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Last active August 4, 2019 04:11
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# convert VIA-VGG annotations to MSCOCO JSON format
def load_annotations(json_path):
with open(json_path) as f:
annotations = json.load(f)
return annotations
def via2coco(via_json, output_path):
# load original via data
loaded_json = load_annotations(via_json)
# mscoco parts to be saved (example: not saving forehead, that's for mpii database)
coco_parts = dict(nose=0, right_shoulder=1, right_elbow=2, right_wrist=3, left_shoulder=4, left_elbow=5,
left_wrist=6, right_hip=7, right_knee=8, right_ankle=9, left_hip=10, left_knee=11, left_ankle=12,
right_eye=13, left_eye=14, right_ear=15, left_ear=16)
# create header info starting coco file
# first: 'categories' data
categories = []
category = dict(supercategory='person', id=1, skeleton=[],
keypoints=['nose', 'right_shoulder', 'right_elbow', 'right_wrist', 'left_shoulder',
'left_elbow', 'left_wrist', 'right_hip', 'right_knee', 'right_ankle', 'left_hip',
'left_knee', 'left_ankle', 'right_eye', 'left_eye', 'right_ear', 'left_ear'],
# second: 'annotations' data
annotations = []
filenames = []
area = 0
via_annotations = loaded_json['_via_img_metadata']
for an_item in via_annotations.values():
filename = an_item['filename']
image_id = filename.split('_')
image_id = image_id.pop()
image_id = int(image_id[:-4])
# generate keypoint vector
keypoint_vector = np.zeros(len(coco_parts.keys())*3) # x-y-visible, make it json serializable later
bbox = [] # bounding baby box
regions = an_item['regions']
for a_region in regions:
shape = a_region['shape_attributes']
region = a_region['region_attributes']
if region['id'] in coco_parts.keys(): # recognize mscoco part
index = coco_parts[region['id']]*3
keypoint_vector[index] = shape['cx']
keypoint_vector[index + 1] = shape['cy']
keypoint_vector[index + 2] = int(region['visible']) + 1 # visible in coco is 1 false 2 true
if region['id'] == 'body':
area = shape['width'] * shape['height']
x0 = shape['x']
w = shape['width']
y0 = shape['y']
h = shape['height']
# save bbox in this weird cocotools notation
# TODO: consolidate this parameters appart from keypoints
annotation = dict(image_id=image_id, category_id=1, iscrowd=0, num_keypoints=len(keypoint_vector)/3,
id=image_id, segmentation=[], area=area, keypoints=keypoint_vector.tolist(), bbox=bbox)
# TODO: id=image_id OR filename?
# third: 'info' data
info = dict(url='', contributor='harrisonford', year=2019, description='alpha',
date_created='2019', version=1.0)
# fourth: 'images' data
images = []
for a_file in filenames:
subname = a_file.split('_')
file_id = subname[1]
file_id = int(file_id[:-4]) # take ".png" out
# TODO: We add a lot of dummy numbers to image dict (check wid-hei most importantly)
an_image = dict(date_captured='secret_hehexd', id=file_id, coco_url='no-coco', height=0, width=0, license=0,
file_name=a_file, flickr_url='who_uses_flicker?')
# fifth: 'licenses' data
licenses = ['private']
# put data in final dictionary
data = dict(categories=categories, annotations=annotations, info=info, images=images, licenses=licenses)
with open(output_path, 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(data, outfile)
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Hi, thanks for your code. What is difference between json_path and via_json and _via_img_metadata?
And how do you run this code?

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