 142.19698,98.539 L 142.38598,98.093 L 142.41298,98.043 L 143.17498,97.151 L 147.55998,97.917\" id=\"16029\" inkscape:label=\"Caribou, ID\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 128.31998,92.143 L 131.09198,92.666 L 130.27098,97.133 L 129.72198,97.029 L 129.29798,99.323 L 128.85098,99.278 L 128.46398,99.341 L 128.31498,99.427 L 128.24298,99.486 L 127.55298,100.378 L 127.40398,100.594 L 127.27398,100.707 L 126.88598,100.829 L 126.82298,100.843 L 126.70198,100.824 L 124.69998,100.224 L 125.24998,97.3 L 126.80998,97.606 L 127.48598,96.606 L 128.31998,92.143\" id=\"16067\" inkscape:label=\"Minidoka, ID\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 120.21198,90.598 L 122.23498,90.98 L 128.31998,92.143 L 127.48598,96.606 L 126.80998,97.606 L 125.24998,97.3 L 124.16898,97.088 L 123.32598,96.542 L 121.53698,95.997 L 121.38798,95.776 L 121.45498,95.433 L 119.33698,95.015 L 120.21198,90.598\" id=\"16063\" inkscape:label=\"Lincoln, ID\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 148.50698,90.111 L 150.57998,90.512 L 152.01398,90.751 L 152.14398,90.972 L 152.15298,91.102 L 152.91498,92.076 L 153.59498,92.59 L 153.22598,94.956 L 152.62598,98.742 L 147.55998,97.917 L 147.95198,95.623 L 148.13298,94.578 L 146.14498,93.135 L 143.68398,91.95 L 139.84398,91.278 L 140.29498,88.709 L 148.50698,90.111\" id=\"16019\" inkscape:label=\"Bonneville, ID\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 140.29498,88.709 L 139.84398,91.278 L 143.68398,91.95 L 146.14498,93.135 L 148.13298,94.578 L 147.95198,95.623 L 147.55998,97.917 L 143.17498,97.151 L 137.67598,96.204 L 137.56798,96.218 L 136.81598,96.484 L 136.67198,96.795 L 136.64898,96.858 L 136.64898,96.944 L 135.83798,97.962 L 134.05698,97.646 L 134.63398,94.483 L 135.03998,92.27 L 135.58998,92.369 L 135.86898,91.332 L 136.06298,90.286 L 137.17198,90.49 L 138.45598,89.52 L 138.65898,88.47 L 140.29498,88.709\" id=\"16011\" inkscape:label=\"Bingham, ID\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 118.64798,80.52 L 119.08498,80.208 L 119.19698,80.15 L 119.53998,80.024 L 119.67498,80.001 L 120.22098,80.109 L 121.26098,81.178 L 122.01898,82.025 L 123.05998,81.949 L 124.39898,82.341 L 124.74998,82.602 L 127.17098,85.239 L 127.89098,86.127 L 128.01798,86.298 L 128.27498,86.798 L 128.36398,87.001 L 128.44098,87.307 L 128.94198,87.154 L 129.13098,87.159 L 129.36998,87.271 L 129.41498,87.352 L 129.77098,88.497 L 129.83898,89.025 L 129.63598,89.164 L 129.45098,90.147 L 131.96598,90.62 L 131.77198,91.675 L 135.03998,92.27 L 134.63398,94.483 L 132.45698,94.086 L 131.83998,97.435 L 131.69998,98.539 L 131.37998,100.288 L 131.27198,100.378 L 131.21698,100.383 L 130.73998,100.121 L 130.59998,99.923 L 130.35198,99.513 L 129.86498,99.364 L 129.29798,99.323 L 129.72198,97.029 L 130.27098,97.133 L 131.09198,92.666 L 128.31998,92.143 L 122.23498,90.98 L 122.35198,90.395 L 122.36998,89.34 L 122.06898,89.169 L 120.68498,85.477 L 120.72998,84.531 L 120.80198,83.53 L 120.79298,82.944 L 120.76998,82.755 L 120.74298,82.661 L 120.67598,82.575 L 119.21998,82.151 L 118.27798,81.493 L 118.64798,80.52\" id=\"16013\" inkscape:label=\"Blaine, ID\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 111.17098,63.519 L 111.17898,63.447 L 111.32298,63.167 L 111.51698,62.924 L 112.91498,62.735 L 124.34898,65.074 L 124.17298,65.16 L 124.05098,65.286 L 123.90298,65.646 L 123.76298,66.34 L 123.66798,66.931 L 123.35798,68.117 L 122.82998,69.14 L 122.30698,69.784 L 120.89198,70.613 L 120.79698,70.631 L 120.40998,70.496 L 120.11698,70.095 L 119.83698,69.851 L 119.68398,69.802 L 119.24298,70.009 L 117.59698,71.411 L 117.28598,71.776 L 117.27798,72.132 L 117.29998,72.349 L 117.34998,72.587 L 117.56598,72.659 L 117.61998,72.623 L 117.64698,72.637 L 117.70598,72.759 L 117.73698,73.164 L 117.57498,73.894 L 117.52098,73.989 L 117.31798,74.314 L 117.15098,74.503 L 116.86298,74.769 L 116.75498,74.836 L 115.53298,75.584 L 115.03198,75.751 L 114.59498,75.765 L 109.18298,74.602 L 108.84398,75.399 L 107.96098,75.467 L 108.43398,73.282 L 108.97098,73.394 L 109.44798,71.19 L 109.40298,71.181 L 109.40298,70.009 L 109.71498,67.499 L 110.07498,66.498 L 110.20098,66.219 L 110.63398,65.56 L 110.76398,65.638 L 110.84498,65.638 L 111.03998,65.407 L 111.54498,64.186 L 111.17098,63.519\" id=\"16085\" inkscape:label=\"Valley, ID\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 117.17398,28.224 L 117.42598,26.8 L 117.46598,26.619 L 117.97998,26.182 L 118.34098,26.151 L 118.43998,26.214 L 119.22498,26.836 L 119.67098,27.48 L 119.75198,27.647 L 120.01798,28.12 L 121.75298,31.654 L 121.76598,31.699 L 121.77998,31.73 L 121.78398,31.744 L 121.78398,31.793 L 121.77998,32.515 L 121.48698,33.258 L 121.23898,33.822 L 121.07198,34.859 L 121.07198,34.868 L 121.08098,35.187 L 122.46098,37.094 L 122.64998,37.256 L 122.79898,37.387 L 123.27198,37.617 L 123.95698,37.891 L 124.10598,38 L 124.88998,39.766 L 125.62398,41.479 L 126.03898,42.254 L 126.26398,42.669 L 114.51498,40.185 L 114.75398,39.081 L 115.82098,34.178 L 117.17398,28.224\" id=\"16079\" inkscape:label=\"Shoshone, ID\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 114.51498,40.185 L 126.26398,42.669 L 126.43598,43.972 L 126.43598,43.98 L 126.47598,44.089 L 127.77498,45.824 L 127.90098,45.86 L 127.95898,45.878 L 128.34598,45.883 L 128.83298,47.104 L 123.22198,47.203 L 119.37298,47.275 L 119.35498,47.284 L 118.12898,48.736 L 117.85898,49.263 L 117.70598,49.434 L 117.52098,49.597 L 117.38098,49.578 L 117.20098,49.52 L 115.88098,48.898 L 115.83098,48.857 L 115.60098,48.533 L 115.44298,48.186 L 114.58198,47.65 L 114.36998,47.555 L 114.36598,47.32 L 114.34298,47.149 L 114.25298,46.982 L 113.22498,46.41 L 112.89198,45.977 L 112.98198,45.567 L 112.77898,45.509 L 112.24298,45.495 L 112.38198,44.693 L 112.58098,43.778 L 113.31098,43.94 L 113.78898,43.53 L 114.51498,40.185\" id=\"16035\" inkscape:label=\"Clearwater, ID\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 131.04698,47.402 L 131.09598,47.451 L 131.12798,47.6 L 131.07398,47.884 L 130.76198,48.767 L 130.23498,49.98 L 129.44598,51.733 L 126.93098,58.007 L 126.61598,59.733 L 126.45798,60.607 L 126.44898,60.652 L 126.47598,60.684 L 126.07998,60.982 L 125.18698,61.54 L 124.72798,61.297 L 124.60098,61.171 L 124.52498,61.027 L 124.43498,60.932 L 124.30798,60.914 L 124.24998,60.954 L 124.17698,61.099 L 124.12298,61.36 L 124.05998,61.82 L 124.06498,61.869 L 124.38998,62.329 L 124.85398,62.955 L 125.24598,63.789 L 124.34898,65.074 L 112.91498,62.735 L 111.51698,62.924 L 111.32298,63.167 L 111.17898,63.447 L 111.17098,63.519 L 109.74598,63.194 L 109.77798,63.068 L 109.83998,63.028 L 109.96698,62.73 L 109.97998,62.14 L 109.88998,61.351 L 109.84498,61.117 L 106.74398,60.441 L 107.04998,59.796 L 108.60998,57.795 L 109.47498,56.911 L 109.69198,56.664 L 109.72798,56.501 L 109.41698,54.87 L 109.35798,54.622 L 109.35798,54.618 L 109.18298,54.396 L 109.02898,54.198 L 109.02498,54.194 L 108.69598,54.05 L 107.91098,53.328 L 107.50098,52.95 L 107.47398,52.9 L 107.43398,52.824 L 107.53298,52.855 L 107.89798,52.761 L 107.96498,52.706 L 108.14098,52.486 L 108.16898,52.355 L 108.12298,52.233 L 108.06998,52.157 L 108.04198,51.972 L 108.05098,51.819 L 108.16398,51.611 L 108.23598,51.535 L 108.51498,51.318 L 108.67798,51.255 L 109.61498,50.949 L 111.40898,49.258 L 111.44098,49.227 L 111.65298,49.191 L 113.31598,50.101 L 114.91598,49.186 L 114.36998,47.555 L 114.58198,47.65 L 115.44298,48.186 L 115.60098,48.533 L 115.83098,48.857 L 115.88098,48.898 L 117.20098,49.52 L 117.38098,49.578 L 117.52098,49.597 L 117.70598,49.434 L 117.85898,49.263 L 118.12898,48.736 L 119.35498,47.284 L 119.37298,47.275 L 123.22198,47.203 L 128.83298,47.104 L 128.85098,47.118 L 129.81098,47.32 L 130.01398,47.266 L 130.15398,47.212 L 130.38398,47.167 L 130.84798,47.23 L 131.00598,47.361 L 131.04698,47.402\" id=\"16049\" inkscape:label=\"Idaho, ID\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 116.75498,74.836 L 116.86298,74.769 L 117.15098,74.503 L 117.31798,74.314 L 117.52098,73.989 L 117.57498,73.894 L 117.73698,73.164 L 117.70598,72.759 L 117.64698,72.637 L 117.61998,72.623 L 117.56598,72.659 L 117.34998,72.587 L 117.29998,72.349 L 117.27798,72.132 L 117.28598,71.776 L 117.59698,71.411 L 119.24298,70.009 L 119.68398,69.802 L 119.83698,69.851 L 120.11698,70.095 L 120.40998,70.496 L 120.79698,70.631 L 120.89198,70.613 L 122.30698,69.784 L 122.08198,70.541 L 122.09498,70.708 L 122.16698,70.915 L 123.64598,72.84 L 123.91198,73.155 L 123.96598,73.173 L 124.78198,73.092 L 125.06098,72.907 L 125.75998,72.312 L 125.79598,72.263 L 126.00698,71.821 L 126.21498,71.307 L 126.48498,70.906 L 126.86898,70.604 L 127.79298,69.932 L 127.96798,70.225 L 127.91898,70.681 L 127.94098,71.776 L 130.47898,75.494 L 131.76798,76.31 L 132.72298,76.824 L 132.83998,76.869 L 133.15998,76.959 L 133.21498,76.946 L 133.34998,76.846 L 133.49398,76.671 L 133.58398,76.603 L 133.70098,76.626 L 133.74198,76.689 L 133.80498,76.855 L 134.26898,78.185 L 134.39498,78.578 L 134.42698,79.127 L 134.37698,79.672 L 133.50298,79.51 L 132.71798,81.651 L 132.64598,82.011 L 132.48898,83.512 L 132.26298,84.864 L 131.30798,85.829 L 129.76198,86.338 L 128.86898,86.816 L 128.47298,87.235 L 128.44098,87.307 L 128.36398,87.001 L 128.27498,86.798 L 128.01798,86.298 L 127.89098,86.127 L 127.17098,85.239 L 124.74998,82.602 L 124.39898,82.341 L 123.05998,81.949 L 122.01898,82.025 L 121.26098,81.178 L 120.22098,80.109 L 119.67498,80.001 L 119.53998,80.024 L 119.19698,80.15 L 119.08498,80.208 L 118.64798,80.52 L 118.49898,80.335 L 118.75998,80.073 L 118.79698,79.966 L 118.75598,77.838 L 118.71498,77.626 L 117.23698,75.377 L 116.75498,74.836\" id=\"16037\" inkscape:label=\"Custer, ID\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 132.12798,60.062 L 132.31298,60.256 L 133.18698,61.491 L 133.23698,61.653 L 133.33998,62.676 L 133.33198,63.059 L 133.21498,63.271 L 133.19198,64.037 L 133.20498,65.047 L 134.61598,70.293 L 136.11198,72.375 L 136.41898,72.299 L 136.73898,72.551 L 137.12198,72.979 L 137.29398,73.245 L 137.49098,73.863 L 137.75298,74.985 L 137.75298,75.084 L 137.69898,75.183 L 137.66298,75.21 L 137.64998,76.819 L 137.75698,77.428 L 138.00598,77.788 L 138.73998,78.609 L 138.97398,78.694 L 139.15898,78.591 L 139.24898,78.451 L 139.25398,78.419 L 139.30798,78.681 L 138.97398,80.542 L 137.87498,80.349 L 137.33398,80.2 L 134.37698,79.672 L 134.42698,79.127 L 134.39498,78.578 L 134.26898,78.185 L 133.80498,76.855 L 133.74198,76.689 L 133.70098,76.626 L 133.58398,76.603 L 133.49398,76.671 L 133.34998,76.846 L 133.21498,76.946 L 133.15998,76.959 L 132.83998,76.869 L 132.72298,76.824 L 131.76798,76.31 L 130.47898,75.494 L 127.94098,71.776 L 127.91898,70.681 L 127.96798,70.225 L 127.79298,69.932 L 126.86898,70.604 L 126.48498,70.906 L 126.21498,71.307 L 126.00698,71.821 L 125.79598,72.263 L 125.75998,72.312 L 125.06098,72.907 L 124.78198,73.092 L 123.96598,73.173 L 123.91198,73.155 L 123.64598,72.84 L 122.16698,70.915 L 122.09498,70.708 L 122.08198,70.541 L 122.30698,69.784 L 122.82998,69.14 L 123.35798,68.117 L 123.66798,66.931 L 123.76298,66.34 L 123.90298,65.646 L 124.05098,65.286 L 124.17298,65.16 L 124.34898,65.074 L 125.24598,63.789 L 124.85398,62.955 L 124.38998,62.329 L 124.06498,61.869 L 124.05998,61.82 L 124.12298,61.36 L 124.17698,61.099 L 124.24998,60.954 L 124.30798,60.914 L 124.43498,60.932 L 124.52498,61.027 L 124.60098,61.171 L 124.72798,61.297 L 125.18698,61.54 L 126.07998,60.982 L 126.47598,60.684 L 126.87298,60.738 L 127.22898,60.828 L 127.34198,60.878 L 128.00398,61.924 L 128.08498,62.239 L 128.08498,62.244 L 128.45498,62.302 L 130.22198,61.491 L 131.33498,60.517 L 132.12798,60.062\" id=\"16059\" inkscape:label=\"Lemhi, ID\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 137.33398,80.2 L 136.74298,83.53 L 139.46998,84.026 L 138.65898,88.47 L 138.45598,89.52 L 137.17198,90.49 L 136.06298,90.286 L 135.86898,91.332 L 135.58998,92.369 L 135.03998,92.27 L 131.77198,91.675 L 131.96598,90.62 L 129.45098,90.147 L 129.63598,89.164 L 129.83898,89.025 L 129.77098,88.497 L 129.41498,87.352 L 129.36998,87.271 L 129.13098,87.159 L 128.94198,87.154 L 128.44098,87.307 L 128.47298,87.235 L 128.86898,86.816 L 129.76198,86.338 L 131.30798,85.829 L 132.26298,84.864 L 132.48898,83.512 L 132.64598,82.011 L 132.71798,81.651 L 133.50298,79.51 L 134.37698,79.672 L 137.33398,80.2\" id=\"16023\" inkscape:label=\"Butte, ID\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 139.46998,84.026 L 139.66898,82.927 L 144.58098,83.792 L 144.39198,84.891 L 146.02798,85.18 L 145.93798,85.734 L 145.59998,87.379 L 145.50098,87.938 L 145.60398,88.033 L 145.80298,88.047 L 145.83498,88.029 L 148.56998,89.745 L 148.50698,90.111 L 140.29498,88.709 L 138.65898,88.47 L 139.46998,84.026\" id=\"16051\" inkscape:label=\"Jefferson, ID\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 145.93798,85.734 L 147.21398,85.951 L 148.41698,86.73 L 149.66998,86.938 L 151.14398,86.722 L 151.17898,86.713 L 151.21498,86.672 L 150.57998,90.512 L 148.50698,90.111 L 148.56998,89.745 L 145.83498,88.029 L 145.80298,88.047 L 145.60398,88.033 L 145.50098,87.938 L 145.59998,87.379 L 145.93798,85.734\" id=\"16065\" inkscape:label=\"Madison, ID\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 154.55498,86.419 L 153.59498,92.59 L 152.91498,92.076 L 152.15298,91.102 L 152.14398,90.972 L 152.01398,90.751 L 150.57998,90.512 L 151.21498,86.672 L 154.55498,86.419\" id=\"16081\" inkscape:label=\"Teton, ID\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 376.00298,139.233 L 376.33598,143.498 L 376.62398,146.928 L 372.66698,147.315 L 372.23798,142.844 L 372.36898,142.831 L 372.13998,140.582 L 372.01798,139.464 L 375.98798,139.049 L 376.00298,139.233\" id=\"17183\" inkscape:label=\"Vermilion, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 369.56198,133.001 L 375.38898,132.333 L 375.98798,139.049 L 372.01798,139.464 L 370.24198,139.59 L 369.56198,133.001\" id=\"17075\" inkscape:label=\"Iroquois, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 359.76798,181.488 L 362.16498,181.316 L 362.13398,182.727 L 362.10198,184.038 L 362.19698,184.241 L 362.27798,184.337 L 362.52698,184.449 L 363.18998,184.728 L 363.67098,185.809 L 361.70998,185.598 L 361.02898,185.043 L 360.66898,184.16 L 360.04298,182.988 L 359.78498,182.619 L 359.76798,181.488\" id=\"17003\" inkscape:label=\"Alexander, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 362.16498,181.316 L 364.23798,181.235 L 365.43798,181.501 L 365.52398,182.493 L 365.46898,182.511 L 363.18998,184.728 L 362.52698,184.449 L 362.27798,184.337 L 362.19698,184.241 L 362.10198,184.038 L 362.13398,182.727 L 362.16498,181.316\" id=\"17153\" inkscape:label=\"Pulaski, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 365.43798,181.501 L 367.62298,180.889 L 370.03898,183.015 L 370.13898,184.218 L 369.39598,184.139 L 365.52398,182.493 L 365.43798,181.501\" id=\"17127\" inkscape:label=\"Massac, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 370.75198,177.22 L 373.22698,177.345 L 374.03198,178.179 L 374.03198,178.387 L 373.83898,178.607 L 373.73598,178.63 L 372.32898,178.928 L 372.11698,178.973 L 371.94198,179.022 L 371.87798,179.041 L 371.85598,179.045 L 371.61198,179.193 L 371.56298,179.225 L 371.55398,179.229 L 371.38198,179.388 L 371.12598,179.729 L 370.53498,179.536 L 370.38198,177.247 L 370.75198,177.22\" id=\"17069\" inkscape:label=\"Hardin, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 370.38198,177.247 L 370.53498,179.536 L 370.47198,179.563 L 370.29698,179.643 L 370.22498,179.698 L 370.13398,179.762 L 370.00298,179.932 L 369.94998,180.059 L 369.66098,181.329 L 369.66098,181.334 L 369.65498,181.42 L 369.74198,181.699 L 370.16998,182.213 L 370.30598,182.29 L 370.43198,182.411 L 370.71998,183.051 L 370.57098,183.767 L 370.44998,184.101 L 370.21498,184.205 L 370.13898,184.218 L 370.03898,183.015 L 367.62298,180.889 L 367.38498,177.49 L 370.38198,177.247\" id=\"17151\" inkscape:label=\"Pope, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 367.38498,177.49 L 367.62298,180.889 L 365.43798,181.501 L 364.23798,181.235 L 364.01798,177.778 L 367.38498,177.49\" id=\"17087\" inkscape:label=\"Johnson, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 364.01798,177.778 L 364.23798,181.235 L 362.16498,181.316 L 359.76798,181.488 L 360.13698,181.389 L 360.25398,181.329 L 360.26298,181.316 L 360.27298,181.307 L 360.28098,181.294 L 360.32198,181.172 L 360.36198,180.775 L 360.36698,180.758 L 360.36198,180.744 L 360.30398,180.527 L 360.29898,180.506 L 360.29498,180.496 L 360.13298,180.131 L 360.00698,179.973 L 359.73998,179.711 L 359.55098,179.428 L 359.26298,178.891 L 359.25898,178.888 L 359.19498,178.63 L 359.18598,178.513 L 359.18598,178.436 L 362.88198,177.809 L 364.01798,177.778\" id=\"17181\" inkscape:label=\"Union, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 373.53698,173.203 L 374.04598,174.344 L 373.91498,174.835 L 373.86598,174.966 L 373.78998,175.105 L 373.66798,175.237 L 373.19898,175.578 L 373.19098,175.583 L 373.02798,175.89 L 372.94598,176.029 L 372.93298,176.057 L 372.87898,176.201 L 372.86498,176.291 L 372.86998,176.305 L 372.92298,176.597 L 372.92898,176.611 L 373.14498,177.197 L 373.22698,177.345 L 370.75198,177.22 L 370.44098,173.226 L 370.44098,173.217 L 373.53698,173.203\" id=\"17059\" inkscape:label=\"Gallatin, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 370.44098,173.226 L 370.75198,177.22 L 370.38198,177.247 L 367.38498,177.49 L 367.13698,174.064 L 367.09698,173.501 L 370.44098,173.226\" id=\"17165\" inkscape:label=\"Saline, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 367.13698,174.064 L 367.38498,177.49 L 364.01798,177.778 L 362.88198,177.809 L 362.66098,174.415 L 367.13698,174.064\" id=\"17199\" inkscape:label=\"Williamson, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 358.10498,173.519 L 362.30998,173.289 L 362.66098,174.415 L 362.88198,177.809 L 359.18598,178.436 L 357.43798,175.542 L 358.10498,173.519\" id=\"17077\" inkscape:label=\"Jackson, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 350.92998,166.619 L 352.18198,167.759 L 354.53898,169.682 L 354.81498,170.273 L 353.43898,170.333 L 353.51198,171.469 L 351.86098,172.181 L 351.34898,171.798 L 350.50098,170.973 L 350.47498,170.945 L 350.44298,170.9 L 350.25798,170.647 L 350.14098,170.358 L 350.00598,169.778 L 349.98698,169.237 L 349.99598,169.106 L 350.01498,169.052 L 350.16198,168.552 L 350.20698,168.462 L 350.23498,168.426 L 350.92998,166.619\" id=\"17133\" inkscape:label=\"Monroe, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 357.89398,170.094 L 358.10498,173.519 L 357.43798,175.542 L 354.71498,174.786 L 351.86098,172.181 L 353.51198,171.469 L 353.43898,170.333 L 354.81498,170.273 L 356.78398,170.166 L 357.89398,170.094\" id=\"17157\" inkscape:label=\"Randolph, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 357.89398,170.094 L 362.36798,169.863 L 362.63598,170.99 L 362.30998,173.289 L 358.10498,173.519 L 357.89398,170.094\" id=\"17145\" inkscape:label=\"Perry, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 366.89798,170.666 L 367.13698,174.064 L 362.66098,174.415 L 362.30998,173.289 L 362.63598,170.99 L 366.89798,170.666\" id=\"17055\" inkscape:label=\"Franklin, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 370.11998,168.719 L 370.44098,173.217 L 370.44098,173.226 L 367.09698,173.501 L 366.89798,170.666 L 366.78898,168.962 L 370.11998,168.719\" id=\"17065\" inkscape:label=\"Hamilton, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 373.91998,168.345 L 374.29398,168.764 L 374.23598,170.116 L 374.09198,173.103 L 374.06498,173.158 L 374.05898,173.167 L 374.03698,173.182 L 374.01998,173.185 L 373.53698,173.203 L 370.44098,173.217 L 370.11998,168.719 L 372.31998,168.53 L 373.91998,168.345\" id=\"17193\" inkscape:label=\"White, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 366.60498,166.132 L 366.78898,168.962 L 366.89798,170.666 L 362.63598,170.99 L 362.36798,169.863 L 362.15598,166.474 L 366.60498,166.132\" id=\"17081\" inkscape:label=\"Jefferson, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 362.13398,166.096 L 362.15598,166.474 L 362.36798,169.863 L 357.89398,170.094 L 356.78398,170.166 L 356.60398,167.583 L 356.94598,167.24 L 357.45998,166.812 L 357.86598,166.659 L 360.86698,166.14 L 362.13398,166.096\" id=\"17189\" inkscape:label=\"Washington, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 360.80898,163.075 L 361.96698,163.067 L 362.13398,166.096 L 360.86698,166.14 L 357.86598,166.659 L 357.45998,166.812 L 356.94598,167.24 L 356.60398,167.583 L 356.37398,164.514 L 357.38798,163.297 L 360.80898,163.075\" id=\"17027\" inkscape:label=\"Clinton, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 351.63598,164.748 L 356.37398,164.514 L 356.60398,167.583 L 356.78398,170.166 L 354.81498,170.273 L 354.53898,169.682 L 352.18198,167.759 L 350.92998,166.619 L 350.97498,166.46 L 351.63598,164.748\" id=\"17163\" inkscape:label=\"St. Clair, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 356.74798,160.007 L 356.84298,161.052 L 357.00098,161.615 L 357.31598,162.404 L 357.38798,163.297 L 356.37398,164.514 L 351.63598,164.748 L 351.42998,163.71 L 352.15598,162.824 L 352.17798,162.702 L 352.21398,162.404 L 352.20498,162.328 L 352.16398,162.256 L 351.18598,161.665 L 350.99598,161.553 L 350.74398,161.432 L 350.48698,161.354 L 351.71798,160.317 L 356.16198,160.048 L 356.74798,160.007\" id=\"17119\" inkscape:label=\"Madison, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 360.58298,159.367 L 360.80898,163.075 L 357.38798,163.297 L 357.31598,162.404 L 357.00098,161.615 L 356.84298,161.052 L 356.74798,160.007 L 360.58298,159.367\" id=\"17005\" inkscape:label=\"Bond, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 361.96698,163.067 L 361.88998,161.927 L 363.26598,161.841 L 366.29398,161.575 L 366.48398,164.428 L 366.60498,166.132 L 362.15598,166.474 L 362.13398,166.096 L 361.96698,163.067\" id=\"17121\" inkscape:label=\"Marion, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 370.92298,164.162 L 372.01798,164.474 L 372.31998,168.53 L 370.11998,168.719 L 366.78898,168.962 L 366.60498,166.132 L 366.48398,164.428 L 370.92298,164.162\" id=\"17191\" inkscape:label=\"Wayne, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 374.36098,164.253 L 376.96698,164.058 L 376.24998,166.122 L 374.30798,168.701 L 374.29398,168.764 L 373.91998,168.345 L 373.93798,164.289 L 374.36098,164.253\" id=\"17185\" inkscape:label=\"Wabash, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 373.93798,164.289 L 373.91998,168.345 L 372.31998,168.53 L 372.01798,164.474 L 373.93798,164.289\" id=\"17047\" inkscape:label=\"Edwards, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 377.82698,160.272 L 377.86798,160.277 L 377.88998,160.313 L 378.27398,161.138 L 378.26998,161.453 L 378.12898,162.273 L 378.02998,162.454 L 377.94998,162.521 L 377.16098,163.53 L 376.96698,164.058 L 374.36098,164.253 L 374.09498,160.624 L 377.82698,160.272\" id=\"17101\" inkscape:label=\"Lawrence, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 374.09498,160.624 L 374.36098,164.253 L 373.93798,164.289 L 372.01798,164.474 L 370.92298,164.162 L 370.51698,163.03 L 370.48898,162.837 L 370.48598,162.472 L 370.74798,162.463 L 370.61098,160.953 L 373.72098,160.66 L 374.09498,160.624\" id=\"17159\" inkscape:label=\"Richland, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 366.22198,160.426 L 369.52598,160.214 L 369.59192,161.04834 L 370.61098,160.953 L 370.74798,162.463 L 370.48598,162.472 L 370.48898,162.837 L 370.51698,163.03 L 370.92298,164.162 L 366.48398,164.428 L 366.29398,161.575 L 366.22198,160.426\" id=\"17025\" inkscape:label=\"Clay, IL\" sodipodi:nodetypes=\"cccccccccccc\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 372.74798,156.518 L 373.31598,156.456 L 373.72098,160.66 L 369.59188,161.04914 L 369.25998,156.843 L 372.74798,156.518\" id=\"17079\" inkscape:label=\"Jasper, IL\" sodipodi:nodetypes=\"cccccc\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 373.31598,156.456 L 376.51598,156.41 L 376.71898,157.103 L 377.18798,157.654 L 377.90398,158.933 L 377.87698,159.344 L 377.80498,159.548 L 377.74598,159.629 L 377.82698,160.272 L 374.09498,160.624 L 373.72098,160.66 L 373.31598,156.456\" id=\"17033\" inkscape:label=\"Crawford, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 372.88298,152.498 L 375.55098,152.187 L 375.55698,152.326 L 377.10698,152.182 L 376.64698,155.067 L 376.51598,156.41 L 373.31598,156.456 L 372.74798,156.518 L 372.48198,153.868 L 372.88298,152.498\" id=\"17023\" inkscape:label=\"Clark, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 372.48198,153.868 L 372.74798,156.518 L 368.17104,156.94368 L 367.96098,154.297 L 372.48198,153.868\" id=\"17035\" inkscape:label=\"Cumberland, IL\" sodipodi:nodetypes=\"ccccc\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 368.12298,156.365 L 368.1702,156.94485 L 369.25998,156.843 L 369.52598,160.214 L 366.22198,160.426 L 365.09998,160.548 L 364.81598,156.599\" id=\"17049\" inkscape:label=\"Effingham, IL\" sodipodi:nodetypes=\"ccccccc\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 364.81598,156.599 L 365.09998,160.548 L 366.22198,160.426 L 366.29398,161.575 L 363.26598,161.841 L 361.88998,161.927 L 361.96698,163.067 L 360.80898,163.075 L 360.58298,159.367 L 361.50198,156.825 L 364.81598,156.599\" id=\"17051\" inkscape:label=\"Fayette, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 362.21498,151.087 L 364.32898,150.943 L 364.41898,151.886 L 366.74898,153.224 L 367.22198,153.399 L 367.88998,153.35 L 367.96098,154.297 L 368.12298,156.365 L 364.81598,156.599 L 361.50198,156.825 L 361.38098,155.126 L 362.51298,155.08 L 362.35998,152.787 L 362.21498,151.087\" id=\"17173\" inkscape:label=\"Shelby, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 355.67998,153.251 L 357.33298,153.119 L 357.51998,155.4 L 360.27798,155.211 L 361.38098,155.126 L 361.50198,156.825 L 360.58298,159.367 L 356.74798,160.007 L 356.16198,160.048 L 355.67998,153.251\" id=\"17135\" inkscape:label=\"Montgomery, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 351.48798,156.92 L 351.71798,160.317 L 350.48698,161.354 L 348.71198,160.922 L 347.08598,159.065 L 347.25998,158.177 L 347.69698,158.073 L 347.97298,158.122 L 348.02998,158.173 L 348.03598,158.2 L 348.20598,158.298 L 349.91498,158.164 L 349.86898,157.501 L 351.02398,156.95 L 351.48798,156.92\" id=\"17083\" inkscape:label=\"Jersey, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 353.46598,153.408 L 355.67998,153.251 L 356.16198,160.048 L 351.71798,160.317 L 351.48798,156.92 L 351.22198,153.575 L 353.46598,153.408\" id=\"17117\" inkscape:label=\"Macoupin, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 343.44398,155.594 L 346.77798,155.459 L 347.08598,159.065 L 348.71198,160.922 L 346.59898,161.48 L 346.06298,160.043 L 346.06298,160.038 L 346.03798,159.948 L 346.04798,159.907 L 346.31898,159.488 L 346.32698,159.326 L 345.86298,157.744 L 343.44398,155.594\" id=\"17013\" inkscape:label=\"Calhoun, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 351.22198,153.575 L 351.48798,156.92 L 351.02398,156.95 L 349.86898,157.501 L 349.91498,158.164 L 348.20598,158.298 L 348.03598,158.2 L 348.02998,158.173 L 347.97298,158.122 L 347.69698,158.073 L 347.25998,158.177 L 347.08598,159.065 L 346.77798,155.459 L 347.00798,153.805 L 349.76198,153.665 L 351.22198,153.575\" id=\"17061\" inkscape:label=\"Greene, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 360.18198,149.163 L 360.93998,149.27 L 361.10098,151.154 L 362.21498,151.087 L 362.35998,152.787 L 362.51298,155.08 L 361.38098,155.126 L 360.27798,155.211 L 357.51998,155.4 L 357.33298,153.119 L 357.21698,151.61 L 358.49198,150.204 L 359.81298,149.163 L 360.18198,149.163\" id=\"17021\" inkscape:label=\"Christian, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 367.66298,150.704 L 371.67998,150.366 L 371.64898,149.992 L 372.01298,149.915 L 372.59398,149.85 L 372.88298,152.498 L 372.48198,153.868 L 367.96098,154.297 L 367.88998,153.35 L 367.66298,150.704\" id=\"17029\" inkscape:label=\"Coles, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 372.66698,147.315 L 376.62398,146.928 L 376.95298,150.497 L 377.10698,152.182 L 375.55698,152.326 L 375.55098,152.187 L 372.88298,152.498 L 372.59398,149.85 L 372.49998,148.906 L 372.74298,148.45 L 372.66698,147.315\" id=\"17045\" inkscape:label=\"Edgar, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 367.52398,147.747 L 372.66698,147.315 L 372.74298,148.45 L 372.49998,148.906 L 372.59398,149.85 L 372.01298,149.915 L 371.64898,149.992 L 371.67998,150.366 L 367.66298,150.704 L 367.50598,148.888 L 367.52398,147.747\" id=\"17041\" inkscape:label=\"Douglas, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 367.50598,148.888 L 367.66298,150.704 L 367.88998,153.35 L 367.22198,153.399 L 366.74898,153.224 L 364.41898,151.886 L 364.32898,150.943 L 364.83298,149.096 L 367.50598,148.888\" id=\"17139\" inkscape:label=\"Moultrie, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 364.57598,145.688 L 364.83298,149.096 L 364.32898,150.943 L 362.21498,151.087 L 361.10098,151.154 L 360.93998,149.27 L 360.18198,149.163 L 360.08298,147.815 L 360.67798,146.057 L 361.80998,145.963 L 364.00398,145.727 L 364.57598,145.688\" id=\"17115\" inkscape:label=\"Macon, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 356.49498,147.297 L 357.42398,147.225 L 357.46498,147.788 L 358.24898,147.932 L 360.08298,147.815 L 360.18198,149.163 L 359.81298,149.163 L 358.49198,150.204 L 357.21698,151.61 L 357.33298,153.119 L 355.67998,153.251 L 353.46598,153.408 L 353.45698,153.03 L 353.38998,152.751 L 352.72798,150.902 L 352.58298,150.037 L 352.50698,148.901 L 352.47998,148.522 L 354.68898,148.378 L 355.33698,148.127 L 355.31498,147.865 L 355.32298,147.387 L 356.49498,147.297\" id=\"17167\" inkscape:label=\"Sangamon, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 346.71998,149.199 L 352.50698,148.901 L 352.58298,150.037 L 352.72798,150.902 L 353.38998,152.751 L 353.45698,153.03 L 353.46598,153.408 L 351.22198,153.575 L 349.76198,153.665 L 349.68598,152.155 L 348.90198,150.677 L 347.77498,150.28 L 346.63498,150.335 L 346.86398,149.677 L 346.71998,149.199\" id=\"17137\" inkscape:label=\"Morgan, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 349.76198,153.665 L 347.00798,153.805 L 347.07998,153.575 L 347.07598,153.526 L 346.99898,153.265 L 346.65298,152.296 L 346.47698,150.925 L 346.63498,150.335 L 347.77498,150.28 L 348.90198,150.677 L 349.68598,152.155 L 349.76198,153.665\" id=\"17171\" inkscape:label=\"Scott, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 346.86398,149.677 L 346.63498,150.335 L 346.47698,150.925 L 346.65298,152.296 L 346.99898,153.265 L 347.07598,153.526 L 347.07998,153.575 L 347.00798,153.805 L 346.77798,155.459 L 343.44398,155.594 L 341.06898,153.128 L 339.67898,152.07 L 339.09398,151.141 L 340.71198,151.083 L 343.53698,150.934 L 343.47398,149.794 L 346.86398,149.677\" id=\"17149\" inkscape:label=\"Pike, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 343.32098,146.422 L 344.47098,146.346 L 345.45298,146.314 L 346.19298,147.293 L 346.41798,147.729 L 347.32298,147.72 L 346.71998,149.199 L 346.86398,149.677 L 343.47398,149.794 L 343.32098,146.422\" id=\"17009\" inkscape:label=\"Brown, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 343.27698,145.272 L 343.32098,146.422 L 343.47398,149.794 L 343.53698,150.934 L 340.71198,151.083 L 339.09398,151.141 L 338.11098,148.758 L 337.42098,145.472 L 343.27698,145.272\" id=\"17001\" inkscape:label=\"Adams, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 340.30598,139.64 L 343.04198,139.481 L 343.23198,144.088 L 343.27698,145.272 L 337.42098,145.472 L 337.48098,144.841 L 338.20098,143.124 L 338.49898,143.019 L 338.51298,143.011 L 338.61598,142.925 L 338.63898,142.812 L 338.64298,142.804 L 338.66898,141.644 L 338.66098,141.514 L 338.60698,141.357 L 338.44498,141.122 L 338.24598,141.028 L 338.21398,140.92 L 338.22898,140.824 L 338.63898,140.194 L 338.67498,140.153 L 338.71098,140.118 L 338.74098,140.085 L 338.82698,140.031 L 339.07098,139.892 L 339.12898,139.859 L 339.14298,139.85 L 339.65298,139.671 L 339.65698,139.671 L 339.73398,139.667 L 339.99098,139.648 L 340.30598,139.64\" id=\"17067\" inkscape:label=\"Hancock, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 344.15998,139.464 L 347.50298,139.378 L 347.72498,143.939 L 343.23198,144.088 L 343.04198,139.481 L 344.15998,139.464\" id=\"17109\" inkscape:label=\"Donough, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 343.23198,144.088 L 347.72498,143.939 L 350.24398,144.993 L 348.76998,145.859 L 347.32298,147.72 L 346.41798,147.729 L 346.19298,147.293 L 345.45298,146.314 L 344.47098,146.346 L 343.32098,146.422 L 343.23198,144.088\" id=\"17169\" inkscape:label=\"Schuyler, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 348.76998,145.859 L 349.50498,146.711 L 350.37898,146.697 L 350.39698,146.688 L 351.37098,146.291 L 352.26898,145.922 L 352.30898,145.85 L 352.47998,148.522 L 352.50698,148.901 L 346.71998,149.199 L 347.32298,147.72 L 348.76998,145.859\" id=\"17017\" inkscape:label=\"Cass, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 352.30898,145.85 L 352.74098,145.508 L 355.44498,144.972 L 355.79598,145.034 L 356.14398,145.413 L 356.49498,147.297 L 355.32298,147.387 L 355.31498,147.865 L 355.33698,148.127 L 354.68898,148.378 L 352.47998,148.522 L 352.30898,145.85\" id=\"17129\" inkscape:label=\"Menard, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 352.72398,141.555 L 354.74198,141.429 L 354.86398,142.938 L 355.95398,142.852 L 356.14398,145.413 L 355.79598,145.034 L 355.44498,144.972 L 352.74098,145.508 L 352.30898,145.85 L 352.26898,145.922 L 351.37098,146.291 L 350.39698,146.688 L 350.37898,146.697 L 349.50498,146.711 L 348.76998,145.859 L 350.24398,144.993 L 350.91598,144.39 L 350.97898,144.308 L 351.43498,143.457 L 351.55598,142.723 L 351.60998,142.519 L 351.66898,142.414 L 352.58298,141.64 L 352.72398,141.555\" id=\"17125\" inkscape:label=\"Mason, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 359.25898,142.56 L 360.41598,143.038 L 360.67798,146.057 L 360.08298,147.815 L 358.24898,147.932 L 357.46498,147.788 L 357.42398,147.225 L 356.49498,147.297 L 356.14398,145.413 L 355.95398,142.852 L 359.25898,142.56\" id=\"17107\" inkscape:label=\"Logan, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 366.01598,142.623 L 364.57598,145.688 L 364.00398,145.727 L 361.80998,145.963 L 360.67798,146.057 L 360.41598,143.038 L 366.01598,142.623\" id=\"17039\" inkscape:label=\"De Witt, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 366.01598,142.623 L 367.13698,142.533 L 367.52398,147.747 L 367.50598,148.888 L 364.83298,149.096 L 364.57598,145.688 L 366.01598,142.623\" id=\"17147\" inkscape:label=\"Piatt, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 367.01098,141.014 L 372.13998,140.582 L 372.36898,142.831 L 372.23798,142.844 L 372.66698,147.315 L 367.52398,147.747 L 367.13698,142.533 L 367.01098,141.014\" id=\"17019\" inkscape:label=\"Champaign, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 368.45198,133.132 L 369.56198,133.001 L 370.24198,139.59 L 372.01798,139.464 L 372.13998,140.582 L 367.01098,141.014 L 366.79498,138.183 L 368.97098,137.999 L 368.45198,133.132\" id=\"17053\" inkscape:label=\"Ford, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 362.10198,136.772 L 365.44298,136.462 L 365.54598,137.589 L 365.68098,138.282 L 366.79498,138.183 L 367.01098,141.014 L 367.13698,142.533 L 366.01598,142.623 L 360.41598,143.038 L 359.25898,142.56 L 358.95698,139.076 L 360.26998,138.949 L 361.11098,138.485 L 361.65198,137.958 L 362.10198,136.772\" id=\"17113\" inkscape:label=\"McLean, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 356.04498,137.277 L 358.22598,137.119 L 358.27998,137.877 L 358.37498,138.842 L 358.95698,139.076 L 359.25898,142.56 L 355.95398,142.852 L 354.86398,142.938 L 354.74198,141.429 L 352.72398,141.555 L 353.16398,140.522 L 355.17098,139.238 L 356.08498,137.858 L 356.15298,137.629 L 356.09998,137.39 L 356.04498,137.277\" id=\"17179\" inkscape:label=\"Tazewell, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 360.79598,134.623 L 361.91298,134.515 L 362.10198,136.772 L 361.65198,137.958 L 361.11098,138.485 L 360.26998,138.949 L 358.95698,139.076 L 358.37498,138.842 L 358.27998,137.877 L 358.22598,137.119 L 356.04498,137.277 L 356.69398,134.974 L 360.79598,134.623\" id=\"17203\" inkscape:label=\"Woodford, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 355.03998,134.402 L 356.69398,134.974 L 356.04498,137.277 L 356.09998,137.39 L 356.15298,137.629 L 356.08498,137.858 L 355.17098,139.238 L 353.16398,140.522 L 353.11498,139.653 L 353.06198,139.08 L 351.93898,139.135 L 351.89798,138.012 L 351.68698,134.609 L 355.03998,134.402\" id=\"17143\" inkscape:label=\"Peoria, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 351.89798,138.012 L 351.93898,139.135 L 353.06198,139.08 L 353.11498,139.653 L 353.16398,140.522 L 352.72398,141.555 L 352.58298,141.64 L 351.66898,142.414 L 351.60998,142.519 L 351.55598,142.723 L 351.43498,143.457 L 350.97898,144.308 L 350.91598,144.39 L 350.24398,144.993 L 347.72498,143.939 L 347.50298,139.378 L 347.44898,138.251 L 351.89798,138.012\" id=\"17057\" inkscape:label=\"Fulton, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 343.88998,133.848 L 347.23398,133.717 L 347.50298,139.378 L 344.15998,139.464 L 343.88998,133.848\" id=\"17187\" inkscape:label=\"Warren, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 342.31198,133.911 L 343.88998,133.848 L 344.15998,139.464 L 343.04198,139.481 L 340.30598,139.64 L 340.98298,138.846 L 341.04998,137.386 L 341.08598,137.219 L 341.83898,136.145 L 341.94298,136.043 L 342.22198,135.885 L 342.27598,135.804 L 342.35798,135.421 L 342.39698,134.371 L 342.34798,134.023 L 342.31198,133.911\" id=\"17071\" inkscape:label=\"Henderson, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 340.86898,130.566 L 347.08598,130.305 L 347.23398,133.717 L 343.88998,133.848 L 342.31198,133.911 L 342.30298,133.879 L 342.31198,133.568 L 341.85798,132.824 L 341.77598,132.739 L 341.69798,132.703 L 341.56898,132.721 L 341.26098,132.568 L 340.60798,131.783 L 340.60398,131.774 L 340.59398,131.667 L 340.86898,130.566\" id=\"17131\" inkscape:label=\"Mercer, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 351.55098,132.343 L 351.68698,134.609 L 351.89798,138.012 L 347.44898,138.251 L 347.23398,133.717 L 347.18398,132.586 L 351.55098,132.343\" id=\"17095\" inkscape:label=\"Knox, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 352.70498,131.166 L 354.88598,132.14 L 355.03998,134.402 L 351.68698,134.609 L 351.55098,132.343 L 352.70498,131.166\" id=\"17175\" inkscape:label=\"Stark, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 354.88598,132.14 L 356.55098,132.027 L 357.86898,131.941 L 357.85198,132.257 L 357.83298,132.343 L 357.77598,132.423 L 357.68098,132.474 L 357.62698,132.536 L 359.52098,132.395 L 360.79598,134.623 L 356.69398,134.974 L 355.03998,134.402 L 354.88598,132.14\" id=\"17123\" inkscape:label=\"Marshall, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 359.31298,129.727 L 359.52098,132.395 L 357.62698,132.536 L 357.68098,132.474 L 357.77598,132.423 L 357.83298,132.343 L 357.85198,132.257 L 357.86898,131.941 L 356.55098,132.027 L 356.46798,130.918 L 357.77098,129.935 L 358.29398,129.647 L 358.41098,129.634 L 359.31298,129.727\" id=\"17155\" inkscape:label=\"Putnam, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 365.06898,131.928 L 368.28598,131.594 L 368.45198,133.132 L 368.97098,137.999 L 366.79498,138.183 L 365.68098,138.282 L 365.54598,137.589 L 365.44298,136.462 L 362.10198,136.772 L 361.91298,134.515 L 361.74598,132.206 L 365.06898,131.928\" id=\"17105\" inkscape:label=\"Livingston, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 375.20398,130.318 L 375.38898,132.333 L 369.56198,133.001 L 368.45198,133.132 L 368.28598,131.594 L 368.26298,130.454 L 369.93598,130.268 L 370.42298,129.52 L 370.37698,129.093 L 375.05098,128.61 L 375.20398,130.318\" id=\"17091\" inkscape:label=\"Kankakee, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 367.91198,127.078 L 368.26298,130.454 L 368.28598,131.594 L 365.06898,131.928 L 364.62098,127.416 L 367.91198,127.078\" id=\"17063\" inkscape:label=\"Grundy, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 367.54198,123.697 L 369.80498,124.017 L 369.86798,124.586 L 372.32498,126.614 L 374.86098,126.389 L 375.05098,128.61 L 370.37698,129.093 L 370.42298,129.52 L 369.93598,130.268 L 368.26298,130.454 L 367.91198,127.078 L 367.54198,123.697\" id=\"17197\" inkscape:label=\"Will, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 367.53798,123.697 L 367.54198,123.697 L 367.91198,127.078 L 364.62098,127.416 L 364.38298,125.162 L 364.29798,124.022 L 367.53798,123.697\" id=\"17093\" inkscape:label=\"Kendall, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 361.16998,125.451 L 364.38298,125.162 L 364.62098,127.416 L 365.06898,131.928 L 361.74598,132.206 L 361.91298,134.515 L 360.79598,134.623 L 359.52098,132.395 L 359.31298,129.727 L 358.98498,125.604 L 360.08698,125.55 L 361.16998,125.451\" id=\"17099\" inkscape:label=\"La Salle, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 359.02798,126.168 L 359.31298,129.727 L 358.41098,129.634 L 358.29398,129.647 L 357.77098,129.935 L 356.46798,130.918 L 356.55098,132.027 L 354.88598,132.14 L 352.70498,131.166 L 352.36698,126.64 L 354.57498,126.478 L 359.02798,126.168\" id=\"17011\" inkscape:label=\"Bureau, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 352.36698,126.64 L 352.70498,131.166 L 351.55098,132.343 L 347.18398,132.586 L 347.08598,130.305 L 347.00798,128.625 L 347.62098,127.988 L 347.73398,127.902 L 347.90398,127.826 L 348.35998,127.718 L 348.71598,127.66 L 349.21198,127.398 L 349.29798,127.203 L 349.33898,126.978 L 349.32398,126.898 L 349.26998,126.825 L 352.36698,126.64\" id=\"17073\" inkscape:label=\"Henry, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 348.57198,124.274 L 348.53598,124.522 L 348.54498,124.758 L 348.65298,125.275 L 348.79698,125.568 L 348.98298,125.739 L 349.17098,125.807 L 349.32998,125.906 L 349.45598,126.042 L 349.47798,126.217 L 349.48298,126.375 L 349.45598,126.668 L 349.43298,126.709 L 349.26998,126.825 L 349.32398,126.898 L 349.33898,126.978 L 349.29798,127.203 L 349.21198,127.398 L 348.71598,127.66 L 348.35998,127.718 L 347.90398,127.826 L 347.73398,127.902 L 347.62098,127.988 L 347.00798,128.625 L 347.08598,130.305 L 340.86898,130.566 L 340.86898,130.562 L 340.98298,130.12 L 341.11698,129.569 L 341.12598,129.544 L 341.19398,129.448 L 341.19398,129.444 L 341.20298,129.439 L 341.30598,129.372 L 341.66798,129.241 L 343.01998,128.872 L 343.60998,128.867 L 343.74898,128.885 L 344.07798,128.876 L 344.85398,128.678 L 346.67498,127.776 L 347.24698,127.109 L 347.74698,126.437 L 347.89598,125.032 L 348.57198,124.274\" id=\"17161\" inkscape:label=\"Rock Island, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 354.31898,122.377 L 354.95798,122.328 L 356.88298,122.187 L 356.89698,122.377 L 360.88998,122.039 L 361.16998,125.451 L 360.08698,125.55 L 358.98498,125.604 L 359.02798,126.168 L 354.57498,126.478 L 354.31898,122.377\" id=\"17103\" inkscape:label=\"Lee, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 353.75098,122.039 L 354.31898,122.377 L 354.57498,126.478 L 352.36698,126.64 L 349.26998,126.825 L 349.43298,126.709 L 349.45598,126.668 L 349.48298,126.375 L 349.47798,126.217 L 349.45598,126.042 L 349.32998,125.906 L 349.17098,125.807 L 348.98298,125.739 L 348.79698,125.568 L 348.65298,125.275 L 348.54498,124.758 L 348.53598,124.522 L 348.57198,124.274 L 349.31598,122.346 L 353.75098,122.039\" id=\"17195\" inkscape:label=\"Whiteside, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 353.50198,118.563 L 353.75098,122.039 L 349.31598,122.346 L 349.21198,120.997 L 347.54498,119.011 L 351.31298,118.744 L 353.50198,118.563\" id=\"17015\" inkscape:label=\"Carroll, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 356.27498,118.335 L 358.39398,118.159 L 358.44298,118.856 L 360.65498,118.667 L 360.88998,122.039 L 356.89698,122.377 L 356.88298,122.187 L 354.95798,122.328 L 354.31898,122.377 L 353.75098,122.039 L 353.50198,118.563 L 356.27498,118.335\" id=\"17141\" inkscape:label=\"Ogle, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 363.98698,118.397 L 364.29798,124.022 L 364.38298,125.162 L 361.16998,125.451 L 360.88998,122.039 L 360.65498,118.667 L 362.87798,118.483 L 363.98698,118.397\" id=\"17037\" inkscape:label=\"DeKalb, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 367.31298,118.127 L 367.25398,120.317 L 367.53798,123.697 L 364.29798,124.022 L 363.98698,118.397 L 367.31298,118.127\" id=\"17089\" inkscape:label=\"Kane, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 367.53798,123.697 L 367.25398,120.317 L 369.45298,120.052 L 370.40398,119.957 L 370.54398,120.412 L 370.86898,123.521 L 369.80498,124.017 L 367.54198,123.697 L 367.53798,123.697\" id=\"17043\" inkscape:label=\"DuPage, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 367.68198,118.095 L 371.85598,117.762 L 372.80698,119.042 L 373.32498,120.493 L 373.43798,120.886 L 373.53698,121.309 L 373.63198,121.61 L 373.66798,121.691 L 373.73598,121.84 L 374.01498,122.346 L 374.60098,123.305 L 374.86098,126.389 L 372.32498,126.614 L 369.86798,124.586 L 369.80498,124.017 L 370.86898,123.521 L 370.54398,120.412 L 370.40398,119.957 L 369.45298,120.052 L 367.25398,120.317 L 367.31298,118.127 L 367.68198,118.095\" id=\"17031\" inkscape:label=\"Cook, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 367.30798,113.674 L 371.08598,113.413 L 371.08998,113.413 L 371.13498,113.669 L 371.16198,114.8 L 371.07598,115.067 L 371.03998,115.112 L 370.97698,115.521 L 370.97698,115.901 L 371.06698,116.302 L 371.26598,116.779 L 371.40898,117.077 L 371.85598,117.762 L 367.68198,118.095 L 367.30798,113.674\" id=\"17097\" inkscape:label=\"Lake, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 366.32498,113.773 L 367.30798,113.674 L 367.68198,118.095 L 367.31298,118.127 L 363.98698,118.397 L 362.87798,118.483 L 362.52198,114.089 L 366.32498,113.773\" id=\"17111\" inkscape:label=\"McHenry, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 361.86798,114.134 L 362.52198,114.089 L 362.87798,118.483 L 360.65498,118.667 L 360.31798,114.237 L 361.86798,114.134\" id=\"17007\" inkscape:label=\"Boone, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 360.31798,114.237 L 360.65498,118.667 L 358.44298,118.856 L 358.39398,118.159 L 356.27498,118.335 L 355.95398,114.479 L 356.29198,114.458 L 360.31798,114.237\" id=\"17201\" inkscape:label=\"Winnebago, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 351.83098,114.692 L 355.95398,114.479 L 356.27498,118.335 L 353.50198,118.563 L 351.31298,118.744 L 350.98798,114.741 L 351.83098,114.692\" id=\"17177\" inkscape:label=\"Stephenson, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 350.98798,114.741 L 351.31298,118.744 L 347.54498,119.011 L 347.14798,118.884 L 346.97298,118.771 L 346.80998,118.64 L 346.80098,118.632 L 346.52998,118.294 L 346.52298,118.28 L 346.39098,117.983 L 346.39098,117.901 L 346.44498,117.78 L 346.49898,117.415 L 346.49398,117.366 L 346.46698,117.324 L 345.89998,116.667 L 345.87598,116.644 L 345.87198,116.64 L 345.06198,116.076 L 344.42498,115.747 L 344.20498,115.589 L 344.12798,115.509 L 344.10598,115.444 L 344.09698,115.372 L 344.10098,115.342 L 344.23298,115.116 L 346.25998,115.016 L 350.98798,114.741\" id=\"17085\" inkscape:label=\"Jo Daviess, IL\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 380.23798,122.751 L 380.85298,128.872 L 380.77098,128.98 L 380.49498,129.134 L 380.40998,129.11 L 379.66598,128.638 L 379.14398,128.457 L 378.94998,128.408 L 378.84198,128.43 L 378.29698,128.746 L 378.07098,129.07 L 377.57898,124.135 L 380.23798,122.751\" id=\"18127\" inkscape:label=\"Porter, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 374.60098,123.305 L 377.57898,124.135 L 378.07098,129.07 L 377.55198,129.422 L 375.20398,130.318 L 375.05098,128.61 L 374.60098,123.305\" id=\"18089\" inkscape:label=\"Lake, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 387.03998,167.105 L 388.12998,166.952 L 389.30698,167.614 L 389.46998,169.04 L 389.27098,169.719 L 389.21198,169.727 L 389.00498,169.765 L 388.95098,169.796 L 388.90998,169.854 L 388.89298,169.995 L 388.96898,170.765 L 388.31098,172.265 L 388.03098,172.482 L 387.89698,172.527 L 387.81998,172.522 L 386.02698,170.662 L 385.99398,167.962 L 385.93198,167.394 L 387.06798,167.299 L 387.03998,167.105\" id=\"18123\" inkscape:label=\"Perry, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 385.99398,167.962 L 386.02698,170.662 L 384.45798,171.702 L 383.83098,172.289 L 383.07798,173.649 L 381.60498,172.667 L 381.55598,172.045 L 381.57298,171.996 L 383.28098,169.417 L 383.73198,168.201 L 385.99398,167.962\" id=\"18147\" inkscape:label=\"Spencer, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 380.68498,167.931 L 383.14198,167.876 L 383.73198,168.201 L 383.28098,169.417 L 381.57298,171.996 L 381.55598,172.045 L 381.60498,172.667 L 381.24398,172.415 L 379.69798,172 L 379.59898,170.783 L 379.36398,170.806 L 379.27498,169.679 L 379.26998,169.111 L 379.23798,168.647 L 380.73598,168.503 L 380.68498,167.931\" id=\"18173\" inkscape:label=\"Warrick, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 377.05198,169.268 L 379.26998,169.111 L 379.27498,169.679 L 379.36398,170.806 L 379.59898,170.783 L 379.69798,172 L 377.23298,172.744 L 377.05198,169.268\" id=\"18163\" inkscape:label=\"Vanderburgh, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 374.30798,168.701 L 377.05198,169.268 L 377.23298,172.744 L 374.94698,172.925 L 374.04598,174.344 L 373.53698,173.203 L 374.01998,173.185 L 374.03698,173.182 L 374.05898,173.167 L 374.06498,173.158 L 374.09198,173.103 L 374.23598,170.116 L 374.29398,168.764 L 374.30798,168.701\" id=\"18129\" inkscape:label=\"Posey, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 376.24998,166.122 L 378.88698,164.343 L 378.96398,165.221 L 379.18398,165.586 L 379.77498,166.299 L 379.91498,166.249 L 380.44598,166.159 L 380.53098,166.195 L 380.73598,168.503 L 379.23798,168.647 L 379.26998,169.111 L 377.05198,169.268 L 374.30798,168.701 L 376.24998,166.122\" id=\"18051\" inkscape:label=\"Gibson, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 381.07698,163.991 L 382.80398,164.225 L 383.14198,167.876 L 380.68498,167.931 L 380.53098,166.195 L 380.44598,166.159 L 379.91498,166.249 L 379.77498,166.299 L 379.18398,165.586 L 378.96398,165.221 L 378.88698,164.343 L 379.25198,164.212 L 379.91498,164.108 L 379.98198,164.127 L 380.52798,164.495 L 380.65698,164.46 L 380.82898,164.307 L 380.95998,164.176 L 381.07698,163.991\" id=\"18125\" inkscape:label=\"Pike, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 386.67898,163.702 L 386.85498,165.4 L 387.03998,167.105 L 387.06798,167.299 L 385.93198,167.394 L 385.99398,167.962 L 383.73198,168.201 L 383.14198,167.876 L 382.80398,164.225 L 384.29498,164.217 L 386.67898,163.702\" id=\"18037\" inkscape:label=\"Dubois, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 390.54198,164.663 L 391.07798,164.612 L 391.30398,168.413 L 389.27098,169.719 L 389.46998,169.04 L 389.30698,167.614 L 388.12998,166.952 L 387.03998,167.105 L 386.85498,165.4 L 389.14498,165.149 L 390.57798,165.037 L 390.54198,164.663\" id=\"18025\" inkscape:label=\"Crawford, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 393.29998,164.441 L 393.42198,165.568 L 393.64298,165.924 L 393.67498,165.924 L 394.08498,166.226 L 394.29198,166.397 L 394.93698,167.304 L 394.94998,167.403 L 394.70198,169.67 L 394.21498,169.836 L 393.91398,169.935 L 392.45798,169.863 L 392.38598,169.854 L 391.94798,169.682 L 391.49298,169.381 L 391.44398,169.35 L 391.42098,169.314 L 391.36198,169.224 L 391.28998,168.972 L 391.28098,168.949 L 391.27698,168.89 L 391.27298,168.8 L 391.27298,168.777 L 391.30398,168.413 L 391.07798,164.612 L 393.29998,164.441\" id=\"18061\" inkscape:label=\"Harrison, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 393.67898,164.397 L 393.68898,164.491 L 393.97698,164.558 L 395.55898,164.379 L 396.10898,165.028 L 395.88798,165.857 L 394.94998,167.403 L 394.93698,167.304 L 394.29198,166.397 L 394.08498,166.226 L 393.67498,165.924 L 393.64298,165.924 L 393.42198,165.568 L 393.29998,164.441 L 393.67898,164.397\" id=\"18043\" inkscape:label=\"Floyd, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 397.64498,161.513 L 399.09698,161.61 L 399.12798,162.423 L 397.28898,164.505 L 395.88798,165.857 L 396.10898,165.028 L 395.55898,164.379 L 393.97698,164.558 L 393.68898,164.491 L 393.67898,164.397 L 393.59798,163.486 L 394.03498,163.265 L 394.65698,163.181 L 394.82398,162.968 L 394.96798,162.575 L 394.94498,162.396 L 397.64498,161.513\" id=\"18019\" inkscape:label=\"Clark, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 401.48898,156.608 L 403.87898,155.252 L 404.87398,156.838 L 401.48598,156.851 L 401.48898,156.608\" id=\"18115\" inkscape:label=\"Ohio, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 401.48598,156.851 L 404.87398,156.838 L 405.00998,157.401 L 402.82798,158.876 L 401.18798,159.998 L 400.84098,157.132 L 401.48598,156.851\" id=\"18155\" inkscape:label=\"Switzerland, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 398.44698,157.41 L 400.84098,157.132 L 401.18798,159.998 L 399.79498,159.515 L 399.09698,161.61 L 397.64498,161.513 L 397.53198,160.575 L 397.14498,160.431 L 396.84698,160.268 L 396.52398,159.925 L 396.30198,159.641 L 396.22098,158.933 L 396.93298,158.74 L 397.24798,158.235 L 397.34798,157.93 L 397.52798,157.522 L 398.44698,157.41\" id=\"18077\" inkscape:label=\"Jefferson, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 396.22098,158.933 L 396.30198,159.641 L 396.52398,159.925 L 396.84698,160.268 L 397.14498,160.431 L 397.53198,160.575 L 397.64498,161.513 L 394.94498,162.396 L 394.30098,160.2 L 395.12598,159.155 L 396.22098,158.933\" id=\"18143\" inkscape:label=\"Scott, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 390.42098,160.224 L 394.30098,160.2 L 394.94498,162.396 L 394.96798,162.575 L 394.82398,162.968 L 394.65698,163.181 L 394.03498,163.265 L 393.59798,163.486 L 393.67898,164.397 L 393.29998,164.441 L 391.07798,164.612 L 390.54198,164.663 L 390.19098,161.232 L 390.42098,160.224\" id=\"18175\" inkscape:label=\"Washington, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 390.19098,161.232 L 390.54198,164.663 L 390.57798,165.037 L 389.14498,165.149 L 386.85498,165.4 L 386.67898,163.702 L 386.46798,161.629 L 390.19098,161.232\" id=\"18117\" inkscape:label=\"Orange, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 383.99798,159.023 L 386.19298,158.804 L 386.46798,161.629 L 386.67898,163.702 L 384.29498,164.217 L 383.99798,159.023\" id=\"18101\" inkscape:label=\"Martin, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 382.06898,159.209 L 383.99798,159.023 L 384.29498,164.217 L 382.80398,164.225 L 381.07698,163.991 L 380.62698,162.016 L 380.76198,160.958 L 380.93798,160.61 L 381.78098,159.439 L 382.06898,159.209\" id=\"18027\" inkscape:label=\"Daviess, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 380.65398,159.29 L 382.06898,159.209 L 381.78098,159.439 L 380.93798,160.61 L 380.76198,160.958 L 380.62698,162.016 L 381.07698,163.991 L 380.95998,164.176 L 380.82898,164.307 L 380.65698,164.46 L 380.52798,164.495 L 379.98198,164.127 L 379.91498,164.108 L 379.25198,164.212 L 378.88698,164.343 L 376.24998,166.122 L 376.96698,164.058 L 377.16098,163.53 L 377.94998,162.521 L 378.02998,162.454 L 378.12898,162.273 L 378.26998,161.453 L 378.27398,161.138 L 377.88998,160.313 L 377.86798,160.277 L 377.82698,160.272 L 377.74598,159.629 L 380.65398,159.29\" id=\"18083\" inkscape:label=\"Knox, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 380.23798,154.747 L 380.33798,155.874 L 380.65398,159.29 L 377.74598,159.629 L 377.80498,159.548 L 377.87698,159.344 L 377.90398,158.933 L 377.18798,157.654 L 376.71898,157.103 L 376.51598,156.41 L 376.64698,155.067 L 380.23798,154.747\" id=\"18153\" inkscape:label=\"Sullivan, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 382.18198,155.752 L 385.85998,155.428 L 386.08498,157.668 L 386.19298,158.804 L 383.99798,159.023 L 382.06898,159.209 L 380.65398,159.29 L 380.33798,155.874 L 382.18198,155.752\" id=\"18055\" inkscape:label=\"Greene, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 386.08498,157.668 L 389.69898,157.325 L 390.42098,160.224 L 390.19098,161.232 L 386.46798,161.629 L 386.19298,158.804 L 386.08498,157.668\" id=\"18093\" inkscape:label=\"Lawrence, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 391.97098,156.315 L 394.72498,155.789 L 395.12598,159.155 L 394.30098,160.2 L 390.42098,160.224 L 389.69898,157.325 L 389.61798,156.577 L 391.97098,156.315\" id=\"18071\" inkscape:label=\"Jackson, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 398.09198,153.755 L 398.44698,157.41 L 397.52798,157.522 L 397.34798,157.93 L 397.24798,158.235 L 396.93298,158.74 L 396.22098,158.933 L 395.12598,159.155 L 394.72498,155.789 L 395.74698,154.86 L 398.09198,153.755\" id=\"18079\" inkscape:label=\"Jennings, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 401.61498,151.894 L 401.48898,156.608 L 401.48598,156.851 L 400.84098,157.132 L 398.44698,157.41 L 398.09198,153.755 L 399.39898,152.655 L 401.61498,151.894\" id=\"18137\" inkscape:label=\"Ripley, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 401.61498,151.894 L 404.04098,151.637 L 404.33798,154.216 L 403.87898,155.252 L 401.48898,156.608 L 401.61498,151.894\" id=\"18029\" inkscape:label=\"Dearborn, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 403.75298,148.833 L 404.04098,151.637 L 401.61498,151.894 L 399.39898,152.655 L 399.11898,150.267 L 399.00598,149.339 L 401.57898,149.032 L 403.75298,148.833\" id=\"18047\" inkscape:label=\"Franklin, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 395.85598,150.637 L 399.11898,150.267 L 399.39898,152.655 L 398.09198,153.755 L 395.74698,154.86 L 395.45898,152.025 L 395.85598,150.637\" id=\"18031\" inkscape:label=\"Decatur, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 395.45898,152.025 L 395.74698,154.86 L 394.72498,155.789 L 391.97098,156.315 L 391.52098,152.52 L 392.83198,152.345 L 395.45898,152.025\" id=\"18005\" inkscape:label=\"Bartholomew, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 389.88398,152.724 L 391.52098,152.52 L 391.97098,156.315 L 389.61798,156.577 L 388.60898,152.881 L 389.88398,152.724\" id=\"18013\" inkscape:label=\"Brown, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 386.14398,153.02 L 388.60898,152.881 L 389.61798,156.577 L 389.69898,157.325 L 386.08498,157.668 L 385.85998,155.428 L 386.14398,153.02\" id=\"18105\" inkscape:label=\"Monroe, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 382.93898,151.695 L 385.43098,151.493 L 386.14398,153.02 L 385.85998,155.428 L 382.18198,155.752 L 381.97898,153.49 L 383.07298,153.395 L 382.93898,151.695\" id=\"18119\" inkscape:label=\"Owen, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 380.22598,150.204 L 382.05898,150.059 L 382.93898,151.695 L 383.07298,153.395 L 381.97898,153.49 L 382.18198,155.752 L 380.33798,155.874 L 380.23798,154.747 L 379.94198,151.357 L 380.31998,151.335 L 380.22598,150.204\" id=\"18021\" inkscape:label=\"Clay, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 380.22598,150.204 L 380.31998,151.335 L 379.94198,151.357 L 380.23798,154.747 L 376.64698,155.067 L 377.10698,152.182 L 376.95298,150.497 L 378.42298,150.357 L 380.22598,150.204\" id=\"18167\" inkscape:label=\"Vigo, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 377.57498,143.654 L 377.64698,145.931 L 378.09798,146.521 L 378.22498,146.688 L 378.40398,147.044 L 378.31898,149.351 L 378.42298,150.357 L 376.95298,150.497 L 376.62398,146.928 L 376.33598,143.498 L 377.57498,143.654\" id=\"18165\" inkscape:label=\"Vermillion, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 380.86998,145.629 L 381.77198,146.671 L 382.05898,150.059 L 380.22598,150.204 L 378.42298,150.357 L 378.31898,149.351 L 378.40398,147.044 L 378.22498,146.688 L 378.09798,146.521 L 377.64698,145.931 L 380.86998,145.629\" id=\"18121\" inkscape:label=\"Parke, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 381.77198,146.671 L 384.84998,146.395 L 384.93098,146.386 L 385.10198,148.157 L 385.39598,149.406 L 385.56198,149.771 L 385.43098,151.493 L 382.93898,151.695 L 382.05898,150.059 L 381.77198,146.671\" id=\"18133\" inkscape:label=\"Putnam, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 389.51498,148.946 L 389.88398,152.724 L 388.60898,152.881 L 386.14398,153.02 L 385.43098,151.493 L 385.56198,149.771 L 387.44198,149.586 L 387.40098,149.208 L 388.67198,149.055 L 388.76698,149.046 L 389.51498,148.946\" id=\"18109\" inkscape:label=\"Morgan, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 392.43098,148.582 L 392.83198,152.345 L 391.52098,152.52 L 389.88398,152.724 L 389.51498,148.946 L 392.43098,148.582\" id=\"18081\" inkscape:label=\"Johnson, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 392.35398,147.819 L 395.47298,147.464 L 395.85598,150.637 L 395.45898,152.025 L 392.83198,152.345 L 392.43098,148.582 L 392.35398,147.819\" id=\"18145\" inkscape:label=\"Shelby, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 395.70198,146.287 L 398.59198,145.953 L 399.11898,150.267 L 395.85598,150.637 L 395.47298,147.464 L 395.70198,146.287\" id=\"18139\" inkscape:label=\"Rush, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 398.59198,145.953 L 399.37598,145.854 L 399.74598,145.814 L 399.83998,146.756 L 401.31398,146.599 L 401.57898,149.032 L 399.00598,149.339 L 398.59198,145.953\" id=\"18041\" inkscape:label=\"Fayette, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 401.31398,146.599 L 403.44998,146.192 L 403.68498,148.248 L 403.75298,148.833 L 401.57898,149.032 L 401.31398,146.599\" id=\"18161\" inkscape:label=\"Union, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 403.05898,142.591 L 403.17598,143.732 L 403.44998,146.192 L 401.31398,146.599 L 399.83998,146.756 L 399.74598,145.814 L 399.37598,145.854 L 399.24898,143.042 L 403.05898,142.591\" id=\"18177\" inkscape:label=\"Wayne, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 395.49098,142.515 L 399.02098,142.122 L 399.24898,143.042 L 399.37598,145.854 L 398.59198,145.953 L 395.70198,146.287 L 395.67598,144.209 L 395.49098,142.515\" id=\"18065\" inkscape:label=\"Henry, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 395.67598,144.209 L 395.70198,146.287 L 395.47298,147.464 L 392.35398,147.819 L 392.17398,144.832 L 392.88598,144.543 L 395.67598,144.209\" id=\"18059\" inkscape:label=\"Hancock, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 392.17398,144.832 L 392.35398,147.819 L 392.43098,148.582 L 389.51498,148.946 L 388.76698,149.046 L 388.38298,145.268 L 389.21798,145.161 L 392.17398,144.832\" id=\"18097\" inkscape:label=\"Marion, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 388.38298,145.268 L 