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Created November 1, 2012 05:08
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Python code to sample from a probability distribution described by the logarithms of the probabilities (log probabilities). Includes code for log sum (log_add)
def log_add(x, y):
maximum = max(x,y)
minimum = min(x,y)
if(abs(maximum - minimum) > 30):
# the difference is too small, return the just the maximum
return maximum
return maximum + log(1 + pow(2, minimum - maximum) ,2)
import numpy as np
import random
from math import log
import log_add
# Takes as input a log probability vector. The base of the logarithm is 2.
# Returns a sampled position according to the corresponding log probabilities
# Uses the formula from
def sample_from_log_prob(A):
max_log_prob = max(A)
C = [A[0]]
for a in A[1:]:
C.append(log_add(C[-1], a))
C_pos = [ -c for c in reversed(C)]
r = log(random.random(),2)
pos = np.searchsorted(C_pos,-r)
return len(C) - pos
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