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//HList implementation not shown
// usual definition of ~>
// =~= is similar to =:= but for ~>
import MList._
sealed trait MList[+M[_]] {
// For converting MList[Id] to an HList
// This is useful because type inference doesn't work well with Id
type Raw <: HList
def down(implicit ev: M =~= Id): Raw
// For natural transformations
type Map[N[_]] <: MList[N]
def map[N[_]](f: M ~> N): Map[N]
// convert to a regular List
def toList: List[M[_]]
final case class MCons[H, +T <: MList[M], +M[_]](head: M[H], tail: T) extends MList[M] {
type Raw = HCons[H, tail.Raw]
def down(implicit f: M =~= Id): Raw = HCons(f(head), tail.down(f))
type Map[N[_]] = MCons[H, tail.Map[N], N]
def map[N[_]](f: M ~> N) = MCons( f(head), )
// prepend
def :^: [N[X] >: M[X], G](g: N[G]): MCons[G, MCons[H, T, N], N] = MCons(g, this)
def toList = head :: tail.toList
sealed class MNil extends MList[Nothing] {
type Raw = HNil
def down(implicit f: Nothing =~= Id) = HNil
type Map[N[_]] = MNil
def map[N[_]](f: Nothing ~> N) = MNil
def :^: [M[_], H](h: M[H]): MCons[H, MNil, M] = MCons(h, this)
def toList = Nil
object MNil extends MNil
object MList {
// nicer alias for pattern matching
val :^: = MCons
object MTest {
import MList._
val f = new (Option ~> List) { def apply[T](o: Option[T]): List[T] = o.toList }
val x = Some(3) :^: Some("asdf") :^: MNil
val y = x map f
y match { case List(3) :^: List("asdf") :^: MNil => println("true") }
val head = new (List ~> Id) { def apply[T](xs: List[T]): T = xs.head }
// Id doesn't get inferred
val z =[Id](head).down
// pattern matching with :^: without 'down' doesn't work (Id again)
z match { case 3 :+: "asdf" :+: HNil => println("true") }
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