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Created May 23, 2013 16:15
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Google Docs Script - API
* @This file provides Google Apps Script CRUD wrappers for Google Fusion Tables
* <ul>
* <li>It is intended to be used as an example for using Google Fusion Tables within Googe Apps Scripts
* <li>It is dependent on the Fusion Tables API and Google OAuth
* </ul>
* @author (Ferris Argyle)
* The URL for the Fusion Tables API
* @type {string}
var TMPFUSIONURL = ''; //Note that now need HTTPS to access fusion tables; in addition, service name has changed to fusiontables (currently fusion; can use both)
* Global object for all static variables
* @type {Object.<string,Object>}
* @const
fetchArgs : googleOAuth_('fusiontables',TMPFUSIONURL)
* Test harness to demonstrate function calls
* <ul>
* <li>The doGet() designates this as a Sites example, but this functionality can be used within Spreadsheets as well
function doGet() {
Logger.log('Version 1.1');
var app = UiApp.createApplication();
var tableId = '123456'; //change this to your table ID
var returnMsg = "";
//Read records
var tableArray = readRecords_(tableId,'*','', '*');
for (var i = 0; i < tableArray.length; i++) {
var label = app.createLabel().setText(tableArray[i].keyColumn + ',' + tableArray[i].dataColumn1 + ',' + tableArray[i].dataColumn2);
returnMsg = createRecord_(tableId, 'keyColumn', 'keyValue', 'keyColumn, dataColumn1', '\'keyValue\', \'dataValue1\'');
returnMsg = updateRecord_(tableId, 'keyColumn', 'keyValue', 'dataColumn1,dataColumn2', '\'dataValue1\', \'dataValue2\'');
returnMsg = deleteRecord_(tableId, 'keyColumn', 'keyValue');
return app;
* Create a record if the record doesn't exist
* @param {string} tableId The Id of the Fusion Table in which the record will be created
* @param {string} whereColumn The Fusion table column which will be searched to determine whether the record already exists
* @param {string} whereValue The value to search for in the Fusion Table selectColumn
* @param {string} insertColumns The Fusion Table columns into which values will be inserted
* @param {string} insertValues The values to insert into the Fusion Table insertColumns
* @return {string} The bubbled return code from the Fusion query API, or a hardcoded error message if the record already exists
function createRecord_(tableId, whereColumn, whereValue, insertColumns, insertValues ) {
var returnVal = false;
var foundRecords = readRecords_(tableId, 'ROWId', whereColumn, whereValue);
if (typeof foundRecords == 'string' &&'>> Error')>-1) {
returnVal =;
} else if (foundRecords) {
returnVal = '**Error: already in table';
} else {
query = 'INSERT INTO '+tableId+' ('+insertColumns+') VALUES ('+insertValues+')';
returnVal = fusion_('post',query);
return returnVal;
* Read records
* @param {string} tableId The Id of the Fusion Table in which the record will be created
* @param {string} selectColumn The Fusion table columns which will returned by the read
* @param {string} whereColumn The Fusion table column which will be searched to determine whether the record already exists
* @param {string} whereValue The value to search for in the Fusion Table selectColumn; can be '*'
* @return {string} An array containing the read records if no error; the bubbled return code from the Fusion query API if error
function readRecords_(tableId, selectColumn, whereColumn, whereValue) {
var query = '';
var foundRecords = [];
var returnVal = false;
var tableList = [];
var row = [];
var columns = [];
var rowObj = new Object();
if (whereValue == '*') {
var query = 'SELECT '+selectColumn+' FROM '+tableId;
} else {
var query = 'SELECT '+selectColumn+' FROM '+tableId+' WHERE '+whereColumn+' = \''+whereValue+'\'';
var foundRecords = fusion_('get',query);
if (typeof foundRecords == 'string' &&'>> Error')>-1) {
returnVal =;
} else if (foundRecords.length > 1 ) {
//first row is header, so use this to define columns array
row = foundRecords[0];
columns = [];
for (var k = 0; k < row.length; k++) {
columns[k] = row[k];
for (var i = 1; i < foundRecords.length; i++) {
row = foundRecords[i];
if( row.length > 0 ) {
//construct object with the row fields
rowObj = {};
for (var k = 0; k < row.length; k++) {
rowObj[columns[k]] = row[k];
tableList[i-1] = rowObj; //start new array at zero to conform with javascript conventions
returnVal = tableList;
return returnVal;
* Update record
* <ul>
* <li>Create a new record if it doesn't exist
* <li>Remove duplicates if they exist
* </ul>
* @param {string} tableId The Id of the Fusion Table in which the record will be updated
* @param {string} whereColumn The Fusion table column which will be searched to determine whether the record already exists
* @param {string} whereValue The value to search for in the Fusion Table selectColumn
* @param {string} updateColumns The Fusion Table columns which will be updated
* @param {string} updateValues The values to update in the Fusion Table insertColumns
* @return {string} The bubbled return code from readRecords() or the Fusion query API
function updateRecord_(tableId, whereColumn, whereValue, updateColumns, updateValues) {
var updateColumnsArray = [];
var updateValuesArray = [];
var updatePairs = '';
var query = '';
var foundRecords = [];
var returnVal = false;
var row = [];
updateColumnsArray = updateColumns.split(',');
updateValuesArray = updateValues.split(',');
for (var i = 0; i < updateColumnsArray.length; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
updatePairs = updatePairs + ', ';
updatePairs = updatePairs + updateColumnsArray[i]+'='+updateValuesArray[i];
foundRecords = readRecords_(tableId, 'ROWId', whereColumn, whereValue);
if (typeof foundRecords == 'string' &&'>> Error')>-1) {
returnVal =;
else if (foundRecords) {
for (var i = 0; i < foundRecords.length; i++) {
//there should only be one occurrence of the Id, but just in case...