388.76698,149.046 L 388.67198,149.055 L 387.40098,149.208 L 387.44198,149.586 L 385.56198,149.771 L 385.39598,149.406 L 385.10198,148.157 L 384.93098,146.386 L 384.84998,146.395 L 384.77798,145.647 L 388.38298,145.268\" id=\"18063\" inkscape:label=\"Hendricks, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 388.86098,141.866 L 389.21798,145.161 L 388.38298,145.268 L 384.77798,145.647 L 384.44398,142.339 L 388.86098,141.866\" id=\"18011\" inkscape:label=\"Boone, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 388.81098,141.41 L 392.51198,140.983 L 392.88598,144.543 L 392.17398,144.832 L 389.21798,145.161 L 388.86098,141.866 L 388.81098,141.41\" id=\"18057\" inkscape:label=\"Hamilton, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 398.63698,139.156 L 402.66098,138.647 L 403.05898,142.591 L 399.24898,143.042 L 399.02098,142.122 L 398.63698,139.156\" id=\"18135\" inkscape:label=\"Randolph, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 398.51998,138.224 L 398.63698,139.156 L 399.02098,142.122 L 395.49098,142.515 L 395.04098,138.611 L 396.34298,138.472 L 398.51998,138.224\" id=\"18035\" inkscape:label=\"Delaware, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 395.04098,138.611 L 395.49098,142.515 L 395.67598,144.209 L 392.88598,144.543 L 392.51198,140.983 L 392.28598,138.922 L 395.04098,138.611\" id=\"18095\" inkscape:label=\"Madison, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 392.28598,138.922 L 392.51198,140.983 L 388.81098,141.41 L 388.59498,139.368 L 392.24998,138.557 L 392.28598,138.922\" id=\"18159\" inkscape:label=\"Tipton, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 384.13298,139.057 L 387.22898,138.751 L 387.87398,138.688 L 387.93298,139.247 L 388.22998,139.409 L 388.59498,139.368 L 388.81098,141.41 L 388.86098,141.866 L 384.44398,142.339 L 384.39898,141.875 L 384.13298,139.057\" id=\"18023\" inkscape:label=\"Clinton, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 384.39898,141.875 L 384.44398,142.339 L 384.77798,145.647 L 384.84998,146.395 L 381.77198,146.671 L 380.86998,145.629 L 380.53598,142.24 L 384.39898,141.875\" id=\"18107\" inkscape:label=\"Montgomery, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 380.53598,142.24 L 380.86998,145.629 L 377.64698,145.931 L 377.57498,143.654 L 377.26898,143.325 L 377.21898,143.204 L 377.22798,143.136 L 377.35998,142.885 L 378.91398,141.253 L 379.15298,141.055 L 380.35598,140.279 L 380.53598,142.24\" id=\"18045\" inkscape:label=\"Fountain, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 402.27498,135.263 L 402.59398,138.099 L 402.66098,138.647 L 398.63698,139.156 L 398.51998,138.224 L 398.42498,135.776 L 399.70598,135.614 L 402.27498,135.263\" id=\"18075\" inkscape:label=\"Jay, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 396.04498,136.052 L 398.42498,135.776 L 398.51998,138.224 L 396.34298,138.472 L 396.04498,136.052\" id=\"18009\" inkscape:label=\"Blackford, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 394.07198,135.141 L 395.90498,134.93 L 396.04498,136.052 L 396.34298,138.472 L 395.04098,138.611 L 392.28598,138.922 L 392.24998,138.557 L 392.01098,136.507 L 391.88598,135.393 L 394.07198,135.141\" id=\"18053\" inkscape:label=\"Grant, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 389.09998,136.849 L 392.01098,136.507 L 392.24998,138.557 L 388.59498,139.368 L 388.22998,139.409 L 387.93298,139.247 L 387.87398,138.688 L 387.22898,138.751 L 387.07598,137.079 L 389.09998,136.849\" id=\"18067\" inkscape:label=\"Howard, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 387.07598,137.079 L 387.22898,138.751 L 384.13298,139.057 L 383.93438,137.38532 L 383.22798,137.448 L 383.10598,136.372 L 383.15498,135.304 L 383.19198,135.213 L 383.23198,135.16 L 384.84098,135.023 L 385.38998,134.974 L 386.90898,135.38 L 387.07598,137.079\" id=\"18015\" inkscape:label=\"Carroll, IN\" sodipodi:nodetypes=\"ccccccccccccc\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 380.08498,137.742 L 383.22798,137.448 L 383.935,137.38524 L 384.13298,139.057 L 384.39898,141.875 L 380.53598,142.24 L 380.35598,140.279 L 380.20698,138.868 L 380.08498,137.742\" id=\"18157\" inkscape:label=\"Tippecanoe, IN\" sodipodi:nodetypes=\"ccccccccc\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 376.00298,139.233 L 380.20698,138.868 L 380.35598,140.279 L 379.15298,141.055 L 378.91398,141.253 L 377.35998,142.885 L 377.22798,143.136 L 377.21898,143.204 L 377.26898,143.325 L 377.57498,143.654 L 376.33598,143.498 L 376.00298,139.233\" id=\"18171\" inkscape:label=\"Warren, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 378.20998,135.65 L 379.84198,135.498 L 380.20698,138.868 L 376.00298,139.233 L 375.98798,139.049 L 375.70498,135.871 L 378.20998,135.65\" id=\"18007\" inkscape:label=\"Benton, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 401.73498,130.747 L 402.03898,133.253 L 402.27498,135.263 L 399.70598,135.614 L 399.13298,131.112 L 401.73498,130.747\" id=\"18001\" inkscape:label=\"Adams, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 396.61298,131.409 L 399.13298,131.112 L 399.70598,135.614 L 398.42498,135.776 L 396.04498,136.052 L 395.90498,134.93 L 397.00998,134.798 L 396.61298,131.409\" id=\"18179\" inkscape:label=\"Wells, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 393.52598,130.639 L 396.49098,130.268 L 396.61298,131.409 L 397.00998,134.798 L 395.90498,134.93 L 394.07198,135.141 L 393.52598,130.639\" id=\"18069\" inkscape:label=\"Huntington, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 393.07498,130.107 L 393.52598,130.639 L 394.07198,135.141 L 391.88598,135.393 L 391.15898,135.479 L 390.61898,130.991 L 390.56498,130.428 L 393.07498,130.107\" id=\"18169\" inkscape:label=\"Wabash, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 390.61898,130.991 L 391.15898,135.479 L 391.88598,135.393 L 392.01098,136.507 L 389.09998,136.849 L 388.59498,132.374 L 390.61898,130.991\" id=\"18103\" inkscape:label=\"Miami, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 385.70998,132.667 L 388.59498,132.374 L 389.09998,136.849 L 387.07598,137.079 L 386.90898,135.38 L 385.38998,134.974 L 384.84098,135.023 L 384.61498,132.761 L 385.70998,132.667\" id=\"18017\" inkscape:label=\"Cass, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 384.61498,132.761 L 384.84098,135.023 L 383.23198,135.16 L 383.19198,135.213 L 383.15498,135.304 L 383.10598,136.372 L 383.22798,137.448 L 380.08498,137.742 L 379.84198,135.498 L 381.24798,133.068 L 384.61498,132.761\" id=\"18181\" inkscape:label=\"White, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 401.22398,126.487 L 401.62998,129.886 L 401.73498,130.747 L 399.13298,131.112 L 396.61298,131.409 L 396.49098,130.268 L 396.37898,126.898 L 397.48298,126.771 L 401.19598,126.249 L 401.22398,126.487\" id=\"18003\" inkscape:label=\"Allen, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 393.03398,126.871 L 394.14298,126.744 L 394.17498,127.118 L 396.37898,126.898 L 396.49098,130.268 L 393.52598,130.639 L 393.07498,130.107 L 392.86698,128.408 L 393.19298,128.371 L 393.10198,127.398 L 393.03398,126.871\" id=\"18183\" inkscape:label=\"Whitley, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 385.38098,129.282 L 389.12198,128.881 L 390.56498,130.428 L 390.61898,130.991 L 388.59498,132.374 L 385.70998,132.667 L 385.38098,129.282\" id=\"18049\" inkscape:label=\"Fulton, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 385.38098,129.282 L 385.70998,132.667 L 384.61498,132.761 L 381.24798,133.068 L 380.92898,129.71 L 385.38098,129.282\" id=\"18131\" inkscape:label=\"Pulaski, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 397.08098,123.387 L 400.79098,122.909 L 400.95298,124.252 L 401.19598,126.249 L 397.48298,126.771 L 397.08098,123.387\" id=\"18033\" inkscape:label=\"DeKalb, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 397.08098,123.387 L 397.48298,126.771 L 396.37898,126.898 L 394.17498,127.118 L 394.14298,126.744 L 393.03398,126.871 L 392.81898,125.036 L 392.68398,123.923 L 397.08098,123.387\" id=\"18113\" inkscape:label=\"Noble, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 388.94298,125.464 L 392.81898,125.036 L 393.03398,126.871 L 393.10198,127.398 L 393.19298,128.371 L 392.86698,128.408 L 393.07498,130.107 L 390.56498,130.428 L 389.12198,128.881 L 388.94298,125.464\" id=\"18085\" inkscape:label=\"Kosciusko, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 388.94298,125.464 L 389.12198,128.881 L 385.38098,129.282 L 385.04298,125.901 L 384.98598,125.343 L 386.70598,125.14 L 388.87998,124.91 L 388.94298,125.464\" id=\"18099\" inkscape:label=\"Marshall, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 385.04298,125.901 L 385.38098,129.282 L 380.92898,129.71 L 380.85298,128.872 L 381.91098,128.295 L 382.19498,128.11 L 382.41498,127.763 L 382.58298,127.447 L 382.64698,127.276 L 382.84398,126.518 L 383.36198,126.072 L 384.48798,125.96 L 385.04298,125.901\" id=\"18149\" inkscape:label=\"Starke, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 380.85298,128.872 L 380.92898,129.71 L 381.24798,133.068 L 379.84198,135.498 L 378.20998,135.65 L 377.98598,133.388 L 377.93198,133.366 L 377.90398,133.311 L 377.55198,129.422 L 378.07098,129.07 L 378.29698,128.746 L 378.84198,128.43 L 378.94998,128.408 L 379.14398,128.457 L 379.66598,128.638 L 380.40998,129.11 L 380.49498,129.134 L 380.77098,128.98 L 380.85298,128.872\" id=\"18073\" inkscape:label=\"Jasper, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 375.20398,130.318 L 377.55198,129.422 L 377.90398,133.311 L 377.93198,133.366 L 377.98598,133.388 L 378.20998,135.65 L 375.70498,135.871 L 375.38898,132.333 L 375.20398,130.318\" id=\"18111\" inkscape:label=\"Newton, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 400.24598,119.971 L 400.52498,120.772 L 400.79098,122.909 L 397.08098,123.387 L 396.71198,120.386 L 400.24598,119.971\" id=\"18151\" inkscape:label=\"Steuben, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 395.80198,120.484 L 396.71198,120.386 L 397.08098,123.387 L 392.68398,123.923 L 392.30398,120.886 L 395.80198,120.484\" id=\"18087\" inkscape:label=\"LaGrange, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 392.30398,120.886 L 392.68398,123.923 L 392.81898,125.036 L 388.94298,125.464 L 388.46898,121.282 L 391.05098,121.02 L 392.30398,120.886\" id=\"18039\" inkscape:label=\"Elkhart, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 388.46898,121.282 L 388.87998,124.91 L 386.70598,125.14 L 384.98598,125.343 L 385.04298,125.901 L 384.48798,125.96 L 384.07398,121.741 L 386.91398,121.448 L 388.46898,121.282\" id=\"18141\" inkscape:label=\"St. Joseph, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 381.20798,122.016 L 384.07398,121.741 L 384.48798,125.96 L 383.36198,126.072 L 382.84398,126.518 L 382.64698,127.276 L 382.58298,127.447 L 382.41498,127.763 L 382.19498,128.11 L 381.91098,128.295 L 380.85298,128.872 L 380.23798,122.751 L 381.20798,122.016\" id=\"18091\" inkscape:label=\"LaPorte, IN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 299.97198,149.091 L 300.28298,149.091 L 300.28798,149.212 L 300.35098,149.303 L 301.54098,150.38 L 302.02298,150.69 L 302.26598,150.78 L 302.45498,150.852 L 302.49098,150.865 L 302.53598,150.861 L 302.91098,150.825 L 302.98398,150.798 L 303.04198,150.744 L 303.04998,150.735 L 303.38798,150.352 L 304.21298,151.389 L 304.29398,151.772 L 304.37098,152.128 L 304.16398,152.589 L 303.95598,152.625 L 303.24398,153.255 L 303.20398,153.301 L 302.86498,153.796 L 302.74798,153.963 L 300.00398,153.602 L 299.97198,149.091\" id=\"20043\" inkscape:label=\"Doniphan, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 295.57298,149.108 L 299.97198,149.091 L 300.00398,153.602 L 297.79098,153.615 L 295.57298,153.625 L 295.57298,149.108\" id=\"20013\" inkscape:label=\"Brown, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 232.36098,176.57 L 237.56298,176.917 L 237.31498,181.429 L 236.99898,181.411 L 232.07298,181.099 L 232.28898,177.791 L 232.36098,176.57\" id=\"20187\" inkscape:label=\"Stanton, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 232.07298,181.099 L 236.99898,181.411 L 236.71498,186.513 L 231.88798,186.247 L 231.74398,186.238 L 232.07298,181.099\" id=\"20129\" inkscape:label=\"Morton, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 236.99898,181.411 L 237.31498,181.429 L 241.74098,181.685 L 241.96098,181.699 L 241.70498,186.761 L 236.71498,186.513 L 236.99898,181.411\" id=\"20189\" inkscape:label=\"Stevens, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 237.56298,176.917 L 241.98398,177.16 L 241.74098,181.685 L 237.31498,181.429 L 237.56298,176.917\" id=\"20067\" inkscape:label=\"Grant, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 246.40998,177.39 L 246.23398,180.784 L 246.17998,181.92 L 241.96098,181.699 L 241.74098,181.685 L 241.98398,177.16 L 246.40998,177.39\" id=\"20081\" inkscape:label=\"Haskell, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 246.17998,181.92 L 246.13098,186.959 L 242.94398,186.824 L 241.70498,186.761 L 241.96098,181.699 L 246.17998,181.92\" id=\"20175\" inkscape:label=\"Seward, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 250.66898,180.983 L 251.77398,181.042 L 251.68798,187.188 L 246.13098,186.959 L 246.17998,181.92 L 246.23398,180.784 L 250.66898,180.983\" id=\"20119\" inkscape:label=\"Meade, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 250.80898,175.282 L 250.66898,180.983 L 246.23398,180.784 L 246.40998,177.39 L 246.33798,176.178 L 246.45498,173.925 L 250.86798,174.155 L 250.80898,175.282\" id=\"20069\" inkscape:label=\"Gray, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 250.80898,175.282 L 257.44398,175.569 L 257.46198,177.887 L 257.36698,181.356 L 251.77398,181.042 L 250.66898,180.983 L 250.80898,175.282\" id=\"20057\" inkscape:label=\"Ford, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 257.36698,181.356 L 257.45198,182.488 L 257.28998,187.445 L 252.57498,187.229 L 251.68798,187.188 L 251.77398,181.042 L 257.36698,181.356\" id=\"20025\" inkscape:label=\"Clark, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 262.86098,182.632 L 262.81198,187.635 L 258.15998,187.477 L 257.28998,187.445 L 257.45198,182.488 L 262.86098,182.632\" id=\"20033\" inkscape:label=\"Comanche, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 257.46198,177.887 L 262.98298,178.103 L 262.88798,181.514 L 262.86098,182.632 L 257.45198,182.488 L 257.36698,181.356 L 257.46198,177.887\" id=\"20097\" inkscape:label=\"Kiowa, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 257.53298,173.303 L 259.73698,173.38 L 259.70098,174.511 L 263.00898,174.623 L 263.02298,176.904 L 262.98298,178.103 L 257.46198,177.887 L 257.44398,175.569 L 257.53298,173.303\" id=\"20047\" inkscape:label=\"Edwards, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 268.49498,177.07 L 268.53998,178.265 L 268.44998,181.663 L 262.88798,181.514 L 262.98298,178.103 L 263.02298,176.904 L 268.49498,177.07\" id=\"20151\" inkscape:label=\"Pratt, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 262.88798,181.514 L 268.44998,181.663 L 269.58998,182.826 L 269.49498,187.843 L 267.47198,187.779 L 262.81198,187.635 L 262.86098,182.632 L 262.88798,181.514\" id=\"20007\" inkscape:label=\"Barber, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 269.58998,182.826 L 275.11098,182.917 L 275.06598,187.955 L 271.89698,187.896 L 269.49498,187.843 L 269.58998,182.826\" id=\"20077\" inkscape:label=\"Harper, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 268.53998,178.265 L 275.18798,178.399 L 275.12898,181.775 L 275.11098,182.917 L 269.58998,182.826 L 268.44998,181.663 L 268.53998,178.265\" id=\"20095\" inkscape:label=\"Kingman, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 274.14698,172.663 L 276.36398,172.703 L 276.30098,176.093 L 275.18798,178.399 L 268.53998,178.265 L 268.49498,177.07 L 268.60698,172.545 L 274.14698,172.663\" id=\"20155\" inkscape:label=\"Reno, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 279.68598,172.758 L 281.87098,173.907 L 281.85398,176.178 L 276.30098,176.093 L 276.36398,172.703 L 279.68598,172.758\" id=\"20079\" inkscape:label=\"Harvey, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 276.30098,176.093 L 281.85398,176.178 L 281.77698,181.862 L 275.12898,181.775 L 275.18798,178.399 L 276.30098,176.093\" id=\"20173\" inkscape:label=\"Sedgwick, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 275.12898,181.775 L 281.77698,181.862 L 281.75898,188.055 L 278.54098,188.015 L 275.06598,187.955 L 275.11098,182.917 L 275.12898,181.775\" id=\"20191\" inkscape:label=\"Sumner, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 281.77698,181.862 L 288.14998,181.907 L 288.14998,184.165 L 288.11798,188.108 L 285.82398,188.095 L 281.75898,188.055 L 281.77698,181.862\" id=\"20035\" inkscape:label=\"Cowley, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 285.01798,173.965 L 288.22698,173.978 L 288.16398,180.207 L 288.14998,181.907 L 281.77698,181.862 L 281.85398,176.178 L 281.87098,173.907 L 285.01798,173.965\" id=\"20015\" inkscape:label=\"Butler, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 288.14998,184.165 L 293.85698,184.224 L 293.85998,188.127 L 293.48698,188.127 L 288.11798,188.108 L 288.14998,184.165\" id=\"20019\" inkscape:label=\"Chautauqua, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 293.88698,180.265 L 293.88698,183.087 L 293.85698,184.224 L 288.14998,184.165 L 288.14998,181.907 L 288.16398,180.207 L 293.88698,180.265\" id=\"20049\" inkscape:label=\"Elk, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 293.90598,172.889 L 293.90098,174.592 L 293.88698,178.567 L 293.88698,180.265 L 288.16398,180.207 L 288.22698,173.978 L 289.89898,172.861 L 293.90598,172.889\" id=\"20073\" inkscape:label=\"Greenwood, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 293.88698,183.087 L 298.31798,183.11 L 298.36398,183.11 L 298.40398,184.634 L 298.37298,187.293 L 298.37598,188.108 L 295.67198,188.122 L 293.85998,188.127 L 293.85698,184.224 L 293.88698,183.087\" id=\"20125\" inkscape:label=\"Montgomery, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 293.88698,178.567 L 298.29498,178.576 L 298.31798,183.11 L 293.88698,183.087 L 293.88698,178.567\" id=\"20205\" inkscape:label=\"Wilson, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 293.90098,174.592 L 298.34098,174.605 L 298.29498,178.576 L 293.88698,178.567 L 293.90098,174.592\" id=\"20207\" inkscape:label=\"Woodson, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 298.36398,183.11 L 302.77098,183.078 L 302.90598,183.65 L 302.96898,188.072 L 299.54898,188.104 L 298.37598,188.108 L 298.37298,187.293 L 298.40398,184.634 L 298.36398,183.11\" id=\"20099\" inkscape:label=\"Labette, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 302.72598,178.55 L 302.73598,179.301 L 302.77098,183.078 L 298.36398,183.11 L 298.31798,183.11 L 298.29498,178.576 L 302.72598,178.55\" id=\"20133\" inkscape:label=\"Neosho, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 302.79298,174.578 L 302.72598,178.55 L 298.29498,178.576 L 298.34098,174.605 L 302.79298,174.578\" id=\"20001\" inkscape:label=\"Allen, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 302.90598,183.65 L 307.56598,183.614 L 307.62498,188.036 L 303.64098,188.068 L 302.96898,188.072 L 302.90598,183.65\" id=\"20021\" inkscape:label=\"Cherokee, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 307.49898,179.261 L 307.56198,183.276 L 307.56598,183.614 L 302.90598,183.65 L 302.77098,183.078 L 302.73598,179.301 L 307.49898,179.261\" id=\"20037\" inkscape:label=\"Crawford, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 302.79298,174.578 L 307.46798,174.533 L 307.49898,179.261 L 302.73598,179.301 L 302.72598,178.55 L 302.79298,174.578\" id=\"20011\" inkscape:label=\"Bourbon, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 232.76698,169.769 L 237.55398,170.054 L 237.80598,170.066 L 237.59398,173.835 L 237.62998,175.732 L 237.56298,176.917 L 232.36098,176.57 L 232.76698,169.769\" id=\"20075\" inkscape:label=\"Hamilton, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 233.12298,164.127 L 237.88698,164.392 L 237.55398,170.054 L 232.76698,169.769 L 233.05098,165.194 L 233.12298,164.127\" id=\"20071\" inkscape:label=\"Greeley, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 239.10398,158.794 L 238.71598,164.432 L 237.88698,164.392 L 233.12298,164.127 L 233.39798,159.593 L 233.46098,158.474 L 239.10398,158.794\" id=\"20199\" inkscape:label=\"Wallace, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 233.79498,152.826 L 240.06398,153.206 L 240.30698,153.219 L 239.96098,158.84 L 239.10398,158.794 L 233.46098,158.474 L 233.79498,152.826\" id=\"20181\" inkscape:label=\"Sherman, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 234.13698,147.183 L 240.41098,147.572 L 240.06398,153.206 L 233.79498,152.826 L 233.79898,152.751 L 234.13698,147.183\" id=\"20023\" inkscape:label=\"Cheyenne, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 264.21698,171.274 L 268.56698,171.4 L 268.60698,172.545 L 268.49498,177.07 L 263.02298,176.904 L 263.00898,174.623 L 264.10498,174.659 L 264.21698,171.274\" id=\"20185\" inkscape:label=\"Stafford, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 237.80598,170.066 L 241.99298,170.287 L 242.21398,170.297 L 242.10998,172.465 L 241.90698,175.952 L 241.98398,177.16 L 237.56298,176.917 L 237.62998,175.732 L 237.59398,173.835 L 237.80598,170.066\" id=\"20093\" inkscape:label=\"Kearny, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 246.41898,170.516 L 250.83998,170.752 L 251.01098,170.761 L 250.86798,174.155 L 246.45498,173.925 L 246.33798,176.178 L 246.40998,177.39 L 241.98398,177.16 L 241.90698,175.952 L 242.10998,172.465 L 242.21398,170.297 L 246.41898,170.516\" id=\"20055\" inkscape:label=\"Finney, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 257.46998,171.026 L 257.53298,173.303 L 257.44398,175.569 L 250.80898,175.282 L 250.86798,174.155 L 251.01098,170.761 L 257.46998,171.026\" id=\"20083\" inkscape:label=\"Hodgeman, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 257.50698,169.89 L 263.04998,170.099 L 264.21698,171.274 L 264.10498,174.659 L 263.00898,174.623 L 259.70098,174.511 L 259.73698,173.38 L 257.53298,173.303 L 257.46998,171.026 L 257.50698,169.89\" id=\"20145\" inkscape:label=\"Pawnee, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 298.42598,169.453 L 298.42598,170.026 L 298.44498,171.729 L 298.34998,171.729 L 298.34098,174.605 L 293.90098,174.592 L 293.90598,172.889 L 293.99098,169.468 L 298.42598,169.453\" id=\"20031\" inkscape:label=\"Coffey, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 298.42598,170.026 L 302.87098,169.999 L 302.89298,171.702 L 302.79298,173.442 L 302.79298,174.578 L 298.34098,174.605 L 298.34998,171.729 L 298.44498,171.729 L 298.42598,170.026\" id=\"20003\" inkscape:label=\"Anderson, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 307.40898,169.959 L 307.46298,174.23 L 307.46798,174.533 L 302.79298,174.578 L 302.79298,173.442 L 302.89298,171.702 L 302.87098,169.999 L 307.40898,169.959\" id=\"20107\" inkscape:label=\"Linn, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 307.38198,165.415 L 307.39598,168.805 L 307.40898,169.959 L 302.87098,169.999 L 302.91498,165.465 L 307.38198,165.415\" id=\"20121\" inkscape:label=\"Miami, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 298.47598,165.501 L 302.91498,165.465 L 302.87098,169.999 L 298.42598,170.026 L 298.42598,169.453 L 298.47598,165.501\" id=\"20059\" inkscape:label=\"Franklin, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 298.47098,163.793 L 298.47598,165.501 L 298.42598,169.453 L 293.99098,169.468 L 294.03198,165.51 L 294.02798,163.807 L 298.47098,163.793\" id=\"20139\" inkscape:label=\"Osage, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 289.97098,165.496 L 294.03198,165.51 L 293.99098,169.468 L 293.90598,172.889 L 289.89898,172.861 L 289.94798,168.326 L 289.97098,165.496\" id=\"20111\" inkscape:label=\"Lyon, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 285.28298,168.286 L 289.94798,168.326 L 289.89898,172.861 L 288.22698,173.978 L 285.01798,173.965 L 285.03598,171.829 L 285.08098,170.544 L 285.26498,170.55 L 285.28298,168.286\" id=\"20017\" inkscape:label=\"Chase, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 288.49198,163.793 L 289.97098,165.496 L 289.94798,168.326 L 285.28298,168.286 L 284.18398,167.146 L 284.61698,163.762 L 288.49198,163.793\" id=\"20127\" inkscape:label=\"Morris, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 284.18398,167.146 L 285.28298,168.286 L 285.26498,170.55 L 285.08098,170.544 L 285.03598,171.829 L 285.01798,173.965 L 281.87098,173.907 L 279.68598,172.758 L 279.76698,167.092 L 284.18398,167.146\" id=\"20115\" inkscape:label=\"Marion, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 279.76698,167.092 L 279.68598,172.758 L 276.36398,172.703 L 274.14698,172.663 L 274.23598,166.993 L 279.76698,167.092\" id=\"20113\" inkscape:label=\"McPherson, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 268.64798,168.007 L 274.21898,168.124 L 274.14698,172.663 L 268.60698,172.545 L 268.56698,171.4 L 268.64798,168.007\" id=\"20159\" inkscape:label=\"Rice, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 279.83498,162.562 L 279.76698,167.092 L 274.23598,166.993 L 274.26398,163.594 L 274.28598,162.463 L 279.83498,162.562\" id=\"20169\" inkscape:label=\"Saline, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 268.72398,163.468 L 274.26398,163.594 L 274.23598,166.993 L 274.21898,168.124 L 268.64798,168.007 L 268.65298,165.726 L 268.72398,163.468\" id=\"20053\" inkscape:label=\"Ellsworth, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 268.65298,165.726 L 268.64798,168.007 L 268.56698,171.4 L 264.21698,171.274 L 263.04998,170.099 L 263.18998,165.573 L 268.65298,165.726\" id=\"20009\" inkscape:label=\"Barton, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 257.67298,165.384 L 263.08998,165.568 L 263.18998,165.573 L 263.04998,170.099 L 257.50698,169.89 L 257.67298,165.384\" id=\"20165\" inkscape:label=\"Rush, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 251.06098,165.091 L 251.99398,165.14 L 257.53798,165.379 L 257.67298,165.384 L 257.50698,169.89 L 257.46998,171.026 L 251.01098,170.761 L 250.83998,170.752 L 251.06098,165.091\" id=\"20135\" inkscape:label=\"Ness, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 246.66198,164.856 L 251.06098,165.091 L 250.83998,170.752 L 246.41898,170.516 L 246.66198,164.856\" id=\"20101\" inkscape:label=\"Lane, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 242.26798,164.622 L 245.35998,164.793 L 246.66198,164.856 L 246.41898,170.516 L 242.21398,170.297 L 241.99298,170.287 L 242.26798,164.622\" id=\"20171\" inkscape:label=\"Scott, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 238.71598,164.432 L 242.26798,164.622 L 241.99298,170.287 L 237.80598,170.066 L 237.55398,170.054 L 237.88698,164.392 L 238.71598,164.432\" id=\"20203\" inkscape:label=\"Wichita, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 239.96098,158.84 L 241.43898,158.921 L 242.94798,159.029 L 245.71098,159.173 L 245.35998,164.793 L 242.26798,164.622 L 238.71598,164.432 L 239.10398,158.794 L 239.96098,158.84\" id=\"20109\" inkscape:label=\"Logan, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 246.61298,159.218 L 252.13798,159.493 L 252.30098,159.497 L 251.99398,165.14 L 251.06098,165.091 L 246.66198,164.856 L 245.35998,164.793 L 245.71098,159.173 L 246.61298,159.218\" id=\"20063\" inkscape:label=\"Gove, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 252.30098,159.497 L 257.68698,159.714 L 257.82198,159.718 L 257.53798,165.379 L 251.99398,165.14 L 252.30098,159.497\" id=\"20195\" inkscape:label=\"Trego, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 257.82198,159.718 L 263.22098,159.898 L 263.32498,159.903 L 263.08998,165.568 L 257.67298,165.384 L 257.53798,165.379 L 257.82198,159.718\" id=\"20051\" inkscape:label=\"Ellis, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 263.32498,159.903 L 268.75998,160.065 L 268.72398,163.468 L 268.65298,165.726 L 263.18998,165.573 L 263.08998,165.568 L 263.32498,159.903\" id=\"20167\" inkscape:label=\"Russell, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 274.34498,159.069 L 274.28598,162.463 L 274.26398,163.594 L 268.72398,163.468 L 268.75998,160.065 L 268.79198,158.933 L 274.34498,159.069\" id=\"20105\" inkscape:label=\"Lincoln, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 274.37198,157.938 L 279.91998,158.037 L 279.87098,160.3 L 279.83498,162.562 L 274.28598,162.463 L 274.34498,159.069 L 274.37198,157.938\" id=\"20143\" inkscape:label=\"Ottawa, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 283.92298,160.345 L 284.61698,163.762 L 284.18398,167.146 L 279.76698,167.092 L 279.83498,162.562 L 279.87098,160.3 L 283.92298,160.345\" id=\"20041\" inkscape:label=\"Dickinson, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 283.92298,160.345 L 283.95398,159.2 L 285.05798,159.226 L 285.03098,160.927 L 287.72598,161.146 L 288.50998,161.155 L 288.50998,161.535 L 288.49198,163.793 L 284.61698,163.762 L 283.92298,160.345\" id=\"20061\" inkscape:label=\"Geary, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 293.10298,160.471 L 294.02798,163.807 L 294.03198,165.51 L 289.97098,165.496 L 288.49198,163.793 L 288.50998,161.535 L 289.63298,159.862 L 289.69598,159.921 L 289.94798,160.079 L 290.05198,160.105 L 290.57498,159.569 L 291.24698,159.407 L 292.43198,159.502 L 292.66698,159.597 L 292.81098,159.781 L 293.08998,160.368 L 293.10298,160.471\" id=\"20197\" inkscape:label=\"Wabaunsee, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 293.13898,159.299 L 297.56498,159.295 L 298.46198,161.372 L 298.47098,163.793 L 294.02798,163.807 L 293.10298,160.471 L 293.13898,159.299\" id=\"20177\" inkscape:label=\"Shawnee, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 301.57698,161.508 L 302.88798,162.301 L 302.91498,165.465 L 298.47598,165.501 L 298.47098,163.793 L 298.46198,161.372 L 298.89598,161.215 L 299.09798,161.191 L 299.23698,161.215 L 299.43598,161.3 L 299.56198,161.444 L 299.87798,161.634 L 300.05398,161.679 L 300.19698,161.67 L 301.57698,161.508\" id=\"20045\" inkscape:label=\"Douglas, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 304.35298,162.17 L 304.61898,161.35 L 304.68198,161.296 L 304.81298,161.251 L 304.96598,161.246 L 305.81798,161.463 L 307.34598,161.44 L 307.37798,164 L 307.38198,165.415 L 302.91498,165.465 L 302.88798,162.301 L 304.35298,162.17\" id=\"20091\" inkscape:label=\"Johnson, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 307.37798,159.934 L 307.33198,160.539 L 307.34598,161.44 L 305.81798,161.463 L 304.96598,161.246 L 304.81298,161.251 L 304.68198,161.296 L 304.61898,161.35 L 304.35298,162.17 L 304.33898,160.381 L 304.40698,159.425 L 305.47098,159.425 L 307.37798,159.934\" id=\"20209\" inkscape:label=\"Wyandotte, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 301.60898,156.631 L 303.69498,156.611 L 305.47098,159.425 L 304.40698,159.425 L 304.33898,160.381 L 304.35298,162.17 L 302.88798,162.301 L 301.57698,161.508 L 301.55898,160.408 L 301.62598,159.101 L 301.60898,156.631\" id=\"20103\" inkscape:label=\"Leavenworth, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 297.74098,156.654 L 301.60898,156.631 L 301.62598,159.101 L 301.55898,160.408 L 301.57698,161.508 L 300.19698,161.67 L 300.05398,161.679 L 299.87798,161.634 L 299.56198,161.444 L 299.43598,161.3 L 299.23698,161.215 L 299.09798,161.191 L 298.89598,161.215 L 298.46198,161.372 L 297.56498,159.295 L 297.74098,156.654\" id=\"20087\" inkscape:label=\"Jefferson, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 302.35698,155.139 L 303.69498,156.611 L 301.60898,156.631 L 297.74098,156.654 L 297.79098,153.615 L 300.00398,153.602 L 302.74798,153.963 L 302.35698,155.139\" id=\"20005\" inkscape:label=\"Atchison, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 297.74098,156.654 L 297.56498,159.295 L 293.13898,159.299 L 293.13898,154.756 L 295.57298,153.625 L 297.79098,153.615 L 297.74098,156.654\" id=\"20085\" inkscape:label=\"Jackson, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 293.13898,159.299 L 293.10298,160.471 L 293.08998,160.368 L 292.81098,159.781 L 292.66698,159.597 L 292.43198,159.502 L 291.24698,159.407 L 290.57498,159.569 L 290.05198,160.105 L 289.94798,160.079 L 289.69598,159.921 L 289.63298,159.862 L 288.92098,159.65 L 288.26298,159.361 L 287.32998,158.497 L 286.83898,157.73 L 286.35198,156.834 L 286.35598,156.315 L 286.47798,156.112 L 287.74898,154.733 L 291.13398,154.752 L 293.13898,154.756 L 293.13898,159.299\" id=\"20149\" inkscape:label=\"Pottawatomie, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 283.95398,159.2 L 284.02598,154.702 L 285.53098,154.716 L 287.74898,154.733 L 286.47798,156.112 L 286.35598,156.315 L 286.35198,156.834 L 286.83898,157.73 L 287.32998,158.497 L 288.26298,159.361 L 288.92098,159.65 L 289.63298,159.862 L 288.50998,161.535 L 288.50998,161.155 L 287.72598,161.146 L 285.03098,160.927 L 285.05798,159.226 L 283.95398,159.2\" id=\"20161\" inkscape:label=\"Riley, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 279.91998,158.037 L 279.97898,154.647 L 284.02598,154.702 L 283.95398,159.2 L 283.92298,160.345 L 279.87098,160.3 L 279.91998,158.037\" id=\"20027\" inkscape:label=\"Clay, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 274.41698,154.549 L 274.44398,153.417 L 279.99198,153.516 L 279.97898,154.647 L 279.91998,158.037 L 274.37198,157.938 L 274.41698,154.549\" id=\"20029\" inkscape:label=\"Cloud, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 274.41698,154.549 L 274.37198,157.938 L 274.34498,159.069 L 268.79198,158.933 L 268.93698,154.414 L 274.41698,154.549\" id=\"20123\" inkscape:label=\"Mitchell, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 268.79198,158.933 L 268.75998,160.065 L 263.32498,159.903 L 263.22098,159.898 L 263.27998,158.01 L 263.35698,156.509 L 263.43798,154.252 L 268.75598,154.409 L 268.93698,154.414 L 268.79198,158.933\" id=\"20141\" inkscape:label=\"Osborne, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 257.92998,154.065 L 263.22598,154.242 L 263.43798,154.252 L 263.35698,156.509 L 263.27998,158.01 L 263.22098,159.898 L 257.82198,159.718 L 257.68698,159.714 L 257.92998,154.065\" id=\"20163\" inkscape:label=\"Rooks, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 252.13798,159.493 L 252.41298,153.841 L 257.67698,154.054 L 257.92998,154.065 L 257.68698,159.714 L 252.30098,159.497 L 252.13798,159.493\" id=\"20065\" inkscape:label=\"Graham, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 246.90098,153.569 L 252.22898,153.837 L 252.41298,153.841 L 252.13798,159.493 L 246.61298,159.218 L 246.90098,153.569\" id=\"20179\" inkscape:label=\"Sheridan, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 239.96098,158.84 L 240.30698,153.219 L 246.69798,153.561 L 246.90098,153.569 L 246.61298,159.218 L 245.71098,159.173 L 242.94798,159.029 L 241.43898,158.921 L 239.96098,158.84\" id=\"20193\" inkscape:label=\"Thomas, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 240.41098,147.572 L 241.26298,147.617 L 246.80598,147.914 L 247.00098,147.928 L 246.69798,153.561 L 240.30698,153.219 L 240.06398,153.206 L 240.41098,147.572\" id=\"20153\" inkscape:label=\"Rawlins, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 247.00098,147.928 L 252.34598,148.184 L 252.49898,148.194 L 252.22898,153.837 L 246.90098,153.569 L 246.69798,153.561 L 247.00098,147.928\" id=\"20039\" inkscape:label=\"Decatur, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 262.29798,148.568 L 263.39698,148.599 L 263.22598,154.242 L 257.92998,154.065 L 257.67698,154.054 L 257.91198,148.41 L 262.29798,148.568\" id=\"20147\" inkscape:label=\"Phillips, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 257.88898,148.41 L 257.91198,148.41 L 257.67698,154.054 L 252.41298,153.841 L 252.22898,153.837 L 252.49898,148.194 L 257.88898,148.41\" id=\"20137\" inkscape:label=\"Norton, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 263.39698,148.599 L 266.73698,148.703 L 268.91398,148.762 L 268.75598,154.409 L 263.43798,154.252 L 263.22598,154.242 L 263.39698,148.599\" id=\"20183\" inkscape:label=\"Smith, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 271.17598,148.815 L 274.53398,148.896 L 274.44398,153.417 L 274.41698,154.549 L 268.93698,154.414 L 268.75598,154.409 L 268.91398,148.762 L 271.17598,148.815\" id=\"20089\" inkscape:label=\"Jewell, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 275.61598,148.92 L 280.05498,148.991 L 279.99198,153.516 L 274.44398,153.417 L 274.53398,148.896 L 275.61598,148.92\" id=\"20157\" inkscape:label=\"Republic, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 280.05498,148.991 L 284.50398,149.05 L 285.58998,149.063 L 285.53098,154.716 L 284.02598,154.702 L 279.97898,154.647 L 279.99198,153.516 L 280.05498,148.991\" id=\"20201\" inkscape:label=\"Washington, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 288.94398,149.091 L 291.14698,149.104 L 291.13398,154.752 L 287.74898,154.733 L 285.53098,154.716 L 285.58998,149.063 L 288.94398,149.091\" id=\"20117\" inkscape:label=\"Marshall, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 293.38698,149.108 L 295.57298,149.108 L 295.57298,153.625 L 293.13898,154.756 L 291.13398,154.752 L 291.14698,149.104 L 293.38698,149.108\" id=\"20131\" inkscape:label=\"Nemaha, KS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 363.94998,188.352 L 367.13698,188.274 L 367.37098,191.782 L 367.25898,191.791 L 367.18198,191.795 L 366.40298,190.885 L 365.98298,190.727 L 363.55398,190.14 L 363.94998,188.352\" id=\"21105\" inkscape:label=\"Hickman, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 363.55398,190.14 L 365.98298,190.727 L 366.40298,190.885 L 367.18198,191.795 L 361.93098,192.174 L 361.20498,192.277 L 362.00298,190.488 L 363.55398,190.14 M 359.95198,192.376 L 359.72298,192.048 L 359.70898,192.034 L 359.59698,191.795 L 359.59298,191.786 L 359.58298,191.732 L 359.57298,191.691 L 359.58298,191.646 L 359.59698,191.587 L 359.60998,191.538 L 359.62698,191.515 L 359.74498,191.357 L 359.80898,191.317 L 359.99798,191.291 L 360.28598,191.336 L 360.44398,191.381 L 360.47098,191.399 L 360.49298,191.417 L 360.50698,191.426 L 360.57298,191.529 L 360.57898,191.542 L 360.64198,191.691 L 360.67398,191.831 L 360.67398,191.836 L 360.67798,191.858 L 360.67798,191.913 L 360.66898,191.948 L 360.63698,192.075 L 360.62398,192.124 L 360.60798,192.156 L 360.50698,192.346 L 359.95198,192.376\" id=\"21075\" inkscape:label=\"Fulton, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 420.95998,180.523 L 421.23198,181.055 L 421.91598,183.984 L 419.83898,185.098 L 417.25598,185.594 L 417.63398,184.251 L 418.31998,183.042 L 419.27798,182.059 L 419.70298,181.659 L 420.32998,180.961 L 420.39298,180.69 L 420.34298,180.591 L 420.11298,180.41 L 420.95998,180.523\" id=\"21013\" inkscape:label=\"Bell, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 417.09298,179.505 L 417.21998,179.491 L 418.10298,179.604 L 418.43198,179.698 L 418.56298,179.815 L 418.70298,179.977 L 418.72498,180.068 L 419.02698,180.194 L 419.46398,180.334 L 419.88798,180.41 L 420.11298,180.41 L 420.34298,180.591 L 420.39298,180.69 L 420.32998,180.961 L 419.70298,181.659 L 419.27798,182.059 L 418.31998,183.042 L 417.63398,184.251 L 416.74598,183.84 L 415.45698,182.344 L 415.01598,181.059 L 417.09298,179.505\" id=\"21121\" inkscape:label=\"Knox, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 412.94598,181.452 L 415.01598,181.059 L 415.45698,182.344 L 416.74598,183.84 L 417.63398,184.251 L 417.25598,185.594 L 416.67498,185.652 L 414.23198,185.932 L 413.57798,185.323 L 413.27998,184.958 L 412.68598,183.678 L 412.66398,183.497 L 412.94598,181.452\" id=\"21235\" inkscape:label=\"Whitley, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 413.96098,176.426 L 416.03798,177.07 L 415.90798,178.085 L 416.21398,178.423 L 416.74598,178.752 L 417.02998,179.175 L 417.09298,179.505 L 415.01598,181.059 L 412.94598,181.452 L 412.30698,181.356 L 412.70398,178.788 L 413.96098,176.426\" id=\"21125\" inkscape:label=\"Laurel, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 417.47598,175.601 L 418.30598,175.638 L 419.82998,176.39 L 420.23498,176.426 L 420.46398,176.687 L 420.95998,180.523 L 420.11298,180.41 L 419.88798,180.41 L 419.46398,180.334 L 419.02698,180.194 L 418.72498,180.068 L 418.70298,179.977 L 418.56298,179.815 L 418.43198,179.698 L 418.10298,179.604 L 417.21998,179.491 L 417.09298,179.505 L 417.02998,179.175 L 416.74598,178.752 L 416.21398,178.423 L 415.90798,178.085 L 416.03798,177.07 L 417.47598,175.601\" id=\"21051\" inkscape:label=\"Clay, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 420.46398,176.687 L 421.22198,175.669 L 422.07798,176.165 L 423.19198,176.863 L 423.57898,177.202 L 423.98898,177.918 L 424.14798,178.454 L 424.13398,179.017 L 421.23198,181.055 L 420.95998,180.523 L 420.46398,176.687\" id=\"21131\" inkscape:label=\"Leslie, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 424.13398,179.017 L 424.77798,179.188 L 425.08398,179.572 L 426.60298,178.752 L 427.38798,179.184 L 427.34698,180.161 L 427.13498,180.532 L 425.09298,182.218 L 422.95198,183.43 L 421.91598,183.984 L 421.23198,181.055 L 424.13398,179.017\" id=\"21095\" inkscape:label=\"Harlan, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 428.23098,175.164 L 428.68998,175.565 L 428.97898,175.552 L 429.26098,175.322 L 429.32098,175.322 L 429.65398,175.533 L 430.05598,175.894 L 427.38798,179.184 L 426.60298,178.752 L 425.08398,179.572 L 424.77798,179.188 L 424.90098,179.288 L 424.93698,179.283 L 425.39698,178.918 L 425.43098,178.869 L 425.45798,178.724 L 425.44498,178.099 L 425.18398,177.598 L 425.20098,177.508 L 425.37698,177.052 L 425.66498,176.512 L 425.84798,176.639 L 426.06698,176.642 L 426.46398,176.327 L 426.66598,176.124 L 426.85598,175.88 L 427.55398,175.394 L 428.23098,175.164\" id=\"21133\" inkscape:label=\"Letcher, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 425.90398,172.667 L 426.90998,172.816 L 427.64998,173.226 L 427.74298,173.371 L 427.79298,173.794 L 427.77098,174.145 L 427.95498,174.685 L 428.00898,174.74 L 428.23498,174.871 L 428.42898,174.957 L 428.23098,175.164 L 427.55398,175.394 L 426.85598,175.88 L 426.66598,176.124 L 426.46398,176.327 L 426.06698,176.642 L 425.84798,176.639 L 425.66498,176.512 L 424.04398,173.987 L 425.64298,172.487 L 425.90398,172.667\" id=\"21119\" inkscape:label=\"Knott, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 424.04398,173.987 L 425.66498,176.512 L 425.37698,177.052 L 425.20098,177.508 L 425.18398,177.598 L 425.44498,178.099 L 425.45798,178.724 L 425.43098,178.869 L 425.39698,178.918 L 424.93698,179.283 L 424.90098,179.288 L 424.77798,179.188 L 424.13398,179.017 L 424.14798,178.454 L 423.98898,177.918 L 423.57898,177.202 L 423.19198,176.863 L 422.07798,176.165 L 421.22198,175.669 L 420.46398,176.687 L 420.23498,176.426 L 419.89298,175.47 L 421.07798,175.051 L 423.26798,173.97 L 424.04398,173.987\" id=\"21193\" inkscape:label=\"Perry, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 419.28798,173.303 L 419.89298,175.47 L 420.23498,176.426 L 419.82998,176.39 L 418.30598,175.638 L 417.47598,175.601 L 416.18298,173.55 L 416.42198,173.73 L 416.65598,173.826 L 416.85898,173.866 L 417.66098,173.672 L 418.25598,173.361 L 418.37698,173.185 L 418.85598,173.154 L 419.28798,173.303\" id=\"21189\" inkscape:label=\"Owsley, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 414.03698,173.19 L 415.93998,173.254 L 416.18298,173.55 L 417.47598,175.601 L 416.03798,177.07 L 413.96098,176.426 L 413.80298,175.808 L 413.52498,175.137 L 413.22198,174.713 L 413.02798,174.366 L 412.97898,174.037 L 413.00998,173.889 L 414.03698,173.19\" id=\"21109\" inkscape:label=\"Jackson, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 413.67198,169.48 L 414.48398,169.57 L 414.91798,169.995 L 415.60698,170.459 L 416.41198,170.513 L 417.49398,170.783 L 415.93998,173.254 L 414.03698,173.19 L 413.67198,169.48\" id=\"21065\" inkscape:label=\"Estill, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 417.63898,170.761 L 419.63498,171.522 L 419.28798,173.303 L 418.85598,173.154 L 418.37698,173.185 L 418.25598,173.361 L 417.66098,173.672 L 416.85898,173.866 L 416.65598,173.826 L 416.42198,173.73 L 416.18298,173.55 L 415.93998,173.254 L 417.49398,170.783 L 417.63898,170.761\" id=\"21129\" inkscape:label=\"Lee, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 419.63498,171.522 L 419.97898,171.71 L 420.28898,171.54 L 420.36098,171.441 L 420.49098,171.171 L 420.51798,171.005 L 420.50598,170.923 L 420.53198,170.801 L 420.58598,170.711 L 420.85298,170.554 L 422.32998,170.752 L 425.64298,172.487 L 424.04398,173.987 L 423.26798,173.97 L 421.07798,175.051 L 419.89298,175.47 L 419.28798,173.303 L 419.63498,171.522\" id=\"21025\" inkscape:label=\"Breathitt, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 428.34298,169.26 L 429.18198,169.606 L 428.91098,169.697 L 428.73998,169.801 L 428.69498,169.868 L 428.88998,171.725 L 429.18698,172.018 L 429.35798,172.42 L 429.36598,172.703 L 429.16798,173.519 L 428.69498,174.65 L 428.52398,174.88 L 428.42898,174.957 L 428.23498,174.871 L 428.00898,174.74 L 427.95498,174.685 L 427.77098,174.145 L 427.79298,173.794 L 427.74298,173.371 L 427.64998,173.226 L 426.90998,172.816 L 425.90398,172.667 L 425.34098,169.727 L 425.66998,169.733 L 426.84198,169.13 L 427.16198,169.013 L 427.46398,169.021 L 428.31198,169.232 L 428.34298,169.26\" id=\"21071\" inkscape:label=\"Floyd, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 428.33398,167.174 L 428.34298,169.26 L 428.31198,169.232 L 427.46398,169.021 L 427.16198,169.013 L 426.84198,169.13 L 425.66998,169.733 L 425.34098,169.727 L 424.44498,167.979 L 424.41698,166.605 L 424.50298,166.325 L 424.54798,166.235 L 424.72098,166.087 L 424.75998,166.083 L 425.98198,166.339 L 427.03098,166.871 L 427.63098,167.083 L 428.33398,167.174\" id=\"21115\" inkscape:label=\"Johnson, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 424.44498,167.979 L 425.34098,169.727 L 425.90398,172.667 L 425.64298,172.487 L 422.32998,170.752 L 422.12298,170.216 L 421.93798,169.498 L 423.11498,167.719 L 423.14298,167.691 L 423.54298,167.691 L 424.01098,167.786 L 424.44498,167.979\" id=\"21153\" inkscape:label=\"Magoffin, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 419.52798,168.606 L 419.66698,168.822 L 420.22198,169.075 L 421.28498,169.435 L 422.12298,170.216 L 422.32998,170.752 L 420.85298,170.554 L 420.58598,170.711 L 420.53198,170.801 L 420.50598,170.923 L 420.51798,171.005 L 420.49098,171.171 L 420.36098,171.441 L 420.28898,171.54 L 419.97898,171.71 L 419.63498,171.522 L 417.63898,170.761 L 418.22498,169.255 L 419.52798,168.606\" id=\"21237\" inkscape:label=\"Wolfe, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 414.68698,168.326 L 416.68698,168.236 L 418.22498,169.255 L 417.63898,170.761 L 417.49398,170.783 L 416.41198,170.513 L 415.60698,170.459 L 414.91798,169.995 L 414.48398,169.57 L 414.68698,168.326\" id=\"21197\" inkscape:label=\"Powell, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 413.24898,166.1 L 414.68698,168.326 L 414.48398,169.57 L 413.67198,169.48 L 411.03498,169.3 L 411.26698,166.974 L 413.24898,166.1\" id=\"21049\" inkscape:label=\"Clark, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 414.14198,164.974 L 414.67798,165.487 L 415.19998,165.568 L 415.31298,165.667 L 415.89498,166.204 L 416.56198,167.012 L 416.64798,167.186 L 416.68698,168.236 L 414.68698,168.326 L 413.24898,166.1 L 414.14198,164.974\" id=\"21173\" inkscape:label=\"Montgomery, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 419.16598,166.177 L 419.84798,166.307 L 419.52798,168.606 L 418.22498,169.255 L 416.68698,168.236 L 416.64798,167.186 L 419.16598,166.177\" id=\"21165\" inkscape:label=\"Menifee, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 424.00798,166.096 L 424.41698,166.605 L 424.44498,167.979 L 424.01098,167.786 L 423.54298,167.691 L 423.14298,167.691 L 423.11498,167.719 L 421.93798,169.498 L 422.12298,170.216 L 421.28498,169.435 L 420.22198,169.075 L 419.66698,168.822 L 419.52798,168.606 L 419.84798,166.307 L 421.41098,165.028 L 424.00798,166.096\" id=\"21175\" inkscape:label=\"Morgan, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 424.67898,163.802 L 424.00798,166.096 L 421.41098,165.028 L 421.46498,164.014 L 421.99698,162.963 L 422.24098,163.013 L 423.01098,163.441 L 423.42098,163.738 L 424.19598,163.896 L 424.51198,163.891 L 424.67898,163.802\" id=\"21063\" inkscape:label=\"Elliott, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 420.27998,162.504 L 421.46498,164.014 L 421.41098,165.028 L 419.84798,166.307 L 419.16598,166.177 L 417.56998,164.595 L 418.09398,164.167 L 418.26498,163.981 L 418.69698,163.324 L 418.60298,163.09 L 418.70298,162.521 L 419.06298,161.85 L 420.27998,162.504\" id=\"21205\" inkscape:label=\"Rowan, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 415.26398,163.46 L 415.33998,163.372 L 415.38498,163.369 L 416.35898,163.418 L 416.46698,163.477 L 416.71398,163.666 L 417.04898,164.31 L 417.48598,164.825 L 417.55298,164.721 L 417.56998,164.595 L 419.16598,166.177 L 416.64798,167.186 L 416.56198,167.012 L 415.89498,166.204 L 415.31298,165.667 L 415.19998,165.568 L 414.67798,165.487 L 414.14198,164.974 L 415.26398,163.46\" id=\"21011\" inkscape:label=\"Bath, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 413.72198,161.791 L 415.26398,163.46 L 414.14198,164.974 L 411.69798,162.932 L 412.46898,161.682 L 413.72198,161.791\" id=\"21181\" inkscape:label=\"Nicholas, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 416.93698,160.245 L 419.06298,161.85 L 418.70298,162.521 L 418.60298,163.09 L 418.69698,163.324 L 418.26498,163.981 L 418.09398,164.167 L 417.56998,164.595 L 417.55298,164.721 L 417.48598,164.825 L 417.04898,164.31 L 416.71398,163.666 L 416.46698,163.477 L 416.35898,163.418 L 415.38498,163.369 L 415.33998,163.372 L 415.26398,163.46 L 413.72198,161.791 L 414.12798,161.044 L 414.89398,161.417 L 416.18298,160.624 L 416.93698,160.245\" id=\"21069\" inkscape:label=\"Fleming, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 413.35298,159.812 L 414.12798,161.044 L 413.72198,161.791 L 412.46898,161.682 L 411.72598,160.539 L 413.35298,159.812\" id=\"21201\" inkscape:label=\"Robertson, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 413.93398,157.451 L 413.35298,159.812 L 411.72598,160.539 L 411.24798,160.227 L 410.60298,157.082 L 412.45498,157.609 L 413.93398,157.451\" id=\"21023\" inkscape:label=\"Bracken, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 416.69598,158.821 L 416.93698,160.245 L 416.18298,160.624 L 414.89398,161.417 L 414.12798,161.044 L 413.35298,159.812 L 413.93398,157.451 L 414.27598,157.496 L 414.39798,157.541 L 414.46098,157.592 L 415.33998,158.502 L 416.11998,158.889 L 416.69598,158.821\" id=\"21161\" inkscape:label=\"Mason, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 422.65098,156.856 L 421.69498,159.894 L 421.24398,161.513 L 421.35298,162.04 L 421.31198,162.134 L 420.90998,162.364 L 420.27998,162.504 L 419.06298,161.85 L 416.93698,160.245 L 416.69598,158.821 L 416.74998,158.366 L 416.82698,158.24 L 416.93098,158.168 L 417.71498,157.825 L 417.83798,157.798 L 417.92298,157.807 L 417.93698,157.807 L 418.34098,157.906 L 419.41498,158.164 L 419.44198,158.177 L 419.77898,158.335 L 419.80298,158.343 L 420.37398,158.771 L 422.65098,156.856\" id=\"21135\" inkscape:label=\"Lewis, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 427.53098,160.16 L 427.74298,162.423 L 425.85998,162.734 L 425.39098,161.093 L 426.66098,159.182 L 427.53098,160.16\" id=\"21019\" inkscape:label=\"Boyd, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 425.05298,158.556 L 426.66098,159.182 L 425.39098,161.093 L 424.40298,160.899 L 422.90298,160.232 L 422.48798,160.088 L 421.69498,159.894 L 422.65098,156.856 L 422.65098,156.851 L 422.82998,156.77 L 423.66398,156.392 L 423.93598,156.273 L 423.94798,156.27 L 423.99898,156.27 L 424.10198,156.315 L 424.14798,156.365 L 424.16098,156.388 L 424.18798,156.428 L 424.20498,156.459 L 424.20998,156.477 L 424.21398,156.495 L 424.23298,156.572 L 424.24098,156.663 L 424.24098,156.676 L 424.24598,156.682 L 424.23598,156.838 L 424.33098,157.244 L 424.61098,158.087 L 424.63398,158.137 L 424.70098,158.28 L 424.78198,158.375 L 424.79198,158.389 L 425.00798,158.533 L 425.05298,158.556\" id=\"21089\" inkscape:label=\"Greenup, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 421.69498,159.894 L 422.48798,160.088 L 422.90298,160.232 L 424.40298,160.899 L 425.39098,161.093 L 425.85998,162.734 L 424.67898,163.802 L 424.51198,163.891 L 424.19598,163.896 L 423.42098,163.738 L 423.01098,163.441 L 422.24098,163.013 L 421.99698,162.963 L 421.46498,164.014 L 420.27998,162.504 L 420.90998,162.364 L 421.31198,162.134 L 421.35298,162.04 L 421.24398,161.513 L 421.69498,159.894\" id=\"21043\" inkscape:label=\"Carter, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 425.85998,162.734 L 427.74298,162.423 L 427.49098,163.526 L 427.49098,163.53 L 427.53098,163.643 L 427.62198,163.869 L 427.62198,163.879 L 427.80298,164.04 L 427.99598,164.082 L 428.02298,164.09 L 429.60898,165.604 L 429.62298,165.622 L 429.62698,165.632 L 429.62698,165.704 L 429.36598,166.155 L 428.33398,167.174 L 427.63098,167.083 L 427.03098,166.871 L 425.98198,166.339 L 424.75998,166.083 L 424.72098,166.087 L 424.54798,166.235 L 424.50298,166.325 L 424.41698,166.605 L 424.00798,166.096 L 424.67898,163.802 L 425.85998,162.734\" id=\"21127\" inkscape:label=\"Lawrence, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 430.41098,167.119 L 431.45698,168.534 L 429.18198,169.606 L 428.34298,169.26 L 428.33398,167.174 L 429.36598,166.155 L 430.41098,167.119\" id=\"21159\" inkscape:label=\"Martin, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 429.18198,169.606 L 431.45698,168.534 L 431.45298,168.543 L 431.47198,168.606 L 431.84898,169.187 L 433.90098,170.567 L 433.90398,170.567 L 434.63598,170.833 L 435.03598,170.742 L 435.42898,170.625 L 432.46698,174.185 L 432.08798,174.674 L 430.56498,175.533 L 430.16898,175.817 L 430.05598,175.894 L 429.65398,175.533 L 429.32098,175.322 L 429.26098,175.322 L 428.97898,175.552 L 428.68998,175.565 L 428.23098,175.164 L 428.42898,174.957 L 428.52398,174.88 L 428.69498,174.65 L 429.16798,173.519 L 429.36598,172.703 L 429.35798,172.42 L 429.18698,172.018 L 428.88998,171.725 L 428.69498,169.868 L 428.73998,169.801 L 428.91098,169.697 L 429.18198,169.606\" id=\"21195\" inkscape:label=\"Pike, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 411.72598,160.539 L 412.46898,161.682 L 411.69798,162.932 L 409.36298,164.379 L 407.88998,161.809 L 408.61498,161.066 L 411.24798,160.227 L 411.72598,160.539\" id=\"21097\" inkscape:label=\"Harrison, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 409.36298,164.379 L 411.69798,162.932 L 414.14198,164.974 L 413.24898,166.1 L 411.26698,166.974 L 409.88698,165.303 L 409.36298,164.379\" id=\"21017\" inkscape:label=\"Bourbon, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 411.03498,169.3 L 413.67198,169.48 L 414.03698,173.19 L 413.00998,173.889 L 411.49098,173.866 L 409.33698,171.107 L 410.12098,169.999 L 411.03498,169.3\" id=\"21151\" inkscape:label=\"Madison, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 413.00998,173.889 L 412.97898,174.037 L 413.02798,174.366 L 413.22198,174.713 L 413.52498,175.137 L 413.80298,175.808 L 413.96098,176.426 L 412.70398,178.788 L 410.25598,176.773 L 410.57598,174.674 L 411.49098,173.866 L 413.00998,173.889\" id=\"21203\" inkscape:label=\"Rockcastle, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 412.30698,181.356 L 412.94598,181.452 L 412.66398,183.497 L 412.68598,183.678 L 413.27998,184.958 L 413.57798,185.323 L 414.23198,185.932 L 413.87998,185.972 L 408.58798,186.468 L 409.40898,184.651 L 410.05798,183.629 L 410.21498,182.817 L 412.30698,181.356\" id=\"21147\" inkscape:label=\"McCreary, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 408.21398,173.014 L 410.57598,174.674 L 410.25598,176.773 L 408.19598,178.202 L 408.24598,177.39 L 407.98898,176.629 L 407.19998,176.327 L 406.59198,175.921 L 406.43398,175.412 L 406.44398,174.357 L 408.21398,173.014\" id=\"21137\" inkscape:label=\"Lincoln, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 407.34898,170.747 L 407.53798,170.567 L 407.68698,170.516 L 408.42198,170.936 L 408.46198,171.238 L 408.78198,171.635 L 408.93598,171.693 L 408.96298,171.676 L 409.33698,171.107 L 411.49098,173.866 L 410.57598,174.674 L 408.21398,173.014 L 407.22198,172.103 L 407.34898,170.747\" id=\"21079\" inkscape:label=\"Garrard, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 407.62298,168.251 L 410.12098,169.999 L 409.33698,171.107 L 408.96298,171.676 L 408.93598,171.693 L 408.78198,171.635 L 408.46198,171.238 L 408.42198,170.936 L 407.68698,170.516 L 407.53798,170.567 L 407.34898,170.747 L 407.34498,170.139 L 407.62298,168.251\" id=\"21113\" inkscape:label=\"Jessamine, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 409.88698,165.303 L 411.26698,166.974 L 411.03498,169.3 L 410.12098,169.999 L 407.62298,168.251 L 407.79998,166.753 L 409.88698,165.303\" id=\"21067\" inkscape:label=\"Fayette, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 406.67698,165.852 L 407.79998,166.753 L 407.62298,168.251 L 407.34498,170.139 L 406.31198,168.845 L 405.40198,167.033 L 406.67698,165.852\" id=\"21239\" inkscape:label=\"Woodford, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 407.88998,161.809 L 409.36298,164.379 L 409.88698,165.303 L 407.79998,166.753 L 406.67698,165.852 L 406.28398,163.847 L 407.69198,162.099 L 407.88998,161.809\" id=\"21209\" inkscape:label=\"Scott, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 404.98298,163.941 L 406.28398,163.847 L 406.67698,165.852 L 405.40198,167.033 L 403.79198,167.06 L 403.74298,164.361 L 404.98298,163.941\" id=\"21073\" inkscape:label=\"Franklin, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 403.79198,167.06 L 405.40198,167.033 L 406.31198,168.845 L 405.51498,169.323 L 404.31098,170.112 L 404.18598,170.179 L 404.11298,170.171 L 404.08098,170.134 L 402.84598,170.197 L 402.58498,169.26 L 403.14898,168.345 L 403.79198,167.06\" id=\"21005\" inkscape:label=\"Anderson, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 406.31198,168.845 L 407.34498,170.139 L 407.34898,170.747 L 407.22198,172.103 L 404.45498,172.874 L 404.08098,170.134 L 404.11298,170.171 L 404.18598,170.179 L 404.31098,170.112 L 405.51498,169.323 L 406.31198,168.845\" id=\"21167\" inkscape:label=\"Mercer, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 407.22198,172.103 L 408.21398,173.014 L 406.44398,174.357 L 404.50898,174.619 L 404.47298,173.496 L 404.45498,172.874 L 407.22198,172.103\" id=\"21021\" inkscape:label=\"Boyle, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 404.50898,174.619 L 406.44398,174.357 L 406.43398,175.412 L 406.59198,175.921 L 407.19998,176.327 L 407.98898,176.629 L 408.24598,177.39 L 408.19598,178.202 L 406.55598,179.991 L 405.00998,179.261 L 403.58998,177.795 L 404.36098,176.353 L 404.50898,174.619\" id=\"21045\" inkscape:label=\"Casey, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 408.19598,178.202 L 410.25598,176.773 L 412.70398,178.788 L 412.30698,181.356 L 410.21498,182.817 L 407.40298,181.446 L 406.55598,179.991 L 408.19598,178.202\" id=\"21199\" inkscape:label=\"Pulaski, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 410.21498,182.817 L 410.05798,183.629 L 409.40898,184.651 L 408.58798,186.468 L 408.51198,186.472 L 406.62798,186.558 L 406.41098,186.513 L 406.29398,186.45 L 406.24498,186.346 L 405.97998,185.58 L 405.95198,185.458 L 405.94398,185.26 L 405.97098,185.089 L 405.55998,183.984 L 405.28398,183.507 L 407.40298,181.446 L 410.21498,182.817\" id=\"21231\" inkscape:label=\"Wayne, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 405.00998,179.261 L 406.55598,179.991 L 407.40298,181.446 L 405.28398,183.507 L 404.77998,183.979 L 403.93698,183.484 L 403.56298,183.327 L 403.50898,183.362 L 403.51798,183.426 L 403.75298,183.741 L 403.61598,183.795 L 403.53098,183.777 L 403.46398,183.737 L 403.07998,183.249 L 403.47798,182.849 L 403.64098,181.892 L 403.98698,181.375 L 404.62698,180.104 L 405.00998,179.261\" id=\"21207\" inkscape:label=\"Russell, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 403.75298,183.741 L 403.51798,183.426 L 403.50898,183.362 L 403.56298,183.327 L 403.93698,183.484 L 404.77998,183.979 L 405.28398,183.507 L 405.55998,183.984 L 405.97098,185.089 L 405.94398,185.26 L 405.95198,185.458 L 405.97998,185.58 L 406.24498,186.346 L 406.29398,186.45 L 406.41098,186.513 L 406.62798,186.558 L 403.46398,186.757 L 403.26598,186.792 L 403.75298,183.741\" id=\"21053\" inkscape:label=\"Clinton, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 403.47798,182.849 L 403.07998,183.249 L 403.46398,183.737 L 403.53098,183.777 L 403.61598,183.795 L 403.75298,183.741 L 403.26598,186.792 L 401.84098,187.05 L 399.92598,184.647 L 401.22398,182.93 L 403.47798,182.849\" id=\"21057\" inkscape:label=\"Cumberland, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 403.58998,177.795 L 405.00998,179.261 L 404.62698,180.104 L 403.98698,181.375 L 403.64098,181.892 L 403.47798,182.849 L 401.22398,182.93 L 400.21898,180.807 L 401.86298,179.536 L 403.58998,177.795\" id=\"21001\" inkscape:label=\"Adair, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 400.32198,176.139 L 400.34098,176.104 L 400.53798,176.02 L 401.48598,175.931 L 403.74298,175.907 L 404.36098,176.353 L 403.58998,177.795 L 401.86298,179.536 L 400.91698,178.192 L 400.34598,177.468 L 399.16398,176.692 L 399.13298,176.579 L 399.12798,176.21 L 400.32198,176.139\" id=\"21217\" inkscape:label=\"Taylor, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 400.58798,172.636 L 400.97098,173.158 L 401.41298,173.568 L 402.18898,173.763 L 404.47298,173.496 L 404.50898,174.619 L 404.36098,176.353 L 403.74298,175.907 L 401.48598,175.931 L 400.53798,176.02 L 400.34098,176.104 L 400.32198,176.139 L 399.63298,175.051 L 400.58798,172.636\" id=\"21155\" inkscape:label=\"Marion, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 404.08098,170.134 L 404.45498,172.874 L 404.47298,173.496 L 402.18898,173.763 L 401.41298,173.568 L 400.97098,173.158 L 400.58798,172.636 L 402.84598,170.197 L 404.08098,170.134\" id=\"21229\" inkscape:label=\"Washington, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 399.76398,167.276 L 403.14898,168.345 L 402.58498,169.26 L 399.33498,169.372 L 399.75498,167.66 L 399.76398,167.276\" id=\"21215\" inkscape:label=\"Spencer, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 400.86298,164.401 L 403.74298,164.361 L 403.79198,167.06 L 403.14898,168.345 L 399.76398,167.276 L 399.12798,165.547 L 399.23998,165.4 L 399.33098,165.339 L 399.50198,165.271 L 399.88098,165.158 L 400.25498,165.185 L 400.52098,165.068 L 400.86298,164.401\" id=\"21211\" inkscape:label=\"Shelby, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 401.67498,161.327 L 402.58998,161.075 