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Created February 1, 2011 04:52
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Withings API php shell script for syncing to DB or whatever
define ('pound',0.453592);
define ('inch', 0.0254);
function CurlCall ( $service , &$result=null )
try {
$s = curl_init();
curl_setopt($s, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$output = curl_exec($s);
$result = json_decode ( $output , TRUE );
if (!is_array($result)) return (false);
if (!key_exists('status',$result)) return (false);
if ($result['status']!=0) return (false);
return ( true );
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
return ( false );
function WBSAPI_OnceProbe ()
return ( CurlCall ( "once?action=probe" , &$result) );
function WBSAPI_AccountGetuserslist ( $email, $password , &$userslist )
$userslist = Array ();
if (CurlCall ( "once?action=get", &$result)===false) return (false);
$once = $result['body']['once'];
$hash = md5 ( $email.":".md5($password).":".$once);
if (CurlCall ( "account?action=getuserslist&email=".$email."&hash=".$hash, &$result)===false) return (false);
$userslist = $result['body']['users'];
return (true);
function WBSAPI_UserGetbyuserid ( $userid, $publickey , &$user )
if (CurlCall ( "user?action=getbyuserid&userid=".$userid."&publickey=".$publickey,&$result)===false) return ( false );;
$user = $result['body']['users']['0'];
return (true);
function WBSAPI_UserUpdate ( $userid, $publickey , $ispublic )
return(CurlCall ( "user?action=update&userid=".$userid."&publickey=".$publickey."&ispublic=".$ispublic));
function WBSAPI_MeasureGetmeas ( $userid, $publickey , &$measuregrps, $startdate=0, $enddate=0, $meastype=0, $category=1, $limit=1 )
if ($startdate!=0) $string.="&startdate=".$startdate;
if ($enddate !=0) $string.="&enddate=".$enddate;
if ($meastype !=0) $string.="&meastype=".$enddate;
if (CurlCall ( $string,&$result)===false) return ( false );
$measuregrps = $result['body']['measuregrps'];
return (true);
function WBSAPI_Helper_MeasureGrp ( $measuregrp , $system='SI')
$string = date('r',$measuregrp['date'])."\n";
foreach ( $measuregrp['measures'] as $measure ) {
$string .=" ";
$string .= WBSAPI_Helper_Measure ( $measure, $system );
$string .="\n";
function WBSAPI_Helper_Measure ( $measure , $system='SI')
$val = floatval ( $measure['value'] ) * floatval ( "1e".$measure['unit'] );
if ( ($measure['type'] == 1) || ($measure['type'] == 5) || ($measure['type'] == 8) ) {
if ($system=='US') {
$val = $val / pound;
$val = round ( $val , 2);
$string = $val." lb";
} else {
$val = round ( $val , 2);
$string = $val." Kg";
if ($measure['type'] == 1) $string = "Weight ".$string;
if ($measure['type'] == 5) $string = "FatFree ".$string;
if ($measure['type'] == 8) $string = "FAT ".$string;
} elseif ($measure['type'] == 4) {
if ($system=='US') {
$inchs = round($val/inch);
$foot = floor($inchs/12);
$inch = $inchs-12*$foot;
$string = $foot." ft ".$inch." in";
} else {
$val = round ( $val , 2);
$string = $val." m";
$string = "Size ".$string;
} elseif ($measure['type'] == 6) {
$string = "FAT % ".$val." %";
} else {
$string = "Unknown type";
return ($string);
function WBSAPI_NotifySubscribe ( $userid, $publickey , $callbackurl )
if (CurlCall ( $string,&$result)===false) return ( false );
return (true);
function WBSAPI_NotifyRevoke ( $userid, $publickey , $callbackurl )
if (CurlCall ( $string,&$result)===false) return ( false );
return (true);
function WBSAPI_NotifyGet ( $userid, $publickey , $callbackurl , &$expires , &$comment )
if (CurlCall ( $string,&$result)===false) return ( false );
$expires = $result['body']['expires'];
$comment = $result['body']['comment'];
return (true);
include ("WBSAPI.php");
define ('MYMAIL','');
define ('MYPASS','asdkjh78asdjkgkjqwhg321978asydljgqwehglqwe');
define ('MYURL','');
define ('MYWBSAPIURL','');
define ('MYAPIURL','');
echo "Probing API : ";
if (WBSAPI_OnceProbe ()) {
echo "OK\n"; } else { echo "KO\n"; exit(-1);
echo "Getting UserList : ";
if (WBSAPI_AccountGetuserslist ( MYMAIL, MYPASS, $userslist)) {
echo "OK\n"; } else { echo "KO\n"; exit(-1);
$listtoreload = false;
echo "Ensuring all users are public : ";
foreach ($userslist as $user) {
$name = $user['firstname']." ".$user['lastname'];
if ($user['ispublic']!='1') {
$listtoreload = true;
WBSAPI_UserUpdate ( $user['id'], $user['publickey'], 1 );
echo "OK\n";
// When a user has been set or reset to "public", its public key changes... We need to reload the list in that case .
if ($listtoreload) {
echo "Getting UserList : ";
if (WBSAPI_AccountGetuserslist ( MYMAIL, MYPASS, $userslist)) {
echo "OK\n"; } else { echo "KO\n"; exit(-1);
foreach ($userslist as $user) {
$name = $user['firstname']." ".$user['lastname'];
echo "[".$name."] Loading measures : ";
#$startdate = strtotime("16 December 2009");
#$enddate = strtotime("now");
#$limit = round(($enddate-$startdate)/(24*60*60),0);;
if (WBSAPI_MeasureGetmeas ( $user['id'], $user['publickey'] , &$measuregrps, $startdate, $enddate,$meastype, $category, $limit)) {
echo "OK\n"; } else { echo "KO\n"; exit(-1);
echo count($measuregrps). " weights to sync\n";
foreach ( $measuregrps as $measuregrp ) {
$w['date'] = $measuregrp['date'];
foreach ($measuregrp['measures'] as $m){
if ($m['type']==1)
$w['weight'] = $m['value'];
if ($m['type']==4)
$w['size'] = $m['value'];
if ($m['type']==5)
$w['fat_free_mass'] = $m['value'];
if ($m['type']==6)
$w['fat_ratio'] = $m['value'];
if ($m['type']==5)
$w['fat_mass_weight'] = $m['value'];
// Do some shit with the data
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