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Last active June 2, 2022 16:44
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Newborn cries audio classifier tensorflow train
import tensorflow as tf
import tflite_model_maker as mm
from tflite_support.task import core
from tflite_support.task import processor
from tflite_support.task import audio
from tflite_model_maker import audio_classifier
import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import itertools
import glob
import random
# from IPython.display import Audio, Image
from IPython import display
from import wavfile
print(f"TensorFlow Version: {tf.__version__}")
print(f"Model Maker Version: {mm.__version__}")
data_dir = './dataset/cries_dataset'
cry_code_to_name = {
'hiccups': 'Hiccups',
'cramps': 'Cramps or trapped wind',
'hungerroot': 'Hunger/rooting',
test_files = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(data_dir, 'test/*/*.wav'))
def get_random_audio_file():
test_list = glob.glob(test_files)
random_audio_path = random.choice(test_list)
print(f'Cry file!: {random_audio_path}')
return random_audio_path
def show_cries_data(audio_path):
sample_rate, audio_data =, 'rb')
cry_code = audio_path.split('/')[-2]
print(f'Cry type: {cry_code_to_name[cry_code]}')
print(f'Cry code: {cry_code}')
plttitle = f'{cry_code_to_name[cry_code]} ({cry_code})'
display.display(display.Audio(audio_data, rate=sample_rate))
print('functions and data structures created')
random_audio = get_random_audio_file()
spec = audio_classifier.YamNetSpec(
frame_step=3 * audio_classifier.YamNetSpec.EXPECTED_WAVEFORM_LENGTH,
frame_length=6 * audio_classifier.YamNetSpec.EXPECTED_WAVEFORM_LENGTH)
train_data = audio_classifier.DataLoader.from_folder(
spec, os.path.join(data_dir, 'train'), cache=True)
train_data, validation_data = train_data.split(0.8)
test_data = audio_classifier.DataLoader.from_folder(
spec, os.path.join(data_dir, 'test'), cache=True)
batch_size = 5
epochs = 100
print('Training the model')
model = audio_classifier.create(
print('Evaluating the model')
print('\nConfusion matrix: ')
print('labels: ', test_data.index_to_label)
models_path = './cries_models'
cries_model_filename = 'my_cries_model.tflite'
print(f'Exporting the TFLite model to {models_path}')
model.export(models_path, tflite_filename=cries_model_filename)
model.export(models_path, export_format=[
mm.ExportFormat.SAVED_MODEL, mm.ExportFormat.LABEL])
# Initialization
base_options = core.BaseOptions(
classification_options = processor.ClassificationOptions(max_results=2)
options = audio.AudioClassifierOptions(
base_options=base_options, classification_options=classification_options)
classifier = audio.AudioClassifier.create_from_options(options)
# Alternatively, you can create an audio classifier in the following manner:
# classifier = audio.AudioClassifier.create_from_file(models_path)
# Run inference
audio_file = audio.TensorAudio.create_from_wav_file(
'./cries_dataset/test/hiccups/hic.wav', classifier.required_input_buffer_size)
audio_result = classifier.classify(audio_file)
print(f'Audio result: {audio_result}')
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