L 404.98298,163.941 L 403.74298,164.361 L 400.86298,164.401 L 400.35898,162.696 L 401.67498,161.327\" id=\"21103\" inkscape:label=\"Henry, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 403.88298,160.075 L 405.26698,159.15 L 405.53698,160.449 L 407.19198,161.923 L 407.38498,162.008 L 407.69198,162.099 L 406.28398,163.847 L 404.98298,163.941 L 402.58998,161.075 L 403.88298,160.075\" id=\"21187\" inkscape:label=\"Owen, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 406.82598,157.888 L 407.67798,157.92 L 408.61498,161.066 L 407.88998,161.809 L 407.69198,162.099 L 407.38498,162.008 L 407.19198,161.923 L 405.53698,160.449 L 405.26698,159.15 L 406.42998,158.263 L 406.82598,157.888\" id=\"21081\" inkscape:label=\"Grant, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 410.60298,157.082 L 411.24798,160.227 L 408.61498,161.066 L 407.67798,157.92 L 408.77798,157.596 L 410.50798,156.491 L 410.60298,157.082\" id=\"21191\" inkscape:label=\"Pendleton, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 409.41298,154.697 L 410.50798,156.491 L 408.77798,157.596 L 407.45698,153.976 L 409.41298,154.697\" id=\"21037\" inkscape:label=\"Campbell, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 407.45698,153.976 L 408.77798,157.596 L 407.67798,157.92 L 406.82598,157.888 L 406.32998,154.387 L 407.45698,153.976\" id=\"21117\" inkscape:label=\"Kenton, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 406.32998,154.387 L 406.82598,157.888 L 406.42998,158.263 L 405.00998,157.401 L 404.87398,156.838 L 403.87898,155.252 L 404.33798,154.216 L 406.32998,154.387\" id=\"21015\" inkscape:label=\"Boone, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 405.00998,157.401 L 406.42998,158.263 L 405.26698,159.15 L 403.88298,160.075 L 402.82798,158.876 L 405.00998,157.401\" id=\"21077\" inkscape:label=\"Gallatin, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 401.18798,159.998 L 402.82798,158.876 L 403.88298,160.075 L 402.58998,161.075 L 401.67498,161.327 L 399.79498,159.515 L 401.18798,159.998\" id=\"21041\" inkscape:label=\"Carroll, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 399.79498,159.515 L 401.67498,161.327 L 400.35898,162.696 L 399.12798,162.423 L 399.09698,161.61 L 399.79498,159.515\" id=\"21223\" inkscape:label=\"Trimble, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 400.35898,162.696 L 400.86298,164.401 L 400.52098,165.068 L 400.25498,165.185 L 399.88098,165.158 L 399.50198,165.271 L 399.33098,165.339 L 399.23998,165.4 L 399.12798,165.547 L 397.28898,164.505 L 399.12798,162.423 L 400.35898,162.696\" id=\"21185\" inkscape:label=\"Oldham, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 397.28898,164.505 L 399.12798,165.547 L 399.76398,167.276 L 399.75498,167.66 L 398.53698,168.376 L 396.96098,168.376 L 395.41798,169.12 L 395.11598,169.344 L 394.81898,169.765 L 394.70198,169.67 L 394.94998,167.403 L 395.88798,165.857 L 397.28898,164.505\" id=\"21111\" inkscape:label=\"Jefferson, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 399.75498,167.66 L 399.33498,169.372 L 398.51498,170.752 L 398.60998,170.837 L 398.59598,170.864 L 398.01998,171.567 L 397.69898,171.798 L 397.26198,171.97 L 397.09098,171.96 L 394.81898,169.765 L 395.11598,169.344 L 395.41798,169.12 L 396.96098,168.376 L 398.53698,168.376 L 399.75498,167.66\" id=\"21029\" inkscape:label=\"Bullitt, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 402.58498,169.26 L 402.84598,170.197 L 400.58798,172.636 L 399.63298,175.051 L 399.28498,175.474 L 399.24598,175.502 L 398.73198,175.322 L 398.70398,175.078 L 398.72198,174.677 L 398.73998,174.478 L 398.95198,174.235 L 398.72198,173.329 L 398.62798,173.263 L 397.92498,172.956 L 397.78098,172.929 L 397.09098,171.96 L 397.26198,171.97 L 397.69898,171.798 L 398.01998,171.567 L 398.59598,170.864 L 398.60998,170.837 L 398.51498,170.752 L 399.33498,169.372 L 402.58498,169.26\" id=\"21179\" inkscape:label=\"Nelson, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 397.78098,172.929 L 397.92498,172.956 L 398.62798,173.263 L 398.72198,173.329 L 398.95198,174.235 L 398.73998,174.478 L 398.72198,174.677 L 398.70398,175.078 L 398.73198,175.322 L 399.24598,175.502 L 399.28498,175.474 L 399.63298,175.051 L 400.32198,176.139 L 399.12798,176.21 L 398.45198,176.908 L 396.04098,176.934 L 396.07198,175.565 L 396.75298,174.628 L 397.17598,174.096 L 397.78098,172.929\" id=\"21123\" inkscape:label=\"Larue, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 398.45198,176.908 L 399.12798,176.21 L 399.13298,176.579 L 399.16398,176.692 L 400.34598,177.468 L 400.91698,178.192 L 401.86298,179.536 L 400.21898,180.807 L 398.49198,180.045 L 398.45198,176.908\" id=\"21087\" inkscape:label=\"Green, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 398.49198,180.045 L 400.21898,180.807 L 401.22398,182.93 L 399.92598,184.647 L 398.43398,184.503 L 398.09198,182.385 L 397.91598,181.596 L 397.73098,181.073 L 397.63698,180.712 L 397.92498,180.262 L 398.49198,180.045\" id=\"21169\" inkscape:label=\"Metcalfe, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 398.43398,184.503 L 399.92598,184.647 L 401.84098,187.05 L 398.23998,187.396 L 396.31098,187.514 L 396.17598,186.297 L 398.43398,184.503\" id=\"21171\" inkscape:label=\"Monroe, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 389.49198,184.89 L 389.84798,185.544 L 391.73998,185.652 L 391.72798,186.057 L 391.83598,187.689 L 390.29398,188.068 L 388.23798,188.068 L 389.49198,184.89\" id=\"21213\" inkscape:label=\"Simpson, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 393.95298,183.767 L 396.17598,186.297 L 396.31098,187.514 L 393.96298,187.613 L 391.83598,187.689 L 391.72798,186.057 L 392.73698,184.994 L 393.04298,184.507 L 393.62998,183.827 L 393.95298,183.767\" id=\"21003\" inkscape:label=\"Allen, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 397.92498,180.262 L 397.63698,180.712 L 397.73098,181.073 L 397.91598,181.596 L 398.09198,182.385 L 398.43398,184.503 L 396.17598,186.297 L 393.95298,183.767 L 394.32298,182.068 L 394.76098,180.636 L 397.92498,180.262\" id=\"21009\" inkscape:label=\"Barren, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 396.04098,176.934 L 398.45198,176.908 L 398.49198,180.045 L 397.92498,180.262 L 394.76098,180.636 L 393.50798,178.567 L 394.46798,176.972 L 396.04098,176.934\" id=\"21099\" inkscape:label=\"Hart, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 394.70198,169.67 L 394.81898,169.765 L 397.09098,171.96 L 397.78098,172.929 L 397.17598,174.096 L 396.75298,174.628 L 396.07198,175.565 L 396.04098,176.934 L 394.46798,176.972 L 394.30598,176.336 L 393.66098,175.565 L 393.46698,175.548 L 393.29098,175.646 L 393.01598,175.755 L 391.97098,175.357 L 392.94898,172.572 L 394.37298,172.167 L 394.60798,171.388 L 394.21498,169.836 L 394.70198,169.67\" id=\"21093\" inkscape:label=\"Hardin, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 389.27098,169.719 L 391.30398,168.413 L 391.27298,168.777 L 391.27298,168.8 L 391.27698,168.89 L 391.28098,168.949 L 391.28998,168.972 L 391.36198,169.224 L 391.42098,169.314 L 391.44398,169.35 L 391.49298,169.381 L 391.94798,169.682 L 392.38598,169.854 L 392.45798,169.863 L 393.91398,169.935 L 394.21498,169.836 L 394.60798,171.388 L 394.37298,172.167 L 392.94898,172.572 L 389.21198,169.727 L 389.27098,169.719\" id=\"21163\" inkscape:label=\"Meade, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 384.45798,171.702 L 386.02698,170.662 L 387.81998,172.522 L 387.71998,172.618 L 387.65698,173.185 L 388.39298,174.911 L 388.22098,174.845 L 386.26098,174.042 L 386.25498,173.339 L 385.82298,172.739 L 385.20498,172.099 L 384.41598,172.112 L 384.45798,171.702\" id=\"21091\" inkscape:label=\"Hancock, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 387.81998,172.522 L 387.89698,172.527 L 388.03098,172.482 L 388.31098,172.265 L 388.96898,170.765 L 388.89298,169.995 L 388.90998,169.854 L 388.95098,169.796 L 389.00498,169.765 L 389.21198,169.727 L 392.94898,172.572 L 391.97098,175.357 L 391.85898,175.439 L 391.01498,175.903 L 390.00598,175.52 L 389.99598,175.47 L 389.87498,175.345 L 389.59998,175.214 L 389.55598,175.219 L 389.32498,175.345 L 389.10898,175.593 L 388.80698,176.052 L 388.22098,174.845 L 388.39298,174.911 L 387.65698,173.185 L 387.71998,172.618 L 387.81998,172.522\" id=\"21027\" inkscape:label=\"Breckinridge, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 388.80698,176.052 L 389.10898,175.593 L 389.32498,175.345 L 389.55598,175.219 L 389.59998,175.214 L 389.87498,175.345 L 389.99598,175.47 L 390.00598,175.52 L 391.01498,175.903 L 391.85898,175.439 L 391.97098,175.357 L 393.01598,175.755 L 393.29098,175.646 L 393.46698,175.548 L 393.66098,175.565 L 394.30598,176.336 L 394.46798,176.972 L 393.50798,178.567 L 390.37498,179.08 L 388.82898,178.261 L 388.80698,176.052\" id=\"21085\" inkscape:label=\"Grayson, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 390.37498,179.08 L 393.50798,178.567 L 394.76098,180.636 L 394.32298,182.068 L 391.27698,180.961 L 390.37498,179.08\" id=\"21061\" inkscape:label=\"Edmonson, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 391.27698,180.961 L 394.32298,182.068 L 393.95298,183.767 L 393.62998,183.827 L 393.04298,184.507 L 392.73698,184.994 L 391.72798,186.057 L 391.73998,185.652 L 389.84798,185.544 L 389.49198,184.89 L 388.70298,183.443 L 389.05498,181.194 L 390.59198,181.149 L 391.27698,180.961\" id=\"21227\" inkscape:label=\"Warren, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 388.82898,178.261 L 390.37498,179.08 L 391.27698,180.961 L 390.59198,181.149 L 389.05498,181.194 L 388.70298,183.443 L 385.89998,182.808 L 386.14798,180.916 L 386.90098,179.779 L 387.54998,179.491 L 388.82898,178.261\" id=\"21031\" inkscape:label=\"Butler, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 385.89998,182.808 L 388.70298,183.443 L 389.49198,184.89 L 388.23798,188.068 L 385.20498,188.432 L 384.77298,183.019 L 385.89998,182.808\" id=\"21141\" inkscape:label=\"Logan, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 382.65798,183.078 L 384.77298,183.019 L 385.20498,188.432 L 384.65098,188.496 L 382.39398,188.717 L 382.65798,183.078\" id=\"21219\" inkscape:label=\"Todd, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 383.86698,178.471 L 386.14798,180.916 L 385.89998,182.808 L 384.77298,183.019 L 382.65798,183.078 L 381.80798,182.047 L 381.97398,181.682 L 381.29798,180.848 L 381.17598,180.127 L 381.91098,178.973 L 383.86698,178.471\" id=\"21177\" inkscape:label=\"Muhlenberg, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 386.26098,174.042 L 388.22098,174.845 L 388.80698,176.052 L 388.82898,178.261 L 387.54998,179.491 L 386.90098,179.779 L 386.14798,180.916 L 383.86698,178.471 L 384.30898,176.539 L 385.29998,175.61 L 385.85998,174.456 L 386.26098,174.042\" id=\"21183\" inkscape:label=\"Ohio, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 381.24398,172.415 L 381.60498,172.667 L 383.07798,173.649 L 383.83098,172.289 L 384.45798,171.702 L 384.41598,172.112 L 385.20498,172.099 L 385.82298,172.739 L 386.25498,173.339 L 386.26098,174.042 L 385.85998,174.456 L 385.29998,175.61 L 384.30898,176.539 L 380.42898,175.3 L 381.24398,172.415\" id=\"21059\" inkscape:label=\"Daviess, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 380.42898,175.3 L 384.30898,176.539 L 383.86698,178.471 L 381.91098,178.973 L 380.89798,176.732 L 379.58998,175.84 L 380.42898,175.3\" id=\"21149\" inkscape:label=\"McLean, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 380.89798,176.732 L 381.91098,178.973 L 381.17598,180.127 L 381.29798,180.848 L 381.97398,181.682 L 381.80798,182.047 L 381.11798,182.434 L 379.95398,182.885 L 378.28798,182.456 L 376.71398,179.97 L 378.51298,178.567 L 379.76198,177.914 L 380.89798,176.732\" id=\"21107\" inkscape:label=\"Hopkins, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 381.80798,182.047 L 382.65798,183.078 L 382.39398,188.717 L 379.27498,189.042 L 378.73398,189.104 L 378.78198,188 L 378.71098,184.809 L 377.91698,184.413 L 378.28798,182.456 L 379.95398,182.885 L 381.11798,182.434 L 381.80798,182.047\" id=\"21047\" inkscape:label=\"Christian, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 377.91698,184.413 L 378.71098,184.809 L 378.78198,188 L 378.73398,189.104 L 377.10698,189.294 L 377.11098,188.897 L 375.43498,188.865 L 374.83398,188.901 L 374.34798,188.045 L 373.74498,186.526 L 376.50298,185.085 L 377.91698,184.413\" id=\"21221\" inkscape:label=\"Trigg, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 373.07698,182.934 L 374.02798,182.43 L 374.58298,182.448 L 375.37998,183.773 L 376.50298,185.085 L 373.74498,186.526 L 372.77698,185.111 L 373.07698,182.934\" id=\"21143\" inkscape:label=\"Lyon, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 376.71398,179.97 L 378.28798,182.456 L 377.91698,184.413 L 376.50298,185.085 L 375.37998,183.773 L 374.58298,182.448 L 374.02798,182.43 L 376.80498,179.59 L 376.71398,179.97\" id=\"21033\" inkscape:label=\"Caldwell, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 379.58998,175.84 L 380.89798,176.732 L 379.76198,177.914 L 378.51298,178.567 L 376.71398,179.97 L 376.80498,179.59 L 375.35898,178.399 L 377.18798,176.174 L 379.58998,175.84\" id=\"21233\" inkscape:label=\"Webster, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 379.69798,172 L 381.24398,172.415 L 380.42898,175.3 L 379.58998,175.84 L 377.18798,176.174 L 374.94698,172.925 L 377.23298,172.744 L 379.69798,172\" id=\"21101\" inkscape:label=\"Henderson, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 374.04598,174.344 L 374.94698,172.925 L 377.18798,176.174 L 375.35898,178.399 L 374.03198,178.179 L 373.22698,177.345 L 373.14498,177.197 L 372.92898,176.611 L 372.92298,176.597 L 372.86998,176.305 L 372.86498,176.291 L 372.87898,176.201 L 372.93298,176.057 L 372.94598,176.029 L 373.02798,175.89 L 373.19098,175.583 L 373.19898,175.578 L 373.66798,175.237 L 373.78998,175.105 L 373.86598,174.966 L 373.91498,174.835 L 374.04598,174.344\" id=\"21225\" inkscape:label=\"Union, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 375.35898,178.399 L 376.80498,179.59 L 374.02798,182.43 L 373.07698,182.934 L 371.12598,179.729 L 371.38198,179.388 L 371.55398,179.229 L 371.56298,179.225 L 371.61198,179.193 L 371.85598,179.045 L 371.87798,179.041 L 371.94198,179.022 L 372.11698,178.973 L 372.32898,178.928 L 373.73598,178.63 L 373.83898,178.607 L 374.03198,178.387 L 374.03198,178.179 L 375.35898,178.399\" id=\"21055\" inkscape:label=\"Crittenden, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 371.12598,179.729 L 373.07698,182.934 L 372.77698,185.111 L 370.26098,184.782 L 369.39598,184.139 L 370.13898,184.218 L 370.21498,184.205 L 370.44998,184.101 L 370.57098,183.767 L 370.71998,183.051 L 370.43198,182.411 L 370.30598,182.29 L 370.16998,182.213 L 369.74198,181.699 L 369.65498,181.42 L 369.66098,181.334 L 369.66098,181.329 L 369.94998,180.059 L 370.00298,179.932 L 370.13398,179.762 L 370.22498,179.698 L 370.29698,179.643 L 370.47198,179.563 L 370.53498,179.536 L 371.12598,179.729\" id=\"21139\" inkscape:label=\"Livingston, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 370.50798,188.31 L 374.34798,188.045 L 374.83398,188.901 L 375.20398,191.231 L 370.72898,191.542 L 370.50798,188.31\" id=\"21035\" inkscape:label=\"Calloway, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 370.26098,184.782 L 372.77698,185.111 L 373.74498,186.526 L 374.34798,188.045 L 370.50798,188.31 L 370.32298,185.823 L 370.26098,184.782\" id=\"21157\" inkscape:label=\"Marshall, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 370.32298,185.823 L 370.50798,188.31 L 370.72898,191.542 L 370.44998,191.56 L 367.37098,191.782 L 367.13698,188.274 L 366.96998,186.031 L 370.32298,185.823\" id=\"21083\" inkscape:label=\"Graves, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 365.52398,182.493 L 369.39598,184.139 L 370.26098,184.782 L 370.32298,185.823 L 366.96998,186.031 L 366.93398,185.932 L 365.46898,182.511 L 365.52398,182.493\" id=\"21145\" inkscape:label=\"McCracken, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 366.96998,186.031 L 367.13698,188.274 L 363.94998,188.352 L 363.35998,188.041 L 363.35498,188.036 L 363.35498,187.739 L 363.35998,187.734 L 363.64398,187.572 L 363.64998,187.568 L 364.03598,186.279 L 366.93398,185.932 L 366.96998,186.031\" id=\"21039\" inkscape:label=\"Carlisle, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 365.46898,182.511 L 366.93398,185.932 L 364.03598,186.279 L 363.67098,185.809 L 363.18998,184.728 L 365.46898,182.511\" id=\"21007\" inkscape:label=\"Ballard, KY\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 357.11798,267.649 L 361.72798,267.956 L 363.57998,270.507 L 363.59898,270.524 L 363.67098,270.597 L 364.36098,271.999 L 364.37798,272.238 L 364.27498,272.499 L 364.24698,272.607 L 364.25598,272.676 L 364.60898,273.346 L 364.71698,273.554 L 364.95898,273.837 L 365.04098,273.932 L 365.06898,273.95 L 365.10898,273.977 L 365.13598,273.996 L 365.15698,273.991 L 365.67198,273.96 L 364.59998,274.4 L 364.52798,274.355 L 363.90898,274.153 L 361.73398,273.981 L 361.47598,274.081 L 360.43098,274.708 L 359.19498,274.239 L 357.64098,273.915 L 357.11798,267.649\" id=\"22103\" inkscape:label=\"St. Tammany, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 361.52098,263.63 L 362.70598,263.549 L 362.72898,263.949 L 362.59298,264.63 L 362.48198,264.878 L 362.41298,264.887 L 362.32298,264.9 L 362.29698,264.928 L 362.15198,265.531 L 361.98498,266.355 L 361.85098,267.035 L 361.72798,267.956 L 357.11798,267.649 L 357.11298,267.419 L 356.31098,265.509 L 355.96398,265.22 L 355.88298,263.999 L 356.85198,263.94 L 361.52098,263.63\" id=\"22117\" inkscape:label=\"Washington, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 320.99298,249.517 L 321.46198,249.522 L 324.10398,250.576 L 324.23398,250.703 L 324.49898,251.103 L 324.70698,251.753 L 324.71198,251.811 L 324.65298,252.559 L 323.63898,253.759 L 323.18398,253.965 L 322.74598,253.965 L 322.42698,253.852 L 322.36698,253.425 L 321.38498,252.7 L 321.26798,252.556 L 320.57798,251.482 L 320.15898,250.099 L 319.43498,249.554 L 320.99298,249.517\" id=\"22081\" inkscape:label=\"Red River, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 327.26298,244.83 L 328.44398,246.494 L 328.16898,250.468 L 326.81998,250.5 L 324.10398,250.576 L 321.46198,249.522 L 322.00298,247.255 L 323.47698,247.21 L 324.43298,246.601 L 324.41798,246.281 L 324.03998,244.933 L 327.26298,244.83\" id=\"22013\" inkscape:label=\"Bienville, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 328.86698,242.517 L 329.75898,242.491 L 330.22298,242.545 L 330.57498,242.622 L 332.26098,243.555 L 332.30598,244.682 L 332.34198,245.807 L 330.10198,245.886 L 330.12898,246.443 L 328.44398,246.494 L 327.26298,244.83 L 328.86698,242.517\" id=\"22061\" inkscape:label=\"Lincoln, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 328.44398,246.494 L 330.12898,246.443 L 330.10198,245.886 L 332.34198,245.807 L 332.38298,246.845 L 332.44598,247.003 L 333.55398,248.026 L 333.57198,248.584 L 333.63498,250.283 L 328.16898,250.468 L 328.44398,246.494\" id=\"22049\" inkscape:label=\"Jackson, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 328.16898,250.468 L 333.63498,250.283 L 333.74398,253.104 L 333.26198,254.817 L 330.45798,254.912 L 330.47198,255.521 L 330.43098,256.044 L 326.62298,256.183 L 327.29898,254.078 L 327.49698,253.173 L 327.51598,253.015 L 327.44398,252.059 L 327.21298,251.226 L 326.81998,250.5 L 328.16898,250.468\" id=\"22127\" inkscape:label=\"Winn, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 333.57198,248.584 L 336.58798,248.468 L 338.17398,250.027 L 338.41298,250.347 L 338.47198,250.455 L 338.49898,250.789 L 337.92698,251.14 L 338.18398,252.05 L 338.33098,252.348 L 337.09298,252.974 L 333.74398,253.104 L 333.63498,250.283 L 333.57198,248.584\" id=\"22021\" inkscape:label=\"Caldwell, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 336.01598,242.721 L 337.77798,245.457 L 336.58798,248.468 L 333.57198,248.584 L 333.55398,248.026 L 332.44598,247.003 L 332.38298,246.845 L 332.34198,245.807 L 332.30598,244.682 L 333.96998,244.628 L 334.26698,244.537 L 334.37898,244.46 L 335.79398,243.076 L 336.01598,242.721\" id=\"22073\" inkscape:label=\"Ouachita, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 342.79798,244.245 L 342.69198,244.821 L 342.56398,246.534 L 340.87898,246.624 L 340.47298,246.862 L 339.52998,247.985 L 339.03998,249.116 L 338.17398,250.027 L 336.58798,248.468 L 337.77798,245.457 L 338.17398,245.097 L 338.93098,244.559 L 339.66098,244.312 L 340.32898,243.977 L 340.43198,243.865 L 340.58098,243.595 L 340.67998,243.289 L 340.66698,243.239 L 341.11698,243.384 L 341.58998,244.294 L 342.79798,244.245\" id=\"22083\" inkscape:label=\"Richland, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 342.51498,249.156 L 341.80698,253.344 L 341.54098,252.609 L 340.99098,252.348 L 340.97398,252.456 L 340.77698,252.79 L 340.37798,253.231 L 340.09998,253.434 L 339.57998,253.578 L 339.41798,253.371 L 339.15698,252.97 L 338.76498,252.573 L 338.48898,252.397 L 338.33098,252.348 L 338.18398,252.05 L 337.92698,251.14 L 338.49898,250.789 L 338.47198,250.455 L 338.41298,250.347 L 338.17398,250.027 L 339.03998,249.116 L 339.52998,247.985 L 340.47298,246.862 L 340.87898,246.624 L 342.56398,246.534 L 342.51498,249.156\" id=\"22041\" inkscape:label=\"Franklin, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 342.51498,249.156 L 344.38498,249.08 L 344.43898,248.977 L 344.62798,248.842 L 345.83098,248.454 L 346.32198,248.372 L 346.38598,248.372 L 346.52698,248.489 L 346.52998,248.769 L 346.52998,248.781 L 347.62998,250.066 L 345.38998,253.335 L 344.14198,254.985 L 344.03398,255.179 L 342.21698,255.007 L 341.80698,253.344 L 342.51498,249.156\" id=\"22107\" inkscape:label=\"Tensas, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 346.64798,244.298 L 346.40298,245.123 L 346.42198,245.33 L 346.42198,245.344 L 346.45298,245.389 L 346.49898,245.461 L 346.50798,245.484 L 347.71098,246.764 L 347.78698,248.625 L 346.52998,248.781 L 346.52998,248.769 L 346.52698,248.489 L 346.38598,248.372 L 346.32198,248.372 L 345.83098,248.454 L 344.62798,248.842 L 344.43898,248.977 L 344.38498,249.08 L 342.51498,249.156 L 342.56398,246.534 L 342.69198,244.821 L 346.64798,244.298\" id=\"22065\" inkscape:label=\"Madison, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 345.53798,238.637 L 345.18298,239.21 L 345.06998,239.62 L 345.08798,239.724 L 345.95298,243.644 L 346.01698,243.798 L 346.02898,243.82 L 346.06298,243.86 L 346.07498,243.884 L 346.09798,243.902 L 346.20098,243.992 L 346.22798,244.015 L 346.57098,244.122 L 346.64798,244.298 L 342.69198,244.821 L 342.79798,244.245 L 343.10598,243.951 L 343.20898,243.637 L 343.53298,242.392 L 343.69898,240.963 L 343.74898,240.584 L 344.14198,239.43 L 344.47498,238.678 L 345.53798,238.637\" id=\"22035\" inkscape:label=\"East Carroll, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 344.47498,238.678 L 344.14198,239.43 L 343.74898,240.584 L 343.69898,240.963 L 343.53298,242.392 L 343.20898,243.637 L 343.10598,243.951 L 342.79798,244.245 L 341.58998,244.294 L 341.11698,243.384 L 340.66698,243.239 L 341.06298,242.126 L 342.57198,239.03 L 342.63598,238.753 L 344.47498,238.678\" id=\"22123\" inkscape:label=\"West Carroll, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 342.36998,238.768 L 342.63598,238.753 L 342.57198,239.03 L 341.06298,242.126 L 340.66698,243.239 L 340.67998,243.289 L 340.58098,243.595 L 340.43198,243.865 L 340.32898,243.977 L 339.66098,244.312 L 338.93098,244.559 L 338.17398,245.097 L 337.77798,245.457 L 336.01598,242.721 L 336.06498,242.681 L 336.14598,242.505 L 336.11398,241.824 L 335.72298,240.715 L 335.82098,239.034 L 342.36998,238.768\" id=\"22067\" inkscape:label=\"Morehouse, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 335.82098,239.034 L 335.72298,240.715 L 336.11398,241.824 L 336.14598,242.505 L 336.06498,242.681 L 336.01598,242.721 L 335.79398,243.076 L 334.37898,244.46 L 334.26698,244.537 L 333.96998,244.628 L 332.30598,244.682 L 332.26098,243.555 L 330.57498,242.622 L 330.22298,242.545 L 329.75898,242.491 L 328.86698,242.517 L 328.75798,239.224 L 335.82098,239.034\" id=\"22111\" inkscape:label=\"Union, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 325.91898,239.277 L 328.75798,239.224 L 328.86698,242.517 L 327.26298,244.83 L 324.03998,244.933 L 324.06698,244.298 L 323.90398,243.23 L 323.35598,243.253 L 323.22898,239.35 L 325.91898,239.277\" id=\"22027\" inkscape:label=\"Claiborne, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 320.51598,239.422 L 323.22898,239.35 L 323.35598,243.253 L 323.90398,243.23 L 324.06698,244.298 L 324.03998,244.933 L 324.41798,246.281 L 324.43298,246.601 L 323.47698,247.21 L 322.00298,247.255 L 321.25898,247.268 L 321.16798,246.138 L 321.09698,242.734 L 320.98398,241.333 L 320.67698,241.013 L 320.29898,240.449 L 320.09698,240.089 L 320.09698,239.895 L 320.18598,239.426 L 320.51598,239.422\" id=\"22119\" inkscape:label=\"Webster, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 320.18598,239.426 L 320.09698,239.895 L 320.09698,240.089 L 320.29898,240.449 L 320.67698,241.013 L 320.98398,241.333 L 321.09698,242.734 L 321.16798,246.138 L 321.25898,247.268 L 322.00298,247.255 L 321.46198,249.522 L 320.99298,249.517 L 320.03298,248.269 L 318.82498,247.625 L 317.46898,243.46 L 317.35598,242.851 L 316.89198,239.642 L 316.90998,239.593 L 317.02698,239.494 L 317.13098,239.494 L 320.18598,239.426\" id=\"22015\" inkscape:label=\"Bossier, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 317.02698,239.494 L 316.90998,239.593 L 316.89198,239.642 L 317.35598,242.851 L 317.46898,243.46 L 318.82498,247.625 L 320.03298,248.269 L 320.99298,249.517 L 319.43498,249.554 L 319.42498,249.13 L 319.32098,248.973 L 319.06898,248.702 L 318.84298,248.535 L 317.95498,248.237 L 317.76598,248.197 L 317.55998,248.242 L 317.40098,248.342 L 317.34298,248.39 L 316.80098,249.03 L 316.77098,249.22 L 316.79298,249.297 L 316.75698,249.409 L 316.37398,249.762 L 315.78698,250.18 L 314.79198,250.198 L 314.65198,243.771 L 314.60698,241.337 L 314.56698,239.548 L 317.02698,239.494\" id=\"22017\" inkscape:label=\"Caddo, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 319.43498,249.554 L 320.15898,250.099 L 320.57798,251.482 L 321.26798,252.556 L 321.38498,252.7 L 322.36698,253.425 L 321.45698,254.574 L 316.67998,254.701 L 315.14298,252.984 L 314.79198,250.198 L 315.78698,250.18 L 316.37398,249.762 L 316.75698,249.409 L 316.79298,249.297 L 316.77098,249.22 L 316.80098,249.03 L 317.34298,248.39 L 317.40098,248.342 L 317.55998,248.242 L 317.76598,248.197 L 317.95498,248.237 L 318.84298,248.535 L 319.06898,248.702 L 319.32098,248.973 L 319.42498,249.13 L 319.43498,249.554\" id=\"22031\" inkscape:label=\"De Soto, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 316.67998,254.701 L 321.45698,254.574 L 321.49298,256.26 L 322.61998,256.233 L 322.70198,258.505 L 323.80598,258.473 L 323.87798,260.718 L 322.17898,260.766 L 320.61098,261.993 L 320.48398,262.394 L 320.42998,263.098 L 320.45698,263.12 L 319.94398,263.255 L 319.82998,262.588 L 319.75398,262.165 L 319.42498,260.731 L 318.41498,259.266 L 317.22998,258.021 L 316.67998,254.701\" id=\"22085\" inkscape:label=\"Sabine, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 324.10398,250.576 L 326.81998,250.5 L 327.21298,251.226 L 327.44398,252.059 L 327.51598,253.015 L 327.49698,253.173 L 327.29898,254.078 L 326.62298,256.183 L 329.48898,258.558 L 326.68098,260.862 L 323.87798,260.718 L 323.80598,258.473 L 322.70198,258.505 L 322.61998,256.233 L 321.49298,256.26 L 321.45698,254.574 L 322.36698,253.425 L 322.42698,253.852 L 322.74598,253.965 L 323.18398,253.965 L 323.63898,253.759 L 324.65298,252.559 L 324.71198,251.811 L 324.70698,251.753 L 324.49898,251.103 L 324.23398,250.703 L 324.10398,250.576\" id=\"22069\" inkscape:label=\"Natchitoches, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 326.62298,256.183 L 330.43098,256.044 L 330.47198,255.521 L 330.45798,254.912 L 333.26198,254.817 L 333.38798,256.45 L 333.74798,257.445 L 334.26698,258.167 L 334.76798,258.717 L 335.24398,258.855 L 334.07698,259.154 L 330.50298,260.168 L 330.20998,260.208 L 329.87598,260.091 L 329.80098,260.037 L 329.65198,259.373 L 329.48898,258.558 L 326.62298,256.183\" id=\"22043\" inkscape:label=\"Grant, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 333.74398,253.104 L 337.09298,252.974 L 337.39098,260.736 L 336.51998,260.646 L 335.24398,258.855 L 334.76798,258.717 L 334.26698,258.167 L 333.74798,257.445 L 333.38798,256.45 L 333.26198,254.817 L 333.74398,253.104\" id=\"22059\" inkscape:label=\"La Salle, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 337.09298,252.974 L 338.33098,252.348 L 338.48898,252.397 L 338.76498,252.573 L 339.15698,252.97 L 339.41798,253.371 L 339.57998,253.578 L 340.09998,253.434 L 340.37798,253.231 L 340.77698,252.79 L 340.97398,252.456 L 340.99098,252.348 L 341.54098,252.609 L 341.80698,253.344 L 342.21698,255.007 L 340.70598,255.196 L 340.61698,255.277 L 339.43698,256.697 L 339.36398,256.823 L 338.95398,258.487 L 338.89498,258.855 L 338.94498,260.812 L 338.98198,260.93 L 339.33198,261.421 L 338.71998,261.119 L 338.49398,261.063 L 338.30098,261.097 L 338.17398,261.227 L 338.09798,261.425 L 338.20498,261.686 L 338.33698,261.845 L 338.37298,261.931 L 338.16098,262.057 L 337.63798,262.024 L 337.58798,261.971 L 337.39098,261.168 L 337.39098,260.736 L 337.09298,252.974\" id=\"22025\" inkscape:label=\"Catahoula, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 342.21698,255.007 L 344.03398,255.179 L 343.86098,255.475 L 343.85298,255.485 L 342.67698,257.847 L 342.64998,257.9 L 342.60898,257.987 L 342.60498,257.996 L 342.19498,261.357 L 341.92898,262.746 L 341.66198,264.761 L 341.39698,265.148 L 341.42898,264.837 L 340.67598,264.228 L 340.75698,264.034 L 340.81098,263.846 L 341.10498,262.353 L 340.97798,262.201 L 340.77698,262.097 L 340.72098,262.111 L 340.35098,262.06 L 339.82898,261.921 L 339.57998,261.764 L 339.33198,261.421 L 338.98198,260.93 L 338.94498,260.812 L 338.89498,258.855 L 338.95398,258.487 L 339.36398,256.823 L 339.43698,256.697 L 340.61698,255.277 L 340.70598,255.196 L 342.21698,255.007\" id=\"22029\" inkscape:label=\"Concordia, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 336.51998,260.646 L 337.39098,260.736 L 337.39098,261.168 L 337.58798,261.971 L 337.63798,262.024 L 338.16098,262.057 L 338.37298,261.931 L 338.33698,261.845 L 338.20498,261.686 L 338.09798,261.425 L 338.17398,261.227 L 338.30098,261.097 L 338.49398,261.063 L 338.71998,261.119 L 339.33198,261.421 L 339.57998,261.764 L 339.82898,261.921 L 340.35098,262.06 L 340.72098,262.111 L 340.77698,262.097 L 340.97798,262.201 L 341.10498,262.353 L 340.81098,263.846 L 340.75698,264.034 L 340.67598,264.228 L 340.40198,264.571 L 339.77798,266.802 L 335.38398,266.978 L 334.57698,265.509 L 335.27198,265.14 L 335.00598,263.341 L 334.91498,260.88 L 335.01498,260.794 L 335.09098,260.763 L 335.13698,260.771 L 335.82098,261.092 L 336.51998,260.646\" id=\"22009\" inkscape:label=\"Avoyelles, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 329.48898,258.558 L 329.65198,259.373 L 329.80098,260.037 L 329.87598,260.091 L 330.20998,260.208 L 330.50298,260.168 L 334.07698,259.154 L 335.24398,258.855 L 336.51998,260.646 L 335.82098,261.092 L 335.13698,260.771 L 335.09098,260.763 L 335.01498,260.794 L 334.91498,260.88 L 335.00598,263.341 L 335.27198,265.14 L 334.57698,265.509 L 333.45998,265.086 L 331.10698,266.527 L 328.61498,266.693 L 328.51598,265.131 L 328.38998,262.024 L 327.81298,261.204 L 327.62298,261.114 L 326.68098,260.862 L 329.48898,258.558\" id=\"22079\" inkscape:label=\"Rapides, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 323.87798,260.718 L 326.68098,260.862 L 327.62298,261.114 L 327.81298,261.204 L 328.38998,262.024 L 328.51598,265.131 L 328.61498,266.693 L 326.90598,266.901 L 325.18998,266.897 L 322.01198,266.982 L 320.49798,267.208 L 320.45698,263.12 L 320.42998,263.098 L 320.48398,262.394 L 320.61098,261.993 L 322.17898,260.766 L 323.87798,260.718\" id=\"22115\" inkscape:label=\"Vernon, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 331.10698,266.527 L 333.45998,265.086 L 334.57698,265.509 L 335.38398,266.978 L 335.87498,268.001 L 335.90298,268.704 L 335.91598,269.2 L 335.45598,270.593 L 334.99198,270.994 L 333.29698,271.057 L 332.92798,271.125 L 332.81198,271.256 L 332.45898,271.841 L 330.91798,271.887 L 330.93698,271.801 L 331.00798,271.728 L 331.10698,271.553 L 331.42798,270.773 L 331.40398,270.714 L 331.25598,270.579 L 331.16098,268.226 L 331.14298,267.745 L 331.10698,266.527\" id=\"22039\" inkscape:label=\"Evangeline, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 328.61498,266.693 L 331.10698,266.527 L 331.14298,267.745 L 331.16098,268.226 L 331.25598,270.579 L 331.40398,270.714 L 331.42798,270.773 L 331.10698,271.553 L 331.00798,271.728 L 330.93698,271.801 L 329.33998,271.85 L 328.45698,272.314 L 326.68998,272.585 L 325.39698,272.809 L 325.33798,270.565 L 326.26198,270.528 L 327.01498,270.507 L 326.96098,267.911 L 326.90598,266.901 L 328.61498,266.693\" id=\"22003\" inkscape:label=\"Allen, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 326.90598,266.901 L 326.96098,267.911 L 327.01498,270.507 L 326.26198,270.528 L 325.33798,270.565 L 325.39698,272.809 L 325.40598,273.076 L 322.57898,273.161 L 322.55198,272.034 L 321.42598,272.061 L 321.45698,273.193 L 318.60498,273.269 L 318.61698,273.257 L 319.04198,272.9 L 319.08698,272.788 L 319.09098,272.721 L 318.93398,271.917 L 318.62298,271.542 L 318.59098,271.508 L 318.59098,271.503 L 318.71698,271.052 L 320.29898,268.073 L 320.49798,267.208 L 322.01198,266.982 L 325.18998,266.897 L 326.90598,266.901\" id=\"22011\" inkscape:label=\"Beauregard, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 330.91798,271.887 L 331.16998,276.89 L 329.93098,277.641 L 327.05098,277.723 L 327.03698,277.155 L 328.22698,277.087 L 328.02798,276.515 L 327.75398,276.182 L 326.57698,274.874 L 325.41498,273.373 L 325.40598,273.076 L 325.39698,272.809 L 326.68998,272.585 L 328.45698,272.314 L 329.33998,271.85 L 330.93698,271.801 L 330.91798,271.887\" id=\"22053\" inkscape:label=\"Jefferson Davis, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 325.40598,273.076 L 325.41498,273.373 L 326.57698,274.874 L 327.75398,276.182 L 328.02798,276.515 L 328.22698,277.087 L 327.03698,277.155 L 327.05098,277.723 L 325.57698,277.773 L 325.57198,277.583 L 318.95498,277.767 L 318.93798,277.785 L 318.94598,275.294 L 318.60498,273.269 L 321.45698,273.193 L 321.42598,272.061 L 322.55198,272.034 L 322.57898,273.161 L 325.40598,273.076\" id=\"22019\" inkscape:label=\"Calcasieu, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 329.93098,277.641 L 331.30598,277.583 L 331.47298,281.991 L 331.48998,283.487 L 331.08398,283.384 L 330.05298,283.042 L 329.11898,282.636 L 328.60598,282.415 L 327.81698,282.041 L 327.44398,281.891 L 327.42898,281.888 L 326.14098,281.473 L 325.13498,281.229 L 324.57098,281.157 L 324.12098,281.161 L 321.79498,281.342 L 321.08698,281.436 L 320.00698,281.599 L 319.46498,281.683 L 318.81698,281.838 L 318.78398,281.851 L 318.72198,281.874 L 318.54498,281.932 L 318.18098,282.126 L 317.95998,282.275 L 317.75298,282.451 L 317.65298,279.576 L 318.93798,277.785 L 318.95498,277.767 L 325.57198,277.583 L 325.57698,277.773 L 327.05098,277.723 L 329.93098,277.641\" id=\"22023\" inkscape:label=\"Cameron, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 330.91798,271.887 L 332.45898,271.841 L 335.21798,271.738 L 336.00098,272.265 L 336.45198,273.743 L 336.45198,274.027 L 334.94298,276.037 L 334.06898,277.034 L 333.83898,277.195 L 333.62198,277.295 L 333.42398,277.362 L 331.29198,276.926 L 331.16998,276.89 L 330.91798,271.887\" id=\"22001\" inkscape:label=\"Acadia, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 339.77798,266.802 L 339.94198,266.929 L 340.36798,267.654 L 340.76098,268.623 L 340.81098,269.056 L 340.75698,270.809 L 340.63498,271.283 L 341.08098,271.895 L 341.55498,272.571 L 340.06698,272.643 L 339.98198,272.576 L 339.42398,272.377 L 338.75598,272.67 L 338.12498,273.058 L 336.45198,274.027 L 336.45198,273.743 L 336.00098,272.265 L 335.21798,271.738 L 332.45898,271.841 L 332.81198,271.256 L 332.92798,271.125 L 333.29698,271.057 L 334.99198,270.994 L 335.45598,270.593 L 335.91598,269.2 L 335.90298,268.704 L 335.87498,268.001 L 335.38398,266.978 L 339.77798,266.802\" id=\"22097\" inkscape:label=\"St. Landry, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 340.40198,264.571 L 341.42898,264.837 L 341.39698,265.148 L 341.46898,266.572 L 341.49498,266.644 L 341.57698,266.721 L 341.64398,266.757 L 342.86098,267.392 L 344.64198,267.726 L 344.69998,267.753 L 344.91098,268.068 L 345.25498,268.988 L 343.64598,271.151 L 341.24798,271.26 L 340.63498,271.283 L 340.75698,270.809 L 340.81098,269.056 L 340.76098,268.623 L 340.36798,267.654 L 339.94198,266.929 L 339.77798,266.802 L 340.40198,264.571\" id=\"22077\" inkscape:label=\"Pointe Coupee, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 345.25498,268.988 L 345.54298,269.051 L 345.62898,269.092 L 347.56698,273.203 L 345.67898,273.306 L 345.24598,272.761 L 344.01998,271.43 L 343.64598,271.151 L 345.25498,268.988\" id=\"22121\" inkscape:label=\"West Baton Rouge, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 336.45198,274.027 L 338.12498,273.058 L 338.70498,276.839 L 338.56598,277.345 L 337.41198,276.88 L 336.69998,276.384 L 335.77298,276.078 L 334.94298,276.037 L 336.45198,274.027\" id=\"22055\" inkscape:label=\"Lafayette, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 338.56598,277.345 L 338.63498,280.306 L 337.91698,280.63 L 337.68798,280.761 L 337.13398,281.14 L 336.73198,281.517 L 336.68698,281.77 L 336.89398,282.23 L 337.14698,282.722 L 337.35398,282.753 L 338.42698,282.784 L 337.96298,283.204 L 337.90298,283.172 L 337.23198,283.172 L 336.65198,283.258 L 336.64298,283.258 L 336.04698,283.527 L 335.61798,283.844 L 335.32498,283.925 L 335.29898,283.929 L 335.22698,283.933 L 335.02798,283.947 L 334.97398,283.947 L 332.15698,283.578 L 331.50798,283.487 L 331.48998,283.487 L 331.47298,281.991 L 331.30598,277.583 L 329.93098,277.641 L 331.16998,276.89 L 331.29198,276.926 L 333.42398,277.362 L 333.62198,277.295 L 333.83898,277.195 L 334.06898,277.034 L 334.94298,276.037 L 335.77298,276.078 L 336.69998,276.384 L 337.41198,276.88 L 338.56598,277.345\" id=\"22113\" inkscape:label=\"Vermilion, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 338.42698,282.784 L 339.25998,282.482 L 339.52698,282.424 L 339.90098,282.478 L 341.66798,283.258 L 341.69798,283.307 L 341.67798,283.392 L 341.05398,284.263 L 340.92298,284.344 L 340.48598,284.479 L 340.29698,284.425 L 338.13398,283.389 L 337.96298,283.204 L 338.42698,282.784M 345.20998,276.726 L 346.84598,277.078 L 346.53498,277.791 L 344.12298,278.105 L 342.41998,278.322 L 341.51398,279.642 L 339.73798,281.324 L 338.63498,280.306 L 338.56598,277.345 L 338.70498,276.839 L 339.19298,276.83 L 340.75698,276.294 L 340.96398,276.168 L 341.11398,276.128 L 341.43298,276.114 L 341.83298,276.2 L 341.93298,276.235 L 343.87598,276.799 L 345.20998,276.726\" id=\"22045\" inkscape:label=\"Iberia, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 343.64598,271.151 L 344.01998,271.43 L 345.24598,272.761 L 345.67898,273.306 L 347.56698,273.203 L 348.91398,273.153 L 348.13998,276.533 L 346.84598,277.078 L 345.20998,276.726 L 345.19998,276.556 L 345.07898,276.263 L 343.91598,274.591 L 343.72298,274.506 L 343.51498,274.464 L 343.16298,274.496 L 342.93398,274.478 L 342.78898,274.41 L 342.64598,274.292 L 342.24898,273.631 L 342.18598,273.454 L 342.16198,273.379 L 342.18598,273.224 L 342.15798,272.549 L 342.10898,272.297 L 341.95598,271.932 L 341.24798,271.26 L 343.64598,271.151\" id=\"22047\" inkscape:label=\"Iberville, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 349.72598,276.402 L 350.70798,278.427 L 349.48298,280.945 L 348.68898,282.126 L 348.44598,281.198 L 348.47298,280.368 L 348.46398,279.882 L 348.37798,279.715 L 348.23798,279.57 L 348.00898,279.449 L 347.89198,279.449 L 347.40398,279.354 L 347.23798,279.192 L 346.62898,278.034 L 346.53498,277.791 L 346.84598,277.078 L 348.13998,276.533 L 349.72598,276.402\" id=\"22007\" inkscape:label=\"Assumption, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 340.63498,271.283 L 341.24798,271.26 L 341.95598,271.932 L 342.10898,272.297 L 342.15798,272.549 L 342.18598,273.224 L 342.16198,273.379 L 342.18598,273.454 L 342.24898,273.631 L 342.64598,274.292 L 342.78898,274.41 L 342.93398,274.478 L 343.16298,274.496 L 343.51498,274.464 L 343.72298,274.506 L 343.91598,274.591 L 345.07898,276.263 L 345.19998,276.556 L 345.20998,276.726 L 343.87598,276.799 L 341.93298,276.235 L 341.83298,276.2 L 341.43298,276.114 L 341.11398,276.128 L 340.96398,276.168 L 340.75698,276.294 L 339.19298,276.83 L 338.70498,276.839 L 338.12498,273.058 L 338.75598,272.67 L 339.42398,272.377 L 339.98198,272.576 L 340.06698,272.643 L 341.55498,272.571 L 341.08098,271.895 L 340.63498,271.283M 344.12298,278.105 L 346.53498,277.791 L 346.62898,278.034 L 347.23798,279.192 L 347.40398,279.354 L 347.89198,279.449 L 348.00898,279.449 L 348.23798,279.57 L 348.37798,279.715 L 348.46398,279.882 L 348.47298,280.368 L 348.44598,281.198 L 347.12598,280.598 L 345.27398,279.742 L 344.12298,278.105\" id=\"22099\" inkscape:label=\"St. Martin, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 344.12298,278.105 L 345.27398,279.742 L 347.12598,280.598 L 348.44598,281.198 L 348.68898,282.126 L 346.66098,284.163 L 346.41298,284.163 L 345.93998,284.073 L 343.71798,283.591 L 343.62698,283.154 L 343.55998,282.789 L 343.40698,282.302 L 342.58198,281.022 L 342.45098,280.932 L 341.27598,280.9 L 341.10798,280.923 L 339.73798,281.324 L 341.51398,279.642 L 342.41998,278.322 L 344.12298,278.105\" id=\"22101\" inkscape:label=\"St. Mary, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 349.48298,280.945 L 351.44398,280.057 L 351.51998,280.021 L 351.66898,280.039 L 354.43598,282.677 L 356.55098,284.849 L 356.71198,285.019 L 356.77898,285.21 L 356.84698,285.812 L 356.56398,287.228 L 354.85098,287.224 L 353.93598,288.247 L 354.06598,288.959 L 351.78498,289.469 L 346.73398,287.098 L 346.45298,286.877 L 346.07198,286.475 L 346.08898,286.382 L 346.70598,286.044 L 347.46398,285.606 L 347.57098,285.484 L 347.52798,285.231 L 347.37298,284.839 L 347.30498,284.691 L 347.25998,284.646 L 346.66098,284.163 L 348.68898,282.126 L 349.48298,280.945\" id=\"22109\" inkscape:label=\"Terrebonne, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 354.57498,278.382 L 355.17998,278.777 L 356.15298,279.813 L 356.73098,280.557 L 356.73498,280.635 L 356.83798,280.774 L 356.97398,280.806 L 358.22198,280.742 L 358.50598,280.729 L 358.87498,280.815 L 358.99298,280.887 L 359.02398,280.986 L 359.15398,281.891 L 359.16298,282.021 L 359.09698,282.262 L 359.99798,283.591 L 360.67798,283.889 L 360.69198,285.349 L 360.02498,286.169 L 360.36198,286.827 L 360.19598,287.449 L 360.07298,287.57 L 360.04298,287.606 L 359.32198,288.202 L 359.28498,288.233 L 359.25498,288.252 L 358.74398,288.526 L 357.41498,288.968 L 357.35198,288.964 L 357.35198,288.954 L 357.33898,288.887 L 357.60498,288.724 L 357.84298,288.68 L 357.96998,288.657 L 358.07698,288.602 L 358.35298,288.468 L 358.40598,288.436 L 358.60498,288.211 L 358.59098,287.973 L 358.11298,287.025 L 357.92398,286.768 L 357.56498,286.286 L 357.36498,286.141 L 356.98298,286.201 L 356.76698,286.489 L 356.56398,287.228 L 356.84698,285.812 L 356.77898,285.21 L 356.71198,285.019 L 356.55098,284.849 L 354.43598,282.677 L 351.66898,280.039 L 351.51998,280.021 L 351.44398,280.057 L 349.48298,280.945 L 350.70798,278.427 L 353.28198,278.489 L 354.57498,278.382\" id=\"22057\" inkscape:label=\"Lafourche, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 353.24098,274.919 L 353.11098,276.416 L 352.81398,276.628 L 353.03398,277.705 L 353.18798,278.291 L 353.28198,278.489 L 350.70798,278.427 L 349.72598,276.402 L 353.24098,274.919\" id=\"22093\" inkscape:label=\"St. James, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 350.33398,272.774 L 352.36198,274.667 L 352.60098,274.829 L 352.65498,274.844 L 352.69998,274.82 L 353.30498,274.207 L 353.24098,274.919 L 349.72598,276.402 L 348.13998,276.533 L 348.91398,273.153 L 350.33398,272.774\" id=\"22005\" inkscape:label=\"Ascension, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 350.54598,267.933 L 349.91498,268.872 L 349.18998,269.739 L 349.22698,271.521 L 349.43798,272.049 L 350.33398,272.774 L 348.91398,273.153 L 347.56698,273.203 L 345.62898,269.092 L 345.95798,268.438 L 346.07198,268.353 L 350.54598,267.933\" id=\"22033\" inkscape:label=\"East Baton Rouge, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 348.02198,264.459 L 350.60498,264.314 L 350.27098,265.153 L 350.49198,266.27 L 350.54598,266.991 L 350.54598,267.933 L 346.07198,268.353 L 345.95798,268.438 L 345.62898,269.092 L 345.54298,269.051 L 345.51698,268.749 L 345.53798,268.326 L 345.69998,267.82 L 345.81398,267.667 L 346.25998,266.901 L 346.58398,265.414 L 346.74098,264.522 L 348.02198,264.459\" id=\"22037\" inkscape:label=\"East Feliciana, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 353.46298,264.147 L 353.71898,268.65 L 349.91498,268.872 L 350.54598,267.933 L 350.54598,266.991 L 350.49198,266.27 L 350.27098,265.153 L 350.60498,264.314 L 353.46298,264.147\" id=\"22091\" inkscape:label=\"St. Helena, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 349.91498,268.872 L 353.71898,268.65 L 353.84098,270.75 L 354.11098,271.426 L 354.97698,272.625 L 355.35498,273.014 L 355.48598,273.121 L 355.62598,273.184 L 355.83198,273.232 L 355.08498,273.486 L 354.83198,273.622 L 354.76098,273.684 L 354.59298,274.055 L 354.45298,274.27 L 354.30598,274.424 L 354.16998,274.51 L 354.05698,274.527 L 353.93598,274.506 L 353.30498,274.207 L 352.69998,274.82 L 352.65498,274.844 L 352.60098,274.829 L 352.36198,274.667 L 350.33398,272.774 L 349.43798,272.049 L 349.22698,271.521 L 349.18998,269.739 L 349.91498,268.872\" id=\"22063\" inkscape:label=\"Livingston, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 355.83198,273.232 L 357.24798,273.855 L 355.90898,275.875 L 354.98598,276.578 L 354.50798,276.776 L 354.39098,276.966 L 354.40898,277.204 L 354.57498,278.382 L 353.28198,278.489 L 353.18798,278.291 L 353.03398,277.705 L 352.81398,276.628 L 353.11098,276.416 L 353.30498,274.207 L 353.93598,274.506 L 354.05698,274.527 L 354.16998,274.51 L 354.30598,274.424 L 354.45298,274.27 L 354.59298,274.055 L 354.76098,273.684 L 354.83198,273.622 L 355.08498,273.486 L 355.83198,273.232\" id=\"22095\" inkscape:label=\"St. John the Baptist, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 354.57498,278.382 L 354.40898,277.204 L 354.39098,276.966 L 354.50798,276.776 L 354.98598,276.578 L 355.90898,275.875 L 357.24798,273.855 L 357.39698,276.74 L 357.42398,277.186 L 357.53698,277.827 L 357.60898,278.038 L 357.95098,278.566 L 358.63198,278.972 L 358.44698,280.044 L 358.38398,280.242 L 358.22198,280.742 L 356.97398,280.806 L 356.83798,280.774 L 356.73498,280.635 L 356.73098,280.557 L 356.15298,279.813 L 355.17998,278.777 L 354.57498,278.382\" id=\"22089\" inkscape:label=\"St. Charles, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 353.67398,264.14 L 355.88298,263.999 L 355.96398,265.22 L 356.31098,265.509 L 357.11298,267.419 L 357.11798,267.649 L 357.64098,273.915 L 357.24798,273.855 L 355.83198,273.232 L 355.62598,273.184 L 355.48598,273.121 L 355.35498,273.014 L 354.97698,272.625 L 354.11098,271.426 L 353.84098,270.75 L 353.71898,268.65 L 353.46298,264.147 L 353.67398,264.14\" id=\"22105\" inkscape:label=\"Tangipahoa, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 359.19498,274.239 L 360.43098,274.708 L 361.47598,274.081 L 361.73398,273.981 L 363.90898,274.153 L 364.52798,274.355 L 364.59998,274.4 L 364.12098,274.969 L 362.62598,275.929 L 362.12498,276.528 L 361.62498,278.255 L 360.51598,277.98 L 359.91598,277.372 L 359.16298,276.348 L 359.19498,274.239\" id=\"22071\" inkscape:label=\"Orleans, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 362.12498,276.528 L 362.19298,276.812 L 362.30098,277.087 L 362.37298,277.21 L 362.48598,277.285 L 364.07198,278.093 L 364.42898,278.141 L 364.68098,278.111 L 364.94998,277.989 L 365.11298,277.858 L 365.17598,277.655 L 365.30298,276.839 L 365.28798,276.528 L 366.11898,275.604 L 366.50598,275.415 L 366.96998,275.559 L 367.26298,275.799 L 367.02398,275.933 L 366.95098,276.006 L 366.84398,276.109 L 366.85298,276.326 L 366.87098,276.483 L 367.52898,277.2 L 367.65498,277.295 L 368.18698,277.569 L 368.31298,277.638 L 367.56598,278.886 L 367.13298,279.525 L 366.49198,279.768 L 365.99198,279.576 L 364.81998,279.534 L 364.62998,279.594 L 364.67598,279.972 L 364.73898,280.085 L 365.29798,280.391 L 365.56498,280.504 L 365.75298,280.54 L 366.01598,280.522 L 366.56498,280.995 L 366.59598,281.071 L 366.58298,281.121 L 366.51498,281.022 L 366.20398,280.774 L 364.97798,280.48 L 364.18498,279.765 L 364.01798,279.588 L 362.36398,279.147 L 362.24198,279.192 L 362.16998,279.179 L 362.02898,279.013 L 361.78198,278.584 L 361.62498,278.255 L 362.12498,276.528\" id=\"22087\" inkscape:label=\"St. Bernard, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 360.51598,277.98 L 361.62498,278.255 L 361.78198,278.584 L 362.02898,279.013 L 362.16998,279.179 L 362.24198,279.192 L 362.36398,279.147 L 364.01798,279.588 L 364.18498,279.765 L 364.97798,280.48 L 366.20398,280.774 L 366.51498,281.022 L 366.58298,281.121 L 366.37498,280.995 L 366.01998,280.802 L 365.04998,280.757 L 364.82898,280.887 L 364.47298,281.188 L 364.38298,281.499 L 364.27098,282.563 L 364.27898,282.626 L 364.36098,282.717 L 364.68998,282.933 L 366.77998,284.037 L 367.11398,284.015 L 367.98498,283.974 L 370.31498,284.646 L 370.91398,285.39 L 371.21598,285.808 L 371.67098,286.07 L 372.09098,285.881 L 372.17098,285.912 L 372.25298,285.989 L 372.44598,286.382 L 372.44598,286.394 L 372.40998,286.57 L 372.40998,286.579 L 372.20698,287.044 L 371.85598,287.841 L 370.83298,288.45 L 370.11098,288.004 L 368.55698,288.044 L 367.31298,286.606 L 367.27998,286.574 L 367.12798,286.427 L 367.10998,286.408 L 366.98698,286.322 L 366.98698,286.318 L 366.93898,286.3 L 366.60498,286.178 L 366.36098,286.088 L 364.79798,285.515 L 364.54998,285.447 L 364.50498,285.435 L 364.26598,285.385 L 364.17198,285.362 L 364.15298,285.362 L 364.10398,285.357 L 363.86798,285.34 L 363.53598,285.312 L 362.90098,284.74 L 363.04398,284.492 L 363.08498,284.402 L 363.08498,284.281 L 363.07098,284.213 L 362.82298,283.348 L 362.81598,283.311 L 362.74198,283.275 L 362.63898,283.222 L 362.49398,283.253 L 362.34598,283.316 L 362.06298,283.492 L 361.88598,283.708 L 361.74598,283.907 L 361.48898,283.933 L 361.38098,283.861 L 361.23298,283.704 L 361.06998,281.775 L 361.01198,281.531 L 360.56498,280.769 L 360.34498,280.513 L 359.98498,280.03 L 359.86098,279.611 L 360.06998,278.746 L 360.51598,277.98\" id=\"22075\" inkscape:label=\"Plaquemines, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 341.66198,264.761 L 346.74098,264.522 L 346.58398,265.414 L 346.25998,266.901 L 345.81398,267.667 L 345.69998,267.82 L 345.53798,268.326 L 345.51698,268.749 L 345.54298,269.051 L 345.25498,268.988 L 344.91098,268.068 L 344.69998,267.753 L 344.64198,267.726 L 342.86098,267.392 L 341.64398,266.757 L 341.57698,266.721 L 341.49498,266.644 L 341.46898,266.572 L 341.39698,265.148 L 341.66198,264.761M 340.67598,264.228 L 341.42898,264.837 L 340.40198,264.571 L 340.67598,264.228\" id=\"22125\" inkscape:label=\"West Feliciana, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 357.24798,273.855 L 357.64098,273.915 L 359.19498,274.239 L 359.16298,276.348 L 359.91598,277.372 L 360.51598,277.98 L 360.06998,278.746 L 359.86098,279.611 L 359.98498,280.03 L 360.34498,280.513 L 360.56498,280.769 L 361.01198,281.531 L 361.06998,281.775 L 361.23298,283.704 L 360.67798,283.889 L 359.99798,283.591 L 359.09698,282.262 L 359.16298,282.021 L 359.15398,281.891 L 359.02398,280.986 L 358.99298,280.887 L 358.87498,280.815 L 358.50598,280.729 L 358.22198,280.742 L 358.38398,280.242 L 358.44698,280.044 L 358.63198,278.972 L 357.95098,278.566 L 357.60898,278.038 L 357.53698,277.827 L 357.42398,277.186 L 357.39698,276.74 L 357.24798,273.855M 360.36198,286.827 L 360.37198,286.837 L 360.68298,286.777 L 360.92598,286.503 L 361.57498,286.003 L 361.66998,286.016 L 361.68898,286.053 L 361.67898,286.084 L 361.62098,286.178 L 360.91198,286.705 L 360.30398,287.337 L 360.19898,287.445 L 360.19598,287.449 L 360.36198,286.827\" id=\"22051\" inkscape:label=\"Jefferson, LA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 518.69698,85.203 L 518.73698,85.293 L 519.43098,86 L 519.89598,85.892 L 520.04598,85.757 L 520.79698,85.851 L 521.16598,85.896 L 522.54098,86.455 L 522.68598,86.722 L 522.75298,87.425 L 522.78898,88.145 L 522.67698,88.511 L 522.38798,89.079 L 523.02798,90.692 L 523.27998,90.927 L 523.57798,91.025 L 524.37998,91.152 L 524.65398,92.95 L 521.90498,93.793 L 521.84198,93.604 L 519.43598,94.176 L 519.03898,94.258 L 518.72398,94.32 L 518.30898,92.666 L 517.70498,92.828 L 517.04698,92.689 L 517.00298,92.526 L 517.00698,92.428 L 517.24498,91.819 L 516.06998,90.805 L 515.90298,90.142 L 515.84898,89.038 L 515.96098,88.367 L 515.76398,87.294 L 515.14998,85.973 L 518.42098,85.265 L 518.69698,85.203\" id=\"25027\" inkscape:label=\"Worcester, MA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 524.50098,83.382 L 524.85898,84.243 L 525.77798,84.86 L 526.82298,85.482 L 527.57098,86.433 L 527.51698,86.78 L 527.30098,87.266 L 526.93098,87.61 L 526.54398,87.857 L 526.59298,88.871 L 526.13798,88.515 L 526.11098,88.497 L 525.88098,88.475 L 525.72398,88.497 L 525.22298,88.835 L 525.34098,89.02 L 525.56098,89.308 L 525.68798,89.579 L 525.46598,90.278 L 525.00298,90.692 L 524.37998,91.152 L 523.57798,91.025 L 523.27998,90.927 L 523.02798,90.692 L 522.38798,89.079 L 522.67698,88.511 L 522.78898,88.145 L 522.75298,87.425 L 522.68598,86.722 L 522.54098,86.455 L 521.16598,85.896 L 520.79698,85.851 L 520.04598,85.757 L 519.89598,85.892 L 519.43098,86 L 518.73698,85.293 L 518.69698,85.203 L 520.97698,84.693 L 521.11698,84.662 L 521.15698,84.653 L 524.26798,83.936 L 524.50098,83.382\" id=\"25017\" inkscape:label=\"Middlesex, MA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 540.11398,98.431 L 540.19898,98.386 L 540.34898,98.214 L 540.45698,98.012 L 540.52898,97.75 L 540.48498,97.489 L 540.43398,97.399 L 540.33498,97.308 L 540.24398,97.236 L 540.19098,97.191 L 540.18198,97.142 L 540.34898,97.178 L 540.54698,97.353 L 541.40298,98.323 L 541.45398,98.503 L 541.44798,98.638 L 541.44398,98.665 L 541.37598,98.755 L 541.15498,98.922 L 541.03298,98.976 L 540.26798,99.152 L 540.06098,99.192 L 539.52798,99.156 L 538.62198,98.976 L 538.50098,98.922 L 538.41498,98.85 L 538.36498,98.746 L 538.50498,98.71 L 538.62698,98.737 L 538.68098,98.755 L 539.15398,98.737 L 539.82498,98.562 L 540.11398,98.431\" id=\"25019\" inkscape:label=\"Nantucket, MA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 534.21498,93.149 L 534.27798,93.216 L 534.46798,93.351 L 534.74198,93.504 L 534.98998,93.604 L 535.59498,93.667 L 535.95798,93.644 L 536.92298,93.545 L 538.22598,92.743 L 538.70798,92.418 L 539.02398,92.135 L 539.12098,91.923 L 539.14098,91.814 L 539.02798,91.44 L 538.85198,90.98 L 538.77098,90.8 L 538.47398,90.377 L 537.51098,89.25 L 537.36098,89.146 L 537.19398,89.083 L 536.92798,89.02 L 536.86098,89.034 L 536.73498,89.105 L 536.66598,89.169 L 536.61198,89.264 L 536.58098,89.421 L 536.58998,89.489 L 536.05798,89.282 L 536.02698,89.245 L 536.06298,89.115 L 536.15798,89.011 L 536.31998,88.921 L 536.47698,88.871 L 536.75498,88.844 L 537.20198,88.867 L 537.55498,88.944 L 537.82398,89.061 L 538.13598,89.277 L 538.43298,89.574 L 538.80698,90.007 L 539.10498,90.435 L 539.55098,91.206 L 539.76398,91.63 L 540.06998,92.463 L 540.24798,93.081 L 540.27998,93.365 L 540.13198,94.596 L 540.04198,94.685 L 540.01098,93.829 L 539.98898,93.757 L 539.94298,93.676 L 539.70398,93.563 L 539.59198,93.536 L 539.52398,93.55 L 536.65698,94.829 L 536.53598,94.884 L 534.44798,96.691 L 534.11498,97.124 L 533.76398,97.088 L 533.55598,94.578 L 534.21498,93.149\" id=\"25001\" inkscape:label=\"Barnstable, MA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 527.57098,86.433 L 528.02698,86.614 L 528.23798,88.128 L 526.59298,88.871 L 526.54398,87.857 L 526.93098,87.61 L 527.30098,87.266 L 527.51698,86.78 L 527.57098,86.433\" id=\"25025\" inkscape:label=\"Suffolk, MA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 525.83598,93.072 L 528.24298,90.945 L 528.96798,92.526 L 529.77598,93.996 L 530.73498,94.37 L 531.16298,94.667 L 532.16798,96.214 L 531.99698,96.204 L 531.56898,96.267 L 531.39398,96.497 L 531.28898,96.633 L 531.27198,96.664 L 531.30298,97.083 L 531.34698,97.236 L 531.49198,97.534 L 530.66298,98.309 L 529.87798,98.544 L 528.58998,96.502 L 528.19798,96.137 L 527.11998,95.537 L 525.83598,93.072\" id=\"25005\" inkscape:label=\"Bristol, MA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 529.13598,88.448 L 530.01398,88.177 L 530.47398,88.244 L 530.56498,88.254 L 530.64098,88.304 L 531.15298,88.646 L 532.31298,89.935 L 533.99298,92.152 L 534.15498,92.522 L 534.21498,93.149 L 533.55598,94.578 L 532.16798,96.214 L 531.16298,94.667 L 530.73498,94.37 L 529.77598,93.996 L 528.96798,92.526 L 528.24298,90.945 L 529.13598,88.448\" id=\"25023\" inkscape:label=\"Plymouth, MA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 528.23798,88.128 L 529.13598,88.448 L 528.24298,90.945 L 525.83598,93.072 L 524.65398,92.95 L 524.37998,91.152 L 525.00298,90.692 L 525.46598,90.278 L 525.68798,89.579 L 525.56098,89.308 L 525.34098,89.02 L 525.22298,88.835 L 525.72398,88.497 L 525.88098,88.475 L 526.11098,88.497 L 526.13798,88.515 L 526.59298,88.871 L 528.23798,88.128\" id=\"25021\" inkscape:label=\"Norfolk, MA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 528.02698,80.574 L 528.09398,80.844 L 528.44098,81.673 L 528.98098,82.71 L 529.53998,82.958 L 528.63898,84.828 L 528.02698,86.614 L 527.57098,86.433 L 526.82298,85.482 L 525.77798,84.86 L 524.85898,84.243 L 524.50098,83.382 L 524.56098,83.246 L 525.06998,82.224 L 525.19198,82.097 L 525.41198,81.908 L 526.07898,81.34 L 526.94798,80.695 L 526.95198,80.695 L 527.02598,80.664 L 527.08898,80.632 L 527.36298,80.614 L 528.02698,80.574\" id=\"25009\" inkscape:label=\"Essex, MA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 517.24498,91.819 L 517.00698,92.428 L 517.00298,92.526 L 517.04698,92.689 L 517.70498,92.828 L 518.30898,92.666 L 518.72398,94.32 L 515.25798,95.141 L 510.62498,96.236 L 510.20998,96.33 L 509.85798,95.695 L 509.81298,95.578 L 509.70498,95.005 L 510.05698,94.983 L 510.02898,93.554 L 509.84898,92.779 L 510.18298,92.274 L 510.72698,92.184 L 510.84998,92.261 L 511.10198,93.099 L 510.95798,93.369 L 511.34998,93.568 L 512.22398,93.699 L 513.14898,93.685 L 513.91898,93.113 L 515.59998,92.418 L 517.24498,91.819\" id=\"25013\" inkscape:label=\"Hampden, MA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 516.06998,90.805 L 517.24498,91.819 L 515.59998,92.418 L 513.91898,93.113 L 513.14898,93.685 L 512.22398,93.699 L 511.34998,93.568 L 510.95798,93.369 L 511.10198,93.099 L 510.84998,92.261 L 510.72698,92.184 L 510.18298,92.274 L 509.84898,92.779 L 509.81798,92.887 L 509.61498,92.896 L 509.22298,92.716 L 509.01098,92.076 L 509.01098,91.963 L 509.53798,91.954 L 509.49798,90.805 L 509.43498,89.84 L 509.32098,89.656 L 510.50798,90.323 L 512.07898,90.363 L 513.69498,90.286 L 514.17098,90.079 L 515.26698,89.98 L 516.06998,90.805\" id=\"25015\" inkscape:label=\"Hampshire, MA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 506.07698,87.916 L 508.31198,87.433 L 509.32098,89.656 L 509.43498,89.84 L 509.49798,90.805 L 509.53798,91.954 L 509.01098,91.963 L 509.01098,92.076 L 509.22298,92.716 L 509.61498,92.896 L 509.81798,92.887 L 509.84898,92.779 L 510.02898,93.554 L 510.05698,94.983 L 509.70498,95.005 L 509.81298,95.578 L 509.85798,95.695 L 510.20998,96.33 L 506.15798,97.187 L 506.06798,97.209 L 505.85198,96.772 L 505.99398,91.084 L 506.07698,87.916\" id=\"25003\" inkscape:label=\"Berkshire, MA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 513.52698,86.32 L 515.14998,85.973 L 515.76398,87.294 L 515.96098,88.367 L 515.84898,89.038 L 515.90298,90.142 L 516.06998,90.805 L 515.26698,89.98 L 514.17098,90.079 L 513.69498,90.286 L 512.07898,90.363 L 510.50798,90.323 L 509.32098,89.656 L 508.31198,87.433 L 509.16898,87.253 L 513.52698,86.32\" id=\"25011\" inkscape:label=\"Franklin, MA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 534.83198,97.543 L 536.36098,97.813 L 536.48198,98.106 L 536.61198,98.647 L 536.60298,98.724 L 533.91298,99.706 L 533.63298,99.468 L 533.99798,98.323 L 534.09798,98.156 L 534.37698,97.813 L 534.72698,97.431 L 534.78198,97.435 L 534.83198,97.543M 534.11498,97.124 L 533.34498,98.098 L 533.11898,98.354 L 532.48798,98.85 L 532.15898,98.954 L 532.06998,98.936 L 532.50598,98.49 L 533.35398,97.557 L 533.76398,97.088 L 534.11498,97.124\" id=\"25007\" inkscape:label=\"Dukes, MA\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 466.11198,136.674 L 466.47798,136.606 L 466.77898,137.697 L 465.74698,139.464 L 463.86798,139.567 L 462.67798,139.094 L 461.05998,141.321 L 459.99598,141.082 L 460.77798,137.656 L 461.96598,137.439 L 466.11198,136.674\" id=\"24001\" inkscape:label=\"Allegany, MD\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 460.77798,137.656 L 459.99598,141.082 L 458.16198,143.295 L 456.54798,145.232 L 455.48898,138.62 L 456.30998,138.472 L 460.77798,137.656\" id=\"24023\" inkscape:label=\"Garrett, MD\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 488.93198,150.759 L 489.40498,151.993 L 488.87798,153.142 L 485.17298,152.394 L 484.77798,151.862 L 484.26298,150.966 L 484.26698,150.726 L 484.80298,149.082 L 484.88998,149.005 L 485.23598,148.956 L 485.42098,148.941 L 485.81798,148.995 L 488.93198,150.759\" id=\"24037\" inkscape:label=\"St. Mary's, MD\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 481.25198,147.189 L 481.84798,148.261 L 482.00498,147.923 L 482.03098,147.823 L 482.07698,147.765 L 482.20698,147.676 L 482.52398,147.527 L 483.55098,147.35 L 484.77198,147.635 L 484.81098,147.707 L 485.05598,148.392 L 485.55598,148.541 L 485.70898,148.536 L 485.81798,148.995 L 485.42098,148.941 L 485.23598,148.956 L 484.88998,149.005 L 484.80298,149.082 L 484.26698,150.726 L 484.26298,150.966 L 484.77798,151.862 L 484.82998,152.191 L 484.82998,152.358 L 484.80798,152.458 L 480.94098,151.84 L 480.83698,151.817 L 480.45898,151.633 L 480.24198,151.259 L 479.97198,150.421 L 479.99798,150.01 L 480.15198,149.456 L 480.55798,148.725 L 480.99498,148.184 L 481.25198,147.189\" id=\"24017\" inkscape:label=\"Charles, MD\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 499.01498,146.808 L 501.87598,146.183 L 501.92598,146.656 L 501.92998,146.994 L 501.92098,147.455 L 501.88098,147.874 L 501.48798,150.831 L 501.46198,151.012 L 501.42998,151.137 L 501.37398,151.344 L 