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Last active May 6, 2023 02:04
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Custom Http Cache plugin for Ktor Client
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
package dev.haraldhalbig
import io.ktor.client.*
import io.ktor.client.plugins.*
import io.ktor.client.request.*
import io.ktor.client.statement.*
import io.ktor.client.utils.*
import io.ktor.http.*
import io.ktor.util.*
import kotlinx.datetime.Clock
internal class CachePlugin(
val findCacheEntry: suspend (Url) -> CacheEntry?,
val storeCacheEntry: suspend (Url, CacheEntry) -> Unit,
val deleteCacheEntry: suspend (Url) -> Unit
) {
data class CacheEntry(
val key: String,
val eTag: String,
val maxAge: Long,
val requestTime: Long,
val noCache: Boolean,
val headers: Map<String, String>,
val content: String
class Config() {
var findCacheEntry: suspend (Url) -> CacheEntry? = { null }
var storeCacheEntry: suspend (Url, CacheEntry) -> Unit = { _, _ -> }
var deleteCacheEntry: suspend (Url) -> Unit = {}
companion object Plugin : HttpClientPlugin<Config, CachePlugin> {
override val key: AttributeKey<CachePlugin> = AttributeKey("cache-plugin")
override fun prepare(block: Config.() -> Unit): CachePlugin {
val config = Config().apply(block)
with(config) {
return CachePlugin(
findCacheEntry = findCacheEntry,
storeCacheEntry = storeCacheEntry,
deleteCacheEntry = deleteCacheEntry
override fun install(plugin: CachePlugin, scope: HttpClient) {
scope.plugin(HttpSend).intercept { httpRequestBuilder ->
@Suppress("NAME_SHADOWING") val httpRequestBuilder = httpRequestBuilder.withNewExecutionContext()
if (httpRequestBuilder.url.protocol != URLProtocol.HTTP && httpRequestBuilder.url.protocol != URLProtocol.HTTPS) {
return@intercept execute(httpRequestBuilder)
val url =
val cacheEntry = plugin.findCacheEntry(url)
when (httpRequestBuilder.method) {
HttpMethod.Delete -> {
val call = execute(httpRequestBuilder)
if (cacheEntry != null && call.response.status.isSuccess()) {
return@intercept call
HttpMethod.Get -> {}
else -> return@intercept execute(httpRequestBuilder)
val requestCacheConfig =
// If request contains only-if-cached cache control directive continue with cache entry or 504
if (requestCacheConfig?.onlyIfCached == true) {
return@intercept if (cacheEntry == null) {
createHttpClientCall(scope, httpRequestBuilder, HttpStatusCode.GatewayTimeout, Headers.Empty, "")
} else {
createHttpClientCall(scope, httpRequestBuilder, HttpStatusCode.OK, cacheEntry.createHeaders(), cacheEntry.content)
if (cacheEntry != null) {
if (cacheEntry.shouldValidate() || requestCacheConfig?.noCache == true) {
val call = execute(httpRequestBuilder.apply {
headers { set("If-None-Match", cacheEntry.eTag) }
// If no cache-control given or cache-control contains no-store directive, delete cache entry
val responseCacheConfig = call.response.headers.cacheConfig()
if (responseCacheConfig == null || responseCacheConfig.noStore) {
return@intercept call
// If server responds with 304 continue with updated cache entry
if (call.response.status == HttpStatusCode.NotModified) {
val updatedCacheEntry = cacheEntry.copy(
maxAge = responseCacheConfig.maxAge * 1000L,
requestTime = call.response.requestTime.timestamp,
noCache = responseCacheConfig.noCache
plugin.storeCacheEntry(url, updatedCacheEntry)
return@intercept createHttpClientCall(
client = scope,
origin = httpRequestBuilder.withNewExecutionContext(),
statusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK,
headers = updatedCacheEntry.createHeaders(),
body = updatedCacheEntry.content
// If server responds with 200..299 update cache entry
if (call.response.status.isSuccess()) {
url, CacheEntry(
key = url.toString(),
eTag = responseCacheConfig.eTag,
maxAge = responseCacheConfig.maxAge * 1000L,
requestTime = call.response.requestTime.timestamp,
noCache = responseCacheConfig.noCache,
headers = call.response.headers.toMap(),
content = call.response.bodyAsText()
return@intercept call
// If no validation is required continue with cache entry
return@intercept createHttpClientCall(
val call = execute(httpRequestBuilder).save()
val responseCacheConfig = call.response.headers.cacheConfig()
if (responseCacheConfig != null) {
if (call.response.status.isSuccess() && !responseCacheConfig.noStore) {
url, CacheEntry(
key = url.toString(),
eTag = responseCacheConfig.eTag,
maxAge = responseCacheConfig.maxAge * 1000L,
requestTime = call.response.requestTime.timestamp,
noCache = responseCacheConfig.noCache,
headers = call.response.headers.toMap(),
content = call.response.bodyAsText()
} else {
private fun createHttpClientCall(
client: HttpClient,
origin: HttpRequestBuilder,
statusCode: HttpStatusCode,
headers: Headers,
body: String
): HttpClientCall {
return HttpClientCall(
client = client,
requestData = HttpRequestData(
url =,
method = origin.method,
headers =,
body = EmptyContent,
executionContext = origin.executionContext,
attributes = origin.attributes
responseData = HttpResponseData(
statusCode = statusCode,
requestTime = GMTDate(),
headers = headers,
version = HttpProtocolVersion.HTTP_1_1,
body = ByteReadChannel(body),
callContext = origin.executionContext
private data class CacheConfig(
val noCache: Boolean,
val noStore: Boolean,
val onlyIfCached: Boolean,
val maxAge: Int,
val eTag: String
private fun Headers.cacheConfig(): CacheConfig? {
val cacheControl = get(HttpHeaders.CacheControl)?.split(",")?.associate {
val keyValue = it.split("=")
keyValue[0].trim().lowercase() to keyValue.getOrNull(1)?.trim()
} ?: return null
return CacheConfig(
noCache = cacheControl.containsKey("no-cache"),
noStore = cacheControl.containsKey("no-store"),
onlyIfCached = cacheControl.containsKey("only-if-cached"),
maxAge = cacheControl["max-age"]?.toInt() ?: 0,
eTag = get("etag") ?: ""
private fun Headers.toMap(): Map<String, String> {
return entries()
.filter { it.value.isNotEmpty() }
.associate { it.key to it.value.first() }
private fun HttpRequestBuilder.withNewExecutionContext(): HttpRequestBuilder {
return HttpRequestBuilder().takeFrom(this)
private fun CachePlugin.CacheEntry.createHeaders(): Headers {
return {
headers.forEach { (key, value) ->
append(key, value)
private fun CachePlugin.CacheEntry.isExpired(): Boolean {
return > (requestTime + maxAge)
private fun CachePlugin.CacheEntry.shouldValidate(): Boolean {
return noCache || isExpired()
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This could work really well as a starting point for my purposes. Will you please mark it with an indication of the license that you're releasing it under?

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Sufficient? 😅

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