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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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Populate Multiple Tables - Result of each populate is an array
// working example mongoose
var tableASchema = new Schema({
template : String,
description : String
var tableBSchema = new Schema({
group : String,
a_pk : [{ type: Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'tableA' }],
var tableCSchema = new Schema({
project : String,
b_pk : [{ type: Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'tableB' }]
var tableA = mongoose.model('tableA', tableASchema);
var tableB = mongoose.model('tableB', tableBSchema);
var tableC = mongoose.model('tableC', tableCSchema);
// var tableRel = mongoose.model('tableRel', tableRelSchema);
// var valB = new tableA({group: 'Octo', description: 'octo rading SA'});
// var valA = new tableA({template:'BSS'});
// var valB = new tableA({group: 'KBH', description: 'Octo Trading SA'});
// var valA = new tableA({template:'POA'});
// var valA = new tableA({template:'LOC'});
// var valA = new tableA({template:'Litigation'});
//, result) {
// console.log('A created', result)
// })
//, result) {
// console.log('B created', result)
// })
// Relationship Table Between - Group and Templates
// eg: Sample Entry 1, KBH contains LOC and Litigation
// tableA.find({
// $or:[
// {
// template:'LOC'
// },
// {
// template:'Litigation'
// }
// ]}, function(err, resultA) {
// console.log(resultA)
// var obj = {
// group:"KBH",
// a_pk:[]
// }
// for(each in resultA) {
// obj.a_pk.push(resultA[each]._id)
// }
// var valB = new tableB(obj);
//,result) {
// if(err) {
// console.log(err)
// } else {
// console.log(result)
// }
// })
// });
// eg: Sample Entry 2, Octo contains BSS and POA
// tableA.find({
// $or:[
// {
// template:'BSS'
// },
// {
// template:'POA'
// }
// ]}, function(err, resultA) {
// console.log(resultA)
// var obj = {
// group:"Octo",
// a_pk:[]
// }
// for(each in resultA) {
// obj.a_pk.push(resultA[each]._id)
// }
// var valB = new tableB(obj);
//,result) {
// if(err) {
// console.log(err)
// } else {
// console.log(result)
// }
// })
// });
// Relationship Table Between - Project and Groups
// eg: Sample Entry 1, Aster contains KBH(group)
// KBH contains Litigation and LOC
// tableB.find({
// group:"KBH"
// }, function(err, resultB) {
// console.log(resultB)
// var obj = {
// project:"Aster",
// b_pk:[]
// }
// for(each in resultB) {
// obj.b_pk.push(resultB[each]._id)
// }
// var valC = new tableC(obj);
//,result) {
// if(err) {
// console.log(err)
// } else {
// console.log(result)
// }
// })
// });
// Relationship Table Between - Project and Groups
// eg: Sample Entry 1, Zesco contains Octo(group)
// Octo contains BSS and POA
// tableB.find({
// group:"Octo"
// }, function(err, resultB) {
// console.log(resultB)
// var obj = {
// project:"Zesco",
// b_pk:[]
// }
// for(each in resultB) {
// obj.b_pk.push(resultB[each]._id)
// }
// var valC = new tableC(obj);
//,result) {
// if(err) {
// console.log(err)
// } else {
// console.log(result)
// }
// })
// });
// Now Populate Data
// eg: Sample Entry 1, Get all Groups and Templates that belongs
// to Aster
// tableC.findOne({
// project:"Aster"
// })
// .populate('b_pk', 'group')
// .exec(function (err, group) {
// if (err) throw err;
// console.log(group)
// async.forEach(group.b_pk, function(group) {
// console.log(group, 'group')
// tableB.find({
// })
// .populate('a_pk', 'template')
// .exec(function (err, template) {
// if (err) throw err;
// console.log("all folders =", template);
// })
// })
// })
// Now Populate Data
// eg: Sample Entry 1, Get all Groups and Templates that belongs
// to Zesco
.populate('b_pk', 'group')
.exec(function (err, project) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log('project', project)
console.log('groups', project.b_pk)
console.log('search for templates')
async.forEach(project.b_pk, function(group) {
console.log(group, 'group')
.populate('a_pk', 'template')
.exec(function (err, template) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log("all folders =", template);
// //output
// {
// project: 'Zesco',
// _id: 539f230025ce1a24074dd384,
// __v: 0,
// b_pk: [ { group: 'Octo', _id: 539f210dacc642b805ad5b1f } ]
// }
// { group: 'Octo', _id: 539f210dacc642b805ad5b1f } 'group'
// all folders = [ { group: 'Octo',
// _id: 539f210dacc642b805ad5b1f,
// __v: 0,
// a_pk:
// [ { template: 'BSS', _id: 539f1d895b32fe980a3928f3 },
// { template: 'POA', _id: 539f1d93b0c784180b81c9d9 }
// ]
// }]
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project { project: 'Zesco',
  _id: 539f230025ce1a24074dd384,
  __v: 0,
  b_pk: [ { group: 'Octo', _id: 539f210dacc642b805ad5b1f } ] }

groups [ { group: 'Octo', _id: 539f210dacc642b805ad5b1f } ]

search for templates
{ group: 'Octo', _id: 539f210dacc642b805ad5b1f } 'group'
all folders = [ { group: 'Octo',
    _id: 539f210dacc642b805ad5b1f,
    __v: 0,
     [ { template: 'BSS', _id: 539f1d895b32fe980a3928f3 },
       { template: 'POA', _id: 539f1d93b0c784180b81c9d9 } ] } ]

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