501.34098,151.493 L 501.18198,151.988 L 497.50998,153.237 L 498.06798,151.845 L 497.75198,150.69 L 496.83398,149.596 L 499.24398,148.915 L 499.54598,148.248 L 499.59598,147.945 L 499.37898,147.338 L 499.01498,146.808\" id=\"24047\" inkscape:label=\"Worcester, MD\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 495.18398,146.202 L 495.31898,146.688 L 495.42698,147.057 L 495.54298,147.464 L 495.84598,147.414 L 496.53498,147.297 L 496.57098,147.293 L 496.86398,147.238 L 497.44998,147.126 L 497.65598,147.085 L 498.15798,146.991 L 498.19498,146.985 L 498.33198,146.958 L 498.49098,146.928 L 498.86998,146.842 L 499.01498,146.808 L 499.37898,147.338 L 499.59598,147.945 L 499.54598,148.248 L 499.24398,148.915 L 496.83398,149.596 L 494.47198,150.645 L 493.88498,150.442 L 493.90398,149.474 L 494.20998,147.473 L 494.27298,147.355 L 494.48098,147.238 L 494.71398,147.026 L 495.18398,146.202\" id=\"24045\" inkscape:label=\"Wicomico, MD\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 468.83898,136.16 L 474.93798,135.006 L 474.79298,135.714 L 474.64498,136.114 L 474.56398,136.251 L 474.21098,136.479 L 474.18598,136.619 L 474.10798,137.557 L 474.08498,138.765 L 473.90098,140.527 L 473.51398,140.572 L 472.05298,138.566 L 469.82498,137.336 L 469.65898,137.152 L 469.20898,136.826 L 468.84798,136.691 L 468.48398,136.651 L 468.14998,136.642 L 468.09098,136.664 L 468.02298,136.741 L 467.76698,137.146 L 467.41898,137.787 L 467.30198,137.801 L 466.77898,137.697 L 466.47798,136.606 L 468.83898,136.16\" id=\"24043\" inkscape:label=\"Washington, MD\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 488.93198,150.759 L 485.81798,148.995 L 485.70898,148.536 L 485.04698,145.854 L 485.09598,145.746 L 485.36598,145.512 L 485.61398,145.484 L 485.98798,146.02 L 486.67398,145.99 L 486.67798,146.161 L 486.73698,146.431 L 487.24998,148.176 L 487.29598,148.302 L 487.45298,148.591 L 487.64298,148.843 L 488.08898,149.167 L 488.92298,149.839 L 488.95898,149.906 L 489.00398,150.173 L 488.93198,150.759\" id=\"24009\" inkscape:label=\"Calvert, MD\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 491.78898,142.177 L 491.88398,142.483 L 491.76398,144.322 L 491.66298,144.727 L 491.69498,144.772 L 492.22198,145.215 L 492.49198,145.277 L 490.58598,146.228 L 490.61698,146.17 L 490.47798,145.917 L 489.45898,145.106 L 489.29198,145.125 L 488.74698,145.318 L 488.71498,145.341 L 488.61198,145.579 L 488.61198,145.71 L 488.76998,145.859 L 488.78698,145.99 L 488.63398,146.129 L 488.52198,145.958 L 488.40798,145.106 L 488.41698,144.826 L 488.60898,144.079 L 488.62998,144.047 L 488.89098,143.736 L 489.58998,143.682 L 491.78898,142.177\" id=\"24041\" inkscape:label=\"Talbot, MD\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 491.78898,142.177 L 493.13198,138.895 L 494.92198,145.268 L 492.49198,145.277 L 492.22198,145.215 L 491.69498,144.772 L 491.66298,144.727 L 491.76398,144.322 L 491.88398,142.483 L 491.78898,142.177\" id=\"24011\" inkscape:label=\"Caroline, MD\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 490.03598,136.512 L 492.30798,135.966 L 492.59198,136.975 L 492.77198,137.611 L 491.48298,137.831 L 490.66198,138.062 L 490.33298,138.206 L 489.94998,138.692 L 489.27798,140.378 L 488.85998,140.577 L 488.55298,140.568 L 487.96698,139.969 L 487.95298,139.707 L 487.98898,139.5 L 488.40398,137.57 L 488.51698,137.377 L 488.98998,136.741 L 490.03598,136.512\" id=\"24029\" inkscape:label=\"Kent, MD\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 485.33498,139.555 L 484.42498,139.491 L 483.65798,139.238 L 483.46998,138.016 L 485.32598,138.016 L 485.33498,139.555\" id=\"24510\" inkscape:label=\"Baltimore City, MD\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 482.08098,141.375 L 482.61698,141.644 L 484.31198,142.88 L 484.68198,143.705 L 485.04698,145.854 L 485.70898,148.536 L 485.55598,148.541 L 485.05598,148.392 L 484.81098,147.707 L 484.77198,147.635 L 483.55098,147.35 L 482.52398,147.527 L 482.20698,147.676 L 482.07698,147.765 L 482.03098,147.823 L 482.00498,147.923 L 481.84798,148.261 L 481.25198,147.189 L 481.49498,146.065 L 481.48998,146.008 L 482.56398,144.322 L 481.39098,143.718 L 482.08098,141.375\" id=\"24033\" inkscape:label=\"Prince George's, MD\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 485.33498,139.555 L 485.35398,139.557 L 486.55198,140.698 L 487.13798,141.775 L 487.20498,141.915 L 486.84598,142.921 L 486.59698,143.718 L 486.23198,145.353 L 486.31898,145.639 L 486.38498,145.752 L 486.67398,145.99 L 485.98798,146.02 L 485.61398,145.484 L 485.36598,145.512 L 485.09598,145.746 L 485.04698,145.854 L 484.68198,143.705 L 484.31198,142.88 L 482.61698,141.644 L 483.71198,139.95 L 484.42498,139.491 L 485.33498,139.555\" id=\"24003\" inkscape:label=\"Anne Arundel, MD\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 481.56798,138.58 L 483.71198,139.95 L 482.61698,141.644 L 482.08098,141.375 L 481.91898,141.496 L 481.49498,141.519 L 481.38198,141.483 L 479.31398,140.076 L 478.83998,139.59 L 478.64198,139.332 L 478.63298,139.302 L 478.65098,139.233 L 478.77398,139.099 L 478.78198,139.09 L 481.56798,138.58\" id=\"24027\" inkscape:label=\"Howard, MD\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 478.77398,139.099 L 478.65098,139.233 L 478.63298,139.302 L 478.64198,139.332 L 478.83998,139.59 L 479.31398,140.076 L 481.38198,141.483 L 481.49498,141.519 L 481.91898,141.496 L 482.08098,141.375 L 481.39098,143.718 L 480.87798,143.452 L 480.32698,144.349 L 477.97998,143.173 L 477.51098,143.226 L 477.02798,143.249 L 476.67298,143.226 L 476.65398,143.218 L 476.01498,142.789 L 475.95198,142.744 L 475.94598,142.744 L 475.88898,142.668 L 475.81998,142.448 L 475.81698,142.438 L 475.82898,142.321 L 475.85298,142.159 L 475.85698,142.1 L 475.89798,141.992 L 476.29398,141.366 L 478.77398,139.099\" id=\"24031\" inkscape:label=\"Montgomery, MD\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 491.78898,142.177 L 489.58998,143.682 L 489.27798,140.378 L 489.94998,138.692 L 490.33298,138.206 L 490.66198,138.062 L 491.48298,137.831 L 492.77198,137.611 L 493.13198,138.895 L 491.78898,142.177\" id=\"24035\" inkscape:label=\"Queen Anne's, MD\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 487.80498,132.351 L 491.14998,131.635 L 492.30798,135.966 L 490.03598,136.512 L 488.86698,134.497 L 486.86298,132.555 L 487.80498,132.351\" id=\"24015\" inkscape:label=\"Cecil, MD\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 486.79998,132.568 L 486.86298,132.555 L 488.86698,134.497 L 489.25198,135.624 L 489.26598,135.682 L 488.30098,136.817 L 487.92198,137.265 L 487.51598,137.71 L 487.24998,137.535 L 487.01598,137.367 L 486.96698,137.251 L 486.08298,136.2 L 485.49298,135.754 L 484.91098,135.578 L 484.70898,135.619 L 484.44698,135.412 L 484.04198,134.807 L 483.94698,134.582 L 483.62198,133.234 L 486.79998,132.568\" id=\"24025\" inkscape:label=\"Harford, MD\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 481.52298,133.671 L 483.62198,133.234 L 483.94698,134.582 L 484.04198,134.807 L 484.44698,135.412 L 484.70898,135.619 L 484.91098,135.578 L 485.49298,135.754 L 486.08298,136.2 L 486.96698,137.251 L 487.01598,137.367 L 486.96698,137.367 L 486.79998,137.444 L 486.56598,138.224 L 486.46798,138.787 L 486.63798,138.873 L 486.69398,138.854 L 486.68298,138.949 L 486.65198,139.054 L 486.38498,139.504 L 486.24598,139.671 L 485.63798,139.612 L 485.35398,139.557 L 485.33498,139.555 L 485.32598,138.016 L 483.46998,138.016 L 483.65798,139.238 L 484.42498,139.491 L 483.71198,139.95 L 481.56798,138.58 L 481.18498,137.237 L 481.34198,136.218 L 481.52298,133.671\" id=\"24005\" inkscape:label=\"Baltimore County, MD\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 481.52298,133.671 L 481.34198,136.218 L 481.18498,137.237 L 481.56798,138.58 L 478.78198,139.09 L 478.98498,137.611 L 479.02098,137.215 L 479.01198,137.188 L 477.80398,136.305 L 476.98698,135.564 L 477.37398,134.523 L 479.47098,134.099 L 481.52298,133.671\" id=\"24013\" inkscape:label=\"Carroll, MD\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 475.03198,134.987 L 477.37398,134.523 L 476.98698,135.564 L 477.80398,136.305 L 479.01198,137.188 L 479.02098,137.215 L 478.98498,137.611 L 478.78198,139.09 L 478.77398,139.099 L 476.29398,141.366 L 473.90098,140.527 L 474.08498,138.765 L 474.10798,137.557 L 474.18598,136.619 L 474.21098,136.479 L 474.56398,136.251 L 474.64498,136.114 L 474.79298,135.714 L 474.93798,135.006 L 475.03198,134.987\" id=\"24021\" inkscape:label=\"Frederick, MD\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 494.47198,150.645 L 496.83398,149.596 L 497.75198,150.69 L 498.06798,151.845 L 497.50998,153.237 L 497.17998,153.882 L 495.99398,153.85 L 495.11998,151.898 L 494.47198,150.645M 492.65398,152.646 L 492.98398,152.53 L 493.10998,152.268 L 493.16398,152.012 L 493.30398,152.34 L 493.44698,152.764 L 493.51998,152.994 L 493.47498,153.065 L 493.36598,153.11 L 493.21798,153.065 L 492.94398,152.868 L 492.65398,152.646M 493.45398,154.647 L 493.34498,154.273 L 493.26798,153.873 L 493.26198,153.733 L 493.28998,153.639 L 493.47498,153.508 L 493.55198,153.48 L 493.64198,153.503 L 493.97098,153.642 L 494.03798,153.697 L 494.06098,153.818 L 493.92998,153.878 L 493.90798,154.269 L 493.97498,154.54 L 493.99298,154.783 L 493.96598,155.03 L 493.69498,155.107 L 493.51598,154.928 L 493.45398,154.647\" id=\"24039\" inkscape:label=\"Somerset, MD\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 492.49198,145.277 L 494.92198,145.268 L 495.18398,146.202 L 494.71398,147.026 L 494.48098,147.238 L 494.27298,147.355 L 494.20998,147.473 L 493.90398,149.474 L 493.88498,150.442 L 492.71298,150.798 L 491.34698,151.002 L 491.20798,150.957 L 490.43298,150.484 L 490.38798,150.451 L 490.24798,150.199 L 489.63498,148.995 L 489.31498,148.288 L 489.39798,146.792 L 489.45398,146.697 L 489.67598,146.508 L 489.76598,146.458 L 490.58598,146.228 L 492.49198,145.277M 492.65398,152.646 L 492.63198,152.628 L 492.62298,152.634 L 492.53698,152.485 L 492.46498,152.232 L 492.39298,151.695 L 492.53298,151.524 L 492.75398,151.474 L 493.08698,151.745 L 493.10598,151.822 L 493.16398,152.012 L 493.10998,152.268 L 492.98398,152.53 L 492.65398,152.646\" id=\"24019\" inkscape:label=\"Dorchester, MD\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 533.30498,31.793 L 532.63698,29.621 L 524.93098,31.829 L 522.33898,32.559 L 522.14498,31.036 L 522.13998,30.996 L 522.14998,30.964 L 522.38398,30.27 L 523.04098,28.341 L 524.31298,24.645 L 526.02598,19.687 L 526.72398,19.629 L 527.55398,19.611 L 527.67998,19.647 L 527.83198,19.854 L 527.86398,19.909 L 527.80098,19.994 L 527.79198,20.008 L 527.77398,20.309 L 528.22498,21.761 L 528.35598,21.878 L 528.42798,21.91 L 529.77598,22.351 L 530.12198,22.05 L 531.05998,21.157 L 532.09598,20.215 L 533.69198,18.822 L 533.91298,18.696 L 534.33198,18.565 L 534.72398,18.529 L 534.88198,18.561 L 535.60298,18.804 L 537.70298,19.701 L 539.59198,20.891 L 539.61898,20.954 L 542.62498,30.559 L 544.38798,36.256 L 544.24698,36.467 L 544.23798,36.589 L 544.52198,37.865 L 544.67498,37.991 L 542.73398,39.131 L 541.06998,40.091 L 541.06598,40.136 L 541.08798,40.203 L 540.47398,40.551 L 539.82498,40.911 L 539.62298,40.88 L 539.01498,38.815 L 538.86998,38.207 L 538.59098,37.216 L 538.31998,36.359 L 536.63898,30.992 L 534.37198,31.487 L 533.30498,31.793\" id=\"23003\" inkscape:label=\"Aroostook, ME\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 533.30498,31.793 L 533.80898,33.596 L 534.70998,36.67 L 535.83698,40.592 L 534.75098,41.209 L 535.25098,43.075 L 536.12598,42.619 L 537.87798,45.959 L 537.53098,47.374 L 535.08898,48.65 L 533.40698,49.502 L 532.16798,50.516 L 531.30298,50.949 L 530.68998,49.926 L 528.03498,44.743 L 527.70698,41.984 L 528.07098,40.429 L 527.32298,39.068 L 526.71898,38.383 L 525.46598,34.088 L 524.93098,31.829 L 532.63698,29.621 L 533.30498,31.793\" id=\"23021\" inkscape:label=\"Piscataquis, ME\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 542.12398,60.688 L 541.99798,60.968 L 541.91298,61.045 L 541.54298,61.247 L 541.44398,61.27 L 541.27798,61.22 L 540.52098,60.405 L 540.49698,60.369 L 540.51598,60.125 L 540.61098,59.859 L 541.10598,59.246 L 541.28998,59.147 L 541.36198,59.201 L 542.15198,60.346 L 542.19998,60.45 L 542.16298,60.62 L 542.12398,60.688M 535.59898,58.89 L 535.67998,58.674 L 536.70698,58.079 L 538.75798,58.926 L 539.21298,59.165 L 539.12798,60.067 L 539.12098,60.12 L 539.12798,60.175 L 539.27098,60.657 L 539.40598,60.986 L 539.73598,61.261 L 538.77598,62.717 L 538.06798,63.167 L 537.20198,63.321 L 537.26198,62.577 L 537.63998,61.973 L 537.23498,61.045 L 536.65698,60.183 L 536.36398,60.319 L 536.04898,60.342 L 535.75198,60.211 L 535.47598,59.809 L 535.27798,59.174 L 535.36898,59.008 L 535.59898,58.89\" id=\"23013\" inkscape:label=\"Knox, ME\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 533.16898,62.121 L 534.13398,62.077 L 533.68298,60.792 L 533.63298,60.102 L 534.60698,60.076 L 534.68298,60.004 L 534.77398,59.765 L 534.68298,58.958 L 535.59898,58.89 L 535.36898,59.008 L 535.27798,59.174 L 535.47598,59.809 L 535.75198,60.211 L 536.04898,60.342 L 536.36398,60.319 L 536.65698,60.183 L 537.23498,61.045 L 537.63998,61.973 L 537.26198,62.577 L 537.20198,63.321 L 536.96798,63.294 L 536.78798,63.271 L 536.64898,63.451 L 536.60998,63.496 L 536.60298,63.799 L 536.66598,64.299 L 536.50898,65.227 L 536.43198,65.335 L 535.24198,65.867 L 534.95798,65.957 L 534.74598,65.957 L 533.16898,62.121\" id=\"23015\" inkscape:label=\"Lincoln, ME\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 533.16898,62.121 L 534.74598,65.957 L 533.28998,66.958 L 533.08798,65.994 L 532.62398,65.137 L 532.42498,65.389 L 531.90298,65.385 L 531.48698,65.141 L 531.28498,64.853 L 531.01998,62.929 L 531.70398,62.884 L 532.01098,62.644 L 532.03298,62.338 L 532.05098,62.248 L 532.13198,62.099 L 532.19898,62.014 L 533.07298,61.964 L 533.14198,62.05 L 533.16898,62.121\" id=\"23023\" inkscape:label=\"Sagadahoc, ME\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 527.10798,65.259 L 527.10198,65.286 L 527.12898,65.326 L 527.46298,65.461 L 527.97298,65.543 L 530.79398,65.916 L 531.03698,65.583 L 531.28498,64.853 L 531.48698,65.141 L 531.90298,65.385 L 532.42498,65.389 L 532.62398,65.137 L 533.08798,65.994 L 533.28998,66.958 L 532.69098,67.251 L 532.22298,66.967 L 531.99298,66.304 L 531.90598,66.242 L 531.82498,66.273 L 530.95098,67.417 L 530.59598,68.035 L 530.35198,69.04 L 530.35198,69.126 L 530.53198,69.315 L 530.58198,70.595 L 529.94998,71.136 L 529.54998,71.001 L 528.45898,70.59 L 528.64298,70.063 L 527.56298,69.374 L 525.13698,68.72 L 525.24098,66.71 L 525.81798,65.196 L 525.96598,65.43 L 526.20998,65.656 L 526.27298,65.687 L 526.62498,65.741 L 527.10798,65.259\" id=\"23005\" inkscape:label=\"Cumberland, ME\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 525.13698,68.72 L 527.56298,69.374 L 528.64298,70.063 L 528.45898,70.59 L 529.54998,71.001 L 529.94998,71.136 L 529.90998,72.033 L 528.82298,77.103 L 528.70198,77.649 L 528.65698,77.739 L 528.41698,77.946 L 527.15598,77.441 L 526.80598,76.035 L 526.77798,76.004 L 525.68798,75.354 L 525.23598,75.129 L 525.06998,75.043 L 524.80798,74.679 L 524.72298,74.498 L 524.65398,74.21 L 524.49698,72.452 L 523.36098,69.491 L 525.13698,68.72\" id=\"23031\" inkscape:label=\"York, ME\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 527.78298,59.346 L 528.65298,58.719 L 529.25698,59.913 L 530.10798,62.085 L 531.01998,62.929 L 531.28498,64.853 L 531.03698,65.583 L 530.79398,65.916 L 527.97298,65.543 L 527.46298,65.461 L 527.12898,65.326 L 527.10198,65.286 L 527.10798,65.259 L 526.96298,64.916 L 527.79198,62.672 L 527.87698,62.288 L 527.87698,60.602 L 527.57998,59.986 L 527.52998,59.656 L 527.78298,59.346\" id=\"23001\" inkscape:label=\"Androscoggin, ME\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 519.80998,50.786 L 520.51298,52.418 L 520.71098,53.847 L 522.14998,57.231 L 523.29398,56.069 L 524.79498,57.912 L 527.02598,58.07 L 527.52198,58.818 L 527.78298,59.346 L 527.52998,59.656 L 527.57998,59.986 L 527.87698,60.602 L 527.87698,62.288 L 527.79198,62.672 L 526.96298,64.916 L 527.10798,65.259 L 526.62498,65.741 L 526.27298,65.687 L 526.20998,65.656 L 525.96598,65.43 L 525.81798,65.196 L 525.24098,66.71 L 525.13698,68.72 L 523.36098,69.491 L 521.51898,63.393 L 519.82798,58.016 L 519.69298,57.583 L 517.78598,51.832 L 517.43898,50.841 L 518.05698,50.494 L 519.30098,51.183 L 519.42698,51.246 L 519.68898,51.25 L 519.69298,51.25 L 519.80098,51.151 L 519.81998,51.102 L 519.80998,50.786\" id=\"23017\" inkscape:label=\"Oxford, ME\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 529.98298,56.691 L 530.94698,56.461 L 532.97598,56.294 L 533.07898,56.173 L 533.03298,55.609 L 532.72698,55.384 L 532.60598,55.348 L 532.44798,55.185 L 532.34398,54.969 L 532.29898,54.834 L 533.54298,54.207 L 533.66898,54.203 L 533.73298,54.32 L 533.74498,54.518 L 534.01798,55.059 L 534.62898,54.974 L 535.15298,56.123 L 535.25698,57.254 L 534.79598,57.299 L 534.68298,58.958 L 534.77398,59.765 L 534.68298,60.004 L 534.60698,60.076 L 533.63298,60.102 L 533.68298,60.792 L 534.13398,62.077 L 533.16898,62.121 L 533.14198,62.05 L 533.07298,61.964 L 532.19898,62.014 L 532.13198,62.099 L 532.05098,62.248 L 532.03298,62.338 L 532.01098,62.644 L 531.70398,62.884 L 531.01998,62.929 L 530.10798,62.085 L 529.25698,59.913 L 528.65298,58.719 L 529.98298,56.691\" id=\"23011\" inkscape:label=\"Kennebec, ME\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 535.44898,53.64 L 535.96298,53.387 L 536.46398,54.392 L 539.30298,52.783 L 539.55998,52.954 L 539.49598,53.757 L 539.51498,53.829 L 539.57198,53.91 L 539.80798,54.058 L 540.11098,54.325 L 540.44798,55.217 L 540.49698,55.465 L 540.50598,55.537 L 540.39398,55.604 L 539.42598,56.294 L 539.02398,56.578 L 538.99198,56.741 L 539.11298,56.948 L 539.19998,57.065 L 539.32098,57.097 L 539.39798,57.16 L 539.58298,57.362 L 539.64098,57.772 L 539.64098,57.903 L 539.21298,59.165 L 538.75798,58.926 L 536.70698,58.079 L 535.67998,58.674 L 535.59898,58.89 L 534.68298,58.958 L 534.79598,57.299 L 535.25698,57.254 L 535.15298,56.123 L 534.62898,54.974 L 534.01798,55.059 L 533.74498,54.518 L 535.44898,53.64\" id=\"23027\" inkscape:label=\"Waldo, ME\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 542.22798,57.615 L 542.27298,57.597 L 542.34998,57.619 L 542.82298,57.759 L 542.96798,57.863 L 543.07098,58.02 L 543.13798,58.669 L 543.01298,59.025 L 542.82698,59.336 L 542.79998,59.363 L 542.73698,59.368 L 542.34098,59.156 L 542.28198,59.084 L 542.07498,58.467 L 542.06198,58.417 L 542.07898,58.345 L 542.13798,58.322 L 542.21898,58.227 L 542.29598,57.827 L 542.29598,57.736 L 542.27298,57.656 L 542.22798,57.615M 544.69398,55.65 L 545.17298,55.285 L 545.57598,55.055 L 546.09998,55.005 L 546.10898,55.014 L 546.28398,55.194 L 546.46498,55.483 L 546.53198,55.668 L 546.45598,55.974 L 546.45098,55.988 L 546.41498,56.024 L 546.15398,56.321 L 545.78398,56.429 L 545.67598,56.529 L 545.62698,56.646 L 545.65598,56.767 L 545.68098,56.807 L 545.70798,56.817 L 545.79798,56.979 L 545.64498,57.33 L 545.45898,57.416 L 544.80198,57.214 L 544.55798,56.988 L 544.36898,56.718 L 544.31998,56.546 L 544.37798,56.177 L 544.60298,55.776 L 544.69398,55.65M 539.55998,52.954 L 539.81298,52.842 L 540.29898,52.571 L 540.52098,52.161 L 541.10098,51.728 L 542.51698,50.998 L 541.56098,49.078 L 541.22298,48.452 L 542.27298,47.915 L 542.81498,46.374 L 542.06998,44.963 L 544.10298,43.9 L 544.90498,45.409 L 545.57198,46.829 L 545.72598,47.474 L 544.84698,47.933 L 545.97398,49.966 L 546.61798,50.94 L 546.89298,51.634 L 546.93298,52.03 L 547.48698,53.022 L 547.75398,53.495 L 548.00198,53.883 L 548.11898,54.009 L 548.13698,54.23 L 548.03298,54.424 L 547.96998,54.441 L 547.92098,54.396 L 547.82098,54.311 L 547.70898,54.477 L 547.67298,54.726 L 547.64098,54.901 L 547.62798,55.131 L 547.62298,55.203 L 547.62298,55.307 L 547.51998,55.321 L 547.51498,55.321 L 547.44698,55.294 L 546.93898,54.78 L 546.79798,54.599 L 546.56898,54.077 L 546.51898,53.901 L 546.52798,53.788 L 546.47798,53.707 L 546.41498,53.671 L 546.15798,53.703 L 545.80798,53.775 L 545.49498,53.838 L 545.17598,53.977 L 545.12598,54.432 L 544.78798,54.766 L 544.48598,54.974 L 544.28298,55.154 L 544.12998,55.451 L 544.08998,55.483 L 544.02998,55.496 L 543.96298,55.451 L 543.88198,55.14 L 543.86098,54.974 L 543.74198,54.892 L 543.66098,54.897 L 543.60798,54.937 L 543.57498,55.005 L 543.56698,55.095 L 543.69698,55.415 L 543.80598,55.807 L 543.76998,55.839 L 543.65598,55.861 L 543.57498,55.749 L 543.56298,55.627 L 543.33298,55.469 L 543.08898,55.763 L 542.95198,56.119 L 543.09798,56.844 L 543.11998,56.898 L 543.15598,56.952 L 543.25098,57.024 L 543.41398,56.988 L 543.50798,57.087 L 543.71098,57.367 L 543.72498,57.43 L 543.78298,57.741 L 543.79698,57.849 L 543.70798,57.849 L 543.53498,57.804 L 543.52698,57.781 L 543.39098,57.691 L 542.93198,57.471 L 542.65198,57.398 L 541.67998,57.209 L 541.27798,57.34 L 541.11598,57.56 L 540.81198,57.592 L 540.78598,57.538 L 540.50598,56.375 L 540.49698,56.123 L 540.52098,56.091 L 540.59298,56.001 L 540.62798,55.618 L 540.61098,55.474 L 540.50598,55.537 L 540.49698,55.465 L 540.44798,55.217 L 540.11098,54.325 L 539.80798,54.058 L 539.57198,53.91 L 539.51498,53.829 L 539.49598,53.757 L 539.55998,52.954\" id=\"23009\" inkscape:label=\"Hancock, ME\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 544.67498,37.991 L 547.70898,38.131 L 547.81298,38.058 L 547.99298,37.995 L 548.05098,38.004 L 548.34898,38.229 L 548.39398,38.31 L 549.14198,40.677 L 549.21398,41.132 L 549.11098,41.745 L 549.07398,41.808 L 548.92398,41.934 L 548.93498,42.07 L 549.29898,42.457 L 550.10698,43.268 L 550.63798,43.548 L 550.65598,43.557 L 550.68798,43.571 L 550.78198,43.593 L 550.82698,43.584 L 551.05298,43.255 L 551.01698,43.043 L 551.01698,42.687 L 551.06198,42.615 L 551.17398,42.592 L 552.23798,42.642 L 552.24298,42.642 L 552.63898,42.931 L 552.86098,43.129 L 554.76698,45.45 L 554.96498,45.838 L 555.20398,46.41 L 555.22198,46.5 L 554.98398,47.077 L 554.19498,48.704 L 553.98698,49.092 L 553.38798,49.75 L 553.04898,49.822 L 551.81498,50.412 L 548.85898,53.662 L 548.50198,53.847 L 548.19998,53.982 L 548.11898,54.009 L 548.00198,53.883 L 547.75398,53.495 L 547.48698,53.022 L 546.93298,52.03 L 546.89298,51.634 L 546.61798,50.94 L 545.97398,49.966 L 544.84698,47.933 L 545.72598,47.474 L 545.57198,46.829 L 544.90498,45.409 L 544.10298,43.9 L 544.35598,43.801 L 545.07598,43.44 L 544.61198,42.417 L 542.73398,39.131 L 544.67498,37.991\" id=\"23029\" inkscape:label=\"Washington, ME\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 542.73398,39.131 L 544.61198,42.417 L 545.07598,43.44 L 544.35598,43.801 L 544.10298,43.9 L 542.06998,44.963 L 542.81498,46.374 L 542.27298,47.915 L 541.22298,48.452 L 541.56098,49.078 L 542.51698,50.998 L 541.10098,51.728 L 540.52098,52.161 L 540.29898,52.571 L 539.81298,52.842 L 539.55998,52.954 L 539.30298,52.783 L 536.46398,54.392 L 535.96298,53.387 L 535.44898,53.64 L 533.40698,49.502 L 535.08898,48.65 L 537.53098,47.374 L 537.87798,45.959 L 536.12598,42.619 L 535.25098,43.075 L 534.75098,41.209 L 535.83698,40.592 L 534.70998,36.67 L 533.80898,33.596 L 533.30498,31.793 L 534.37198,31.487 L 536.63898,30.992 L 538.31998,36.359 L 538.59098,37.216 L 538.86998,38.207 L 539.01498,38.815 L 539.62298,40.88 L 539.82498,40.911 L 540.47398,40.551 L 541.08798,40.203 L 541.06598,40.136 L 541.06998,40.091 L 542.73398,39.131\" id=\"23019\" inkscape:label=\"Penobscot, ME\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 520.90398,45.139 L 522.09498,47.708 L 523.82998,51.246 L 524.95198,51.201 L 525.96598,50.922 L 526.16398,50.818 L 529.47398,55.888 L 529.98298,56.691 L 528.65298,58.719 L 527.78298,59.346 L 527.52198,58.818 L 527.02598,58.07 L 524.79498,57.912 L 523.29398,56.069 L 522.14998,57.231 L 520.71098,53.847 L 520.51298,52.418 L 519.80998,50.786 L 519.80098,50.354 L 519.79198,49.939 L 519.91298,47.37 L 520.03898,46.681 L 520.12098,46.518 L 520.21498,46.329 L 520.43698,45.928 L 520.77798,45.302 L 520.80598,45.256 L 520.90398,45.139\" id=\"23007\" inkscape:label=\"Franklin, ME\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 524.93098,31.829 L 525.46598,34.088 L 526.71898,38.383 L 527.32298,39.068 L 528.07098,40.429 L 527.70698,41.984 L 528.03498,44.743 L 530.68998,49.926 L 531.30298,50.949 L 532.16798,50.516 L 533.40698,49.502 L 535.44898,53.64 L 533.74498,54.518 L 533.73298,54.32 L 533.66898,54.203 L 533.54298,54.207 L 532.29898,54.834 L 532.34398,54.969 L 532.44798,55.185 L 532.60598,55.348 L 532.72698,55.384 L 533.03298,55.609 L 533.07898,56.173 L 532.97598,56.294 L 530.94698,56.461 L 529.98298,56.691 L 529.47398,55.888 L 526.16398,50.818 L 525.96598,50.922 L 524.95198,51.201 L 523.82998,51.246 L 522.09498,47.708 L 520.90398,45.139 L 520.97698,45.049 L 521.47798,44.449 L 522.64098,41.637 L 522.66198,41.43 L 522.64098,40.893 L 522.50098,40.785 L 522.35698,40.718 L 521.92398,40.718 L 521.75698,40.167 L 521.61198,39.564 L 521.33298,37.946 L 521.44598,37.071 L 521.58598,36.021 L 521.59098,36.008 L 521.68898,35.728 L 521.77598,35.593 L 521.78798,35.584 L 521.81198,35.571 L 522.09498,35.363 L 522.59498,34.588 L 522.49198,33.763 L 522.33898,32.559 L 524.93098,31.829\" id=\"23025\" inkscape:label=\"Somerset, ME\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 347.80498,59.828 L 348.03998,59.809 L 348.17098,62.022 L 349.33898,63.077 L 352.68698,62.843 L 352.84498,65.056 L 356.18998,64.813 L 356.40998,67.841 L 355.77498,67.53 L 355.16198,67.323 L 354.78198,67.242 L 354.29598,67.143 L 347.83198,65.817 L 346.92198,65.628 L 346.09298,65.453 L 344.28098,63.226 L 343.26298,62.672 L 343.85798,62.189 L 344.03398,62.09 L 345.46298,61.517 L 346.01698,61.36 L 346.49898,61.157 L 346.64398,61.071 L 346.91798,60.81 L 347.56698,60.165 L 347.80498,59.828\" id=\"26053\" inkscape:label=\"Gogebic, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 356.03598,55.821 L 356.29698,59.242 L 356.90498,59.197 L 356.98298,60.292 L 355.87498,60.364 L 355.96398,61.82 L 356.10398,63.704 L 356.18998,64.813 L 352.84498,65.056 L 352.68698,62.843 L 349.33898,63.077 L 348.17098,62.022 L 348.03998,59.809 L 347.80498,59.828 L 348.13998,59.413 L 348.28398,59.296 L 348.63498,59.089 L 349.25198,58.895 L 349.66198,58.831 L 349.77998,58.849 L 349.94598,58.912 L 351.75398,58.606 L 351.94398,58.539 L 352.31298,58.34 L 355.49398,56.334 L 356.03598,55.821\" id=\"26131\" inkscape:label=\"Ontonagon, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 411.90898,114.255 L 413.01498,114.007 L 414.19998,113.836 L 414.28098,113.872 L 415.34898,114.534 L 414.27598,115.901 L 413.76298,116.819 L 413.35698,117.558 L 413.31698,117.636 L 413.30298,117.694 L 413.31998,118.69 L 410.39598,119.186 L 409.69698,114.584 L 411.90898,114.255\" id=\"26115\" inkscape:label=\"Monroe, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 409.69698,114.584 L 410.39598,119.186 L 409.28698,119.38 L 404.74298,120.124 L 404.14098,115.405 L 406.33498,115.147 L 409.69698,114.584\" id=\"26091\" inkscape:label=\"Lenawee, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 404.14098,115.405 L 404.74298,120.124 L 404.37898,120.182 L 400.52498,120.772 L 400.24598,119.971 L 399.75898,115.944 L 400.86698,115.842 L 404.14098,115.405\" id=\"26059\" inkscape:label=\"Hillsdale, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 395.33298,116.469 L 399.75898,115.944 L 400.24598,119.971 L 396.71198,120.386 L 395.80198,120.484 L 395.33298,116.469\" id=\"26023\" inkscape:label=\"Branch, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 390.89398,116.991 L 395.33298,116.469 L 395.80198,120.484 L 392.30398,120.886 L 391.05098,121.02 L 390.89398,116.991\" id=\"26149\" inkscape:label=\"St. Joseph, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 386.52698,117.424 L 390.89398,116.991 L 391.05098,121.02 L 388.46898,121.282 L 386.91398,121.448 L 386.52698,117.424\" id=\"26027\" inkscape:label=\"Cass, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 384.95298,115.35 L 386.52698,117.424 L 386.91398,121.448 L 384.07398,121.741 L 381.20798,122.016 L 381.21198,122.008 L 381.63198,121.656 L 382.15798,121.151 L 382.48698,120.786 L 382.99298,120.097 L 383.16798,119.763 L 383.28498,119.438 L 383.45698,118.667 L 383.94798,117.247 L 384.13798,116.847 L 384.95298,115.35\" id=\"26021\" inkscape:label=\"Berrien, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 415.57898,109.032 L 417.57598,108.712 L 417.49898,109.405 L 417.46398,109.527 L 417.24698,110.046 L 416.93698,110.253 L 416.67498,110.384 L 416.43598,110.448 L 416.39998,110.455 L 415.98898,110.667 L 415.85898,110.807 L 415.73198,111.064 L 415.52498,111.767 L 415.52898,111.811 L 415.52898,111.853 L 415.58398,112.597 L 415.51598,113.773 L 415.34898,114.534 L 414.28098,113.872 L 414.19998,113.836 L 413.01498,114.007 L 411.90898,114.255 L 411.19898,109.778 L 415.57898,109.032\" id=\"26163\" inkscape:label=\"Wayne, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 411.19898,109.778 L 411.90898,114.255 L 409.69698,114.584 L 406.33498,115.147 L 405.76698,110.614 L 410.14898,109.956 L 411.19898,109.778\" id=\"26161\" inkscape:label=\"Washtenaw, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 405.67698,110.622 L 405.76698,110.614 L 406.33498,115.147 L 404.14098,115.405 L 400.86698,115.842 L 400.24098,111.321 L 401.35098,111.194 L 405.67698,110.622\" id=\"26075\" inkscape:label=\"Jackson, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 396.91498,111.724 L 400.24098,111.321 L 400.86698,115.842 L 399.75898,115.944 L 395.33298,116.469 L 394.77398,111.992 L 396.91498,111.724\" id=\"26025\" inkscape:label=\"Calhoun, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 392.47098,112.225 L 394.77398,111.992 L 395.33298,116.469 L 390.89398,116.991 L 390.38898,112.462 L 392.47098,112.225\" id=\"26077\" inkscape:label=\"Kalamazoo, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 385.58498,112.984 L 390.38898,112.462 L 390.89398,116.991 L 386.52698,117.424 L 384.95298,115.35 L 385.58498,112.984\" id=\"26159\" inkscape:label=\"Van Buren, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 389.73098,107.999 L 391.95698,107.755 L 392.47098,112.225 L 390.38898,112.462 L 385.58498,112.984 L 385.73398,108.431 L 389.73098,107.999\" id=\"26005\" inkscape:label=\"Allegan, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 396.37398,107.224 L 396.91498,111.724 L 394.77398,111.992 L 392.47098,112.225 L 391.95698,107.755 L 394.16598,107.485 L 396.37398,107.224\" id=\"26015\" inkscape:label=\"Barry, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 398.59598,106.966 L 400.79098,106.715 L 401.35098,111.194 L 400.24098,111.321 L 396.91498,111.724 L 396.37398,107.224 L 398.59598,106.966\" id=\"26045\" inkscape:label=\"Eaton, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 403.02298,106.363 L 404.94598,106.116 L 405.67698,110.622 L 401.35098,111.194 L 400.79098,106.715 L 403.02298,106.363\" id=\"26065\" inkscape:label=\"Ingham, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 409.35098,105.472 L 410.14898,109.956 L 405.76698,110.614 L 405.67698,110.622 L 404.94598,106.116 L 407.14298,105.782 L 409.35098,105.472\" id=\"26093\" inkscape:label=\"Livingston, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 414.64198,103.384 L 415.57898,109.032 L 411.19898,109.778 L 410.14898,109.956 L 409.35098,105.472 L 409.17498,104.339 L 410.27498,104.169 L 411.36898,103.934 L 414.64198,103.384\" id=\"26125\" inkscape:label=\"Oakland, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 415.72298,103.168 L 418.00298,102.804 L 418.44498,105.246 L 418.49498,105.552 L 417.57598,108.712 L 415.57898,109.032 L 414.64198,103.384 L 415.72298,103.168\" id=\"26099\" inkscape:label=\"Macomb, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 415.14698,99.842 L 419.70698,99.017 L 419.72998,99.098 L 419.91498,99.643 L 419.98798,99.837 L 420.74898,100.964 L 420.68598,104.569 L 420.61798,105.836 L 420.57698,106.151 L 420.54498,106.237 L 420.07198,107.003 L 420.02798,107.057 L 419.86898,107.103 L 419.33298,107.21 L 418.81598,106.701 L 418.78198,106.611 L 418.94998,106.206 L 419.12598,106.048 L 419.35598,106.098 L 419.47298,105.934 L 419.50898,105.863 L 419.52298,105.751 L 419.49998,105.629 L 419.41898,105.534 L 419.37398,105.512 L 418.98598,105.417 L 418.87798,105.394 L 418.73398,105.421 L 418.50898,105.544 L 418.49498,105.552 L 418.44498,105.246 L 418.00298,102.804 L 415.72298,103.168 L 415.14698,99.842\" id=\"26147\" inkscape:label=\"St. Clair, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 410.71198,99.54 L 410.69398,99.413 L 411.52798,98.133 L 413.69098,97.782 L 413.77598,98.332 L 414.87598,98.169 L 415.14698,99.842 L 415.72298,103.168 L 414.64198,103.384 L 411.36898,103.934 L 410.71198,99.54\" id=\"26087\" inkscape:label=\"Lapeer, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 408.52898,99.846 L 410.71198,99.54 L 411.36898,103.934 L 410.27498,104.169 L 409.17498,104.339 L 409.35098,105.472 L 407.14298,105.782 L 406.50698,101.266 L 408.52898,99.846\" id=\"26049\" inkscape:label=\"Genesee, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 406.50698,101.266 L 407.14298,105.782 L 404.94598,106.116 L 403.02298,106.363 L 402.44098,101.969 L 402.42698,101.839 L 406.50698,101.266\" id=\"26155\" inkscape:label=\"Shiawassee, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 402.44098,101.969 L 403.02298,106.363 L 400.79098,106.715 L 398.59598,106.966 L 398.06898,102.487 L 402.44098,101.969\" id=\"26037\" inkscape:label=\"Clinton, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 393.63398,102.997 L 398.06898,102.487 L 398.59598,106.966 L 396.37398,107.224 L 394.16598,107.485 L 393.63398,102.997\" id=\"26067\" inkscape:label=\"Ionia, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 389.04498,102.38 L 389.32498,104.614 L 389.52798,106.12 L 389.73098,107.999 L 385.73398,108.431 L 384.67798,103.974 L 386.04898,103.835 L 388.08098,103.604 L 387.94498,102.487 L 389.04498,102.38\" id=\"26139\" inkscape:label=\"Ottawa, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 382.43898,99.589 L 386.37298,99.251 L 386.61598,101.487 L 388.92898,101.248 L 389.04498,102.38 L 387.94498,102.487 L 388.08098,103.604 L 386.04898,103.835 L 384.67798,103.974 L 384.56998,103.749 L 384.15998,103.023 L 383.25898,101.536 L 383.11898,101.262 L 382.78998,100.54 L 382.61898,100.094 L 382.43898,99.589\" id=\"26121\" inkscape:label=\"Muskegon, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 388.92898,101.248 L 391.04698,100.995 L 393.37698,100.739 L 393.63398,102.997 L 394.16598,107.485 L 391.95698,107.755 L 389.73098,107.999 L 389.52798,106.12 L 389.32498,104.614 L 389.04498,102.38 L 388.92898,101.248\" id=\"26081\" inkscape:label=\"Kent, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 397.45598,98.03 L 398.06898,102.487 L 393.63398,102.997 L 393.37698,100.739 L 391.04698,100.995 L 390.80398,98.755 L 395.23798,98.286 L 397.45598,98.03\" id=\"26117\" inkscape:label=\"Montcalm, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 399.66898,97.768 L 401.87198,97.498 L 402.42698,101.839 L 402.44098,101.969 L 398.06898,102.487 L 397.45598,98.03 L 399.66898,97.768\" id=\"26057\" inkscape:label=\"Gratiot, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 408.06998,96.547 L 408.52898,99.846 L 406.50698,101.266 L 402.42698,101.839 L 401.87198,97.498 L 401.85098,97.295 L 403.69398,97.065 L 403.57998,95.948 L 404.67198,95.83 L 405.04198,96.164 L 405.71798,96.276 L 406.90298,96.128 L 407.31298,96.452 L 408.06998,96.547\" id=\"26145\" inkscape:label=\"Saginaw, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 413.10598,93.307 L 417.79598,92.459 L 417.84098,92.725 L 418.00798,93.572 L 418.05798,93.735 L 419.41498,98.309 L 419.47798,98.467 L 419.70698,99.017 L 415.14698,99.842 L 414.87598,98.169 L 413.77598,98.332 L 413.69098,97.782 L 413.10598,93.307\" id=\"26151\" inkscape:label=\"Sanilac, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 409.78698,93.054 L 409.90098,93.843 L 413.10598,93.307 L 413.69098,97.782 L 411.52798,98.133 L 410.69398,99.413 L 410.71198,99.54 L 408.52898,99.846 L 408.06998,96.547 L 407.86698,95.033 L 409.78698,93.054\" id=\"26157\" inkscape:label=\"Tuscola, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 413.10598,93.307 L 409.90098,93.843 L 409.78698,93.054 L 409.80198,92.991 L 409.90398,92.481 L 410.16098,91.661 L 411.26998,89.723 L 413.80298,88.11 L 414.26698,87.988 L 415.47498,88.439 L 415.95698,88.727 L 416.03398,88.799 L 416.37598,89.29 L 417.16498,90.431 L 417.29198,90.692 L 417.54898,91.472 L 417.65198,91.832 L 417.79598,92.459 L 413.10598,93.307\" id=\"26063\" inkscape:label=\"Huron, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 402.90398,90.449 L 404.01798,90.305 L 404.16698,91.405 L 405.39298,91.26 L 405.32498,93.23 L 406.72698,94.578 L 407.86698,95.033 L 408.06998,96.547 L 407.31298,96.452 L 406.90298,96.128 L 405.71798,96.276 L 405.04198,96.164 L 404.67198,95.83 L 403.57998,95.948 L 403.17598,92.648 L 402.90398,90.449\" id=\"26017\" inkscape:label=\"Bay, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 399.14298,93.284 L 401.35498,93.027 L 401.33198,92.838 L 403.17598,92.648 L 403.57998,95.948 L 403.69398,97.065 L 401.85098,97.295 L 401.87198,97.498 L 399.66898,97.768 L 399.14298,93.284\" id=\"26111\" inkscape:label=\"Midland, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 399.14298,93.284 L 399.66898,97.768 L 397.45598,98.03 L 395.23798,98.286 L 394.68898,93.825 L 399.14298,93.284\" id=\"26073\" inkscape:label=\"Isabella, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 390.31198,94.293 L 394.68898,93.825 L 395.23798,98.286 L 390.80398,98.755 L 390.31198,94.293\" id=\"26107\" inkscape:label=\"Mecosta, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 390.31198,94.293 L 390.80398,98.755 L 391.04698,100.995 L 388.92898,101.248 L 386.61598,101.487 L 386.37298,99.251 L 385.90798,94.766 L 390.31198,94.293\" id=\"26123\" inkscape:label=\"Newaygo, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 382.27598,95.096 L 385.90798,94.766 L 386.37298,99.251 L 382.43898,99.589 L 381.76698,98.3 L 381.65798,98.093 L 381.54098,97.791 L 381.50098,97.593 L 381.48598,97.444 L 381.49198,97.259 L 381.54998,97.002 L 381.69898,96.718 L 381.92898,96.353 L 382.09198,96.056 L 382.20798,95.718 L 382.25798,95.483 L 382.28098,95.136 L 382.27598,95.096\" id=\"26127\" inkscape:label=\"Oceana, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 408.15098,87.596 L 408.17798,88.078 L 408.18298,88.407 L 408.15998,88.993 L 407.38098,89.912 L 406.62798,90.124 L 406.40698,90.151 L 406.01998,90.151 L 405.85798,90.273 L 405.80298,90.336 L 405.62298,90.593 L 405.41598,91.156 L 405.39298,91.26 L 404.16698,91.405 L 404.01798,90.305 L 402.90398,90.449 L 402.64398,88.33 L 405.22798,88.001 L 408.15098,87.596\" id=\"26011\" inkscape:label=\"Arenac, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 402.64398,88.33 L 403.17598,92.648 L 401.33198,92.838 L 401.35498,93.027 L 399.14298,93.284 L 398.58698,88.844 L 400.79098,88.574 L 402.64398,88.33\" id=\"26051\" inkscape:label=\"Gladwin, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 396.35198,89.101 L 398.58698,88.844 L 399.14298,93.284 L 394.68898,93.825 L 394.18498,89.313 L 396.35198,89.101\" id=\"26035\" inkscape:label=\"Clare, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 394.18498,89.313 L 394.68898,93.825 L 390.31198,94.293 L 389.79398,89.804 L 391.90698,89.565 L 394.18498,89.313\" id=\"26133\" inkscape:label=\"Osceola, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 389.79398,89.804 L 390.31198,94.293 L 385.90798,94.766 L 385.39998,90.237 L 387.43698,90.065 L 389.79398,89.804\" id=\"26085\" inkscape:label=\"Lake, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 382.21798,90.427 L 385.39998,90.237 L 385.90798,94.766 L 382.27598,95.096 L 381.78398,93.171 L 381.89798,91.224 L 382.21798,90.427\" id=\"26105\" inkscape:label=\"Mason, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 404.63598,83.557 L 409.81998,82.841 L 409.86798,83.165 L 409.92698,84.085 L 409.81398,85.18 L 409.06198,86.05 L 408.89098,86 L 408.74098,86.005 L 408.55198,86.073 L 408.48098,86.122 L 408.35898,86.293 L 408.25998,86.483 L 408.19198,86.762 L 408.15098,87.596 L 405.22798,88.001 L 404.63598,83.557\" id=\"26069\" inkscape:label=\"Iosco, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 404.63598,83.557 L 405.22798,88.001 L 402.64398,88.33 L 400.79098,88.574 L 400.22798,84.13 L 404.63598,83.557\" id=\"26129\" inkscape:label=\"Ogemaw, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 395.82898,84.612 L 400.22798,84.13 L 400.79098,88.574 L 398.58698,88.844 L 396.35198,89.101 L 395.82898,84.612\" id=\"26143\" inkscape:label=\"Roscommon, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 395.82898,84.612 L 396.35198,89.101 L 394.18498,89.313 L 391.90698,89.565 L 391.41098,85.103 L 395.82898,84.612\" id=\"26113\" inkscape:label=\"Missaukee, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 386.98998,85.581 L 391.41098,85.103 L 391.90698,89.565 L 389.79398,89.804 L 387.43698,90.065 L 386.98998,85.581\" id=\"26165\" inkscape:label=\"Wexford, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 386.98998,85.581 L 387.43698,90.065 L 385.39998,90.237 L 382.21798,90.427 L 383.08298,88.173 L 383.16398,87.438 L 383.17298,87.182 L 383.17698,85.919 L 386.98998,85.581\" id=\"26101\" inkscape:label=\"Manistee, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 404.04998,79.104 L 409.19598,78.397 L 409.43098,78.744 L 409.87698,80.195 L 409.88698,80.515 L 409.81998,82.841 L 404.63598,83.557 L 404.04998,79.104\" id=\"26001\" inkscape:label=\"Alcona, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 399.66498,79.677 L 404.04998,79.104 L 404.63598,83.557 L 400.22798,84.13 L 399.66498,79.677\" id=\"26135\" inkscape:label=\"Oscoda, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 395.33298,80.15 L 399.66498,79.677 L 400.22798,84.13 L 395.82898,84.612 L 395.33298,80.15\" id=\"26039\" inkscape:label=\"Crawford, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 395.33298,80.15 L 395.82898,84.612 L 391.41098,85.103 L 390.98498,81.245 L 391.01098,80.795 L 391.02398,80.731 L 391.29498,80.605 L 395.33298,80.15\" id=\"26079\" inkscape:label=\"Kalkaska, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 389.96998,80.637 L 390.98498,81.245 L 391.41098,85.103 L 386.98998,85.581 L 386.65298,82.224 L 388.23798,82.034 L 389.96998,80.637\" id=\"26055\" inkscape:label=\"Grand Treverse, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 386.65298,82.224 L 386.98998,85.581 L 383.17698,85.919 L 383.22198,85.509 L 383.23198,85.279 L 383.15098,84.928 L 383.06998,84.747 L 382.81798,84.265 L 382.74898,84.071 L 382.73998,83.774 L 382.74898,83.702 L 382.79898,83.607 L 382.93898,83.499 L 383.46598,83.256 L 384.05698,83.061 L 384.19598,82.908 L 384.27798,82.683 L 384.29998,82.53 L 384.29498,82.417 L 386.65298,82.224\" id=\"26019\" inkscape:label=\"Benzie, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 388.23798,82.034 L 386.65298,82.224 L 384.29498,82.417 L 384.19598,81.3 L 384.50298,80.723 L 385.24598,80.037 L 386.71498,79.087 L 386.89098,78.6 L 387.86098,76.738 L 388.43798,76.364 L 388.53198,76.36 L 388.68998,76.612 L 388.20698,80.123 L 388.17198,80.15 L 388.04098,80.65 L 388.02298,80.781 L 388.02798,81.101 L 388.06398,81.327 L 388.23798,82.034\" id=\"26089\" inkscape:label=\"Leelanau, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 407.99798,74.025 L 408.73298,74.832 L 409.40398,76.184 L 409.35998,76.233 L 409.20498,76.216 L 408.70498,76.085 L 408.53398,75.99 L 408.42598,75.85 L 408.12298,75.787 L 407.83598,75.99 L 407.77398,76.085 L 407.69598,76.301 L 407.69198,76.346 L 407.79998,76.873 L 407.92198,77.351 L 407.98898,77.491 L 408.05198,77.586 L 408.13298,77.658 L 408.45798,77.924 L 409.19598,78.397 L 404.04998,79.104 L 403.78298,77.121 L 403.78798,76.959 L 403.82898,76.869 L 403.54498,74.674 L 407.99798,74.025\" id=\"26007\" inkscape:label=\"Alpena, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 403.54498,74.674 L 403.82898,76.869 L 403.78798,76.959 L 403.78298,77.121 L 404.04998,79.104 L 399.66498,79.677 L 399.16398,75.265 L 400.24998,75.129 L 403.54498,74.674\" id=\"26119\" inkscape:label=\"Montmorency, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 395.84198,75.625 L 399.16398,75.265 L 399.66498,79.677 L 395.33298,80.15 L 394.86098,76.855 L 395.84198,75.625\" id=\"26137\" inkscape:label=\"Otsego, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 389.92498,76.238 L 390.03198,76.224 L 391.41598,76.094 L 391.51498,77.022 L 391.87198,77.18 L 393.56198,76.982 L 394.86098,76.855 L 395.33298,80.15 L 391.29498,80.605 L 391.02398,80.731 L 391.01098,80.795 L 390.98498,81.245 L 389.96998,80.637 L 390.04098,80.457 L 390.17698,80.051 L 390.24498,79.794 L 390.30898,78.911 L 390.31198,77.991 L 390.23998,77.378 L 389.92498,76.238\" id=\"26009\" inkscape:label=\"Antrim, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 392.53398,73.894 L 393.16498,74.724 L 393.62498,74.728 L 395.71998,74.507 L 395.84198,75.625 L 394.86098,76.855 L 393.56198,76.982 L 391.87198,77.18 L 391.51498,77.022 L 391.41598,76.094 L 390.03198,76.224 L 389.92498,76.238 L 389.86998,75.886 L 389.97398,75.409 L 390.10498,75.242 L 390.35798,74.944 L 390.49198,74.805 L 391.31298,74.142 L 391.42498,74.079 L 391.88998,73.903 L 392.53398,73.894\" id=\"26029\" inkscape:label=\"Charlevoix, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 407.99798,74.025 L 403.54498,74.674 L 400.24998,75.129 L 399.87198,72.145 L 399.52498,69.666 L 399.95198,69.603 L 400.78198,70.599 L 403.86498,71.807 L 405.84398,72.416 L 406.10998,72.452 L 406.61398,72.393 L 406.75898,72.231 L 406.82998,72.244 L 407.29498,72.772 L 407.99798,74.025\" id=\"26141\" inkscape:label=\"Presque Isle, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 395.71998,74.507 L 394.96398,68.125 L 395.14398,68.387 L 397.59998,69.563 L 398.36198,69.432 L 398.76798,69.265 L 399.83998,69.518 L 399.95198,69.603 L 399.52498,69.666 L 399.87198,72.145 L 400.24998,75.129 L 399.16398,75.265 L 395.84198,75.625 L 395.71998,74.507\" id=\"26031\" inkscape:label=\"Cheboygan, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 395.71998,74.507 L 393.62498,74.728 L 393.16498,74.724 L 392.53398,73.894 L 392.98798,73.822 L 393.54298,73.638 L 393.90798,73.371 L 393.92598,73.245 L 393.91398,73.155 L 393.87198,73.056 L 393.80998,73.011 L 393.26898,72.974 L 393.18798,73.038 L 392.71998,72.943 L 392.42498,72.686 L 392.23298,72.479 L 391.97498,71.93 L 391.89498,71.708 L 391.81298,71.334 L 391.81298,71.253 L 391.85898,71.109 L 392.12898,70.514 L 392.23298,70.37 L 393.18398,69.342 L 394.42298,68.715 L 394.51398,68.639 L 394.96398,68.125 L 395.71998,74.507\" id=\"26047\" inkscape:label=\"Emmet, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 384.17798,63.429 L 389.76698,62.798 L 390.87598,62.667 L 391.01098,63.785 L 397.68598,62.992 L 398.73598,63.988 L 399.05598,64.984 L 400.19198,65.015 L 398.30298,65.534 L 396.40998,65.123 L 394.66598,66.111 L 392.10598,65.57 L 391.01498,65.241 L 389.11298,64.853 L 388.41898,64.817 L 388.28298,64.826 L 387.63998,64.961 L 387.53098,65.002 L 387.45398,65.056 L 387.30198,65.223 L 386.80598,65.916 L 386.71498,66.21 L 386.43198,66.692 L 386.35998,66.786 L 386.07098,66.904 L 384.54298,66.962 L 384.17798,63.429\" id=\"26097\" inkscape:label=\"Mackinac, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 403.12098,64.344 L 403.16598,64.299 L 403.24198,64.105 L 403.22498,63.929 L 403.11198,63.69 L 402.90098,63.65 L 402.73398,63.456 L 402.57998,63.081 L 402.64398,63.01 L 402.67598,63.005 L 404.26598,62.861 L 404.35198,62.87 L 404.76698,62.982 L 405.81998,64.055 L 405.89398,64.145 L 405.90698,64.195 L 405.66798,64.943 L 405.61798,65.024 L 405.54598,65.097 L 405.23598,65.218 L 403.70698,65.214 L 403.41798,65.006 L 403.28798,64.835 L 403.13998,64.668 L 403.12098,64.479 L 403.12098,64.344M 389.76698,62.798 L 389.02798,56.281 L 389.58598,56.114 L 390.79898,56.015 L 391.10098,56.398 L 391.01098,56.614 L 390.96998,56.812 L 390.96598,56.974 L 390.96998,59.021 L 390.99598,59.174 L 391.05598,59.305 L 391.22198,59.494 L 391.30398,59.548 L 391.39898,59.58 L 393.10198,59.841 L 395.04998,59.445 L 396.44298,58.859 L 396.64498,58.679 L 398.59198,57.934 L 399.08298,57.971 L 399.17698,57.984 L 399.29898,58.133 L 399.37598,58.3 L 399.34498,60.013 L 399.35898,62.477 L 400.44898,63.564 L 400.84098,63.938 L 401.21998,64.177 L 402.07198,64.506 L 402.27798,64.537 L 402.38698,64.893 L 402.30998,65.182 L 401.08798,65.151 L 400.42598,65.128 L 400.28198,65.069 L 400.19198,65.015 L 399.05598,64.984 L 398.73598,63.988 L 397.68598,62.992 L 391.01098,63.785 L 390.87598,62.667 L 389.76698,62.798\" id=\"26033\" inkscape:label=\"Chippewa, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 383.82198,60.098 L 383.58398,57.732 L 384.19998,57.781 L 384.59798,57.786 L 386.04898,57.664 L 386.44498,57.624 L 386.73398,57.57 L 386.97398,57.484 L 387.91798,56.948 L 389.02798,56.281 L 389.76698,62.798 L 384.17798,63.429 L 383.82198,60.098\" id=\"26095\" inkscape:label=\"Luce, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 383.82198,60.098 L 384.17798,63.429 L 384.54298,66.962 L 384.06598,67.273 L 382.70898,67.197 L 382.50098,67.202 L 381.59498,67.341 L 381.38798,67.417 L 380.89298,67.688 L 380.59098,68.067 L 380.52798,68.188 L 380.52298,68.891 L 380.42398,69.599 L 380.32498,69.712 L 379.67998,70.158 L 379.53998,70.221 L 379.50398,70.212 L 379.33298,68.441 L 379.03498,67.341 L 378.71498,65.115 L 377.59298,65.214 L 377.37198,62.982 L 379.60398,62.78 L 379.38298,60.549 L 383.82198,60.098\" id=\"26153\" inkscape:label=\"Schoolcraft, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 383.82198,60.098 L 379.38298,60.549 L 379.60398,62.78 L 377.37198,62.982 L 377.59298,65.214 L 373.12198,65.646 L 372.71698,61.338 L 373.04098,61.049 L 373.54998,60.765 L 373.62698,60.769 L 373.91498,60.819 L 374.04098,60.936 L 374.23598,61.333 L 374.84798,61.829 L 374.92998,61.878 L 375.15898,61.896 L 377.46698,61.292 L 379.07998,59.841 L 380.75698,58.494 L 383.05098,57.858 L 383.58398,57.732 L 383.82198,60.098\" id=\"26003\" inkscape:label=\"Alger, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 373.12198,65.646 L 377.59298,65.214 L 378.71498,65.115 L 379.03498,67.341 L 379.33298,68.441 L 379.50398,70.212 L 379.01698,70.334 L 378.75598,69.054 L 376.52898,70.032 L 374.87498,70.726 L 374.77198,70.23 L 374.68598,70 L 374.50998,69.743 L 374.37898,69.666 L 374.26698,69.698 L 374.19498,69.743 L 374.10098,69.91 L 372.73898,73.056 L 372.52298,73.552 L 372.51798,73.57 L 371.94598,73.624 L 371.55398,69.157 L 371.27498,68.806 L 371.07598,68.08 L 372.19398,67.981 L 371.99998,65.75 L 373.12198,65.646\" id=\"26041\" inkscape:label=\"Delta, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 368.84098,68.269 L 371.07598,68.08 L 371.27498,68.806 L 371.55398,69.157 L 371.94598,73.624 L 372.51798,73.57 L 372.35198,74.219 L 372.06398,75.147 L 371.23798,77.018 L 370.65298,77.964 L 370.09298,79.686 L 369.68298,79.622 L 369.44898,79.582 L 369.43998,79.578 L 368.72798,78.825 L 368.68698,78.757 L 368.60698,78.492 L 368.60198,78.483 L 367.80398,74.647 L 367.71398,72.321 L 367.44398,71.988 L 367.42098,71.966 L 367.40698,71.956 L 367.23598,71.817 L 368.41598,71.708 L 368.22398,69.455 L 368.93598,69.391 L 368.84098,68.269\" id=\"26109\" inkscape:label=\"Menominee, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 364.07598,65.313 L 368.55198,64.925 L 368.84098,68.269 L 368.93598,69.391 L 368.22398,69.455 L 368.41598,71.708 L 367.23598,71.817 L 365.10498,71.244 L 364.98298,71.262 L 364.97398,71.258 L 364.85198,71.226 L 364.77598,71.208 L 364.43198,70.929 L 364.42298,70.924 L 364.36498,70.811 L 364.37798,70.766 L 364.38298,70.757 L 364.54098,70.555 L 364.60398,70.505 L 364.74798,70.302 L 364.87398,70.086 L 364.86098,70.041 L 364.83298,70 L 364.56798,69.621 L 364.42898,69.532 L 364.07598,65.313\" id=\"26043\" inkscape:label=\"Dickinson, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 364.01298,56.731 L 365.28798,56.659 L 366.08298,56.867 L 366.36598,56.948 L 367.75898,57.701 L 368.12798,58.043 L 368.20498,58.421 L 368.29898,58.705 L 370.25598,61.189 L 370.33198,61.274 L 370.47698,61.391 L 370.61998,61.459 L 370.98998,61.54 L 371.45898,61.545 L 372.61798,61.365 L 372.71698,61.338 L 373.12198,65.646 L 371.99998,65.75 L 372.19398,67.981 L 371.07598,68.08 L 368.84098,68.269 L 368.55198,64.925 L 364.07598,65.313 L 363.89598,63.095 L 363.62998,59.778 L 364.73098,59.674 L 364.63998,58.588 L 364.61798,58.579 L 364.16698,58.611 L 364.01298,56.731\" id=\"26103\" inkscape:label=\"Marquette, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 358.87998,63.492 L 363.89598,63.095 L 364.07598,65.313 L 364.42898,69.532 L 364.21698,69.391 L 363.87398,69.225 L 363.64998,69.189 L 363.62998,69.184 L 361.00698,68.855 L 359.42998,69.022 L 359.24498,68.693 L 356.95598,68.107 L 356.40998,67.841 L 356.18998,64.813 L 356.10398,63.704 L 358.87998,63.492\" id=\"26071\" inkscape:label=\"Iron, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 357.16298,41.813 L 357.22698,41.691 L 357.24298,41.66 L 357.37898,41.497 L 357.73898,41.267 L 358.29798,40.966 L 359.36098,40.677 L 359.41098,40.807 L 359.40698,40.934 L 358.13198,42.471 L 357.39298,43.133 L 355.40398,44.828 L 353.61098,45.761 L 353.32298,45.842 L 353.02898,45.765 L 352.62398,45.536 L 352.42098,45.238 L 352.48498,45.076 L 352.74498,44.733 L 353.03398,44.44 L 353.73398,43.967 L 354.57998,43.463 L 356.49998,42.259 L 357.16298,41.813M 359.49298,52.292 L 359.90698,51.561 L 360.23298,51.133 L 360.47598,50.944 L 361.91698,50.002 L 362.21898,49.863 L 363.44498,49.525 L 363.97798,49.434 L 364.41398,49.407 L 365.54098,49.38 L 365.94598,49.507 L 366.18598,49.637 L 366.32498,49.741 L 366.41098,50.169 L 366.40298,50.232 L 365.51398,50.521 L 365.40998,50.512 L 364.21198,50.764 L 362.89098,52.612 L 362.64398,52.932 L 362.08898,53.189 L 361.46698,53.243 L 361.37198,52.139 L 359.49298,52.292\" id=\"26083\" inkscape:label=\"Keweenaw, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 359.49298,52.292 L 361.37198,52.139 L 361.46698,53.243 L 362.08898,53.189 L 360.40298,56.578 L 359.49298,56.763 L 358.45998,57.962 L 358.87998,63.492 L 356.10398,63.704 L 355.96398,61.82 L 355.87498,60.364 L 356.98298,60.292 L 356.90498,59.197 L 356.29698,59.242 L 356.03598,55.821 L 356.24298,55.109 L 356.35998,54.915 L 356.97398,54.343 L 357.92898,53.454 L 358.15298,53.252 L 359.49298,52.292\" id=\"26061\" inkscape:label=\"Houghton, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 364.01298,56.731 L 364.16698,58.611 L 364.61798,58.579 L 364.63998,58.588 L 364.73098,59.674 L 363.62998,59.778 L 363.89598,63.095 L 358.87998,63.492 L 358.45998,57.962 L 359.49298,56.763 L 360.40298,56.578 L 360.22398,57.38 L 360.20898,58.079 L 360.22398,58.151 L 360.32598,58.399 L 360.44398,58.642 L 360.65498,58.624 L 360.68698,58.534 L 360.83598,58.286 L 361.26898,57.682 L 362.22498,56.659 L 362.97698,56.141 L 363.07598,56.109 L 363.17498,56.159 L 364.01298,56.731\" id=\"26013\" inkscape:label=\"Baraga, MI\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 337.28598,98.12 L 337.51198,99.679 L 338.12898,102.568 L 334.46098,102.744 L 333.34798,102.794 L 333.14398,98.318 L 337.28598,98.12\" id=\"27055\" inkscape:label=\"Houston, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 329.90798,98.453 L 333.14398,98.318 L 333.34798,102.794 L 330.08398,102.933 L 326.64598,103.073 L 326.48298,98.76 L 329.90798,98.453\" id=\"27045\" inkscape:label=\"Fillmore, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 307.12998,40.938 L 307.04398,36.602 L 307.16498,36.553 L 307.39998,36.535 L 308.09398,36.544 L 308.24798,36.571 L 308.51298,36.715 L 308.59398,36.877 L 308.59898,36.963 L 308.60798,37.22 L 308.60798,37.225 L 308.66098,37.261 L 308.83798,37.306 L 309.68498,37.355 L 310.31998,37.346 L 312.15398,37.504 L 312.20898,37.549 L 312.31698,37.747 L 312.46098,38.149 L 312.47898,38.265 L 312.43398,38.599 L 312.37598,38.698 L 312.37598,38.757 L 312.40698,38.802 L 312.58798,38.933 L 312.91698,38.933 L 313.73198,38.906 L 314.74598,38.712 L 315.40898,38.482 L 315.46298,38.419 L 315.49398,38.275 L 315.49098,38.203 L 315.44898,38.117 L 315.40398,37.95 L 315.41898,37.891 L 316.41898,37.423 L 317.21198,37.193 L 317.62198,37.184 L 317.86498,37.4 L 318.17198,37.391 L 318.18998,37.391 L 318.65398,37.342 L 318.70298,40.06 L 318.72698,42.259 L 318.80198,44.49 L 318.88898,45.076 L 318.98698,46.248 L 319.00598,46.739 L 312.93398,46.811 L 312.94798,47.483 L 307.32798,47.604 L 307.12998,40.938\" id=\"27071\" inkscape:label=\"Koochiching, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 299.30898,32.974 L 300.76498,32.961 L 300.74798,30.595 L 300.73898,29.765 L 300.72998,28.436 L 300.72498,28.071 L 300.72498,28.057 L 302.40198,28.22 L 302.81598,28.467 L 303.54698,28.986 L 304.01498,31.374 L 304.23198,32.911 L 304.78098,35.733 L 305.18198,36.098 L 305.32098,36.224 L 305.89498,36.544 L 306.14198,36.68 L 306.15598,36.693 L 306.27798,36.702 L 306.71398,36.747 L 307.04398,36.602 L 307.12998,40.938 L 300.34198,41.042 L 300.31498,38.82 L 299.18298,38.825 L 299.16998,36.62 L 301.35098,36.602 L 301.31098,33.953 L 301.09898,34.173 L 300.90898,34.286 L 300.82398,34.322 L 300.15298,34.462 L 300.05398,34.462 L 299.90898,34.426 L 299.51198,34.182 L 299.32298,33.817 L 299.28698,33.195 L 299.30898,32.974\" id=\"27077\" inkscape:label=\"Lake of the Woods, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 299.30898,32.974 L 299.28698,33.195 L 299.32298,33.817 L 299.51198,34.182 L 299.90898,34.426 L 300.05398,34.462 L 300.15298,34.462 L 300.82398,34.322 L 300.90898,34.286 L 301.09898,34.173 L 301.31098,33.953 L 301.35098,36.602 L 299.16998,36.62 L 299.18298,38.825 L 296.93398,38.856 L 290.13798,38.784 L 290.13298,37.81 L 289.99698,36.576 L 290.01098,32.974 L 299.30898,32.974\" id=\"27135\" inkscape:label=\"Roseau, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 282.93098,32.902 L 290.01098,32.974 L 289.99698,36.576 L 290.13298,37.81 L 290.13798,38.784 L 283.42598,38.734 L 284.05798,36.981 L 283.67898,36.12 L 283.51198,35.624 L 282.88998,33.592 L 282.83998,33.322 L 282.84998,33.132 L 282.88998,32.943 L 282.93098,32.902\" id=\"27069\" inkscape:label=\"Kittson, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 296.03298,46.563 L 296.03798,47.681 L 294.91998,48.807 L 290.41298,48.807 L 289.27698,47.686 L 289.27698,46.203 L 296.02798,46.198 L 296.03298,46.563\" id=\"27125\" inkscape:label=\"Red Lake, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 297.02898,43.525 L 297.13298,45.477 L 297.14198,46.581 L 296.03298,46.563 L 296.02798,46.198 L 289.27698,46.203 L 289.13198,43.507 L 291.26498,43.512 L 291.91298,43.539 L 293.48998,43.553 L 297.02898,43.525\" id=\"27113\" inkscape:label=\"Pennington, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 283.42598,38.734 L 290.13798,38.784 L 296.93398,38.856 L 296.93398,40.515 L 296.94798,41.065 L 297.02398,41.069 L 297.02898,43.525 L 293.48998,43.553 L 291.91298,43.539 L 291.26498,43.512 L 289.13198,43.507 L 283.50298,43.472 L 283.50798,43.21 L 283.79198,42.115 L 283.73698,39.041 L 283.53498,38.793 L 283.46698,38.757 L 283.42598,38.734\" id=\"27089\" inkscape:label=\"Marshall, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 289.13198,43.507 L 289.27698,46.203 L 289.27698,47.686 L 290.41298,48.807 L 294.91998,48.807 L 296.03798,47.681 L 296.03298,46.563 L 297.14198,46.581 L 297.18698,49.709 L 297.27798,49.916 L 297.41198,49.916 L 297.41198,52.134 L 292.90098,52.157 L 285.98198,52.125 L 285.67998,49.903 L 284.54498,47.311 L 283.70598,44.287 L 283.50298,43.503 L 283.50298,43.472 L 289.13198,43.507\" id=\"27119\" inkscape:label=\"Polk, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 292.90098,52.157 L 292.90098,56.614 L 291.77398,56.619 L 286.18498,56.596 L 286.13998,55.478 L 285.98198,52.125 L 292.90098,52.157\" id=\"27107\" inkscape:label=\"Norman, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 297.41198,52.134 L 297.46198,56.605 L 292.90098,56.614 L 292.90098,52.157 L 297.41198,52.134\" id=\"27087\" inkscape:label=\"Mahnomen, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 297.14198,46.581 L 297.13298,45.477 L 300.21998,45.463 L 300.54498,47.348 L 300.64398,49.898 L 300.68398,53.234 L 300.83798,56.569 L 297.46198,56.605 L 297.41198,52.134 L 297.41198,49.916 L 297.27798,49.916 L 297.18698,49.709 L 297.14198,46.581\" id=\"27029\" inkscape:label=\"Clearwater, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 299.18298,38.825 L 300.31498,38.82 L 300.34198,41.042 L 307.12998,40.938 L 307.32798,47.604 L 307.35998,49.678 L 307.42698,51.291 L 307.43198,52.738 L 305.20498,53.216 L 300.68398,53.234 L 300.64398,49.898 L 300.54498,47.348 L 300.21998,45.463 L 297.13298,45.477 L 297.02898,43.525 L 297.02398,41.069 L 296.94798,41.065 L 296.93398,40.515 L 296.93398,38.856 L 299.18298,38.825\" id=\"27007\" inkscape:label=\"Beltrami, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 336.70498,42.169 L 337.16498,41.786 L 337.93998,41.407 L 338.27398,41.407 L 338.30498,41.416 L 338.34598,41.466 L 338.69298,42.236 L 338.84098,42.66 L 338.84098,42.669 L 339.11998,43.233 L 339.21098,43.318 L 340.78398,43.025 L 344.19898,42.755 L 344.55198,42.737 L 344.94498,42.809 L 345.10098,42.845 L 345.55198,43.025 L 345.79598,43.359 L 345.83998,43.463 L 345.82198,43.638 L 345.86298,43.728 L 346.08898,43.891 L 346.72898,44.197 L 346.93998,44.211 L 347.15598,44.107 L 348.81598,43.801 L 350.26198,43.616 L 350.24898,43.737 L 350.21698,43.773 L 349.72098,44.161 L 349.57698,44.269 L 347.71598,45.364 L 346.52698,46.014 L 345.84998,46.383 L 345.21398,46.658 L 344.43498,46.919 L 343.83498,47.131 L 342.18098,47.825 L 341.36498,48.173 L 339.67898,49.276 L 338.56598,50.201 L 337.26798,51.449 L 337.01198,46.207 L 336.85398,43.791 L 336.70498,42.169\" id=\"27031\" inkscape:label=\"Cook, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 336.70498,42.169 L 336.85398,43.791 L 337.01198,46.207 L 337.26798,51.449 L 337.07398,51.566 L 336.38998,52.332 L 336.15198,52.612 L 335.06498,54.117 L 333.65298,55.812 L 333.48198,55.996 L 333.12598,56.236 L 332.65298,56.493 L 331.54398,57.633 L 331.26898,57.934 L 330.78598,58.512 L 330.50798,51.075 L 330.29498,48.362 L 330.24098,47.271 L 330.03798,42.381 L 330.52698,42.304 L 330.76498,42.358 L 330.77398,42.372 L 330.80498,42.426 L 330.93098,43.048 L 330.86798,43.328 L 330.83698,43.409 L 330.84098,43.44 L 331.46798,43.624 L 332.81498,43.94 L 334.20398,43.841 L 334.53598,43.783 L 334.73998,43.71 L 334.87398,43.638 L 334.87998,43.638 L 336.70498,42.169\" id=\"27075\" inkscape:label=\"Lake, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 319.00598,46.739 L 319.00998,47.632 L 319.06498,48.934 L 319.21798,50.417 L 319.33898,53.396 L 319.39298,54.951 L 319.53698,56.754 L 319.56998,57.817 L 313.19998,57.939 L 313.12798,54.419 L 313.04298,54.374 L 312.39798,54.252 L 312.22698,54.239 L 312.22298,54.288 L 312.00698,54.477 L 311.90698,54.532 L 311.66898,54.383 L 310.91098,53.869 L 310.80798,53.761 L 310.73598,53.567 L 310.73598,53.247 L 310.75298,53.211 L 310.72998,52.981 