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Last active March 1, 2018 12:33
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  • Save harrisoncramer/f601296a0064c40b56405b015f866ed0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Arc Diagram
license: gpl-3.0
source target weight
Jim Irene 5
Susie Irene 5
Jim Susie 5
Susie Kai 5
Shirley Kai 5
Shelby Kai 5
Kai Susie 5
Kai Shirley 5
Kai Shelby 5
Erik Zan 5
Tony Zan 5
Tony Fil 5
Tony Ian 5
Tony Adam 5
Fil Tony 4
Ian Miles 1
Adam Tony 3
Miles Ian 2
Miles Ian 3
Erik Kai 2
Erik Nadieh 2
Jim Nadieh 2
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<svg width="960" height="500"></svg>
.node {
fill: #EBD8C1;
stroke: #9A8B7A;
stroke-width: 1px;
} {
fill: #FE9922;
path.arc {
stroke: black;
fill: none;
} {
stroke: #FE9922;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
function arc(){
var promiseWrapper = (d) => new Promise(resolve => d3.csv(d, (p) => resolve(p)))
var promiseWrapper = function(d){
return new Promise(function(resolve,reject){
d3.csv(d, function(b){
return resolve(b)
function createArcDiagram(nodes,edges){
var nodeHash = {};
nodes.forEach((node,i) => {
nodeHash[] = node;
node.x = i * 30
edges.forEach(edge => {
edge.weight = parseInt(edge.weight) // Normal weight
edge.source = nodeHash[edge.source] // Gets entire "node" data from nodehash of source. = nodeHash[] // Gets entire "node" data from nodeHash of target.
var arcG ="svg").append("g").attr("id","arcG")
.append("path") // Create a path for each edge
.style("stroke-width", d => d.weight * 2)
.attr("d", arc)
function arc(d,i) {
var draw = d3.line().curve(d3.curveBasis)
var midX = ((d.source.x + /2 ) // Midway point between two x positions
var midY = (d.source.x - // Distance from 0, ends up being the height of the arc
return draw([[d.source.x,0],[midX,midY],[,0]])
.attr("cx", (d,i) => d.x)
.attr("r", 10)
d3.selectAll("circle").on("mouseover", nodeOver)
d3.selectAll("path").on("mouseover", edgeOver)
function nodeOver(d){
d3.selectAll("circle").classed("active", p => p === d) // This function is a useful way to add a class to style an object
d3.selectAll("path").classed("active", p => p.source === d || === d)
function edgeOver(){
id role salary
Irene manager 300000
Zan manager 380000
Jim employee 150000
Susie employee 90000
Kai employee 135000
Shirley employee 60000
Erik employee 90000
Shelby employee 150000
Tony employee 72000
Fil employee 35000
Adam employee 85000
Ian employee 83000
Miles employee 99000
Sarah employee 160000
Nadieh contractor 240000
Hajra contractor 280000
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