row = foundRecords[i];
if (i==0) {
query = 'UPDATE '+tableId+' SET '+updatePairs+' WHERE ROWId = \''+row.rowid+'\'';
} else {
//delete duplicate records
query = 'DELETE FROM '+tableId+' WHERE ROWId = \''+row.rowid+'\'';
if (i>0) {
returnVal = returnVal + ', ';
returnVal = returnVal + fusion_('post',query);
else {
returnVal = createRecord_(tableId, whereColumn, whereValue, updateColumns, updateValues);
return returnVal;
* Delete record
* <ul>
* <li>Remove duplicates if they exist
* </ul>
* @param {string} tableId The Id of the Fusion Table in which the record will be updated
* @param {string} whereColumn The Fusion table column which will be searched to determine whether the record already exists
* @param {string} whereValue The value to search for in the Fusion Table selectColumn
* @return {string} The bubbled return code from readRecords() or the Fusion query API, or a hardcoded error message if the record doesn't exist
function deleteRecord_(tableId, whereColumn, whereValue) {
var query = '';
var foundRecords = [];
var returnVal = false;
var row = [];
var returnVal = false;
foundRecords = readRecords_(tableId, 'ROWId', whereColumn, whereValue);
if (typeof foundRecords == 'string' &&'>> Error')>-1) {
returnVal =;
else if (foundRecords) {
for (var i = 0; i < foundRecords.length; i++) {
//there should only be one occurrence of the Id, but just in case...
row = foundRecords[i];
// there's only one element in the row
query = 'DELETE FROM '+tableId+' WHERE ROWId = \''+row.rowid+'\'';
if (i>0) {
returnVal = returnVal + ', ';
returnVal = returnVal + fusion_('post',query);
} else {
returnVal = 'not found';
return returnVal;
* Execute get/post against Fusion Tables
* @param {string} method The type of HTTP method: should be either 'get' (read) or 'post' (create, update, delete)
* @param {string} sql The query to execute
* @return {string} An array containing the records for a read, or the bubbled return code from the Fusion query API for other operations or in case of a read error
function fusion_(method,sql) {
var url = STATICVARS.fusionUrl;
STATICVARS.fetchArgs.method = method;
if( method == 'get' ) {
url += '?sql='+sql;
// url += '?sql='+encodeURIComponent(sql); // encoding may be required in future
STATICVARS.fetchArgs.payload = null;
} else
STATICVARS.fetchArgs.payload = 'sql='+sql;
return CSV2Matrix_( UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, STATICVARS.fetchArgs).getContentText() );
* Authorize the script against Fusion Tables
* @param {string} name The Fusion Tables service name; this has changed to fusiontables (previously fusion; can use both)
* @param {string} scope The Fusion Tables Query API URL, currently ''; note that now need HTTPS to access fusion tables;
* @return {object} service name and authorization token
function googleOAuth_(name,scope) {
var oAuthConfig = UrlFetchApp.addOAuthService(name);
return {oAuthServiceName:name, oAuthUseToken:'always'};
* Parse CSV return values into array of objects
* <ul>
* <li>copied and adapted from here:
* <li>
* </ul>
* @param {string} strData The string data to parse into an array
* @param {string} strDelimiter The string delimiter
* @return {string} An array of objects containing the parsed values
function CSV2Matrix_( strData, strDelimiter ) {
strDelimiter = (strDelimiter || ",");
var objPattern = new RegExp(
"(\\" + strDelimiter + "|\\r?\\n|\\r|^)" + //delimiters
"(?:\"([^\"]*(?:\"\"[^\"]*)*)\"|" + //quoted fields
"([^\"\\" + strDelimiter + "\\r\\n]*))" //standard fields
var arrData = [[]]; //array of resulting data
var arrMatches = null; //array to hold the matches
while( arrMatches = objPattern.exec( strData ) ) { //loop through matches
var strMatchedDelimiter = arrMatches[ 1 ];
if( strMatchedDelimiter.length && (strMatchedDelimiter != strDelimiter) ) //new line
if( arrMatches[2] ) //quoted or unquoted?
var strMatchedValue = arrMatches[2].replace(/"\"\""/g,"\""); //unescape double quotes
else //non-quoted
var strMatchedValue = arrMatches[3];
arrData[arrData.length-1].push( strMatchedValue );
if( arrData[arrData.length-1].length == 0 || arrData[arrData.length-1][0].length == 0 )
return arrData;
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