L 310.38798,52.382 L 310.25298,52.26 L 310.04998,52.229 L 308.48198,52.973 L 308.26498,53.099 L 307.71898,52.945 L 307.43198,52.738 L 307.42698,51.291 L 307.35998,49.678 L 307.32798,47.604 L 312.94798,47.483 L 312.93398,46.811 L 319.00598,46.739\" id=\"27061\" inkscape:label=\"Itasca, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 300.68398,53.234 L 305.20498,53.216 L 305.27798,54.352 L 305.38498,58.773 L 305.40298,61 L 304.27698,61.009 L 300.93698,61.031 L 300.91798,58.805 L 300.85498,58.656 L 300.83798,57.732 L 300.83798,56.569 L 300.68398,53.234\" id=\"27057\" inkscape:label=\"Hubbard, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 305.20498,53.216 L 307.43198,52.738 L 307.71898,52.945 L 308.26498,53.099 L 308.48198,52.973 L 310.04998,52.229 L 310.25298,52.26 L 310.38798,52.382 L 310.72998,52.981 L 310.75298,53.211 L 310.73598,53.247 L 310.73598,53.567 L 310.80798,53.761 L 310.91098,53.869 L 311.66898,54.383 L 311.90698,54.532 L 312.00698,54.477 L 312.22298,54.288 L 312.22698,54.239 L 312.39798,54.252 L 313.04298,54.374 L 313.12798,54.419 L 313.25898,60.86 L 308.22498,60.928 L 308.21998,62.411 L 308.23798,63.167 L 308.38198,63.781 L 308.46798,67.021 L 308.47698,67.553 L 308.43198,67.688 L 308.35098,67.711 L 308.32898,67.58 L 308.26998,67.485 L 307.57998,67.021 L 307.27798,67.043 L 307.21498,67.152 L 307.03998,67.264 L 306.61498,67.417 L 306.52598,67.395 L 305.79998,67.075 L 305.54698,66.845 L 304.84398,66.593 L 304.41098,66.273 L 304.31298,63.24 L 304.27698,61.009 L 305.40298,61 L 305.38498,58.773 L 305.27798,54.352 L 305.20498,53.216\" id=\"27021\" inkscape:label=\"Cass, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 304.27698,61.009 L 304.31298,63.24 L 304.41098,66.273 L 304.84398,66.593 L 301.04898,66.634 L 300.93698,62.153 L 300.93698,61.031 L 304.27698,61.009\" id=\"27159\" inkscape:label=\"Wadena, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 300.83798,56.569 L 300.83798,57.732 L 300.85498,58.656 L 300.91798,58.805 L 300.93698,61.031 L 300.93698,62.153 L 296.73998,62.207 L 291.94098,62.18 L 291.77398,56.619 L 292.90098,56.614 L 297.46198,56.605 L 300.83798,56.569\" id=\"27005\" inkscape:label=\"Becker, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 291.77398,56.619 L 291.94098,62.18 L 290.98898,63.298 L 286.51398,63.276 L 286.50898,62.554 L 286.68098,59.751 L 286.57198,59.453 L 286.19798,58.227 L 286.18498,56.596 L 291.77398,56.619\" id=\"27027\" inkscape:label=\"Clay, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 286.51398,63.276 L 290.98898,63.298 L 290.98498,67.778 L 291.12098,67.778 L 291.11098,70.018 L 291.10198,71.136 L 288.29898,71.118 L 288.46598,70.649 L 288.48798,70.568 L 288.50598,70.307 L 288.47898,70.081 L 288.13598,67.377 L 286.89698,64.393 L 286.51398,63.28 L 286.51398,63.276\" id=\"27167\" inkscape:label=\"Wilkin, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 291.94098,62.18 L 296.73998,62.207 L 300.93698,62.153 L 301.04898,66.634 L 301.16698,70.009 L 295.55898,70.027 L 291.11098,70.018 L 291.12098,67.778 L 290.98498,67.778 L 290.98898,63.298 L 291.94098,62.18\" id=\"27111\" inkscape:label=\"Otter Tail, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 318.65398,37.342 L 319.58698,37.346 L 325.70298,40.731 L 325.92798,40.574 L 327.72198,40.443 L 327.95198,40.862 L 328.34498,41.682 L 328.38498,41.745 L 328.45698,41.845 L 330.03798,42.381 L 330.24098,47.271 L 330.29498,48.362 L 330.50798,51.075 L 330.78598,58.512 L 330.38198,58.714 L 330.02098,58.98 L 328.51098,60.274 L 328.28098,60.486 L 328.21298,60.571 L 328.27298,60.751 L 328.49798,61.103 L 328.85798,61.531 L 328.95698,61.585 L 328.91098,61.617 L 328.78598,61.563 L 328.27298,61.062 L 328.03298,61.08 L 327.40298,61.509 L 327.35298,61.612 L 327.34398,61.707 L 327.37498,61.788 L 327.37498,61.797 L 327.41998,61.847 L 327.42898,61.856 L 327.43798,62 L 327.31698,62.316 L 327.27598,62.356 L 327.23198,62.383 L 326.96498,62.401 L 326.71698,62.379 L 326.51498,62.239 L 326.37898,60.95 L 324.31498,61.004 L 319.62298,61.153 L 319.56998,57.817 L 319.53698,56.754 L 319.39298,54.951 L 319.33898,53.396 L 319.21798,50.417 L 319.06498,48.934 L 319.00998,47.632 L 319.00598,46.739 L 318.98698,46.248 L 318.88898,45.076 L 318.80198,44.49 L 318.72698,42.259 L 318.70298,40.06 L 318.65398,37.342\" id=\"27137\" inkscape:label=\"St. Louis, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 319.62298,61.153 L 324.31498,61.004 L 326.37898,60.95 L 326.51498,62.239 L 326.63198,65.398 L 319.82098,65.615 L 319.75398,63.681 L 319.68198,63.379 L 319.65398,62.902 L 319.62798,62.266 L 319.62298,61.153\" id=\"27017\" inkscape:label=\"Carlton, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 319.82098,65.615 L 326.63198,65.398 L 326.75298,68.743 L 326.77598,69.302 L 326.79398,69.807 L 325.48198,70.626 L 323.60698,71.857 L 323.60398,71.862 L 323.15598,72.254 L 323.04298,72.403 L 322.93098,72.605 L 322.02598,74.417 L 319.31198,74.494 L 319.20298,71.276 L 319.99198,71.244 L 319.93498,68.968 L 319.82098,65.615\" id=\"27115\" inkscape:label=\"Pine, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 316.54498,69.121 L 319.93498,68.968 L 319.99198,71.244 L 319.20298,71.276 L 319.31198,74.494 L 315.94998,74.543 L 315.86398,72.731 L 315.82898,71.357 L 316.22898,71.343 L 316.58598,70.969 L 316.54498,69.121\" id=\"27065\" inkscape:label=\"Kanabec, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 319.56998,57.817 L 319.62298,61.153 L 319.62798,62.266 L 319.65398,62.902 L 319.68198,63.379 L 319.75398,63.681 L 319.82098,65.615 L 319.93498,68.968 L 316.54498,69.121 L 316.55398,68.783 L 316.52698,67.936 L 315.59798,67.95 L 313.24998,68.057 L 313.14698,67.99 L 313.11898,67.963 L 313.11498,67.932 L 313.01198,63.677 L 313.28598,62.735 L 313.25898,60.86 L 313.19998,57.939 L 319.56998,57.817\" id=\"27001\" inkscape:label=\"Aitkin, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 308.35098,67.711 L 308.43198,67.688 L 308.47698,67.553 L 308.46798,67.021 L 308.38198,63.781 L 308.23798,63.167 L 308.21998,62.411 L 308.22498,60.928 L 313.25898,60.86 L 313.28598,62.735 L 313.01198,63.677 L 313.11498,67.932 L 313.11898,67.963 L 313.14698,67.99 L 313.24998,68.057 L 313.14698,69.175 L 308.08498,69.27 L 308.07098,68.842 L 308.07998,68.161 L 308.35098,67.711\" id=\"27035\" inkscape:label=\"Crow Wing, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 305.54698,66.845 L 305.79998,67.075 L 306.52598,67.395 L 306.61498,67.417 L 307.03998,67.264 L 307.21498,67.152 L 307.27798,67.043 L 307.57998,67.021 L 308.26998,67.485 L 308.32898,67.58 L 308.35098,67.711 L 308.07998,68.161 L 308.07098,68.842 L 308.08498,69.27 L 313.14698,69.175 L 313.19998,71.407 L 313.24598,71.407 L 313.59298,72.159 L 313.66498,73.466 L 311.44298,73.493 L 308.35098,73.578 L 309.09398,74.169 L 305.73698,74.237 L 305.54698,66.845\" id=\"27097\" inkscape:label=\"Morrison, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 304.84398,66.593 L 305.54698,66.845 L 305.73698,74.237 L 301.26198,74.3 L 301.16698,70.009 L 301.04898,66.634 L 304.84398,66.593\" id=\"27153\" inkscape:label=\"Todd, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 301.16698,70.009 L 301.26198,74.3 L 301.26198,74.485 L 295.67198,74.503 L 295.66798,72.267 L 295.56898,72.267 L 295.55898,70.027 L 301.16698,70.009\" id=\"27041\" inkscape:label=\"Douglas, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 291.11098,70.018 L 295.55898,70.027 L 295.56898,72.267 L 295.66798,72.267 L 295.67198,74.503 L 291.20198,74.507 L 291.10198,71.136 L 291.11098,70.018\" id=\"27051\" inkscape:label=\"Grant, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 288.29898,71.118 L 291.10198,71.136 L 291.20198,74.507 L 291.20198,76.752 L 285.92798,76.711 L 285.76598,76.504 L 285.72998,76.454 L 285.85598,76.022 L 285.88698,75.95 L 285.90098,75.936 L 285.91898,75.913 L 285.93298,75.895 L 286.75698,75.233 L 287.06898,75.03 L 287.41598,74.841 L 287.59998,74.656 L 288.23098,73.719 L 288.24498,73.687 L 288.25398,73.669 L 288.26298,73.642 L 288.27198,73.578 L 288.29398,73.461 L 288.32598,73.182 L 288.36598,72.84 L 288.37098,72.826 L 288.37098,72.799 L 288.42098,72.236 L 288.29898,71.118\" id=\"27155\" inkscape:label=\"Traverse, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 285.92798,76.711 L 291.20198,76.752 L 291.30898,76.752 L 291.29998,78.978 L 292.43198,78.992 L 292.54898,82.025 L 291.91298,81.804 L 290.98898,81.431 L 290.90398,81.245 L 290.51698,81.069 L 289.37198,80.826 L 289.22298,80.082 L 289.05098,79.686 L 288.75398,79.447 L 287.88398,79.023 L 286.55898,77.554 L 285.92798,76.711\" id=\"27011\" inkscape:label=\"Big Stone, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 295.78398,78.983 L 300.25698,78.956 L 300.35998,82.314 L 293.15798,82.341 L 292.54898,82.025 L 292.43198,78.992 L 295.78398,78.983\" id=\"27151\" inkscape:label=\"Swift, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 295.67198,74.503 L 295.68098,76.752 L 295.77598,76.752 L 295.78398,78.983 L 292.43198,78.992 L 291.29998,78.978 L 291.30898,76.752 L 291.20198,76.752 L 291.20198,74.507 L 295.67198,74.503\" id=\"27149\" inkscape:label=\"Stevens, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 301.26198,74.485 L 301.27898,76.724 L 301.35598,76.724 L 301.37398,78.952 L 300.25698,78.956 L 295.78398,78.983 L 295.77598,76.752 L 295.68098,76.752 L 295.67198,74.503 L 301.26198,74.485\" id=\"27121\" inkscape:label=\"Pope, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 305.73698,74.237 L 309.09398,74.169 L 310.25298,76.932 L 311.21798,78.676 L 309.31098,80.497 L 308.19698,80.533 L 307.66998,79.983 L 306.80898,79.993 L 304.73198,80.024 L 304.71698,78.906 L 301.37398,78.952 L 301.35598,76.724 L 301.27898,76.724 L 301.26198,74.485 L 301.26198,74.3 L 305.73698,74.237\" id=\"27145\" inkscape:label=\"Stearns, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 309.09398,74.169 L 308.35098,73.578 L 311.44298,73.493 L 313.66498,73.466 L 313.78198,76.846 L 310.25298,76.932 L 309.09398,74.169\" id=\"27009\" inkscape:label=\"Benton, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 313.24998,68.057 L 315.59798,67.95 L 316.52698,67.936 L 316.55398,68.783 L 316.54498,69.121 L 316.58598,70.969 L 316.22898,71.343 L 315.82898,71.357 L 315.86398,72.731 L 315.94998,74.543 L 316.03498,76.801 L 313.78198,76.846 L 313.66498,73.466 L 313.59298,72.159 L 313.24598,71.407 L 313.19998,71.407 L 313.14698,69.175 L 313.24998,68.057\" id=\"27095\" inkscape:label=\"Mille Lacs, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 319.31198,74.494 L 319.37498,76.721 L 320.46598,76.882 L 320.54698,78.568 L 319.24398,78.578 L 316.63898,78.658 L 316.09398,78.658 L 316.03498,76.801 L 315.94998,74.543 L 319.31198,74.494\" id=\"27059\" inkscape:label=\"Isanti, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 322.02598,74.417 L 321.65898,75.539 L 321.64698,75.743 L 321.65098,75.828 L 321.67398,76.17 L 321.70498,76.423 L 321.82698,76.517 L 322.25998,76.59 L 322.43998,76.562 L 323.15298,76.946 L 323.59798,77.788 L 323.77798,78.699 L 323.43598,79.573 L 323.19598,79.87 L 323.18398,79.88 L 323.07498,79.979 L 320.59698,80.051 L 320.54698,78.568 L 320.46598,76.882 L 319.37498,76.721 L 319.31198,74.494 L 322.02598,74.417\" id=\"27025\" inkscape:label=\"Chisago, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 318.80198,83.481 L 320.65098,82.282 L 320.75498,85.288 L 319.30798,85.365 L 318.80198,83.481\" id=\"27123\" inkscape:label=\"Ramsey, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 316.09398,78.658 L 316.63898,78.658 L 319.24398,78.578 L 320.54698,78.568 L 320.59698,80.051 L 320.65098,82.282 L 318.80198,83.481 L 316.12998,80.84 L 316.09398,78.658\" id=\"27003\" inkscape:label=\"Anoka, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 316.03498,76.801 L 316.09398,78.658 L 316.12998,80.84 L 316.04498,80.831 L 315.48598,80.258 L 314.68298,80.236 L 313.91698,80.263 L 313.78598,80.231 L 312.87098,79.708 L 311.21798,78.676 L 310.25298,76.932 L 313.78198,76.846 L 316.03498,76.801\" id=\"27141\" inkscape:label=\"Sherburne, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 309.31098,80.497 L 311.21798,78.676 L 312.87098,79.708 L 313.78598,80.231 L 313.91698,80.263 L 314.68298,80.236 L 315.48598,80.258 L 316.04498,80.831 L 314.95798,81.385 L 314.83198,81.489 L 314.01598,83.043 L 313.89898,84.35 L 311.65398,84.391 L 309.42798,84.423 L 309.31098,80.497\" id=\"27171\" inkscape:label=\"Wright, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 304.73198,80.024 L 306.80898,79.993 L 307.66998,79.983 L 308.19698,80.533 L 309.31098,80.497 L 309.42798,84.423 L 307.19298,85.59 L 304.85298,85.626 L 304.73198,80.024\" id=\"27093\" inkscape:label=\"Meeker, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 300.25698,78.956 L 301.37398,78.952 L 304.71698,78.906 L 304.73198,80.024 L 304.85298,85.626 L 300.36898,85.681 L 300.35998,82.314 L 300.25698,78.956\" id=\"27067\" inkscape:label=\"Kandiyohi, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 293.15798,82.341 L 300.35998,82.314 L 300.36898,85.681 L 298.21898,85.703 L 298.23298,87.479 L 295.89698,85.126 L 293.15798,82.341\" id=\"27023\" inkscape:label=\"Chippewa, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 320.59698,80.051 L 323.07498,79.979 L 322.93598,81.101 L 322.74598,82.8 L 322.77398,83.224 L 322.99798,83.702 L 323.19398,84.608 L 323.12398,85.581 L 322.80498,87.105 L 320.75498,85.288 L 320.65098,82.282 L 320.59698,80.051\" id=\"27163\" inkscape:label=\"Washington, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 319.30798,85.365 L 320.75498,85.288 L 322.80498,87.105 L 323.45898,87.483 L 323.49398,88.574 L 322.98598,89.701 L 321.82198,89.741 L 320.73198,90.147 L 320.74498,90.705 L 318.48698,89.84 L 318.48298,88.718 L 318.11698,88.727 L 317.99598,87.61 L 317.95498,86.663 L 319.30798,85.365\" id=\"27037\" inkscape:label=\"Dakota, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 316.12998,80.84 L 318.80198,83.481 L 319.30798,85.365 L 317.95498,86.663 L 316.20198,86.536 L 316.17498,85.414 L 313.91698,85.473 L 313.89898,84.35 L 314.01598,83.043 L 314.83198,81.489 L 314.95798,81.385 L 316.04498,80.831 L 316.12998,80.84\" id=\"27053\" inkscape:label=\"Hennepin, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 316.20198,86.536 L 317.95498,86.663 L 317.99598,87.61 L 318.11698,88.727 L 318.48298,88.718 L 318.48698,89.84 L 316.25698,89.904 L 312.70498,89.994 L 313.98498,88.709 L 314.02598,88.723 L 314.26898,88.623 L 315.03998,88.019 L 315.26498,87.717 L 315.20198,87.6 L 315.21098,87.411 L 315.67398,86.677 L 316.01298,86.536 L 316.20198,86.536\" id=\"27139\" inkscape:label=\"Scott, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 311.65398,84.391 L 313.89898,84.35 L 313.91698,85.473 L 316.17498,85.414 L 316.20198,86.536 L 316.01298,86.536 L 315.67398,86.677 L 315.21098,87.411 L 315.20198,87.6 L 315.26498,87.717 L 315.03998,88.019 L 314.26898,88.623 L 314.02598,88.723 L 313.98498,88.709 L 311.73998,87.763 L 311.65398,84.391\" id=\"27019\" inkscape:label=\"Carver, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 309.42798,84.423 L 311.65398,84.391 L 311.73998,87.763 L 310.62298,87.785 L 309.50898,87.925 L 309.51898,88.934 L 307.62098,88.971 L 307.28698,88.975 L 307.26898,87.848 L 307.19298,85.59 L 309.42798,84.423\" id=\"27085\" inkscape:label=\"McLeod, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 311.73998,87.763 L 313.98498,88.709 L 312.70498,89.994 L 312.55598,91.116 L 306.15998,91.238 L 306.09698,90.124 L 306.06098,87.87 L 307.26898,87.848 L 307.28698,88.975 L 307.62098,88.971 L 309.51898,88.934 L 309.50898,87.925 L 310.62298,87.785 L 311.73998,87.763\" id=\"27143\" inkscape:label=\"Sibley, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 307.19298,85.59 L 307.26898,87.848 L 306.06098,87.87 L 306.09698,90.124 L 306.15998,91.238 L 304.71698,91.251 L 303.92898,90.724 L 299.36398,88.182 L 298.23298,87.479 L 298.21898,85.703 L 300.36898,85.681 L 304.85298,85.626 L 307.19298,85.59\" id=\"27129\" inkscape:label=\"Renville, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 292.54898,82.025 L 293.15798,82.341 L 295.89698,85.126 L 295.89698,85.703 L 294.87998,86.816 L 289.35798,86.807 L 289.37198,80.826 L 290.51698,81.069 L 290.90398,81.245 L 290.98898,81.431 L 291.91298,81.804 L 292.54898,82.025\" id=\"27073\" inkscape:label=\"Lac qui Parle, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 289.35798,86.807 L 294.87998,86.816 L 295.89698,85.703 L 295.89698,85.126 L 298.23298,87.479 L 299.36398,88.182 L 299.37298,90.205 L 297.21798,90.21 L 297.13298,89.079 L 292.63898,89.079 L 289.34398,89.061 L 289.35798,86.807\" id=\"27173\" inkscape:label=\"Yellow Medicine, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 292.63898,89.079 L 292.76498,94.685 L 289.30798,94.672 L 289.33598,90.192 L 289.34398,89.061 L 292.63898,89.079\" id=\"27081\" inkscape:label=\"Lincoln, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 297.24898,94.69 L 292.90498,94.685 L 292.76498,94.685 L 292.63898,89.079 L 297.13298,89.079 L 297.21798,90.21 L 297.24898,94.69\" id=\"27083\" inkscape:label=\"Lyon, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 303.92898,90.724 L 303.96098,93.514 L 301.73498,93.545 L 301.72998,94.667 L 298.46198,94.677 L 297.24898,94.69 L 297.21798,90.21 L 299.37298,90.205 L 299.36398,88.182 L 303.92898,90.724\" id=\"27127\" inkscape:label=\"Redwood, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 304.71698,91.251 L 305.01198,91.341 L 305.40298,91.535 L 307.35498,92.522 L 307.46298,92.599 L 307.68398,92.815 L 308.52698,93.681 L 308.58598,95.695 L 304.04698,95.767 L 301.72998,94.667 L 301.73498,93.545 L 303.96098,93.514 L 303.92898,90.724 L 304.71698,91.251\" id=\"27015\" inkscape:label=\"Brown, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 312.55598,91.116 L 312.27698,92.243 L 311.83498,93.563 L 311.85698,93.942 L 311.96098,94.762 L 311.94698,94.852 L 311.55898,95.041 L 311.47798,95.051 L 311.20898,94.969 L 310.93298,94.811 L 310.81998,94.722 L 308.90498,93.811 L 308.52698,93.681 L 307.68398,92.815 L 307.46298,92.599 L 307.35498,92.522 L 305.40298,91.535 L 305.01198,91.341 L 304.71698,91.251 L 306.15998,91.238 L 312.55598,91.116\" id=\"27103\" inkscape:label=\"Nicollet, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 312.70498,89.994 L 316.25698,89.904 L 316.36398,94.397 L 314.11998,94.451 L 311.85698,93.942 L 311.83498,93.563 L 312.27698,92.243 L 312.55598,91.116 L 312.70498,89.994\" id=\"27079\" inkscape:label=\"Le Sueur, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 316.25698,89.904 L 318.48698,89.84 L 320.74498,90.705 L 320.83998,94.262 L 320.78998,94.262 L 317.45998,94.361 L 316.36398,94.397 L 316.25698,89.904\" id=\"27131\" inkscape:label=\"Rice, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 323.45898,87.483 L 324.40898,88.29 L 324.50798,88.416 L 324.53098,88.542 L 325.19798,89.205 L 325.34298,89.272 L 325.73498,89.318 L 326.97398,89.367 L 327.13198,89.403 L 327.23598,89.453 L 327.32498,89.53 L 327.35698,89.579 L 328.08798,90.67 L 326.35198,90.728 L 325.28798,91.887 L 325.36398,94.136 L 324.18498,94.163 L 320.83998,94.262 L 320.74498,90.705 L 320.73198,90.147 L 321.82198,89.741 L 322.98598,89.701 L 323.49398,88.574 L 323.45898,87.483\" id=\"27049\" inkscape:label=\"Goodhue, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 328.08798,90.67 L 329.56598,91.233 L 331.71998,93.901 L 329.76898,95.096 L 327.55098,95.182 L 327.50098,94.055 L 325.36398,94.136 L 325.28798,91.887 L 326.35198,90.728 L 328.08798,90.67\" id=\"27157\" inkscape:label=\"Wabasha, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 331.71998,93.901 L 334.62698,95.956 L 335.93898,96.407 L 337.28598,98.12 L 333.14398,98.318 L 329.90798,98.453 L 329.76898,95.096 L 331.71998,93.901\" id=\"27169\" inkscape:label=\"Winona, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 324.18498,94.163 L 325.36398,94.136 L 327.50098,94.055 L 327.55098,95.182 L 329.76898,95.096 L 329.90798,98.453 L 326.48298,98.76 L 324.23798,98.652 L 324.18498,94.163\" id=\"27109\" inkscape:label=\"Olmsted, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 320.83998,94.262 L 324.18498,94.163 L 324.23798,98.652 L 320.93498,98.765 L 320.78998,94.262 L 320.83998,94.262\" id=\"27039\" inkscape:label=\"Dodge, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 320.78998,94.262 L 320.93498,98.765 L 320.89998,98.765 L 317.58098,98.864 L 317.45998,94.361 L 320.78998,94.262\" id=\"27147\" inkscape:label=\"Steele, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 316.36398,94.397 L 317.45998,94.361 L 317.58098,98.864 L 315.33698,98.922 L 314.22798,98.949 L 314.11998,94.451 L 316.36398,94.397\" id=\"27161\" inkscape:label=\"Waseca, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 314.11998,94.451 L 314.22798,98.949 L 309.77498,99.049 L 308.64398,99.066 L 308.58598,95.695 L 308.52698,93.681 L 308.90498,93.811 L 310.81998,94.722 L 310.93298,94.811 L 311.20898,94.969 L 311.47798,95.051 L 311.55898,95.041 L 311.94698,94.852 L 311.96098,94.762 L 311.85698,93.942 L 314.11998,94.451\" id=\"27013\" inkscape:label=\"Blue Earth, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 304.04698,95.767 L 308.58598,95.695 L 308.64398,99.066 L 304.13698,99.129 L 304.09198,99.129 L 304.04698,95.767\" id=\"27165\" inkscape:label=\"Watonwan, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 298.46198,94.677 L 301.72998,94.667 L 304.04698,95.767 L 304.09198,99.129 L 298.57898,99.183 L 298.48498,99.183 L 298.46198,94.677\" id=\"27033\" inkscape:label=\"Cottonwood, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 297.24898,94.69 L 298.46198,94.677 L 298.48498,99.183 L 293.00898,99.179 L 292.89598,99.179 L 292.90498,94.685 L 297.24898,94.69\" id=\"27101\" inkscape:label=\"Murray, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 289.30798,94.672 L 292.76498,94.685 L 292.90498,94.685 L 292.89598,99.179 L 289.28098,99.161 L 289.30798,94.672\" id=\"27117\" inkscape:label=\"Pipestone, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 289.28098,99.161 L 292.89598,99.179 L 293.00898,99.179 L 292.99898,103.695 L 289.26298,103.682 L 289.28098,99.161\" id=\"27133\" inkscape:label=\"Rock, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 293.00898,99.179 L 298.48498,99.183 L 298.57898,99.183 L 298.58898,103.677 L 294.78898,103.7 L 292.99898,103.695 L 293.00898,99.179\" id=\"27105\" inkscape:label=\"Nobles, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 304.09198,99.129 L 304.13698,99.129 L 304.19098,103.628 L 303.62298,103.637 L 299.21098,103.677 L 298.58898,103.677 L 298.57898,99.183 L 304.09198,99.129\" id=\"27063\" inkscape:label=\"Jackson, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 309.77498,99.049 L 309.85698,103.542 L 308.03098,103.573 L 304.19098,103.628 L 304.13698,99.129 L 308.64398,99.066 L 309.77498,99.049\" id=\"27091\" inkscape:label=\"Martin, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 315.33698,98.922 L 315.44498,103.433 L 312.43898,103.501 L 309.85698,103.542 L 309.77498,99.049 L 314.22798,98.949 L 315.33698,98.922\" id=\"27043\" inkscape:label=\"Faribault, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 320.89998,98.765 L 321.04298,103.276 L 316.86098,103.397 L 315.44498,103.433 L 315.33698,98.922 L 317.58098,98.864 L 320.89998,98.765\" id=\"27047\" inkscape:label=\"Freeborn, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 324.23798,98.652 L 326.48298,98.76 L 326.64598,103.073 L 325.67198,103.109 L 321.27298,103.266 L 321.04298,103.276 L 320.89998,98.765 L 320.93498,98.765 L 324.23798,98.652\" id=\"27099\" inkscape:label=\"Mower, MN\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 358.07298,187.798 L 359.82198,187.55 L 362.00298,190.488 L 361.20498,192.277 L 360.50698,192.346 L 360.60798,192.156 L 360.62398,192.124 L 360.63698,192.075 L 360.66898,191.948 L 360.67798,191.913 L 360.67798,191.858 L 360.67398,191.836 L 360.67398,191.831 L 360.64198,191.691 L 360.57898,191.542 L 360.57298,191.529 L 360.50698,191.426 L 360.49298,191.417 L 360.47098,191.399 L 360.44398,191.381 L 360.28598,191.336 L 359.99798,191.291 L 359.80898,191.317 L 359.74498,191.357 L 359.62698,191.515 L 359.60998,191.538 L 359.59698,191.587 L 359.58298,191.646 L 359.57298,191.691 L 359.58298,191.732 L 359.59298,191.786 L 359.59698,191.795 L 359.70898,192.034 L 359.72298,192.048 L 359.95198,192.376 L 360.03398,194.472 L 359.49298,193.639 L 359.28898,193.553 L 358.54198,193.688 L 357.78398,193.98 L 356.20298,194.08 L 355.70698,194.08 L 355.52998,190.962 L 358.18098,190.812 L 357.94298,187.807 L 358.07298,187.798\" id=\"29143\" inkscape:label=\"New Madrid, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 360.03398,194.472 L 359.29798,196.491 L 358.38798,198.957 L 356.04898,199.133 L 355.70698,194.08 L 356.20298,194.08 L 357.78398,193.98 L 358.54198,193.688 L 359.28898,193.553 L 359.49298,193.639 L 360.03398,194.472\" id=\"29155\" inkscape:label=\"Pemiscot, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 295.77598,141.51 L 299.58898,141.55 L 301.25698,141.564 L 301.27498,142.852 L 301.50898,142.852 L 301.52198,144.079 L 301.50498,145.679 L 297.87198,145.665 L 297.88198,145.431 L 297.88198,145.413 L 297.88498,145.39 L 297.85898,145.323 L 297.17798,144.66 L 296.54298,143.064 L 296.48898,142.835 L 296.60098,142.731 L 296.81298,142.352 L 296.44798,142.028 L 296.32098,142.303 L 295.77598,141.51\" id=\"29005\" inkscape:label=\"Atchison, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 301.50498,145.679 L 302.43198,145.682 L 302.63998,146.084 L 302.61398,146.133 L 302.56398,146.53 L 302.69498,147.181 L 302.75298,147.279 L 302.87098,147.373 L 303.38798,150.352 L 303.04998,150.735 L 303.04198,150.744 L 302.98398,150.798 L 302.91098,150.825 L 302.53598,150.861 L 302.49098,150.865 L 302.45498,150.852 L 302.26598,150.78 L 302.02298,150.69 L 301.54098,150.38 L 300.35098,149.303 L 300.28798,149.212 L 300.28298,149.091 L 297.87198,145.701 L 297.87198,145.665 L 301.50498,145.679\" id=\"29087\" inkscape:label=\"Holt, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 302.35698,155.139 L 307.30898,155.094 L 307.33198,156.085 L 307.37798,159.934 L 305.47098,159.425 L 303.69498,156.611 L 302.35698,155.139\" id=\"29165\" inkscape:label=\"Platte, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 307.24198,151.357 L 307.25998,152.3 L 307.30898,155.094 L 302.35698,155.139 L 302.74798,153.963 L 302.86498,153.796 L 303.20398,153.301 L 303.24398,153.255 L 303.95598,152.625 L 304.16398,152.589 L 304.37098,152.128 L 304.29398,151.772 L 304.21298,151.389 L 307.24198,151.357\" id=\"29021\" inkscape:label=\"Buchanan, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 307.15298,147.373 L 307.17398,148.505 L 307.24198,151.357 L 304.21298,151.389 L 303.38798,150.352 L 302.87098,147.373 L 307.15298,147.373\" id=\"29003\" inkscape:label=\"Andrew, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 304.05998,141.582 L 306.81498,141.596 L 307.17398,143.988 L 307.15298,147.373 L 302.87098,147.373 L 302.75298,147.279 L 302.69498,147.181 L 302.56398,146.53 L 302.61398,146.133 L 302.63998,146.084 L 302.43198,145.682 L 301.50498,145.679 L 301.52198,144.079 L 301.50898,142.852 L 301.27498,142.852 L 301.25698,141.564 L 304.05998,141.582\" id=\"29147\" inkscape:label=\"Nodaway, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 308.37798,141.577 L 310.70398,141.522 L 310.92398,143.957 L 307.17398,143.988 L 306.81498,141.596 L 308.37798,141.577\" id=\"29227\" inkscape:label=\"Worth, NO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 307.17398,143.988 L 310.92398,143.957 L 310.96498,147.181 L 310.96498,148.499 L 307.17398,148.505 L 307.15298,147.373 L 307.17398,143.988\" id=\"29075\" inkscape:label=\"Gentry, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 310.96498,148.499 L 311.15398,151.69 L 311.16298,152.251 L 307.25998,152.3 L 307.24198,151.357 L 307.17398,148.505 L 310.96498,148.499\" id=\"29063\" inkscape:label=\"DeKalb, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 311.16298,152.251 L 311.19098,155.094 L 311.19098,156.036 L 307.33198,156.085 L 307.30898,155.094 L 307.25998,152.3 L 311.16298,152.251\" id=\"29049\" inkscape:label=\"Clinton, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 307.33198,156.085 L 311.19098,156.036 L 311.23098,159.254 L 310.94198,158.957 L 310.88798,158.921 L 310.78898,158.885 L 310.44598,158.88 L 310.32998,158.938 L 310.27098,159.012 L 310.19498,159.159 L 310.14498,159.385 L 310.01298,159.578 L 309.72098,159.88 L 308.71998,160.376 L 307.33198,160.539 L 307.37798,159.934 L 307.33198,156.085\" id=\"29047\" inkscape:label=\"Clay, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 311.15398,151.69 L 312.26298,151.709 L 314.26298,151.66 L 315.55298,151.654 L 315.61198,153.904 L 315.62998,155.035 L 311.19098,155.094 L 311.16298,152.251 L 311.15398,151.69\" id=\"29025\" inkscape:label=\"Caldwell, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 315.39998,147.13 L 315.47198,149.384 L 315.55298,151.654 L 314.26298,151.66 L 312.26298,151.709 L 311.15398,151.69 L 310.96498,148.499 L 310.96498,147.181 L 315.39998,147.13\" id=\"29061\" inkscape:label=\"Daviess, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 315.16098,141.357 L 315.36398,145.427 L 315.39998,147.13 L 310.96498,147.181 L 310.92398,143.957 L 310.70398,141.522 L 312.81298,141.456 L 315.16098,141.357\" id=\"29081\" inkscape:label=\"Harrison, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 317.27498,141.27 L 319.05498,141.221 L 319.19898,143.781 L 319.23598,145.296 L 315.36398,145.427 L 315.16098,141.357 L 317.27498,141.27\" id=\"29129\" inkscape:label=\"Mercer, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 319.23598,145.296 L 319.37098,148.324 L 319.39298,149.175 L 315.47198,149.384 L 315.39998,147.13 L 315.36398,145.427 L 319.23598,145.296\" id=\"29079\" inkscape:label=\"Grundy, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 319.39298,149.175 L 319.41098,150.316 L 319.46098,152.606 L 320.42598,152.579 L 320.34798,153.727 L 315.61198,153.904 L 315.55298,151.654 L 315.47198,149.384 L 319.39298,149.175\" id=\"29117\" inkscape:label=\"Livingston, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 315.61198,153.904 L 320.34798,153.727 L 322.15098,156.69 L 321.74098,156.725 L 321.31898,156.888 L 320.41098,157.699 L 319.84798,158.646 L 319.73998,158.713 L 319.34398,158.812 L 319.20898,158.789 L 319.14598,158.731 L 318.49598,157.974 L 317.43698,158.682 L 316.77398,158.6 L 315.73798,159.159 L 315.62998,155.035 L 315.61198,153.904\" id=\"29033\" inkscape:label=\"Carroll, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 315.62998,155.035 L 315.73798,159.159 L 315.00798,159.069 L 313.61898,159.271 L 313.06998,159.714 L 313.09598,159.763 L 313.11498,159.903 L 312.90298,160.084 L 312.79498,160.155 L 312.65998,160.178 L 312.51998,160.164 L 312.31698,160.06 L 311.23098,159.254 L 311.19098,156.036 L 311.19098,155.094 L 315.62998,155.035\" id=\"29177\" inkscape:label=\"Ray, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 315.73798,159.159 L 316.77398,158.6 L 317.43698,158.682 L 318.49598,157.974 L 318.42398,162.526 L 318.42398,162.716 L 315.05798,162.675 L 315.05198,163.054 L 312.28098,163.004 L 312.31698,160.06 L 312.51998,160.164 L 312.65998,160.178 L 312.79498,160.155 L 312.90298,160.084 L 313.11498,159.903 L 313.09598,159.763 L 313.06998,159.714 L 313.61898,159.271 L 315.00798,159.069 L 315.73798,159.159\" id=\"29107\" inkscape:label=\"Lafayette, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 312.31698,160.06 L 312.28098,163.004 L 312.25398,164.099 L 307.37798,164 L 307.34598,161.44 L 307.33198,160.539 L 308.71998,160.376 L 309.72098,159.88 L 310.01298,159.578 L 310.14498,159.385 L 310.19498,159.159 L 310.27098,159.012 L 310.32998,158.938 L 310.44598,158.88 L 310.78898,158.885 L 310.88798,158.921 L 310.94198,158.957 L 311.23098,159.254 L 312.31698,160.06\" id=\"29095\" inkscape:label=\"Jackson, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 318.42398,162.716 L 318.40998,167.557 L 312.87098,167.542 L 312.25398,164.099 L 312.28098,163.004 L 315.05198,163.054 L 315.05798,162.675 L 318.42398,162.716\" id=\"29101\" inkscape:label=\"Johnson, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 318.40998,167.557 L 318.40998,168.124 L 318.40598,172.095 L 313.11098,172.131 L 312.88898,169.106 L 312.87098,167.542 L 318.40998,167.557\" id=\"29083\" inkscape:label=\"Henry, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 307.37798,164 L 312.25398,164.099 L 312.87098,167.542 L 312.88898,169.106 L 311.44598,169.115 L 310.88298,169.057 L 310.30198,168.836 L 307.39598,168.805 L 307.38198,165.415 L 307.37798,164\" id=\"29037\" inkscape:label=\"Cass, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 313.11098,172.131 L 318.40598,172.095 L 318.64998,173.835 L 318.62298,175.907 L 318.36498,175.907 L 318.04498,176.471 L 318.03198,177.04 L 317.47298,177.034 L 315.62098,177.007 L 315.63398,176.255 L 313.03398,176.205 L 313.07398,174.438 L 313.11098,172.131\" id=\"29185\" inkscape:label=\"St. Clair, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 307.39598,168.805 L 310.30198,168.836 L 310.88298,169.057 L 311.44598,169.115 L 312.88898,169.106 L 313.11098,172.131 L 313.07398,174.438 L 312.31298,174.173 L 311.63698,174.23 L 311.23598,174.29 L 307.46298,174.23 L 307.40898,169.959 L 307.39598,168.805\" id=\"29013\" inkscape:label=\"Bates, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 313.03398,176.205 L 315.63398,176.255 L 315.62098,177.007 L 317.47298,177.034 L 317.68098,180.365 L 313.02098,180.356 L 313.02098,179.599 L 313.03398,176.205\" id=\"29039\" inkscape:label=\"Cedar, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 313.07398,174.438 L 313.03398,176.205 L 313.02098,179.599 L 307.50298,179.514 L 307.49898,179.261 L 307.46798,174.533 L 307.46298,174.23 L 311.23598,174.29 L 311.63698,174.23 L 312.31298,174.173 L 313.07398,174.438\" id=\"29217\" inkscape:label=\"Vernon, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 313.02098,180.356 L 317.68098,180.365 L 317.67598,182.254 L 317.67598,184.146 L 313.33098,184.141 L 313.01198,183.376 L 313.02098,180.356\" id=\"29057\" inkscape:label=\"Dade, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 313.02098,179.599 L 313.02098,180.356 L 313.01198,183.376 L 307.56198,183.276 L 307.50298,179.514 L 313.02098,179.599\" id=\"29011\" inkscape:label=\"Barton, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 313.01198,183.376 L 313.33098,184.141 L 313.32698,187.288 L 307.61498,187.274 L 307.56598,183.614 L 307.56198,183.276 L 313.01198,183.376\" id=\"29097\" inkscape:label=\"Jasper, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 307.61498,187.274 L 313.32698,187.288 L 313.30398,191.186 L 307.66598,191.042 L 307.61498,187.274\" id=\"29145\" inkscape:label=\"Newton, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 313.30398,191.186 L 313.28598,194.427 L 307.71898,194.516 L 307.68798,192.327 L 307.66598,191.042 L 313.30398,191.186\" id=\"29119\" inkscape:label=\"McDonald, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 317.67598,184.146 L 317.90998,186.531 L 317.92798,187.86 L 317.94598,188.807 L 313.31798,188.798 L 313.32698,187.288 L 313.33098,184.141 L 317.67598,184.146\" id=\"29109\" inkscape:label=\"Lawrence, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 313.31798,188.798 L 317.94598,188.807 L 317.95998,190.137 L 318.36098,190.137 L 318.35698,194.31 L 315.45398,194.382 L 313.28598,194.427 L 313.31798,188.798\" id=\"29009\" inkscape:label=\"Barry, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 318.03198,177.04 L 321.93998,177.26 L 322.13898,182.267 L 317.67598,182.254 L 317.68098,180.365 L 317.47298,177.034 L 318.03198,177.04\" id=\"29167\" inkscape:label=\"Polk, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 317.92798,187.86 L 320.71798,187.829 L 320.73598,190.104 L 321.12398,190.1 L 321.12798,194.242 L 318.35698,194.31 L 318.36098,190.137 L 317.95998,190.137 L 317.94598,188.807 L 317.92798,187.86\" id=\"29209\" inkscape:label=\"Stone, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 322.13898,182.267 L 323.25098,182.263 L 323.27498,184.146 L 323.42698,184.146 L 323.46298,186.499 L 317.90998,186.531 L 317.67598,184.146 L 317.67598,182.254 L 322.13898,182.267\" id=\"29077\" inkscape:label=\"Greene, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 325.17098,190.077 L 326.65398,190.069 L 326.71298,194.076 L 325.86898,194.103 L 321.32698,194.238 L 321.12798,194.242 L 321.12398,190.1 L 325.17098,190.077\" id=\"29213\" inkscape:label=\"Taney, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 323.46298,186.499 L 325.12598,186.68 L 325.17098,190.077 L 321.12398,190.1 L 320.73598,190.104 L 320.71798,187.829 L 317.92798,187.86 L 317.90998,186.531 L 323.46298,186.499\" id=\"29043\" inkscape:label=\"Christian, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 325.45498,181.294 L 327.15098,181.266 L 327.19098,184.101 L 327.32498,184.101 L 327.34398,186.652 L 325.12598,186.68 L 323.46298,186.499 L 323.42698,184.146 L 323.27498,184.146 L 323.25098,182.263 L 325.45498,181.294\" id=\"29225\" inkscape:label=\"Webster, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 323.06198,175.925 L 325.25698,175.943 L 325.28798,178.216 L 325.42398,178.211 L 325.45498,181.294 L 323.25098,182.263 L 322.13898,182.267 L 321.93998,177.26 L 323.06198,175.925\" id=\"29059\" inkscape:label=\"Dallas, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 318.64998,173.835 L 323.06998,173.844 L 323.06198,175.925 L 321.93998,177.26 L 318.03198,177.04 L 318.04498,176.471 L 318.36498,175.907 L 318.62298,175.907 L 318.64998,173.835\" id=\"29085\" inkscape:label=\"Hickory, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 318.40998,168.124 L 320.62298,168.146 L 320.62798,167.767 L 321.67798,167.755 L 322.86398,167.767 L 322.86798,171.274 L 323.06998,173.844 L 318.64998,173.835 L 318.40598,172.095 L 318.40998,168.124\" id=\"29015\" inkscape:label=\"Benton, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 318.42398,162.526 L 320.36598,162.566 L 322.42198,162.566 L 322.87298,162.59 L 322.87298,165.649 L 322.86398,167.767 L 321.67798,167.755 L 320.62798,167.767 L 320.62298,168.146 L 318.40998,168.124 L 318.40998,167.557 L 318.42398,162.716 L 318.42398,162.526\" id=\"29159\" inkscape:label=\"Pettis, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 322.15098,156.69 L 324.74798,158.659 L 323.96798,160.781 L 322.87298,162.59 L 322.42198,162.566 L 320.36598,162.566 L 318.42398,162.526 L 318.49598,157.974 L 319.14598,158.731 L 319.20898,158.789 L 319.34398,158.812 L 319.73998,158.713 L 319.84798,158.646 L 320.41098,157.699 L 321.31898,156.888 L 321.74098,156.725 L 322.15098,156.69\" id=\"29195\" inkscape:label=\"Saline, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 324.45898,152.503 L 326.13198,153.615 L 326.10898,157.366 L 324.74798,158.659 L 322.15098,156.69 L 320.34798,153.727 L 320.42598,152.579 L 324.45898,152.503\" id=\"29041\" inkscape:label=\"Chariton, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 324.32898,148.121 L 324.41398,148.118 L 324.45898,152.503 L 320.42598,152.579 L 319.46098,152.606 L 319.41098,150.316 L 319.39298,149.175 L 319.37098,148.324 L 324.32898,148.121\" id=\"29115\" inkscape:label=\"Linn, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 319.19898,143.781 L 321.93598,143.66 L 324.18898,143.592 L 324.20198,144.155 L 324.32898,148.121 L 319.37098,148.324 L 319.23598,145.296 L 319.19898,143.781\" id=\"29211\" inkscape:label=\"Sullivan, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 325.47298,140.901 L 325.64998,141.537 L 325.58598,142.767 L 325.87898,144.088 L 324.20198,144.155 L 324.18898,143.592 L 321.93598,143.66 L 319.19898,143.781 L 319.05498,141.221 L 321.74998,141.096 L 325.47298,140.901\" id=\"29171\" inkscape:label=\"Putnam, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 329.00698,140.671 L 329.13698,143.925 L 325.87898,144.088 L 325.58598,142.767 L 325.64998,141.537 L 325.47298,140.901 L 326.21698,140.86 L 329.00698,140.671\" id=\"29197\" inkscape:label=\"Schuyler, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 329.13698,143.925 L 329.18298,144.493 L 329.33998,147.941 L 324.41398,148.118 L 324.32898,148.121 L 324.20198,144.155 L 325.87898,144.088 L 329.13698,143.925\" id=\"29001\" inkscape:label=\"Adair, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 329.33998,147.941 L 329.94498,149.022 L 330.00798,153.535 L 329.98898,153.535 L 326.13198,153.615 L 324.45898,152.503 L 324.41398,148.118 L 329.33998,147.941\" id=\"29121\" inkscape:label=\"Macon, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 329.98898,153.535 L 330.02898,156.883 L 330.03798,158.2 L 328.88998,158.213 L 326.10898,157.366 L 326.13198,153.615 L 329.98898,153.535\" id=\"29175\" inkscape:label=\"Randolph, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 326.10898,157.366 L 328.88998,158.213 L 327.75798,161.873 L 325.49598,161.944 L 324.87798,161.841 L 324.77098,161.796 L 324.26998,161.449 L 324.18898,161.341 L 323.96798,160.868 L 323.96798,160.781 L 324.74798,158.659 L 326.10898,157.366\" id=\"29089\" inkscape:label=\"Howard, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 323.96798,160.781 L 323.96798,160.868 L 324.18898,161.341 L 324.26998,161.449 L 324.77098,161.796 L 324.87798,161.841 L 325.49598,161.944 L 327.75798,161.873 L 328.37098,162.486 L 327.56998,164.694 L 327.37498,165.271 L 327.29898,165.555 L 326.02398,165.672 L 325.07698,165.699 L 322.87298,165.649 L 322.87298,162.59 L 323.96798,160.781\" id=\"29053\" inkscape:label=\"Cooper, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 330.03798,158.2 L 332.12098,158.204 L 332.16098,160.488 L 332.01298,160.494 L 331.95898,160.615 L 331.76598,162.495 L 331.71098,164.392 L 331.20198,165.284 L 331.27798,166.001 L 329.49298,164.82 L 328.37098,162.486 L 327.75798,161.873 L 328.88998,158.213 L 330.03798,158.2\" id=\"29019\" inkscape:label=\"Boone, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 329.49298,164.82 L 331.27798,166.001 L 333.43698,166.852 L 331.70198,169.986 L 331.14298,170.175 L 329.55298,169.995 L 329.56198,168.904 L 328.64198,168.904 L 329.49298,164.82\" id=\"29051\" inkscape:label=\"Cole, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 328.37098,162.486 L 329.49298,164.82 L 328.64198,168.904 L 327.33398,168.913 L 325.08998,166.831 L 325.07698,165.699 L 326.02398,165.672 L 327.29898,165.555 L 327.37498,165.271 L 327.56998,164.694 L 328.37098,162.486\" id=\"29135\" inkscape:label=\"Moniteau, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 322.87298,165.649 L 325.07698,165.699 L 325.08998,166.831 L 327.33398,168.913 L 326.72198,171.648 L 326.04098,172 L 324.04398,172.063 L 322.86798,171.274 L 322.86398,167.767 L 322.87298,165.649\" id=\"29141\" inkscape:label=\"Morgan, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 328.64198,168.904 L 329.56198,168.904 L 329.55298,169.995 L 331.14298,170.175 L 331.70198,169.986 L 331.71098,170.55 L 331.75998,172.248 L 331.92298,172.248 L 331.95898,174.132 L 329.73198,174.155 L 328.82698,174.173 L 328.24498,173.807 L 328.05598,173.622 L 327.77298,173.058 L 327.75798,172.684 L 327.66298,172.284 L 327.28398,171.747 L 326.72198,171.648 L 327.33398,168.913 L 328.64198,168.904\" id=\"29131\" inkscape:label=\"Miller, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 326.72198,171.648 L 327.28398,171.747 L 327.66298,172.284 L 327.75798,172.684 L 327.77298,173.058 L 328.05598,173.622 L 328.24498,173.807 L 328.82698,174.173 L 329.73198,174.155 L 329.78198,176.259 L 329.19198,176.696 L 328.49198,177.052 L 328.39898,177.075 L 328.23998,177.013 L 327.86198,176.575 L 327.70398,176.273 L 327.63198,175.979 L 327.65098,175.952 L 327.63698,175.907 L 325.25698,175.943 L 323.06198,175.925 L 323.06998,173.844 L 322.86798,171.274 L 324.04398,172.063 L 326.04098,172 L 326.72198,171.648\" id=\"29029\" inkscape:label=\"Camden, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 331.95898,174.132 L 333.61698,174.137 L 333.75698,179.441 L 331.52698,179.505 L 331.50798,178.936 L 329.80998,178.148 L 329.78198,176.259 L 329.73198,174.155 L 331.95898,174.132\" id=\"29169\" inkscape:label=\"Pulaski, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 325.25698,175.943 L 327.63698,175.907 L 327.65098,175.952 L 327.63198,175.979 L 327.70398,176.273 L 327.86198,176.575 L 328.23998,177.013 L 328.39898,177.075 L 328.49198,177.052 L 329.19198,176.696 L 329.78198,176.259 L 329.80998,178.148 L 331.50798,178.936 L 331.52698,179.505 L 331.56698,181.217 L 327.15098,181.266 L 325.45498,181.294 L 325.42398,178.211 L 325.28798,178.216 L 325.25698,175.943\" id=\"29105\" inkscape:label=\"Laclede, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 327.15098,181.266 L 331.56698,181.217 L 331.66998,184.048 L 331.73798,184.521 L 331.78698,186.585 L 327.34398,186.652 L 327.32498,184.101 L 327.19098,184.101 L 327.15098,181.266\" id=\"29229\" inkscape:label=\"Wright, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 333.44598,186.558 L 333.34798,189.974 L 326.65398,190.069 L 325.17098,190.077 L 325.12598,186.68 L 327.34398,186.652 L 331.78698,186.585 L 333.44598,186.558\" id=\"29067\" inkscape:label=\"Douglas, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 326.65398,190.069 L 333.34798,189.974 L 333.41898,193.81 L 333.11198,193.829 L 329.21398,193.99 L 326.71298,194.076 L 326.65398,190.069\" id=\"29153\" inkscape:label=\"Ozark, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 337.87198,186.463 L 337.94498,188.545 L 337.98498,189.857 L 337.96698,192.228 L 338.02898,193.603 L 333.41898,193.81 L 333.34798,189.974 L 333.44598,186.558 L 334.55098,186.522 L 335.82098,186.535 L 337.87198,186.463\" id=\"29091\" inkscape:label=\"Howell, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 333.75698,179.441 L 335.99198,179.391 L 336.54298,179.369 L 336.64298,181.637 L 337.74098,181.604 L 337.87198,186.463 L 335.82098,186.535 L 334.55098,186.522 L 333.44598,186.558 L 331.78698,186.585 L 331.73798,184.521 L 331.66998,184.048 L 331.56698,181.217 L 331.52698,179.505 L 333.75698,179.441\" id=\"29215\" inkscape:label=\"Texas, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 337.47198,172.108 L 338.43598,172.076 L 338.71398,176.796 L 335.91098,176.89 L 335.99198,179.391 L 333.75698,179.441 L 333.61698,174.137 L 334.43298,173.754 L 334.86098,173.555 L 336.07298,173.483 L 337.51198,173.442 L 337.47198,172.108\" id=\"29161\" inkscape:label=\"Phelps, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 337.24598,170.358 L 337.47198,172.108 L 337.51198,173.442 L 336.07298,173.483 L 334.86098,173.555 L 334.43298,173.754 L 333.61698,174.137 L 331.95898,174.132 L 331.92298,172.248 L 331.75998,172.248 L 331.71098,170.55 L 333.43298,170.526 L 334.84298,170.45 L 337.24598,170.358\" id=\"29125\" inkscape:label=\"Maries, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 336.97498,164.974 L 337.04298,164.965 L 337.24598,170.358 L 334.84298,170.45 L 333.43298,170.526 L 331.71098,170.55 L 331.70198,169.986 L 333.43698,166.852 L 333.83398,166.556 L 334.63198,165.799 L 334.70398,165.667 L 334.77698,165.586 L 334.86598,165.528 L 336.16398,164.974 L 336.48898,164.937 L 336.97498,164.974\" id=\"29151\" inkscape:label=\"Osage, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 332.16098,160.488 L 336.89398,160.349 L 336.97498,164.974 L 336.48898,164.937 L 336.16398,164.974 L 334.86598,165.528 L 334.77698,165.586 L 334.70398,165.667 L 334.63198,165.799 L 333.83398,166.556 L 333.43698,166.852 L 331.27798,166.001 L 331.20198,165.284 L 331.71098,164.392 L 331.76598,162.495 L 331.95898,160.615 L 332.01298,160.494 L 332.16098,160.488\" id=\"29027\" inkscape:label=\"Callaway, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 335.74098,152.61 L 335.89798,156.748 L 330.02898,156.883 L 329.98898,153.535 L 330.00798,153.535 L 331.12098,153.508 L 331.10298,152.741 L 334.43798,152.66 L 335.74098,152.61\" id=\"29137\" inkscape:label=\"Monroe, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 333.23498,148.924 L 334.33898,148.892 L 334.43798,152.66 L 331.10298,152.741 L 331.12098,153.508 L 330.00798,153.535 L 329.94498,149.022 L 333.23498,148.924\" id=\"29205\" inkscape:label=\"Shelby, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 329.18298,144.493 L 333.06898,144.363 L 333.08598,144.931 L 333.23498,148.924 L 329.94498,149.022 L 329.33998,147.941 L 329.18298,144.493\" id=\"29103\" inkscape:label=\"Knox, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 332.96398,140.401 L 333.06898,144.363 L 329.18298,144.493 L 329.13698,143.925 L 329.00698,140.671 L 330.66498,140.563 L 332.96398,140.401\" id=\"29199\" inkscape:label=\"Scotland, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 335.17198,140.395 L 335.37498,140.522 L 336.14598,141.104 L 336.16898,141.189 L 336.13698,141.451 L 336.17298,141.541 L 337.15498,142.749 L 337.56198,143.078 L 338.20098,143.124 L 337.48098,144.841 L 333.08598,144.931 L 333.06898,144.363 L 332.96398,140.401 L 335.17198,140.395\" id=\"29045\" inkscape:label=\"Clark, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 337.48098,144.841 L 337.42098,145.472 L 338.11098,148.758 L 334.33898,148.892 L 333.23498,148.924 L 333.08598,144.931 L 337.48098,144.841\" id=\"29111\" inkscape:label=\"Lewis, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 338.11098,148.758 L 339.09398,151.141 L 339.67898,152.07 L 335.74098,152.61 L 334.43798,152.66 L 334.33898,148.892 L 338.11098,148.758\" id=\"29127\" inkscape:label=\"Marion, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 335.74098,152.61 L 339.67898,152.07 L 341.06898,153.128 L 340.81598,153.142 L 338.37598,155.183 L 338.67498,156.888 L 337.36698,156.892 L 335.89798,156.941 L 335.89798,156.748 L 335.74098,152.61\" id=\"29173\" inkscape:label=\"Ralls, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 330.02898,156.883 L 335.89798,156.748 L 335.89798,156.941 L 337.36698,156.892 L 338.67498,156.888 L 339.07598,159.159 L 336.89398,160.349 L 332.16098,160.488 L 332.12098,158.204 L 330.03798,158.2 L 330.02898,156.883\" id=\"29007\" inkscape:label=\"Audrain, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 340.55398,159.124 L 340.60798,161.034 L 340.69698,162.968 L 339.19698,163.021 L 339.25098,164.784 L 337.04298,164.965 L 336.97498,164.974 L 336.89398,160.349 L 339.07598,159.159 L 340.55398,159.124\" id=\"29139\" inkscape:label=\"Montgomery, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 341.06898,153.128 L 343.44398,155.594 L 345.86298,157.744 L 343.04198,157.892 L 341.26098,157.947 L 341.29698,159.097 L 340.55398,159.124 L 339.07598,159.159 L 338.67498,156.888 L 338.37598,155.183 L 340.81598,153.142 L 341.06898,153.128\" id=\"29163\" inkscape:label=\"Pike, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 345.86298,157.744 L 346.32698,159.326 L 346.31898,159.488 L 346.04798,159.907 L 346.03798,159.948 L 346.06298,160.038 L 346.06298,160.043 L 346.59898,161.48 L 343.73198,162.459 L 342.68198,162.49 L 341.93298,161.755 L 341.36498,161.016 L 340.60798,161.034 L 340.55398,159.124 L 341.29698,159.097 L 341.26098,157.947 L 343.04198,157.892 L 345.86298,157.744\" id=\"29113\" inkscape:label=\"Lincoln, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 340.60798,161.034 L 341.36498,161.016 L 341.93298,161.755 L 342.68198,162.49 L 343.73198,162.459 L 343.89798,166.659 L 341.20698,165.573 L 341.14398,165.451 L 340.30598,164.77 L 340.19398,164.758 L 339.75198,164.897 L 339.25098,164.784 L 339.19698,163.021 L 340.69698,162.968 L 340.60798,161.034\" id=\"29219\" inkscape:label=\"Warren, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 339.75198,164.897 L 339.87798,167.361 L 340.02198,169.67 L 340.08098,171.252 L 338.43598,172.076 L 337.47198,172.108 L 337.24598,170.358 L 337.04298,164.965 L 339.25098,164.784 L 339.75198,164.897\" id=\"29073\" inkscape:label=\"Gasconage, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 340.08098,171.252 L 342.81298,171.188 L 343.08198,177.215 L 342.56998,177.795 L 340.97798,177.841 L 340.94598,176.71 L 338.71398,176.796 L 338.43598,172.076 L 340.08098,171.252\" id=\"29055\" inkscape:label=\"Crawford, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 342.56998,177.795 L 342.62698,179.216 L 341.02698,179.234 L 341.06898,180.374 L 342.11298,180.365 L 342.16198,181.488 L 337.74098,181.604 L 336.64298,181.637 L 336.54298,179.369 L 335.99198,179.391 L 335.91098,176.89 L 338.71398,176.796 L 340.94598,176.71 L 340.97798,177.841 L 342.56998,177.795\" id=\"29065\" inkscape:label=\"Dent, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 337.74098,181.604 L 342.16198,181.488 L 342.53298,181.479 L 343.60998,184.543 L 344.35398,185.535 L 343.41998,185.702 L 342.32498,185.765 L 342.39698,188.392 L 337.94498,188.545 L 337.87198,186.463 L 337.74098,181.604\" id=\"29203\" inkscape:label=\"Shannon, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 337.94498,188.545 L 342.39698,188.392 L 343.53298,189.118 L 343.64198,193.355 L 340.75698,193.508 L 340.31598,193.521 L 338.02898,193.603 L 337.96698,192.228 L 337.98498,189.857 L 337.94498,188.545\" id=\"29149\" inkscape:label=\"Oregon, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 343.53298,189.118 L 344.27298,189.096 L 345.86698,189.136 L 348.17998,189.028 L 349.29798,193.04 L 347.15598,193.156 L 343.64198,193.355 L 343.53298,189.118\" id=\"29181\" inkscape:label=\"Ripley, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 344.35398,185.535 L 346.81498,185.995 L 347.93198,187.545 L 348.17998,189.028 L 345.86698,189.136 L 344.27298,189.096 L 343.53298,189.118 L 342.39698,188.392 L 342.32498,185.765 L 343.41998,185.702 L 344.35398,185.535\" id=\"29035\" inkscape:label=\"Carter, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 342.62698,179.216 L 344.59798,178.909 L 346.52998,178.815 L 346.62898,181.254 L 346.92198,183.128 L 347.10298,183.105 L 347.14798,183.674 L 347.16098,184.462 L 346.77398,185.111 L 346.81498,185.995 L 344.35398,185.535 L 343.60998,184.543 L 342.53298,181.479 L 342.16198,181.488 L 342.11298,180.365 L 341.06898,180.374 L 341.02698,179.234 L 342.62698,179.216\" id=\"29179\" inkscape:label=\"Reynolds, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 347.68398,177.034 L 348.86498,178.157 L 348.95998,182.393 L 347.10298,183.105 L 346.92198,183.128 L 346.62898,181.254 L 346.52998,178.815 L 344.59798,178.909 L 342.62698,179.216 L 342.56998,177.795 L 343.08198,177.215 L 347.68398,177.034\" id=\"29093\" inkscape:label=\"Iron, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 345.98498,171.017 L 347.48598,172.595 L 347.68398,177.034 L 343.08198,177.215 L 342.81298,171.188 L 345.98498,171.017\" id=\"29221\" inkscape:label=\"Washington, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 343.89798,166.659 L 346.15198,165.344 L 346.23698,167.587 L 345.98498,171.017 L 342.81298,171.188 L 340.08098,171.252 L 340.02198,169.67 L 339.87798,167.361 L 339.75198,164.897 L 340.19398,164.758 L 340.30598,164.77 L 341.14398,165.451 L 341.20698,165.573 L 343.89798,166.659\" id=\"29071\" inkscape:label=\"Franklin, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 351.42998,163.71 L 351.63598,164.748 L 350.97498,166.46 L 350.55998,166.245 L 350.43298,165.558 L 350.27598,164.545 L 350.52398,164.031 L 350.92998,163.725 L 351.42998,163.71\" id=\"29510\" inkscape:label=\"St. Louis, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 348.71198,160.922 L 350.48698,161.354 L 350.74398,161.432 L 350.99598,161.553 L 351.18598,161.665 L 352.16398,162.256 L 352.20498,162.328 L 352.21398,162.404 L 352.17798,162.702 L 352.15598,162.824 L 352.06098,162.635 L 351.89798,162.53 L 351.72698,162.544 L 351.48398,162.707 L 351.31298,162.643 L 350.69498,162.273 L 350.59598,162.17 L 349.87498,162.233 L 349.85798,162.387 L 349.77998,162.562 L 349.71698,162.662 L 349.60498,162.756 L 349.45598,162.769 L 349.09898,162.702 L 348.99198,162.702 L 348.91898,162.734 L 348.85198,162.809 L 348.61698,163.238 L 348.11198,164.329 L 348.12098,164.477 L 348.05498,164.603 L 347.89198,164.694 L 347.74198,164.708 L 346.88198,164.657 L 346.80998,164.681 L 346.67898,164.78 L 346.38598,165.239 L 346.15198,165.344 L 343.89798,166.659 L 343.73198,162.459 L 346.59898,161.48 L 348.71198,160.922\" id=\"29183\" inkscape:label=\"St. Charles, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 352.15598,162.824 L 351.42998,163.71 L 350.92998,163.725 L 350.52398,164.031 L 350.27598,164.545 L 350.43298,165.558 L 350.55998,166.245 L 350.97498,166.46 L 350.92998,166.619 L 350.23498,168.426 L 350.15798,168.133 L 349.52298,166.948 L 347.66598,167.051 L 346.34998,167.38 L 346.23698,167.587 L 346.15198,165.344 L 346.38598,165.239 L 346.67898,164.78 L 346.80998,164.681 L 346.88198,164.657 L 347.74198,164.708 L 347.89198,164.694 L 348.05498,164.603 L 348.12098,164.477 L 348.11198,164.329 L 348.61698,163.238 L 348.85198,162.809 L 348.91898,162.734 L 348.99198,162.702 L 349.09898,162.702 L 349.45598,162.769 L 349.60498,162.756 L 349.71698,162.662 L 349.77998,162.562 L 349.85798,162.387 L 349.87498,162.233 L 350.59598,162.17 L 350.69498,162.273 L 351.31298,162.643 L 351.48398,162.707 L 351.72698,162.544 L 351.89798,162.53 L 352.06098,162.635 L 352.15598,162.824\" id=\"29189\" inkscape:label=\"St. Louis Co., MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 346.23698,167.587 L 346.34998,167.38 L 347.66598,167.051 L 349.52298,166.948 L 350.15798,168.133 L 350.23498,168.426 L 350.20698,168.462 L 350.16198,168.552 L 350.01498,169.052 L 349.99598,169.106 L 349.98698,169.237 L 350.00598,169.778 L 350.14098,170.358 L 350.25798,170.647 L 350.44298,170.9 L 350.47498,170.945 L 350.50098,170.973 L 351.34898,171.798 L 349.76698,172.91 L 347.48598,172.595 L 345.98498,171.017 L 346.23698,167.587\" id=\"29099\" inkscape:label=\"Jefferson, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 347.48598,172.595 L 349.76698,172.91 L 350.74898,173.64 L 349.45598,175.057 L 350.27998,175.853 L 352.23298,177.615 L 352.67398,177.197 L 353.13698,177.54 L 352.79598,177.944 L 348.86498,178.157 L 347.68398,177.034 L 347.48598,172.595\" id=\"29187\" inkscape:label=\"St. Francois, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 351.86098,172.181 L 354.71498,174.786 L 353.13698,177.54 L 352.67398,177.197 L 352.23298,177.615 L 350.27998,175.853 L 349.45598,175.057 L 350.74898,173.64 L 349.76698,172.91 L 351.34898,171.798 L 351.86098,172.181\" id=\"29186\" inkscape:label=\"Sainte Genevieve, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 352.79598,177.944 L 352.83198,178.522 L 352.96198,179.243 L 353.06998,182.223 L 352.33598,182.23 L 348.95998,182.393 L 348.86498,178.157 L 352.79598,177.944\" id=\"29123\" inkscape:label=\"Madison, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 348.95998,182.393 L 352.33598,182.23 L 352.46098,185.197 L 353.61098,185.134 L 353.63798,185.716 L 352.22698,187.351 L 347.93198,187.545 L 346.81498,185.995 L 346.77398,185.111 L 347.16098,184.462 L 347.14798,183.674 L 347.10298,183.105 L 348.95998,182.393\" id=\"29223\" inkscape:label=\"Wayne, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 352.22698,187.351 L 352.72798,188.672 L 353.08298,189.456 L 353.15198,189.483 L 353.24598,189.551 L 353.57898,190.19 L 353.70598,190.65 L 353.67898,190.902 L 353.58798,191.06 L 352.95298,192.832 L 349.29798,193.04 L 348.17998,189.028 L 347.93198,187.545 L 352.22698,187.351\" id=\"29023\" inkscape:label=\"Butler, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 355.52998,190.962 L 355.70698,194.08 L 356.04898,199.133 L 352.64198,199.376 L 351.81898,199.43 L 353.41198,196.658 L 354.53898,195.667 L 354.61098,195.554 L 354.71998,195.257 L 354.65298,194.233 L 354.55298,194.099 L 353.63398,192.801 L 353.22798,192.814 L 352.95298,192.832 L 353.58798,191.06 L 355.52998,190.962\" id=\"29069\" inkscape:label=\"Dunklin, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 356.06398,184.453 L 357.09098,184.39 L 357.28798,185.585 L 357.49498,185.863 L 357.65798,186.125 L 357.87898,186.662 L 358.03698,187.103 L 358.07298,187.798 L 357.94298,187.807 L 358.18098,190.812 L 355.52998,190.962 L 353.58798,191.06 L 353.67898,190.902 L 353.70598,190.65 L 353.57898,190.19 L 353.24598,189.551 L 353.15198,189.483 L 353.08298,189.456 L 352.72798,188.672 L 352.22698,187.351 L 353.63798,185.716 L 354.58398,185.666 L 355.17998,185.444 L 355.11598,184.498 L 356.06398,184.453\" id=\"29207\" inkscape:label=\"Stoddard, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 355.72098,178.314 L 356.06398,184.453 L 355.11598,184.498 L 355.17998,185.444 L 354.58398,185.666 L 353.63798,185.716 L 353.61098,185.134 L 352.46098,185.197 L 352.33598,182.23 L 353.06998,182.223 L 352.96198,179.243 L 352.83198,178.522 L 355.72098,178.314\" id=\"29017\" inkscape:label=\"Bollinger, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 354.71498,174.786 L 357.43798,175.542 L 359.18598,178.436 L 359.18598,178.513 L 355.72098,178.314 L 352.83198,178.522 L 352.79598,177.944 L 353.13698,177.54 L 354.71498,174.786\" id=\"29157\" inkscape:label=\"Perry, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 355.72098,178.314 L 359.18598,178.513 L 359.19498,178.63 L 359.25898,178.888 L 359.26298,178.891 L 359.55098,179.428 L 359.73998,179.711 L 360.00698,179.973 L 360.13298,180.131 L 360.29498,180.496 L 360.29898,180.506 L 360.30398,180.527 L 360.36198,180.744 L 360.36698,180.758 L 360.36198,180.775 L 360.32198,181.172 L 360.28098,181.294 L 360.27298,181.307 L 360.26298,181.316 L 360.25398,181.329 L 360.13698,181.389 L 359.76798,181.488 L 359.78498,182.619 L 357.09098,184.39 L 356.06398,184.453 L 355.72098,178.314\" id=\"29031\" inkscape:label=\"Cape Girardeau, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 359.78498,182.619 L 360.04298,182.988 L 360.66898,184.16 L 361.02898,185.043 L 361.70998,185.598 L 359.82198,187.55 L 358.07298,187.798 L 358.03698,187.103 L 357.87898,186.662 L 357.65798,186.125 L 357.49498,185.863 L 357.28798,185.585 L 357.09098,184.39 L 359.78498,182.619\" id=\"29201\" inkscape:label=\"Scott, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 361.70998,185.598 L 363.67098,185.809 L 364.03598,186.279 L 363.64998,187.568 L 363.64398,187.572 L 363.35998,187.734 L 363.35498,187.739 L 363.35498,188.036 L 363.35998,188.041 L 363.94998,188.352 L 363.55398,190.14 L 362.00298,190.488 L 359.82198,187.55 L 361.70998,185.598\" id=\"29133\" inkscape:label=\"Mississippi, MO\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 372.31598,267.068 L 373.00998,270.534 L 372.17098,270.746 L 370.40398,271.204 L 368.23598,271.828 L 367.54198,271.35 L 367.28498,267.816 L 368.40698,267.739 L 368.45798,267.352 L 372.31598,267.068\" id=\"28047\" inkscape:label=\"Harrison, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 372.25598,266.319 L 377.47198,265.915 L 378.04398,270.606 L 378.03498,270.795 L 377.24098,271.305 L 377.15198,271.337 L 374.36598,271.238 L 374.15798,271.192 L 373.40598,270.768 L 373.00998,270.534 L 372.31598,267.068 L 372.25598,266.319\" id=\"28059\" inkscape:label=\"Jackson, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 358.13198,226.314 L 359.79898,226.221 L 359.82598,226.603 L 362.61098,226.419 L 362.78198,228.871 L 359.79898,229.082 L 356.15698,229.312 L 