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Created March 13, 2022 08:05
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audio queue manager for GMS2.3.7+
/// @description audio queue manager 0.1.0 alpha
/// Very early version tailored to my needs. It might get
/// heavy changes in the future. I might improve it in the
/// future. Any contribution or suggestions are welcome!
/// Consider each instance as a seperate audio channel
/// You can use more that one instance for multi-channel
/** @Instructions
* Create an empty wav file with your desired duration and name it snd_space
* This wav file will be used as a spacer between the sounds in the queue.
* Alternatively you can download the snd_space from here:
* //create event
* aqc = new audio_queue_channel();
* //step event
* aqc.step();
* //clean_up
* aqc.clean_up();
* delete aqc;
* //add a sound into a new queue (will delete and overide any existing aqc queue)
* aqc.audio_new_queue_add(your_sound);
* //add a sound into queue
* aqc.audio_queue_add(your_sound);
* //check if the audio queue is currently playing
* aqc.audio_queue_is_playing(); // will return true or false
/** TODO:
* allow multiple sounds to be queued in a single line of code
* make it loop as optional preference
* make it pause
* make it to allow sound duplicates
* make the snd_space optional
* replace snd_space with buffer
* Better and more detailed comments, when more features from this list will be implemented
// @arg _prior audio priority
function audio_queue_channel(_prior = 5) constructor {
// the array that holds the queue
audio_queue = [];
// the mirror array that will be used to prevent sound duplicates
audio_queue_ref = [];
// the priority of the sound
prior = _prior;
// the current playing audio
current_audio = noone;
// API //
/// @desc Cleanups any existing queue and adds sound to audio queue
// @arg sound
function audio_new_queue_add(sound){
/// @desc Adds sound to audio queue
// @arg sound
function audio_queue_add(sound){
show_debug_message("audio added");
// If the sound is not in the audio_queue_ref...
if _array_index_of(audio_queue_ref, sound) == -1
// add it in audio_queue_ref
array_push(audio_queue_ref, sound);
// add it in audio_queue with a spacer
array_push(audio_queue, sound, snd_space);
//else Debug("Dublicate sound found!");
/// @desc returns true if audio_queue_is_playing, false if not
function audio_queue_is_playing(){
return array_length(audio_queue) > 0;
/// @desc use this in the step event
function step() {
if audio_queue_is_playing()
// When the current audio finish playing, play the next one from the queue
if not audio_is_playing(current_audio)
current_audio = _array_shift();
if current_audio != noone
show_debug_message("playing" + audio_get_name(current_audio));
audio_play_sound(current_audio, prior, false);
current_audio = noone;
audio_queue_ref = [];
/// @desc Stops and empties the audio queue
function clean_up() {
if array_length(audio_queue) > 0
for (var i = 0; i < array_length(audio_queue); i++)
if audio_is_playing(audio_queue[i]) then audio_stop_sound(audio_queue[i]);
if audio_is_playing(current_audio) then audio_stop_sound(current_audio);
current_audio = noone;
audio_queue = [];
audio_queue_ref = [];
// private functions //
function _array_shift() {
var value = noone;
if array_length(audio_queue) > 0
value = audio_queue[0];
for(var i = 0; i < (array_length(audio_queue) - 1); i++)
audio_queue[i] = audio_queue[i + 1];
array_resize(audio_queue, array_length(audio_queue) - 1);
return value;
function _array_index_of(_arr, _val) {
var result = -1;
if not is_array(_arr) or array_length(_arr) == 0 then return result;
var type = typeof(_val);
for(var i = 0; i < array_length(_arr); i++)
var av = _arr[i];
var avtype = typeof(av);
if avtype == type
if av == _val
result = i;
return result;
return result;
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