356.03598,228.74 L 355.96798,227.604 L 357.11798,227.522 L 358.19498,227.275 L 358.16798,226.901 L 358.13198,226.314\" id=\"28043\" inkscape:label=\"Grenada, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 362.32298,222.61 L 362.61098,226.419 L 359.82598,226.603 L 359.79898,226.221 L 358.13198,226.314 L 357.85798,222.876 L 360.06098,222.367 L 362.32298,222.61\" id=\"28161\" inkscape:label=\"Yalobusha, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 371.02998,226.54 L 371.16498,228.225 L 373.50098,228.05 L 373.56498,228.127 L 373.38798,228.447 L 371.85598,230.439 L 371.79198,229.678 L 368.45798,229.943 L 368.09298,229.993 L 367.75898,227.717 L 371.02998,226.54\" id=\"28025\" inkscape:label=\"Clay, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 366.08298,227.848 L 367.75898,227.717 L 368.09298,229.993 L 367.37998,230.422 L 364.31998,231.588 L 362.98198,231.688 L 362.74198,228.298 L 366.08298,227.848\" id=\"28155\" inkscape:label=\"Webster, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 369.66398,223.215 L 370.78198,223.133 L 371.02998,226.54 L 367.75898,227.717 L 366.08298,227.848 L 366.03198,226.901 L 366.58698,226.855 L 366.32998,223.471 L 369.66398,223.215\" id=\"28017\" inkscape:label=\"Chickasaw, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 362.32298,222.61 L 365.12198,222.426 L 366.32998,223.471 L 366.58698,226.855 L 366.03198,226.901 L 366.08298,227.848 L 362.74198,228.298 L 362.61098,226.419 L 362.32298,222.61\" id=\"28013\" inkscape:label=\"Calhoun, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 369.37698,219.465 L 369.66398,223.215 L 366.32998,223.471 L 365.12198,222.426 L 364.91398,219.599 L 369.37698,219.465\" id=\"28115\" inkscape:label=\"Pontotoc, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 370.16498,217.53 L 372.25598,217.936 L 372.62698,222.799 L 370.78198,223.133 L 369.66398,223.215 L 369.37698,219.465 L 370.16498,217.53\" id=\"28081\" inkscape:label=\"Lee, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 366.37498,216.652 L 370.08898,216.394 L 370.16498,217.53 L 369.37698,219.465 L 364.91398,219.599 L 364.80598,218.099 L 364.73498,216.967 L 366.37498,216.652\" id=\"28145\" inkscape:label=\"Union, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 359.74898,217.683 L 360.30398,217.648 L 361.39598,217.557 L 362.32698,217.513 L 363.69798,217.829 L 364.80598,218.099 L 364.91398,219.599 L 365.12198,222.426 L 362.32298,222.61 L 360.06098,222.367 L 359.74898,217.683\" id=\"28071\" inkscape:label=\"Lafayette, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 354.56298,215.804 L 355.58998,215.634 L 357.55898,214.989 L 359.53798,214.862 L 359.62298,215.984 L 360.19098,216.075 L 360.30398,217.648 L 359.74898,217.683 L 354.71998,218.004 L 354.56298,215.804\" id=\"28137\" inkscape:label=\"Tate, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 354.71998,218.004 L 359.74898,217.683 L 360.06098,222.367 L 357.85798,222.876 L 355.69798,223.065 L 355.62098,221.695 L 354.94898,220.961 L 354.75098,218.567 L 354.71998,218.004\" id=\"28107\" inkscape:label=\"Panola, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 354.75098,218.567 L 354.94898,220.961 L 355.62098,221.695 L 355.69798,223.065 L 355.76598,224.192 L 355.19298,224.228 L 352.42098,224.394 L 352.28098,221.943 L 352.83198,221.921 L 352.69998,219.82 L 353.73398,219.748 L 353.63798,218.648 L 354.75098,218.567\" id=\"28119\" inkscape:label=\"Quitman, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 355.69798,223.065 L 357.85798,222.876 L 358.13198,226.314 L 358.16798,226.901 L 358.19498,227.275 L 357.11798,227.522 L 355.96798,227.604 L 356.03598,228.74 L 355.61598,227.902 L 355.47698,227.636 L 352.61098,227.779 L 352.48798,225.521 L 352.42098,224.394 L 355.19298,224.228 L 355.76598,224.192 L 355.69798,223.065\" id=\"28135\" inkscape:label=\"Tallahatchie, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 352.61098,227.779 L 355.47698,227.636 L 355.61598,227.902 L 356.03598,228.74 L 356.15698,229.312 L 356.43798,229.488 L 356.46398,229.623 L 356.62098,232.111 L 356.26598,232.683 L 355.87498,232.702 L 355.94198,233.783 L 354.28198,234.279 L 352.96198,234.013 L 352.61098,227.779\" id=\"28083\" inkscape:label=\"Leflore, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 352.48798,225.521 L 352.61098,227.779 L 352.96198,234.013 L 351.86098,234.081 L 351.91198,234.838 L 350.18598,234.941 L 349.49498,231.615 L 349.43298,230.493 L 350.55098,230.431 L 350.29798,225.626 L 352.48798,225.521\" id=\"28133\" inkscape:label=\"Sunflower, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 352.96198,234.013 L 354.28198,234.279 L 354.42698,236.447 L 354.07998,237.087 L 354.01698,237.132 L 353.89498,237.109 L 353.60698,236.93 L 353.47198,236.749 L 353.42598,236.762 L 353.39998,236.804 L 353.36198,237.019 L 353.41198,237.447 L 353.43598,237.515 L 353.95798,237.948 L 354.16098,238.077 L 353.24598,238.15 L 353.30498,239.26 L 351.07798,239.399 L 350.46598,237.182 L 350.18598,234.941 L 351.91198,234.838 L 351.86098,234.081 L 352.96198,234.013\" id=\"28053\" inkscape:label=\"Humphreys, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 354.28198,234.279 L 355.94198,233.783 L 360.59198,235.031 L 358.54598,239.508 L 354.16098,238.077 L 353.95798,237.948 L 353.43598,237.515 L 353.41198,237.447 L 353.36198,237.019 L 353.39998,236.804 L 353.42598,236.762 L 353.47198,236.749 L 353.60698,236.93 L 353.89498,237.109 L 354.01698,237.132 L 354.07998,237.087 L 354.42698,236.447 L 354.28198,234.279\" id=\"28051\" inkscape:label=\"Holmes, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 356.15698,229.312 L 359.79898,229.082 L 360.03798,232.449 L 360.79598,232.584 L 361.53398,232.526 L 361.64698,234.04 L 360.59198,235.031 L 355.94198,233.783 L 355.87498,232.702 L 356.26598,232.683 L 356.62098,232.111 L 356.46398,229.623 L 356.43798,229.488 L 356.15698,229.312\" id=\"28015\" inkscape:label=\"Carroll, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 362.78198,228.871 L 362.98198,231.688 L 364.31998,231.588 L 363.69798,233.895 L 361.64698,234.04 L 361.53398,232.526 L 360.79598,232.584 L 360.03798,232.449 L 359.79898,229.082 L 362.78198,228.871\" id=\"28097\" inkscape:label=\"Montgomery, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 367.37998,230.422 L 367.61098,233.616 L 367.38898,233.635 L 366.35398,234.855 L 366.42998,235.992 L 365.31598,236.077 L 363.69798,233.895 L 364.31998,231.588 L 367.37998,230.422\" id=\"28019\" inkscape:label=\"Choctaw, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 368.09298,229.993 L 368.45798,229.943 L 371.79198,229.678 L 371.85598,230.439 L 372.10098,233.265 L 370.55698,233.39 L 367.61098,233.616 L 367.37998,230.422 L 368.09298,229.993\" id=\"28105\" inkscape:label=\"Oktibbeha, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 373.38798,228.447 L 376.11398,226.995 L 376.05698,229.74 L 375.99798,232.939 L 372.10098,233.265 L 371.85598,230.439 L 373.38798,228.447\" id=\"28087\" inkscape:label=\"Lowndes, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 376.22798,222.543 L 376.21798,222.912 L 376.11398,226.995 L 373.38798,228.447 L 373.56498,228.127 L 373.50098,228.05 L 371.16498,228.225 L 371.02998,226.54 L 370.78198,223.133 L 372.62698,222.799 L 376.22798,222.543\" id=\"28095\" inkscape:label=\"Monroe, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 376.33598,217.635 L 376.22798,222.543 L 372.62698,222.799 L 372.25598,217.936 L 374.50598,217.778 L 376.33598,217.635\" id=\"28057\" inkscape:label=\"Itawamba, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 373.81198,214.033 L 374.50598,217.778 L 372.25598,217.936 L 370.16498,217.53 L 370.08898,216.394 L 370.11098,214.308 L 373.81198,214.033\" id=\"28117\" inkscape:label=\"Prentiss, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 373.58598,210.929 L 375.29798,210.788 L 376.47998,212.036 L 376.37198,216.089 L 376.33598,217.635 L 374.50598,217.778 L 373.81198,214.033 L 373.58598,210.929\" id=\"28141\" inkscape:label=\"Tishomingo, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 373.40998,210.941 L 373.58598,210.929 L 373.81198,214.033 L 370.11098,214.308 L 368.77798,211.311 L 369.16098,211.279 L 373.40998,210.941\" id=\"28003\" inkscape:label=\"Alcorn, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 366.74398,211.469 L 368.77798,211.311 L 370.11098,214.308 L 370.08898,216.394 L 366.37498,216.652 L 366.17198,213.844 L 366.72598,213.804 L 366.87098,213.226 L 366.74398,211.469\" id=\"28139\" inkscape:label=\"Tippah, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 364.85198,211.608 L 366.74398,211.469 L 366.87098,213.226 L 366.72598,213.804 L 366.17198,213.844 L 366.37498,216.652 L 364.73498,216.967 L 364.17998,217.008 L 363.92798,213.623 L 363.50898,213.006 L 363.23398,211.722 L 364.85198,211.608\" id=\"28009\" inkscape:label=\"Benton, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 360.17798,211.92 L 363.23398,211.722 L 363.50898,213.006 L 363.92798,213.623 L 364.17998,217.008 L 364.73498,216.967 L 364.80598,218.099 L 363.69798,217.829 L 362.32698,217.513 L 361.39598,217.557 L 360.30398,217.648 L 360.19098,216.075 L 359.62298,215.984 L 359.53798,214.862 L 359.33998,211.982 L 360.17798,211.92\" id=\"28093\" inkscape:label=\"Marshall, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 359.33998,211.982 L 359.53798,214.862 L 357.55898,214.989 L 355.58998,215.634 L 354.56298,215.804 L 353.47498,214.097 L 353.20998,212.357 L 359.33998,211.982\" id=\"28033\" inkscape:label=\"DeSoto, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 353.47498,214.097 L 354.56298,215.804 L 354.71998,218.004 L 354.75098,218.567 L 353.63798,218.648 L 353.73398,219.748 L 352.69998,219.82 L 350.82098,218.612 L 350.67698,217.111 L 352.29898,214.528 L 353.47498,214.097\" id=\"28143\" inkscape:label=\"Tunica, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 350.82098,218.612 L 352.69998,219.82 L 352.83198,221.921 L 352.28098,221.943 L 352.42098,224.394 L 352.48798,225.521 L 350.29798,225.626 L 350.17698,223.926 L 348.48198,223.993 L 347.28698,224.065 L 347.25098,223.939 L 347.40398,223.62 L 347.88298,222.633 L 348.89298,220.821 L 349.44598,220.713 L 350.00098,220.599 L 350.45998,220.379 L 350.82498,220.059 L 350.84798,220.041 L 350.85798,220.018 L 350.93398,219.77 L 350.82098,218.612\" id=\"28027\" inkscape:label=\"Coahoma, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 347.28698,224.065 L 348.48198,223.993 L 350.17698,223.926 L 350.29798,225.626 L 350.55098,230.431 L 349.43298,230.493 L 349.49498,231.615 L 344.66398,231.872 L 344.51598,231.463 L 345.30398,231.146 L 345.49298,230.984 L 345.52098,230.845 L 345.52098,230.832 L 345.21898,230.588 L 344.89998,230.349 L 344.83598,230.235 L 344.82198,230.209 L 344.88098,229.916 L 345.73698,226.229 L 347.81998,225.18 L 347.88298,224.747 L 347.76998,224.467 L 347.29198,224.084 L 347.28698,224.065\" id=\"28011\" inkscape:label=\"Bolivar, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 344.66398,231.872 L 349.49498,231.615 L 350.18598,234.941 L 350.46598,237.182 L 348.24198,238.449 L 345.62498,238.538 L 345.93998,238.182 L 345.94898,238.173 L 346.28698,236.77 L 346.28698,236.759 L 346.25598,235.779 L 345.97598,235.482 L 345.61098,234.82 L 345.06998,233.273 L 345.62498,233.111 L 345.75498,232.854 L 345.66998,232.553 L 345.22398,232.252 L 344.67798,231.88 L 344.66398,231.872\" id=\"28151\" inkscape:label=\"Washington, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 350.46598,237.182 L 351.07798,239.399 L 350.02798,240.584 L 350.04598,240.864 L 350.24898,240.914 L 350.54198,241.147 L 350.83398,241.44 L 351.17198,242.459 L 351.15898,242.626 L 351.05498,242.734 L 350.55098,242.802 L 347.93698,242.937 L 347.82898,240.669 L 347.89198,240.48 L 347.94598,240.472 L 348.02198,240.414 L 348.07198,240.331 L 348.25598,239.327 L 348.24198,238.449 L 350.46598,237.182\" id=\"28125\" inkscape:label=\"Sharkey, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 348.24198,238.449 L 348.25598,239.327 L 348.07198,240.331 L 348.02198,240.414 L 347.94598,240.472 L 347.89198,240.48 L 347.82898,240.669 L 347.93698,242.937 L 350.55098,242.802 L 350.61298,243.36 L 350.12798,243.96 L 349.20698,245.726 L 348.11698,246.065 L 348.00398,244.064 L 346.57098,244.122 L 346.22798,244.015 L 346.20098,243.992 L 346.09798,243.902 L 346.07498,243.884 L 346.06298,243.86 L 346.02898,243.82 L 346.01698,243.798 L 345.95298,243.644 L 345.08798,239.724 L 345.06998,239.62 L 345.18298,239.21 L 345.53798,238.637 L 345.62498,238.538 L 348.24198,238.449\" id=\"28055\" inkscape:label=\"Issaquena, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 354.16098,238.077 L 358.54598,239.508 L 357.86098,241.265 L 357.75298,241.436 L 357.13598,241.878 L 353.96698,243.677 L 353.56598,243.771 L 352.49398,244.695 L 350.61298,243.36 L 350.55098,242.802 L 351.05498,242.734 L 351.15898,242.626 L 351.17198,242.459 L 350.83398,241.44 L 350.54198,241.147 L 350.24898,240.914 L 350.04598,240.864 L 350.02798,240.584 L 351.07798,239.399 L 353.30498,239.26 L 353.24598,238.15 L 354.16098,238.077\" id=\"28163\" inkscape:label=\"Yazoo, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 363.69798,233.895 L 365.31598,236.077 L 365.45998,238.367 L 362.87798,238.561 L 361.04298,238.691 L 361.08298,239.277 L 358.54598,239.508 L 360.59198,235.031 L 361.64698,234.04 L 363.69798,233.895\" id=\"28007\" inkscape:label=\"Attala, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 367.61098,233.616 L 370.55698,233.39 L 370.91398,238.043 L 369.81898,238.119 L 365.45998,238.367 L 365.31598,236.077 L 366.42998,235.992 L 366.35398,234.855 L 367.38898,233.635 L 367.61098,233.616\" id=\"28159\" inkscape:label=\"Winston, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 372.10098,233.265 L 375.99798,232.939 L 375.92198,236.807 L 375.90698,237.614 L 370.91398,238.043 L 370.55698,233.39 L 372.10098,233.265\" id=\"28103\" inkscape:label=\"Noxubee, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 370.91398,238.043 L 375.90698,237.614 L 375.83098,242.175 L 370.15598,242.63 L 369.81898,238.119 L 370.91398,238.043\" id=\"28069\" inkscape:label=\"Kemper, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 365.45998,238.367 L 369.81898,238.119 L 370.15598,242.63 L 365.80298,242.95 L 365.45998,238.367\" id=\"28099\" inkscape:label=\"Neshoba, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 365.45998,238.367 L 365.80298,242.95 L 365.74798,242.956 L 361.34498,243.248 L 361.29098,242.509 L 361.08298,239.277 L 361.04298,238.691 L 362.87798,238.561 L 365.45998,238.367\" id=\"28079\" inkscape:label=\"Leake, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 358.54598,239.508 L 361.08298,239.277 L 361.29098,242.509 L 360.74998,243.163 L 360.51098,243.172 L 359.94798,243.239 L 358.43298,244.632 L 357.84298,245.289 L 357.80298,245.385 L 357.79798,245.551 L 357.86098,245.772 L 356.48598,245.849 L 355.92798,245.795 L 355.86498,244.759 L 355.46698,244.78 L 353.63398,244.884 L 353.56598,243.771 L 353.96698,243.677 L 357.13598,241.878 L 357.75298,241.436 L 357.86098,241.265 L 358.54598,239.508\" id=\"28089\" inkscape:label=\"Madison, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 360.74998,243.163 L 361.64298,247.832 L 361.79598,250.085 L 356.35098,250.397 L 356.07198,249.599 L 356.46398,247.773 L 357.12198,246.822 L 357.86098,245.772 L 357.79798,245.551 L 357.80298,245.385 L 357.84298,245.289 L 358.43298,244.632 L 359.94798,243.239 L 360.51098,243.172 L 360.74998,243.163\" id=\"28121\" inkscape:label=\"Rankin, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 352.49398,244.695 L 353.56598,243.771 L 353.63398,244.884 L 355.46698,244.78 L 355.86498,244.759 L 355.92798,245.795 L 356.48598,245.849 L 357.86098,245.772 L 357.12198,246.822 L 356.46398,247.773 L 356.07198,249.599 L 356.35098,250.397 L 351.04198,250.725 L 350.80498,248.45 L 352.49398,244.695\" id=\"28049\" inkscape:label=\"Hinds, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 346.57098,244.122 L 348.00398,244.064 L 348.11698,246.065 L 349.20698,245.726 L 350.12798,243.96 L 350.61298,243.36 L 352.49398,244.695 L 350.80498,248.45 L 350.54198,248.765 L 350.00598,249.4 L 348.87398,250.4 L 348.57598,250.36 L 347.62998,250.066 L 346.52998,248.781 L 347.78698,248.625 L 347.71098,246.764 L 346.50798,245.484 L 346.49898,245.461 L 346.45298,245.389 L 346.42198,245.344 L 346.42198,245.33 L 346.40298,245.123 L 346.64798,244.298 L 346.57098,244.122\" id=\"28149\" inkscape:label=\"Warren, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 345.38998,253.335 L 347.95398,253.304 L 349.84798,253.66 L 349.87498,253.812 L 349.87898,253.957 L 349.96498,254.182 L 351.03298,254.119 L 351.09098,255.25 L 351.14598,256.377 L 346.58998,256.635 L 344.14198,254.985 L 345.38998,253.335\" id=\"28063\" inkscape:label=\"Jefferson, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 350.80498,248.45 L 351.04198,250.725 L 351.03298,254.119 L 349.96498,254.182 L 349.87898,253.957 L 349.87498,253.812 L 349.84798,253.66 L 347.95398,253.304 L 345.38998,253.335 L 347.62998,250.066 L 348.57598,250.36 L 348.87398,250.4 L 350.00598,249.4 L 350.54198,248.765 L 350.80498,248.45\" id=\"28021\" inkscape:label=\"Claiborne, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 356.35098,250.397 L 357.76198,254.156 L 356.44998,254.692 L 351.09098,255.25 L 351.03298,254.119 L 351.04198,250.725 L 356.35098,250.397\" id=\"28029\" inkscape:label=\"Copiah, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 361.79598,250.085 L 362.86398,253.466 L 361.75498,253.619 L 359.37098,253.939 L 357.76198,254.156 L 356.35098,250.397 L 361.79598,250.085\" id=\"28127\" inkscape:label=\"Simpson, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 361.64298,247.832 L 366.06898,247.513 L 366.51498,252.938 L 365.59498,253.069 L 362.86398,253.466 L 361.79598,250.085 L 361.64298,247.832\" id=\"28129\" inkscape:label=\"Smith, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 361.29098,242.509 L 361.34498,243.248 L 365.74798,242.956 L 366.06898,247.513 L 361.64298,247.832 L 360.74998,243.163 L 361.29098,242.509\" id=\"28123\" inkscape:label=\"Scott, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 365.80298,242.95 L 370.15598,242.63 L 370.50298,247.179 L 366.06898,247.513 L 365.74798,242.956 L 365.80298,242.95\" id=\"28101\" inkscape:label=\"Newton, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 370.15598,242.63 L 375.83098,242.175 L 375.75398,245.678 L 375.72798,246.732 L 370.50298,247.179 L 370.15598,242.63\" id=\"28075\" inkscape:label=\"Lauderdale, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 375.72798,246.732 L 375.65498,251.055 L 370.92298,252.299 L 370.50298,247.179 L 375.72798,246.732\" id=\"28023\" inkscape:label=\"Clarke, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 370.50298,247.179 L 370.92298,252.299 L 370.56598,252.352 L 366.51498,252.938 L 366.06898,247.513 L 370.50298,247.179\" id=\"28061\" inkscape:label=\"Jasper, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 370.56598,252.352 L 370.93698,257.39 L 368.71998,257.545 L 365.94598,257.743 L 365.59498,253.069 L 366.51498,252.938 L 370.56598,252.352\" id=\"28067\" inkscape:label=\"Jones, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 365.59498,253.069 L 365.94598,257.743 L 365.36898,257.783 L 363.88698,257.888 L 363.81998,256.86 L 363.62098,256.544 L 363.22898,256.314 L 362.83298,256.264 L 362.53898,256.12 L 361.88998,255.746 L 361.75498,253.619 L 362.86398,253.466 L 365.59498,253.069\" id=\"28031\" inkscape:label=\"Covington, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 359.37098,253.939 L 361.75498,253.619 L 361.88998,255.746 L 362.53898,256.12 L 362.83298,256.264 L 363.22898,256.314 L 363.62098,256.544 L 363.81998,256.86 L 363.88698,257.888 L 363.14798,257.936 L 361.28298,258.055 L 361.33198,258.622 L 359.84398,258.712 L 359.73598,257.014 L 359.47498,255.665 L 359.37098,253.939\" id=\"28065\" inkscape:label=\"Jefferson Davis, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 357.76198,254.156 L 359.37098,253.939 L 359.47498,255.665 L 359.73598,257.014 L 359.84398,258.712 L 358.99598,259.47 L 356.75198,259.425 L 356.44998,254.692 L 357.76198,254.156\" id=\"28077\" inkscape:label=\"Lawrence, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 356.44998,254.692 L 356.75198,259.425 L 356.56798,259.437 L 353.41198,259.632 L 352.47498,259.69 L 352.28598,256.309 L 351.14598,256.377 L 351.09098,255.25 L 356.44998,254.692\" id=\"28085\" inkscape:label=\"Lincoln, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 346.58998,256.635 L 351.14598,256.377 L 352.28598,256.309 L 352.47498,259.69 L 348.63498,259.907 L 347.42398,260.326 L 346.71498,260.032 L 346.58998,256.635\" id=\"28037\" inkscape:label=\"Franklin, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 344.14198,254.985 L 346.58998,256.635 L 346.71498,260.032 L 346.66098,259.982 L 345.88598,259.722 L 345.43598,259.803 L 345.07898,259.929 L 343.60098,260.538 L 342.19498,261.845 L 342.09098,262.074 L 341.92898,262.746 L 342.19498,261.357 L 342.60498,257.996 L 342.60898,257.987 L 342.64998,257.9 L 342.67698,257.847 L 343.85298,255.485 L 343.86098,255.475 L 344.03398,255.179 L 344.14198,254.985\" id=\"28001\" inkscape:label=\"Adams, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 346.71498,260.032 L 347.42398,260.326 L 348.02198,264.459 L 346.74098,264.522 L 341.66198,264.761 L 341.92898,262.746 L 342.09098,262.074 L 342.19498,261.845 L 343.60098,260.538 L 345.07898,259.929 L 345.43598,259.803 L 345.88598,259.722 L 346.66098,259.982 L 346.71498,260.032\" id=\"28157\" inkscape:label=\"Wilkinson, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 353.41198,259.632 L 353.67398,264.14 L 353.46298,264.147 L 350.60498,264.314 L 348.02198,264.459 L 347.42398,260.326 L 348.63498,259.907 L 352.47498,259.69 L 353.41198,259.632\" id=\"28005\" inkscape:label=\"Amite, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 353.41198,259.632 L 356.56798,259.437 L 356.85198,263.94 L 355.88298,263.999 L 353.67398,264.14 L 353.41198,259.632\" id=\"28113\" inkscape:label=\"Pike, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 356.75198,259.425 L 358.99598,259.47 L 359.07798,260.785 L 359.26798,261.529 L 359.69598,262.057 L 360.50198,262.566 L 361.30898,262.696 L 361.52098,263.63 L 356.85198,263.94 L 356.56798,259.437 L 356.75198,259.425\" id=\"28147\" inkscape:label=\"Walthall, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 363.14798,257.936 L 363.52198,263.489 L 362.70598,263.549 L 361.52098,263.63 L 361.30898,262.696 L 360.50198,262.566 L 359.69598,262.057 L 359.26798,261.529 L 359.07798,260.785 L 358.99598,259.47 L 359.84398,258.712 L 361.33198,258.622 L 361.28298,258.055 L 363.14798,257.936\" id=\"28091\" inkscape:label=\"Marion, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 365.36898,257.783 L 365.45598,258.91 L 366.58698,258.829 L 366.87598,263.156 L 363.52198,263.489 L 363.14798,257.936 L 363.88698,257.888 L 365.36898,257.783\" id=\"28073\" inkscape:label=\"Lamar, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 368.71998,257.545 L 369.01198,261.52 L 369.20498,263.12 L 369.29598,264.287 L 367.05598,264.443 L 366.87598,263.156 L 366.58698,258.829 L 365.45598,258.91 L 365.36898,257.783 L 365.94598,257.743 L 368.71998,257.545\" id=\"28035\" inkscape:label=\"Forrest, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 375.65498,251.055 L 375.91598,253.583 L 376.34498,256.945 L 372.05498,257.306 L 370.93698,257.39 L 370.56598,252.352 L 370.92298,252.299 L 375.65498,251.055\" id=\"28153\" inkscape:label=\"Wayne, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 372.05498,257.306 L 376.34498,256.945 L 376.86698,261.063 L 377.05798,262.552 L 372.55898,262.904 L 372.05498,257.306\" id=\"28041\" inkscape:label=\"Greene, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 370.93698,257.39 L 372.05498,257.306 L 372.55898,262.904 L 372.08098,264.066 L 369.29598,264.287 L 369.20498,263.12 L 369.01198,261.52 L 368.71998,257.545 L 370.93698,257.39\" id=\"28111\" inkscape:label=\"Perry, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 372.08098,264.066 L 372.25598,266.319 L 372.31598,267.068 L 368.45798,267.352 L 368.40698,267.739 L 367.28498,267.816 L 367.05598,264.443 L 369.29598,264.287 L 372.08098,264.066\" id=\"28131\" inkscape:label=\"Stone, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 366.87598,263.156 L 367.05598,264.443 L 367.28498,267.816 L 365.75298,267.92 L 365.07198,268.348 L 365.15698,269.66 L 364.06698,270.475 L 363.57998,270.507 L 361.72798,267.956 L 361.85098,267.035 L 361.98498,266.355 L 362.15198,265.531 L 362.29698,264.928 L 362.32298,264.9 L 362.41298,264.887 L 362.48198,264.878 L 362.59298,264.63 L 362.72898,263.949 L 362.70598,263.549 L 363.52198,263.489 L 366.87598,263.156\" id=\"28109\" inkscape:label=\"Pearl River, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 363.57998,270.507 L 364.06698,270.475 L 365.15698,269.66 L 365.07198,268.348 L 365.75298,267.92 L 367.28498,267.816 L 367.54198,271.35 L 365.67198,273.96 L 365.15698,273.991 L 365.13598,273.996 L 365.10898,273.977 L 365.06898,273.95 L 365.04098,273.932 L 364.95898,273.837 L 364.71698,273.554 L 364.60898,273.346 L 364.25598,272.676 L 364.24698,272.607 L 364.27498,272.499 L 364.37798,272.238 L 364.36098,271.999 L 363.67098,270.597 L 363.59898,270.524 L 363.57998,270.507\" id=\"28045\" inkscape:label=\"Hancock, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 372.55898,262.904 L 377.05798,262.552 L 377.47198,265.915 L 372.25598,266.319 L 372.08098,264.066 L 372.55898,262.904\" id=\"28039\" inkscape:label=\"George, MS\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 224.41098,30.054 L 224.02298,34.705 L 223.76598,37.815 L 218.74498,37.378 L 218.84898,36.269 L 217.82998,35.061 L 215.97298,34.886 L 216.07698,33.786 L 215.51398,33.727 L 215.66698,30.405 L 215.77598,29.283 L 224.41098,30.054\" id=\"30091\" inkscape:label=\"Sheridan, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 215.97298,34.886 L 217.82998,35.061 L 218.84898,36.269 L 218.74498,37.378 L 223.76598,37.815 L 223.36498,42.827 L 221.71098,42.254 L 220.00698,41.263 L 216.35698,40.344 L 215.84698,40.551 L 215.61698,40.857 L 215.33798,41.069 L 215.15298,41.163 L 214.09398,41.159 L 213.44898,41.033 L 212.95798,40.677 L 212.21898,40.533 L 211.57398,40.506 L 209.99698,40.483 L 209.56898,40.497 L 209.09998,40.754 L 207.74798,41.168 L 208.02798,38.514 L 208.36498,38.55 L 208.81598,34.178 L 215.97298,34.886\" id=\"30085\" inkscape:label=\"Roosevelt, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 158.92298,58.245 L 161.38798,58.642 L 161.22998,59.273 L 160.92798,61.076 L 160.86098,61.743 L 160.71598,62.672 L 160.52798,63.803 L 160.08998,66.286 L 159.44498,66.71 L 158.84598,66.94 L 158.69298,68.044 L 158.51298,69.157 L 157.43098,68.986 L 156.99798,71.199 L 156.83998,72.163 L 156.66498,73.434 L 155.88098,77.694 L 155.54698,80.155 L 154.81298,79.474 L 154.70898,79.167 L 154.30798,78.009 L 153.56798,76.558 L 153.13498,76.13 L 153.47398,74.093 L 154.42498,68.508 L 154.68598,68.148 L 155.22198,64.835 L 153.56798,64.56 L 152.95598,63.708 L 152.60398,63.081 L 152.18498,62.631 L 151.85598,62.388 L 151.50398,62.18 L 152.87398,61.946 L 154.79898,60.724 L 155.32598,60.242 L 155.44698,59.39 L 155.76298,58.872 L 156.36298,58.106 L 156.75898,57.962 L 158.05698,58.101 L 158.92298,58.245\" id=\"30031\" inkscape:label=\"Gallatin, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 147.97498,62.23 L 148.02498,62.248 L 148.20098,62.239 L 148.49298,62.022 L 148.75498,61.536 L 148.80398,61.288 L 148.90798,61.193 L 149.12898,61.117 L 149.70998,61.08 L 150.48098,61.274 L 151.47698,61.973 L 151.51798,62.04 L 151.50398,62.18 L 151.85598,62.388 L 152.18498,62.631 L 152.60398,63.081 L 152.95598,63.708 L 153.56798,64.56 L 155.22198,64.835 L 154.68598,68.148 L 154.42498,68.508 L 153.47398,74.093 L 153.13498,76.13 L 152.10798,76.517 L 149.38998,76.071 L 149.54398,75.152 L 148.45298,74.972 L 146.98398,74.683 L 146.16298,73.98 L 146.14098,72.849 L 146.32998,71.735 L 145.04098,71.51 L 144.13098,70.198 L 144.70798,66.877 L 144.74298,66.304 L 144.48598,65.619 L 144.21198,65.538 L 143.96798,65.592 L 143.81998,65.673 L 143.65298,65.651 L 143.38698,65.457 L 142.93598,64.875 L 142.91398,64.808 L 142.91798,64.155 L 143.27798,63.018 L 144.14898,62.685 L 144.58098,62.496 L 144.80198,62.334 L 144.90998,62.23 L 145.54598,61.883 L 147.97498,62.23\" id=\"30057\" inkscape:label=\"Madison, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 153.29798,52.423 L 154.63198,52.473 L 154.96498,50.498 L 155.31298,50.075 L 155.36198,50.047 L 155.51098,50.02 L 156.25498,50.394 L 158.45898,54.865 L 158.86398,57.489 L 158.92298,58.245 L 158.05698,58.101 L 156.75898,57.962 L 156.36298,58.106 L 155.76298,58.872 L 155.44698,59.39 L 155.32598,60.242 L 154.79898,60.724 L 152.87398,61.946 L 153.32498,59.201 L 152.22498,59.012 L 153.29798,52.423\" id=\"30007\" inkscape:label=\"Broadwater, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 148.37598,53.513 L 148.71498,53.644 L 149.04798,53.567 L 149.62998,53.279 L 149.65198,53.247 L 149.62498,53.04 L 151.17498,52.062 L 153.29798,52.423 L 152.22498,59.012 L 153.32498,59.201 L 152.87398,61.946 L 151.50398,62.18 L 151.51798,62.04 L 151.47698,61.973 L 150.48098,61.274 L 149.70998,61.08 L 149.12898,61.117 L 148.90798,61.193 L 148.80398,61.288 L 148.75498,61.536 L 148.49298,62.022 L 148.20098,62.239 L 148.02498,62.248 L 147.97498,62.23 L 146.44698,60.964 L 146.19098,60.377 L 146.27598,57.687 L 146.27998,57.439 L 145.81198,56.281 L 145.49098,56.173 L 145.84798,55.099 L 145.85298,54.775 L 145.88798,54.581 L 146.21698,54.307 L 147.60098,53.874 L 148.37598,53.513\" id=\"30043\" inkscape:label=\"Jefferson, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 145.49098,56.173 L 145.81198,56.281 L 146.27998,57.439 L 146.27598,57.687 L 146.19098,60.377 L 146.44698,60.964 L 147.97498,62.23 L 145.54598,61.883 L 144.90998,62.23 L 144.80198,62.334 L 144.58098,62.496 L 144.14898,62.685 L 143.27798,63.018 L 142.89998,61.752 L 142.59298,61.143 L 142.27798,60.837 L 140.83998,60.089 L 140.26798,59.399 L 140.84898,59.341 L 141.24598,59.147 L 141.76898,58.818 L 141.87298,58.719 L 142.76498,57.394 L 143.62098,56.402 L 144.71598,56.393 L 145.49098,56.173\" id=\"30093\" inkscape:label=\"Silver Bow, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 145.84798,55.099 L 145.49098,56.173 L 144.71598,56.393 L 143.62098,56.402 L 142.76498,57.394 L 141.87298,58.719 L 141.76898,58.818 L 141.24598,59.147 L 140.84898,59.341 L 140.26798,59.399 L 140.27698,59.25 L 140.19198,59.116 L 140.12898,59.089 L 139.50198,58.935 L 139.16398,59.008 L 137.89698,59.616 L 137.74398,59.801 L 137.09498,59.427 L 137.03598,58.746 L 136.81098,57.781 L 136.76598,57.701 L 136.72998,57.696 L 136.63098,57.709 L 136.62198,57.691 L 137.38798,57.294 L 138.15398,57.097 L 139.14098,55.591 L 139.34398,54.491 L 141.52998,54.883 L 141.62898,54.334 L 145.84798,55.099\" id=\"30023\" inkscape:label=\"Deer Lodge, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 136.63098,57.709 L 136.72998,57.696 L 136.76598,57.701 L 136.81098,57.781 L 137.03598,58.746 L 137.09498,59.427 L 137.74398,59.801 L 137.89698,59.616 L 139.16398,59.008 L 139.50198,58.935 L 140.12898,59.089 L 140.19198,59.116 L 140.27698,59.25 L 140.26798,59.399 L 140.83998,60.089 L 142.27798,60.837 L 142.59298,61.143 L 142.89998,61.752 L 143.27798,63.018 L 142.91798,64.155 L 142.91398,64.808 L 142.93598,64.875 L 143.38698,65.457 L 143.65298,65.651 L 143.81998,65.673 L 143.96798,65.592 L 144.21198,65.538 L 144.48598,65.619 L 144.74298,66.304 L 144.70798,66.877 L 144.13098,70.198 L 145.04098,71.51 L 146.32998,71.735 L 146.14098,72.849 L 146.16298,73.98 L 146.98398,74.683 L 148.45298,74.972 L 149.54398,75.152 L 149.38998,76.071 L 152.10798,76.517 L 150.54898,78.307 L 149.37698,78.275 L 147.55998,77.757 L 145.04998,77.5 L 143.67998,78.014 L 140.45698,77.212 L 139.84898,77.356 L 139.49298,77.734 L 139.36198,77.937 L 139.25398,78.419 L 139.24898,78.451 L 139.15898,78.591 L 138.97398,78.694 L 138.73998,78.609 L 138.00598,77.788 L 137.75698,77.428 L 137.64998,76.819 L 137.66298,75.21 L 137.69898,75.183 L 137.75298,75.084 L 137.75298,74.985 L 137.49098,73.863 L 137.29398,73.245 L 137.12198,72.979 L 136.73898,72.551 L 136.41898,72.299 L 136.11198,72.375 L 134.61598,70.293 L 133.20498,65.047 L 133.19198,64.037 L 133.21498,63.271 L 133.33198,63.059 L 133.33998,62.676 L 133.23698,61.653 L 133.18698,61.491 L 132.31298,60.256 L 132.12798,60.062 L 132.31298,60.076 L 132.61098,60.026 L 135.46398,58.764 L 136.02698,58.467 L 136.34698,58.241 L 136.63098,57.709\" id=\"30001\" inkscape:label=\"Beaverhead, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 135.60798,48.06 L 135.11198,49.686 L 135.24698,51.769 L 135.27798,53.04 L 134.81898,54.212 L 134.87298,55.933 L 135.52698,57.155 L 136.07198,57.606 L 136.62198,57.691 L 136.63098,57.709 L 136.34698,58.241 L 136.02698,58.467 L 135.46398,58.764 L 132.61098,60.026 L 132.31298,60.076 L 132.12798,60.062 L 131.33498,60.517 L 130.22198,61.491 L 128.45498,62.302 L 128.08498,62.244 L 128.08498,62.239 L 128.00398,61.924 L 127.34198,60.878 L 127.22898,60.828 L 126.87298,60.738 L 126.47598,60.684 L 126.44898,60.652 L 126.45798,60.607 L 126.61598,59.733 L 126.93098,58.007 L 129.44598,51.733 L 130.23498,49.98 L 130.76198,48.767 L 131.07398,47.884 L 131.12798,47.6 L 131.09598,47.451 L 131.04698,47.402 L 135.60798,48.06\" id=\"30081\" inkscape:label=\"Ravalli, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 140.60198,46.757 L 141.70598,48.28 L 141.96298,48.556 L 142.46698,48.429 L 142.60298,48.366 L 142.69298,48.393 L 142.12498,51.634 L 141.62898,54.334 L 141.52998,54.883 L 139.34398,54.491 L 139.14098,55.591 L 138.15398,57.097 L 137.38798,57.294 L 136.62198,57.691 L 136.07198,57.606 L 135.52698,57.155 L 134.87298,55.933 L 134.81898,54.212 L 135.27798,53.04 L 135.24698,51.769 L 135.11198,49.686 L 135.60798,48.06 L 135.90098,48.15 L 137.00498,48.357 L 138.86098,47.51 L 138.98398,46.843 L 139.60998,46.577 L 140.60198,46.757\" id=\"30039\" inkscape:label=\"Granite, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 145.93798,33.114 L 146.05998,35.561 L 145.97398,36.503 L 146.00998,36.625 L 146.30298,37.288 L 146.58698,37.734 L 146.90198,37.91 L 146.96998,37.923 L 147.98798,37.788 L 148.97998,37.581 L 149.02498,37.59 L 150.00798,38.401 L 150.07998,38.667 L 150.03498,38.73 L 150.02598,39.018 L 150.03898,39.046 L 151.01298,39.74 L 151.59398,39.956 L 152.50098,40.082 L 153.05898,40.055 L 152.38298,44.147 L 153.19898,44.95 L 153.53198,45.234 L 153.72198,45.256 L 153.75298,45.211 L 154.47398,45.328 L 154.01398,48.051 L 155.16898,48.249 L 156.25498,50.394 L 155.51098,50.02 L 155.36198,50.047 L 155.31298,50.075 L 154.96498,50.498 L 154.63198,52.473 L 153.29798,52.423 L 151.17498,52.062 L 149.62498,53.04 L 149.65198,53.247 L 149.62998,53.279 L 149.04798,53.567 L 148.71498,53.644 L 148.37598,53.513 L 148.49298,53.148 L 148.86698,51.318 L 148.75498,50.512 L 148.11098,49.831 L 147.01498,49.655 L 147.31798,47.938 L 146.15398,47.74 L 146.05498,47.753 L 145.03598,47.568 L 145.77998,43.372 L 145.80698,43.201 L 143.60798,42.809 L 143.53098,42.764 L 144.22998,38.888 L 144.07198,38.888 L 143.82898,37.887 L 143.74298,37.369 L 143.84698,35.769 L 143.86898,35.67 L 145.10398,33.867 L 145.56798,33.376 L 145.93798,33.114\" id=\"30049\" inkscape:label=\"Lewis and Clark, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 140.97098,36.81 L 143.74298,37.369 L 143.82898,37.887 L 144.07198,38.888 L 144.22998,38.888 L 143.53098,42.764 L 143.60798,42.809 L 145.80698,43.201 L 145.77998,43.372 L 145.03598,47.568 L 146.05498,47.753 L 146.15398,47.74 L 147.31798,47.938 L 147.01498,49.655 L 148.11098,49.831 L 148.75498,50.512 L 148.86698,51.318 L 148.49298,53.148 L 148.37598,53.513 L 147.60098,53.874 L 146.21698,54.307 L 145.88798,54.581 L 145.85298,54.775 L 145.84798,55.099 L 141.62898,54.334 L 142.12498,51.634 L 142.69298,48.393 L 142.60298,48.366 L 142.46698,48.429 L 141.96298,48.556 L 141.70598,48.28 L 140.60198,46.757 L 141.40798,42.372 L 139.98798,42.119 L 140.97098,36.81\" id=\"30077\" inkscape:label=\"Powell, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 139.52498,36.544 L 136.81098,36.021 L 137.09898,40.33 L 137.11698,40.407 L 136.90498,41.502 L 135.82898,41.867 L 133.62398,41.443 L 133.73698,40.893 L 134.02098,38.676 L 133.28198,38.532 L 133.06998,38.437 L 132.99798,38.356 L 132.80898,38.004 L 133.02998,37.387 L 133.23298,37.067 L 133.27798,37.053 L 133.34998,37.094 L 133.56098,36.783 L 133.59298,35.489 L 133.54398,35.417 L 133.35398,35.332 L 132.81298,35.228 L 131.34398,34.939 L 131.51998,33.087 L 131.63198,32.542 L 132.72298,32.758 L 132.93498,31.685 L 132.92198,31.302 L 133.02498,30.572 L 136.90998,31.32 L 136.95998,30.974 L 136.94198,30.879 L 136.90098,30.825 L 136.83898,30.815 L 136.82498,30.514 L 136.99098,30.36 L 137.21698,30.216 L 138.43298,30.459 L 139.90698,32.771 L 139.92498,32.839 L 140.06998,35.061 L 140.06098,35.377 L 140.01998,35.575 L 139.52498,36.544\" id=\"30047\" inkscape:label=\"Lake, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 139.52498,36.544 L 140.97098,36.81 L 139.98798,42.119 L 141.40798,42.372 L 140.60198,46.757 L 139.60998,46.577 L 138.98398,46.843 L 138.86098,47.51 L 137.00498,48.357 L 135.90098,48.15 L 135.60798,48.06 L 131.04698,47.402 L 131.00598,47.361 L 130.84798,47.23 L 130.38398,47.167 L 130.15398,47.212 L 130.01398,47.266 L 129.81098,47.32 L 128.85098,47.118 L 128.83298,47.104 L 128.34598,45.883 L 128.41398,45.531 L 129.62698,44.387 L 130.56898,42.529 L 130.16298,41.691 L 128.59498,39.113 L 128.66198,38.757 L 129.63598,38.874 L 130.12698,39.086 L 130.75798,39.437 L 131.78498,40.199 L 132.06998,40.488 L 132.23198,40.934 L 132.68698,41.394 L 132.81798,41.484 L 133.00298,41.552 L 133.62398,41.443 L 135.82898,41.867 L 136.90498,41.502 L 137.11698,40.407 L 137.09898,40.33 L 136.81098,36.021 L 139.52498,36.544\" id=\"30063\" inkscape:label=\"Missoula, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 121.23898,33.822 L 121.54998,34.363 L 121.74798,34.592 L 122.17198,34.737 L 122.52398,34.854 L 123.69498,35.057 L 123.99298,34.98 L 124.06498,34.989 L 125.02898,35.165 L 125.29998,35.3 L 127.02998,36.517 L 127.40898,36.846 L 127.44498,37.135 L 127.28798,37.905 L 128.27498,38.681 L 128.66198,38.757 L 128.59498,39.113 L 130.16298,41.691 L 130.56898,42.529 L 129.62698,44.387 L 128.41398,45.531 L 128.34598,45.883 L 127.95898,45.878 L 127.90098,45.86 L 127.77498,45.824 L 126.47598,44.089 L 126.43598,43.98 L 126.43598,43.972 L 126.26398,42.669 L 126.03898,42.254 L 125.62398,41.479 L 124.88998,39.766 L 124.10598,38 L 123.95698,37.891 L 123.27198,37.617 L 122.79898,37.387 L 122.64998,37.256 L 122.46098,37.094 L 121.08098,35.187 L 121.07198,34.868 L 121.07198,34.859 L 121.23898,33.822\" id=\"30061\" inkscape:label=\"Mineral, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 120.37798,24.668 L 121.28398,25.276 L 121.78398,25.127 L 122.77998,24.69 L 123.48398,26.128 L 123.97498,28.756 L 124.44398,29.405 L 124.53398,29.477 L 126.10198,30.113 L 126.98098,29.914 L 127.40398,29.423 L 127.49498,28.733 L 128.72098,28.986 L 128.86898,29.206 L 128.53598,30.838 L 129.63598,31.059 L 130.37498,31.185 L 131.84398,31.465 L 131.63198,32.542 L 131.51998,33.087 L 131.34398,34.939 L 132.81298,35.228 L 133.35398,35.332 L 133.54398,35.417 L 133.59298,35.489 L 133.56098,36.783 L 133.34998,37.094 L 133.27798,37.053 L 133.23298,37.067 L 133.02998,37.387 L 132.80898,38.004 L 132.99798,38.356 L 133.06998,38.437 L 133.28198,38.532 L 134.02098,38.676 L 133.73698,40.893 L 133.62398,41.443 L 133.00298,41.552 L 132.81798,41.484 L 132.68698,41.394 L 132.23198,40.934 L 132.06998,40.488 L 131.78498,40.199 L 130.75798,39.437 L 130.12698,39.086 L 129.63598,38.874 L 128.66198,38.757 L 128.27498,38.681 L 127.28798,37.905 L 127.44498,37.135 L 127.40898,36.846 L 127.02998,36.517 L 125.29998,35.3 L 125.02898,35.165 L 124.06498,34.989 L 123.99298,34.98 L 123.69498,35.057 L 122.52398,34.854 L 122.17198,34.737 L 121.74798,34.592 L 121.54998,34.363 L 121.23898,33.822 L 121.48698,33.258 L 121.77998,32.515 L 121.78398,31.793 L 121.78398,31.744 L 121.77998,31.73 L 121.76598,31.699 L 121.75298,31.654 L 120.01798,28.12 L 119.75198,27.647 L 120.37798,24.668\" id=\"30089\" inkscape:label=\"Sanders, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 121.14898,21.085 L 122.47898,14.861 L 129.18998,16.289 L 132.91198,17.033 L 133.59698,17.168 L 133.58398,18.944 L 133.95798,20.436 L 133.95798,20.472 L 133.49898,21.59 L 131.38398,21.17 L 131.35298,21.901 L 131.49698,22.302 L 130.64098,26.651 L 129.36998,26.394 L 129.17198,26.358 L 128.94598,27.444 L 128.72098,28.986 L 127.49498,28.733 L 127.40398,29.423 L 126.98098,29.914 L 126.10198,30.113 L 124.53398,29.477 L 124.44398,29.405 L 123.97498,28.756 L 123.48398,26.128 L 122.77998,24.69 L 121.78398,25.127 L 121.28398,25.276 L 120.37798,24.668 L 121.14898,21.085\" id=\"30053\" inkscape:label=\"Lincoln, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 139.15498,18.272 L 139.31198,20.476 L 139.66898,20.728 L 141.50698,22.045 L 143.17898,24.898 L 143.13398,25.1 L 143.07598,25.236 L 142.86398,25.97 L 143.41898,27.588 L 143.62998,28.062 L 144.37898,29.4 L 144.29798,29.932 L 144.31998,30.004 L 145.10898,30.545 L 145.16298,30.581 L 145.22598,30.604 L 145.98298,30.838 L 146.06898,30.82 L 145.93798,33.114 L 145.56798,33.376 L 145.10398,33.867 L 143.86898,35.67 L 143.84698,35.769 L 143.74298,37.369 L 140.97098,36.81 L 139.52498,36.544 L 140.01998,35.575 L 140.06098,35.377 L 140.06998,35.061 L 139.92498,32.839 L 139.90698,32.771 L 138.43298,30.459 L 137.21698,30.216 L 136.99098,30.36 L 136.82498,30.514 L 136.83898,30.815 L 136.90098,30.825 L 136.94198,30.879 L 136.95998,30.974 L 136.90998,31.32 L 133.02498,30.572 L 132.92198,31.302 L 132.93498,31.685 L 132.72298,32.758 L 131.63198,32.542 L 131.84398,31.465 L 130.37498,31.185 L 129.63598,31.059 L 128.53598,30.838 L 128.86898,29.206 L 128.72098,28.986 L 128.94598,27.444 L 129.17198,26.358 L 129.36998,26.394 L 130.64098,26.651 L 131.49698,22.302 L 131.35298,21.901 L 131.38398,21.17 L 133.49898,21.59 L 133.95798,20.472 L 133.95798,20.436 L 133.58398,18.944 L 133.59698,17.168 L 139.15498,18.272\" id=\"30029\" inkscape:label=\"Flathead, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 153.95598,27.733 L 153.72198,27.638 L 153.40198,27.557 L 150.62098,27.075 L 150.23698,29.22 L 150.20098,29.251 L 143.62998,28.062 L 143.41898,27.588 L 142.86398,25.97 L 143.07598,25.236 L 143.13398,25.1 L 143.17898,24.898 L 141.50698,22.045 L 139.66898,20.728 L 139.31198,20.476 L 139.15498,18.272 L 139.98398,18.434 L 142.32298,18.899 L 147.19498,19.791 L 148.09698,19.949 L 155.00598,21.175 L 153.95598,27.733\" id=\"30035\" inkscape:label=\"Glacier, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 162.82598,22.487 L 167.30098,23.194 L 167.07098,24.244 L 166.39498,28.625 L 166.06198,30.432 L 165.66098,32.993 L 165.04798,32.898 L 164.87698,33.988 L 159.86898,33.2 L 160.04998,32.1 L 161.20298,32.285 L 161.90598,27.909 L 162.65898,23.541 L 162.82598,22.487\" id=\"30051\" inkscape:label=\"Liberty, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 153.95598,27.733 L 155.00598,21.175 L 157.88198,21.666 L 158.66198,21.801 L 160.81098,22.157 L 162.82598,22.487 L 162.65898,23.541 L 161.90598,27.909 L 161.20298,32.285 L 160.04998,32.1 L 157.83698,31.735 L 158.11598,30.095 L 157.06598,29.549 L 156.25898,29.22 L 155.42998,29.062 L 154.02398,27.881 L 153.95598,27.733\" id=\"30101\" inkscape:label=\"Toole, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 143.62998,28.062 L 150.20098,29.251 L 150.23698,29.22 L 150.62098,27.075 L 153.40198,27.557 L 153.72198,27.638 L 153.95598,27.733 L 154.02398,27.881 L 155.42998,29.062 L 156.25898,29.22 L 157.06598,29.549 L 158.11598,30.095 L 157.83698,31.735 L 160.04998,32.1 L 159.86898,33.2 L 159.57598,35.03 L 154.61398,34.236 L 154.70398,33.718 L 153.26198,32.109 L 146.06898,30.82 L 145.98298,30.838 L 145.22598,30.604 L 145.16298,30.581 L 145.10898,30.545 L 144.31998,30.004 L 144.29798,29.932 L 144.37898,29.4 L 143.62998,28.062\" id=\"30073\" inkscape:label=\"Pondera, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 146.06898,30.82 L 153.26198,32.109 L 154.70398,33.718 L 154.61398,34.236 L 159.57598,35.03 L 158.97198,38.681 L 156.74098,38.315 L 156.56098,39.411 L 154.34398,39.036 L 153.94698,40.339 L 153.05898,40.055 L 152.50098,40.082 L 151.59398,39.956 L 151.01298,39.74 L 150.03898,39.046 L 150.02598,39.018 L 150.03498,38.73 L 150.07998,38.667 L 150.00798,38.401 L 149.02498,37.59 L 148.97998,37.581 L 147.98798,37.788 L 146.96998,37.923 L 146.90198,37.91 L 146.58698,37.734 L 146.30298,37.288 L 146.00998,36.625 L 145.97398,36.503 L 146.05998,35.561 L 145.93798,33.114 L 146.06898,30.82\" id=\"30099\" inkscape:label=\"Teton, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 153.05898,40.055 L 153.94698,40.339 L 154.34398,39.036 L 156.56098,39.411 L 156.74098,38.315 L 158.97198,38.681 L 162.71798,39.275 L 162.42098,39.649 L 162.23598,39.834 L 161.93398,40.289 L 161.87998,40.443 L 161.91998,40.546 L 164.01098,42.759 L 165.07898,43.309 L 164.97098,44.035 L 163.85798,43.859 L 163.56998,44.485 L 163.45698,45.216 L 163.28998,47.19 L 164.39898,47.366 L 164.14198,49.556 L 163.97098,50.656 L 163.79898,50.805 L 162.95698,49.898 L 161.82998,48.461 L 161.73998,48.384 L 160.52798,47.415 L 156.38998,47.32 L 156.20498,48.42 L 155.16898,48.249 L 154.01398,48.051 L 154.47398,45.328 L 153.75298,45.211 L 153.72198,45.256 L 153.53198,45.234 L 153.19898,44.95 L 152.38298,44.147 L 153.05898,40.055\" id=\"30013\" inkscape:label=\"Cascade, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 155.16898,48.249 L 156.20498,48.42 L 156.38998,47.32 L 160.52798,47.415 L 161.73998,48.384 L 161.82998,48.461 L 162.95698,49.898 L 163.79898,50.805 L 163.78598,51.093 L 163.82198,51.237 L 163.89398,51.39 L 163.98398,51.512 L 165.29598,52.887 L 166.09798,52.9 L 166.91398,52.751 L 166.54398,55.185 L 166.17498,57.141 L 165.89498,58.972 L 165.82798,59.431 L 161.38798,58.642 L 158.92298,58.245 L 158.86398,57.489 L 158.45898,54.865 L 156.25498,50.394 L 155.16898,48.249\" id=\"30059\" inkscape:label=\"Meagher, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 161.38798,58.642 L 165.82798,59.431 L 165.63398,60.062 L 164.96198,64.501 L 165.60198,64.596 L 165.27798,66.926 L 164.83198,69.825 L 164.68698,70.144 L 164.35398,72.389 L 165.83698,72.623 L 168.22098,73.033 L 167.90998,75.143 L 165.85498,74.823 L 165.09698,74.705 L 164.07898,74.656 L 161.08198,74.25 L 161.05898,74.246 L 159.70198,74.034 L 159.30598,73.898 L 158.18398,73.669 L 156.66498,73.434 L 156.83998,72.163 L 156.99798,71.199 L 157.43098,68.986 L 158.51298,69.157 L 158.69298,68.044 L 158.84598,66.94 L 159.44498,66.71 L 160.08998,66.286 L 160.52798,63.803 L 160.71598,62.672 L 160.86098,61.743 L 160.92798,61.076 L 161.22998,59.273 L 161.38798,58.642\" id=\"30067\" inkscape:label=\"Park, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 167.30098,23.194 L 177.96098,24.763 L 177.63198,26.416 L 177.41998,27.553 L 177.04598,30.207 L 176.43298,33.655 L 176.01398,35.638 L 175.45898,35.588 L 174.34598,35.431 L 174.51298,34.308 L 173.64798,33.087 L 166.94998,32.073 L 166.77898,33.168 L 165.66098,32.993 L 166.06198,30.432 L 166.39498,28.625 L 167.07098,24.244 L 167.30098,23.194\" id=\"30041\" inkscape:label=\"Hill, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 165.66098,32.993 L 166.77898,33.168 L 166.94998,32.073 L 173.64798,33.087 L 174.51298,34.308 L 174.34598,35.431 L 175.45898,35.588 L 176.01398,35.638 L 175.25698,40.65 L 174.90498,40.488 L 174.03898,40.533 L 173.04798,40.722 L 172.54298,41.145 L 172.54798,41.439 L 172.24598,42.696 L 172.21898,42.755 L 171.98498,42.931 L 169.23498,43.935 L 168.79298,43.873 L 165.07898,43.309 L 164.01098,42.759 L 161.91998,40.546 L 161.87998,40.443 L 161.93398,40.289 L 162.23598,39.834 L 162.42098,39.649 L 162.71798,39.275 L 158.97198,38.681 L 159.57598,35.03 L 159.86898,33.2 L 164.87698,33.988 L 165.04798,32.898 L 165.66098,32.993\" id=\"30015\" inkscape:label=\"Chouteau, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 165.07898,43.309 L 168.79298,43.873 L 168.68098,44.602 L 169.32498,45.409 L 170.32098,46.347 L 171.41198,46.694 L 172.33998,47.392 L 171.81798,51.07 L 171.52898,53.658 L 170.87998,53.567 L 170.49298,53.292 L 169.93798,52.855 L 169.85698,52.751 L 169.67198,52.62 L 168.92398,52.549 L 168.47798,52.553 L 166.91398,52.751 L 166.09798,52.9 L 165.29598,52.887 L 163.98398,51.512 L 163.89398,51.39 L 163.82198,51.237 L 163.78598,51.093 L 163.79898,50.805 L 163.97098,50.656 L 164.14198,49.556 L 164.39898,47.366 L 163.28998,47.19 L 163.45698,45.216 L 163.56998,44.485 L 163.85798,43.859 L 164.97098,44.035 L 165.07898,43.309\" id=\"30045\" inkscape:label=\"Judith Basin, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 171.52898,53.658 L 174.67098,54.108 L 174.43198,55.807 L 173.69298,60.129 L 171.46198,59.809 L 165.89498,58.972 L 166.17498,57.141 L 166.54398,55.185 L 166.91398,52.751 L 168.47798,52.553 L 168.92398,52.549 L 169.67198,52.62 L 169.85698,52.751 L 169.93798,52.855 L 170.49298,53.292 L 170.87998,53.567 L 171.52898,53.658\" id=\"30107\" inkscape:label=\"Wheatland, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 165.89498,58.972 L 171.46198,59.809 L 171.30398,60.918 L 171.57898,62.09 L 173.24598,62.338 L 173.09298,63.036 L 172.58398,63.352 L 171.75898,64.384 L 171.46598,65.484 L 171.16398,67.706 L 170.05998,67.548 L 168.86998,67.936 L 167.68498,68.328 L 167.35598,70.546 L 166.17898,70.37 L 165.83698,72.623 L 164.35398,72.389 L 164.68698,70.144 L 164.83198,69.825 L 165.27798,66.926 L 165.60198,64.596 L 164.96198,64.501 L 165.63398,60.062 L 165.82798,59.431 L 165.89498,58.972\" id=\"30097\" inkscape:label=\"Sweet Grass, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 177.61398,68.585 L 178.05098,68.332 L 178.20398,68.306 L 178.15498,68.635 L 178.05998,68.815 L 177.98798,68.928 L 177.95198,68.936 L 178.19998,69.807 L 178.65898,70.636 L 179.13698,70.699 L 178.74898,71.05 L 178.44698,72.1 L 178.22198,73.782 L 183.38698,74.426 L 183.31098,74.593 L 181.92298,77.113 L 178.55598,76.657 L 175.75698,76.287 L 174.56198,76.125 L 174.37798,76.099 L 172.70098,75.792 L 167.90998,75.143 L 168.22098,73.033 L 169.18998,73.178 L 169.57298,72.01 L 170.42098,71.185 L 171.13198,70.532 L 171.55598,70.216 L 172.74598,69.815 L 174.22398,70.027 L 174.89598,69.356 L 174.95398,68.932 L 175.26098,68.621 L 176.41498,68.35 L 176.50898,68.377 L 176.77998,68.567 L 176.98698,68.612 L 177.16298,68.635 L 177.61398,68.585\" id=\"30009\" inkscape:label=\"Carbon, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 177.79398,61.833 L 177.63598,62.888 L 177.50998,64.037 L 177.17698,67.594 L 177.31198,67.986 L 177.61398,68.585 L 177.16298,68.635 L 176.98698,68.612 L 176.77998,68.567 L 176.50898,68.377 L 176.41498,68.35 L 175.26098,68.621 L 174.95398,68.932 L 174.89598,69.356 L 174.22398,70.027 L 172.74598,69.815 L 171.55598,70.216 L 171.13198,70.532 L 170.42098,71.185 L 169.57298,72.01 L 169.18998,73.178 L 168.22098,73.033 L 165.83698,72.623 L 166.17898,70.37 L 167.35598,70.546 L 167.68498,68.328 L 168.86998,67.936 L 170.05998,67.548 L 171.16398,67.706 L 171.46598,65.484 L 171.75898,64.384 L 172.58398,63.352 L 173.09298,63.036 L 173.24598,62.338 L 173.42298,61.225 L 177.79398,61.833\" id=\"30095\" inkscape:label=\"Stillwater, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 178.11898,53.851 L 177.89798,55.492 L 178.00098,56.069 L 178.58298,57.304 L 179.33098,60.165 L 179.07898,62.005 L 177.79398,61.833 L 173.42298,61.225 L 173.24598,62.338 L 171.57898,62.09 L 171.30398,60.918 L 171.46198,59.809 L 173.69298,60.129 L 174.43198,55.807 L 174.67098,54.108 L 174.77498,53.378 L 178.11898,53.851\" id=\"30037\" inkscape:label=\"Golden Valley, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 175.25698,40.65 L 176.20798,41.029 L 177.23598,40.69 L 177.46898,40.533 L 180.08398,40.497 L 180.22798,40.524 L 180.54798,40.731 L 180.86798,41.493 L 181.25998,41.745 L 181.45398,41.926 L 181.70598,42.286 L 181.71898,42.372 L 181.68798,42.439 L 181.89098,42.805 L 182.57998,43.21 L 185.29398,44.256 L 185.38798,44.269 L 185.52798,44.229 L 185.64498,44.08 L 185.32498,46.329 L 185.17698,47.492 L 184.97798,47.559 L 182.76998,47.284 L 181.56698,47.591 L 181.26898,48.664 L 181.11998,49.759 L 182.24198,49.912 L 181.77798,53.234 L 181.45398,54.32 L 178.11898,53.851 L 174.77498,53.378 L 174.67098,54.108 L 171.52898,53.658 L 171.81798,51.07 L 172.33998,47.392 L 171.41198,46.694 L 170.32098,46.347 L 169.32498,45.409 L 168.68098,44.602 L 168.79298,43.873 L 169.23498,43.935 L 171.98498,42.931 L 172.21898,42.755 L 172.24598,42.696 L 172.54798,41.439 L 172.54298,41.145 L 173.04798,40.722 L 174.03898,40.533 L 174.90498,40.488 L 175.25698,40.65\" id=\"30027\" inkscape:label=\"Fergus, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 176.01398,35.638 L 176.43298,33.655 L 177.04598,30.207 L 177.41998,27.553 L 177.63198,26.416 L 177.96098,24.763 L 178.85798,24.889 L 181.61098,25.286 L 182.12098,25.362 L 182.16998,25.367 L 186.01498,25.885 L 186.48798,25.948 L 188.62898,26.227 L 188.58398,26.583 L 188.46698,27.309 L 188.01098,29.454 L 186.65098,33.177 L 186.57798,33.132 L 186.26798,33.06 L 186.19498,33.245 L 185.64998,35.877 L 185.24398,38.955 L 183.21598,39.397 L 183.09898,39.352 L 181.21898,39.109 L 181.10698,39.766 L 180.86798,41.493 L 180.54798,40.731 L 180.22798,40.524 L 180.08398,40.497 L 177.46898,40.533 L 177.23598,40.69 L 176.20798,41.029 L 175.25698,40.65 L 176.01398,35.638\" id=\"30005\" inkscape:label=\"Blaine, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 180.86798,41.493 L 181.10698,39.766 L 181.21898,39.109 L 183.09898,39.352 L 183.21598,39.397 L 185.24398,38.955 L 185.64998,35.877 L 186.19498,33.245 L 186.26798,33.06 L 186.57798,33.132 L 186.65098,33.177 L 188.01098,29.454 L 188.46698,27.309 L 188.58398,26.583 L 188.62898,26.227 L 197.64298,27.34 L 197.28698,28.413 L 196.82298,32.307 L 195.90298,36.062 L 194.96598,35.944 L 194.51098,37.189 L 193.91098,41.416 L 193.63198,43.688 L 193.53198,44.098 L 193.36098,44.449 L 193.31698,44.503 L 193.25798,44.531 L 192.82498,44.463 L 192.07698,44.062 L 191.97298,44.026 L 191.61698,43.98 L 191.08498,44.229 L 190.70198,44.797 L 190.38698,45.143 L 189.37698,46.194 L 189.00298,46.239 L 188.94898,46.221 L 189.00798,45.747 L 188.94498,44.918 L 188.89998,44.684 L 188.56598,44.418 L 188.48898,44.377 L 187.39898,44.206 L 187.11498,44.242 L 186.74498,44.233 L 185.90198,44.165 L 185.70398,44.125 L 185.64498,44.08 L 185.52798,44.229 L 185.38798,44.269 L 185.29398,44.256 L 182.57998,43.21 L 181.89098,42.805 L 181.68798,42.439 L 181.71898,42.372 L 181.70598,42.286 L 181.45398,41.926 L 181.25998,41.745 L 180.86798,41.493\" id=\"30071\" inkscape:label=\"Phillips, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 185.64498,44.08 L 185.70398,44.125 L 185.90198,44.165 L 186.74498,44.233 L 187.11498,44.242 L 187.39898,44.206 L 188.48898,44.377 L 188.56598,44.418 L 188.89998,44.684 L 188.94498,44.918 L 189.00798,45.747 L 188.94898,46.221 L 188.31398,47.388 L 188.11998,48.682 L 187.75498,53.419 L 187.75898,53.495 L 187.79098,53.536 L 188.08898,53.838 L 188.13798,53.865 L 188.55198,55.154 L 184.65798,54.685 L 183.67598,54.613 L 181.45398,54.32 L 181.77798,53.234 L 182.24198,49.912 L 181.11998,49.759 L 181.26898,48.664 L 181.56698,47.591 L 182.76998,47.284 L 184.97798,47.559 L 185.17698,47.492 L 185.32498,46.329 L 185.64498,44.08\" id=\"30069\" inkscape:label=\"Petroleum, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 178.11898,53.851 L 181.45398,54.32 L 183.67598,54.613 L 184.65798,54.685 L 188.55198,55.154 L 188.54798,58.521 L 188.38098,59.805 L 187.08298,59.642 L 186.24998,60.296 L 186.04698,60.643 L 185.96998,61.207 L 183.38298,60.869 L 182.58998,61.125 L 182.41398,62.446 L 179.07898,62.005 L 179.33098,60.165 L 178.58298,57.304 L 178.00098,56.069 L 177.89798,55.492 L 178.11898,53.851\" id=\"30065\" inkscape:label=\"Musselshell, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 188.54798,58.521 L 188.90398,58.75 L 189.07098,58.958 L 189.81898,60.549 L 190.66198,62.906 L 190.43698,64.024 L 190.23398,64.596 L 188.78198,64.416 L 187.58798,65.015 L 187.16398,65.34 L 187.10098,65.701 L 186.70498,65.998 L 185.21698,65.84 L 184.83898,67.291 L 184.39698,70.685 L 182.08498,71.136 L 180.93098,70.983 L 179.13698,70.699 L 178.65898,70.636 L 178.19998,69.807 L 177.95198,68.936 L 177.98798,68.928 L 178.05998,68.815 L 178.15498,68.635 L 178.20398,68.306 L 178.05098,68.332 L 177.61398,68.585 L 177.31198,67.986 L 177.17698,67.594 L 177.50998,64.037 L 177.63598,62.888 L 177.79398,61.833 L 179.07898,62.005 L 182.41398,62.446 L 182.58998,61.125 L 183.38298,60.869 L 185.96998,61.207 L 186.04698,60.643 L 186.24998,60.296 L 187.08298,59.642 L 188.38098,59.805 L 188.54798,58.521\" id=\"30111\" inkscape:label=\"Yellowstone, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 195.09198,67.417 L 195.03298,67.909 L 195.05098,69.825 L 195.63298,69.987 L 196.49798,70.09 L 196.67898,70.158 L 196.21498,74.273 L 195.89898,74.976 L 195.61498,76.436 L 197.83198,76.743 L 198.95498,76.842 L 200.03698,76.928 L 199.92398,79.33 L 194.25398,78.667 L 192.51398,78.455 L 192.03198,78.356 L 187.73598,77.829 L 184.99198,77.487 L 181.92298,77.113 L 183.31098,74.593 L 183.38698,74.426 L 178.22198,73.782 L 178.44698,72.1 L 178.74898,71.05 L 179.13698,70.699 L 180.93098,70.983 L 182.08498,71.136 L 184.39698,70.685 L 184.83898,67.291 L 185.21698,65.84 L 186.70498,65.998 L 187.10098,65.701 L 187.16398,65.34 L 187.58798,65.015 L 188.78198,64.416 L 190.23398,64.596 L 191.00898,64.691 L 190.87398,65.795 L 193.09498,66.061 L 193.50998,66.67 L 194.07798,67.3 L 195.09198,67.417\" id=\"30003\" inkscape:label=\"Big Horn, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 188.90398,58.75 L 193.90698,59.35 L 195.07398,60.612 L 195.48398,64.01 L 195.09198,67.417 L 194.07798,67.3 L 193.50998,66.67 L 193.09498,66.061 L 190.87398,65.795 L 191.00898,64.691 L 190.23398,64.596 L 190.43698,64.024 L 190.66198,62.906 L 189.81898,60.549 L 189.07098,58.958 L 188.90398,58.75\" id=\"30103\" inkscape:label=\"Treasure, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 188.13798,53.865 L 191.88798,54.329 L 192.06298,54.284 L 192.40198,54.288 L 192.70298,54.32 L 198.48598,54.996 L 198.80098,55.159 L 199.45098,55.294 L 204.06098,55.785 L 203.73698,55.942 L 203.31798,58.895 L 202.95698,60.355 L 202.63698,63.339 L 202.63198,63.672 L 202.42998,64.402 L 202.15898,64.749 L 201.67298,69.207 L 201.29398,69.171 L 201.07298,71.266 L 200.67598,73.588 L 200.27598,74.742 L 200.03698,76.928 L 198.95498,76.842 L 197.83198,76.743 L 195.61498,76.436 L 195.89898,74.976 L 196.21498,74.273 L 196.67898,70.158 L 196.49798,70.09 L 195.63298,69.987 L 195.05098,69.825 L 195.03298,67.909 L 195.09198,67.417 L 195.48398,64.01 L 195.07398,60.612 L 193.90698,59.35 L 188.90398,58.75 L 188.54798,58.521 L 188.55198,55.154 L 188.13798,53.865\" id=\"30087\" inkscape:label=\"Rosebud, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 202.68698,41.308 L 203.20998,41.367 L 203.92998,42.592 L 203.46598,46.91 L 203.16898,47.627 L 202.89398,49.101 L 204.01098,49.218 L 203.77798,51.431 L 204.51198,51.512 L 204.07898,55.604 L 204.06098,55.785 L 199.45098,55.294 L 198.80098,55.159 L 198.48598,54.996 L 192.70298,54.32 L 192.40198,54.288 L 192.06298,54.284 L 191.88798,54.329 L 188.13798,53.865 L 188.08898,53.838 L 187.79098,53.536 L 187.75898,53.495 L 187.75498,53.419 L 188.11998,48.682 L 188.31398,47.388 L 188.94898,46.221 L 189.00298,46.239 L 189.37698,46.194 L 190.38698,45.143 L 190.70198,44.797 L 191.08498,44.229 L 191.61698,43.98 L 191.97298,44.026 L 192.07698,44.062 L 192.82498,44.463 L 193.25798,44.531 L 193.31698,44.503 L 193.36098,44.449 L 193.53198,44.098 L 193.63198,43.688 L 195.04298,44.247 L 196.94898,44.485 L 197.07998,44.481 L 197.89998,44.454 L 198.11698,44.427 L 198.26998,44.382 L 200.48698,43.183 L 201.97498,41.204 L 202.41698,41.105 L 202.68698,41.308\" id=\"30033\" inkscape:label=\"Garfield, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 206.76098,28.372 L 215.77598,29.283 L 215.66698,30.405 L 215.51398,33.727 L 216.07698,33.786 L 215.97298,34.886 L 208.81598,34.178 L 207.40098,34.024 L 207.03098,33.249 L 207.29698,30.676 L 206.17998,30.559 L 206.30098,29.459 L 206.56798,29.107 L 206.76098,28.372\" id=\"30019\" inkscape:label=\"Daniels, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 206.76098,28.372 L 206.56798,29.107 L 206.30098,29.459 L 206.17998,30.559 L 207.29698,30.676 L 207.03098,33.249 L 207.40098,34.024 L 208.81598,34.178 L 208.36498,38.55 L 208.02798,38.514 L 207.74798,41.168 L 207.08098,41.182 L 204.42198,40.609 L 204.29598,40.551 L 204.07498,40.321 L 203.04698,39.97 L 202.98798,39.996 L 202.93498,40.055 L 202.81298,40.222 L 202.69098,40.537 L 202.68698,41.308 L 202.41698,41.105 L 201.97498,41.204 L 200.48698,43.183 L 198.26998,44.382 L 198.11698,44.427 L 197.89998,44.454 L 197.07998,44.481 L 196.94898,44.485 L 195.04298,44.247 L 193.63198,43.688 L 193.91098,41.416 L 194.51098,37.189 L 194.96598,35.944 L 195.90298,36.062 L 196.82298,32.307 L 197.28698,28.413 L 197.64298,27.34 L 206.76098,28.372\" id=\"30105\" inkscape:label=\"Valley, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 213.44898,41.033 L 213.37798,41.867 L 213.21998,43.363 L 212.85998,43.512 L 212.76498,44.499 L 211.64198,44.391 L 211.29498,46.599 L 210.93498,47.686 L 210.49798,52.12 L 206.74298,51.746 L 206.63098,52.869 L 206.25198,52.833 L 205.50798,52.751 L 205.62498,51.629 L 204.51198,51.512 L 203.77798,51.431 L 204.01098,49.218 L 202.89398,49.101 L 203.16898,47.627 L 203.46598,46.91 L 203.92998,42.592 L 203.20998,41.367 L 202.68698,41.308 L 202.69098,40.537 L 202.81298,40.222 L 202.93498,40.055 L 202.98798,39.996 L 203.04698,39.97 L 204.07498,40.321 L 204.29598,40.551 L 204.42198,40.609 L 207.08098,41.182 L 207.74798,41.168 L 209.09998,40.754 L 209.56898,40.497 L 209.99698,40.483 L 211.57398,40.506 L 212.21898,40.533 L 212.95798,40.677 L 213.44898,41.033\" id=\"30055\" inkscape:label=\"McCone, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 204.51198,51.512 L 205.62498,51.629 L 205.50798,52.751 L 206.25198,52.833 L 206.63098,52.869 L 206.74298,51.746 L 210.49798,52.12 L 211.21398,52.193 L 210.95298,54.803 L 212.08398,54.91 L 213.13798,55.763 L 213.30498,55.956 L 213.46698,56.231 L 213.43598,56.533 L 217.18598,56.889 L 216.95198,59.138 L 216.91598,59.508 L 215.80198,59.404 L 215.75298,59.958 L 214.63498,59.859 L 214.40098,60.395 L 213.42698,60.675 L 211.16398,60.45 L 209.34298,59.886 L 209.03298,59.476 L 208.58698,58.682 L 208.43798,57.547 L 208.18498,56.393 L 206.31898,55.839 L 204.07898,55.604 L 204.51198,51.512\" id=\"30079\" inkscape:label=\"Prairie, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 201.67298,69.207 L 212.53398,70.329 L 212.12398,74.751 L 211.96198,75.904 L 211.49798,75.864 L 211.06498,80.38 L 210.60098,80.335 L 203.70998,79.645 L 203.06098,79.609 L 202.09098,79.564 L 199.92398,79.33 L 200.03698,76.928 L 200.27598,74.742 L 200.67598,73.588 L 201.07298,71.266 L 201.29398,69.171 L 201.67298,69.207\" id=\"30075\" inkscape:label=\"Powder River, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 204.07898,55.604 L 206.31898,55.839 L 208.18498,56.393 L 208.43798,57.547 L 208.58698,58.682 L 209.03298,59.476 L 209.34298,59.886 L 211.16398,60.45 L 213.42698,60.675 L 214.40098,60.395 L 214.63498,59.859 L 215.75298,59.958 L 215.59498,61.63 L 214.05798,61.486 L 213.93198,62.861 L 213.94098,63.393 L 214.03498,63.668 L 213.81998,65.93 L 213.34098,65.885 L 212.92198,70.365 L 212.53398,70.329 L 201.67298,69.207 L 202.15898,64.749 L 202.42998,64.402 L 202.63198,63.672 L 202.63698,63.339 L 202.95698,60.355 L 203.31798,58.895 L 203.73698,55.942 L 204.06098,55.785 L 204.07898,55.604\" id=\"30017\" inkscape:label=\"Custer, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 213.81998,65.93 L 216.13198,66.151 L 217.11798,66.354 L 217.60998,67.332 L 218.06098,68.463 L 218.83598,68.567 L 220.35498,68.684 L 220.25998,69.797 L 221.07098,69.869 L 220.37698,78.465 L 219.98498,81.223 L 211.06498,80.38 L 211.49798,75.864 L 211.96198,75.904 L 212.12398,74.751 L 212.53398,70.329 L 212.92198,70.365 L 213.34098,65.885 L 213.81998,65.93\" id=\"30011\" inkscape:label=\"Carter, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 215.75298,59.958 L 215.80198,59.404 L 216.91598,59.508 L 216.95198,59.138 L 218.62798,59.286 L 219.17798,59.521 L 219.14598,59.895 L 221.88698,60.129 L 221.77898,61.419 L 221.48998,64.759 L 221.12998,69.054 L 221.07098,69.869 L 220.25998,69.797 L 220.35498,68.684 L 218.83598,68.567 L 218.06098,68.463 L 217.60998,67.332 L 217.11798,66.354 L 216.13198,66.151 L 213.81998,65.93 L 214.03498,63.668 L 213.94098,63.393 L 213.93198,62.861 L 214.05798,61.486 L 215.59498,61.63 L 215.75298,59.958\" id=\"30025\" inkscape:label=\"Fallon, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 222.71198,50.462 L 222.63498,51.323 L 221.88698,60.129 L 219.14598,59.895 L 219.17798,59.521 L 218.62798,59.286 L 216.95198,59.138 L 217.18598,56.889 L 218.13198,56.974 L 218.72698,56.655 L 218.92998,56.488 L 219.79098,55.253 L 220.02598,54.803 L 220.11098,53.779 L 220.08898,53.031 L 220.06598,52.842 L 219.99398,52.557 L 219.36698,50.723 L 221.90498,50.953 L 221.95398,50.394 L 222.71198,50.462\" id=\"30109\" inkscape:label=\"Wibaux, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 212.76498,44.499 L 212.65198,45.608 L 214.89598,45.824 L 214.78398,46.937 L 218.15098,47.253 L 218.75498,48.425 L 218.55198,50.651 L 219.36698,50.723 L 219.99398,52.557 L 220.06598,52.842 L 220.08898,53.031 L 220.11098,53.779 L 220.02598,54.803 L 219.79098,55.253 L 218.92998,56.488 L 218.72698,56.655 L 218.13198,56.974 L 217.18598,56.889 L 213.43598,56.533 L 213.46698,56.231 L 213.30498,55.956 L 213.13798,55.763 L 212.08398,54.91 L 210.95298,54.803 L 211.21398,52.193 L 210.49798,52.12 L 210.93498,47.686 L 211.29498,46.599 L 211.64198,44.391 L 212.76498,44.499\" id=\"30021\" inkscape:label=\"Dawson, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 223.36498,42.827 L 222.71198,50.462 L 221.95398,50.394 L 221.90498,50.953 L 219.36698,50.723 L 218.55198,50.651 L 218.75498,48.425 L 218.15098,47.253 L 214.78398,46.937 L 214.89598,45.824 L 212.65198,45.608 L 212.76498,44.499 L 212.85998,43.512 L 213.21998,43.363 L 213.37798,41.867 L 213.44898,41.033 L 214.09398,41.159 L 215.15298,41.163 L 215.33798,41.069 L 215.61698,40.857 L 215.84698,40.551 L 216.35698,40.344 L 220.00698,41.263 L 221.71098,42.254 L 223.36498,42.827\" id=\"30083\" inkscape:label=\"Richland, MT\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 421.61398,203.789 L 424.53498,205.528 L 423.85298,205.637 L 419.82998,206.223 L 419.11198,206.317 L 421.61398,203.789\" id=\"37043\" inkscape:label=\"Clay, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 425.45398,200.99 L 428.42398,204.916 L 424.53498,205.528 L 421.61398,203.789 L 421.82998,202.55 L 422.00998,202.121 L 422.08298,202.071 L 424.31298,201.382 L 425.45398,200.99\" id=\"37113\" inkscape:label=\"Macon, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 431.44498,198.966 L 432.79598,200.169 L 433.08398,200.499 L 433.20098,200.868 L 433.26898,201.341 L 433.51798,202.094 L 433.59398,202.221 L 433.72898,202.292 L 431.88098,203.554 L 430.52498,203.901 L 429.42498,204.432 L 429.86198,200.904 L 431.44498,198.966\" id=\"37175\" inkscape:label=\"Transylvania, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 426.72498,198.416 L 429.86198,200.904 L 429.42498,204.432 L 428.42398,204.916 L 425.45398,200.99 L 426.72498,198.416\" id=\"37099\" inkscape:label=\"Jackson, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 428.52398,194.505 L 429.55098,195.883 L 431.44498,198.966 L 429.86198,200.904 L 426.72498,198.416 L 425.70098,196.177 L 425.65598,195.932 L 428.52398,194.505\" id=\"37087\" inkscape:label=\"Haywood, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 425.70098,196.177 L 426.72498,198.416 L 425.45398,200.99 L 424.31298,201.382 L 422.08298,202.071 L 422.00998,202.121 L 421.82098,201.908 L 421.81698,201.783 L 421.88898,201.553 L 421.94398,201.485 L 422.12898,201.373 L 422.37098,201.273 L 422.51598,201.192 L 422.73198,200.692 L 422.78098,200.372 L 422.77198,200.232 L 422.72698,199.993 L 422.13698,199.953 L 418.88298,200.15 L 421.69898,198.366 L 421.74898,198.371 L 421.93798,198.375 L 423.41098,198.223 L 423.53798,198.141 L 425.32698,196.725 L 425.70098,196.177\" id=\"37173\" inkscape:label=\"Swain, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 418.88298,200.15 L 422.13698,199.953 L 422.72698,199.993 L 422.77198,200.232 L 422.78098,200.372 L 422.73198,200.692 L 422.51598,201.192 L 422.37098,201.273 L 422.12898,201.373 L 421.94398,201.485 L 421.88898,201.553 L 421.81698,201.783 L 421.82098,201.908 L 422.00998,202.121 L 421.82998,202.55 L 419.93298,202.964 L 419.22098,203.297 L 419.11998,203.297 L 418.74198,203.14 L 418.37398,202.432 L 418.79698,200.12 L 418.88298,200.15\" id=\"37075\" inkscape:label=\"Graham, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 421.82998,202.55 L 421.61398,203.789 L 419.11198,206.317 L 417.81998,206.479 L 415.81298,206.714 L 415.77398,203.865 L 416.62398,203.117 L 417.73498,203.09 L 418.12998,202.765 L 418.37398,202.432 L 418.74198,203.14 L 419.11998,203.297 L 419.22098,203.297 L 419.93298,202.964 L 421.82998,202.55\" id=\"37039\" inkscape:label=\"Cherokee, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 437.01098,189.203 L 438.39898,191.548 L 437.01098,192.899 L 436.71698,191.791 L 436.60898,191.587 L 436.03098,190.597 L 435.98298,190.538 L 434.27498,189.885 L 433.63498,190.128 L 435.47398,188.758 L 437.01098,189.203\" id=\"37121\" inkscape:label=\"Mitchell, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 433.63498,190.128 L 434.27498,189.885 L 435.98298,190.538 L 436.03098,190.597 L 436.60898,191.587 L 436.71698,191.791 L 437.01098,192.899 L 435.77598,194.652 L 434.18898,193.39 L 432.90098,191.471 L 433.63498,190.128\" id=\"37199\" inkscape:label=\"Yancey, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 431.79098,190.826 L 432.90098,191.471 L 434.18898,193.39 L 433.21998,193.742 L 432.65198,194.099 L 432.31898,194.337 L 431.66998,194.809 L 430.35398,195.667 L 429.55098,195.883 L 428.52398,194.505 L 428.92298,192.472 L 429.38898,192.354 L 430.29898,191.502 L 430.94698,190.862 L 431.12798,190.731 L 431.38998,190.542 L 431.43898,190.534 L 431.59398,190.632 L 431.59398,190.637 L 431.79098,190.826\" id=\"37115\" inkscape:label=\"Madison, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 435.77598,194.652 L 437.19898,196.762 L 436.31598,197.682 L 435.56398,197.366 L 434.88298,197.844 L 434.02198,198.308 L 433.24198,198.597 L 432.76398,198.556 L 432.43998,198.483 L 432.33098,198.426 L 432.12898,198.39 L 431.80998,198.515 L 431.70998,198.592 L 431.44498,198.966 L 429.55098,195.883 L 430.35398,195.667 L 431.66998,194.809 L 432.31898,194.337 L 432.65198,194.099 L 433.21998,193.742 L 434.18898,193.39 L 435.77598,194.652\" id=\"37021\" inkscape:label=\"Buncombe, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 436.31598,197.682 L 436.50098,198.633 L 435.87598,201.165 L 433.72898,202.292 L 433.59398,202.221 L 433.51798,202.094 L 433.26898,201.341 L 433.20098,200.868 L 433.08398,200.499 L 432.79598,200.169 L 431.44498,198.966 L 431.70998,198.592 L 431.80998,198.515 L 432.12898,198.39 L 432.33098,198.426 L 432.43998,198.483 L 432.76398,198.556 L 433.24198,198.597 L 434.02198,198.308 L 434.88298,197.844 L 435.56398,197.366 L 436.31598,197.682\" id=\"37089\" inkscape:label=\"Henderson, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 439.91198,200.832 L 437.33398,201.098 L 435.87598,201.165 L 436.50098,198.633 L 437.11798,198.416 L 437.51898,198.272 L 437.61398,198.285 L 437.93898,198.426 L 438.09198,198.527 L 439.73998,199.917 L 439.84498,200.088 L 439.91198,200.832\" id=\"37149\" inkscape:label=\"Polk, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 442.01798,195.36 L 442.34198,198.235 L 442.01798,200.057 L 442.00898,200.611 L 440.89998,200.724 L 439.91198,200.832 L 439.84498,200.088 L 439.73998,199.917 L 438.09198,198.527 L 437.93898,198.426 L 437.61398,198.285 L 437.51898,198.272 L 437.11798,198.416 L 436.50098,198.633 L 436.31598,197.682 L 437.19898,196.762 L 440.66498,195.632 L 442.01798,195.36\" id=\"37161\" inkscape:label=\"Rutherford, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 438.39898,191.548 L 438.69998,190.876 L 438.77298,190.917 L 438.84998,191.015 L 439.07898,191.385 L 439.13698,191.507 L 439.22398,191.795 L 439.15498,192.282 L 439.92098,193.841 L 440.66498,195.632 L 437.19898,196.762 L 435.77598,194.652 L 437.01098,192.899 L 438.39898,191.548\" id=\"37111\" inkscape:label=\"McDowell, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 438.22298,186.936 L 438.33098,186.625 L 439.75998,188.717 L 440.09298,190.632 L 438.69998,190.876 L 438.39898,191.548 L 437.01098,189.203 L 438.22298,186.936\" id=\"37011\" inkscape:label=\"Avery, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 440.15198,185.034 L 441.06698,185.395 L 441.66598,185.923 L 442.06298,186.212 L 442.92298,186.55 L 442.47298,188.229 L 439.75998,188.717 L 438.33098,186.625 L 438.40698,186.418 L 438.88098,185.887 L 439.39498,185.535 L 439.40798,185.525 L 439.46198,185.494 L 439.52598,185.642 L 439.79598,185.728 L 439.95698,185.72 L 439.97598,185.72 L 440.19098,185.648 L 440.15198,185.034\" id=\"37189\" inkscape:label=\"Watauga, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 447.89598,188.325 L 447.57898,191.872 L 445.27198,192.015 L 444.93398,189.437 L 445.49298,188.974 L 445.79498,188.856 L 446.25898,188.708 L 446.42598,188.748 L 447.13698,188.578 L 447.70998,188.415 L 447.89598,188.325\" id=\"37003\" inkscape:label=\"Alexander, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 440.20098,182.39 L 443.52298,182.056 L 443.56398,182.312 L 444.23898,183.264 L 444.60498,183.575 L 444.70398,183.737 L 444.93398,184.218 L 444.99198,184.606 L 442.92298,186.55 L 442.06298,186.212 L 441.66598,185.923 L 441.06698,185.395 L 440.15198,185.034 L 440.20098,182.39\" id=\"37009\" inkscape:label=\"Ashe, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 448.13798,181.497 L 447.79998,183.66 L 447.70998,184.029 L 447.23598,184.105 L 447.03798,183.886 L 446.99798,183.665 L 446.54698,183.439 L 446.46698,183.426 L 445.81298,183.62 L 444.99198,184.606 L 444.93398,184.218 L 444.70398,183.737 L 444.60498,183.575 L 444.23898,183.264 L 443.56398,182.312 L 443.52298,182.056 L 448.13798,181.497\" id=\"37005\" inkscape:label=\"Alleghany, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 444.99198,184.606 L 445.81298,183.62 L 446.46698,183.426 L 446.54698,183.439 L 446.99798,183.665 L 447.03798,183.886 L 447.23598,184.105 L 447.70998,184.029 L 447.79998,183.66 L 449.09898,185.625 L 449.37798,187.96 L 447.89598,188.325 L 447.70998,188.415 L 447.13698,188.578 L 446.42598,188.748 L 446.25898,188.708 L 445.79498,188.856 L 445.49298,188.974 L 444.93398,189.437 L 442.47298,188.229 L 442.92298,186.55 L 444.99198,184.606\" id=\"37193\" inkscape:label=\"Wilkes, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 439.75998,188.717 L 442.47298,188.229 L 444.93398,189.437 L 445.27198,192.015 L 445.02398,192.431 L 444.90298,192.589 L 444.68098,192.606 L 443.03098,192.611 L 441.02998,191.399 L 440.17898,190.749 L 440.09298,190.632 L 439.75998,188.717\" id=\"37027\" inkscape:label=\"Caldwell, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 440.09298,190.632 L 440.17898,190.749 L 441.02998,191.399 L 443.03098,192.611 L 444.68098,192.606 L 444.90298,192.589 L 445.02398,192.431 L 443.66298,195.257 L 443.63998,195.319 L 442.01798,195.36 L 440.66498,195.632 L 439.92098,193.841 L 439.15498,192.282 L 439.22398,191.795 L 439.13698,191.507 L 439.07898,191.385 L 438.84998,191.015 L 438.77298,190.917 L 438.69998,190.876 L 440.09298,190.632\" id=\"37023\" inkscape:label=\"Burke, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 443.63998,195.319 L 444.76198,197.046 L 446.60098,200.129 L 446.19498,200.169 L 442.00898,200.611 L 442.01798,200.057 L 442.34198,198.235 L 442.01798,195.36 L 443.63998,195.319\" id=\"37045\" inkscape:label=\"Cleveland, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 444.76198,197.046 L 449.96798,196.474 L 449.57498,199.858 L 446.60098,200.129 L 444.76198,197.046\" id=\"37071\" inkscape:label=\"Gaston, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 449.62198,194.599 L 449.87798,195.347 L 449.96798,196.474 L 444.76198,197.046 L 443.63998,195.319 L 443.66298,195.257 L 449.62198,194.599\" id=\"37109\" inkscape:label=\"Lincoln, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 445.27198,192.015 L 447.57898,191.872 L 448.92198,192.651 L 449.30098,193.03 L 449.79698,193.675 L 449.62198,194.599 L 443.66298,195.257 L 445.02398,192.431 L 445.27198,192.015\" id=\"37035\" inkscape:label=\"Catawba, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 449.37798,187.96 L 451.32398,187.703 L 451.58198,190.272 L 451.38298,191.939 L 451.29798,192.656 L 451.89298,194.279 L 451.95998,194.522 L 452.00098,194.752 L 451.51398,194.829 L 449.87798,195.347 L 449.62198,194.599 L 449.79698,193.675 L 449.30098,193.03 L 448.92198,192.651 L 447.57898,191.872 L 447.89598,188.325 L 449.37798,187.96\" id=\"37097\" inkscape:label=\"Iredell, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 449.87798,195.347 L 451.51398,194.829 L 451.50498,194.923 L 451.51898,195.009 L 451.91998,196.153 L 453.23198,197.704 L 454.55198,198.263 L 451.97798,201.404 L 451.13998,200.548 L 449.57498,199.858 L 449.96798,196.474 L 449.87798,195.347\" id=\"37119\" inkscape:label=\"Mecklenburg, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 451.58198,190.272 L 454.36698,191.264 L 455.71498,191.353 L 457.28798,192.918 L 457.71098,193.847 L 456.55298,194.057 L 452.00098,194.752 L 451.95998,194.522 L 451.89298,194.279 L 451.29798,192.656 L 451.38298,191.939 L 451.58198,190.272\" id=\"37159\" inkscape:label=\"Rowan, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 451.32398,187.703 L 453.34098,187.436 L 454.52898,188.203 L 454.71798,188.307 L 454.77798,188.397 L 454.89898,188.735 L 454.95098,189.091 L 454.85898,189.852 L 454.47098,190.114 L 454.36698,191.264 L 451.58198,190.272 L 451.32398,187.703\" id=\"37059\" inkscape:label=\"Davie, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 453.37998,184.863 L 453.34098,187.436 L 451.32398,187.703 L 449.37798,187.96 L 449.09898,185.625 L 449.98198,185.075 L 451.49098,184.561 L 452.10098,184.552 L 453.05098,184.714 L 453.26798,184.782 L 453.37998,184.863\" id=\"37197\" inkscape:label=\"Yadkin, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 451.08698,181.068 L 452.84898,180.879 L 453.34098,184.601 L 453.37998,184.863 L 453.26798,184.782 L 453.05098,184.714 L 452.10098,184.552 L 451.49098,184.561 L 449.98198,185.075 L 449.09898,185.625 L 447.79998,183.66 L 448.13798,181.497 L 448.79198,181.429 L 451.08698,181.068\" id=\"37171\" inkscape:label=\"Surry, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 457.05298,180.28 L 457.58998,183.948 L 453.34098,184.601 L 452.84898,180.879 L 456.78698,180.325 L 457.05298,180.28\" id=\"37169\" inkscape:label=\"Stokes, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 453.34098,184.601 L 457.58998,183.948 L 458.04898,187.122 L 454.52898,188.203 L 453.34098,187.436 L 453.37998,184.863 L 453.34098,184.601\" id=\"37067\" inkscape:label=\"Forsyth, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 454.52898,188.203 L 458.04898,187.122 L 458.20198,188.28 L 458.90198,193.625 L 457.71098,193.847 L 457.28798,192.918 L 455.71498,191.353 L 454.36698,191.264 L 454.47098,190.114 L 454.85898,189.852 L 454.95098,189.091 L 454.89898,188.735 L 454.77798,188.397 L 454.71798,188.307 L 454.52898,188.203\" id=\"37057\" inkscape:label=\"Davidson, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 456.55298,194.057 L 457.71098,193.847 L 458.50898,194.252 L 458.57198,194.292 L 459.05498,195.058 L 459.24798,195.46 L 459.74798,197.79 L 459.76298,197.866 L 459.74398,197.983 L 459.59498,198.285 L 457.39698,197.956 L 455.06498,198.483 L 456.55298,194.057\" id=\"37167\" inkscape:label=\"Stanly, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 456.55298,194.057 L 455.06498,198.483 L 454.55198,198.263 L 453.23198,197.704 L 451.91998,196.153 L 451.51898,195.009 L 451.50498,194.923 L 451.51398,194.829 L 452.00098,194.752 L 456.55298,194.057\" id=\"37025\" inkscape:label=\"Cabarrus, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 457.39698,197.956 L 457.76498,202.922 L 455.25598,203.294 L 453.00598,203.626 L 452.79398,203.586 L 452.78898,203.464 L 452.71698,202.148 L 451.97798,201.404 L 454.55198,198.263 L 455.06498,198.483 L 457.39698,197.956\" id=\"37179\" inkscape:label=\"Union, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 459.59498,198.285 L 459.62198,198.398 L 459.74398,198.669 L 460.23598,198.862 L 460.50998,198.89 L 460.56498,198.881 L 460.62798,198.826 L 460.65398,198.79 L 460.68598,198.659 L 460.89398,198.438 L 461.02798,198.357 L 461.19498,198.357 L 461.38498,198.592 L 461.68298,199.074 L 462.46098,200.935 L 462.46098,201.003 L 462.35898,201.247 L 461.85798,202.329 L 457.76498,202.922 L 457.39698,197.956 L 459.59498,198.285\" id=\"37007\" inkscape:label=\"Anson, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 460.22198,179.747 L 462.29498,179.4 L 462.73298,183.159 L 462.74498,183.267 L 457.58998,183.948 L 457.05298,180.28 L 460.22198,179.747\" id=\"37157\" inkscape:label=\"Rockingham, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 457.58998,183.948 L 462.74498,183.267 L 463.41298,187.658 L 458.20198,188.28 L 458.04898,187.122 L 457.58998,183.948\" id=\"37081\" inkscape:label=\"Guilford, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 463.41298,187.658 L 463.53398,188.379 L 464.12898,192.601 L 461.94398,193.03 L 458.90198,193.625 L 458.20198,188.28 L 463.41298,187.658\" id=\"37151\" inkscape:label=\"Randolph, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 461.94398,193.03 L 463.02998,195.789 L 463.06098,195.951 L 463.21398,196.198 L 463.80498,196.889 L 464.04898,197.087 L 464.31498,197.204 L 463.26398,197.263 L 461.81698,197.375 L 461.26798,197.745 L 460.19098,198.218 L 459.95998,198.267 L 459.59498,198.285 L 459.74398,197.983 L 459.76298,197.866 L 459.74798,197.79 L 459.24798,195.46 L 459.05498,195.058 L 458.57198,194.292 L 458.50898,194.252 L 457.71098,193.847 L 458.90198,193.625 L 461.94398,193.03\" id=\"37123\" inkscape:label=\"Montgomery, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 459.59498,198.285 L 459.95998,198.267 L 460.19098,198.218 L 461.26798,197.745 L 461.81698,197.375 L 463.26398,197.263 L 464.31498,197.204 L 466.18998,198.466 L 465.67998,198.781 L 465.30098,199.124 L 465.12898,199.308 L 465.07498,199.818 L 465.11598,199.975 L 465.21098,200.124 L 465.06298,200.873 L 464.89998,201.22 L 464.35098,201.923 L 461.85798,202.329 L 462.35898,201.247 L 462.46098,201.003 L 462.46098,200.935 L 461.68298,199.074 L 461.38498,198.592 L 461.19498,198.357 L 461.02798,198.357 L 460.89398,198.438 L 460.68598,198.659 L 460.65398,198.79 L 460.62798,198.826 L 460.56498,198.881 L 460.50998,198.89 L 460.23598,198.862 L 459.74398,198.669 L 459.62198,198.398 L 459.59498,198.285\" id=\"37153\" inkscape:label=\"Richmond, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 467.79698,200.877 L 467.08698,203.744 L 464.35098,201.923 L 464.89998,201.22 L 465.06298,200.873 L 465.21098,200.124 L 465.11598,199.975 L 465.07498,199.818 L 465.12898,199.308 L 465.30098,199.124 L 465.67998,198.781 L 466.18998,198.466 L 467.79698,200.877\" id=\"37165\" inkscape:label=\"Scotland, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 466.06698,178.72 L 466.59398,182.578 L 465.53998,182.745 L 462.73298,183.159 L 462.29498,179.4 L 462.70498,179.324 L 463.99398,179.095 L 465.25198,178.864 L 466.06698,178.72\" id=\"37033\" inkscape:label=\"Caswell, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 462.73298,183.159 L 465.53998,182.745 L 466.45498,187.424 L 463.53398,188.379 L 463.41298,187.658 L 462.74498,183.267 L 462.73298,183.159\" id=\"37001\" inkscape:label=\"Alamance, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 466.23798,192.196 L 468.43298,194.585 L 469.59198,195.891 L 469.61898,196.127 L 467.99198,195.924 L 467.63998,196.23 L 467.14498,196.82 L 466.49998,197.902 L 466.18998,198.466 L 464.31498,197.204 L 464.04898,197.087 L 463.80498,196.889 L 463.21398,196.198 L 463.06098,195.951 L 463.02998,195.789 L 461.94398,193.03 L 464.12898,192.601 L 466.23798,192.196\" id=\"37125\" inkscape:label=\"Moore, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 466.18998,198.466 L 466.49998,197.902 L 467.14498,196.82 L 467.63998,196.23 L 467.99198,195.924 L 469.61898,196.127 L 470.77798,198.826 L 469.57798,200.444 L 469.01098,200.705 L 467.79698,200.877 L 466.18998,198.466\" id=\"37093\" inkscape:label=\"Hoke, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 470.77798,198.826 L 472.43198,200.093 L 473.76098,201.769 L 473.80098,201.959 L 473.69798,204.258 L 473.55898,204.533 L 473.06298,205.018 L 472.43598,206.366 L 471.90398,207.249 L 467.22998,203.843 L 467.08698,203.744 L 467.79698,200.877 L 469.01098,200.705 L 469.57798,200.444 L 470.77798,198.826\" id=\"37155\" inkscape:label=\"Robeson, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 480.15198,204.401 L 481.23398,204.759 L 480.61198,206.736 L 479.34998,207.448 L 478.22298,207.836 L 478.10198,207.846 L 478.02098,207.876 L 477.75498,208.201 L 477.27298,209.973 L 477.12298,210.977 L 471.90398,207.249 L 472.43598,206.366 L 473.06298,205.018 L 473.55898,204.533 L 473.99998,204.708 L 474.08998,204.708 L 474.31098,204.668 L 475.45998,204.37 L 476.76698,204.649 L 478.23198,205.063 L 479.38998,204.978 L 480.15198,204.401\" id=\"37047\" inkscape:label=\"Columbus, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 481.23398,204.759 L 482.66998,204.821 L 483.52798,205.835 L 484.14998,207.295 L 484.36598,208.098 L 484.41598,208.376 L 484.62298,209.761 L 483.86998,210.446 L 483.02398,210.374 L 482.57198,210.378 L 482.14398,210.432 L 481.11598,210.648 L 480.05298,210.982 L 480.01698,210.995 L 480.01298,210.995 L 478.79098,211.703 L 478.48798,211.951 L 477.12298,210.977 L 477.27298,209.973 L 477.75498,208.201 L 478.02098,207.876 L 478.10198,207.846 L 478.22298,207.836 L 479.34998,207.448 L 480.61198,206.736 L 481.23398,204.759\" id=\"37019\" inkscape:label=\"Brunswick, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 486.02498,204.699 L 485.83098,204.991 L 485.65098,205.384 L 485.17298,206.569 L 485.09598,206.876 L 484.91598,207.767 L 484.89898,207.876 L 484.62298,209.761 L 484.41598,208.376 L 484.36598,208.098 L 484.14998,207.295 L 483.52798,205.835 L 482.66998,204.821 L 483.67198,204.207 L 484.48398,203.82 L 484.90298,203.815 L 484.82098,203.942 L 484.86598,204.041 L 485.03298,204.203 L 485.75898,204.699 L 486.02498,204.699\" id=\"37129\" inkscape:label=\"New Hanover, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 476.58598,199.043 L 479.79598,202.432 L 479.65598,202.671 L 479.68398,202.733 L 479.94098,203.054 L 480.12498,203.167 L 480.44098,203.207 L 480.82298,203.41 L 480.15198,204.401 L 479.38998,204.978 L 478.23198,205.063 L 476.76698,204.649 L 475.45998,204.37 L 474.31098,204.668 L 474.08998,204.708 L 473.99998,204.708 L 473.55898,204.533 L 473.69798,204.258 L 473.80098,201.959 L 473.76098,201.769 L 472.43198,200.093 L 473.00798,199.822 L 473.44198,199.71 L 476.19898,199.182 L 476.48698,199.11 L 476.58598,199.043\" id=\"37017\" inkscape:label=\"Bladen, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 474.40098,194.31 L 474.21098,196.365 L 474.21098,196.46 L 474.46398,197.015 L 474.79798,197.637 L 474.87398,197.754 L 476.58598,199.043 L 476.48698,199.11 L 476.19898,199.182 L 473.44198,199.71 L 473.00798,199.822 L 472.43198,200.093 L 470.77798,198.826 L 469.61898,196.127 L 469.59198,195.891 L 469.91198,195.748 L 471.76898,194.896 L 472.68398,194.404 L 472.99498,194.333 L 474.40098,194.31\" id=\"37051\" inkscape:label=\"Cumberland, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 469.98498,186.905 L 470.00598,187.234 L 469.66398,190.362 L 470.55198,190.556 L 470.12298,191.444 L 469.11498,190.65 L 468.91498,190.519 L 468.80798,190.471 L 468.52798,190.393 L 468.31998,190.411 L 468.13498,190.471 L 467.69898,191.141 L 467.23398,191.548 L 466.49498,192.07 L 466.23798,192.196 L 464.12898,192.601 L 463.53398,188.379 L 466.45498,187.424 L 468.86598,187.167 L 469.98498,186.905\" id=\"37037\" inkscape:label=\"Chatham, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 470.55198,190.556 L 472.81898,190.993 L 475.01898,193.277 L 474.40098,194.31 L 472.99498,194.333 L 472.68398,194.404 L 471.76898,194.896 L 469.91198,195.748 L 469.59198,195.891 L 468.43298,194.585 L 470.12298,191.444 L 470.55198,190.556\" id=\"37085\" inkscape:label=\"Harnett, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 466.23798,192.196 L 466.49498,192.07 L 467.23398,191.548 L 467.69898,191.141 L 468.13498,190.471 L 468.31998,190.411 L 468.52798,190.393 L 468.80798,190.471 L 468.91498,190.519 L 469.11498,190.65 L 470.12298,191.444 L 468.43298,194.585 L 466.23798,192.196\" id=\"37105\" inkscape:label=\"Lee, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 466.59398,182.578 L 468.66498,182.245 L 468.86598,187.167 L 466.45498,187.424 L 465.53998,182.745 L 466.59398,182.578\" id=\"37135\" inkscape:label=\"Orange, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 466.06698,178.72 L 469.52898,178.094 L 470.18698,182.01 L 468.66498,182.245 L 466.59398,182.578 L 466.06698,178.72\" id=\"37145\" inkscape:label=\"Person, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 470.18698,182.01 L 471.11098,184.015 L 471.75498,184.665 L 471.70998,185.26 L 471.59398,185.589 L 471.36198,185.99 L 470.75898,186.774 L 469.98498,186.905 L 468.86598,187.167 L 468.66498,182.245 L 470.18698,182.01\" id=\"37063\" inkscape:label=\"Durham, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 480.85998,200.012 L 485.33498,199.169 L 487.71998,202.404 L 486.02498,204.699 L 485.75898,204.699 L 485.03298,204.203 L 484.86598,204.041 L 484.82098,203.942 L 484.90298,203.815 L 484.48398,203.82 L 483.67198,204.207 L 482.66998,204.821 L 481.23398,204.759 L 480.15198,204.401 L 480.82298,203.41 L 480.44098,203.207 L 480.12498,203.167 L 479.94098,203.054 L 479.68398,202.733 L 479.65598,202.671 L 479.79598,202.432 L 480.85998,200.012\" id=\"37141\" inkscape:label=\"Pender, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 475.01898,193.277 L 477.51998,193.192 L 479.20498,194.152 L 479.51198,195.545 L 480.06998,197.775 L 479.91698,199.989 L 480.66598,200.214 L 480.72998,200.178 L 480.85998,200.012 L 479.79598,202.432 L 476.58598,199.043 L 474.87398,197.754 L 474.79798,197.637 L 474.46398,197.015 L 474.21098,196.46 L 474.21098,196.365 L 474.40098,194.31 L 475.01898,193.277\" id=\"37163\" inkscape:label=\"Sampson, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 479.25998,188.91 L 481.75598,188.596 L 482.43698,191.146 L 482.62198,193.652 L 479.20498,194.152 L 477.51998,193.192 L 477.92498,192.601 L 478.74098,191.227 L 479.25998,188.91\" id=\"37191\" inkscape:label=\"Wayne, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 477.59998,187.306 L 478.04698,187.783 L 478.59298,188.803 L 479.25998,188.91 L 478.74098,191.227 L 477.92498,192.601 L 477.51998,193.192 L 475.01898,193.277 L 472.81898,190.993 L 474.23798,189.006 L 475.68398,187.396 L 476.74898,186.314 L 477.59998,187.306\" id=\"37101\" inkscape:label=\"Johnston, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 471.11098,184.015 L 473.28798,184.268 L 473.87798,184.408 L 474.62098,184.639 L 476.02298,185.427 L 476.38398,185.728 L 476.72198,186.184 L 476.74898,186.314 L 475.68398,187.396 L 474.23798,189.006 L 472.81898,190.993 L 470.55198,190.556 L 469.66398,190.362 L 470.00598,187.234 L 469.98498,186.905 L 470.75898,186.774 L 471.36198,185.99 L 471.59398,185.589 L 471.70998,185.26 L 471.75498,184.665 L 471.11098,184.015\" id=\"37183\" inkscape:label=\"Wake, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 470.15498,177.972 L 472.95898,177.449 L 472.61598,177.887 L 472.58898,178.14 L 472.67498,178.977 L 473.03998,180.933 L 473.29198,182.137 L 473.43198,182.213 L 473.28798,184.268 L 471.11098,184.015 L 470.18698,182.01 L 469.52898,178.094 L 470.15498,177.972\" id=\"37077\" inkscape:label=\"Granville, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 472.95898,177.449 L 474.30198,177.179 L 475.13998,180.69 L 473.43198,182.213 L 473.29198,182.137 L 473.03998,180.933 L 472.67498,178.977 L 472.58898,178.14 L 472.61598,177.887 L 472.95898,177.449\" id=\"37181\" inkscape:label=\"Vance, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 477.10498,176.642 L 478.58398,176.349 L 478.69598,176.832 L 478.34498,180.92 L 475.13998,180.69 L 474.30198,177.179 L 477.10498,176.642\" id=\"37185\" inkscape:label=\"Warren, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 478.34498,180.92 L 476.74898,186.314 L 476.72198,186.184 L 476.38398,185.728 L 476.02298,185.427 L 474.62098,184.639 L 473.87798,184.408 L 473.28798,184.268 L 473.43198,182.213 L 475.13998,180.69 L 478.34498,180.92\" id=\"37069\" inkscape:label=\"Franklin, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 481.59898,180.951 L 481.57098,181.577 L 481.14898,183.705 L 480.97698,184.854 L 477.59998,187.306 L 476.74898,186.314 L 478.34498,180.92 L 481.59898,180.951\" id=\"37127\" inkscape:label=\"Nash, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 486.00198,174.866 L 486.93098,175.669 L 486.52098,177.13 L 486.32198,178.774 L 485.67898,179.942 L 485.61898,180 L 485.51498,179.981 L 484.63698,179.608 L 482.37398,178.076 L 482.18998,177.26 L 481.16598,176.71 L 478.74098,176.751 L 478.69598,176.832 L 478.58398,176.349 L 479.92198,176.093 L 484.67698,175.155 L 486.00198,174.866\" id=\"37131\" inkscape:label=\"Northampton, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 478.69598,176.832 L 478.74098,176.751 L 481.16598,176.71 L 482.18998,177.26 L 482.37398,178.076 L 484.63698,179.608 L 485.51498,179.981 L 485.61898,180 L 485.67898,179.942 L 485.55598,181.209 L 484.97098,182.249 L 484.75798,182.308 L 483.71698,182.068 L 483.53798,181.682 L 482.98298,181.384 L 481.59898,180.951 L 478.34498,180.92 L 478.69598,176.832\" id=\"37083\" inkscape:label=\"Halifax, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 484.97098,182.249 L 485.96598,184.507 L 485.52898,184.413 L 484.77198,184.985 L 484.55598,185.354 L 484.25798,185.738 L 483.15298,186.941 L 482.42398,186.382 L 481.95398,185.435 L 480.97698,184.854 L 481.14898,183.705 L 481.57098,181.577 L 481.59898,180.951 L 482.98298,181.384 L 483.53798,181.682 L 483.71698,182.068 L 484.75798,182.308 L 484.97098,182.249\" id=\"37065\" inkscape:label=\"Edgecombe, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 480.97698,184.854 L 481.95398,185.435 L 482.42398,186.382 L 483.15298,186.941 L 482.81598,187.338 L 481.75598,188.596 L 479.25998,188.91 L 478.59298,188.803 L 478.04698,187.783 L 477.59998,187.306 L 480.97698,184.854\" id=\"37195\" inkscape:label=\"Wilson, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 482.81598,187.338 L 485.67898,189.763 L 484.84798,190.502 L 484.20298,191.007 L 483.86498,191.159 L 483.77198,191.178 L 483.58198,190.962 L 482.43698,191.146 L 481.75598,188.596 L 482.81598,187.338\" id=\"37079\" inkscape:label=\"Greene, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 486.76898,190.691 L 486.19498,192.282 L 485.62798,192.205 L 485.97098,193.098 L 485.96598,193.183 L 485.27698,194.544 L 484.10998,195.613 L 482.62198,193.652 L 482.43698,191.146 L 483.58198,190.962 L 483.77198,191.178 L 483.86498,191.159 L 484.20298,191.007 L 484.84798,190.502 L 485.67898,189.763 L 486.76898,190.691\" id=\"37107\" inkscape:label=\"Lenoir, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 486.19498,192.282 L 486.30398,192.296 L 489.45898,193.553 L 489.77898,193.724 L 490.17098,193.485 L 490.28798,193.508 L 490.35198,193.585 L 490.54098,194.17 L 490.93298,196.596 L 491.22598,196.91 L 490.49098,197.294 L 489.70698,196.222 L 489.65698,196.161 L 489.07998,195.717 L 488.75498,195.677 L 485.79998,195.677 L 484.73098,195.955 L 484.10998,195.613 L 485.27698,194.544 L 485.96598,193.183 L 485.97098,193.098 L 485.62798,192.205 L 486.19498,192.282\" id=\"37103\" inkscape:label=\"Jones, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 479.20498,194.152 L 482.62198,193.652 L 484.10998,195.613 L 484.73098,195.955 L 485.13698,196.518 L 485.24498,198.938 L 485.25398,199.019 L 485.33498,199.169 L 480.85998,200.012 L 480.72998,200.178 L 480.66598,200.214 L 479.91698,199.989 L 480.06998,197.775 L 479.51198,195.545 L 479.20498,194.152\" id=\"37061\" inkscape:label=\"Duplin, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 484.73098,195.955 L 485.79998,195.677 L 488.75498,195.677 L 489.07998,195.717 L 489.65698,196.161 L 489.70698,196.222 L 490.49098,197.294 L 491.41498,199.038 L 487.71998,202.404 L 485.33498,199.169 L 485.25398,199.019 L 485.24498,198.938 L 485.13698,196.518 L 484.73098,195.955\" id=\"37133\" inkscape:label=\"Onslow, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 495.25698,193.215 L 495.30098,193.301 L 495.48598,193.498 L 495.90898,193.454 L 497.89698,193.238 L 498.20298,194.779 L 500.30798,192.539 L 499.78898,193.783 L 497.74798,197.442 L 497.22098,197.766 L 496.86698,197.645 L 495.78298,197.434 L 495.24998,197.497 L 494.80598,197.587 L 494.32698,197.726 L 493.43498,198.052 L 492.60098,198.398 L 492.50998,198.438 L 492.47298,198.456 L 492.20298,198.588 L 491.97398,198.719 L 491.58198,198.944 L 491.41498,199.038 L 490.49098,197.294 L 491.22598,196.91 L 492.59198,196.527 L 494.54298,195.658 L 495.15198,195.234 L 495.34598,194.617 L 495.39498,194.324 L 495.32198,194.257 L 494.66898,193.837 L 495.25698,193.215\" id=\"37031\" inkscape:label=\"Carteret, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 494.79498,189.078 L 495.93598,189.069 L 496.14298,189.132 L 496.29598,189.352 L 496.39198,189.573 L 496.43198,189.772 L 496.28298,190.443 L 495.98898,191.695 L 495.82798,192.075 L 495.25698,193.215 L 494.66898,193.837 L 494.21898,194.302 L 494.03798,194.387 L 493.63698,194.441 L 492.70898,194.212 L 492.12698,193.887 L 491.88398,193.63 L 491.40998,192.201 L 491.52398,191.587 L 491.65898,191.267 L 492.06998,190.772 L 492.67698,191.146 L 494.81398,190.452 L 494.90298,189.965 L 494.90298,189.848 L 494.79498,189.078\" id=\"37137\" inkscape:label=\"Pamlico, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 488.62098,189.28 L 492.06998,190.772 L 491.65898,191.267 L 491.52398,191.587 L 491.40998,192.201 L 491.88398,193.63 L 492.12698,193.887 L 492.70898,194.212 L 493.63698,194.441 L 494.03798,194.387 L 494.21898,194.302 L 494.66898,193.837 L 495.32198,194.257 L 495.39498,194.324 L 495.34598,194.617 L 495.15198,195.234 L 494.54298,195.658 L 492.59198,196.527 L 491.22598,196.91 L 490.93298,196.596 L 490.54098,194.17 L 490.35198,193.585 L 490.28798,193.508 L 490.17098,193.485 L 489.77898,193.724 L 489.45898,193.553 L 486.30398,192.296 L 486.19498,192.282 L 486.76898,190.691 L 488.62098,189.28\" id=\"37049\" inkscape:label=\"Craven, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 485.96598,184.507 L 487.98898,185.247 L 488.62098,189.28 L 486.76898,190.691 L 485.67898,189.763 L 482.81598,187.338 L 483.15298,186.941 L 484.25798,185.738 L 484.55598,185.354 L 484.77198,184.985 L 485.52898,184.413 L 485.96598,184.507\" id=\"37147\" inkscape:label=\"Pitt, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 485.55598,181.209 L 485.56998,181.28 L 485.66398,181.425 L 487.20498,182.668 L 487.32798,182.74 L 488.98098,183.345 L 489.09898,183.376 L 491.10898,183.128 L 491.85298,182.713 L 491.40998,184.917 L 490.42398,185.603 L 490.09898,185.809 L 489.18498,185.525 L 487.98898,185.247 L 485.96598,184.507 L 484.97098,182.249 L 485.55598,181.209\" id=\"37117\" inkscape:label=\"Martin, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 491.37398,177.094 L 492.61798,176.104 L 492.60598,177.603 L 493.11498,179.193 L 493.15498,179.234 L 493.27298,179.293 L 493.50198,179.328 L 493.92098,179.36 L 494.83898,179.306 L 492.37998,180.536 L 491.40998,177.778 L 491.37398,177.094\" id=\"37041\" inkscape:label=\"Chowan, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 488.51698,174.393 L 488.71098,174.682 L 488.69698,174.808 L 488.52198,175.317 L 488.35498,175.394 L 488.52898,176.093 L 488.56698,176.139 L 488.72498,176.246 L 489.01298,176.331 L 489.93298,176.484 L 490.21198,176.484 L 491.37398,177.094 L 491.40998,177.778 L 489.45898,178.188 L 488.36398,178.459 L 486.59298,178.774 L 486.32198,178.774 L 486.52098,177.13 L 486.93098,175.669 L 486.00198,174.866 L 488.49898,174.397 L 488.51698,174.393\" id=\"37091\" inkscape:label=\"Hertford, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 491.40998,177.778 L 492.37998,180.536 L 492.33898,181.547 L 491.85298,182.713 L 491.10898,183.128 L 489.09898,183.376 L 488.98098,183.345 L 487.32798,182.74 L 487.20498,182.668 L 485.66398,181.425 L 485.56998,181.28 L 485.55598,181.209 L 485.67898,179.942 L 486.32198,178.774 L 486.59298,178.774 L 488.36398,178.459 L 489.45898,178.188 L 491.40998,177.778\" id=\"37015\" inkscape:label=\"Bertie, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 492.27198,173.537 L 492.87998,173.938 L 493.61398,175.542 L 492.61798,176.104 L 491.37398,177.094 L 490.21198,176.484 L 489.93298,176.484 L 489.01298,176.331 L 488.72498,176.246 L 488.56698,176.139 L 488.52898,176.093 L 488.35498,175.394 L 488.52198,175.317 L 488.69698,174.808 L 488.71098,174.682 L 488.51698,174.393 L 492.27198,173.537\" id=\"37073\" inkscape:label=\"Gates, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 492.77798,173.429 L 494.56998,173.05 L 496.46298,174.303 L 497.68898,174.974 L 497.73898,174.93 L 497.87798,174.943 L 498.10798,175.033 L 498.86998,175.61 L 499.90898,177.066 L 499.91598,177.098 L 498.25698,177.142 L 497.94498,176.791 L 497.16098,176.241 L 495.63398,175.312 L 493.57398,174.366 L 492.87998,173.938 L 492.27198,173.537 L 492.77798,173.429\" id=\"37029\" inkscape:label=\"Camden, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 492.87998,173.938 L 493.57398,174.366 L 495.63398,175.312 L 497.16098,176.241 L 497.94498,176.791 L 498.25698,177.142 L 496.99498,178.273 L 495.97698,177.611 L 494.72298,176.89 L 493.71898,175.719 L 493.61398,175.542 L 492.87998,173.938\" id=\"37139\" inkscape:label=\"Pasquotank, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 493.61398,175.542 L 493.71898,175.719 L 494.72298,176.89 L 495.97698,177.611 L 496.99498,178.273 L 494.83898,179.306 L 493.92098,179.36 L 493.50198,179.328 L 493.27298,179.293 L 493.15498,179.234 L 493.11498,179.193 L 492.60598,177.603 L 492.61798,176.104 L 493.61398,175.542\" id=\"37143\" inkscape:label=\"Perquimans, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 493.51998,184.488 L 495.36898,185.863 L 494.52498,186.693 L 494.40798,186.761 L 494.37598,186.815 L 494.37598,186.869 L 494.41698,187.022 L 494.74598,187.632 L 495.10298,188.104 L 495.27798,188.307 L 494.79498,189.078 L 494.90298,189.848 L 494.90298,189.965 L 494.81398,190.452 L 492.67698,191.146 L 492.06998,190.772 L 488.62098,189.28 L 487.98898,185.247 L 489.18498,185.525 L 490.09898,185.809 L 490.42398,185.603 L 491.40998,184.917 L 493.51998,184.488\" id=\"37013\" inkscape:label=\"Beaufort, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 492.33898,181.547 L 492.34798,181.555 L 492.55598,181.64 L 492.62298,181.645 L 493.21798,181.483 L 494.20498,181.099 L 494.51698,180.889 L 494.62398,180.739 L 495.21998,180.432 L 495.31898,180.47 L 495.42198,180.559 L 495.72898,180.883 L 495.89598,182.245 L 495.68798,182.93 L 496.01298,184.07 L 493.51998,184.488 L 491.40998,184.917 L 491.85298,182.713 L 492.33898,181.547\" id=\"37187\" inkscape:label=\"Washington, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 499.83498,183.641 L 496.01298,184.07 L 495.68798,182.93 L 495.89598,182.245 L 495.72898,180.883 L 496.52898,180.31 L 497.07998,179.991 L 497.44498,179.847 L 498.60898,179.604 L 499.05098,179.802 L 499.17698,179.915 L 499.42898,180.595 L 499.40598,180.762 L 499.40198,181.127 L 499.50598,181.835 L 499.69098,182.56 L 499.86098,183.412 L 499.83498,183.641\" id=\"37177\" inkscape:label=\"Tyrrell, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 499.83498,183.641 L 499.86098,183.412 L 499.69098,182.56 L 499.50598,181.835 L 499.40198,181.127 L 499.40598,180.762 L 499.42898,180.595 L 499.86098,179.774 L 499.93798,179.689 L 500.29898,179.451 L 500.49698,179.388 L 500.69098,179.351 L 500.80298,179.355 L 501.25798,179.481 L 501.61898,179.815 L 502.34898,180.844 L 502.46798,181.037 L 502.95198,182.578 L 502.96298,182.637 L 502.98098,183.538 L 502.64698,184.228 L 502.43998,184.341 L 502.03798,184.471 L 501.68298,184.39 L 499.83498,183.641M 502.70098,179.572 L 502.88598,179.657 L 503.06998,179.802 L 503.30998,180.05 L 503.49398,180.365 L 503.63398,180.874 L 503.58898,180.97 L 503.54798,180.978 L 503.06498,180.892 L 502.97598,180.825 L 502.21898,179.721 L 502.16398,179.626 L 502.15898,179.599 L 502.23598,179.531 L 502.36698,179.505 L 502.52098,179.505 L 502.70098,179.572M 503.90898,189.001 L 504.09798,188.897 L 504.24698,188.798 L 505.06298,188.234 L 505.93698,187.586 L 505.96098,187.379 L 505.91398,186.071 L 505.85198,185.197 L 505.74298,183.903 L 505.61198,183.317 L 505.51798,183.024 L 505.38298,182.719 L 505.22098,182.515 L 505.09298,182.353 L 504.57098,181.23 L 504.60898,181.185 L 504.66598,181.194 L 504.68498,181.199 L 504.70598,181.226 L 504.97298,181.551 L 505.07598,181.718 L 505.38698,182.312 L 505.57098,182.74 L 505.82398,183.308 L 505.90498,183.863 L 505.92398,184.029 L 506.01798,184.818 L 506.10698,185.972 L 506.14998,186.914 L 506.14398,188.059 L 506.08998,188.177 L 505.96898,188.172 L 505.80198,188.158 L 505.59898,188.217 L 505.30198,188.329 L 505.06298,188.478 L 503.99398,189.172 L 503.90898,189.001M 500.87998,175.943 L 501.44398,176.849 L 501.44698,176.853 L 501.75898,177.323 L 502.07398,177.733 L 502.61998,178.373 L 503.20098,179.157 L 503.95398,180.172 L 504.44898,180.937 L 504.40098,181.086 L 503.38198,179.951 L 501.64698,177.854 L 500.67798,176.043 L 500.87998,175.943\" id=\"37055\" inkscape:label=\"Dare, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 496.48898,172.645 L 499.05998,172.095 L 500.87998,175.943 L 500.67798,176.043 L 499.58698,173.775 L 498.91498,173.037 L 498.83398,173.005 L 497.80698,172.956 L 497.65598,173.022 L 497.62298,173.068 L 497.57998,173.163 L 497.58598,173.316 L 497.76998,173.596 L 497.87798,173.722 L 497.97798,173.775 L 498.46398,173.997 L 499.11298,174.719 L 500.92998,177.513 L 501.10098,177.882 L 501.10998,178.021 L 501.04698,178.021 L 500.62298,177.846 L 500.47998,177.751 L 500.20798,177.476 L 499.91598,177.098 L 499.90898,177.066 L 498.86998,175.61 L 498.10798,175.033 L 497.87798,174.943 L 497.73898,174.93 L 497.68898,174.974 L 496.46298,174.303 L 494.56998,173.05 L 496.48898,172.645\" id=\"37053\" inkscape:label=\"Currituck, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 499.83498,183.641 L 501.68298,184.39 L 501.44398,184.57 L 500.99698,185.228 L 500.96598,185.292 L 500.68698,186.031 L 500.72698,186.179 L 500.72198,186.314 L 500.66498,186.729 L 500.65098,186.815 L 500.60098,186.909 L 500.21798,187.518 L 499.57798,188.217 L 499.51498,188.257 L 496.90098,188.51 L 496.80598,188.515 L 495.95798,188.41 L 495.27798,188.307 L 495.10298,188.104 L 494.74598,187.632 L 494.41698,187.022 L 494.37598,186.869 L 494.37598,186.815 L 494.40798,186.761 L 494.52498,186.693 L 495.36898,185.863 L 493.51998,184.488 L 496.01298,184.07 L 499.83498,183.641M 503.90898,189.001 L 503.99398,189.172 L 503.80098,189.28 L 503.61498,189.429 L 503.15198,189.803 L 502.49798,190.366 L 502.20998,190.619 L 501.88498,191.002 L 501.73198,191.227 L 501.62798,191.322 L 501.59698,191.282 L 501.60698,191.231 L 501.76798,190.772 L 501.95298,190.507 L 502.60698,189.934 L 503.59798,189.14 L 503.90898,189.001\" id=\"37095\" inkscape:label=\"Hyde, NC\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 280.67698,55.392 L 286.13998,55.478 L 286.18498,56.596 L 286.19798,58.227 L 286.57198,59.453 L 286.68098,59.751 L 286.50898,62.554 L 286.51398,63.276 L 286.51398,63.28 L 282.08398,63.244 L 278.50498,63.181 L 278.58598,58.701 L 278.39698,57.398 L 278.42798,55.343 L 280.67698,55.392\" id=\"38017\" inkscape:label=\"Cass, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 286.51398,63.28 L 286.89698,64.393 L 288.13598,67.377 L 288.47898,70.081 L 288.50598,70.307 L 288.48798,70.568 L 288.46598,70.649 L 288.29898,71.118 L 288.42098,72.236 L 282.42998,72.177 L 282.24098,71.397 L 282.16898,70.599 L 282.20998,67.711 L 282.01998,67.706 L 282.08398,63.244 L 286.51398,63.28\" id=\"38077\" inkscape:label=\"Richland, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 241.62298,33.799 L 240.50598,33.723 L 239.72998,34.786 L 239.58198,37.004 L 233.95198,36.607 L 234.03298,35.503 L 234.11398,34.39 L 233.64598,34.358 L 233.91598,30.815 L 241.78598,31.356 L 241.62298,33.799\" id=\"38013\" inkscape:label=\"Burke, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 224.41098,30.054 L 233.91598,30.815 L 233.64598,34.358 L 234.11398,34.39 L 234.03298,35.503 L 224.02298,34.705 L 224.41098,30.054\" id=\"38023\" inkscape:label=\"Divide, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 224.02298,34.705 L 234.03298,35.503 L 233.95198,36.607 L 233.79898,38.82 L 234.29498,38.851 L 234.06098,42.029 L 233.69498,41.835 L 231.71298,41.565 L 230.82898,41.641 L 230.72098,41.718 L 230.49498,41.953 L 230.33798,42.169 L 230.33298,42.191 L 230.35098,42.219 L 230.48198,42.277 L 230.55398,42.354 L 230.55798,42.408 L 230.53998,42.48 L 230.47298,42.552 L 230.06698,42.701 L 229.47198,42.863 L 228.20998,43.097 L 228.09798,43.088 L 227.64298,42.687 L 227.44798,42.363 L 227.42598,41.966 L 227.27298,41.673 L 226.70498,41.484 L 226.52498,41.52 L 226.34898,41.61 L 226.07898,41.817 L 226.07398,41.876 L 226.10098,41.934 L 226.28098,42.11 L 226.02898,42.48 L 225.26298,43.066 L 224.71298,43.368 L 224.40598,43.431 L 223.36498,42.827 L 223.76598,37.815 L 224.02298,34.705\" id=\"38105\" inkscape:label=\"Williams, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 239.58198,37.004 L 241.83598,37.13 L 242.13698,39.388 L 241.85798,43.841 L 242.10598,44.607 L 242.15998,46.108 L 237.67098,45.82 L 237.59398,46.964 L 235.41298,45.973 L 235.37698,45.932 L 235.35898,45.869 L 235.32198,45.491 L 235.34498,45.31 L 235.43098,44.972 L 235.46198,44.909 L 235.77298,44.535 L 235.96298,44.418 L 236.10698,44.287 L 236.23698,44.111 L 236.34998,43.882 L 236.35498,43.814 L 236.32698,43.773 L 235.08398,42.557 L 234.43398,42.078 L 234.06098,42.029 L 234.29498,38.851 L 233.79898,38.82 L 233.95198,36.607 L 239.58198,37.004\" id=\"38061\" inkscape:label=\"Mountrail, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 234.06098,42.029 L 234.43398,42.078 L 235.08398,42.557 L 236.32698,43.773 L 236.35498,43.814 L 236.34998,43.882 L 236.23698,44.111 L 236.10698,44.287 L 235.96298,44.418 L 235.77298,44.535 L 235.46198,44.909 L 235.43098,44.972 L 235.34498,45.31 L 235.32198,45.491 L 235.35898,45.869 L 235.37698,45.932 L 235.41298,45.973 L 235.27298,47.884 L 231.27498,47.586 L 230.95098,52.004 L 225.96098,51.611 L 222.63498,51.323 L 222.71198,50.462 L 223.36498,42.827 L 224.40598,43.431 L 224.71298,43.368 L 225.26298,43.066 L 226.02898,42.48 L 226.28098,42.11 L 226.10098,41.934 L 226.07398,41.876 L 226.07898,41.817 L 226.34898,41.61 L 226.52498,41.52 L 226.70498,41.484 L 227.27298,41.673 L 227.42598,41.966 L 227.44798,42.363 L 227.64298,42.687 L 228.09798,43.088 L 228.20998,43.097 L 229.47198,42.863 L 230.06698,42.701 L 230.47298,42.552 L 230.53998,42.48 L 230.55798,42.408 L 230.55398,42.354 L 230.48198,42.277 L 230.35098,42.219 L 230.33298,42.191 L 230.33798,42.169 L 230.49498,41.953 L 230.72098,41.718 L 230.82898,41.641 L 231.71298,41.565 L 233.69498,41.835 L 234.06098,42.029\" id=\"38053\" inkscape:label=\"McKenzie, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 237.59398,46.964 L 237.88198,46.536 L 237.94498,46.477 L 238.00898,46.446 L 238.13498,46.469 L 238.61198,46.681 L 238.70298,46.739 L 238.72498,46.807 L 238.72098,46.888 L 238.68498,46.982 L 238.53598,48.763 L 238.55398,48.826 L 238.58998,48.88 L 239.01898,49.412 L 238.81098,52.567 L 239.34698,52.598 L 239.08098,56.668 L 235.71498,56.443 L 235.69198,56.812 L 231.20298,56.506 L 231.53598,52.048 L 230.95098,52.004 L 231.27498,47.586 L 235.27298,47.884 L 235.41298,45.973 L 237.59398,46.964\" id=\"38025\" inkscape:label=\"Dunn, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 239.08098,56.668 L 239.48298,57.069 L 239.27098,60.445 L 239.19398,61.554 L 231.80198,61.062 L 229.10298,60.86 L 229.44998,56.375 L 231.20298,56.506 L 235.69198,56.812 L 235.71498,56.443 L 239.08098,56.668\" id=\"38089\" inkscape:label=\"Stark, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 225.96098,51.611 L 225.59598,56.078 L 226.10598,56.119 L 225.74998,60.602 L 224.04598,60.463 L 223.95098,61.603 L 221.77898,61.419 L 221.88698,60.129 L 222.63498,51.323 L 225.96098,51.611\" id=\"38033\" inkscape:label=\"Golden Valley, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 225.96098,51.611 L 230.95098,52.004 L 231.53598,52.048 L 231.20298,56.506 L 229.44998,56.375 L 229.10298,60.86 L 225.74998,60.602 L 226.10598,56.119 L 225.59598,56.078 L 225.96098,51.611\" id=\"38007\" inkscape:label=\"Billings, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 230.87398,65.497 L 230.55398,69.802 L 221.12998,69.054 L 221.48998,64.759 L 230.87398,65.497\" id=\"38011\" inkscape:label=\"Bowman, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 225.74998,60.602 L 229.10298,60.86 L 231.80198,61.062 L 231.50498,65.534 L 230.87398,65.497 L 221.48998,64.759 L 221.77898,61.419 L 223.95098,61.603 L 224.04598,60.463 L 225.74998,60.602\" id=\"38087\" inkscape:label=\"Slope, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 239.19398,61.554 L 239.59998,61.585 L 239.58198,64.592 L 239.78898,66.147 L 239.72598,67.075 L 235.25498,66.773 L 235.32698,65.782 L 231.50498,65.534 L 231.80198,61.062 L 239.19398,61.554\" id=\"38041\" inkscape:label=\"Hettinger, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 230.87398,65.497 L 231.50498,65.534 L 235.32698,65.782 L 235.25498,66.773 L 239.72598,67.075 L 239.50998,70.424 L 239.49198,70.424 L 231.03598,69.838 L 230.55398,69.802 L 230.87398,65.497\" id=\"38001\" inkscape:label=\"Adams, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 239.01898,49.412 L 239.21198,49.511 L 241.70898,50.475 L 242.28098,50.646 L 242.40698,50.624 L 242.61098,50.521 L 243.04798,50.25 L 243.35398,50.151 L 245.59398,49.962 L 245.75198,49.962 L 245.82398,49.994 L 246.31098,50.498 L 246.29298,50.575 L 246.21998,50.656 L 245.89198,50.823 L 245.80998,50.895 L 245.65698,51.07 L 245.62598,51.165 L 245.63898,51.255 L 246.33798,53.202 L 247.11298,53.878 L 247.08998,54.18 L 242.62398,53.919 L 242.42098,57.25 L 239.48298,57.069 L 239.08098,56.668 L 239.34698,52.598 L 238.81098,52.567 L 239.01898,49.412\" id=\"38057\" inkscape:label=\"Mercer, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 239.27098,60.445 L 242.62898,60.648 L 242.56098,61.765 L 246.29298,61.991 L 246.10398,65.313 L 248.34298,65.434 L 248.48798,66.566 L 247.63098,67.422 L 246.71598,68.135 L 245.87398,68.729 L 243.95298,69.603 L 243.24098,69.815 L 243.21498,69.811 L 242.32198,69.626 L 240.98698,69.157 L 240.39798,68.959 L 239.59998,69.027 L 239.72598,67.075 L 239.78898,66.147 L 239.58198,64.592 L 239.59998,61.585 L 239.19398,61.554 L 239.27098,60.445\" id=\"38037\" inkscape:label=\"Grant, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 248.48798,66.566 L 248.59098,66.106 L 249.51098,65.254 L 249.88898,65.128 L 250.01498,65.241 L 250.36698,65.313 L 251.27798,65.371 L 251.50298,65.3 L 252.47198,64.92 L 252.54898,65.074 L 252.71998,65.525 L 252.78298,65.764 L 252.78798,66.151 L 252.64798,67.328 L 252.61098,67.449 L 252.47198,67.733 L 252.30498,67.904 L 252.05698,68.274 L 251.94898,68.531 L 251.94498,68.68 L 252.03498,69.482 L 252.07098,69.612 L 252.87798,71.177 L 250.83198,71.073 L 250.62898,71.064 L 250.55598,71.059 L 249.47498,71.005 L 248.65898,70.96 L 246.04498,70.816 L 245.12598,70.766 L 244.60298,70.735 L 243.47598,70.672 L 242.11398,70.586 L 240.82098,70.51 L 239.73498,70.442 L 239.58998,70.433 L 239.56798,70.429 L 239.50998,70.424 L 239.59998,69.027 L 240.39798,68.959 L 240.98698,69.157 L 242.32198,69.626 L 243.21498,69.811 L 243.24098,69.815 L 243.95298,69.603 L 245.87398,68.729 L 246.71598,68.135 L 247.63098,67.422 L 248.48798,66.566\" id=\"38085\" inkscape:label=\"Sioux, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 239.48298,57.069 L 242.42098,57.25 L 249.75398,57.642 L 249.76798,57.881 L 249.97098,58.723 L 250.51098,60.711 L 250.90298,61.486 L 251.34098,61.919 L 251.96298,62.234 L 252.48098,62.658 L 252.65298,62.96 L 252.89998,63.51 L 252.62498,63.925 L 252.54398,64.087 L 252.40898,64.659 L 252.41798,64.772 L 252.47198,64.92 L 251.50298,65.3 L 251.27798,65.371 L 250.36698,65.313 L 250.01498,65.241 L 249.88898,65.128 L 249.51098,65.254 L 248.59098,66.106 L 248.48798,66.566 L 248.34298,65.434 L 246.10398,65.313 L 246.29298,61.991 L 242.56098,61.765 L 242.62898,60.648 L 239.27098,60.445 L 239.48298,57.069\" id=\"38059\" inkscape:label=\"Morton, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 249.61398,55.402 L 249.75398,57.642 L 242.42098,57.25 L 242.62398,53.919 L 247.08998,54.18 L 247.11298,53.878 L 248.32098,53.581 L 248.63198,53.554 L 248.88398,53.621 L 249.08698,53.707 L 249.37998,53.932 L 249.53298,54.131 L 249.56498,54.203 L 249.61398,55.402\" id=\"38065\" inkscape:label=\"Oliver, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 241.62298,33.799 L 241.78598,31.356 L 246.28298,31.622 L 246.07598,35.179 L 246.33798,37.414 L 249.72298,37.612 L 249.66398,38.717 L 242.89898,38.32 L 243.09698,34.998 L 241.55598,34.903 L 241.62298,33.799\" id=\"38075\" inkscape:label=\"Renville, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 239.58198,37.004 L 239.72998,34.786 L 240.50598,33.723 L 241.62298,33.799 L 241.55598,34.903 L 243.09698,34.998 L 242.89898,38.32 L 249.66398,38.717 L 249.60498,39.829 L 249.80798,40.997 L 249.81298,43.309 L 250.03798,44.319 L 250.14598,44.324 L 250.02498,46.545 L 242.15998,46.108 L 242.10598,44.607 L 241.85798,43.841 L 242.13698,39.388 L 241.83598,37.13 L 239.58198,37.004\" id=\"38101\" inkscape:label=\"Ward, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 250.02498,46.545 L 253.39598,46.73 L 253.29298,48.948 L 252.52598,48.911 L 252.48098,49.565 L 252.29698,53.347 L 251.62898,53.31 L 251.51598,55.492 L 249.61398,55.402 L 249.56498,54.203 L 249.53298,54.131 L 249.37998,53.932 L 249.08698,53.707 L 248.88398,53.621 L 248.63198,53.554 L 248.32098,53.581 L 247.11298,53.878 L 246.33798,53.202 L 245.63898,51.255 L 245.62598,51.165 L 245.65698,51.07 L 245.80998,50.895 L 245.89198,50.823 L 246.21998,50.656 L 246.29298,50.575 L 246.31098,50.498 L 245.82398,49.994 L 245.75198,49.962 L 245.59398,49.962 L 243.35398,50.151 L 243.04798,50.25 L 242.61098,50.521 L 242.40698,50.624 L 242.28098,50.646 L 241.70898,50.475 L 239.21198,49.511 L 239.01898,49.412 L 238.58998,48.88 L 238.55398,48.826 L 238.53598,48.763 L 238.68498,46.982 L 238.72098,46.888 L 238.72498,46.807 L 238.70298,46.739 L 238.61198,46.681 L 238.13498,46.469 L 238.00898,46.446 L 237.94498,46.477 L 237.88198,46.536 L 237.59398,46.964 L 237.67098,45.82 L 242.15998,46.108 L 250.02498,46.545\" id=\"38055\" inkscape:label=\"McLean, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 246.28298,31.622 L 257.56098,32.199 L 257.40298,35.769 L 257.72298,35.783 L 257.62298,37.995 L 256.49198,37.954 L 255.36998,37.905 L 255.41998,36.787 L 252.04798,36.616 L 249.78098,36.503 L 249.72298,37.612 L 246.33798,37.414 L 246.07598,35.179 L 246.28298,31.622\" id=\"38009\" inkscape:label=\"Bottineau, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 256.49198,37.954 L 256.39798,40.163 L 256.55498,41.664 L 256.53698,44.643 L 256.73598,45.396 L 256.77998,46.883 L 253.39598,46.73 L 250.02498,46.545 L 250.14598,44.324 L 250.03798,44.319 L 249.81298,43.309 L 249.80798,40.997 L 249.60498,39.829 L 249.72298,37.612 L 249.78098,36.503 L 252.04798,36.616 L 255.41998,36.787 L 255.36998,37.905 L 256.49198,37.954\" id=\"38049\" inkscape:label=\"McHenry, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 256.77998,46.883 L 257.90698,46.937 L 257.80798,49.159 L 258.12798,49.173 L 257.93898,53.608 L 257.23098,53.581 L 252.29698,53.347 L 252.48098,49.565 L 252.52598,48.911 L 253.29298,48.948 L 253.39598,46.73 L 256.77998,46.883\" id=\"38083\" inkscape:label=\"Sheridan, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 257.23098,53.581 L 257.02898,58.007 L 257.37998,58.02 L 257.13198,62.487 L 251.96298,62.234 L 251.34098,61.919 L 250.90298,61.486 L 250.51098,60.711 L 249.97098,58.723 L 249.76798,57.881 L 249.75398,57.642 L 249.61398,55.402 L 251.51598,55.492 L 251.62898,53.31 L 252.29698,53.347 L 257.23098,53.581\" id=\"38015\" inkscape:label=\"Burleigh, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 257.13198,62.487 L 258.60598,62.554 L 258.75498,67.066 L 258.55698,71.452 L 252.98998,71.181 L 252.87798,71.177 L 252.07098,69.612 L 252.03498,69.482 L 251.94498,68.68 L 251.94898,68.531 L 252.05698,68.274 L 252.30498,67.904 L 252.47198,67.733 L 252.61098,67.449 L 252.64798,67.328 L 252.78798,66.151 L 252.78298,65.764 L 252.71998,65.525 L 252.54898,65.074 L 252.47198,64.92 L 252.41798,64.772 L 252.40898,64.659 L 252.54398,64.087 L 252.62498,63.925 L 252.89998,63.51 L 252.65298,62.96 L 252.48098,62.658 L 251.96298,62.234 L 257.13198,62.487\" id=\"38029\" inkscape:label=\"Emmons, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 258.75498,67.066 L 266.28598,67.336 L 266.59298,67.35 L 266.42998,71.763 L 260.01698,71.519 L 258.55698,71.452 L 258.75498,67.066\" id=\"38051\" inkscape:label=\"McIntosh, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 258.60598,62.554 L 262.75698,62.73 L 266.43498,62.874 L 266.28598,67.336 L 258.75498,67.066 L 258.60598,62.554\" id=\"38047\" inkscape:label=\"Logan, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 257.23098,53.581 L 257.93898,53.608 L 262.80698,53.802 L 262.63998,58.241 L 262.94598,58.25 L 262.75698,62.73 L 258.60598,62.554 L 257.13198,62.487 L 257.37998,58.02 L 257.02898,58.007 L 257.23098,53.581\" id=\"38043\" inkscape:label=\"Kidder, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 257.90698,46.937 L 260.15598,47.028 L 264.64998,47.203 L 264.57798,49.43 L 264.84798,49.443 L 264.81198,50.534 L 264.69498,53.869 L 262.80698,53.802 L 257.93898,53.608 L 258.12798,49.173 L 257.80798,49.159 L 257.90698,46.937\" id=\"38103\" inkscape:label=\"Wells, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 257.62298,37.995 L 263.26698,38.229 L 263.18998,40.447 L 260.11998,40.326 L 259.92698,44.792 L 260.24198,44.806 L 260.15598,47.028 L 257.90698,46.937 L 256.77998,46.883 L 256.73598,45.396 L 256.53698,44.643 L 256.55498,41.664 L 256.39798,40.163 L 256.49198,37.954 L 257.62298,37.995\" id=\"38069\" inkscape:label=\"Pierce, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 257.62298,37.995 L 257.72298,35.783 L 257.40298,35.769 L 257.56098,32.199 L 263.20298,32.425 L 263.06398,36.008 L 263.35198,36.016 L 263.26698,38.229 L 257.62298,37.995\" id=\"38079\" inkscape:label=\"Rolette, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 263.20298,32.425 L 267.71898,32.578 L 267.63298,34.872 L 267.60698,36.165 L 267.85898,36.175 L 267.79198,38.392 L 267.71498,40.609 L 265.72698,40.542 L 263.18998,40.447 L 263.26698,38.229 L 263.35198,36.016 L 263.06398,36.008 L 263.20298,32.425\" id=\"38095\" inkscape:label=\"Towner, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 263.18998,40.447 L 265.72698,40.542 L 265.63698,43.291 L 265.69998,43.377 L 267.48498,45.382 L 267.79198,45.315 L 269.47298,45.499 L 270.55398,46.5 L 271.41998,46.541 L 271.40198,47.419 L 264.64998,47.203 L 260.15598,47.028 L 260.24198,44.806 L 259.92698,44.792 L 260.11998,40.326 L 263.18998,40.447\" id=\"38005\" inkscape:label=\"Benson, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 264.64998,47.203 L 271.40198,47.419 L 271.56398,49.65 L 271.53698,50.741 L 264.81198,50.534 L 264.84798,49.443 L 264.57798,49.43 L 264.64998,47.203\" id=\"38027\" inkscape:label=\"Eddy, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 264.81198,50.534 L 271.53698,50.741 L 271.45598,54.081 L 264.69498,53.869 L 264.81198,50.534\" id=\"38031\" inkscape:label=\"Foster, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 262.80698,53.802 L 264.69498,53.869 L 271.45598,54.081 L 271.70798,55.19 L 271.62298,58.539 L 271.86998,58.543 L 271.75798,63.018 L 266.43498,62.874 L 262.75698,62.73 L 262.94598,58.25 L 262.63998,58.241 L 262.80698,53.802\" id=\"38093\" inkscape:label=\"Stutsman, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 271.75798,63.018 L 275.36798,63.109 L 275.26398,67.584 L 266.59298,67.35 L 266.28598,67.336 L 266.43498,62.874 L 271.75798,63.018\" id=\"38045\" inkscape:label=\"LaMoure, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 266.59298,67.35 L 275.26398,67.584 L 275.52098,67.589 L 275.40798,72.046 L 268.95898,71.853 L 266.42998,71.763 L 266.59298,67.35\" id=\"38021\" inkscape:label=\"Dickey, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 275.52098,67.589 L 282.01998,67.706 L 282.20998,67.711 L 282.16898,70.599 L 282.24098,71.397 L 282.42998,72.177 L 275.67398,72.055 L 275.40798,72.046 L 275.52098,67.589\" id=\"38081\" inkscape:label=\"Sargent, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 275.36798,63.109 L 278.50498,63.181 L 282.08398,63.244 L 282.01998,67.706 L 275.52098,67.589 L 275.26398,67.584 L 275.36798,63.109\" id=\"38073\" inkscape:label=\"Ransom, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 276.17898,55.294 L 278.42798,55.343 L 278.39698,57.398 L 278.58598,58.701 L 278.50498,63.181 L 275.36798,63.109 L 271.75798,63.018 L 271.86998,58.543 L 271.62298,58.539 L 271.70798,55.19 L 276.17898,55.294\" id=\"38003\" inkscape:label=\"Barnes, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 276.08498,49.759 L 276.17898,55.294 L 271.70798,55.19 L 271.45598,54.081 L 271.56398,49.65 L 276.08498,49.759\" id=\"38039\" inkscape:label=\"Griggs, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 276.08498,49.759 L 276.98198,49.777 L 280.57298,49.845 L 280.67698,55.392 L 278.42798,55.343 L 276.17898,55.294 L 276.08498,49.759\" id=\"38091\" inkscape:label=\"Steele, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 273.54698,43.012 L 276.93198,43.088 L 276.88698,45.315 L 277.07098,45.32 L 277.07098,45.338 L 276.98198,49.777 L 276.08498,49.759 L 271.56398,49.65 L 271.40198,47.419 L 271.41998,46.541 L 271.45998,45.184 L 272.35698,45.207 L 272.41998,42.989 L 273.54698,43.012\" id=\"38063\" inkscape:label=\"Nelson, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 273.43398,38.554 L 273.39398,40.051 L 273.60598,40.781 L 273.54698,43.012 L 272.41998,42.989 L 272.35698,45.207 L 271.45998,45.184 L 271.41998,46.541 L 270.55398,46.5 L 269.47298,45.499 L 267.79198,45.315 L 267.48498,45.382 L 265.69998,43.377 L 265.63698,43.291 L 265.72698,40.542 L 267.71498,40.609 L 267.79198,38.392 L 273.43398,38.554\" id=\"38071\" inkscape:label=\"Ramsey, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 267.71898,32.578 L 276.73398,32.803 L 276.66598,36.404 L 276.85998,36.409 L 276.81498,38.64 L 273.43398,38.554 L 267.79198,38.392 L 267.85898,36.175 L 267.60698,36.165 L 267.63298,34.872 L 267.71898,32.578\" id=\"38019\" inkscape:label=\"Cavalier, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 276.73398,32.803 L 282.93098,32.902 L 282.88998,32.943 L 282.84998,33.132 L 282.83998,33.322 L 282.88998,33.592 L 283.51198,35.624 L 283.67898,36.12 L 284.05798,36.981 L 283.42598,38.734 L 283.46698,38.757 L 276.81498,38.64 L 276.85998,36.409 L 276.66598,36.404 L 276.73398,32.803\" id=\"38067\" inkscape:label=\"Pembina, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 273.43398,38.554 L 276.81498,38.64 L 283.46698,38.757 L 283.53498,38.793 L 283.73698,39.041 L 283.79198,42.115 L 283.50798,43.21 L 276.93198,43.088 L 273.54698,43.012 L 273.60598,40.781 L 273.39398,40.051 L 273.43398,38.554\" id=\"38099\" inkscape:label=\"Walsh, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 283.50798,43.21 L 283.50298,43.472 L 283.50298,43.503 L 283.70598,44.287 L 284.54498,47.311 L 285.67998,49.903 L 280.57298,49.845 L 276.98198,49.777 L 277.07098,45.338 L 277.07098,45.32 L 276.88698,45.315 L 276.93198,43.088 L 283.50798,43.21\" id=\"38035\" inkscape:label=\"Grand Forks, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 280.57298,49.845 L 285.67998,49.903 L 285.98198,52.125 L 286.13998,55.478 L 280.67698,55.392 L 280.57298,49.845\" id=\"38097\" inkscape:label=\"Traill, ND\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 222.97698,107.378 L 227.70498,107.743 L 229.66098,107.892 L 229.45898,110.667 L 229.58498,111.421 L 229.32298,115.147 L 222.97298,114.706 L 222.63898,114.679 L 222.98598,110.185 L 222.90498,109.681 L 222.88298,108.688 L 222.97698,107.378\" id=\"31045\" inkscape:label=\"Dawes, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 222.97698,107.378 L 222.88298,108.688 L 222.90498,109.681 L 222.98598,110.185 L 222.63898,114.679 L 222.97298,114.706 L 222.62598,119.186 L 223.02698,119.222 L 222.94098,120.345 L 216.74898,119.866 L 217.83998,106.958 L 222.97698,107.378\" id=\"31165\" inkscape:label=\"Sioux, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 293.39198,145.719 L 297.87198,145.701 L 300.28298,149.091 L 299.97198,149.091 L 295.57298,149.108 L 293.38698,149.108 L 293.39198,145.719\" id=\"31147\" inkscape:label=\"Richardson, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 288.96098,145.697 L 292.84198,145.71 L 293.39198,145.719 L 293.38698,149.108 L 291.14698,149.104 L 288.94398,149.091 L 288.96098,145.697\" id=\"31133\" inkscape:label=\"Pawnee, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 292.84198,142.316 L 296.32098,142.303 L 296.44798,142.028 L 296.81298,142.352 L 296.60098,142.731 L 296.48898,142.835 L 296.54298,143.064 L 297.17798,144.66 L 297.85898,145.323 L 297.88498,145.39 L 297.88198,145.413 L 297.88198,145.431 L 297.87198,145.665 L 297.87198,145.701 L 293.39198,145.719 L 292.84198,145.71 L 292.84198,142.316\" id=\"31127\" inkscape:label=\"Nemaha, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 292.84198,142.316 L 292.84198,145.71 L 288.96098,145.697 L 288.97498,142.311 L 292.84198,142.316\" id=\"31097\" inkscape:label=\"Johnson, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 294.90598,138.931 L 295.77598,141.51 L 296.32098,142.303 L 292.84198,142.316 L 288.97498,142.311 L 288.98798,138.918 L 294.90598,138.931\" id=\"31131\" inkscape:label=\"Otoe, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 290.40798,135.533 L 290.47998,135.645 L 290.61998,135.772 L 291.33198,136.178 L 291.41798,136.191 L 291.67898,136.092 L 291.96698,135.948 L 292.11598,135.831 L 292.21598,135.696 L 292.43198,135.492 L 292.52698,135.43 L 292.94998,135.272 L 293.16698,135.267 L 294.49098,135.349 L 294.56398,135.361 L 294.77998,135.515 L 295.20898,137.399 L 294.90598,138.931 L 288.98798,138.918 L 289.00598,135.903 L 290.40798,135.533\" id=\"31025\" inkscape:label=\"Cass, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 290.33198,133.649 L 294.23498,133.64 L 294.91098,134.046 L 294.77998,135.515 L 294.56398,135.361 L 294.49098,135.349 L 293.16698,135.267 L 292.94998,135.272 L 292.52698,135.43 L 292.43198,135.492 L 292.21598,135.696 L 292.11598,135.831 L 291.96698,135.948 L 291.67898,136.092 L 291.41798,136.191 L 291.33198,136.178 L 290.61998,135.772 L 290.47998,135.645 L 290.40798,135.533 L 290.33198,133.649\" id=\"31153\" inkscape:label=\"Sarpy, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 288.96098,131.004 L 290.32698,131.013 L 294.09098,131.017 L 294.23498,133.64 L 290.33198,133.649 L 288.96098,131.004\" id=\"31055\" inkscape:label=\"Douglas, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 289.23198,127.236 L 292.32798,127.259 L 293.67198,129.539 L 294.09098,131.017 L 290.32698,131.013 L 289.40298,129.854 L 289.31298,129.62 L 289.22698,129.309 L 289.23198,127.236\" id=\"31177\" inkscape:label=\"Washington, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 290.88998,122.526 L 292.15698,124.879 L 292.32798,127.259 L 289.23198,127.236 L 288.17698,126.474 L 288.19898,122.918 L 290.88998,122.526\" id=\"31021\" inkscape:label=\"Burt, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 286.58598,119.507 L 290.21898,119.547 L 290.10098,120.345 L 290.88998,122.526 L 288.19898,122.918 L 285.63998,121.935 L 285.67498,119.677 L 286.58598,119.507\" id=\"31173\" inkscape:label=\"Thurston, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 287.46998,116.319 L 289.29098,116.784 L 289.61498,116.807 L 289.74098,116.856 L 289.84098,116.995 L 289.88098,117.144 L 289.88498,117.343 L 289.81798,117.522 L 289.92998,119.006 L 290.21898,119.547 L 286.58598,119.507 L 287.46998,116.319\" id=\"31043\" inkscape:label=\"Dakota, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 283.90398,113.251 L 285.87898,113.989 L 286.64898,114.476 L 286.75298,114.711 L 286.80698,114.927 L 286.77098,115.079 L 286.76598,115.197 L 286.79398,115.314 L 287.46998,116.319 L 286.58598,119.507 L 285.67498,119.677 L 283.83198,118.533 L 283.90398,113.251\" id=\"31051\" inkscape:label=\"Dixon, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 280.50998,118.483 L 283.83198,118.533 L 285.67498,119.677 L 285.63998,121.935 L 283.77798,121.913 L 280.45198,121.867 L 280.50998,118.483\" id=\"31179\" inkscape:label=\"Wayne, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 276.01198,121.809 L 276.09798,117.294 L 279.41098,117.343 L 280.50998,118.483 L 280.45198,121.867 L 276.01198,121.809\" id=\"31139\" inkscape:label=\"Pierce, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 279.49598,111.948 L 280.08198,111.871 L 280.97498,111.907 L 281.64598,111.988 L 282.73698,112.917 L 283.90398,113.251 L 283.83198,118.533 L 280.50998,118.483 L 279.41098,117.343 L 279.49598,111.948\" id=\"31027\" inkscape:label=\"Cedar, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 271.73598,111.447 L 273.05998,112.047 L 274.08798,112.934 L 274.29098,113.024 L 274.45798,113.051 L 274.61498,113.043 L 275.09298,112.971 L 275.21898,112.893 L 275.48498,112.651 L 275.68298,112.367 L 276.76998,111.966 L 277.59398,112.073 L 279.49598,111.948 L 279.41098,117.343 L 276.09798,117.294 L 271.68598,117.208 L 271.73998,113.006 L 271.73598,111.447\" id=\"31107\" inkscape:label=\"Knox, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 288.17698,126.474 L 289.23198,127.236 L 289.22698,129.309 L 289.31298,129.62 L 289.40298,129.854 L 290.32698,131.013 L 288.96098,131.004 L 284.78298,130.192 L 284.78298,130.179 L 284.81498,126.437 L 288.17698,126.474\" id=\"31053\" inkscape:label=\"Dodge, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 283.72398,126.424 L 284.81498,126.437 L 284.78298,130.179 L 284.64398,130.175 L 284.51298,130.211 L 283.06998,130.909 L 282.06098,131.139 L 281.42498,131.135 L 281.49798,126.397 L 283.72398,126.424\" id=\"31037\" inkscape:label=\"Colfax, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 283.77798,121.913 L 285.63998,121.935 L 288.19898,122.918 L 288.17698,126.474 L 284.81498,126.437 L 283.72398,126.424 L 283.77798,121.913\" id=\"31039\" inkscape:label=\"Cuming, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 283.77798,121.913 L 283.72398,126.424 L 281.49798,126.397 L 280.38898,126.38 L 280.45198,121.867 L 283.77798,121.913\" id=\"31167\" inkscape:label=\"Stanton, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 276.01198,121.809 L 280.45198,121.867 L 280.38898,126.38 L 275.95898,126.316 L 275.98098,124.057 L 276.01198,121.809\" id=\"31119\" inkscape:label=\"Madison, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 276.01198,121.809 L 275.98098,124.057 L 271.56398,123.981 L 271.57298,121.724 L 271.68598,117.208 L 276.09798,117.294 L 276.01198,121.809\" id=\"31003\" inkscape:label=\"Antelope, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 271.56398,123.981 L 275.98098,124.057 L 275.95898,126.316 L 275.91298,129.119 L 275.38198,129.115 L 273.76798,129.472 L 273.31298,129.656 L 271.46898,129.615 L 271.50998,126.231 L 271.56398,123.981\" id=\"31011\" inkscape:label=\"Boone, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 280.38898,126.38 L 281.49798,126.397 L 281.42498,131.135 L 280.32598,130.9 L 278.09398,131.671 L 277.09398,130.846 L 275.91298,129.119 L 275.95898,126.316 L 280.38898,126.38\" id=\"31141\" inkscape:label=\"Platte, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 284.78298,130.192 L 288.96098,131.004 L 290.33198,133.649 L 290.40798,135.533 L 289.00598,135.903 L 289.01098,135.528 L 284.70598,135.483 L 284.78298,130.192\" id=\"31155\" inkscape:label=\"Saunders, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 284.68398,135.483 L 284.61698,140.005 L 280.19498,139.945 L 280.25798,135.421 L 284.68398,135.483\" id=\"31159\" inkscape:label=\"Seward, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 280.25798,135.421 L 280.32598,130.9 L 281.42498,131.135 L 282.06098,131.139 L 283.06998,130.909 L 284.51298,130.211 L 284.64398,130.175 L 284.78298,130.179 L 284.78298,130.192 L 284.70598,135.483 L 284.68398,135.483 L 280.25798,135.421\" id=\"31023\" inkscape:label=\"Butler, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 278.09398,131.671 L 280.32598,130.9 L 280.25798,135.421 L 275.82798,135.349 L 275.84098,133.698 L 278.09398,131.671\" id=\"31143\" inkscape:label=\"Polk, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 280.25798,135.421 L 280.19498,139.945 L 275.75998,139.864 L 275.74598,139.864 L 275.82798,135.349 L 280.25798,135.421\" id=\"31185\" inkscape:label=\"York, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 275.82798,135.349 L 275.74598,139.864 L 271.35198,139.774 L 271.30698,139.774 L 271.36098,137.516 L 271.83898,136.953 L 272.85698,135.938 L 274.06098,134.977 L 274.42598,134.723 L 274.47998,134.807 L 274.49398,134.807 L 274.70498,134.731 L 275.20598,134.492 L 275.32698,134.397 L 275.48098,134.223 L 275.75998,133.848 L 275.84098,133.698 L 275.82798,135.349\" id=\"31081\" inkscape:label=\"Hamilton, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 271.46898,129.615 L 273.31298,129.656 L 273.76798,129.472 L 275.38198,129.115 L 275.91298,129.119 L 277.09398,130.846 L 277.05798,131.959 L 275.68298,131.95 L 274.21398,132.103 L 273.36198,132.283 L 272.94698,132.456 L 271.75398,132.432 L 271.55498,132.428 L 271.60898,130.747 L 271.48698,130.741 L 271.43798,130.741 L 271.46898,129.615\" id=\"31125\" inkscape:label=\"Nance, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 271.48698,130.741 L 271.60898,130.747 L 271.55498,132.428 L 271.75398,132.432 L 272.94698,132.456 L 273.36198,132.283 L 274.21398,132.103 L 275.68298,131.95 L 277.05798,131.959 L 277.09398,130.846 L 278.09398,131.671 L 275.84098,133.698 L 275.75998,133.848 L 275.48098,134.223 L 275.32698,134.397 L 275.20598,134.492 L 274.70498,134.731 L 274.49398,134.807 L 274.47998,134.807 L 274.42598,134.723 L 274.06098,134.977 L 272.85698,135.938 L 271.83898,136.953 L 271.36098,137.516 L 271.37498,135.254 L 271.48698,130.741\" id=\"31121\" inkscape:label=\"Merrick, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 267.16998,135.141 L 271.37498,135.254 L 271.36098,137.516 L 271.30698,139.774 L 267.04398,139.653 L 267.16998,135.141\" id=\"31079\" inkscape:label=\"Hall, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 267.08398,130.62 L 271.43798,130.741 L 271.48698,130.741 L 271.37498,135.254 L 267.16998,135.141 L 266.91298,135.132 L 267.08398,130.62\" id=\"31093\" inkscape:label=\"Howard, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 267.01198,130.62 L 267.08398,130.62 L 266.91298,135.132 L 262.47298,134.987 L 262.66698,130.485 L 267.01198,130.62\" id=\"31163\" inkscape:label=\"Sherman, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 262.88798,109.677 L 269.99498,109.885 L 271.73598,111.447 L 271.73998,113.006 L 270.25298,112.902 L 269.23798,112.713 L 267.69698,112.191 L 266.84998,111.898 L 265.89398,111.349 L 265.66398,111.114 L 265.55098,111.077 L 265.40298,111.073 L 265.29498,111.099 L 263.66798,111.775 L 262.85198,112.124 L 262.77998,112.182 L 262.88798,109.677\" id=\"31015\" inkscape:label=\"Boyd, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 262.77998,112.182 L 262.85198,112.124 L 263.66798,111.775 L 265.29498,111.099 L 265.40298,111.073 L 265.55098,111.077 L 265.66398,111.114 L 265.89398,111.349 L 266.84998,111.898 L 267.69698,112.191 L 269.23798,112.713 L 270.25298,112.902 L 271.73998,113.006 L 271.68598,117.208 L 271.57298,121.724 L 267.18298,121.61 L 262.78398,121.479 L 262.67198,121.475 L 262.81598,117.343 L 262.85598,112.89 L 262.77998,112.182\" id=\"31089\" inkscape:label=\"Holt, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 262.73498,125.987 L 267.06998,126.127 L 267.13798,126.127 L 267.01198,130.62 L 262.66698,130.485 L 262.73498,125.987\" id=\"31175\" inkscape:label=\"Valley, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 271.50998,126.231 L 271.46898,129.615 L 271.43798,130.741 L 267.08398,130.62 L 267.01198,130.62 L 267.13798,126.127 L 271.50998,126.231\" id=\"31077\" inkscape:label=\"Greeley, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 271.57298,121.724 L 271.56398,123.981 L 271.50998,126.231 L 267.13798,126.127 L 267.06998,126.127 L 267.18298,121.61 L 271.57298,121.724\" id=\"31183\" inkscape:label=\"Wheeler, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 262.63998,125.982 L 262.78398,121.479 L 267.18298,121.61 L 267.06998,126.127 L 262.73498,125.987 L 262.63998,125.982\" id=\"31071\" inkscape:label=\"Garfield, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 262.67198,121.475 L 262.78398,121.479 L 262.63998,125.982 L 258.19198,125.825 L 258.36298,121.341 L 258.59698,121.353 L 262.67198,121.475\" id=\"31115\" inkscape:label=\"Loup, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 262.67198,121.475 L 258.59698,121.353 L 258.75898,116.833 L 258.64198,116.833 L 258.77798,112.989 L 259.48898,113.141 L 260.01198,113.2 L 260.20198,113.174 L 260.53498,113.051 L 262.60398,112.3 L 262.68498,112.263 L 262.77998,112.182 L 262.85598,112.89 L 262.81598,117.343 L 262.67198,121.475\" id=\"31149\" inkscape:label=\"Rock, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 254.01798,109.321 L 260.25998,109.583 L 262.88798,109.677 L 262.77998,112.182 L 262.68498,112.263 L 262.60398,112.3 L 260.53498,113.051 L 260.20198,113.174 L 260.01198,113.2 L 259.48898,113.141 L 258.77798,112.989 L 258.69598,113.02 L 258.52098,113.02 L 257.82598,112.898 L 255.23498,112.141 L 254.69398,111.921 L 254.51398,111.817 L 253.92698,111.294 L 254.01798,109.321\" id=\"31103\" inkscape:label=\"Keya Paha, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 258.77798,112.989 L 258.64198,116.833 L 258.75898,116.833 L 258.59698,121.353 L 258.36298,121.341 L 253.78798,121.155 L 253.98598,116.653 L 253.92698,111.294 L 254.51398,111.817 L 254.69398,111.921 L 255.23498,112.141 L 257.82598,112.898 L 258.52098,113.02 L 258.69598,113.02 L 258.77798,112.989\" id=\"31017\" inkscape:label=\"Brown, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 252.83698,121.11 L 253.78798,121.155 L 258.36298,121.341 L 258.19198,125.825 L 252.79198,125.608 L 252.65298,125.599 L 252.83698,121.11\" id=\"31009\" inkscape:label=\"Blaine, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 258.19198,125.825 L 262.63998,125.982 L 262.73498,125.987 L 262.66698,130.485 L 262.47298,134.987 L 260.36398,134.921 L 252.64798,134.609 L 252.51198,134.605 L 252.58898,133.099 L 252.67498,131.802 L 252.72898,130.161 L 252.58898,130.102 L 252.79198,125.608 L 258.19198,125.825\" id=\"31041\" inkscape:label=\"Custer, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 260.36398,134.921 L 262.47298,134.987 L 266.91298,135.132 L 267.16998,135.141 L 267.04398,139.653 L 267.01198,139.774 L 266.70498,139.81 L 266.00198,139.95 L 265.62898,140.126 L 265.23198,140.202 L 264.04598,140.162 L 262.66298,140.045 L 262.58098,140.014 L 260.27398,139.802 L 260.36398,134.921\" id=\"31019\" inkscape:label=\"Buffalo, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 252.64798,134.609 L 260.36398,134.921 L 260.27398,139.802 L 258.08298,139.536 L 254.80598,139.211 L 252.45798,139.103 L 252.64798,134.609\" id=\"31047\" inkscape:label=\"Dawson, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 258.08298,139.536 L 260.27398,139.802 L 262.58098,140.014 L 262.44598,144.038 L 258.03798,143.876 L 257.92498,143.871 L 258.08298,139.536\" id=\"31137\" inkscape:label=\"Phelps, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 267.01198,139.774 L 266.89498,144.182 L 266.86298,144.178 L 262.44598,144.038 L 262.58098,140.014 L 262.66298,140.045 L 264.04598,140.162 L 265.23198,140.202 L 265.62898,140.126 L 266.00198,139.95 L 266.70498,139.81 L 267.01198,139.774\" id=\"31099\" inkscape:label=\"Kearney, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 267.01198,139.774 L 267.04398,139.653 L 271.30698,139.774 L 271.35198,139.774 L 271.24398,144.296 L 266.89498,144.182 L 267.01198,139.774\" id=\"31001\" inkscape:label=\"Adams, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 275.74598,139.864 L 275.75998,139.864 L 275.67898,144.39 L 271.28898,144.296 L 271.24398,144.296 L 271.35198,139.774 L 275.74598,139.864\" id=\"31035\" inkscape:label=\"Clay, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 280.19498,139.945 L 280.12798,144.466 L 275.70998,144.39 L 275.67898,144.39 L 275.75998,139.864 L 280.19498,139.945\" id=\"31059\" inkscape:label=\"Fillmore, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 280.19498,139.945 L 284.61698,140.005 L 284.59898,142.271 L 284.54498,144.529 L 280.12798,144.466 L 280.19498,139.945\" id=\"31151\" inkscape:label=\"Saline, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 284.70598,135.483 L 289.01098,135.528 L 289.00598,135.903 L 288.98798,138.918 L 288.97498,142.311 L 284.59898,142.271 L 284.61698,140.005 L 284.68398,135.483 L 284.70598,135.483\" id=\"31109\" inkscape:label=\"Lancaster, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 288.97498,142.311 L 288.96098,145.697 L 288.94398,149.091 L 285.58998,149.063 L 284.50398,149.05 L 284.54498,144.529 L 284.59898,142.271 L 288.97498,142.311\" id=\"31067\" inkscape:label=\"Gage, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 280.12798,144.466 L 284.54498,144.529 L 284.50398,149.05 L 280.05498,148.991 L 280.12798,144.466\" id=\"31095\" inkscape:label=\"Jefferson, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 280.12798,144.466 L 280.05498,148.991 L 275.61598,148.92 L 275.70998,144.39 L 280.12798,144.466\" id=\"31169\" inkscape:label=\"Thayer, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 275.67898,144.39 L 275.70998,144.39 L 275.61598,148.92 L 274.53398,148.896 L 271.17598,148.815 L 271.28898,144.296 L 275.67898,144.39\" id=\"31129\" inkscape:label=\"Nuckolls, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 266.89498,144.182 L 271.24398,144.296 L 271.28898,144.296 L 271.17598,148.815 L 268.91398,148.762 L 266.73698,148.703 L 266.86298,144.178 L 266.89498,144.182\" id=\"31181\" inkscape:label=\"Webster, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 266.86298,144.178 L 266.73698,148.703 L 263.39698,148.599 L 262.29798,148.568 L 262.44598,144.038 L 266.86298,144.178\" id=\"31061\" inkscape:label=\"Franklin, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 258.03798,143.876 L 262.44598,144.038 L 262.29798,148.568 L 257.91198,148.41 L 257.88898,148.41 L 258.03798,143.876\" id=\"31083\" inkscape:label=\"Harlan, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 258.08298,139.536 L 257.92498,143.871 L 253.50798,143.69 L 253.55398,142.556 L 254.66698,142.609 L 254.80598,139.211 L 258.08298,139.536\" id=\"31073\" inkscape:label=\"Gosper, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 252.50398,143.66 L 253.50798,143.69 L 257.92498,143.871 L 258.03798,143.876 L 257.88898,148.41 L 252.49898,148.194 L 252.34598,148.184 L 252.50398,143.66\" id=\"31065\" inkscape:label=\"Furnas, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 247.03198,143.407 L 252.50398,143.66 L 252.34598,148.184 L 247.00098,147.928 L 246.80598,147.914 L 247.03198,143.407\" id=\"31145\" inkscape:label=\"Red Willow, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 241.52398,143.105 L 246.85198,143.403 L 247.03198,143.407 L 246.80598,147.914 L 241.26298,147.617 L 241.52398,143.105\" id=\"31087\" inkscape:label=\"Hitchcock, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 241.33498,143.097 L 241.52398,143.105 L 241.26298,147.617 L 240.41098,147.572 L 234.13698,147.183 L 234.42098,142.695 L 241.33498,143.097\" id=\"31057\" inkscape:label=\"Dundy, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 247.07198,138.849 L 252.45798,139.103 L 254.80598,139.211 L 254.66698,142.609 L 253.55398,142.556 L 253.50798,143.69 L 252.50398,143.66 L 247.03198,143.407 L 246.85198,143.403 L 247.07198,138.849\" id=\"31063\" inkscape:label=\"Frontier, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 247.07198,138.849 L 246.85198,143.403 L 241.52398,143.105 L 241.33498,143.097 L 241.56498,138.584 L 242.51098,138.639 L 247.07198,138.849\" id=\"31085\" inkscape:label=\"Hayes, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 234.71398,138.179 L 241.56498,138.584 L 241.33498,143.097 L 234.42098,142.695 L 234.71398,138.179\" id=\"31029\" inkscape:label=\"Chase, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 234.96198,134.225 L 234.96598,134.208 L 242.70998,134.668 L 242.51098,138.639 L 241.56498,138.584 L 234.71398,138.179 L 234.75898,137.502 L 234.96198,134.225\" id=\"31135\" inkscape:label=\"Perkins, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 248.14498,129.886 L 252.58898,130.102 L 252.72898,130.161 L 252.67498,131.802 L 252.58898,133.099 L 252.51198,134.605 L 252.64798,134.609 L 252.45798,139.103 L 247.07198,138.849 L 242.51098,138.639 L 242.70998,134.668 L 242.79998,129.589 L 248.14498,129.886\" id=\"31111\" inkscape:label=\"Lincoln, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 235.93098,129.182 L 241.47898,129.508 L 242.79998,129.589 L 242.70998,134.668 L 234.96598,134.208 L 235.10598,131.387 L 235.93098,129.182\" id=\"31101\" inkscape:label=\"Keith, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 248.38398,125.401 L 252.65298,125.599 L 252.79198,125.608 L 252.58898,130.102 L 248.14498,129.886 L 248.38398,125.401\" id=\"31113\" inkscape:label=\"Logan, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 241.74098,125 L 244.19698,125.149 L 245.88198,125.266 L 247.13598,125.329 L 248.38398,125.401 L 248.14498,129.886 L 242.79998,129.589 L 241.47898,129.508 L 241.74098,125\" id=\"31117\" inkscape:label=\"McPherson, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 236.20598,124.681 L 241.55598,124.991 L 241.74098,125 L 241.47898,129.508 L 235.93098,129.182 L 236.20598,124.681\" id=\"31005\" inkscape:label=\"Arthur, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 247.32898,120.817 L 252.83698,121.11 L 252.65298,125.599 L 248.38398,125.401 L 247.13598,125.329 L 247.32898,120.817\" id=\"31171\" inkscape:label=\"Thomas, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 241.80798,120.471 L 247.32898,120.817 L 247.13598,125.329 L 245.88198,125.266 L 244.19698,125.149 L 241.74098,125 L 241.55598,124.991 L 241.80798,120.471\" id=\"31091\" inkscape:label=\"Hooker, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 235.65198,121.174 L 236.29998,120.083 L 241.80798,120.471 L 241.55598,124.991 L 236.20598,124.681 L 235.41698,124.635 L 235.65198,121.174\" id=\"31075\" inkscape:label=\"Grant, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 229.76498,131.026 L 235.10598,131.387 L 234.96598,134.208 L 234.96198,134.225 L 229.46398,133.857 L 229.76498,131.026\" id=\"31049\" inkscape:label=\"Deuel, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 235.65198,121.174 L 235.41698,124.635 L 236.20598,124.681 L 235.93098,129.182 L 235.10598,131.387 L 229.76498,131.026 L 229.70698,128.191 L 229.92698,124.982 L 229.71498,124.233 L 229.65298,123.856 L 229.63898,123.625 L 229.67098,122.936 L 229.83298,120.836 L 235.65198,121.174\" id=\"31069\" inkscape:label=\"Garden, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 229.70698,128.191 L 229.76498,131.026 L 229.46398,133.857 L 229.15198,133.839 L 222.11198,133.324 L 222.55798,128.245 L 222.68498,127.69 L 229.70698,128.191\" id=\"31033\" inkscape:label=\"Cheyenne, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 229.63898,120.826 L 229.83298,120.836 L 229.67098,122.936 L 229.63898,123.625 L 229.65298,123.856 L 229.71498,124.233 L 229.92698,124.982 L 229.70698,128.191 L 222.68498,127.69 L 222.93198,124.307 L 223.30698,120.381 L 229.63898,120.826\" id=\"31123\" inkscape:label=\"Morrill, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 222.55798,128.245 L 222.11198,133.324 L 220.25998,133.181 L 215.64498,132.803 L 216.08198,127.736 L 222.55798,128.245\" id=\"31105\" inkscape:label=\"Kimball, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 222.93198,124.307 L 222.68498,127.69 L 222.55798,128.245 L 216.08198,127.736 L 216.41098,123.793 L 222.93198,124.307\" id=\"31007\" inkscape:label=\"Banner, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 222.94098,120.345 L 223.30698,120.381 L 222.93198,124.307 L 216.41098,123.793 L 216.74898,119.866 L 222.94098,120.345\" id=\"31157\" inkscape:label=\"Scotts Bluff, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 229.63898,120.826 L 223.30698,120.381 L 222.94098,120.345 L 223.02698,119.222 L 222.62598,119.186 L 222.97298,114.706 L 229.32298,115.147 L 229.54898,115.161 L 229.29698,119.663 L 229.53498,120.061 L 229.63898,120.826\" id=\"31013\" inkscape:label=\"Box Butte, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 236.32298,108.35 L 236.32298,108.35 L 238.26498,108.477 L 240.60898,108.657 L 244.34498,108.851 L 247.36098,109.009 L 250.76798,109.167 L 252.59798,109.253 L 253.26998,109.284 L 254.01798,109.321 L 253.92698,111.294 L 253.98598,116.653 L 253.78798,121.155 L 252.83698,121.11 L 247.32898,120.817 L 241.80798,120.471 L 236.29998,120.083 L 235.97598,120.056 L 236.28198,115.571 L 236.19298,114.084 L 236.29098,111.128 L 236.24598,110.198 L 236.32298,108.35\" id=\"31031\" inkscape:label=\"Cherry, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 236.32298,108.35 L 236.24598,110.198 L 236.29098,111.128 L 236.19298,114.084 L 236.28198,115.571 L 235.97598,120.056 L 236.29998,120.083 L 235.65198,121.174 L 229.83298,120.836 L 229.63898,120.826 L 229.53498,120.061 L 229.29698,119.663 L 229.54898,115.161 L 229.32298,115.147 L 229.58498,111.421 L 229.45898,110.667 L 229.66098,107.892 L 236.32298,108.35\" id=\"31161\" inkscape:label=\"Sheridan, NE\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 517.43898,50.841 L 517.78598,51.832 L 519.69298,57.583 L 519.82798,58.016 L 521.51898,63.393 L 521.38698,64.055 L 518.81398,65.705 L 518.13798,65.264 L 517.77298,64.867 L 517.50198,64.795 L 516.30398,64.511 L 515.31398,64.344 L 514.38798,63.654 L 514.58098,63.672 L 514.86998,63.46 L 514.89298,63.425 L 515.01898,63.262 L 515.07198,63.185 L 515.10898,63.127 L 515.55498,62.343 L 515.59998,62.266 L 515.59998,62.262 L 515.70398,61.973 L 515.82498,60.851 L 515.59098,60.473 L 515.55098,60.409 L 515.32498,60.129 L 514.91098,59.62 L 514.57198,59.286 L 514.49598,59.071 L 514.50898,55.906 L 514.72598,55.46 L 514.64998,54.694 L 514.86598,52.364 L 515.59098,51.417 L 515.69098,51.346 L 515.88398,51.445 L 515.96498,51.606 L 516.00598,51.652 L 516.29498,51.796 L 516.76798,51.828 L 517.16398,51.746 L 517.22298,51.697 L 517.43898,50.841\" id=\"33007\" inkscape:label=\"Coos, NH\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 513.78398,64.438 L 514.38798,63.654 L 515.31398,64.344 L 516.30398,64.511 L 517.50198,64.795 L 517.77298,64.867 L 518.13798,65.264 L 518.58098,65.903 L 519.22898,66.89 L 519.60298,68.846 L 517.85898,69.603 L 518.36698,70.766 L 518.56998,71.131 L 518.88598,71.956 L 517.80898,72.723 L 517.47098,74.115 L 516.95198,74.282 L 516.21798,73.8 L 515.95198,74.363 L 515.71298,75.043 L 515.12098,75.089 L 514.08598,75.129 L 513.03598,74.967 L 511.91798,75.057 L 512.48998,72.628 L 512.73798,67.427 L 512.58498,67.305 L 512.41698,67.079 L 512.12098,66.047 L 512.12098,65.966 L 512.15198,65.835 L 512.45398,65.29 L 512.48198,65.268 L 512.52898,65.223 L 513.15298,64.835 L 513.78398,64.438\" id=\"33009\" inkscape:label=\"Grafton, NH\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 522.64098,73.074 L 522.85198,72.564 L 523.21698,73.353 L 524.24398,73.038 L 524.49698,72.452 L 524.65398,74.21 L 524.72298,74.498 L 524.80798,74.679 L 525.06998,75.043 L 525.23598,75.129 L 525.68798,75.354 L 526.77798,76.004 L 526.80598,76.035 L 527.15598,77.441 L 526.87198,77.996 L 526.79098,78.113 L 524.99298,78.578 L 525.22298,77.761 L 522.77098,76.594 L 522.83898,76.432 L 523.28498,75.359 L 522.83898,74.358 L 522.47398,73.479 L 522.64098,73.074\" id=\"33017\" inkscape:label=\"Strafford, NH\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 528.41698,77.946 L 528.02698,80.574 L 527.36298,80.614 L 527.08898,80.632 L 527.02598,80.664 L 526.95198,80.695 L 526.94798,80.695 L 526.07898,81.34 L 525.41198,81.908 L 525.19198,82.097 L 525.06998,82.224 L 524.56098,83.246 L 523.49698,83.129 L 522.59998,82.579 L 522.28398,81.876 L 522.05898,81.385 L 522.33898,80.263 L 522.77098,76.594 L 525.22298,77.761 L 524.99298,78.578 L 526.79098,78.113 L 526.87198,77.996 L 527.15598,77.441 L 528.41698,77.946\" id=\"33015\" inkscape:label=\"Rockingham, NH\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 512.20598,80.849 L 512.47298,81.123 L 513.02698,81.029 L 513.05398,80.7 L 513.29298,80.551 L 514.82498,79.902 L 514.77898,80.353 L 514.78898,80.582 L 516.07298,80.294 L 516.24398,81.719 L 516.44698,82.661 L 516.96098,82.539 L 518.02598,84.342 L 518.42098,85.265 L 515.14998,85.973 L 513.52698,86.32 L 512.49598,85.491 L 512.22898,84.918 L 512.18798,84.788 L 512.77498,82.778 L 512.52898,81.399 L 512.50898,81.322 L 512.20598,80.849\" id=\"33005\" inkscape:label=\"Cheshire, NH\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 511.91798,75.057 L 513.03598,74.967 L 514.08598,75.129 L 515.12098,75.089 L 515.71298,75.043 L 515.08798,76.783 L 514.97898,77.987 L 515.41998,78.775 L 515.73998,79.122 L 516.14598,79.488 L 516.07298,80.294 L 514.78898,80.582 L 514.77898,80.353 L 514.82498,79.902 L 513.29298,80.551 L 513.05398,80.7 L 513.02698,81.029 L 512.47298,81.123 L 512.20598,80.849 L 512.16998,79.898 L 512.21098,78.771 L 512.01798,78.266 L 511.57098,76.211 L 511.91798,75.057\" id=\"33019\" inkscape:label=\"Sullivan, NH\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 516.14598,79.488 L 516.95198,79.019 L 519.35898,79.122 L 521.11198,80.06 L 522.33898,80.263 L 522.05898,81.385 L 522.28398,81.876 L 522.59998,82.579 L 523.49698,83.129 L 524.56098,83.246 L 524.50098,83.382 L 524.26798,83.936 L 521.15698,84.653 L 521.11698,84.662 L 520.97698,84.693 L 518.69698,85.203 L 518.42098,85.265 L 518.02598,84.342 L 516.96098,82.539 L 516.44698,82.661 L 516.24398,81.719 L 516.07298,80.294 L 516.14598,79.488\" id=\"33011\" inkscape:label=\"Hillsborough, NH\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 518.56998,71.131 L 519.36298,71.627 L 521.65298,72.898 L 522.64098,73.074 L 522.47398,73.479 L 522.83898,74.358 L 523.28498,75.359 L 522.83898,76.432 L 521.62598,75.927 L 519.46698,75.079 L 519.04398,75.427 L 518.92698,75.413 L 518.12398,74.773 L 517.96598,74.624 L 517.47098,74.115 L 517.80898,72.723 L 518.88598,71.956 L 518.56998,71.131\" id=\"33001\" inkscape:label=\"Belknap, NH\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 517.47098,74.115 L 517.96598,74.624 L 518.12398,74.773 L 518.92698,75.413 L 519.04398,75.427 L 519.46698,75.079 L 521.62598,75.927 L 522.83898,76.432 L 522.77098,76.594 L 522.33898,80.263 L 521.11198,80.06 L 519.35898,79.122 L 516.95198,79.019 L 516.14598,79.488 L 515.73998,79.122 L 515.41998,78.775 L 514.97898,77.987 L 515.08798,76.783 L 515.71298,75.043 L 515.95198,74.363 L 516.21798,73.8 L 516.95198,74.282 L 517.47098,74.115\" id=\"33013\" inkscape:label=\"Merrimack, NH\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 521.51898,63.393 L 523.36098,69.491 L 524.49698,72.452 L 524.24398,73.038 L 523.21698,73.353 L 522.85198,72.564 L 522.64098,73.074 L 521.65298,72.898 L 519.36298,71.627 L 518.56998,71.131 L 518.36698,70.766 L 517.85898,69.603 L 519.60298,68.846 L 519.22898,66.89 L 518.58098,65.903 L 518.13798,65.264 L 518.81398,65.705 L 521.38698,64.055 L 521.51898,63.393\" id=\"33003\" inkscape:label=\"Carroll, NH\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 503.90098,118.97 L 505.48998,118.916 L 505.93298,118.298 L 505.92398,118.271 L 505.95498,118.234 L 506.02298,118.234 L 506.15298,118.294 L 506.40198,118.614 L 506.66998,119.466 L 506.74298,119.766 L 506.74898,119.79 L 506.82998,120.393 L 506.85198,120.655 L 506.86598,121.21 L 506.89298,123.054 L 505.61198,123.251 L 505.28798,123.26 L 504.48598,122.687 L 503.11498,122.958 L 501.98898,124.459 L 501.48798,123.788 L 501.11498,123.283 L 501.61498,122.913 L 502.19498,122.228 L 502.19498,122.196 L 502.14198,122.102 L 503.90098,118.97\" id=\"34025\" inkscape:label=\"Monmouth, NJ\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 501.98898,124.459 L 503.11498,122.958 L 504.48598,122.687 L 505.28798,123.26 L 505.61198,123.251 L 506.89298,123.054 L 506.88798,123.293 L 506.94298,124.347 L 506.95998,124.64 L 507.03598,125.532 L 507.23498,126.965 L 507.28498,127.447 L 507.27698,127.498 L 507.07198,128.479 L 506.52498,130.403 L 506.28798,131.004 L 505.99398,131.31 L 504.79698,130.768 L 504.93198,130.535 L 504.96398,130.22 L 504.44498,127.971 L 502.17798,124.716 L 501.98898,124.459\" id=\"34029\" inkscape:label=\"Ocean, NJ\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 504.54398,117.784 L 504.50398,117.802 L 504.41298,117.929 L 504.27098,118.055 L 504.22998,118.051 L 504.08498,118.204 L 503.99398,118.259 L 503.92698,118.366 L 503.69598,118.46 L 503.64298,118.424 L 503.62398,118.361 L 503.64298,118.289 L 503.69598,118.184 L 503.68398,118.032 L 503.70698,117.915 L 503.90098,117.689 L 503.94498,117.487 L 503.91298,117.239 L 503.94098,117.122 L 503.93298,116.995 L 503.98598,116.797 L 504.06998,116.612 L 504.20598,116.509 L 504.45398,116.378 L 504.75498,116.22 L 504.85998,116.202 L 504.93698,116.279 L 505.00898,116.491 L 505.20598,116.716 L 505.17998,116.856 L 504.81998,117.563 L 504.58898,117.794 L 504.54398,117.784\" id=\"36085\" inkscape:label=\"Richmond, NY\" style=\"font-size:12px;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:#FFFFFF;stroke-opacity:1; stroke-width:0.1;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-linecap:butt; marker-start:none;stroke-linejoin:bevel;fill:#10ee00\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 502.26798,113.484 L 503.83698,114.151 L 503.76898,114.616 L 504.20598,115.999 L 501.78498,115.702 L 502.26798,113.484\" id=\"34013\" inkscape:label=\"Essex, NJ\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 501.78498,115.702 L 504.20598,115.999 L 504.06198,116.446 L 503.86798,116.459 L 503.82298,116.474 L 503.80098,116.509 L 503.71098,116.698 L 503.77798,117.181 L 503.37298,117.194 L 503.26498,117.189 L 502.81898,117.202 L 501.58298,117.644 L 501.33498,117.681 L 501.13698,116.72 L 501.78498,115.702\" id=\"34039\" inkscape:label=\"Union, NJ\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 505.25198,114.102 L 505.16098,115.314 L 505.03098,115.684 L 504.06198,116.446 L 504.20598,115.999 L 503.76898,114.616 L 505.25198,114.102\" id=\"34017\" inkscape:label=\"Hudson, NJ\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 502.12398,110.366 L 505.53498,111.386 L 505.54998,112.443 L 505.50998,112.931 L 505.25198,114.102 L 503.76898,114.616 L 503.83698,114.151 L 503.88198,114.106 L 503.94098,113.629 L 503.92698,113.561 L 503.53498,112.872 L 503.30498,112.563 L 502.88598,112.268 L 501.91198,111.902 L 502.12398,110.366\" id=\"34003\" inkscape:label=\"Bergen, NJ\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 503.77798,117.181 L 503.78698,117.253 L 503.80998,117.406 L 503.80098,117.617 L 503.77798,117.671 L 503.71498,117.671 L 503.64798,117.677 L 503.51198,117.834 L 503.50798,117.933 L 503.61998,118.189 L 503.48198,118.501 L 503.47598,118.515 L 503.46298,118.659 L 503.56198,118.861 L 503.63898,118.938 L 503.89598,118.97 L 503.90098,118.97 L 502.14198,122.102 L 500.49698,120.853 L 500.55598,120.836 L 500.67298,120.701 L 501.56098,119.149 L 501.54298,118.831 L 501.35398,118.766 L 501.10998,118.568 L 500.85798,118.298 L 500.84398,118.204 L 500.90698,118.018 L 500.96598,117.946 L 501.33498,117.681 L 501.58298,117.644 L 502.81898,117.202 L 503.26498,117.189 L 503.37298,117.194 L 503.77798,117.181\" id=\"34023\" inkscape:label=\"Middlesex, NJ\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 501.13698,116.72 L 501.33498,117.681 L 500.96598,117.946 L 500.90698,118.018 L 500.84398,118.204 L 500.85798,118.298 L 501.10998,118.568 L 501.35398,118.766 L 501.54298,118.831 L 501.56098,119.149 L 500.67298,120.701 L 500.55598,120.836 L 500.49698,120.853 L 500.43998,120.746 L 500.15098,120.714 L 499.51898,121.075 L 499.13198,120.512 L 499.07198,120.431 L 498.64998,119.556 L 498.81198,118.866 L 498.87898,118.759 L 498.98698,117.921 L 498.62598,116.901 L 498.55398,116.766 L 498.49098,116.72 L 499.99198,115.868 L 500.02298,115.887 L 500.09098,115.999 L 500.10998,116.081 L 500.61398,117.176 L 501.13698,116.72\" id=\"34035\" inkscape:label=\"Somerset, NJ\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 499.53798,111.6 L 500.45198,112.186 L 501.06998,112.218 L 501.69198,112.214 L 502.26798,113.484 L 501.78498,115.702 L 501.13698,116.72 L 500.61398,117.176 L 500.10998,116.081 L 500.09098,115.999 L 500.02298,115.887 L 499.99198,115.868 L 498.49098,116.72 L 496.74198,116.212 L 497.53998,114.377 L 499.53798,111.6\" id=\"34027\" inkscape:label=\"Morris, NJ\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 501.89898,110.298 L 502.12398,110.366 L 501.91198,111.902 L 502.88598,112.268 L 503.30498,112.563 L 503.53498,112.872 L 503.92698,113.561 L 503.94098,113.629 L 503.88198,114.106 L 503.83698,114.151 L 502.26798,113.484 L 501.69198,112.214 L 501.06998,112.218 L 500.45198,112.186 L 499.53798,111.6 L 500.48798,109.82 L 501.89898,110.298\" id=\"34031\" inkscape:label=\"Passaic, NJ\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 500.48798,109.82 L 499.53798,111.6 L 497.53998,114.377 L 495.09698,112.452 L 495.04298,112.385 L 495.42698,111.845 L 495.69298,111.218 L 495.75098,110.83 L 495.73298,110.618 L 495.69298,110.577 L 495.71098,110.401 L 495.82798,109.901 L 495.87698,109.757 L 496.10698,109.284 L 496.37698,108.991 L 496.94598,108.581 L 500.48798,109.82\" id=\"34037\" inkscape:label=\"Sussex, NJ\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 495.09698,112.452 L 497.53998,114.377 L 496.74198,116.212 L 496.64898,116.459 L 496.22898,117.266 L 496.15198,117.37 L 495.60298,117.921 L 494.65598,118.978 L 494.44498,119.339 L 494.33998,119.136 L 494.27598,119.019 L 494.03798,118.099 L 493.93798,117.321 L 494.10198,116.936 L 494.17798,116.915 L 494.32198,116.929 L 494.46798,116.909 L 494.66498,116.636 L 494.98898,115.643 L 494.99398,115.567 L 494.96198,115.491 L 494.04698,114.413 L 495.09698,112.452\" id=\"34041\" inkscape:label=\"Warren, NJ\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 496.74198,116.212 L 498.49098,116.72 L 498.55398,116.766 L 498.62598,116.901 L 498.98698,117.921 L 498.87898,118.759 L 498.81198,118.866 L 498.64998,119.556 L 499.07198,120.431 L 499.13198,120.512 L 498.61698,120.836 L 498.33198,121.732 L 497.65298,121.976 L 497.55898,121.976 L 497.49498,121.94 L 496.55798,121.372 L 495.82798,119.903 L 494.44498,119.339 L 494.65598,118.978 L 495.60298,117.921 L 496.15198,117.37 L 496.22898,117.266 L 496.64898,116.459 L 496.74198,116.212\" id=\"34019\" inkscape:label=\"Hunterdon, NJ\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 499.13198,120.512 L 499.51898,121.075 L 500.15098,120.714 L 500.43998,120.746 L 500.49698,120.853 L 502.14198,122.102 L 502.19498,122.196 L 502.19498,122.228 L 501.61498,122.913 L 501.11498,123.283 L 501.48798,123.788 L 500.15898,123.973 L 497.55898,121.976 L 497.65298,121.976 L 498.33198,121.732 L 498.61698,120.836 L 499.13198,120.512\" id=\"34021\" inkscape:label=\"Mercer, NJ\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 496.68898,128.033 L 497.42298,126.668 L 501.24898,129.286 L 500.23898,131.13 L 498.99098,130.147 L 497.58998,128.61 L 497.06298,128.226 L 496.68898,128.033\" id=\"34007\" inkscape:label=\"Camden, NJ\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 496.30398,128.583 L 496.68898,128.033 L 497.06298,128.226 L 497.58998,128.61 L 498.99098,130.147 L 500.23898,131.13 L 499.46998,132.555 L 498.57698,132.036 L 494.28198,130.255 L 494.52098,129.831 L 496.30398,128.583\" id=\"34015\" inkscape:label=\"Gloucester, NJ\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 494.28198,130.255 L 498.57698,132.036 L 498.69498,133.162 L 498.69498,133.429 L 498.68098,133.492 L 496.89198,132.541 L 495.93598,134.122 L 495.78298,135.15 L 493.70898,132.617 L 493.61098,132.319 L 493.92998,131.504 L 494.28198,130.255\" id=\"34033\" inkscape:label=\"Salem, NJ\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 501.21298,134.709 L 501.11498,136.678 L 499.14998,136.668 L 498.47298,136.512 L 497.17198,136.064 L 496.00298,135.412 L 495.94498,135.349 L 495.78298,135.15 L 495.93598,134.122 L 496.89198,132.541 L 498.68098,133.492 L 498.69498,133.429 L 498.69498,133.162 L 498.57698,132.036 L 499.46998,132.555 L 501.21298,134.709\" id=\"34011\" inkscape:label=\"Cumberland, NJ\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 501.21298,134.709 L 504.35598,134.316 L 503.94498,134.952 L 503.82298,135.169 L 503.68398,135.515 L 503.46298,136.114 L 503.21998,136.972 L 503.21998,137.012 L 503.22398,137.02 L 503.23698,137.034 L 502.87198,138.337 L 502.60698,138.981 L 502.26798,139.563 L 501.76798,139.842 L 501.64198,139.878 L 501.34498,139.91 L 501.29898,139.887 L 501.23598,139.81 L 501.22198,139.004 L 501.23998,138.805 L 501.28998,138.535 L 501.47998,137.796 L 501.50198,137.639 L 501.51098,137.444 L 501.48798,137.043 L 501.43498,136.853 L 501.21298,136.691 L 501.11498,136.678 L 501.21298,134.709\" id=\"34009\" inkscape:label=\"Cape May, NJ\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 505.99398,131.31 L 504.35598,134.316 L 501.21298,134.709 L 499.46998,132.555 L 500.23898,131.13 L 501.24898,129.286 L 501.38498,129.358 L 501.93798,129.642 L 502.65198,130.346 L 503.54398,130.76 L 503.78298,130.832 L 504.21498,130.918 L 504.79698,130.768 L 505.99398,131.31\" id=\"34001\" inkscape:label=\"Atlantic, NJ\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 500.15898,123.973 L 501.48798,123.788 L 501.98898,124.459 L 502.17798,124.716 L 504.44498,127.971 L 504.96398,130.22 L 504.93198,130.535 L 504.79698,130.768 L 504.21498,130.918 L 503.78298,130.832 L 503.54398,130.76 L 502.65198,130.346 L 501.93798,129.642 L 501.38498,129.358 L 501.24898,129.286 L 497.42298,126.668 L 498.04498,125.762 L 500.15898,123.973\" id=\"34005\" inkscape:label=\"Burlington, NJ\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 218.14198,229.826 L 217.92098,232.179 L 217.42498,237.714 L 216.59098,248.963 L 216.50598,250.081 L 216.23898,250.062 L 215.62698,250.013 L 214.85998,249.954 L 214.29698,249.915 L 213.65698,249.864 L 209.34298,249.526 L 209.89398,242.793 L 208.91098,242.717 L 209.37098,237.006 L 209.88898,237.047 L 210.34398,231.493 L 211.01598,229.285 L 213.25998,229.457 L 218.14198,229.826\" id=\"35025\" inkscape:label=\"Lea, NM\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 197.70598,241.756 L 197.80998,241.762 L 198.35098,236.059 L 209.37098,237.006 L 208.91098,242.717 L 209.89398,242.793 L 209.34298,249.526 L 206.54898,249.297 L 206.06698,249.256 L 197.12098,248.454 L 197.42698,245.204 L 197.38598,245.2 L 197.70598,241.756\" id=\"35015\" inkscape:label=\"Eddy, NM\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 187.45698,195.819 L 187.43498,196.28 L 187.29898,197.249 L 187.00198,197.222 L 187.25498,197.429 L 187.27698,197.461 L 187.15998,198.543 L 187.01098,198.213 L 186.85798,198.033 L 186.43898,197.79 L 186.12298,197.637 L 186.05998,197.695 L 185.84798,197.713 L 185.65898,197.699 L 185.55498,197.645 L 185.48698,197.519 L 185.83498,196.194 L 186.00998,195.843 L 186.92098,195.748 L 187.29498,195.762 L 187.45698,195.819\" id=\"35028\" inkscape:label=\"Los Alamos, NM\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 176.98698,181.104 L 181.25598,181.609 L 182.57098,181.862 L 185.14098,182.145 L 186.57398,182.299 L 191.35098,182.79 L 191.46398,183.682 L 191.36898,185.079 L 191.24298,187.856 L 191.30198,188.622 L 191.33798,189.429 L 191.32898,189.69 L 191.04098,190.948 L 190.95498,191.128 L 190.81998,191.237 L 190.49498,191.367 L 190.23798,191.381 L 190.10798,191.412 L 189.89998,191.66 L 189.86398,191.759 L 191.84198,192.837 L 192.68098,194.216 L 192.78498,194.432 L 192.91598,194.648 L 194.91598,195.991 L 192.94298,196.239 L 192.98298,195.932 L 189.35498,195.558 L 189.36798,195.725 L 189.46698,195.739 L 189.48098,195.789 L 189.40898,196.496 L 187.43498,196.28 L 187.45698,195.819 L 187.47998,195.73 L 187.51598,195.369 L 180.93998,194.667 L 181.10698,193.13 L 181.26398,191.858 L 177.64498,191.439 L 173.68398,190.917 L 174.03498,187.874 L 174.16598,186.878 L 174.65698,183.515 L 174.92698,183.024 L 176.56398,181.672 L 176.98698,181.104\" id=\"35039\" inkscape:label=\"Rio Arriba, NM\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 167.26098,179.888 L 176.36998,181.028 L 176.98698,181.104 L 176.56398,181.672 L 174.92698,183.024 L 174.65698,183.515 L 174.16598,186.878 L 174.03498,187.874 L 173.68398,190.917 L 173.31398,193.742 L 168.55898,193.115 L 158.73398,191.812 L 160.51398,178.986 L 167.26098,179.888\" id=\"35045\" inkscape:label=\"San Juan, NM\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 158.73398,191.812 L 168.55898,193.115 L 173.31398,193.742 L 176.58598,194.161 L 175.49998,203.099 L 173.06598,202.829 L 172.19198,202.703 L 171.09698,202.567 L 163.47998,201.566 L 163.45698,201.747 L 162.88398,206.043 L 156.88098,205.222 L 158.73398,191.812\" id=\"35031\" inkscape:label=\"McKinely, NM\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 176.54998,204.348 L 178.97498,204.64 L 181.05298,204.884 L 182.76098,205.082 L 185.24898,205.361 L 186.43898,205.524 L 186.20398,207.782 L 186.08298,208.9 L 187.06498,209.003 L 186.95198,210.08 L 186.11898,210.004 L 184.22098,209.783 L 184.21598,209.494 L 184.13498,209.364 L 184.04998,209.332 L 181.39998,208.999 L 181.06998,209.301 L 180.98498,209.423 L 177.80698,209.057 L 177.50098,207.886 L 176.54998,204.348\" id=\"35001\" inkscape:label=\"Bernalillo, NM\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 177.50098,207.886 L 177.80698,209.057 L 180.98498,209.423 L 181.06998,209.301 L 181.39998,208.999 L 184.04998,209.332 L 184.13498,209.364 L 184.21598,209.494 L 184.22098,209.783 L 183.57598,210.509 L 183.21998,213.082 L 183.10798,214.218 L 183.65798,214.272 L 183.54898,215.327 L 182.70698,215.038 L 179.94398,213.705 L 178.86198,212.974 L 178.56998,212.929 L 175.48598,212.591 L 176.08098,207.705 L 177.50098,207.886\" id=\"35061\" inkscape:label=\"Valencia, NM\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 176.54998,204.348 L 177.50098,207.886 L 176.08098,207.705 L 175.48598,212.591 L 170.03298,211.937 L 169.31998,211.834 L 165.83698,211.373 L 163.33098,211.076 L 156.20498,210.112 L 156.88098,205.222 L 162.88398,206.043 L 163.45698,201.747 L 163.47998,201.566 L 171.09698,202.567 L 172.19198,202.703 L 173.06598,202.829 L 175.49998,203.099 L 176.54998,204.348\" id=\"35006\" inkscape:label=\"Cibola, NM\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 168.40098,226.121 L 175.40898,226.946 L 176.58598,227.113 L 179.96198,227.51 L 181.48998,227.671 L 182.65298,227.744 L 182.81998,228.925 L 182.40098,233.283 L 176.20298,235.582 L 176.13998,236.14 L 171.72698,235.613 L 171.45698,237.858 L 168.13998,237.457 L 166.99498,237.092 L 166.82398,236.95 L 166.85098,236.812 L 166.96798,236.587 L 167.16198,235.83 L 167.21598,235.284 L 167.19798,235.091 L 166.56198,229.807 L 166.54398,229.705 L 166.41298,229.474 L 166.32298,229.447 L 164.89498,229.276 L 165.34598,225.724 L 168.40098,226.121\" id=\"35051\" inkscape:label=\"Sierra, NM\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 175.48598,212.591 L 178.56998,212.929 L 178.86198,212.974 L 179.94398,213.705 L 182.70698,215.038 L 183.54898,215.327 L 183.30598,217.648 L 188.48898,218.202 L 188.11998,221.551 L 187.89398,223.805 L 186.53798,223.655 L 186.29498,225.919 L 185.26198,225.81 L 185.17198,225.769 L 184.01798,225.545 L 182.90098,225.418 L 182.65298,227.744 L 181.48998,227.671 L 179.96198,227.51 L 176.58598,227.113 L 175.40898,226.946 L 168.40098,226.121 L 168.66698,224.012 L 169.61398,216.048 L 169.51498,216.034 L 169.88798,212.942 L 170.03298,211.937 L 175.48598,212.591\" id=\"35053\" inkscape:label=\"Socorro, NM\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 170.03298,211.937 L 169.88798,212.942 L 169.51498,216.034 L 169.61398,216.048 L 168.66698,224.012 L 168.40098,226.121 L 165.34598,225.724 L 164.89498,229.276 L 160.10898,228.663 L 159.12098,228.442 L 158.02598,228.274 L 153.76198,227.703 L 156.20498,210.112 L 163.33098,211.076 L 165.83698,211.373 L 169.31998,211.834 L 170.03298,211.937\" id=\"35003\" inkscape:label=\"Catron, NM\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 153.76198,227.703 L 158.02598,228.274 L 159.12098,228.442 L 160.10898,228.663 L 164.89498,229.276 L 166.32298,229.447 L 166.41298,229.474 L 166.54398,229.705 L 166.56198,229.807 L 167.19798,235.091 L 167.21598,235.284 L 167.16198,235.83 L 166.96798,236.587 L 166.85098,236.812 L 166.82398,236.95 L 166.99498,237.092 L 168.13998,237.457 L 164.75098,237.047 L 164.61098,238.164 L 161.31998,237.75 L 160.58998,243.351 L 160.59498,244.037 L 160.46898,245.393 L 160.36998,246.138 L 157.03898,245.705 L 157.43998,241.653 L 158.01198,237.316 L 156.98898,236.049 L 154.77198,235.748 L 155.05998,233.521 L 152.99598,233.232 L 153.76198,227.703\" id=\"35017\" inkscape:label=\"Grant, NM\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 152.99598,233.232 L 155.05998,233.521 L 154.77198,235.748 L 156.98898,236.049 L 158.01198,237.316 L 157.43998,241.653 L 157.03898,245.705 L 160.36998,246.138 L 160.33398,247.179 L 159.85998,250.816 L 159.58598,252.947 L 152.57698,252.032 L 152.46898,252.015 L 151.60398,251.897 L 150.40898,251.73 L 152.36998,237.731 L 152.99598,233.232\" id=\"35023\" inkscape:label=\"Hidalgo, NM\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 171.45698,237.858 L 170.22598,248.409 L 160.33398,247.179 L 160.36998,246.138 L 160.46898,245.393 L 160.59498,244.037 L 160.58998,243.351 L 161.31998,237.75 L 164.61098,238.164 L 164.75098,237.047 L 168.13998,237.457 L 171.45698,237.858\" id=\"35029\" inkscape:label=\"Luna, NM\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 182.40098,233.283 L 182.26498,234.5 L 181.88198,234.459 L 180.52998,246.754 L 178.15898,246.503 L 178.12298,246.498 L 178.11898,246.498 L 178.11898,246.503 L 177.88398,247.057 L 177.85698,247.151 L 177.60498,248.264 L 177.62298,248.323 L 177.72698,248.463 L 178.57398,249.369 L 170.22598,248.409 L 171.45698,237.858 L 171.72698,235.613 L 176.13998,236.14 L 176.20298,235.582 L 182.40098,233.283\" id=\"35013\" inkscape:label=\"Dona Ana, NM\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 194.28098,183.092 L 199.34698,183.605 L 199.30598,184.399 L 198.99098,186.45 L 198.34598,187.058 L 197.98598,187.193 L 197.66098,187.343 L 197.42298,187.514 L 197.28698,188.455 L 197.26398,189.154 L 197.34598,190.452 L 197.18798,192.962 L 194.91598,195.991 L 192.91598,194.648 L 192.78498,194.432 L 192.68098,194.216 L 191.84198,192.837 L 189.86398,191.759 L 189.89998,191.66 L 190.10798,191.412 L 190.23798,191.381 L 190.49498,191.367 L 190.81998,191.237 L 190.95498,191.128 L 191.04098,190.948 L 191.32898,189.69 L 191.33798,189.429 L 191.30198,188.622 L 191.24298,187.856 L 191.36898,185.079 L 191.46398,183.682 L 191.35098,182.79 L 194.28098,183.092\" id=\"35055\" inkscape:label=\"Taos, NM\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 187.43498,196.28 L 189.40898,196.496 L 189.48098,195.789 L 189.46698,195.739 L 189.36798,195.725 L 189.35498,195.558 L 192.98298,195.932 L 192.94298,196.239 L 192.77098,197.627 L 191.73498,208.346 L 186.20398,207.782 L 186.43898,205.524 L 187.15998,198.543 L 187.29898,197.249 L 187.43498,196.28\" id=\"35049\" inkscape:label=\"Santa Fe, NM\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 182.81998,228.925 L 186.49698,229.334 L 189.40898,229.627 L 189.31398,230.732 L 193.65898,231.164 L 193.46098,233.395 L 193.25798,234.85 L 193.05498,235.573 L 192.75298,236.673 L 192.28398,241.256 L 194.49298,241.473 L 194.91198,241.491 L 197.70598,241.756 L 197.38598,245.2 L 197.42698,245.204 L 197.12098,248.454 L 196.35398,248.382 L 184.63998,247.187 L 180.52998,246.754 L 181.88198,234.459 L 182.26498,234.5 L 182.40098,233.283 L 182.81998,228.925\" id=\"35035\" inkscape:label=\"Otero, NM\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 191.73498,208.346 L 196.15598,208.782 L 195.61498,214.393 L 195.37598,214.376 L 195.04298,217.738 L 194.92998,218.855 L 188.48898,218.202 L 183.30598,217.648 L 183.54898,215.327 L 183.65798,214.272 L 183.10798,214.218 L 183.21998,213.082 L 183.57598,210.509 L 184.22098,209.783 L 186.11898,210.004 L 186.95198,210.08 L 187.06498,209.003 L 186.08298,208.9 L 186.20398,207.782 L 191.73498,208.346\" id=\"35057\" inkscape:label=\"Torrance, NM\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 195.04298,217.738 L 199.48198,218.161 L 199.15298,221.497 L 198.81998,224.904 L 198.84198,224.904 L 198.85098,224.935 L 198.39098,229.723 L 197.86798,233.738 L 196.78198,233.693 L 193.46098,233.395 L 193.65898,231.164 L 189.31398,230.732 L 189.40898,229.627 L 186.49698,229.334 L 182.81998,228.925 L 182.65298,227.744 L 182.90098,225.418 L 184.01798,225.545 L 185.17198,225.769 L 185.26198,225.81 L 186.29498,225.919 L 186.53798,223.655 L 187.89398,223.805 L 188.11998,221.551 L 188.48898,218.202 L 194.92998,218.855 L 195.04298,217.738\" id=\"35027\" inkscape:label=\"Lincoln, NM\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 200.01398,183.669 L 201.58698,183.846 L 204.31898,184.097 L 211.70098,184.714 L 210.83598,194.788 L 206.43698,194.4 L 202.01998,194.004 L 202.07798,193.449 L 197.18798,192.962 L 197.34598,190.452 L 197.26398,189.154 L 197.28698,188.455 L 197.42298,187.514 L 197.66098,187.343 L 197.98598,187.193 L 198.34598,187.058 L 198.99098,186.45 L 199.30598,184.399 L 199.34698,183.605 L 200.01398,183.669\" id=\"35007\" inkscape:label=\"Colfax, NM\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 197.18798,192.962 L 202.07798,193.449 L 202.01998,194.004 L 206.43698,194.4 L 206.64898,200.12 L 202.67698,199.808 L 200.02798,199.641 L 199.00498,199.083 L 196.63798,198.028 L 192.77098,197.627 L 192.94298,196.239 L 194.91598,195.991 L 197.18798,192.962\" id=\"35033\" inkscape:label=\"Mora, NM\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 221.09798,185.413 L 221.95398,185.476 L 221.47698,191.953 L 221.05298,192.205 L 220.89598,194.283 L 220.65198,197.69 L 220.34498,201.783 L 216.88398,201.508 L 217.14598,198.159 L 217.26698,197.93 L 217.33498,197.033 L 212.90398,196.685 L 213.00298,195.545 L 210.78998,195.351 L 210.83598,194.788 L 211.70098,184.714 L 221.09798,185.413\" id=\"35059\" inkscape:label=\"Union, NM\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 206.43698,194.4 L 210.83598,194.788 L 210.78998,195.351 L 213.00298,195.545 L 212.90398,196.685 L 217.33498,197.033 L 217.26698,197.93 L 217.14598,198.159 L 216.88398,201.508 L 216.75298,202.64 L 216.48698,205.934 L 216.37498,206.028 L 213.80098,205.826 L 213.83798,205.411 L 212.92698,205.334 L 210.71398,200.205 L 209.15398,200.331 L 206.64898,200.12 L 206.43698,194.4\" id=\"35021\" inkscape:label=\"Harding, NM\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 192.77098,197.627 L 196.63798,198.028 L 199.00498,199.083 L 200.02798,199.641 L 202.67698,199.808 L 206.64898,200.12 L 209.15398,200.331 L 210.71398,200.205 L 212.92698,205.334 L 213.83798,205.411 L 213.80098,205.826 L 213.64798,207.755 L 211.34898,207.548 L 211.37198,207.264 L 208.45098,208.606 L 208.52398,207.654 L 196.37198,206.528 L 196.15598,208.782 L 191.73498,208.346 L 192.77098,197.627\" id=\"35047\" inkscape:label=\"San Miguel, NM\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 216.88398,201.508 L 220.34498,201.783 L 220.22798,203.294 L 219.79998,208.981 L 219.57498,211.946 L 217.48398,211.789 L 214.83798,213.866 L 212.35898,214.79 L 211.92198,215.894 L 209.70898,215.71 L 207.81598,215.548 L 208.00098,213.295 L 208.10398,212.113 L 208.34298,209.819 L 208.45098,208.606 L 211.37198,207.264 L 211.34898,207.548 L 213.64798,207.755 L 213.80098,205.826 L 216.37498,206.028 L 216.48698,205.934 L 216.75298,202.64 L 216.88398,201.508\" id=\"35037\" inkscape:label=\"Quay, NM\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 208.45098,208.606 L 208.34298,209.819 L 208.10398,212.113 L 208.00098,213.295 L 205.79198,213.108 L 205.30998,214.196 L 204.48898,215.259 L 199.79298,214.836 L 199.48198,218.161 L 195.04298,217.738 L 195.37598,214.376 L 195.61498,214.393 L 196.37198,206.528 L 208.52398,207.654 L 208.45098,208.606\" id=\"35019\" inkscape:label=\"Guadelupe, NM\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 208.00098,213.295 L 207.81598,215.548 L 209.70898,215.71 L 209.38898,219.477 L 209.36098,220.172 L 209.17198,222.461 L 206.94998,222.263 L 206.84598,223.399 L 204.52598,223.191 L 200.17998,222.745 L 200.28398,221.609 L 199.15298,221.497 L 199.48198,218.161 L 199.79298,214.836 L 204.48898,215.259 L 205.30998,214.196 L 205.79198,213.108 L 208.00098,213.295\" id=\"35011\" inkscape:label=\"De Baca, NM\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 219.57498,211.946 L 219.37698,214.619 L 218.94398,220.24 L 218.93498,220.375 L 211.58398,219.794 L 211.92198,215.894 L 212.35898,214.79 L 214.83798,213.866 L 217.48398,211.789 L 219.57498,211.946\" id=\"35009\" inkscape:label=\"Curry, NM\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 211.92198,215.894 L 211.58398,219.794 L 218.93498,220.375 L 218.43898,226.55 L 218.14198,229.826 L 213.25998,229.457 L 213.35498,228.334 L 211.13298,228.172 L 211.32198,226.066 L 209.99298,225.954 L 210.27698,222.564 L 209.17198,222.461 L 209.36098,220.172 L 209.38898,219.477 L 209.70898,215.71 L 211.92198,215.894\" id=\"35041\" inkscape:label=\"Roosevelt, NM\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 209.17198,222.461 L 210.27698,222.564 L 209.99298,225.954 L 211.32198,226.066 L 211.13298,228.172 L 213.35498,228.334 L 213.25998,229.457 L 211.01598,229.285 L 210.34398,231.493 L 209.88898,237.047 L 209.37098,237.006 L 198.35098,236.059 L 197.80998,241.762 L 197.70598,241.756 L 194.91198,241.491 L 194.49298,241.473 L 192.28398,241.256 L 192.75298,236.673 L 193.05498,235.573 L 193.25798,234.85 L 193.46098,233.395 L 196.78198,233.693 L 197.86798,233.738 L 198.39098,229.723 L 198.85098,224.935 L 198.84198,224.904 L 198.81998,224.904 L 199.15298,221.497 L 200.28398,221.609 L 200.17998,222.745 L 204.52598,223.191 L 206.84598,223.399 L 206.94998,222.263 L 209.17198,222.461\" id=\"35005\" inkscape:label=\"Chaves, NM\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 173.68398,190.917 L 177.64498,191.439 L 181.26398,191.858 L 181.10698,193.13 L 180.93998,194.667 L 187.51598,195.369 L 187.47998,195.73 L 187.45698,195.819 L 187.29498,195.762 L 186.92098,195.748 L 186.00998,195.843 L 185.83498,196.194 L 185.48698,197.519 L 185.55498,197.645 L 185.65898,197.699 L 185.84798,197.713 L 186.05998,197.695 L 186.12298,197.637 L 186.43898,197.79 L 186.85798,198.033 L 187.01098,198.213 L 187.15998,198.543 L 186.43898,205.524 L 185.24898,205.361 L 182.76098,205.082 L 181.05298,204.884 L 178.97498,204.64 L 176.54998,204.348 L 175.49998,203.099 L 176.58598,194.161 L 173.31398,193.742 L 173.68398,190.917M 187.27698,197.461 L 187.25498,197.429 L 187.00198,197.222 L 187.29898,197.249 L 187.27698,197.461\" id=\"35043\" inkscape:label=\"Sandoval, NM\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 113.03198,105.057 L 114.19898,105.241 L 115.60998,105.525 L 118.07998,106.084 L 120.10798,106.485 L 122.35198,106.927 L 119.91398,119.597 L 117.70998,130.854 L 115.73598,130.476 L 109.83098,129.231 L 107.65898,128.79 L 105.46498,128.317 L 103.56298,127.875 L 100.56098,127.245 L 98.96898,126.916 L 98.93798,121.231 L 98.94298,119.979 L 98.96898,119.619 L 99.84798,115.509 L 95.79698,114.62 L 91.71798,113.716 L 94.56598,101.058 L 98.20798,101.892 L 99.28998,102.14 L 113.03198,105.057\" id=\"32007\" inkscape:label=\"Elko, NV\" style=\"fill:#FFFFFF\">\n",
" </path>\n",
" <path d=\"M 100.5609
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